Hello and welcome to the Lowe family website. Click our links, check out our gaziilion pics and risk being beooooooooooped!

Family. Lots and lots of family pics here. Yep, they're mostly of Eli. What can I say -- we take way too many pictures of his fabulousness (as if that's possible).

Garden. We like to make things grow. Click here for proof. David is the veggie grower and I like to grow things that look pretty. It seems to work out well.

Eli's first year! This website chronicles the first year of Eli's life. Watch as he trasforms from helpless slug to full-blown toddler.

Micah's first year. A website in progress. Micah is growing fast!

Burning Man. Once a year or so, we leave the quiet of the forest for the dusty urban insanity of Black Rock city. Click here to see some playa pics from the last few years.

The Rancheroo. We live here.

Travel. Here are some pics from a few of the trips we've taken over the past years.

Rogue Valley Parent-Baby Hiking Group | Dayffffid | Steve-O | Hamsders | Official Burning Man Site | Teri's store | Arnprior Lowe Photos | Miller-Lowe Photos | Red Jenny | Matt | Teri | Sophie in India | Dante | Mix family blog | Mix family photos | Neil