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Stop The Wall!
The Grassroots Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall CampaignGet E-mail Updates|Use Our Site|Contact Us


The Campaign call is to:
1. Stop the Wall
2. Dismantle parts already built
3. Return all lands confiscated for the Wall, and
4. Compensate for all losses.


Mitri Ghounam: 'When you have finished your wall, you will have finished me'
Aug 25, 2010-- Mitri has worked hard to provide for his family, only to see his hard work stolen from him. Where Mitri once walked out his front door to over look trees and a playground, he now comes face to face with a concrete barrier slowly being built next to his house and on his land. [MORE]


Rights, not negotiations
Sep 4, 2010-- While President Obama prepares for a photo-op for the resumption of direct negotiations between the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Israel, Palestinians got ready for protests (1). There is frustration and anger in the Palestinian streets, in the minibuses that serve as public transport as much as among the political activists. The PNA decision to resume direct talks with Israel has provoked an almost unprecedented climate of tension between the Palestinian people and their leadership. [MORE]

8th Week against the Apartheid Wall, November 9 – 16 2010
Sep 1, 2010-- Eight years into the construction of the Apartheid Wall, over 60% has already been built to ghettoize communities, threatening over 260,000 people with displacement and stealing land and water resources. [MORE]

Criminal Complaint Lodged Against Dutch Company for Construction of Settlements and the Wall
Oct 14, 2010-- Al-Haq has announced that it has lodged a criminal complaint against a Dutch private rental company, Riwal, for its involvement in the construction of the Apartheid Wall and illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank. [MORE]

Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon to help put a stop to illegal practices of the Occupation
Oct 14, 2010-- To mark this year’s Week against the Apartheid Wall from 9 - 16 November, Palestinian and international activists will again mobilize in the streets and organize a series of events across the globe. This mobilization on the ground will be complemented by a fast paced 48 hour media marathon on 12 and 13 November. We call on media to join 48 hours non-stop coverage! [MORE]

3 beaten, 1 detained in Hebron
Oct 14, 2010-- HEBRON (Ma'an) -- A Palestinian security source said three Palestinians were beaten by Israeli forces overnight Monday in the At-Tuwani village in the southern Hebron district. [MORE]


  • Protest Invitation to Show Solidarity with French BDS Activists (Oct 12, 2010)
  • BUST ELBIT: Stop bankrolling Israeli wars and ghettos (Aug 24, 2010)
  • Palestine to Latin America: United against repression and for justice (Aug 20, 2010)
  • Participate in the World Education Forum in Palestine, October 28-31 2010 (Jun 19, 2010)
  • July 9 - Celebrating our Victories, Planning for More! (May 28, 2010)
  • Irish activist arrested and injured at anti-CRH protest in West Bank village (Apr 30, 2010)
  • Veolia involved in more dirty business as BDS campaign grows (Mar 6, 2010)
  • 11 UCI students arrested for protesting ambassador’s presence (Feb 22, 2010)
  • Arrests over El Al arms trade action (Feb 15, 2010)
  • SAIA to Carleton: Divest from the occupation! (Jan 30, 2010)

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  • 8th Week against the Apartheid Wall, November 9 – 16 2010 (Sep 1, 2010)
  • Criminal Complaint Lodged Against Dutch Company for Construction of Settlements and the Wall (Oct 14, 2010)
  • Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon to help put a stop to illegal practices of the Occupation (Oct 14, 2010)
  • 3 beaten, 1 detained in Hebron (Oct 14, 2010)
  • The legacy of Abdullah Abu Rahmeh and other human rights defenders: time for Israel to face justice for its ongoing repression (Oct 13, 2010)
  • Protest Invitation to Show Solidarity with French BDS Activists (Oct 12, 2010)
  • Weekly Stop the Wall Repression Update (Oct 12, 2010)
  • Want More? Browse Recent Site Additions with summaries.

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