SUPPORT WELCOMED By $25 or more generous donation for two DVDs of the Cryptome 14-year archive from June 1996 to April 2010. The archive contains about 56,300 files (~8.5GB) published on and its related sites along with the companion site and US Army INSCOM Dossiers of about 25,000 pages.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost. Email a shipping address to cryptome[at] How to Donate

cryptome-offer.htm    Cryptome Offer to Hackers and Wired              October 11, 2010
cryptome-nobreach.htm Cryptome Not "Breached"                          October 11, 2010
dos101210.htm         US Pays Afghan Wed to Taliban Al Qaeda Drugs     October 11, 2010
doe100510-2.pdf       Smart Grid Data Access and Privacy               October 11, 2010

doe100510.pdf         Smart Grid Communications Requirements           October 11, 2010
perras-hacknot.htm    "Justin Perras" Disavows Cryptome Hack Update    October 10, 2010
tla-rico.htm          TLAs Racketeer To Protect Killer Agent           October 10, 2010
hts-contract.htm      Sources Sought to Run Human Terrain System      October 9, 2010
clsid-list-05.htm     CLSID Shit List 5                                October 9, 2010

cryptome-hack4.htm    Cryptome Hackers and Consequences Update         October 9, 2010
dodd-3025-13.pdf      DoD Support of the US Secret Service             October 9, 2010
DTM-10-018.pdf        Law Enforcement Reports of Suspicious Activities October 9, 2010
cryptome-hack3.htm    Cryptome Hack 3 Updated                          October 8, 2010
fhwa100710.htm        New Bridge Construction and Repair Materials     October 7, 2010

doa100710.htm         Army Bountiful Warmaking Business Offered        October 7, 2010
dea100610.htm ok      Drug Pushers Prescribed                          October 7, 2010
wired-crime.htm       Wired Complicit in Federal Crimes by Hacker      October 5, 2010
af-war-women-10-03    Afghanistan Wartime Women March 2010             October 5, 2010
wikileaks-bullied.htm Wikileaks Bullied by AU Attorney General         October 5, 2010

doc100510.pdf         Internet Copyright Creativity Innovation Inquiry October 4, 2010
ellsberg-wlmail.htm   Ellsberg Documentary via Wikileaks Maillist      October 4, 2010
af-war-women-10-05    Afghanistan Wartime Women May 2010               October 4, 2010
wikileaks-unpub.htm   Wikileaks Upload Unpublished                     October 4, 2010
europe-alert.htm      US Issues Europe Travel Alert                    October 3, 2010

af-war-women-10-094   Afghanistan Wartime Women Sep 2010 Pt 4          October 3, 2010
af-war-women-10-04    Afghanistan Wartime Women April 2010             October 3, 2010
cia-cryptome.pdf      CIA Classifies Cryptome Dossier                  October 2, 2010
DTM-09-031.pdf        Recording Intelligence Interrogations of Persons October 2, 2010
DTM-09-012.pdf        DoD Physical Access Control Policy               October 2, 2010

DTM-08-004.pdf        DoD Physical Access Control Policy Guidance      October 2, 2010 
soyuz-tma18.htm       Soyuz TMA-18 Space Capsule Landing Photos        October 1, 2010
myrtus-v-myRTUs.htm   Stuxnet Myrtus or MyRTUs?                        October 1, 2010
cyber092310.pdf       Cyber Command House Testimony                    October 1, 2010
navy-cyber.pdf        Navy Cyber Command House Testimony               October 1, 2010

marines-cyber.pdf     Marines Cyber Command House Testimony            October 1, 2010
army-cyber.pdf        Army Cyber Command House Testimony               October 1, 2010
airforce-cyber.pdf    Air Force Cyber Command House Testimony          October 1, 2010
doj100110.htm         Adobe Apple Google Intel Intuit Pixar Jobs Plot  October 1, 2010
nnsa100110.htm        LANL WMD Building Revised EIS                    October 1, 2010


O f f s i t e 

MC Plot 4             Islamic Militants in Monaco 4                    October 11, 2010
MC Plot 3             Islamic Militants in Monaco 3                    October 10, 2010
DIA Logs              Defense Spy Agency's FOIA logs for FYs 2007-2009 October 9, 2010
IR Strike             Iran with Capability to Strike US by 2014        October 9, 2010
MC Plot 2             Islamic Militants in Monaco 2                    October 9, 2010

FBI SOS               FBI Student Tracking Device                      October 8, 2010
MC Plot 1             Islamic Militants in Monaco 1                    October 8, 2010
Cork It               Army Warns of Inside Spies for Enemy Media       October 5, 2010
Corked                Censorship at WikiLeaks event                    October 4, 2010
NO Leak               Norway Media Leaks Latest Wikileaks AF Leak      October 1, 2010


10 October 2010

Fucking bunch of script kiddie newbs who think they're elite
Ghost Rider"

Includes "Virus" Nieves and "Null" Perras personal information

10 October 2010

Court documents on Justin Perras' hacking capabilities and imprisonment:

Relevant: At the HOPE conference panel on snitches 18 July 2010, a panelist described how to read court documents to tell that an indicted hacker, or one released with only a warning, had been converted to a snitch for the government. This from one of several on the panel sent to prison by a fellow hacker's concealed testimony, a victim who had also been offered a deal to do the same, but after refusing to accept a deal, had a sentence maximized. At the same panel it was stated that conventional wisdom among hackers is that 25% of them are snitches. Using these odds at least one of the alleged Cryptome hackers is a snitch (see below) who initiated the alleged attack (which is not likely to have happened as reported) to entrap the others, and was surely paid a fee to do so to create disarray and suspicion among the not yet nabbed. This is standard law enforcement, spy and counterspy means and methods. Buy the conference video from

28 September 2010

Two men of Kryogeniks gang were sentenced for 18 months in prison for domain hijack. There [sic] third one, James Robert Black Jr., 21, was sentenced in August to four month in prison and made a pact to collaborate with FBI in trying to caught [sic] other partners in crime. Christopher Allen Lewis, 20, of Delaware and Michael Paul Nebel, 28, got 18 month sentence in prison and ordered to pay $89,778.13 each.

oh shit kyrogeniks going down for the comcast hacks


[Selected excerpts on snitches]

Sinz: kryogeniks been known to snitch since me and xom got busted in 2k5

Sinz: its not that i dislike virus, its just that he's a lil xom clone in that they both snitch when pressed.

SippieCup: definitely snitching.

SippieCup: edit: i take back my previous snitching statment "definitely snitching" and in replace i say probably. it also could jsur be that they are pleading guilty. this is why you dont fuck with big names like this. they should have just edited the DNS to a server like they did and put an ad on it then every other link go back to the IP of comcast. probably could have gotten away with it for a couple hours before comcast noticed and comcast would not have come down as hard as they did due to no loss in service... still would have gone after them though

Craig: ebk snitched

Sis: [quoting] EBK slept for an hour Wednesday night; Defiant for 20 minutes. Even as the attack was in progress, the hackers began to feel the weight of their actions. Both say they’ve been raided by law enforcement before. “I slept in my clothes, because the last time they came, I was in my underwear with my dong hanging out and shit,” says Defiant.

Rafael Nadal: Rofl are you guys real bitching about snitching? This isn't the mafia, there's no omerta or any kind of code of honor. The homo() is right. Actions have consequences. If they try to save themselves by making a deal, good for them. Snitching shouldn't be a problem if you're not doing anything illegal.

Rafael Nadal: What are you, 12? Do you understand that "snitching" only exists if there's something to "snitch" about? Stop acting so hard. You're a white kid living in a middle class neighborhood. You're not ghetto, you're not gangster, and there's no code of honor on the internet.

Pad: when people willingly cooperate with law enforcement incriminating themselves and their peers it's not only shockingly retarded it's also a display of weakness and a lack of integrity. it has little to do with "acting hard" as much as it has to do with common sense and a basic understanding of the 5th amendment. people tend to bury themselves out of fear and ignorance. and for the record i'm not a kid nor am i "middle class," punk bitch

Rafael Nadal: WHAT INTEGRITY?! What the HELL are you talking about? What part of "actions have consequences" do you not understand? Snitching only exists if there's something illegal going on. If you're not doing anything wrong, nobody can snitch on you. Snitching is also a vital part of the judicial system, as it uses the small fish to catch the big fish, nothing wrong with that. Don't like snitching? Don't open yourself up to prosecution.

Craig: snitching is a problem in ebk's case, where he was involved in this and went on a tell-all rampage (exposing his boiz) just to potentially save some skin on his ass

Pad: snitching is a problem in any case i feel like i just woke up in narnia

A sends:

This is a link to an archive entitled "XgBoys" of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI listserv for the years 2007 and 2008.

It is a 19 MB Zipped file of 12 large PDFs that will be available until October 22rd only.

Cryptome: This will be offered if it disappears.

Robert Paulson sends:

Defense Intelligence Agency's FOIA logs for FYs 2007-2009

John Greenewald, Jr. sends:

US Intelligence Report: Iran with Capability to Strike US by 2014

A recently discovered US Intelligence Report from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has a striking revelation – Iran may have the capability to attack the United States by 2014 with an ICBM missile. This report is released amidst allegations that Iran’s nuclear program is progressing to the point of nuclear weapon capabilities.

The document, labeled a Military Intelligence Digest with a SECRET security marking, states that, “An ICBM with a Non-Rotating Earth (NRE) range of 10,000 kilometers would provide the Iranians with missile coverage of Alaska but would not allow them to target CONUS [Continental United States], owing to rotational effects of the Earth.” The report goes on to state that, “Iran might have the capability to develop and produce an ICBM that can strike the United States in the next 10 to 15 years.”

The release of this report was due to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by The Black Vault internet archive (, a website devoted to obtaining and archiving declassified government documents released via the FOIA, filed back in 1997.

It took the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) nearly 13 years for them to process the request, which only yielded three pages of material; 85% of which is completely blacked out. Although open to interpretation, the DIA stated that some of the material was “Not Responsive to the Request,” even though the original request asked for information pertaining to an Iranian missile hitting the United States, and the blacked out paragraphs under the heading, “The Future of Iran’s Long-Range Ballistic Missile Program (U).”

Subsequent requests have been filed for the rest of the report, and another 11 documents have been forwarded to other agencies for possible declassification.

As of 13 years and four months after the initial filing of the FOIA request by The Black Vault, those documents have not been received.

The documents released by the DIA can be downloaded at:

9 October 2010

A3 writes:

As a close and keen reader of new Cryptome docs on the website, I've found much of interest alongside this complex world. I'm not of particularly high IQ and some of the intrigues reported on leave me close to breathless in terms of their complexity.

Now all this is seeming put to one side with the 'in fighting' in Wikileaks/Cryptome. This may be understandable to chess masters or otherwise clever people but for the likes of me it's tempting to seek the Off button for all. If you lose all your readership save for those fully confident in the arts of black magic, then maybe one of your goals may have been missed? (If someone has hacked your emails does this cloud out all else? Maybe it does for you.)

Cryptome to A3:

Thanks for your comments. We have tried to remain as distant as possible from Wikileaks but others continue to try to link us asserting that Cryptome and Wikileaks are similar. That is not true, the differences far outweigh the similarities.

First and foremost we are modest, Wikileaks is not. It seeks attention, we do not. It is eager for worldwide acclaim, We don't want that. It engages in lurid braggardy about its value. We do not. It makes grand promises and struts and taunts. We do not.

Our purpose and procedures are not at all the same: we do not aim to be a new form of journalism, to be a whistleblower, to publish dramatic leaks that nobody else does, to keep our operations secret, to brag about our activities, to claim to be attacked by powerful forces, to doctor files and orchestrate bombshell releases, to beg for funding and seek grants, to Twitter endlessly only that which valorizes, to issue press releases and hold press conferences, to promise unrealistic protection of sources, to entice with what's coming next, indeed, all the preening and peddling tools of the public relations industry.

That all too common product hyperbole to maximize sales is not for us.

We would prefer to avoid discussing Wikileaks. Still, email and phone calls keep coming demanding we get on board the Wikileaks gravy train or help derail it. By gravy train I mean all those who exploiting the Wikileaks frenzy -- pro and con -- for their own benefit.

A number of poorly-informed critics have attacked Cryptome for ostensible opposition to Wikileaks, rather their adoring version of it. The recent alleged hack of Cryptome and private files by avowed supporters of Wikileaks was reported to be related to a search for anti-Wikileaks materials. This among a number of vigilante aggressions monochromacized by Wikileaks hypnoticism to perceive only black and white.

We have noted that Wikileaks does not make the link to Cryptome, only others who apparently are incapable of understanding the differences.

Those who link us to Wikileaks appear to be engaged in a campaign to undermine Cryptome and Wikileaks. We are doing our best to fight this campaign and your help would be appreciated.

Sure we get angry and annoyed at these useless provocations. So our comments about Wikileaks are aimed at the provokers not Wikileaks the vision deserving fulfillment by many similar and same.

9 October 2010

Cryptome to A2:

Thanks for the advice. Train Req appears from all boxes on our LAN, some never before logging onto Earthlink. We will look more closely as you suggest. However, Earthlink is likely running a honey pot for its own use or for its lawful cohorts. We have noted that on Cryptome just now.

We have previously published the virtues of using honey pots as part of security. The Cryptome hackers are fools if they don't know this. They have been logged from the beginning and still are. That has not yet been published but is by way of this insecure email. Samples:

"Xyrix" Barnhill: -- "Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.6.30 Version/10.62"

"Virus" Nieves: -- "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/6.0.472.63 Safari/534.3"

"Null" Perras or others using IP (aka,, -- "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10"

To be sure, ever more interesting techniques are being used beyond the reach of our smug delusions. The varmints never sleep, nor do our daemons.

You may know that NetSol is heavily used for its honey pot capabilities along with the other giants such as Earthlink who never seem to provide sufficient security except for those who pay extremely high prices for it -- IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, on and on, all induced to do so by bountiful lawful funding.

That is known, what is less known is the honey pot use of allegedly much more secure ISPs offering allegedly greater security than the foolish giants. Sec "experts" chuckle: the greater the security offered the more likely snake oil, security theater or worse, outright deception. Good money to be made that way.

Small ISPs are very vulnerable despite what they claim. No doubt some don't know what they are being used for. And get very indignant if challenged to allow an independent full-bore test. Thus the urgent need for confidentiality and secrecy across the security spectrum.

Security is bogus.

9 October 2010

Cryptome to A:

You will know that the mail address cryptome[at] is not secure: Earthlink has not closed the hole made by the hackers. It is a honey pot for several watchers.

You are being social engineered by Nieves, and he is likely doing it to others as well.

Several sources are providing material on the alleged culprits and the three are probing, bluffing and threatening to find out who. Pretending to know more than they do, a technique you will recognize.

Here is Perras' attempt today:

Pretending to be you, among others, is to be expected. This response pretends to go along with it.

Robert Paulson writes:

I recently was given and have decided to post a copy of the NSA's Center for Cryptologic History's Mission and Function statements:

This page on prolonged abuse of Julian Assange appeared for the first time on 8 October 2010 despite is date of 24 September. Another example of SE dissimulation in handling of the case.


9 October 2010. The Earthlink hack remains. Verified that nym "Train Req" is only triggered by the Cryptome IP address.

Earthlink Hacked

Note "Train Req" at the top. This nym was blamed for the Cryptome hack (below) but has denied it. It is likely Earthlink does not know it has been hacked or is trying to hide it from customers, futilely. This page was apparently triggered by our IP address. If you don't see it from your address, please send a note to cryptome[at], if you dare (additional security added at this end but who knows, consider PGP - our PK). Screenshot 8 October 2010, 7:40AM ET, first seen about 3:30AM during the email outage, now "reolved." Hardly.


Military Casualties Iraq Civilian Dead Wounded Care War Contracts

September 2010 fincen093010.htm Cross-Border Electronic Transmittals of Funds September 30, 2010 Citizen Spy: Television, Espionage, Cold War September 29, 2010 (2.5MB) huffpost-spy.htm Huffington Post Spying Game September 29, 2010 Espionage and the Roots of the Cold War September 29, 2010 (4.7MB) doc092910.pdf Global Free Flow of Information on the Internet September 28, 2010 gao-10-755r.pdf WMD Counterproliferation SNAFU September 28, 2010 wiki-tormenta.htm Wikipedia Tormenta September 28, 2010 parwan.htm Parwan Detention Facility, Bagram, Afghanistan September 28, 2010 Crypto Tech Export Sting of Chinese Buyer September 27, 2010 (733KB) ftc092810.pdf US Search Agrees to Stop Lying About Privacy September 27, 2010 schmitt-spiegel.htm Daniel Schmitt Interview by Der Spiegel September 26, 2010 fmcsa092710.pdf Texting by Commercial Vehicles Drivers Banned September 25, 2010 phmsa092710.pdf Texting by HazMat Drivers Banned September 25, 2010 nsa-utah-award.pdf NSA Utah Data Center $1.2B Contract Awarded September 25, 2010 dodd-5148-11.pdf Asst to SecDef for Spying Oversight September 25, 2010 DTM-08-009.pdf Wartime UCMJ Jurisdiction of DoD Civilians September 25, 2010 af-war-women-10-093 Afghanistan Wartime Women Sep 2010 Pt 3 September 24, 2010 citigroup-dmca.htm Citigroup Gets DMCA Takedown September 24, 2010 assange-persecute.htm Julian Assange Persecution September 23, 2010 fra092710.pdf ok Railroad Employees Use of Cellphones Curtailed September 22, 2010 Navy Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings September 22, 2010 (2.4MB) Building Security Standards SNAFU September 22, 2010 (765KB) Public Transit Security Info Sharing SNAFU September 22, 2010 (3.4MB) nctc092210.pdf NCTC Confronts Terrorist Threat to the Homeland September 22, 2010 nps092210.htm White House Enhanced Fortification Study September 22, 2010 sigir092210.htm Iraq Reconstruction Enhanced Ethics September 22, 2010 opnav-1412-13.pdf Navy Information Dominance Warfare Officer September 21, 2010 Cybercommand Cyber Analytical Support RFP September 21, 2010 US Arms Export Boondoggle Reporting SNAFU September 21, 2010 wmd-risks.pdf Nuclear Weapons Disassembly Risks 2010 September 21, 2010 Armed Forces Cybersecurity Spy Training September 21, 2010 (1.3MB) af-war-arch-10-093 Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Sep 2010 Pt 3 September 21, 2010 FBI Domestic Spying Hit by Inspector General September 20, 2010 (2.4MB) Global Spying v. Conflict Disease Terrorism September 20, 2010 (1.8MB) CBP Security Policy and Procedures Handbook FOUO September 20, 2010 (4.4MB) pope-sec-uk.htm Pope Security for London Visit Photos September 19, 2010 cia-secrecy-oaths.pdf CIA Walt Rostow & John Ehrlichman Secrecy Oaths September 19, 2010 CIA History of Information Security to 1966 September 18, 2010 (6.3MB) cia-leaks-1971.pdf CIA Memo to the President on Info Security September 18, 2010 boot-suck.htm MSP430 Microcontroller BOOT SUCK September 18, 2010 dodd-5505-06.pdf DoD Investigations of DoD Senior Officials September 18, 2010 dodi-2200-01.pdf DoD Combating Trafficking in Persons September 18, 2010 DTM-08-021.pdf DoD Use of Civilian Sats for Personnel Recovery September 18, 2010 DTM-08-027.pdf DoD Security of Unclassified Information September 18, 2010 DTM-09-013.pdf DoD Architecture Registry System September 18, 2010 DTM-09-016.pdf DoD Supply Chain Risk Management September 18, 2010 DTM-09-026.pdf DoD Responsible Use of the Internet September 18, 2010 usa-v-mascheroni.htm USA v. Pedro Leonardo Mascheroni et al September 17, 2010 dni092010.pdf Spymaster Denies EPIC Spy Records Objection September 17, 2010 mascheroni-spy.htm WMD Scientist and Mate Indicted for Spying September 17, 2010 cia-leaks-dci.pdf Director of Central Intelligence on Leaks September 16, 2010 cia-leaks-iatf.pdf CIA Interagency Task Force on Leaks September 16, 2010 cia-leaks-fddc.pdf CIA Inadequacy of Existing Laws Concerning Leaks September 16, 2010 Whistleblower Protection Weaknesses SNAFU September 16, 2010 (1.2MB) assange-denied.htm Assange Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied September 16, 2010 kashmir-protest.htm Kashmir Protest Photos September 16, 2010 National 911 Memorial Museum Tax Report 2008 September 16, 2010 (1.9MB) National 911 Memorial Museum Tax Report 2007 September 16, 2010 (1MB) National 911 Memorial Museum Tax Report 2006 September 16, 2010 (1MB) September 11th Widows and Victims Families 2008 SEptember 16, 2010 (1.8MB) nsa-mdr.htm NSA Reports Available Upon Request September 16, 2010 cia-arcins.htm CIA Records Database Available for Inquiries September 16, 2010 atf091610.htm Blasting Agents and Explosives Separation September 16, 2010 acf091610.htm State Abstinence Education Program September 16, 2010 af-war-arch-10-092 Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Sep 2010 Pt 2 September 14, 2010 hhs091310.htm National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program September 13, 2010 wikileaks-witch.pdf Wikileaks Susceptible to Internet Witchcraft September 11, 2010 DTM-08-011.pdf DoD Spying Oversight Policy Guidance September 11, 2010 DTM-08-052.pdf DoD Reporting Questionable Spying Activities September 11, 2010 DTM-09-003.pdf DoD Post 9-11 GI Bill September 11, 2010 dodi-4140-66.pdf DoD End-Use Monitoring of Defense Articles September 11, 2010 gitmo-rules.pdf DoD Media Ground Rules for Guantanamo Visit September 10, 2010 wikileaks-pump.htm Wikileaks Rape Pumped September 10, 2010 wtc-photos.htm World Trade Center Photographs 3 October 2001 September 9, 2010 Afghan Kill by Military Thugs Charging Documents September 9, 2010 (2.2MB) 1270-ae-fud.htm 1270 Architects and Engineers Spread FUD September 9, 2010 wikileaks-bait.htm Fox News Nibbles the Wikileaks Insiders Bait September 8, 2010 bis090810.htm US Enemies May Be Bad for Business September 8, 2010 fac090810.htm US Enemies Converted to Friends Just Like That September 8, 2010 dos090810.htm US Enemies Declared Just Like That September 8, 2010 ussc090810.htm Crack Cocaine Sentences a Little Bit Harsh September 8, 2010 fra090810.htm DesertXpress High-Speed Rob Drunk Gamblers Rail September 8, 2010 doj090810.htm National Warheads and Energetics Consortium September 8, 2010 dod090810.htm Government Rights in the Design of DoD Vessels September 8, 2010 epa090810.htm Hanford Transuranic Waste Characterization September 8, 2010 israel-v-us-ir.htm Israel vs the United States and Iran-a Forgery September 7, 2010 af-war-arch-10-09 Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Sep 2010 Pt 1 September 7, 2010 wikileaks-clarify.htm Wikileaks-Birgitta Jónsdóttir Clarifies Position September 6, 2010 gareth-williams.htm Met Police Probe of GCHQ Spy Gareth Williams September 6, 2010 assange-innocent.htm Julian Assange Is Innocent Until Proven Guilty September 6, 2010 DoJ Classified Information Security Audit FOUO September 5, 2010 (7.4MB) DEA Information Security Audit FOUO September 5, 2010 (7.3MB) ilsig-eyeball.htm Israel’s Most Important SIGINT Base September 5, 2010 siss.htm Sensitive Information Security Sources September 4, 2010 open-transactions.htm Open Transactions Digital Cash Library September 4, 2010 wikileaks-rape.htm Assange Is no Rapist - He Has Other Problems September 4, 2010 DTM-08-020.pdf Defense Investment Review Board September 4, 2010 wsj-trap.htm Wall Street Journal Baits a Trap, Bait Bit September 3, 2010 bis090710.pdf Wassenaar Agreement Commerce Control List Defs September 3, 2010 hts-mcfate.htm McFate Resigns from Human Terrain System September 3, 2010 eo13552.pdf Amendments to the Courts-Martial Manual September 2, 2010 riches-v-assange.htm Jonathan Lee Riches v. Julian Assange+Wikipedia September 2, 2010 james-lee.htm James Lee The Hell with the Troops Photo September 2, 2010 af-war-arch-10-084 Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Aug 2010 Pt 4 September 2, 2010 TSA Pipeline Safety SNAFU September 1, 2010 (5.6MB) manning-090110.htm Bradley Manning Support Network 1 Sept 2010 September 1, 2010 se-law-assange.htm Sweden Decision and Law on the Assange Probe September 1, 2010 O f f s i t e Podcast Daniel Domscheit-Derg: Inside Wikileaks German September 30, 2010 Rogues Obama Targets Iranian Officials Moola September 29, 2010 Honors Judges Want Safe and Adequate Courtrooms September 29, 2010 Stux Hype Stuxnet: Great cyberweapon or cyberfizzle? September 28, 2010 FOI Is Publication of Classified Info Criminal? September 27, 2010 Spy Spin Spymaster Directive on Unauthorized Disclosures September 27, 2010 Schatzi Former Stasi Cryptographers Develop NATO Tech September 27, 2010 Net Spy USG Working to Ease Internet Spying September 27, 2010 More Grams More NSA DIRgrams September 26, 2010 Cyber WMD Cyber Weapons Are the New Loose Nukes September 26, 2010 Joystick Drone Porn September 24, 2010 Boom San Francisco Tries to Hide Its Gas Pipelines September 21, 2010 Stuxnet Built to Attack Iran Nuclear Facilities? September 21, 2010 Spy App Spy App for Social Media September 20, 2010 Blow Creating an Offshore Wind Industry in the US September 20, 2010 Suckers Why Press Shield Laws Screw Sources September 19, 2010 How Online Spies Spy Ever More Sneakily September 19, 2010 NSA Ship NSA History of Technical Research Ship Program September 18, 2010 WTC Pork World Trade Center $3.3 Billion Boondoggle September 18, 2010 Boomer Bangor Trident Nuclear Submarine Base Video September 18, 2010 Spy Lie WMD Spy Mascheroni Falsely Accused by FBI September 18, 2010 Spy Fib CIA Bibliography of Spy Ethics and Morality September 16, 2010 Cut It Why the War on Terror Needs Defunding September 16, 2010 Esc Maps CIA Escape and Evasion Maps September 16, 2010 ABB Assange Bewitched and Bewildered September 14, 2010 Hack HDCP Master Key September 14, 2010 WL Pro Article 19: Wikileaks and Internet Disclosures September 14, 2010 WL Kills Human rights activists against WikiLeaks September 14, 2010 Wiki CID Army CID Calls Wikileaks Extremist Website September 13, 2010 Dirt Works 2 How Latvian Dirty Money Gets Exposed September 13, 2010 Dirt Works 1 How Dirty Money Launderers Avoid Jail September 13, 2010 Noam Chomsky: US Bad Bolivia Good Afghans Best Alone September 13, 2010 ProPub ProPublica Investigative Journalism September 12, 2010 CN-QC China's Quantum Communications a Threat? September 9, 2010 RFE-RL The Cracks in Wikileaks, Says Who September 9, 2010 QCC GSM Bug Detection System September 6, 2010 ACTA Drip Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Leak September 6, 2010 AU Hits Collateral Damage - Sunday Night AU Killings September 5, 2010 Xe Wars 30 Blackwater Front Companies and Planes September 5, 2010 WIB War Is Business September 5, 2010 Them Means-Methods East Bloc Secret Spying Services September 4, 2010 CIA FF Working at the CIA: Fact or Fiction September 3, 2010 AWE Project Hydrus Flash Radiographic X-ray Plant September 3, 2010 Unprotected A Swedish Shield for Wikileaks, Unraised September 2, 2010 See Sec Secrecy News Chockfull of Wide Eye Openers September 2, 2010 BdN Blog del Narco September 2, 2010 CADBIM US Army Corps of Engineers CAD-BIM Details September 1, 2010 TvHR Tempest vs Ham Radio (FR) Updated URL September 1, 2010 Reds Red Mafia Means Russian Intelligence Is Near September 1, 2010 ESF Eat Shit Farms LLC September 1, 2010

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Natsios Young Architects

Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those. Documents are removed from this site only by order served directly by a US court having jurisdiction. No court order has ever been served; any order served will be published here -- or elsewhere if gagged by order. Bluffs will be published if comical but otherwise ignored.

Email: cryptome[at]
Mail: John Young, Cryptome, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024
Checks/Money Orders: Make out to "John Young"
Fax: 212-787-6102 (Call ahead: 212-873-8700)

An Aesthetic Theory Based on the Work of Jean-Paul Sartre, John Young, 1962 (9.4MB)

Cryptome Essays, Deborah Natsios

Publication forthcoming:

New York VOIR DIRE: Interrogating the Juridical City State of Emergency
Presented 17 April 2010, during panel: "Sovereign spaces: security after the war on terror"
2010 Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers (AAG)

Les Oiseaux Beyond Empire: Schoolgirl Quarantines from Dalat to the rue de Sevres
Not online

Watchlisting the Diaspora
Presented 3 October 2008: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Targeted Publics: Arts and Technologies of the Security City

Expanded and to be published as:

Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City: Architectural Theory, Security and the Global City
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory, publication May 2011

The Geographer in Jules Romains' 'Donogoo Tonka or the Miracles of Science: A Cinematographic Tale'
Commentary and digital film presented at Forum Finale, Temple Hoyn Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University, 5 April 2008.

Towards a New Blast Zone
in Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West, Urbanitats, No. 19, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona 2008.

Paper presented 18 May 2007, at the symposium “Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West”, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona.

National Security Sprawl
In Sensing the 21st Century City: Close-Up and Remote
AD Architectural Design
Vol. 75 No. 6 Nov/Dec 2005
Brian McGrath and Grahame Shane (eds.)
Wiley-Academy (London)

Jerusalem Sky
In The Next Jerusalem : Sharing the Divided City, Ed. Michael Sorkin
2002 Monacelli Press, New York, NY

Parallel Atlas: 38°N
Version 10, May 2002

Reversing the Panopticon
Invited Talk, 16 August 2001
10th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC.

Homeland Defense and the Prosecution of Jim Bell
8 June 2001