World Socialist Web Site
The Obama administration has reacted to news that the US poverty rate has returned to the levels of the 1960s by ruling out any anti-poverty measures.
    World Socialist Web Site
    The German defence ministry’s proposed restructuring of the military represents the greatest change in the army since the founding of the German Federal Republic.
    2 hours ago · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    Sharp diplomatic exchanges have erupted between Japan and China after two Japanese Coast Guard vessels reportedly collided with a Chinese fishing trawler in the waters off the disputed Diaoyu Islands last week.
    7 hours ago · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    The government’s new energy policy has delivered the nuclear energy lobby an initial victory.
    17 hours ago · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    In a scene reminiscent of the food lines of the 1930s, thousands of Detroiters lined up for free groceries and school supplies on Saturday.
    20 hours ago · Comment ·
      • Donnacha De Grant
        ‎"Be the change you wish to see..." and other slogans from so called New Age ideologies offer an escape into fantasy for the petty bourgeoisie who are overwhelmed and left utterly helpless in the face of the monstrous criminality of imperia......lism. It should be a warning that this kind of spiritualism was embraced and encouraged by the Nazis and many of the leaders of the Nazi movement went out of their way to encourage it. These ideologies have no place in the working class and in fact are another tool in its disorientation and enslavement.See More
        13 hours ago · 4 peopleLoading... ·
      • Grok Grokkster
        Let me point out here that a LOT of people DIE in most serious social revolutions. Thus the requirement for "planning, discussion, clarification of strategy, coordination of activity and above all, preparation for the objective conditions t...hat emerge and unfold": in order that the revolutionary forcs minimize the death and suffering that are inevitable consequences of the inevitable capitalist bloody-mindedness.

        And anybody who _isn't_ planning for all that in this way is someone I cannot and do not take seriously at all whatsoever. Needless to say, I do not have a lot of friends on the petit-bourgeois Left or among the "identity politix" crowd...
        See More
        12 hours ago · 1 personLoading... ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    Census figures for 2009, to be released Thursday, will show that the poverty rate soared last year to nearly 15 percent. One out of every seven Americans is now living below the official poverty level, the highest proportion since the 1960s.
    22 hours ago · Comment ·
      • Donnacha De Grant ‎@Chris, There's a good chance that the census statisticians may have covered that angle, duh.
        13 hours ago ·
      • Grok Grokkster As the article sez, real poverty is @33% : or @1/3 of the population. And of course it would be a lot more, if the U.S. wasn't the premier imperialist enterprise on the Planet, hoovering up a plethora of cheap-or-free resources from hapless others globally. This Mother Of All World-wide Depressions, however, should quickly rectify that situation, and somewhat 'level the playing field' from now on...
        12 hours ago ·
    World Socialist Web Site

    World Socialist Web Site Become a Fan of the Committee Against Utility Shutoffs!

    Page:79 people like this.
    Yesterday at 11:20am · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    The Hargraves, residents of Robinwood Street on Detroit's east side, repeatedly reported electrical arcing and power malfunctioning to DTE days before the eruption of the firestorm that devasted the city.
    Yesterday at 10:39am · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    Anti-government protests in the northern city of Thessaloniki in Greece last weekend were met by a massive police response.
    Yesterday at 8:07am · Comment ·
      • Grok Grokkster
        No one's getting anywhere without at least a real, indefinite city-wide General Strike. And that hurdle can only be reached by going *thru* the treacherous labor bureaucracy first. In every country. *Then* we can talk about regional and/or General/Mass Strikes... and *then*: **continent-wide mass General Strikes across Europa, and then North/South America**. Etc. And onwards to World socialist revolution.
        See More
        12 hours ago ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    Union leaders were chased out of a meeting in Johannesburg when they told striking public service workers that their three-week strike was over.
    Yesterday at 5:28am · Comment ·
      • Iqra Qalam
        In South Africa there are 32 million people 16 years and older. 12.8 million are employed , including 1.2 million domestic workers (earning about $120 per month). 6.1 million people are unemployed. 6 million South Africans go to bed hungry ...(conservative estimate).

        Since the beginning of 2009, 1.3 million workers have lost their jobs. Corporate profits are up, with some corporations reporting earnings in excess of 40%. This is largely due to cutting jobs and forcing those who remained to do the work of their retrenched colleagues.

        Corporations account for about $700 billion in turnover. The top 480 corporations account for about $350 billion. Corporations make about $115 billion in profit. A significant portion of the profit is appropriated by less than 5000 individuals/families (high-end estimate).

        Over the past 16 years, the “black elite” has made $70 billion through Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) deals. The BEE beneficiaries are generally aligned with the ANC, SACP and COSATU.

        About 55% of government income comes from tax on individuals. 29% comes from income tax, 26% comes from VAT. VAT is a major burden on the poor. The corporations contribute only 27%.

        With the retrenchment of 1.3 million private sector workers in 2009/2010, government tax income has decreased. In turn, government claims that there is not enough tax revenue for the 8.6% government workers wage increases. The workers wage demands amounted to $700 million shared between 1.3 million government workers. Government claims there is no money.

        In 2009, the government pension fund, covering 1.2 million workers, lost nearly $13 billion (real value) from speculating in the market. This amounts to an average loss per person of $10,500.

        In June government hosted the FIFA World Cup, spending $7 billion on a one month football event. In the past month, the President’s clan (family) made $1 billion in a massive BEE deal.

        The workers are angry. The ferment is building. In 1994 the working-class was promised “a better life for all”.

        At this point in time there is no revolutionary party that can teach and lead the working class in the struggle for socialism. There is a lot of work to be done.
        See More
        23 hours ago ·
      • Grok Grokkster
        It has been my own long-time analysis that socialist revolution in Afrika would necessarily break out first -- seriously, anyway -- in Azania (South Afrika). This is because it is by far the most industrialized country in Afrika, with by fa...r the largest proletariat. Besides that all these people are hopping, hopping mad and ready for it.

        Then I expect nigerians -- and then all the others, like 'dominoes' ;) -- to quickly follow suit... However, revolution first breaking out in Misr (Egypt) can't be discounted either (and the palestinians absolutely require this for their own freedom). As for the accuracy of 'predictions' of this sort: marxism is a science only in a quite general, statistical way. In detail and in the specifix -- 'scientific socialist' politix remains an *art* which must be learnt the hard way, as any other. There remains no royal road to revolution -- as someone above more-or-less stated.
        See More
        12 hours ago ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    The US Department of Defense is seeking to buy and destroy all 10,000 copies of a book written by a former Defense Intelligence Agency officer about his experiences in Afghanistan.
    Sunday at 5:52pm · Comment ·
      • Daniel Aasen Its not the censorship that scares me, cause, c'mon, like we didnt see that one coming...But, its the fact that the most powerful institution in the world is contemplating another subsidization of a private company with the surplus value needed to expand production. Now I finally understand the theory of marginal utility. What me worry?
        Yesterday at 12:55am ·
      • Grok Grokkster
        ‎"We" didn't do or buy anything. *They* did.
        THINK class. SPEAK class.

        "We" and "us" and "our", etc. in this context are actually of the logic of *bourgeois nationalism*. So don't ever use them in this (political) context, please: it only con...fuses all discussion in which these words are used. Seriously.See More
        12 hours ago ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    The Sri Lankan government has rammed through constitutional changes entrenching President Mahinda Rajapakse, by enabling him to run for office indefinitely and handing him considerable control over key state institutions.
    Sunday at 3:28pm · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    On Tuesday afternoon, Soran Rahman Taleh Wali, a Kurdish Iraqi soldier, opened fire on US troops at an Iraqi commando base near the city of Tuz Khurmatu.
    Sunday at 12:34pm · Comment ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    The largest Frida Kahlo retrospective ever presented in Germany was recently on display in Berlin.
    Sunday at 10:11am · Comment ·
      • Grok Grokkster
        What I learned from this article was that Kahlo's stalinist backsliding began essentially after WWII: after the prestigious 'supreme victory' of stalinism über alles. It wasn't clear to me before that she wasn't having fundamental political... problems with Trotsky when he was alive.

        Clearly, people like Frida Kahlo would today be having great difficulty resisting the siren song of 'identity politix' and stalinist 'peaceful coexistence', et al.
        See More
        Sunday at 12:21pm ·
      • Jane Stimmen A pretty flag does not a party of integrity make.
        Yesterday at 9:10am ·
    World Socialist Web Site
    Genius Within: The Inner Life of Glenn Gould by Canadian documentarians Michéle Hozer and Peter Raymont is a compilation of previously unseen footage of Gould, as well as hundreds of photographs and excerpts of private home and studio recordings.
    Sunday at 6:03am · Comment ·
      • Grok Grokkster I've never really liked Gould's idiosyncratic way of playing; and I was never impressed by his kooky lifestyle either. His justifying of his reclusive studio life, as well, never fooled me either: IMO he simply didn't like being the object of large crowds of people who could not possibly understand his work as he himself understood it -- which is one hallmark of being an elitist, AFAIC.
        Sunday at 10:22am · 1 personLoading... ·
      • Robert Nuzum Interesting interpretation. I would hope in a more egalitarian society there is also room for all styles of life.
        Sunday at 7:34pm ·
      • Grok Grokkster
        Being a recluse isn't a healthy lifestyle by any reasonable yardstick (me -- I'm avoiding the local deathquad long-time by laying low pretty much now: and it ain't fun, believe me). Gould was a product of Toronto elite society. I am somewha...t familiar with both the music biz and these sort of people. He was simply a product of his time and of his class -- and was limited in that way, IMO. And it shows in his music too, AFAIC. But who knows? Maybe if I spent the time, I could crawl inside his vinyl brain and begin to appreciate what it was that he was doing with his music back then...

        AFAIC too: in a future egalitarian society, no one would give a rat's ass how much time or how often anyone else spent holed-up inside something like a music studio: because for one thing, the results of all that seclusion would probably be worth the effort in a society not so sickly obsessed full-time with alienated and even harmful pursuits. As well: IMO it would be fully and reasonably expected in that future egalitarian society, that the individuals involved in secluding themselves previously would effortlessly be able to re-engage with the rest of the World afterwards. Because this is not pathology we are talking about, but art and/or praxis of some sort.

        And AFAIC yet again: "lifestyle" per se -- an obsession in the capitalist consumer West and environs -- would simply not be an issue; or even recognized as such possibly. And if that would not be the case in socialist society yet, then it quite probably would be, in the coming classless, 'government'-less communist society of the more distant future.
        See More
        11 hours ago ·