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San Jose Bike Party Deity Ride

Published October 15th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson


My brother Jake and I at the San Jose Bike Party Deity Ride.  My boyfriend broke up with me after i made these costumes because they grossly offended his christian beliefs….


Spaghetti Tacos

Published October 14th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson


The New York Times just ran this article about spaghetti tacos.  

On an episode of the hit Nickelodeon series “iCarly,” the lead character’s eccentric older brother, Spencer, makes dinner one night. Glimpsed on screen, the dish consists of red-sauce-coated pasta stuffed into hard taco shells. What could be more unappealing?

When Julian Stuart-Burns, 8, asked his mother to make the tacos one night, she simply laughed. “I thought he was joking,” said Jennifer Burns, a Brooklyn mother of three. “But then he kept asking.”

I won’t argue against the inherit beauty of the taco.

Anthropology Class Evangelism

Published October 13th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

Is it just me or does this guy look like a real pirate? 

For my college anthropology class we were asked to give a presentation on a culture or religion that we felt strongly about.  I, of course, did mine on the FSM.  I made sure to dress in the formal attire as I gave my presentation.  I gave out fliers and explained the fundamental concepts of heaven (as seen in the picture).  All of my fliers were kept by my peers, and my professor gave me an A.  Apparently Washington State University has FSM supporters in the student body and faculty…

Divine Wall Art

Published October 13th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

This artwork appears to be on drywall. I recommend Magic Eraser brand melamine foam sponges.

Happy cat or fsm?  Has my 4 year old been touched by his noodly appendage?  I believe so.


That appears to be Him, but I am concerned about the placement of the meatballs.

Corn Maze Protection

Published October 11th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

in disguise

I was not quite sure where to submit this, but I have yet more evidence of the existence of His Noodliness. We received handstamps at a corn maze, that clearly show the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and how he guided us safely through the corn :-)

Your Fellow Pastafarian,


Cake Walk Evangelism

Published October 4th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

Only one is the True FSM

My wife baked these cupcakes for my son and daughter’s school carnival this Thursday.  They’ll be in the cake walk.  Hope someone becomes enlightened.

Sara’s painting

Published October 1st, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

I love the boat -- someone please turn this picture into build plans

Just finished my first FSM Painting.
Thought I’d share.

Very nice, thanks!

Burning Man wedding

Published September 28th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

I thought you would like to know that His Noodliness made his first scientifically-documented appearance on the Playa of Black Rock City during Burning Man 2009, which year’s theme was "Evolution". He returned this year for "Metropolis", wearing his socks and overseeing a real, live wedding. He also gave his blessing to some pirates on their way to be united in a polyamorous, extra-legal playa civil union. We were all more than adequately touched by his noodly appendages.
Best Regards,

The Temple

The guy in the back appears to be from the future


Congratulations! May you forever be Touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Free Cupcakes

Published September 21st, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

In honor of TLAPD, Dr Chris Martel owner of Downtown Dental in Corvallis, OR, held a TLAPD costume contest and distributed free pirate cupcakes throughtout downtown Corvallis. Attached is the winner of the "pet category" and some pics of Dr Martel’s FSM costume.





DragonCon sighting

Published September 20th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

Bill spotted the FSM at DragonCon.

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day

Published September 20th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson


Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day everybody.   [I think this picture is from Bent Objects]

Rally to restore sanity / March to keep fear alive

Published September 17th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

well played

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have just announced a rally for October 30th that we should take part in.  They’re calling it the “Rally to Restore Sanity” / the “March to Keep Fear Alive”.

It would be great if we can have a large Pastafarian presence to support the cause.  Perhaps we could have a meetup while we’re there? 

Here is some more info on the event:

The Daily Show announcement and event site

Colbert Report announcement and event site

Chemistry doodle propaganda

Published September 13th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

young talent.  I particularly like the space dolphin.

I thought that this might be slightly comical. Doodles from my chem class that include pirates and the fsm.


Noodly Birthday Cake

Published September 9th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

I particularly like the eyepatch

Attached is an image of my 18th birthday party cake.  A family friend always makes the most awesome cakes, out of all the ones she has made this one takes the cake.  I had no idea it was going to be an FSM cake, and I actually had some close Christian (including creationist) friends with me.  It was extremely awkward, and extremely awesome.


Japanese creature sighting

Published September 7th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

noodly appendages

Chris spotted photos of this creature on Japanator.  A fisherman found it 200M down off the coast of Japan.  I do see the resemblance to the FSM but I am wondering what He was doing down there.

TRIO sighting

Published September 6th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

but he doesn't have pinchers

Marco spotted the FSM on Fisher Price’s TRIO Crazy Creatures box.  I see the resemblance but the pinchers make me think someone is trying to spread anti-Truths about our religion.  Not cool, FP. 

Unrelated, here is a drawing of Jesus with spikes:

for protection

Sauvignon Blanc sighting

Published September 3rd, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

disguised in plain sight

I found this appearance of His Noodliness on a bottle of Chilean wine. Once again our lord blesses us with his infinite wisdom: Pasta goes great with white wine!


Parking structure sighting

Published September 2nd, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

hurling meatball

FSM has appeared in the parking structure at my work.  He is apparently a vengeful god, as he is seen hurling one of his meatballs.


Virgin Mary sighting is clearly the FSM

Published August 30th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

A church in North Carolina has been receiving a lot of attention over a "Virgin Mary" sighting.  In quotes, because it’s clearly the FSM.  Take a look: 

Mary did not have noodly appendages (so far as I know)

Here’s an article about it.  I particularly liked the quotes…

This was, to me, I feel like, an answer to prayer. I think (God) sent us a miracle.

Feel free to leave comments and set them straight.

Bronze ring creation

Published August 26th, 2010 by Bobby Henderson

Heath Carter of Burnt Wood Studio in Adelaide made this beautiful bronze FSM ring:

the eyes are mesmerizing

notice the meatballs

Beautiful, and practical, I have to say.  Amazing work, Heath.