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Press Association
Tue 12 Oct 2004
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5:36pm (UK)
Island Exiles Fail in Housing Bid

By John Aston, PA News

Exiles from an Indian Ocean island today failed in a High Court challenge to the refusal of an English local authority to house them en bloc.

A judge ruled that it could not be argued that West Sussex County Council was under a duty to accommodate nearly 50 Diego Garcians who arrived at Gatwick on Friday.

Their families were exiled from the island of Diego Garcia in the 1960s by the British to make way for a US air base. Since then most have lived in poverty on Mauritius and the Seychelles.

A county council spokeswoman said the authority, which had already provided support to up to 200 islanders before the latest arrivals, welcomed the judge’s “landmark decision”.

Mr Justice Collins refused to allow the islanders to seek judicial review of the council’s refusal to house them. The judge criticised those who had encouraged the islanders to come to the UK on the basis that they were entitled to be provided with help.

The council spokesperson said: “The judgment means we will not have to provide block assistance to any future group of islanders.

“It is a crisis for the Diego Garcians. We have very great sympathy for them, but it is very much a matter for the Government, not the people of West Sussex.”

The spokesperson said the islanders would continue to be given accommodation at hotels around Crawley until Monday. Assessments would also be made to see if individuals were entitled to assistance on the basis that they were sick or vulnerable.

After that, the council would have no responsibility for those who were well and able-bodied.

The islanders, who are all British passport holders, fought a long, unsuccessful legal battle for the right to to return to Diego Garcia and for compensation.

last update 7:40pm (UK)
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