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Australia and South Pacific

Australian government joins persecution of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange

By James Cogan, December 1, 2010

The treatment being meted out to Assange demonstrates the utter contempt for democratic rights and international law within the Australian ruling elite and its political parties.

Corporate executive pay hits “stratospheric new heights” in Australia

By Terry Cook, December 1, 2010

Two reports on executive remuneration reveal that Australia’s corporate and financial elite are taking home millions of dollars while workers and their families suffer increasing levels of financial and social stress.

New Zealand government announces inquiry into mine disaster

By John Braddock, December 1, 2010

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key has announced a royal commission into the Pike River mine disaster, which killed 29 miners last week.

The Victorian election and the crisis of the Australian Labor Party

By Patrick O’Connor, November 30, 2010

The Victorian Labor government’s defeat in last Saturday’s state election has underscored the crisis wracking the Labor Party throughout Australia.

Victorian workers discuss key issues in state election

“The economy is in chaos and we’re being made to pay”

By our reporters, November 30, 2010

Voters spoke with World Socialist Web Site reporters in Broadmeadows, where Socialist Equality Party candidate Peter Byrne contested the state seat. The area has been devastated by job cuts during the past five years

Australia: Victorian Labor government thrown out of office

By Patrick O’Connor, November 29, 2010

The state election outcome has shocked the media and political establishment, after every major newspaper and decisive sections of big business hailed the Brumby government’s right-wing, “free market” reform record and campaigned for its re-election.

Victorian workers discuss key issues in state election

“These conditions cannot continue unanswered”

By our reporters, November 29, 2010

Voters spoke with WSWS reporters on a range of issues in Broadmeadows where Socialist Equality Party candidate Peter Byrne contested the seat in Saturday’s Victorian state election. The area has been devastated by job cuts during the past five years.

Labour’s majority slashed in New Zealand by-election

By John Braddock, November 29, 2010

Despite the National government’s imposition of brutal austerity measures in the wake of the 2008 recession, working people are deserting Labour and refusing to return.

Australia: Prysmian workers stand firm as they enter fifth week of strike

By Mike Head, November 27, 2010

After nearly five weeks on strike, workers at the Prysmian cable making plant in Sydney remain determined to resist the company’s demands, which are part of a global offensive against workers.

Growing anger over New Zealand mine deaths

By Tom Peters, November 26, 2010

One week after the initial explosion at the Pike River Coal Mine, mining experts, relatives and friends of the 29 dead miners have condemned the company’s unsafe practices and its failure to carry out a rescue operation.

Vote 1 for Peter Byrne and the SEP in Broadmeadows, Victoria

By Socialist Equality Party (Australia), November 26, 2010

A vote for the SEP is a vote for the independent interests of the working class in direct opposition to the right-wing, pro-business austerity agenda of both major parties.

South Australian unions call protest to head off opposition to Labor’s job cuts

By Alan Leigh, November 26, 2010

Trade unions have called a rally outside tomorrow’s South Australian Labor Party conference in an effort to divert anger over the state government’s deep cuts to public sector jobs and workers’ entitlements.