Showing posts with label Dan Black. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dan Black. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 June 2010

The Crock - Dan Black's Symphonies

A ditty from Black's debut solo album, called, erm, ((UN))

Let's start by asking what the hell's up with that title? Black Dan manages to make the satanic 'Eye of Horus' symbol and exhort the insidious NWO entity the UN in one fell (foul!) swoop!

So, it's "Symphonies"  which I came across  a few months back on some mix tape. At first listen, it seemed alright; a dumb but likeable pop ditty - a Vampire Weekend clone, devoid of soul. Well, until I listened to the lyrics a little better!

'Sym-Phonies' is actually some indie Black-Eyed Peas type shit; a paean to Transhumanism with lines like "I open my eyes and beams come out" and "A couple of the wires in my heart are broke"! ... Erm, subtle!

Plus some 'Eye of Horus' references thrown in for good measure ... "I lie down in the dust just under your eye"!

Black, of course, was formerly leader of an oufit called "The Servant" (servant of whom, I wonder!)! And, looking at some promo pix of the guy, there's a hell of a lot of 'MK Ultra' and other NWO imagery going on there!

Where in hell was I? Oh yeah ... I somehow stumbled across the vid the other day and, aside from being a crazy stylistic mish-mash, sure enough the thing opens with what else but the occult 'Eye of Horus'.

This is followed by references to David Lynch's occult-laden "Lost Highway" and lots of Transhumanism imagery with more than a few satanic symbols and images sprinkled throughout, for good measure!

Anyway, this ass is begging "Gimme more than the life I see!" Nah, not a cry for some guidance on some righteous path - far more a justification for a Faustian pact!

So, expect to see this douche to hit the "big time" real soon! ... Can't wait!!

"No Hocus Pocus"? ... Really???!!

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