Showing posts with label Renaud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renaud. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Renaud Disography

A huge collection of workds from acclaimed French singer

Voila le discographie

1975 - Amoureux De Paname

1977 - Laisse Béton

1979 - Ma Gonzesse

1980 - Marche A L’ombre

1980 - Renaud A Bobino (Live)

1981 - Le P’tit Bal Du Samedi Soir (Live)

1981 - Le Retour De Gérard Lambert

1982 - Un Olympia Pour Moi Tout Seul (Live)

1983 - Morgane De Toi

1985 - Mistral Gagnant

1988 - Putain De Camion

1989 - Visage Pâle Rencontrer Public (Live)

1991 - Marchand De Cailloux

1993 - Cante El’ Nord

1994 - A La Belle De Mai

1995 - Les Introuvables (Album Rare)

1995 - Renaud Chante Brassens

1996 - Paris-Provinces Aller-Retour (Live)

2002 - Boucan D’enfer

Liens :





FROM sharedsite

Mon paradis perdu
Celui qui a mal tourné
Les oiseaux de passages
Le petit garçon

BOF Fallait pas

Les introuvables
(Uniquement dispo dans "L'intégrale")

MJC Argenteuil
(Live 1976)

Le son est vraiment pas terrible mais c'est une belle curiosité.

Le petit oiseau
qui chantait faux
(Conte pour enfant)
Le grand Choral
chante Renaud
Partie 1 Partie 2

Casino de Paris 1992
(Enregisté aux studio RTL)

Partie 1
Partie 2
Les bonus

Zénith 1986

(Uniquement dispo dans "L'intégrale")

Olympia 1996
(CD 1)
Olympia 1996
(CD 2)

Big thanks to Joe le Taxi and the original posters

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Renaud - Les Introuvables / Song for Mad Maggie!

cartoons © roykeanz, 2008

When England was the whore of the world,

Margaret was her madam

There is no female hooligan
Imbecilic, filled with murder
No, not even in Britain
Except, for sure, Madame Thatcher

We've posted the lovely Maggie ditty from Elvis Costello, Tramp the Dirt Down and it's album Spike!

In similar vein, here's another great song, dedicated to Mad Maggie T., it's Miss Maggie by French singer Renaud (aka Renaud Séchan).

Women of the world or street
So very often just the same
I love every one I meet
Have they fame or be they plain

Down to the last stupid crow
I praise with every word I utter
I'm disgusted by men now
With their morals from the gutter

'Cause there's no woman in this land
Quite so stupid as her brother
Nor so vain or underhand
Except, maybe, Madame Thatcher

Lady I love you now, I do
'Cause when a sport becomes a war
There's no girls, or very few
Amongst those fans who yell for more

Those with no marbles left to lose
Up to here with hate and beer
Deifying fools in blue
Insulting bastards with a sneer

There is no female hooligan
Imbecilic, filled with murder
No, not even in Britain
Except, for sure, Madame Thatcher

I love woman just because
When she's sitting at the wheel
There's no man-like sense of loss
No urge to kill is yours to feel

For a slightly damaged headlight
Or for two fingers in the air
There are those who wish to fight
To the death if they but dare

An "up yours" their favourite sign
There's no woman so vulgar
To use this symbol all the time
Except, perhaps, Madame Thatcher

How I love you, dear woman
You don't go to war to die
Because the vision of a gun
Does not make you pant and sigh

Amongst those hunters of the night
Who jump on creatures that are frail
And occasionnally an Arabite
I've yet to see a female

There is no woman low enough
To spit and polish a revolver
Just to feel so bloody tough
Except, for sure, Madame Thatcher

The atom bomb was never made
By a human female brain
And no female hand has slayed
Those U.S. peoples of the plain

Palestinians or Armenians
Bear their witness form the grave
That a genocide is masculine
Like a SS or a Green Beret

In this bloody mass of man
Each assassin is a brother
There's no woman to rival them
Except, of course, Madame Thatcher

And lastly Woman, above all
I love hour gentleness so mild
A man draws strength from his own balles
Wich like his gun he shoots from wild

And when the final curtain draws
He'll join the cretins in the harvest
Playing football, playing wars
Or who can piss the farthest

I would join the doggic host
And love my days on earth
As my day to day lampost
I would use Madame Thatcher.

Me Love Mr Maggie by roykeanz

Renaud - Miss Maggie (fr. vers.)

Renaud - Miss Maggie (engl. vers.)

the lyrics you'll find here (french):

and here (engl.)

The english version of the song is from the album by Renaud below;

Renaud - Les Introuvables (1995)

Mp3@192,incl. covers

Lots more great Renaud stuff on this site:

Huge thanks to Joe le Taxi!

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Elvis Costello - Wake up Maggie (Palin-Thatcher) / SPIKE

cartoons © roykeanz, 2008

When England was the whore of the world,

Margaret was her madam

Mad Maggie's being resurrected lately!

The only touchstone that can fully describe the uber right-wing sentiments of bimbo Polar Palin!

Who'd have thought some mad nazi bitch with potentially limitless power would crawl out of some Alaskan sewer and almost make Mad Maggie Thatcher look liberal! Almost!

That Thatcher was one evil, right-wing cunt!

Thatcher wreaked untold havoc in her own country and across vast tracts of the world;
  • in Britland, she tried to decimate the working class - and to a large extent succeeded (e.g. forcibly ruining the livelihood of thousands of miners, dismantling the unions, etc),
  • in Northern Ireland (e.g. refusing to give basic rights to IRA prisoners, resulting in the deaths of many prisoners by horrific hunger-strike and also ultimately leading to the rise of IRA power; authorising deaths squads to kill certain individuals with views contrary to hers; overseeing a government which gave confidential police information on suspected IRA members to Protestant Terrorist murder gangs; etc. etc.),
  • in the Malvinas Islands (staging an insane war over a piece of uninhabited Argentinian rock in the Atlantic in order to win an upcoming election!)
  • and further afield (being a big supporter of evil tyrant Pinochet, backing senile Ronny Reagan's crazy campaign of supporting tyrannical right-wing despots in numerous places from Chile to Salvador to Guatemala to SE Asia!)!
There's loads more shit too if I wanted to waste more time remembering! But I don't!

Is this mad evil hag still alive?

Elvis Costello famously wrote the bile filled "Tramp the Dirt Down" in the bitch's honour on his 1989 LP Spike which we post below.

Costello's ultimate dream therein is that "... when they finally put you in the ground, I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" !!

Why don't you tell us how you really feel, Elvis?!!

This track makes Lennon's great "How do you Sleep?" seem like a nursery rhyme!!


I saw a newspaper picture from the political campaign
A woman was kissing a child, who was obviously in pain
She spills with compassion, as that young child's
Face in her hands she grips
Can you imagine all that greed and avarice
Coming down on that child's lips

Well I hope I don't die too soon
I pray the lord my soul to save
Oh Ill be a good boy, I'm trying so hard to behave
Because theres one thing I know, Id like to live
Long enough to savour
Thats when they finally put you in the ground
I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down

When England was the whore of the world
Margaret was her madam
And the future looked as bright and as clear as
The black tarmacadam
Well I hope that she sleeps well at night, isn't
Haunted by every tiny detail
cos when she held that lovely face in her hands
All she thought of was betrayal

And now the cynical ones say that it all ends the same in the long run
Try telling that to the desperate father who just squeezed the life from his only son
And how its only voices in your head and dreams you never dreamt
Try telling him the subtle difference between justice and contempt
Try telling me she isn't angry with this pitiful discontent
When they flaunt it in your face as you line up for punishment
And then expect you to say thank you straighten up, look proud and pleased
Because you've only got the symptoms, you haven't got the whole disease
Just like a schoolboy, whose head's like a tin-can
Filled up with dreams then poured down the drain
Try telling that to the boys on both sides, being blown to bits or beaten and maimed
Who takes all the glory and none of the shame

Well I hope you live long now, I pray the lord your soul to keep
I think Ill be going before we fold our arms and start to weep
I never thought for a moment that human life could be so cheap
cos when they finally put you in the ground
They'll stand there laughing and tramp the dirt down

Elvis Costello - Spike
mp3 @ 192 Kbit/s
Total size : 58,7 MB
Released February 14, 1989
Recorded 1987-1988

Genre : Rock
Total time : 00:41:30
Producer Elvis Costello, Kevin Killen & T-Bone Burnett

I gotta say that I was a huge Elvis fan in the late eighties (I was about 9 at the time! ... Really!), but this one didn't do much for me.

However, returning to it these decades later, it seems better than I had originally remembered.


1....This Town
2. Let Him Dangle
3. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror
4. Veronica
5. God's Comic
6. Chewing Gum
7. Tramp The Dirt Down
8. Stalin Malone
9. Satellite
10. Pads, Paws And Claws
11. Baby Plays Around
12. Miss Macbeth
13. Any King's Shilling
14. Coal-Train Robberies
15. Last Boat Leaving



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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

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