NEWSFEED: Language protest spread among Tibetans students: Washington Post...More Tibetan students take to the streets: BBC...Tibetans protest against language curbs in schools: Guardian...Tibetan students protest language policy: BBC...Tibetan students protest language policy: Financial Times...China and Tibet blog: NEW YORK TIMES .... China tightens grip on Tibet's business class: TIME ..... Rescuers sent to search for landslide victims in Gansu: BBC ..... Officials seek to regulate Yushu quake donations: ASIAONE ..... Court rejects appeal from Tibetan environmentalist: WASHINGTON POST ..... Is development killing the Tibetan way of life?: BBC article

Student protests spread in Tibet

Following the protests of over 6,000 students in Rebkong County on 19 October, students in eastern Tibet took to the streets on 20 and 21 October against Chinese language policies that stipulate all subjects in schools should be taught in Chinese. On 22 October university students protested in Beijing.

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Cameron: Act for Tibet!

Urge Prime Minister David Cameron to stand up for Tibet during his visit in China early next month.
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Calls for freedom of press

Days after Liu Xiabo received the Nobel Peace Prize, Chinese Communist Party elders call for reforms in an open letter.
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