Welcome to Michael Bluejay's


The most complete directory of Critical Mass rides worldwide

Statement about the July 2008 incident in Seattle.

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As seen on Adbusters and Rage Against the Machine!

Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists' right to the road. The idea started in San Francisco in September 1992 and quickly spread to cities all over the world. This site attempts to be the most complete guide to all Critical Mass rides around the globe.

Critical Mass has a different flavor from city to city -- there's a big variety in size, respect of traffic laws (or lack thereof), interaction with motorists, and intervention by police. So if you want to know more about Critical Mass, you'll really need to find out what your local ride is like. For those who must know more right now, here's a link to Chicago CM, which I suppose is a "typical" CM ride, if there is such a thing.

Critical Mass has no leaders, and no central organization licenses rides. In every city that has a CM ride, some locals simply picked a date, time, and location for the ride and publicized it, and thus the ride was born.

CM is an idea and an event, not an organization. You can't write to "Critical Mass" -- certainly not by writing to me.

CM is intended to be a celebration, not an opportunity to cause trouble. Those who want to try to tie up traffic as much as possible and be confrontational with motorists are missing the point. We can assert our right to the road without being rude about it. Focus on the ride, not on the cars that also happen to be on the road.

Don't have a CM in your city? Then start one!

Critical-Mass.info is closed

I ran this site for ten years (1998-2008) as a volunteer project. Recently it's been difficult for me to update the site in a timely fashion, and I'd been wondering whether I should give up. Then some Florida CM'ers undertook a campaign to deluge me with email to demand priority for their listing to be updated -- as though that would help me get to it sooner, and as though I should move them ahead of the dozens of other cities already waiting in queue for their update. Even when I explained that I have, literally, over 10,000 messages in my In Box, they didn't care. Here's what one of them sent me:

SUPER FUCK YOU THEN! I hope this wastes your WHOLE day thinking up a reply to this. ... why am I sharing this with you? Oh yeah, to waste your precious time! Your an elitist FUCK. ... How much time of yours have I wasted now? I have wasted enough of my time trying to be nice to you, doing all but stroking your hair back to get you to change TWO FUCKING FIVES into TWO S***** SEVENS! I think your scag mother should think about building a time machine and going BACK in time and have second thoughts about FUCK*** your dad the prison guard. ... Feel free to post the sht out of this so it wastes even MORE time from your 10,005 eek mails. ... HEY CALL ME 561-633-3742. We'll talk about how busy you AREN'T! ... Let me know how much time I have wasted of yours but don't stop the clock until you hang up with me you self-righteous prick. Oh yeah before you pick up the phone, focus on this: SUPER FUCK YOU! [By Thomas Drennan, posted to their forum and emailed to me personally.]

So okay, I'm done. I encourage people to seek Critical Mass information on the Critical Mass Wiki, and more importantly, to help update it. A community effort is the best way to ensure that ride info is updated in a timely fashion.

Ride on,

Michael Bluejay
January 2009

 United States, A-C  

Last contact with me:



Last Friday @ 6:00, location varies

May '06




Last Thursday @ 5pm at Thatch & College St.

Sep '01


2nd & 4th Fridays @ 4:30 at Denny Chimes.

Jan '01



Last Friday at San Francisco & Beaver, downtown.

Oct '97


First Friday @ 6:00 from Burton Barr Library (East side, by the poles)

Mar. '06


First Saturday @ 5:30 from the ASU Memorial Union, by the fountain

Mar. '06


First Thursday @ 4:30 at University of Arizona mall.

Jun '03




Second Friday, meet 5:30, leave 6:00, at downtown Berkeley BART. The Couch, Action photos (Women's Ride, defunct)


Last Friday @ 5:00 from the plaza in downtown park

Feb. '08

Costa Mesa

Last Friday @ 6:00 from Lyon's Park (aka Airplane Park) at 18th & Park

Feb '06

Davis old site, email list

Last Friday, Meet 5pm, Ride 5:30pm, at Central Park (3rd & B St.)

Jun '03


Last Friday. Meet 5:30, Ride 6:30 from Broadway Studio's in Downtown Fresno (near Broadway & Tuolumne) (old site)

Jun '06


Last Friday @ 6:30 at Wilshire & Pomona (at the courtyard next to the Fullerton Museum)

Jul '03


Second Thursday at the Administration building flagpoles. 12:15pm Feb-March, then 5:15pm April-June.

Mar '01

Long Beach

Last Friday @ 6:00

Mar. '06

Los Angeles |
arrests in Aug 2000

Last Friday @ 6:00 from Long Beach Commuter Bike Station; 105 The Promenade

Nov. '05

Marin County

Third Friday, meet 5:00, leave 5:30, at downtown Fairfax Park.



Last Friday @ 5:00 at 10th and J Street, downtown.

Feb '04

Newport Beach

First Saturday from May to Oct. @ 6:00 from  Newport Pier (Mutt Lynch's)

May '06


Third Friday @ 5:30 in front of City Hall (14th & Broadway). (Noticed oakcal.com was down in Dec. 2004.)

Orange County

Last Friday, meet 6:00, ride at 6:30. From the Starbucks at "The Block @ Orange"

Jan '06

Palo Alto

Second Friday @ 6:00, at the Stanford Oval, continuing past the Palo Alto Caltrain Station. old email list archive

Oct '07

Palm Springs

Last Monday @ 6:00 at Palm Canyon Drive & Alejo Drive by the community center

Jul '03


First Friday @ 5:00 from the Luchessi Center.

Jan '06


Last Friday of every month @ sunset from the Galaxy 8 Theaters Parking Lot

July '08

Sacramento, old sites: #1, #2

First Friday. Meet 5:30, Ride 6:00, from Fremont Park.

Feb. '08

San Diego

Last Friday @ 7:00 at the big fountain in front of the Reuben H. Fleet Science Museum in Balboa Park. old site

June '08

San Francisco

Last Friday @ 5:30 at Justin Herman Plaza, between Embarcadero BART and the Ferry Building.

Dec '02

Shaping San Francisco
Jim Dyer's site
Talk Fast, Ride Slow
Dildoman, other superheroes
Urban Institute Article
Critical Manners ride
Email Lists: CM, SF Bike Coal.
Fliers: SCREED!, MHoover

Photos: Mitsu, Monkeyview 10/03

Scorcher's CM History, '92-'98
Ted White's Videos
Bike Summer (1999)

The July 25, 1997 SF CM:
Video documentary
  Court Victory
  Brasscheck's coverage
  Peace in the Streets

Related Groups
Critical Running Mass
Bike the Bridge Coalition
Bikes Not Bombs

San Jose

Last Friday @ 6:30 from Cesar Chavez Park (downtown) [Reported as defunct in 2008-08.]

Jan '06

San Mateo

Third Friday @ 7:00 at Millbrae Caltrain parking lot

Santa Barbara

Last Friday @ 6:00 from Alameda Park Gazebo (Santa Barbara St. and E. Micheltorena St.)

Dec '06

Santa Cruz

May '03

Santa Monica (old site)

First Friday. Meet 7:00, Ride 7:30. Meet at Colorado Blvd. & Ocean Ave., Santa Monica (corner of Palisades Park, at entrance to pier). See website for 6:30 meetup in Los Angeles

Mar '05

Santa Rosa

First Friday @ 5pm in Railroad Square (near Flying Goat Coffee)

Apr. '05


First day (Day 1) of each month @ 4:00 at Venice Circle, Main & Windward.

Walnut Creek

First Friday @ 5:30 at Civic Park, near Walnut Creek BART.

Jul '98


Colorado Springs

Last Friday @ 6:00 from Cache la Poudre and Tejon streets in front of a local deli.

Jan. '06

Denver: email list

Last Friday @ 6:00 from Civic Center Park. '03 article, '99 article

May '06


Last Friday @ 6:00 from the train station

Aug. '05

Ft. Collins

Last Friday @ 5:30 from "The Oval" on the CSU campus.

Jan. '06



Last Friday @ 5:30 from the Bushnell Park Carousel.


New Haven, and article

Last Friday @ 5:30 from the flagpole in the center of The Green. email list, old site



Last Friday @ 5:30 from Viet Nam Memorial at Main & Center Streets.


Last Friday @ 5:30 from the parking lot at the start of the Veterans' Memorial Bike Path off Jackson St., just across Union St. from the Farmers' Market.

Apr. '05


Other Critical Mass Resources

Global site guides, similar to ours:
  * CM Wikia
  * Critical-Mass.org
  * Berlin's global CM guide

How to Start a Critical Mass Ride
A step-by-step guide.

Get a free website for your local CM
...at the CM Wikia.

CM Fliers
Example fliers and handouts. Also, an SF group will make a custom Dinosaurs for Clean Air flier for your local ride.

CM Email Lists
There are Critical Mass discussion lists in cities all over the world. Join one of them.

CM Book: Critical Mass, Bicycling's Defiant Celebration
Produced for the 10-year anniversary of CM in Sept. 2002, this book chronicles the birth and evolution of the ride in S.F. and elsewhere. See about the July 2003 book tour.

Critical Mass Videos
See our separate page of CM videos & documentaries.

Critical Mass News

  • The Critical Mass Times
    An international newsletter and clearinghouse, with links to Mass happenings around the globe.

  • Velo Revolution
    Web-based newsletter of CM & bike-related happenings in London and around the world.

The Critical Mass Song   (Lyrics only.)

Critical Mass Arrests. CM made international news several times when police wrongly arrested many cyclists, on 7-25-97 in San Francisco, on 8-00 in Los Angeles, and since 2004 in NYC. (Bad arrests have happened at many other CM rides, but only these three were major media stories.) Check out websites about the San Francisco and Los Angeles incidents, or our own coverage.

Bike Advocacy

America Bikes
Lobbies the federal government to support cycling. Also, see how your elected officials voted on bicycling & transportation-related issues.

Bikes Belong's Guide to Advocacy
This national coalition group has published an online guide for doing bike advocacy work in your community, with an emphasis on using federal money for bike-friendly transportation projects.

Bike Summer
Bike Summer is an annual bike festival with rides, activist workshops, and fun events, occurring in a different city every year. Past host cities were: Los Angeles (2005), Seattle (2004), New York (2003), Portland (2002), Vancouver (2001), Chicago (2000), and San Francisco (1999). Activists are encouraged to hold Bike Summers in their own cities.

Bust Media Bias against Bicycles
This site exposes media bias against alternative transportation modes, especially the bicycle, and to address such bias with action, facts, constructive criticism and humor.

Chainguard Online
Lots of info but poorly organized.

Resources for women cyclists.

International Bike Fund
Huge advocacy site/organization, with resources about urban planning, bike to work programs, safety and more. The group is oddly named, since it has nothing to do with money or grants.

League of American Bicyclists (LAB)
Very large group which supports all types of cyclists (sports, rec, commuting, advocacy).

National Bicycle Greenway
These folks are pushing for a national (U.S.) network of bike paths for both recreation and transportation. They also held a BIG ride across the U.S. in the Summer of 2000 to promote the idea.

National Center for Bicycling & Walking
Site includes detailed PDF reports on implementing facilities improvements like bike lanes and bike boulevards.

National Cycle Network  (U.K.)
5000 miles (with more to come) of continuous routes, running right through urban centres and reaching all parts of the UK (eventually passing within 2 miles of half the population). Almost half the Network will be entirely traffic-free, built along old railway lines, canal towpaths, forestry tracks riversides and urban space.

White bike memorials for killed cyclists
A group is painting entire bikes solid white and leaving them in places where cyclists have been killed by cars.

Velo Mondial 2006 Conference
An international conference to support and plan for transportation cycling. The conference is held every six years, and the 2006 version will be held in Cape Town, South Africa in March.

Other Anti-Car sites

Auto-Saurus Commercial
Broadcast-quality ad by AdBusters.

Car Busters
International group based in Europe working towards a car-free society. They publish a hot magazine ("Car Busters") and email newsletter, and sponsor World Car-Free Day every September.

Car-Free Cities
These folks advocate for car-free cities in a well-researched and professional manner.

Car-Free City US
A group working to create a car-free city in the U.S.

(Planning a) Car-Free Day
Large, well-organized site which details how to plan a Car-Free Day in your city.

Culture Change
Documents the tremendous environmental, social and economic damage caused by endless road building. Also publishes Culture Change magazine (formerly Auto-Free Times).

Get out of the bike lane!
Posts vigilante photos of autos parked in the bike lane in Toronto, Canada.

National Park(ing) Day
Promotes the creation of temporary public parks in public parking spaces.

Less Traffic
Recommends going beyond traffic calming to reduce the number and speed of cars on the streets.

Reclaim the Streets (San Francisco, CA US)
A movement which advocates massive street parties, covertly painting bike lanes onto roadways, and other ways to subvert the car culture. Here are the RTS pages for London and Adelaide, Australia.

Right of Way (New York City)
Local group asserting cyclist and pedestrian rights over motorist prerogatives. Has stenciled over 250 street memorials to car victims and published "Killed By Automobile" report.

Transportation Alternatives (New York City)
Local group promoting alternatives to car-based transportation. This website is HOT! It's a model for other groups to emulate.

Victoria Transport Policy Institute
Publishes a number of important studies and reports, such as one explaining how cyclists actually subsidize the cost of road-building for motorists, a Pavement Buster's Guide, and much more. For activists who are ready to move beyond simply riding in Critical Mass rides and actually get something done in their communities, this site provides plenty of the ammunition they'll need.

Police vs. Critical Mass:
Latest incidents

Winnipeg, MB, Canada. Riders say police used excessive force in arresting five peacful Critical Mass riders. (More: Winnipeg Sun) May 2006

Denver, CO, USA. Police confiscated riders' bikes on the Denver Critical Mass ride. Until the police start impounding people's cars for minor traffic infractions, this is just completely inappropriate -- and an obviously childish exercise of power. (More: Westword) April 2006

Spokane, WA. The police tackled cyclists and arrested almost all of them for "Disorderly Conduct". (more) Dec. 2005

New York. Cyclist victory! The police crackdown on CM for "parading without a permit" has been declared unconstitutional. (more) Jan. 2006

New York. Cyclists filed a lawsuit against NYPD, which has responded with a counterclaim. (more) Oct. 2004

More cases of Police vs. CM
New NYC CM documentary
See a trailer for the documentary about the controversial police crackdown on NYC Critical Mass coinciding with the 2004 Republican National Convention. (Or visit the filmmakers' website.
Good news from Portland
"Exciting things have been happening for Portland's CM. We've had regular meetings with the Portland Police to reach compromises and understanding on some things, and have achieved a ride with less harrassment, more bike officers and fewer in autos / motorcycles, and a much more "feel-good" ride with less tension. This has been largely the result of a few dedicated CM riders willing to go to meetings and print up flyers for riders, etc." -- Brian

Energy & Pollution

The Oil Crisis is coming. Life as we know it is about to change, forever. Believe it. (More: Guardian article, PeakOIl.com, and Life After the Oil Crash)

How much energy we use. Overconsumption of oil means that more people will die as more wars are fought over an increasingly shrinking supply. The U.S. alone uses 46% of all the gasoline used in the world. (more...)

The true cost of gas. Americans whine about the "high" price of gas while not realizing what a sweet deal they're getting.

Pollution by cars causes lung cancer, respiratory problems, urban smog, and acid rain. Greenhouse gases emitted by cars causes global warming, which is not just a concern for the future, it's happening right now. (more...)

The True Costs of Cars

Autos on Welfare. While most motorists think that their gas taxes and registration fees pay for the roads and for other related costs, the truth is that infrastructure is financed mostly by general taxes paid by everyone, which means that those who don't drive are subsidizing those who do.

Societal costs of cars & highways. Our relationship with the automobile causes pollution, noise, congestion, sprawl, big expenses, injury, and even death. The cost is greater than we realize....

The typical American family spends almost $8000 a year to own and operate a car, when you count the car payments, gas, oil, maintenance & repairs, licenses, parking, and insurance.

If you took the money you'd save by getting rid of your car and invested it you could have $2.3 million by the time you retired. (more...)

Art Ludwig shows that AAA underestimates the cost of car use. (more...)

I was born into a cult.

The Aesthetic Realism Foundation is a small psychological cult in New York city. My grandparents were members, so my mother was born into it, and so was I. Recently I created a website about the cult to get the word out. I hope you'll check it out.

We'll cry if you don't link to us.



How to Not Get
Hit by Cars

An illustrated guide for bicyclists. Might save your life.

(Visit now...)

Knowledge is Power.

Learn How to Buy a House

About CM

Origin of Critical Mass
How to start a CM ride

Where is CM?

United States
South America
Australia &
New Zealand


Other CM Guides
Other CM Resources
Police arrests at CM
Anti-Car sites
Bike Advocacy sites
Bike Commuter sites
Other Biking Resources


Get on the Hub!
Contact Webmaster

About this site

There is no such thing as an "official" Critical Mass site. CM is an idea, not an organization. Nobody licenses the individual rides, there are no leaders. This site is just a volunteer effort by a guy who tried to put together a helpful directory of all the rides.

Our links & info are only as good as what people send to us. CM rides often die out or change times, and often nobody bothers to let us know. CM webmasters are also notorious for not updating their pages -- and often don't even list meaningful ride dates, times, and locations -- much less a "last updated" date. We can only print what we know. We're not psychic. So the ride you see listed here might be dead or changed. Sometimes we'll link to a very outdated page or a simple archived email message announcing a ride time if that's all we could dig up for that city. You can help by feeding us corrections & new sites when you know about them.

Finally, here's some hate mail we got.

Bicycle Commuting

Bicycling Life
Resources for bicycle commuters, including safety skills, strategies for biking to work, how to fix a flat tire, more.

Resources for bicycle commuters, including local & state organizations, news, products, and more.

How to Not Get Hit By Cars
An illustrated guide, with nice color pictures. Very helpful.

Other Biking Resources
More links than you can shake a kickstand at about every cycling issue imaginable, and thankfully organized into different sections.

BikeForums.net | CyclingForums.com
Web-based discussion groups
(not email-based) for a large variety of specialized biking topics, including Advocacy, Bike Mechanics, Bike Messengers, Commuting, Handcycling, Safety, Women's Cycling, and more.

For those who prefer to ride with one wheel.

Unusual Bikes: On our sister site we have a huge list of recumbent bikes (recliners), adult tricycles, cargo/workbikes, bike cars (4 wheels), trailers, pedicabs, electric scooters, and more. (see list)

Machines powered by bikes: Maya Pedal makes pedal-powered blenders, water pumps, cofee depulper, metal sharpener, washing machines, woodsaws, eectricity generators, and more. Wow!

Facilities: Check out ideas for bikeways free from cars: Bikes in the sky and an enclosed system that boosts speed with fans. Also, here are resources for planning bike facilities.

Rides: Pedaling.com
A huge, searchable list of all kinds of bike rides across the United States.

Repairs: Sheldon Brown | Park Tool | The Bicycling Site
These sites will show you how to fix your own bike.

Touring: Bicycle Universe
Tips for planning a cross-country tour. Covers training, what to pack, equipment, trip journals, and more.

Legal. When you get hit by a car, these personal injury attorneys can help: BicycleAttorney.com (Oregon), , BicycleLawyer.com, Gerry Oginski (NY), and Willie Schmerler at Scanlan, Buckle, & Young (Austin).

Get listed here  |  Contact  |  Last update: 2008.09