Showing newest posts with label Ashley Cole. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Ashley Cole. Show older posts

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Douches Depart - Cheryl and Cashley Cole divorce shocker

With a tweet, it's over for Cheryl and Ashley Cole: They were so in love with themselves, the marriage never stood a chance

By Alison Boshoff and Sara Nathan

Cheryl Cole has finally filed for divorce from her husband Ashley, months after rumours of his cheating ways hit the headlines.

The legal papers were lodged at the High Court on Tuesday afternoon - while Cole was deep in preparations for the World Cup.

His spokesman has refused to comment, saying it is a private matter. But Cheryl's PR company Supersonic had no such qualms, posting on Twitter: 'We can confirm the divorce.'

And so, after four exhausting months of carefully crafted but increasingly idiotic PR stunts, it's over.

The marriage of Cheryl Tweedy and Ashley Cole, which was forged in the vulgar crucible of OK! magazine for a fistful of cash, has been ended on Twitter with a blunt confirmation from her PR company that she has filed for divorce.

It was always low-rent, and vulgar, and seemed never to be about anything so much as looking good - so the faddish superficiality of a 'tweet' is perhaps its perfect epitaph.

Not that Cheryl's team will leave it at that. In the latest piece of spin massage, a source tells us that she is being 'generous' in filing for divorce from Ashley now so that her philandering hubbie has a whole two weeks before the World Cup to get over it.

Indeed, we are asked to believe that the Geordie lass, 26, is initiating this divorce with a heavy heart - and is acting only in the public interest. 'Cheryl has put England's World Cup dreams ahead of herself,' the source sighs.

The truth, however, is that her decision to pull the plug this week looks suspiciously like she is trying to hang on to her status as the nation's sweetheart. Most women would have dumped a cheating husband months before.

Indeed, Dolly Dimple (as she's called by her bandmates) has been quick to make Ashley, 29, look as bad as possible at every turn.

We've had the drama of her removing her wedding ring and the hidden messages in her clothes (a T-shirt featuring a weeping woman and another reading 'I left my heart in Beverly Hills').

But now even she can recognise that the ridiculous will-she-won't-she pantomime is starting to wear thin.

Cheryl has retained the services of solicitor Joyce Smith, who represented Mick Jagger in his multi-million pound split from Jerry Hall. Miss Smith also represented Ronnie Wood when he and wife Jo divorced last November.

The divorce papers state that Cheryl confronted her husband over claims of his infidelities and that 'he admitted it'. She is said to want a 'divorce with dignity', and is keen for it to be as quick and painless as possible.

Her decision was greeted with relief by her mother Joan and friends who had feared that, during this cooling off period, there was a danger that Cheryl might take Ashley back.

He has been sending her plaintive texts and she replied with a message of congratulations when Chelsea won the FA Cup earlier this month.

And Ashley, who will be represented in the divorce by his lawyer Graham Shear, of Berwin Leighton Paisner, is said to be stunned by the decision to file the papers. He last night told a friend: 'I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach.'

And a source close to Cole added: 'Ashley feels that Cheryl has just bowed to pressure from her mum and her management company to finalise the divorce.

'He is devastated and feels that she has filed the papers right now to scupper his World Cup chances.'

Yesterday he returned to Irdning, Austria with the rest of the England squad to continue their pre-tournament preparations.

The couple have been together since 2004. She was already famous thanks to Girls Aloud; his football career was similarly well-established. They dated for nine months before Ashley proposed in Dubai.

Coverage of their wedding in 2006 was sold to OK! magazine for £1.5million. The bride wore a £110,000 Roberto Cavalli dress; the groom wore white, with a white rose and a diamond earring.

Pandering to celebrity magazine headline-writers, Cheryl cooed: 'This is the man I am going to have my babies with', adding that he had a 'beautiful soul'.

But with two such narcissists, was this celebrity romance ever as solid as it was sold? Particularly if you stripped away the mansion, the sports cars, the diamonds and the designer clothes.

They seemed to share a common interest in making and spending cash and being admired.

The money rolled in. A £200,000 deal to promote the Lottery; his much-derided move from Arsenal to Chelsea for £120,000 a week; and her £1.75million two-year contract as a judge on ITV's X Factor (on top of her £1.5million a year from Girls Aloud).

But however perfect things looked from the outside, there were ominous signs. Within a few months, Ashley had allegedly cheated on her with hairdresser Aimee Walton.

When the story emerged in January 2008, Cheryl took off her ring, lost weight and took a holiday with her girlfriends.

Eventually, she took her husband back - accepting he had been drunk and had gone home with the girl, but believed that he was 'not capable' of physically being unfaithful when he was in a state through drink.

Anyone else might have had a bit more pause for thought. But Cheryl hung on to her husband with the same determination which had helped her escape her upbringing in Heaton, near Newcastle, and make a career in showbiz.

One of five children, she grew up on a council estate. Her mother Joan always believed that her daughter was a star in the making - and so did Cheryl.

Mum entered her in the Boots Bonniest Baby competition, which she won, and from that modest beginning Joan pushed her willing daughter into the spotlight.

At 16, Cheryl beat more than 9,000 hopefuls to win a place at the Royal Ballet Summer School in London. In 2002 she auditioned for Popstars: The Rivals, and steamed through the heats to become the first girl chosen for Girls Aloud.

After their wedding, Cheryl continued to lean on her mother, who spent a huge amount of time in her daughter's £6million married home in Surrey helping out (neither of the newlyweds could cook). She eventually moved in and became a constant presence in their lives.

Perhaps the relationship never had the chance to blossom into anything more than puppy love. Ironically, Cheryl said she only really trusted her dog and her mother.

And no wonder. In February, blonde model Sonia Wild, 28, came forward to say she had received X-rated photos from Ashley by text last summer.

Then football secretary Vicki Gough, 30, revealed that he had also sent her more than 300 smutty texts, including pictures of him naked and one of him standing in front of a mirror in a pair of white underpants. She said they slept together twice in hotel rooms when Chelsea were playing away.

Next, American government worker Ann Corbitt, 28, came out of the woodwork and said she had also slept with the footballer during Chelsea's tour of the U.S. last summer. Cheryl's humiliation was complete.

But she took her time to file for divorce. Friends say she still loved Ashley and believed strongly in the security of a relationship.

However, she has been moving on little by little. For the past few months she has been based in a hotel suite in London's Mayfair, and she has reportedly looked at a luxurious penthouse flat in Highgate, North London.

And she has made it clear that she can find a new mate. There was the tedious 'faux-mance' with dancer and Chihuahua enthusiast Derek Hough in Beverly Hills soon after she separated from Ashley.

This was followed by yet another improbable liaison, with from the Black Eyed Peas. They were pictured cuddling up at a party in Cannes last week.

Even Ashley, who might be expected to feel jealous at the sight of his estranged wife being pawed by another man, has been telling friends that he knows it is 'a publicity stunt pure and simple'.

Such liaisons, though, make her appear desirable, and perhaps she needed that fillip after the stories about Ashley.

For a girl bewitched with the trappings of fame, the idea of a marriage to a footballing superstar was an obvious first goal.

But even though that's now in ruins, 'our lass' Cheryl's addiction to Planet Celebrity means she'll pick herself up and move on to play bigger games - a little more wary and a lot more independent.

A source close to the singer told the Mail that she will not be chasing a big settlement.

'Cheryl maintained from day one that, if the separation led to divorce she didn't want any of Ashley's money. And nothing has changed in the intervening period,' the source said.

'Cheryl is over the worst of it all. She's feeling better and is trying to move on with her life.'

Thursday, 4 March 2010

The Shot - Hot Brit Chick Has NOT Banged Ashley Cole!


One of the few chicks in Britland not bedded by the insidious douchebag Cashley Cole!

Monday, 1 March 2010

Moving Model Alexandra Taylor's another Ashley Cole cutie

Alexandra Taylor, on of the many bimbo totty "touched up" by married Chelsea douche Ashley Cole!

Why did his missus ever leave that cnut?!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Ashley Cole - What was he doing?

What was he doing?

by Jim White

It must be an odd household, the Coles. There's Mrs C, her smiley countenance widely revered, a woman anointed by the popular press as a national treasure. Never mind the fact she was once prosecuted for a vicious attack on a lavatory attendant; her radiance, her beauty, her kindness seemingly exude from every pore. She's a love.

And then there's her husband, if not the most reviled man in Britain then running Sir Fred Goodwin a pretty close second. A man who, when he's not whining about the insulting paucity of a £55,000 a week wage offer, is facing allegations that he showered some sexual conquest in vomit. Perhaps Ashley thinks that by associating with Cheryl some of her good PR might rub off on him, that somehow things will average out and they will come to be seen as a perfectly nice couple. Rather than as they are: the saint and the prat.

If so, his latest indiscretion will hardly have helped his cause. Stroppy, drunk and disorderly, shouting his mouth off on the pavement outside a swanky bar in the early hours, is not a condition most football fans wish to see their leading players in at anytime. But right in the midst of a three-pronged assault on the honours board it is nothing less than a dereliction of duty.

The fact is, however much the runes seem to suggest that Manchester United will hoover up all available silverware, Chelsea are very much in it. Sure, they are behind in the Premier League, but in the FA Cup and Champions League they are as well positioned as Alex Ferguson's side. Perhaps in Europe they are even better off. Indeed, it is perfectly possible to see the club matching, if not bettering their trio of second places last season. Maybe that was Roman Abramovich's masterplan all along. This is what happens when you sack a manager halfway through the season, he will doubtless be telling his acolytes, you find yourself right in amongst the trophies at the conclusion of hostilities.

Indeed, such has been Chelsea's new-found fervour now that Guus Hiddink has taken control, such has been the way the players have been talking up their chances, such has been the ease about the place, the way in which tactics and systems suddenly seem to make sense, that Cole's aberration is all the more reprehensible. OK, drowning your sorrows at the end of a disappointing term is one thing, but getting bladdered midweek just as things are hotting up is reminiscent of what used to go on at George Graham's Arsenal or Big Ron's United, places where Tuesday piss-ups were routine and training largely the opportunity to run off a hangover.

That sort of thing was supposed to be consigned to the past, the days before bleep tests and endless ProZone evaluation. Even Harry Redknapp, a man who hardly behaves like a Presbyterian, recently insisted that these days there is no place for any booze whatsoever in the footballer's lifestyle. And yet here was Cole, a man who surely must know better, three sheets to the wind and larging it. It must make every Chelsea fan, the very people whose enormous financial commitment keeps the player in Flaming Ferraris, or whatever it is he drinks these days, despair.

Maybe Cheryl could have a word. Either that or she could turn out next week against Juventus. You get the feeling she would be much better received.

Idiot Cashley Cole drunken rant at Police

The vastly over-rated, supreme moron and petulant asshole that is Cashley Cole came forth with a drunken rant at Police in the wee hours yesterday at one of London's most exclusive, and expensive, restaurant.

What the f*ck was this arrogant nitwit doing, getting sloshed in the early hours when the team - albeit a rubbish one - that lavishes him with insane wealth are - albeit feebly - trying to compete for three trophies?!

Why was this moron shouting at the cops and, more importantly, why didn't he spend the night in stir for abusing cops, instead of getting off scott free with a minor fine? If the average man on the street - i.e. not a multi millionaire footy star! - was abusing cops like that, the story would be very different!

Premier League - Cole apologises to police for drunken rant
Eurosport - Fri, 06 Mar 2009

Chelsea and England defender Ashley Cole has apologised to the police for a foul-mouthed tirade that led to him being arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct.

However, Cole admits he did not heed their warnings to calm down and regrets not taking their advice. He also made it clear that he had not consumed a vast amount of alcohol.

Cole declared: "I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the police officers on duty last night for my language.

"I felt I was being harassed by paparazzi and while complaining to the police about this at the scene they did warn me to calm down, a warning that I regrettably did not heed.

"I fully appreciate that whatever frustrations I may have had with others that it was completely inappropriate to vent those in conversations with the police.

"However, I do want to make clear that I swore in frustration at the paparazzi's behaviour. I would never disrespect police officers in anyway.

"I take very seriously my responsibilities as a professional footballer, this includes keeping my body in the best condition.

"Although I had consumed some alcohol earlier in the evening on a night out with friends it had not been excessive.

"But I accept that the language I used on this occasion was wrong. I regret my actions and how it reflects on myself and Chelsea Football Club."

The 28-year-old was arrested in Brompton Road, South Kensington, at about 2.15am on Thursday morning after emerging from the Collection nightclub.

Police sources said the officers were already on patrol in the street and were not called to any disorder.

One source denied reports they were following up a complaint from a photographer over an alleged bust-up with Cole.

Cole was taken to a central London police station and issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice for being drunk and disorderly before being released shortly after 5.30am.

Cole is likely to be fined by Chelsea.

The Collection nightclub is a popular haunt on the west London celebrity scene.

Before his arrest last night, Cole had joined Chelsea's first-team squad and more than 300 charity workers, celebrities and supporters for the second annual Chelsea FC and Armani charity fundraiser.

Cole, who racked up a £1,000 bill at the restaurant with team-mates Terry and Michael Mancienne, was "rude" to police after getting frustrated by waiting paparazzi, Mr Maraj revealed.

The manager said the trio had "behaved well" before someone apparently took a picture of Cole inside the restaurant.

The three players enjoyed a range of drinks, some of which may have been bought for them by other guests, he added.

"People were coming up to them during dinner, men and women. They seemed happy and quite polite - all the players came for a quiet night."

Revealing how Princes William and Harry were previously regular guests at the bar, Mr Maraj added: "I believe there was a photographer inside who took a picture of Cole.

"He (Cole) was more frustrated than being drunk, because of paparazzi - it must have been something.

"My staff told me he stopped to speak to police as he left. He was apparently complaining about paparazzi. My staff said he was being rude to the police."

He added that the Chelsea players regularly visited his venue and always behaved well.

Cole ate a Japanese steak costing £50, he added.


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