
Salil Shetty, the organization's new Secretary General, begins his first full day in office by stressing the urgency of ensuring that human rights are placed at the centre of efforts to eradicate poverty.

A new Amnesty International report details how journalists, dissidents and activists are at risk of arbitrary arrest and harassment by the authorities.

Days after the funeral of activist Floribert Chebeya Bahizire, Amnesty International warns that the work of activists and journalists in the country is becoming increasingly deadly.

Good news

Ecuador first to ratify new UN mechanism to enforce economic, social and cultural rights

Other countries urged to follow suit to ensure justice for all whose rights are violated and who are denied an effective remedy in their own countries.

In focus

Violence in Kyrgyzstan
Video footage obtained by Amnesty International shows extent of violence as thousands are forced to flee

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Stop forcible returns from Europe to Iraq

More than seven years after the US-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussain, Iraq continues to be a dangerous place for many, with hundreds of civilians being killed or injured every month.

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