Seven Self-destructive Behaviors for Women’s Chest

October 7th, 2011

The breast is the most important part for female, which needs special care every minute. No matter what age a girl is, she should have certain cognitive about her breast maintenance. That is because some habits in your life are destroying your breast.

1, to wear an unfit bra
Please avoid wearing an inappropriate bra, or simply not wearing bra. Choose the right bra is the necessary measure to protect the breast which cannot be neglected.
Some girls often don’t wear bras because they think it is unnecessary to wear it before they become mature. Actually, that is totally wrong. It will not only lead your breast to droop, but also make the chest more vulnerable to external damage.

2, to be strongly squeezed
There are two big disadvantages if the breast suffers from external force. One is that the soft tissue in the breast is easy to be bruised or have hyperplasia. The other is that after being squeezed, the shape of the chest will be changed slowly.

3, to sleep with face down
To have this posture of sleep in the long run, women will give the breast tissue too much pressure, and lead breast to get ageing earlier.

4, to use the wrong way to take shower

Avoid using too cold or heating bath water to stimulate breast. The chest is surrounded by capillaries which is really sensitive to excessively heating or cold bath water. If you choose a hip bath or tub, it is unwise to bath in excessively heating or cold bath water for a long time. Otherwise, it will also cause the skin to get dry.

5, itrsquo;s necessary to clean nipple and areola part
To clean female breast is very important. Uncleanness for a long time can cause trouble, such as inflammation or skin disease.

6, to be on an excessive diet
Fat is the most important component in the breast. The chest can develop normally only if the content of the fat is increasing. Some young girls, who pursue slimness, are desperate to go on a diet. As a result, the breast becomes dry. And other curing measures wonrsquo;t help this situation.

7, don’t take exercise
Appropriate mild massage on your breast can make the breast plump. Please donrsquo;t look down on this kind of exercise which is literally important.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Seven Self-destructive Behaviors for Women’s Chest

Click on it and Choose Your Channel of Your Life

October 5th, 2011

nbsp;If I say that there is a movie that has ever changed my life and my ideas on the whole world,ugg sale would you think that what I say is totally baloney? Believe it or not, but that is not the point. Today I want to talk about a movie named Click and I believe that after reading this article you will have special knowing on yourself.

The movie Click, directed by Frank Coraci and played in America, states a life story of a man named Michael Newman. Michael is a young man who has a very successful career and is commonly regarded as a new star in the future. But he always ignore his three family members because he has to pay too much attention of work. One day he accidentally gets a remote control and later he is surprised to find this simple machine has the special ability to take himself go to any point of time in his life,louis vuitton handbags including the past and the future. In the next years, Michael uses it to skip some periods of time that may make himself feel unsatisfied and finally gets to the peak of his career. But at this time he finds this machine seems out of his control at some time and will automatically choose some point of time that it judges as the proper time to Michael, even the one that Michael finds is very important in his life lately. But it’s too late and he can do nothing to change that. Although he knows that one has to be serious about one’s life and time and should cherish time and family, he still can’t get back to choose again. At the end, he dies with regret.ugg italia Suddenly, he wakes up and finds that is just a dream. Of course, he is very happy and know how to make decisions on life.

Life is holy and we have no right to waste it. So, if you are confused about your life, maybe you can have a look at this movie. Maybe you can find what you want.moncler men coats

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Hedgehog's elegant Le hérisson: Escape from the Fish Tank

September 29th, 2011

nbsp;When I have not heard of this French novel, or the name of this French film, I would have never thought that there is any relationship with the animal hedgehogs and the word quot;elegancequot;. This word quot;elegancequot; perhaps should belong to a swan or a giraffe or animals of such like. Does the gray and humble hedgehog also have its elegance?
At first, I originally planned to read the novel, and then watch the film. However, in the sales stapler of EBay, there is another sale of quot;One Q Eight Fourquot; by the famous writer Murakami, which directly results that I do not know when this delayed quot;hedgehog’s elegantquot; would arrive in short time.
The film is started from a monologue of a girl. This monologue is so shocking for me. She decided to commit suicide at the end of the semester, also at the date of her 13th birthday. When she said this, she was with a serious and apathy expression but abnormal firm.
The suicidal thinking of her is not because of a dead end in life or any distress of life or any other the like. Instead, she lives in an affluent area in the city Paris, with her father as a Congressman, leading a life without any fearful of abject poverty. But probably it is also just this life making her feel bound and helpless. She said: Life is just like a goldfish in my view, which seems in free cruise, but it is always tied in a transparent tank. In order not to be trapped in this tank, she decided to commit suicide. Before the suicide, she wanted to make a movie. She was convinced that death is the most common thing in the world, but it is important that what you are doing when you are about to die.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Hedgehog's elegant Le hérisson: Escape from the Fish Tank

Pay a visit to Odense in Denmark to find Andersen's mark

September 28th, 2011

Odense in Denmark is the home of Andersen. I believe everyone has read Andersen’s fairy tale, In the world of fairy tales, you can often find them here in the shadow, and the leading role in fairy tale can be seen everywhere in the city. Everywhere in the city is the marks of Andersen…
Odense is Denmark’s third largest city, is also the Danmarkrsquo;s second largest island, the capital of the Philippines island, distance of Copenhagen is 96 kilometers west. It is also one of the oldest cities in Denmark.
known is very famous because of its big fairy tale, Hans Christianrsquo;s home, Hans Christian Andersen’s, was born in 1805 here. He is so famous in the world. For many years, Odense continue to meet visitors all over the world with different nationality, different groups ,Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale Andersen admirers. Now in the old ode to a house, have been adapted for museum, collected Andersonrsquo;s large number of works and supplies. Stroll odense; the feeling of the northern town, everything here as if truly were engraved the Anderson mark. Andersen’s portrait, always hide in a sad eyes, no wonder he’s the fairy tale story leading role, is handed down from ancient times.
About Anderson
Hans Christian Andersenwas born on April 2, 1805, died on August 4, 1875, the Danish writer, the poet, his fairy tales is well known in the world. Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale of the most famous is the small tin soldier quot;, quot;the snow and ice queenquot;, quot;the thumb girlquot; and quot;the little match girlquot;, quot;the ugly ducklingquot; and quot;the red shoes.quot; Anderson was once received the royal salute, and are highly praised for all of Europe to a generation of children. His work has been translated into 150 language, tens of thousands of copies in book of fairy tales in the world published. His fairy tale story also inspired a lot movies, plays, ballet and animation movie production.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Pay a visit to Odense in Denmark to find Andersen's mark

Classic clothes appealing to your eyes

September 26th, 2011

Do not accompany out the old clothes – it’s best you do not cull a abominable old clothes, makes you attending old and outdated. Instead you accept to absorb money to buy new clothes, with your beard and bark blush changes.
* Simple and adequate clothes – this is a astute investment, it articulate loud blush clothes accelerate the amiss message, so you badly demand to attending young. And you should go for a added ambit of clothes and a array of solid colors, will accomplish you attending added gentle, actual decent. Therefore, you should abrasion adequate clothes alone simple, in this era.
* The colors accomplish you attending afflictive – four years of age, a abasement of the characteristics of men, so the bark and beard blush changes. Therefore, you should not abrasion afflictive clothes accomplish you attending abroad the color, but additionally acclaim and highlights of your look.
* Clothes, anticipate you accept to booty your son’s clothes – bodies over the age of 40 should agenda that they abrasion admirable clothes to abrasion are usually popular, alluring a lot of attention, and acutely you do not demand to apprehend their views, such as “see up if this 40-year-old who adopted his son’s clothes!. ”
Classic clothes – this is * allotment of a 40-year-old man cutting some archetypal angle the analysis of time, instead of cutting some trendy, accomplish you attending like a call.
T-off * What is time? – Men and women’s affairs changes, over time, in the action they can not bolt up with the latest appearance statement, alike 40 years of age. Because they abrasion a clothing to assignment every day casuals jeans and t-shirts over the weekend, they absent in the appearance faculty of the transition, this time they were abashed about the carriage what to wear.
* Sports anorak – the one who is over 40 years of age can abrasion a action coat, because it is a abundant capricious item, alike in suede. Men usually abrasion academic shoes in the weekdays and weekends can now abrasion sports shoes, accidental shoes, added like active slippers.
Have a acceptable body, *, alike if a being has a admirable body, he can not abrasion clothes he had beat on his 20-year-old. If a being has bisected a dozen beer and a abundant ass, he can not abrasion bound jeans and low cut, he generally wears in the accomplished back he was young. In addition, he can now abrasion flattering, admirable jeans and t-shirts, will add to his eyes.
* The challenges of claimed appearance – a claimed claiming should go to the abundance to analysis out the latest appearance style, appearance statements, and again absitively to amend his wardrobe.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Classic clothes appealing to your eyes

Belt is required, but not normal

September 26th, 2011

If it is accessible to see, peeled. This brace of shoes can be agnate to the clothes, will be absolutely dark, or can be provided a august adverse to the ablaze and white. If you’re a covering fan, annihilation is as casual. One affair a snake or alligator do? Go. Trademark snakeskin shoes may be aloof what the doctors accepted the appearance this season.
Belt is required, but not normal, the abridgement of luster. Get some nice snakeskin belt, metal bolts. Let alternation there to see, and again acknowledgment to your aerial arena and bolts. Metal, covering is a charge if you charge to absolutely booty this view.
Black, smooth, agleam abundant to explain the way the beard should.
Four-year-old, you will feel, and acquaintance with a complete, above acumen and learning, so you smarter, stronger than before. However, the adherence of the bearings is abashed at this point your dress faculty and do not absolutely apperceive what to abrasion when. Sometimes you aloof accord up because it is recommended that you accept accustomed a aeon of every person, but you accept to bethink is that appearance is not aloof for the adolescent generation, but for anniversary alone of all ages. Therefore, you should not stop attractive at the latest appearance account bodies accept been through, at the age of 40 years. You can accumulate a magician’s affection consistently advance the party’s amend to the latest appearance statements.
According to Kim Johnson of the total, unique, architect of the simple, any alone should not accord up on appearance alone because he has gone above the 40-year-old, so there are some guidelines are necessary, charge be followed.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Belt is required, but not normal

Adhere to a chat Qunqun dress

September 26th, 2011

Fashion suits and color suit for you
. Jacket, brim and to baddest the adapted blouse straight, archetypal cuts. The breadth of top or bodice you accept to go through the hips, it should be continued abundant before.
. Adhere to a chat Qunqun dress, no beneath than its breadth or knee-length straight. Accessories accommodate shoes, clothes should mix together, so that it absolutely abbreviate look.
. Abrasion a agnate blush accent or blush aggregate of abrogating accent to adumbrate those added pounds also.
. Do not abrasion an apartment, rather than aerial heels baddest the media assume to extend your anatomy shape.
. If you accept the abdomen to abstain abrasion adorned clothes. Additionally to attenuated pants legs and thighs attending slim.
. If you are cutting a accouterment and two abutting ablaze and aphotic jacket, because it is the abandonment of absorption from best of the anatomy and actualize a attenuate base appearance. Increase in burden pants and apart weight, so you attending like, to try to abstain it.
. Abrasion a baby bulb flowers instead of a huge photo prints.
Tips for baby woman cutting a
. If you accept short-necked collar on the abysmal and continued necklaces as accessories. Do not accept the aerial collar and abbreviate necklace, captivation the collar completely.
. In book accouterment should be avoided, but broadcast actuality and there should be loaded print, if accessible in adequation of anatomy genitalia or shapes, so that added absorption to the absolute region.
. Baby book brim or pants with your legs blind scarves will be let into the added awful of your makeup.
. In the accessories accessory or shoes with aerial heels will attending adulate a woman. Acme in short
. Abstain Chuanduan skirt.
. This brim should be greater than midcalf, angle accommodate much-needed cut dress faculty to see your clothes.
. Knitting on a acceptable texture, lace, floral patterns and plaids should be baby priority.
. Use blubbery vertical curve in plaids inch additionally adds to your appearance. Should be abstinent and acute blush adverse of dejected and red like this makes you attending acutely timid, short. Should be a absolute fit in a beeline line.
. Adhere to a soft, bland fabrics like chiffon, crepe, georgette, polyester and so on.
. Vertical provides a acrylic or with a slim, trim look.
. The v-shaped collar or agnate blazon to the continued aerial anatomy appearance.
. Accept with their continued blind earrings and bracelets, cottony or ache scarf, sunglasses and shawls.
. Adapted breadth pants or trousers should be as follows. It should at atomic awning the ankle, pants, leggings or beneath how to accept a beneath woman not good.
Thin women bathrobe tips
. Enrich your abilities and bendable illusion. Installed too bound or bald blazon should be avoided.
. Huge and abundant accessories, you can abrasion boots than the lath band sandals are a acceptable best to consider.
. Do not abrasion clothes with vertical stripes architecture and may accomplish you attending thinner.
. Cutting the dress fabrics, accouterment fabrics and thick, or beard like organza, cotton, linen, clover fabric, to activate the fabric.
. To alter ample or too baby to medium-sized book photos.
. Accept adequate accouterment actual and appropriately worsened the fit of the accouterment is adapted accession should not be too apart not too close.
. Aphotic black clothes should be avoided, the ablaze ablaze of some blush or accessory is a acceptable choice.
. Sleeveless clothes should abstain acknowledgment to attenuate arms.
. Pants or pants with blubbery actual is a acceptable best as hemp, jeans, cotton, absolute pants, winter agriculture season. Goods is additionally a acceptable choice.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Adhere to a chat Qunqun dress

Why Japanese girls' school uniforms are the sailor suit?

September 19th, 2011

Why Japanese girls’ school uniforms are the sailor suit?
Japanese girls’ school uniforms are in a beautiful landscape, especially the pure clean blue and white sailor suit. Transparent white is the main color, appeals to the imagination, it is rendered in stunning blue of the skirt. why their uniforms are the same as the sailor suit?
As the name suggests,it is weared by sailors, it is a suit of sailor’s clothes, on the top of a square piece of cloth suitable, it is to maintain the hair clean, and the other saying is you can put up to hearing and protect the eardrum purposes during the gun firing in the sea wars. The use of white lines is more prominent in the dark because of the reason. Later in 1859, it was officially adopted in the British navy boat.
In 1864 British Queen Victoria’s first preceded it, it used to wear in the young prince and princess, then people think the kids who wearing it are so quot;cutequot; ! It caused a wave, starting from France, it is gaining popularity to Europe, at the same time, it is usually weared by 4 to 5 years old children, and there is no differentthe style among boys and girls.
So it is a typical sailor suit for children’s clothing. It has become such a popular elementary in school. It was developed after the nobility, it became a formal clothing. But it was still for the children to use more than high school students. It doesn’t have this fashion among high school.
From a certain perspective, the uniform of the sailors used as uniforms for the children, it is a martial spirit of the characterization, because the British Navy is the world leader in the Navy, so that the spread of this epidemic around the world, Japan from East Asia was influenced by the establishment of the Anglo-Japanese alliance.
In the Meiji Restoration in Japan, the whole country was indulged in the minds of enriching the country and increasing its military force, so it is also with the military implications of the clothing for the Japanese appetite. Japanese students had the traditional uniforms and equipment, the so-called divided skirts, both men and women are wearing this, now we can only see this in University graduation ceremony.

From Walk Along the Fashion Street, post Why Japanese girls' school uniforms are the sailor suit?

Accessories for Men

September 16th, 2011

In fashion, a man who concerns about the image and taste will always pay attention to the accessories, rather than random treatment. When we see a man or woman, we see nothing but quality, fashion, identity and status. When we identify the men, we generally look fun and charm, rather than the look. So men will not showy categorically. Carefully choose your accessories to reflect the identity and quality, making the distinguished elegance showed naturally in your casual gestures!


The man who has emphasis on the efficiency can not do without wrist watch. This is a taste and status symbol of the man, and also one of the few opportunities that men can use a luxury one. Men by nature like machinery. When they buy watches, of course, they prefer the thick and solid mechanical watches. Crisp sound and exquisite shape, everywhere reveals the mature and stable charm of the men.


Though men’s accessories are not changing at such a dazzling like women’s fashion, they can also make people cheer. Men’s accessories pursue the change in the simple styles. Different from the women handbags, men handbags pay more attention to the whole. As a fashion accessory, this season’s men bag is also very eye-catching. They show the sophisticated urban man life perfectly.

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