Last update: Fri Oct 15 2010 15:23:14
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Government to curb compensation culture

Fri Oct 15 2010 15:23:14

Government to curb compensation culture The Government has pledged to tackle the UK's "damaging" compensation culture with a shake-up of health and safety measures, including an end to "senseless" rules and regulations.

Prime Minister David Cameron said he hoped a review carried out by former Conservative minister Lord Young would prove to be a "turning point", with a new system being introduced to replace "unnecessary bureaucracy".

Mr Cameron, in a foreword to Lord Young's report, said the Government would curtail the promotional activities of claims and management companies he said had helped fuel the compensation culture.

"We're going to focus regulations where they are most needed, with a new system that is proportionate, not bureaucratic, that treats adults like adults, and reinstates some common sense and trust," he said.

Business groups welcomed the review, but the TUC complained that the report did not contain a single proposal which will reduce the high levels of workplace death, injuries and illness.

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Lord Young speaks following the publication of his report into health and safety.

Duration: 1m27s
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