Showing posts with label Fredrik. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fredrik. Show all posts

Saturday, 13 February 2010

The Music - Fredrik's "Vinterbarn"

From Swedish group Fredrik's brand new and excellent sophomore release "Trilogi", here's the gorgeous "Vinterbarn", a glorious slice of avant-garde Swedish baroque pop!

Fredrik are a group of lil dream-weaving pixies who live in a rainbow coloured treehouse in a massive forest near the Arctic circle, surviving only on wild berries, magic mushroms and reindeer milk! They sure make a fine f*cking racket though!

Yap, I'm really loving this album! Beautiful otheworldly music.

There's actually a lot of excellent stuff coming out of Scandinavia lately. The days of ABBA are long gone! Thank f*ck!

Vinterbarn refers topeople born in the months October to February (in Swedish vinter means winter and barn means children). Such folk "usually develop clashing personalities in child groups due to age differences," some mad psychiatrist claims! The lyric relfects this with the repetition of the line ... "the harder the snow, the harder they grow"!

Yap, Jimmy Cliff here goes to the frozen lands of the north and gets all moody, dreamy and avant-garde! And very f*cking cold!

There's a nice video for this thing too. Lotsa lovely stop-motion madness! And a crazy typewriter!

Man, I haven't seen a typewriter for years! I had one years ago but I threw it in the garbage as it wasn't allowing me free access to porn! This new typewriter thingy I've got that's connected to a kind of TV and a sort of phone line and some spiderweb thing allows me limitless access though!

Stereogum are kindly giving this fine track as a MP3 taster download for the album. Check it out mofos! Then buy the goddamn album!

Art of the Cover - Fredrik's "Trilogi" (2010)

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