Daily article mailing list

Receive the Article of the Day every day in your inbox!

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about this mailing list, please contact us at dal-feedback a t wikimedia.org.

List information

To receive the daily article, you must first be subscribed to the mailing list (see how to subscribe below).

Once you are a subscriber to this mailing list, you will receive no more than one email per day. Emails are usually sent around 00:10 UTC, but this can vary.

In each email, you will receive the English Language Wikipedia's featured article, which changes daily. You will also receive a few selected anniversaries as well as the word of the day from Wiktionary and the Quote of the day from Wikiquote, two sister projects of Wikipedia.

Subscribing to this mailing list

You can subscribe by filling out the following form. You will be sent a verification e-mail.

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You can enter a privacy password below. This provides only mild security, because it will occasionally be e-mailed back to you in cleartext. Do not use a valuable password.

If you do not enter a password, a random one will be automatically generated and sent to you once you have confirmed your subscription. You can always request a mail-back of your password when you edit your personal options.


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Changing options and unsubscribing

To change your mailing list options (such as to turn off mailings) or to unsubscribe completely from the mailing list, please log in with your e-mail address below.

You will be asked to provide your mailing list password. If cannot remember it, you will be able to request a password reminder.

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The daily-article-l mailing list administrators can be contacted by e-mail at dal-feedback a t wikimedia.org