Last updated 16 mins ago
Cairo: Anti-Mubarak, pro-gov’t rioters locked in standoff

Over 600 injured, 3 killed in clashes; soldiers surrounding Tahrir Square fire occasional shots; tanks stationed at entrances to square; Molotov cocktails hurled from buildings; protesters target Egyptian Museum.

Jewish World
Who Worries About This in Cairo?
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Our state of diminished freedom
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Media Spotlight
Obama to Egyptian Army: Remove Mubarak now, start transition


Wednesday, Feb. 2, President Barack Obama delivered an ultimatum to Egyptian Vice President Omar Suleiman and the army and security chiefs: Remove Mubarak in the coming hours or else US aid to Egypt will be cut off, debkafile reports exclusively from Washington. The White House said: "Transition must begin now." The first violent collision between pro- and anti-Mubarak activists in Cairo left 30 dead, 2000 injured, and threatens more civil bloodshed. The last Israelis were evacuated from Egypt, including news correspondents.

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Separate whirlwinds demolish two Middle East figures in one day


Skillful choreography, not just spontaneous popular dissent, brought Hosni Mubarak's 30 years as president to an end Tuesday night, Feb. 2. In fact, the hands of the United States, Britain and Egyptian army heads were plain to see at every stage.The axing of Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant as Israel's next chief of staff – on the same day – was contrived too. Maj. Gen. Gaby Ashkenazi has been building momentum to challenge Binyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak as a future political leader.

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VIDEO: The New Israeli Guardians (HaShomer HaChadash)

HaShomer HaHadash (The New Guardian) was established by lovers of the Land of Israel in response to the theft and destruction of land, livestock, crops and equipment by groups of minorities whose goal is to demoralize and financially bankrupt Jewish ranchers and farmers in The Galilee and The Negev leading to their abandonment of the land.

VIDEO: The PLO Phased Plan

A powerful untold story about a plan hatched in 1974 by the PLO which has been faithfully executed to this day.

VIDEO: Palestinian Corruption and Humanitarian Aid

The Palestinian Authority is accused of corruption by many but receives more humanitarian aid per capita from the international community than any other country in the world. The billions of dollars that are meant for schools, hospitals and infrastructure have been spent on luxury villas, casinos and payments to terrorists.

VIDEO: Let me introduce myself, my name is Israel

An excellent video by the Shoebat Foundation, founded by former PLO terrorist and current Israel-defender Walid Shoebat. is brand new -- we would love to get your feedback. If you have an idea for another feature or section, or you think we should be doing something differently, please let us know!