Showing newest posts with label China. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label China. Show older posts

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Visions Of You Endlessly

I'm not that numbed anymore
Not longer feel the hate and pain
No longer drenched in shame
I'm not that numbed anymore
Now I am the key to the door
The kingdom of heaven lies inside
Makes a cirlce with the turning tide
Now the circle is complete
And the heart and mind they need
The kingdom of heaven lies inside
I love visions of you endlessly
I love visions of you endlessly
It's a vision for me and for you
Hell can be a circle too
With intention unbroken
And the truth remains unspoken
A vision for me and for you
I love visions of you endlessly

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Ni Hao Amanda does Soccer Sweety

Art of the Advert - Chinese Cutie hawks some phone / mp4 thingy

Sure I'll buy that thing honey - whatever it is!

I can always do with more stuff like that - whatever it is!

Just lean down a little bit more first though!!

Monday, 14 June 2010

Ni Hao Soccer Sweety Luo Jiaqi goes Dutch

Yeah, of course she knows exactly where Holland is!!

BTW, where did the letter "D" disappear to?

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The Dumb Side - Chinese Bra-Removing Contest Pits Nerds Against Bras

Bra-Removing Contest Pits Nerds Against Bras

By V Saxena

For many men, a bra is a paradox among paradoxes. It fits a woman so snugly and supports her bosom so well, yet for some men remains so impossibly difficult to remove. It may perhaps be the number one reason why quick-thinking but clumsy-fingered men never score.

Looking to permanently ameliorate this pesky situation is a shopping mall in China that just launched a bra-removing contest. Read on and pay attention, fellow nerds!

Our story begins at the Guangzhou mall in Guangzhou city, China. Earlier this month, officials at the shopping center staged a bra-removing contest in which participants were charged with removing eight bras in under 60 seconds. Whoever could manage the task was awarded with a 1,000 yuan ($146.50) voucher to spend as he or she chose.

During the contest, eight scantily clad ladies sporting a bra, face mask, and short-shorts stood in line on stage as competitors rushed by them quickly removing their bras. The catch was that that they had to do it with only one hand.

According to the Mumbai Mirror news agency, most crowd members clapped and cheered in jubilation. However, one uptight fart complained: “This must have been the brainwave of a dirty old man. Why would anyone want to take part in such a degrading spectacle?”

A shopping mall spokesman defended the competition, saying, “The workings of a woman’s bra are a mystery for many men. This activity helped more people understand bra culture and explore its secrets.” I suppose that knowledge is indeed power!

The irony is that it was in fact a woman who came out on top by undoing all eight bras in just 21 seconds. During an interview with Fox Chicago, she said, “I didn’t expect to win; maybe it was because I get so much practice in my everyday life.”

Remember fellas—practice makes perfect. So go buy a bra, put it on IN PRIVATE and get to undoing it over and over and over again. It’s embarrassing, but it may be your last chance to master the art of quickly undoing a bra—lest you’re cast out of the world of male-to-female copulation forever!