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Updated October 12, 2010 - 8:31 PM EDT
Taliban Rejects Head of Karzai 'Peace Council'
  Petraeus Orders Probe Into British Hostage's Killing
  Karzai Confirms 'Informal' Contact with Taliban
Maliki Supporters 'Wary' Over Sadr Alliance

After British Exit, Basra Flourishes


Monday: 14 Iraqis Killed, 31 Wounded

Settlers Slam PM's Freeze Offer, Want Expansions
  Netanyahu: We'll Extend Freeze if Palestinians Recognize 'Jewish State'
Nationalist Party Scores Surprise Win in Kyrgyz Vote
Insanity of the Afghan Endgame  by Peter Preston
One Year After Obama's Peace Prize: Where's the Peace?  by Michael Tennant
Time to Turn Responsibility for North Korea Over to Its Neighbors  by Doug Bandow
Unraveling the Torture Knot  by Tim Rutten
Torture and the Ghailani Case  by Andy Worthington
Searching for Accountability  by Andrew Kennis

More Viewpoints

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Senate Urges Pentagon to Rein in Afghan Contractors

Detainee Attorney: Gitmo Plea Deal Pledge Broken

Despite Army's Prevention Efforts, Suicides Continue

Pentagon Efforts to Keep Memoir Out of Circulation Backfire

Israeli Military Court Sentences Palestinian Nonviolence Activist to Prison

Read 'Em All: Pentagon's 193 Mind-Numbing Cyber Security Regs


Iraq's Leader Gains Crucial Ally, but His Constituents Are Wary

Gunmen Kill 4 Anti-Al-Qaeda Fighters in Iraq

Gunmen Storm Baghdad Money Exchange, Kill 5

Civilian Wounded as Army Clashes With Gunmen in Mosul

Getting Away From It All: The Iraq You Don't Often See

Monday: 14 Iraqis Killed, 31 Wounded


Iran: West Influenced Russia on Missile Deal

Spain Asks Iran Not to Expel Journalist

Iran Arrests Two Foreign Reporters, Thought to Be Germans

Iran's Hardliners Target Moderate Stronghold


US Concerned About Attitude of China's Military

Furious China Blocks Visit to Nobel Winner's Wife

China: Taiwan Arms Sales Holding Back Ties With US

Central Asia

Tajikistan Blocks Internet Sites Amid Unrest

Tajikistan Suspicious of Its Students

Kyrgyzstan Elections Signal Unease With Parliamentary Rule


Bombs in South Yemen Kill 2 Near Sports Club

Yemeni Al-Qaeda Publishes Second English Magazine


Explosives Found at NY Cemetery in '09 Cause Scare

London Bombs Were Meant for a Different Day - and Different Locations


Serb Court Annuls Verdict of Bosnia Wartime Official

Clinton Visits Bosnia, Still Gripped by Ethnic Tension


US Rescuers May Have Killed Afghanistan Aid Worker

Allies at Odds Over Hostage's Death in Bungled Rescue

Tangled Tale Surrounds American Found in Afghanistan

Canadian Troops Thrown Out of Dubai Base?

NATO Soldier, Eight Civilians Killed in Afghanistan


US Branding of Pakistan Aid 'Putting Lives at Risk'

Don't Arm Pakistan, US Envoy to India Had Warned Richard Nixon in 1974

Ahmadinejad Visit to Lebanon a Boost for Hezbollah

Previously Unknown Group Threatens Ahmadinejad's Lebanon Visit

'Peace Process'

Abbas to Arab League: Israel Has Violated All Agreements

US on Netanyahu's Settlement Freeze Proposal: Our Position on This Is Well Known
Israeli Ministerial Panel Decides: Territorial Concessions Only by Referendum

Syrian President Accuses Israel of Working Against Peace


Israeli FM: Only the Strong Survive

Israel MPs Trade Barbs After Settler Purposely Hits Arab Boys with Car

Israeli Soldiers 'Shot at Children Collecting Gravel by Gaza Border'

Groups Plan 2nd Aid Flotilla to Gaza From February

Palestinian Dream City Hits Snag From Israel

Critics: Israel Loyalty Oath Undermines Pluralism


Russian Bank Explains Hiring of Spy Anna Chapman

Russia Seeks to Build Europe's Nuclear Plants


Justin Raimondo
Obama vs. the Left

Kelley B. Vlahos
Are Veterans Our Only Hope?

Nebojsa Malic
The Bosnian Standoff

Philip Giraldi
Six More Years

Ivan Eland
Will Militarization of the First Amendment Undermine the Republic?

Charles V. Peņa
Better Safe Than Sorry?

David R. Henderson
An Afternoon With Paul Chappell

Ran HaCohen
The Flotilla in the Israeli Press

Alan Bock
How Brainy Is Obama?

Additional Contributors

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