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Renounce, Reintegrate, Reconcile

Secretary Clinton (Oct. 14): "[W]e' re willing to support reintegration and reconciliation with people who had led the Taliban, but only on very clear conditions. They had to renounce al-Qaida and abide by the laws and constitution of Afghanistan." Full Text»

Secretary's Travel to the Balkans and Brussels

Secretary Clinton (Oct. 14): "We are deeply involved in an ongoing Strategic Dialogue, and next week I will host the third high-level meeting in Washington and review the work that 13 working groups of the U.S. and Pakistan are engaged in." Full Text» More»

WASH Is Essential for Achieving Universal Education

Under Secretary Otero (Oct. 13): "Through WASH in Schools, Embassy staff are engaging the host government and local communities on WASH's importance to health, education, and gender equity." Full Text»

In Other News

The Global Fight Against Human Trafficking: Ten Years After Palermo

Ambassador CdeBaca (Oct. 14): "Human trafficking occurs both within countries and across international borders. It is not limited to one gender, faith, or geographic area, but it impacts individuals and societies across the globe. Its full impact is often hidden from us." Full Text»

Islam and America: The Challenge of Expanding the Judeo-Christian Paradigm

Special Envoy Rosenthal (Oct. 14): "When Americans view Muslims with suspicion just because they are Muslims, this must be challenged. Our country was founded on the precepts that all human beings have inherent dignity and rights and that they are innocent until proven guilty." Full Text»

Consultation and Dialogue with Tribal Leaders

Oct. 14: In conjunction with the United States review of its position on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Department of State and other Federal agencies will host two events in October. Full Text»

Arrest of Callixte Mbarushimana
Assistant Secretary Crowley (Oct. 13): "The United States welcomes the October 11, 2010 arrest by French authorities of Callixte Mbarushimana, indicted by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity." Full Text»
Townterview With Young Europeans in Kosovo

Secretary Clinton (Oct. 13:) "I am optimistic about your future....I hope that particularly the young people will find ways not only to build your own personal future, but to contribute to your nation’s future." Full Text» Trip Page»

President Ahmadinejad in Lebanon

Assistant Secretary Crowley (Oct. 14): "His travel to southern Lebanon is solely to rally Hezbollah, which continues to serve as Iran’s proxy in Lebanon. So his presence there we think is a provocation. It continues to undermine the sovereignty of Lebanon and the security of the region. " Full Text»

U.S. Flood Relief Assistance to Pakistan
Deputy Special Representative Feldman (Oct. 12): "We've prided ourselves that we were the first in with the most contributed to date in the relief effort. We hope to retain that position as we go into the recovery and reconstruction efforts." Full Text»
Rescue of Chilean Miners
Assistant Secretary Crowley (Oct. 13): "The United States joins the world in cheering the rescue of the first miners from the San Jose mine near Copiapo." Full Text»


Date: 08/19/2010 Description: Yellow button for Pakistan relief. © Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Donate to Pakistan Relief Fund
Donate online; by texting "FLOOD" to 27722 from your mobile phone to give $10; or by downloading this form and mailing in your donation. More»
Date: 09/15/2010 Description: Hispanic Heritage Month 2010: Roberto Quiroz II - State Dept Image
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Roberto Quiroz II is a Foreign Service officer currently serving in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. More»
Date: 06/09/2010 Description: Going Mobile: Stay in Touch With the U.S. Department of State logo - State Dept Image
Get the latest foreign policy information by pointing the browser on your BlackBerry, iPhone, or other hand-held device to m.state.govMore»
Date: 04/07/2010 Description: Cover of the State Department's April 7, 2010 Open Government Plan - State Dept Image
Open Government
The State Department is committed to sharing information with the public about the diplomatic work we conduct. Open Government Plan»
Date: 09/28/2010 Location: Tel Aviv, Israel Description: Minister of Defense Ehud Barak and Special U.S. Envoy Senator George Mitchell Meeting at Barak's residence. © Matty Stern/U.S. Embassy
State @ Work
Minister of Defense Ehud Barak and Special U.S. Envoy Senator George Mitchell meeting at the Defense Minister's residence. More»
Date: 2010 Description: Workers continue restoration efforts at Qala Ikhtyaruddin, the 15th-century citadel of Herat, Afghanistan.  - State Dept Image
Cultural Preservation
A Cultural Preservation grant supports restoration of Qala Ikhtyaruddin, a 15th-century citadel in Afghanistan. Secretary's Message» More»
Date: 03/15/2010 Location: Washington Description: Opinion_space logo - State Dept Image
Opinion Space
The U.S. Department of State is interested in your perspectives and input on a series of important foreign policy questions.  More»
 Description: Students gather together to pose for camera. State Department photo
Fulbright Program Enriches Students
Learn about foreign cultures while sharing U.S. views and values. 7th Alumni Conference» Fulbrighters in DC»
Date: 02/26/2010 Description: Photo of a group of exchange program participants, ECA Bureau. - State Dept Image
Educational and Cultural Exchanges
The ECA Bureau works to increase mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and other countries.