Education For Choice The Resource Centre 356 Holloway Road London N7 0HB Tel. 020 7700 8190
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Young people to have the facts about abortion, WHOEVER they are, WHOEVER they ask, WHEREVER they go

Watch our Promotional Film 

READ NOW what our Patrons, colleagues and supporters say about our work

READ NOW what you have told us about our training, our schools work and our resources

Facts about abortion

New Resources for teaching and learning about abortion

Training Information for professionals in education, healthcare, youthwork and social work



Support the A Word Campaign for:

The provision of evidence-based information on pregnancy and abortion for young people whoever they are and wherever they are




Watch Education For Choice on Teachers TV. This programme demonstrates that teachers can and must provide evidence-based lessons on abortion to young people in schools. WATCH IT NOW

Northern Irish women need same rights to abortion as women in England, Scotland and Wales. WATCH THIS VIDEO NOW

Education For Choice supporting young people's right to informed choice on abortion.

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***** News*****

HOORAY - EFC's Talk About Choice programme wins Pamela Sheridan Award for excellence in Sex and Relationships Education.  



Abortion: Decisions and Dilemmas training event in London on December 14th 2010