Friday, 31 October 2008

Fishing is slightly less boring than we thought, shocker!!

one-eyed cat peeping in a seafood boat !

Stumbling home Friday night after one too many beers - well, after one crate of beer too many!- through an extreme thunderstorm so insane that we saw some mad pervert in a boat collecting pairs of animals he wanted to breed with, screaming "the end is nigh! the end is nigh!"

Come to Papa, bitches!

After doing the backstroke for 2 miles, we find ourselves home, feeling like that guy from that soap opera Dallas who was really half fish!

Anyway, after a long shower, we stumble across this weird fucking Ozzy TV show called Ultimate Fishing Show.

The initial urge to change channel is negated by the crappy remote running out of battery power, so we watch and find some Ozzy chav idiot on a boat spouting about the excitement of fishing! However, this dumbness is miraculously saved by his being accompanied by two stunning bottled-blonde, bimbo hotties clad only in teeny weeny bikinis reeling big fish into a speedboat!

Fucking hell! Like everyone else vaguely normal, we'd always considered fishing an extremely dumb activity for extremely dumb people (a little like the correlation between moose hunting in Alaska and retarded Governors!)

But this almost made fishing a teeny weeny bit less boring! Almost!!

However, we really could've done without scenes where the two stunning hotties clad only in teeny weeny bikinis are trying to extricate hooks from the desparate mouths of manically wriggling fish and then bloodingly slitting said unhappy fish right open and, while still flapping around, ripping their guts out with their bare hands!

Talk about aversion therapy! We felt a little like Alex in Clockwork Orange! An overdose of this and we're likely to turn into George Michael!

Of course, we're not really surprised by anything on Ozzy TV!

Ozzyland is one of the strangest countries on the planet! Way too close to Japland and other insane Asian countries for it's own good!

Cars really ain't boring !

What a chassis!!

We'd love a test ride!

Wrestling ain't boring

Cars ain't boring

What a chassis!!

On the car, we mean!

"Shake Rattle And Roll" and the power of dilution

You wear low dresses, the sun comes shining through. I can't believe my eyes, all that mess belongs to you.

The two classic versions of the magnificent and seminal rock n'roll number Shake Rattle And Roll written by Jesse Stone! A song that radically changed modern music and affected most of what music came after.

Very different versions in terms of content and style of performance. Very different racial aspects too!

It just proves what watering things down can do for you! We still see the same type of bullshit today!

"Shake, Rattle and Roll" is the prototypical twelve bar blues rock and roll song. It was written in 1954 by Jesse Stone under his assumed songwriting name Charles E. Calhoun and was originally recorded by Big Joe Turner.

Of course, "Shake, Rattle and Roll" was most successfully by Bill Haley & His Comets.

In early 1954, Herb Abramson of Atlantic Records suggested to Stone that he write an up-tempo blues for Big Joe Turner, a blues shouter whose career had begun in Kansas City before World War II. Stone played around with various phrases before coming up with "shake, rattle and roll"!

However, the phrase was not new. It had been used in a number of earlier songs.

In 1919, Al Bernard recorded a song about gambling with dice with the same title, clearly evoking the action of shooting dice from a cup. The phrase is also heard in "Roll The Bones" by the Excelsior Quartette in 1922.

However, while the phrase was undoubtedly passed along, neither of these songs are direct ancestors of the innovative 1954 hit.

Stone admitted that the great "one-eyed cat peepin' in a seafood store" line was suggested to him by Atlantic session drummer Sam "Baby" Lovett!

Shake Rattle & Roll As Performed by Big Joe Turner

Hey Joe! Big Joe Turner! Come on in!

Master 'shout blues' artist Big Joe Turner here marks one of the highest points of his career, and indeed modern music, with "Shake, Rattle & Roll."

A pivotal figure in popularising blues, jazz, R&B, and rock and roll, Turner's amazing career stretched from the dark days of the 1920's which found him busking on the streets of Kansas City, through tothe 1980's where well merited critical recognition led to him regularly performing at the most lauded jazz/blues festivals in America and Europe.

Turner's version of "Shake Rattle And Roll" was first recorded in New York on February 15, 1954. The shouting chorus on his version consisted of Jesse Stone, and record-company executives Jerry Wexler and Ahmet Ertegün! The saxophone solo was by Sam "The Man" Taylor.

Turner's recording was released in April 1954, and reached # 1 on the Billboard R&B chart on June 12. However, its success did not cross over to the pop chart, then mainly a whites-only bastion controlled by "white" radio stations.

The song, in its original incarnation, is wonderfully raunchy and sexual. Perhaps its most salacious lyric, which was absent from the later Bill Haley rendition, is "I've been holdin' it in, way down underneath / You make me roll my eyes, baby, make me grit my teeth". However, on the recording, Turner slurred the lyric "holdin' it in", since this line may have been considered too risqué for publication.

Also very risqué was the line "Well, I can look at you and tell you ain't no child no more" !

The chorus uses "shake, rattle and roll" to refer to wonderfully boisterous intercourse, in the same way that the words "rock and roll" was first used by numerous rhythm and blues singers of the 1940s and 50s!

Get outta that bed, wash your face and hands
Get outta that bed, wash your face and hands
Well, you get in that kitchen, make some noise with the pots and pans

Well, you wear low dresses, the sun comes shining through
Well, you wear low dresses, the sun comes shining through
I can't believe my eyes all that mess belongs to you

I believe to my soul you're a devil in nylon hose
I believe to my soul you're a devil in nylon hose
Well, the harder I work, the faster my money goes

I said, shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll
Shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll
Well, you won't do right to save your doggone soul

I'm like a one-eyed cat peeping in a seafood store
I'm like a one-eyed cat peeping in a seafood store
Well, I can look at you and tell you ain't no child no more

Ah, shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll
Shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll
Well, you won't do right to save your doggone soul

I said, over the hill and way down underneath
I said, over the hill and way down underneath
You make me roll my eyes, Baby, make me grit my teeth

I said, shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll
Shake, rattle and roll, shake, rattle and roll
Well, you won't do right to save your doggone soul

From: weirdovideos

Shake Rattle & Roll As Performed by Bill Haley & His Comets

"We stay clear of anything suggestive."

Hot on the heels of Turner's recording followed the watered down, "white" crossover version from Bill Haley and His Comets which sold in the bucketloads and made millions for the record company!

On April 28, 1954 while performing a version of "Shake, rattle and Roll" with some rewritten lyrics, Haley told a reporter "We stay clear of anything suggestive."

Haley's recorded version of the song, laid down on June 7, 1954 (the same week that Turner's version topped the R&B charts), featured the following members of the Comets: Johnny Grande (piano), Billy Williamson (steel guitar), Marshall Lytle (bass), and Joey Ambrose (sax). It is known that Danny Cedrone, a session musician who frequently worked for Haley, played lead guitar, but there is controversy over who played drums.

Some music reference books indicate that it was Panama Francis, a noted jazz drummer who worked with Haley's producer, Milt Gabler, however in a letter written in the early 1980s, Gabler denied this and said the drummer was Billy Gussak. Bill Haley's own stage drummer, Dick Richards, did not play on this record but may have provided backing vocals since he participated in the recording of the song's B-side, "A.B.C. Boogie". This was Cedrone's final recording session as he died only ten days later.

Haley's version had partly sanitised lyrics in an attempt to be more palatable to white audiences as well as a less bluesy, more "pop" arrangement.

Whereas Turner's song had started with the lines "Get out of that bed and wash your face and hands, / Get out in the kitchen; make some noise with the pots and pans". In Haley's version, the song began with "Get out in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans / Roll my breakfast 'cause I'm a hungry man".

This cleanup of lyrics meant removal of certain references considered too sexual in nature, such as lyrics like "the devil in nylon hose", "you make me roll my eyes, baby make me grit my teeth" and "you wear those dresses, the sun comes shining through".

However, one of the most provocative sexual similes in Turner's version of the song, "I'm like a one-eyed cat, peeping in the sea food store", was left untouched in the Haley version, but the following line, "I can look at you 'n' tell you ain't no child no more" was changed.

Actually Haley himself was blind in one eye, which may account for his retaining the line! Not sure about that though!

Get out from that kitchen
and rattle those pots and pans,
Get out from that kitchen
and rattle those pots and pans.
Well, roll my breakfast,
'cause I'm a hungry man.

I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll;
Well you never do nothin'
to save your doggone soul.

Wearin' those dresses,
your hair done up so right
Wearin' those dresses,
your hair done up so right;
You look so warm,
but your heart is cold as ice.

I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
Well you never do nothin'
to save your doggone soul.

I'm like a one-eyed cat,
peepin' in a sea-food store,
I'm like a one-eyed cat,
peepin' in a sea-food store;
I can look at you,
till you don't love me no more.

I believe you're doin' me wrong
and now I know,
I believe you're doin' me wrong
and now I know;
The more I work,
the faster my money goes.

I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,
I said Shake rattle and roll,

Well you never do nothin'
to save your doggone soul.
Shake rattle and roll

From: 2elvislovers

Although very different, both of these renowned recordings are, of course, classics of twentieth century music.

Haley's version is poppier and brighter and perhaps fits the conventional definition of rock and roll as a merger of country music and rhythm and blues.

Haley had started his career in country music while Turner was a blues shouter. Turner's version is much more natural, much raunchier and sexier.

The differences between the versions perfectly illustrate the differences that then prevailed between rhythm and blues intended for adults - and a mainly black audience - and rock and roll intended for teenagers - and a mainly white audience.

Although some musical revisionists and media writers later tried to paint Turner as a victim of the music industry due to Haley's covering of the song, in fact Haley's success helped Turner immensely - even though Turner was a well-established performer long before "Shake Rattle and Roll". Many listeners who heard Haley's version actually sought out Turner's original!

Perhaps surprisingly, Turner and Haley became close friends, and even performed on tour together in Australia in 1957. Furthermore, in 1966, at a time when Turner's career was at a low ebb, Haley arranged for his Comets to back the elder musician for a series of recordings in Mexico.

Sadly Haley and Turner never recorded a duet version of "Shake Rattle and Roll"! Now, that would have been interesting!

Haley acknowledged Turner's version to a greater extent in later years by incorporating more of the original lyrics into his live performances, including his addition of the verse with the lines "I've been over the hill and I've been way down underneath" which was omitted from Haley's original recording, when he recorded the song for Stuart Colman's BBC Radio programme in October 1979.

When Haley performed the song at the Bitter End Club in New York City in 1969 for his Buddah Records album release Bill Haley's Scrapbook, he changed Turner's "I believe to my soul you're the devil in nylon hose" to "I believe you're going to the devil and now I know".

Haley died on 9 November 1981, aged 56, while Turner passed away almost exactly four years later on 24 November 1985, aged 74.

Both men will live on forever through their music.

There were also a number of other well known recordings of this great song.

Elvis Presley recorded a version in 1956 which had only limited success. This combined Haley's arrangement with Turner's lyrics, although Elvis used Haley's lyrics when performing the song on his first national television appearance.

Other cover versions from this era include a rockabilly recording by Buddy Holly, unreleased at the time, primarily using the Turner lyrics.


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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Some nerdy chicks are OK, shocker!

She sure gets my lightsabre going!

Morrissey's Suedehead and Conchord dreams !

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Last night I dreamt,

somebody woke me ...

Rather disturbingly, I had a dream about Morrissey last night! I think my already fragile mind is nigh approaching collapse! Or maybe it was just the extra five tumblers of Jack Daniels after closing-time in the go-go bar!

I mean, I was a huge huge fan of The Smiths back in the day, but only a casual follower of Mozza's solo work, which although having some sublime moments, has produced no sustained work remotely in the calibre of say "The Queen is Dead".

Mozza without Marr was a tad like Lennon without Mc Cartney. Or more like Jagger without Richards!

The dream wasn't exactly as weird as Bret's wonderful dreams of David Bowie in the classic series 1 episode of Flight of the Conchords (see clip below!) but still rather vivid! Maybe I need to get a funky funky eye patch !!

Within much dumb conversation came the question why his solo work, according to critical opinion, never reached the heights of the Smiths, to which the great Manc. said that it did reach those heights and beyond! And moreover that his fine solo catalogue dwarfed what the Smiths ever released! Fair enough! If Morrissey said it, then it must be true! (Yes, Morrissey did say it, not some fucked-up and disturbing quirk in my subconscious that I never want to endure again!!)

Which brings us, rather stumblingly, to "Suedehead", Mazza's amazing debut solo single and still, in our view, his greatest solo moment.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Hard to believe this was released over 20 years ago! Yap, in February 1988! I must've been about 7 then!

Before the release, there was an incredible amount of fevered anticipation amongst Smiths fans, still reeling from the sudden demise of the seminal group. And so much media hype!! But, for once, the final product lived up to the hype!

I rushed out to the record store on the day of the release and played the single about a million times that first week!

The track later featured on Morrissey's pretty decent debut album Viva Hate and again on the compilation album Bona Drag; the latter of which also featured the single's B-side "Hairdresser on Fire".

Strangely, this single charted higher than any of the singles released by The Smiths, reaching number 5 in the UK Singles Chart.

Suedehead remains a powerful track even though Mozza's trademark lyrics are far from being at their best here. The track really has the feel of a great Smiths song with delicious instrumentals worthy of Johnny Marr (and stylistically not dissimilar to a set of Marr riffs).

The top class band here included Stephen Street on Bass Guitar, Guitars, Vini Reilly on Guitars, Keyboards and Andrew Paresi on Drums and Percussion.

Brit music mag NME gave Suedehead a euphoric review, awarding it 'Single of the Week' saying that "Morrissey's vocals hit a pitch that turns your stomach with queasy delight. It makes you feel vulnerable and provokes emotions you've forgotten about."

In the 1988 NME Year in Review the song was described as "The best No. 1 '88 never gave us"!

A typically strange video too! Mozza on a quest through Americana for Jimmy's ghost! Way OTT on the James Dean BS!

The highlight? Easy! Morrissey trying to start a tractor! The first and last time Mozza ever saw a fucking tractor!

Lowlight? Yap, Mozza in the bath! Could've really done without seeing that!

Why do you come here ?
And why do you hang around ?
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry

Why do you come here
When you know it makes things hard for me ?
When you know, oh
Why do you come ?
Why do you telephone ? (Hmm...)
And why send me silly notes ?
I'm so sorry
I'm so sorry

Why do you come here
When you know it makes things hard for me ?
When you know, oh
Why do you come ?
You had to sneak into my room
just to read my diary
It was just to see, just to see
All the things you knew I'd written about you...
Oh, so many illustrations
Oh, but I'm so very sickened
Oh, I am so sickened now

Oh, it was a good lay, good lay
It was a good lay, good lay
It was a good lay, good lay
It was a good lay, good lay
It was a good lay, good lay
Oh, it was a good lay, good lay
Oh, it was a good lay
It was a good lay
Oh, a good lay
Oh, it was a good lay
Good lay, good lay
It was a good lay
It was a good lay

Here's Mozza;

Here's Bowie and Bret!;

This is a dream Bret. It's all part of your freaky dream. Am I freaking you out Bret? Is this a freaky dream?

Wear the eye patch Bret,
Wear the funky funky eye patch


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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Mushi Mushi Maria Ozawa ... long time no see!

It seems we have been negligent in our duty to bring regular new glimpses of the uber-hot and uber-naughty, jap-canuck princess Maria to worldwideweb world!

So here are some nice shots from a Juicy Honey series. There are more and better shots which we'd like to post .... but this is google!

David Mc Donald - The Mystery of Creativity

Just what exactly makes something art? And what makes a piece of art iconic?

We already posted a nice Dylan clip "Bob Dylan on The Mystery of Creativity" from the series The Mystery of Creativity, an exploration of the concept of creativity and its many origins (and the factors that result in certain items of art/culture becoming "icons") by artist and film-maker David Mc Donald.

This clip sets out the very well constructed and delivered introduction by David to the fascinating project. We are really looking forward to catching the later installments somewhere soon!

We'd like to thank David too for his nice e-mail and would like to wish him every success with this fascinating project!

Greil Marcus on Bob Dylan: A talk with the country's foremost Dylanologist

Greil Marcus on Bob Dylan: A talk with the country's foremost Dylanologist

by Britt Robson

Greil Marcus
Photo by Thierry Arditti

Greil Marcus on Bob Dylan is a match made in High Fidelity heaven: A highly influential and formidably intellectual analyst of American pop culture parsing the most profoundly creative and myth-generating troubadour of our time.

Marcus, a seminal shaper of modern music criticism since his days as the first-ever record reviews editor for Rolling Stone, has written two books about Dylan: "Invisible Republic: Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes," and "Like a Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan at the Crossroads." Tomorrow at 5 p.m., on the University of Minnesota campus, he will appear with Todd Haynes, director of "I'm Not There," the brilliant and occasionally bewildering bio of Dylan that Haynes himself has said was inspired in part by Marcus' work. On Saturday night at the Walker Art Center, Marcus will introduce and then lead a post-screening discussion about "I'm Not There," at 7 p.m. And a week from today, Dylan will perform for the first time in his career on the campus of the U of M, where he briefly attended school — starting the concert just as the polls are closing on perhaps the most important and historic presidential election in the singer's lifetime.

It seemed like an appropriate time to talk with Marcus, who is teaching a short course at the U of M this fall and graciously agreed to a phone interview last Sunday.

MinnPost: Todd Haynes has specifically cited your writing as one of the influences and inspirations for the making of "I'm Not There." Did you immediately notice this?

Yeah, Todd had set up a screening in August of last year and when the movie got to the riddle section [featuring actor Richard Gere], I said, 'Hey, wait a minute, I recognize this.' But he is so inventive visually. He is no mere narrative storyteller. He gets things right in terms of what things did look like or ought to look like at certain moments in time, the images in front of the story. And in the riddle section that is especially true.

MP: Todd has been quoted as saying that people like and understand the film more with multiple viewings. How many times have you seen it?

About five I think. Because it is so alive visually. Most people, me included, see a movie for first time and the energy is going toward figuring out what is happening, who is who and what is what, and in disjointed film like this one takes a lot of work. But there is so much going on visually behind all of that. Each time I see the movie, the opening sequence seems more and more powerful, and more valuable.

Bob Dylan and his band performing "Masters of War" at Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria on June 10, 2008.

MP: As an artist, Dylan has been notoriously allusive and elusive, refusing to be pigeonholed and disdainful of being anointed as a protest singer or the voice of his generation. Consequently, there is a lot of myth and obfuscation built up around him. Why do you suppose it has unfolded this way?

It comes back to him because intellectually he doesn't rest. He is always thinking, probing; he doesn't seem to ever be bored as an artist. He is interested in new music or a new discovery, like an 80-year old Blind Blake track he hasn't heard before. I always felt that what drives his work is an extraordinary gift for empathy, for imaging himself into characters who outwardly are nothing like him — from another century, or female, or black, or older or younger. As a very young man, he sings "No More Auction Block"; this is a song that originated from being first heard from black soldiers during the Civil War, but my god, [when Dylan is singing it] he is on the auction block. It is not acting, it is going into character and leaving himself in some way. That's what draws me back.

I don't think his not wanting to be known is that complicated. Because he was able to write songs that — as Joan Baez and so many other have said — speak to what we are feeling and can't express, and because of that gift of empathy I just mentioned, he connects with so many people. They think, 'He knows me and so I know him. If we could meet, we could become best friends and I could become him.' These are psychotic leaps that in some ways are what being a fan is all about. But that happened to him with so many people who took themselves seriously — college students and radicals and people who felt they had a gift to give to the world — that, as he said in [his autobiography] "Chronicles," there were people coming down his chimney and through his doors and windows. Dylan noticed what happened to Elvis and worked hard to avoid that fate. At first he wanted to be Elvis Presley, but he learned he didn't want to be defined by Elvis Presley, that he could go beyond that.

MP: Were you surprised at how much he came out of hiding in "Chronicles," how forthright he was?

I was surprised by two things. One, that it was so clearly written. You can sense the choices between one word and another. This wasn't spoken into a tape recorder or ghost-written. There are lines like him talking about '50s rockabilly artists [who play like they are] navigating burning ships — flashes like that. The other thing is just the concept of the book, which totally ignores years that made him into someone whose book we would want to read. It is like Eisenhower writing his autobiography and leaving out the Second World War.

MP: Speaking of glory days and pivotal moments, Dylan is enjoying an amazing creative resurgence. The three records of original material he has put out in the last 10 years have all been highly acclaimed and appeared at or near the top of critics' polls. But culturally, they don't seem to have had the same profound impact and resonance that his classic material from the mid-60s had. Do you agree?

Well, you are talking about completely different times and different audiences. Bob Dylan now is 67 years old. The notion that anybody could achieve the kind of cultural critical mass that Dylan — or for that matter, The Beatles — achieved seems very far away. But I would also say that we shouldn't speak too soon. Someday we may look back on "Time Out of Mind" [released in 1997] as a defining artistic statement in the same way as "The Great Gatsby." The album was released just before Clinton was taken down with the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and also look what was happening when he wrote it. Clinton had been reelected in the most insignificant way — he let Bob Dole beat himself. One of the big issues of that election was school uniforms. As much as he could be, Clinton was an empty vessel, consciously running a race about nothing. And at that time Dylan is making an album about a ruined landscape, a country that has used itself up — it is a completely nihilistic record. We will look back on that and it will loom larger than it does today.

Bob Dylan performing "A Change Is Gonna Come," during a Sam Cooke Tribute at the Apollo Theatre in 2004.

MP: Which brings us neatly to Tuesday night, when Dylan is playing the U of M, where he was briefly a student, for the first time, at the same time Obama and McCain is being decided. Do you think it will be a special, historic concert?

Well, I can't imagine it is a coincidence. It's too perfect. It is not Dylan at Xcel Center. It is Dylan playing on a campus he attended, a five-minute walk from the little dingy apartment by Gray's Drug where he used to live.

It will be a historic event depending on the quality of his performance. I heard what he did with "Masters of War," on Election Night in 2004, performing in Wisconsin. Nobody yet knew the outcome of the race. And he sang "Masters of War" as if the fate of the world was in the balance. So it won't just be because of the date; what he is able to offer will or won't make it a historic night. He is capable of putting in a terrible performance, although I don't think he will. He has made it clear he is for Obama and most of the audience will be for Obama. As an Obama victory has become more likely, I think the alternative is that it will seem more monstrous if he loses. Win or lose, I don't know how [Dylan] will respond to the situation. But I am planning to be there.

20/20 Hindsight!

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Jimmy Margulies, New Jersey -- The Record
Visit Jimmy E-Mail Jimmy

Mc Cain's medical records? That tome must be the size of the world encyclopedia!

Pig with Designer Lipstick !

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by Jerry Holbert, Boston, MA, The Boston Herald

The Departed!

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by Steve Sack, Minnesota, The Minneapolis Star-Tribune Visit Steve,

Wonderful work from Steve Sack!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Doll Assembly Error !

by roykeanz

Hot Japanese Ambassador

by roykeanz

Mutant Panda

by roykeanz

Bye Bye Palin, Palin Bye Bye

by roykeanz

Jackie DeShannon - When You Walk In The Room (1964)

Shannon, yer a corker!

- Tom Cruise (in some piece of shit movie we endured once but swiftly forgot! Til now!)

Here a young Sharon Lee Myers knocks out one of her many great tracks, the oft-covered classic When You Walk In The Room from back in 1964. From the vid, it seems folks could really dance back in 64! Very fucking groovy man!

Executives at Liberty Records thought the name Sharon Myers would not sell records, so she adopted the name Jackie DeShannon, believed to be the name of an Irish ancestor! Erm, sorry to tell you this Sharon, but nobody in paddyland has the name DeShannon!

Sharon's 64 now. Not sure whether she's still on the scene or not!

I can feel a new expression on my face.
I can feel a glowing sensation taking place.
I can hear the guitars playing a lovely tune,
Ev-er-ry-time that you - walk in the room.

I close my eyes for a second and pretend it's me you want.
Meanwhile I try to act so nonchalant.
I feel a summer's night with a magic moon.
Everytime that you - walk in the room.

Maybe it's a dream come true,
Standing right alongside of you.
Wish I could tell you how much I care,
But I only - have the nerve to stare.

I can feel a-something pounding in my brain,
Just anytime that someone speaks your name.
Trumpets sound, I hear thunder boom.
Everytime that you - walk in the room.
Everytime that you - walk in the room.
Everytime that you - walk in the room.
Everytime that you...

Written by: Jackie DeShannon-1963
Performed by: Jackie DeShannon -1963
Appears on: Jackie DeShannon-1963, Good As Gold!-1990, The Best of Jackie
DeShannon-1991, The Very Best of Jackie DeShannon-1996, Best of...1958-1981:
Come & Get Me-2000, Classic Masters-2002 [ 2 ] , Singers & Songwriters: The Folk
Years (Various Artists)-2003, Breakin' It up on the Beatles Tour-2005, Her
Own Kind of Light-2008, et al. ]

Covered by: Pete Best, Karla Bonoff, Paul Carrack, Jim Croce, Steve
Forbert, The Hellcats, Chris Hillman, Jive Bunny & the Mastermixers, James
Kilbane, Johnny Logan, Daniel O'Donnell, Cliff Richard, The Searchers, Del
Shannon, Smokie, Status Quo, Pam Tillis, The Ventures, Peter Williams, Daniel
Young, et al.

From: Meowbay

TTRH3.3x Bob Dylan TTRH Season 2/3 'PRESIDENT'S DAY'

Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour

Season 3

Encore Presentation (boo!!)

President's Day

Airdate Series 3 - October 29, 2008 / Series 2 - 14 February 2008.

Mp3 @ 192 kbps/ 180 MB/ RS

Like last season, XFM are annoyingly back to their old tricks. This week's show is on President's Day and is an "Encore Presentation", XFM double-speak for Repeat! This is particularly annoying since, in a few days, I'm not sure but I think there's some sort of election somewhere!!

Loadsa reasons to knock out a new show on Presidents or Politics! Or retarded Alaskan Governors! Grrrr!!

It’s night time in the big city. The Server’s Down. The parakeet is restless. This is Theme time Radio Hour.

Theme Time Radio Hour – Your home for Presidential Dreams, White House Themes and simian Bush Schemes

Mc Kinley took a shot at the White House in 1896. I don’t mean he shot at the White House. He took a shot at it.

Look here, Mr. Hoover, it's see what you done;
You went off a-fishin', let the country go to ruin.
Now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

Roosevelt's in the White House, doin' his best,
While old Hoover is layin' 'round and takin' his rest.
Now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

Pants all busted, patches all way down,
People got so ragged they couldn't go to town.
Now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

Workin' in the coal mines, twenty cents a ton,
Fourteen long hours and your work day is done.
Now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

People all angry, they all got the blues,
Wearing patched britches and old tennis shoes.
Now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

Got up this morning, all I could see
Was corn bread and gravy just a-waitin' for me.
And now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

Look here, Mr. Hoover, it's see what you done;
You went off a-fishin', let the country go to ruin.
Now he's gone, I'm glad he's gone.

Here they are, They Might Be Giants, or as we call them here, The Hustlers.

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue
If I can dream of a better land
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand

Tell me why, oh why, oh why cant my dream come true

There must be peace and understanding sometime

Strong winds of promise that will blow away
All the doubt and fear
If I can dream of a warmer sun
Where hope keeps shining on everyone

Tell me why, oh why, oh why wont that sun appear

We're lost in a cloud
With too much rain
We're trapped in a world
Thats troubled with pain
But as long as a man
Has the strength to dream
He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart theres a trembling question

Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow

Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle
And while I can think, while I can talk

While I can stand, while I can walk

While I can dream, please let my dream
Come true, right now

Let it come true right now
Oh yeah

Imagine if American Idol was on the radio instead of on television, we’d have a very different set of winners.

Dylan's magnificent and seminal Theme Time Radio Hour series continues with this episode which explores the mad world of US Presidents. Where else could a simian Bush, an insane Reagan, a lunatic Nixon, a playboy Kennedy get elected?! Well, maybe France!

There's also a number of great tracks on earlier themes which could not be played on their respective shows.

After last week's cracker, this one carries on the same vein! Allah be praised!

I know Al Gore tried to grow a beard, but that was after he was elected President. But it was taken away from him. I don’t mean the beard.

Yap, it's another week. It's another wonderful hour of Dylan!

Topics espoused upon by Dylan are very varied - President’s Day Clearance Sales, Robert Todd Lincoln’s Jonah effect on Presidents! (he only missed the Kennedy assassination!), Washington’s ambiguous birthday. Jack White and George’s honour, a meticulously researched pop song by TMBG, the wearing of beards by Presidents, and loads of other shit!

And, of course, there are so many varied and wonderful songs and musical pieces across the show. And widely eclectic styles too.

Bob's in top form with the witticisms and the bad jokes! Some classics this week!

What I like about Alvin Barkley is that he was 71 years old when he married his 36 year old girlfriend. I understand they gave birth to a son named Charles. I don’t know if it’s the basketball player.

I hear Dick Cheney’s working on a folk rock record!

Even in their heyday, it seems only Republicans wore beards.

Some say he succumbed to death by doctors.

I always enjoy playing a fellow disc jockey!

I can’t think of Nixon in the same breath as Washington and Lincoln.


White House Blues - Charlie Poole
Jack on George
Hello Sundown - Johnnie Taylor
Hello Little Boy - Ruth Brown
James K. Polk - They Might Be Giants
Polk Salad Annie - Tony Joe White
"McKinley and Garfield"
Charles Guiteau - Kelly Harrell
I Don't Want To Be President - Percy Mayfield
"Presidential Requirements"
I Feel That Old Age Coming On - Wynonie Harris
"Give a Buck"
Lincoln And Liberty Too - Pete Seeger
"Robert Todd Lincoln"
Living In The White House - JB Lenoir
"The White House"
"Nixon/Kennedy Debate"
Don't Smoke In Bed - Nina Simone
Phone Call
Roosevelt's In Trinidad - Atilla
Why I Like Roosevelt - The Soul Stirrers
"Malady in A Minor"
It's All In The Game - Tommy Edwards
"Alvin Barkley"
Walkin' - Joe Liggins & The Honeydrippers
When You Walk In The Room - Jackie DeShannon
Richard Lewis on Presidents
High Hopes - Frank Sinatra
Sinatra & Kennedy
Mr. Moon - Clover
Superbird - Country Joe & The Fish
When Cleveland is Going Out (Snippet)
Funky President - James Brown
"Presidential Scandals"
John C. Reilly Promo
"Suicide Record"
Gloomy Sunday - Billie Holiday
"I Like Ike"
That Was The President - Phil Ochs
(Gotta Go) Upside Your Head - Buddy & Ella Johnson
Dead Presidents - Little walter
Impeach The President - Roy C. & The Honeydrippers
Politics - Hank Penny
"Song Sharking"
Penn Jillette: Poem Song Collector
Richard Nixon - Rod & The MSR Singers
Jimmy Carter Says Yes - Jimmy Marshall
Mr. President Have Pity On The Working Man - Randy Newman
If I Can Dream - Elvis Presley
Closing/End Credits

Here she be Dylanite dogs – in two different forms!

Various individual show components recorded as individual mp3s;


Big thanks to blindwilly / charlespoet!


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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

All About Victoria Yun 5

Stunning shot of the lovely Victoria Yun by the always excellent hakanphotography !

Vampire Bush

by krazeesnowman

"Hey Cheney, got any barbyquey sauce?"

No, we'll never forget this cnut!!

Mushi Mushi Yuuki Fukasawa in our garden!

There are many things we like about lovely Gravure Idol Yuuki Fukasawa, not least of which her insistence that nothing but a bikini be worn when carrying out her chores in the garden!!

Blow Up

Roykeanz says ..... manip based on a tiny piece found somewhere, don't know who by but kudos anyway.

Obama - President of Space

by zippymalone

Intellectually Equal Candidate for Palin at last ... No. 3 .. Ringo Starr

by MrsFreddieMercury

Me first act as President, mate, will be to give everyone a fookin yellow submarine !

- Senator Starr (representative of the fine state of insobriety)

Savage Earth Heart

Another stunning work from hakanphotography


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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Intellectually Equal Candidate for Palin at last ... No. 2 .. Paris Hilton

It would be like sooooo hot to be, like, a president or like something and to have like a white house or like something would be like sooooo hot too! Daddy can you buy me like a white house or like something?

- Senator Hilton (representative of the state of idiocy)

Intellectually Equal Candidate for Palin at last .. Peter Griffin !

No, I'm not drunk ... just exhausted 'cause I've been up all night drinking.

- Senator Griffin (representative of the state of drunken animation)

When the light's out it's less dangerous

Palin's talented really!

by roykeanz

Palin's gonna 'Kill me some Mooses'

by roykeanz

Lovely Victoria Yun


We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Booby Paulina Jahre confronted by feminist on German TV !

Booby Paulina Jahre is some sort of "erotic actress"! I think that means she method acts - a little like Meryl Streep! - surreal depraved scenes in weird German Porno movies!

Actually, the word weird is totally redundant in the phrase weird German Porno movies, as they're all weird as fuck! Second only to Japland flicks, which are of course, in a league, nay a planet, of their own! Well, so roykeanz tells me!

She certainly has the right attributes for the job! At least two of em anyway! Oh mommaa!!

Here, on German TV, some feminist nazi takes umbrage at poor booby Paulina and lets flow a tirade of abuse!

It's not her fault that she's uber booby or that she feels the uncontrollable compulsion to appear in weird German Porno movies!

As for the screaming nazi, having small boobs has turned her into a bitter feminist!! She's just jealous of Paulina's size 42JJJs!

A tirade of abuse yelped out in the German language sounds so poetic and pretty, doesn't it?!!

Ya voll mein smallen booben feministen fuhrer!!


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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

I own the Sixties - The Genius of Bob Dylan (Rolling Stone Magazine)

"You know, everybody makes a big deal about the Sixties. The Sixties, it's like the Civil War days. But, I mean, you're talking to a person who owns the Sixties. Did I ever want to acquire the Sixties? No. But I own the Sixties -- who's going to argue with me?"

I wouldn't want to play a really small room, like ten people. Unless it was, you know, $50,000 a ticket or something."

Fascinating and well constructed piece from Jonathan Letham Rolling Stone on his Bobness from an interview prior to the release of one of his greatest works, Modern Times a few years back.

Letham starts off describing meeting Dylan in the flesh .... The expressions on Dylan's face, in person, seem to compress and encompass versions of his persona across time, a sixty-five-year-old with a nineteen-year-old cavorting somewhere inside ... and maintains that level of quality throughout!

"I've got no retirement plans."

The Genius of Bob Dylan The legend comes to grips with his iconic status; an intimate conversation prior to the release of the new ''Modern Times''


Aug 21, 2006

>> More: Listen to a playlist of Bob Dylan gems you never knew existed.

"I don't really have a herd of astrologers telling me what's going to happen. I just make one move after the other, this leads to that." Is the voice familiar? I'm sitting in a Santa Monica seaside hotel suite, ignoring a tray of sliced pineapple and sugar-dusty cookies, while Bob Dylan sits across from my tape recorder, giving his best to my questions. The man before me is fitful in his chair, not impatient, but keenly alive to the moment, and ready on a dime to make me laugh and to laugh himself. The expressions on Dylan's face, in person, seem to compress and encompass versions of his persona across time, a sixty-five-year-old with a nineteen-year-old cavorting somewhere inside. Above all, though, it is the tones of his speaking voice that seem to kaleidoscope through time: here the yelp of the folk pup or the sarcastic rimshot timing of the hounded hipster-idol, there the beguilement of the Seventies sex symbol, then again -- and always -- the gravel of the elder statesman, that antediluvian bluesman's voice the young aspirant so legendarily invoked at the very outset of his work and then ever so gradually aged into.

It's that voice, the voice of a rogue ageless in decrepitude, that grounds the paradox of the achievement of Modern Times, his thirty-first studio album. Are these our "modern times," or some ancient, silent-movie dream, a fugue in black-and-white? Modern Times, like Love and Theft and Time Out of Mind before it, seems to survey a broken world through the prism of a heart that's worn and worldly, yet decidedly unbroken itself. "I been sitting down studying the art of love/I think it will fit me like a glove," he states in "Thunder on the Mountain," the opening song, a rollicking blues you've heard a million times before and yet which magically seems to announce yet another "new" Dylan. "I feel like my soul is beginning to expand," the song declares. "Look into my heart and you will sort of understand."

What we do understand, if we're listening, is that we're three albums into a Dylan renaissance that's sounding more and more like a period to put beside any in his work. If, beginning with Bringing It All Back Home, Dylan garbed his amphetamine visions in the gloriously grungy clothes of the electric blues and early rock & roll, the musical glories of these three records are grounded in a knowledge of the blues built from the inside out -- a knowledge that includes the fact that the early blues and its players were stranger than any purist would have you know, hardly restricting themselves to twelve-bar laments but featuring narrative recitations, spirituals, X-rated ditties, popular ballads and more. Dylan offers us nourishment from the root cellar of American cultural life. For an amnesiac society, that's arguably as mind-expanding an offering as anything in his Sixties work. And with each succeeding record, Dylan's convergence with his muses grows more effortlessly natural.

How does he summon such an eternal authority? "I'd make this record no matter what was going on in the world," Dylan tells me. "I wrote these songs in not a meditative state at all, but more like in a trancelike, hypnotic state. This is how I feel? Why do I feel like that? And who's the me that feels this way? I couldn't tell you that, either. But I know that those songs are just in my genes and I couldn't stop them comin' out." This isn't to say Modern Times, or Dylan, seems oblivious to the present moment. The record is littered -- or should I say baited? -- with glinting references to world events like 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, though anyone seeking a moral, to paraphrase Mark Twain, should be shot. And, as if to startle the contemporary listener out of any delusion that Dylan's musical drift into pre-rock forms -- blues, ragtime, rockabilly -- is the mark of a nostalgist, "Thunder on the Mountain" also name-checks a certain contemporary singer: "I was thinking 'bout Alicia Keys, I couldn't keep from crying/While she was born in Hell's Kitchen, I was livin' down the line." When I ask Dylan what Keys did "to get into your pantheon," he only chuckles at my precious question. "I remember seeing her on the Grammys. I think I was on the show with her, I didn't meet her or anything. But I said to myself, 'There's nothing about that girl I don't like.' "

Rather than analyzing lyrics, Dylan prefers to linger over the songs as artifacts of music and describes the process of their making. As in other instances, stretching back to 1974's Planet Waves, 1978's Street Legal and 2001's Love and Theft, the singer and performer known for his love-hate affair with the recording studio -- "I don't like to make records," he tells me simply. "I do it reluctantly" -- has cut his new album with his touring band. And Dylan himself is the record's producer, credited under the nom-de-studio Jack Frost. "I didn't feel like I wanted to be overproduced any more," he tells me. "I felt like I've always produced my own records anyway, except I just had someone there in the way. I feel like nobody's gonna know how I should sound except me anyway, nobody knows what they want out of players except me, nobody can tell a player what he's doing wrong, nobody can find a player who can play but he's not playing, like I can. I can do that in my sleep."

As ever, Dylan is circling, defining what he is first by what he isn't, by what he doesn't want, doesn't like, doesn't need, locating meaning by a process of elimination. This rhetorical strategy goes back at least as far as "It Ain't Me, Babe" and "All I Really Want to Do" ("I ain't looking to compete with you," etc.), and it still has plenty of real juice in it. When Dylan arrives at a positive assertion out of the wilderness of so much doubt, it takes on the force of a jubilant boast. "This is the best band I've ever been in, I've ever had, man for man. When you play with guys a hundred times a year, you know what you can and can't do, what they're good at, whether you want 'em there.

It takes a long time to find a band of individual players. Most bands are gangs. Whether it's a metal group or pop rock, whatever, you get that gang mentality. But for those of us who went back further, gangs were the mob. The gang was not what anybody aspired to. On this record I didn't have anybody to teach. I got guys now in my band, they can whip up anything, they surprise even me." Dylan's cadences take on the quality of an impromptu recitation, replete with internal rhyme schemes, such that when I later transcribe this tape I'll find myself tempted to set the words on the page in the form of a lyric. "I knew this time it wouldn't be futile writing something I really love and thought dearly of, and then gettin' in the studio and having it be beaten up and whacked around and come out with some kind of incoherent thing which didn't have any resonance. With that, I was awake. I felt freed up to do just about anything I pleased."

But getting the band of his dreams into the studio was only half the battle. "The records I used to listen to and still love, you can't make a record that sounds that way," he explains. It is as if having taken his new material down to the crossroads of the recording studio Dylan isn't wholly sure the deal struck with the devil there was worth it. "Brian Wilson, he made all his records with four tracks, but you couldn't make his records if you had a hundred tracks today. We all like records that are played on record players, but let's face it, those days are gon-n-n-e. You do the best you can, you fight that technology in all kinds of ways, but I don't know anybody who's made a record that sounds decent in the past twenty years, really. You listen to these modern records, they're atrocious, they have sound all over them. There's no definition of nothing, no vocal, no nothing, just like -- static. Even these songs probably sounded ten times better in the studio when we recorded 'em. CDs are small. There's no stature to it. I remember when that Napster guy came up across, it was like, 'Everybody's gettin' music for free.' I was like, 'Well, why not? It ain't worth nothing anyway.' ". .

Hearing the word "napster" come from Bob Dylan's mouth, I venture a question about bootleg recordings. In my own wishful thinking, The Bootleg Series, a sequence of superb archival retrospectives, sanctioned by Dylan and released by Columbia, represents a kind of unspoken consent to the tradition of pirate scholarship -- an acknowledgment that Dylan's outtakes, alternate takes, rejected album tracks and live performances are themselves a towering body of work that faithful listeners deserve to hear.

As Michael Gray says in The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia, the first three-disc release of outtakes "could, of itself, establish Dylan's place as the pre-eminent songwriter and performer of the age and as one of the great artists of the twentieth century." On Love and Theft's "Sugar Baby," the line "Some of these bootleggers, they make pretty good stuff" was taken by some as a shout-out to this viewpoint. Today, at least, that line seems to have had only moonshine whiskey as its subject. "I still don't like bootleg records. There was a period of time when people were just bootlegging anything on me, because there was nobody ever in charge of the recording sessions. All my stuff was being bootlegged high and low, far and wide. They were never intended to be released, but everybody was buying them. So my record company said, 'Well, everybody else is buying these records, we might as well put them out.' " But Dylan can't possibly be sorry that the world has had the benefit of hearing, for instance, "Blind Willie McTell" -- an outtake from 1983's Infidels that has subsequently risen as high in most people's Dylan pantheon as a song can rise, and that he himself has played live since. Can he? "I started playing it live because I heard the Band doing it. Most likely it was a demo, probably showing the musicians how it should go. It was never developed fully, I never got around to completing it. There wouldn't have been any other reason for leaving it off the record. It's like taking a painting by Manet or Picasso -- goin' to his house and lookin' at a half-finished painting and grabbing it and selling it to people who are 'Picasso fans.' The only fans I know I have are the people who I'm looking at when I play, night after night."

Dylan and his favorite-band-ever are just a few days from undertaking another tour, one that will be well under way by the time Modern Times is released in late August. I've always wanted to ask: When a song suddenly appears on a given evening's set list, retrieved from among the hundreds in his back catalog, is it because Dylan's been listening to his old records? "I don't listen to any of my records. When you're inside of it, all you're listening to is a replica. I don't know why somebody would look at the movies they make -- you don't read your books, do you?" Point taken. He expands on the explanation he offered for "Blind Willie McTell": "Strangely enough, sometimes we'll hear a cover of a song and figure we can do it just as well. If somebody else thought so highly of it, why don't I? Some of these arrangements I just take. The Dead did a lot of my songs, and we'd just take the whole arrangement, because they did it better than me. Jerry Garcia could hear the song in all my bad recordings, the song that was buried there. So if I want to sing something different, I just bring out one of them Dead records and see which one I wanna do. I never do that with my records." Speaking of which: "I've heard it said, you've probably heard it said, that all the arrangements change night after night. Well, that's a bunch of bullshit, they don't know what they're talkin' about. The arrangements don't change night after night. The rhythmic structures are different, that's all. You can't change the arrangement night after night -- it's impossible."

Dylan points out that whether a song comes across for a given listener on a given night depends on where exactly they're sitting. "I can't stand to play arenas, but I do play 'em. But I know that's not where music's supposed to be. It's not meant to be heard in football stadiums, it's not 'Hey, how are you doin' tonight, Cleveland?' Nobody gives a shit how you're doin' tonight in Cleveland." He grins and rolls his eyes, to let me know he knows he's teasing at Spinal Tap heresy. Then he plunges deeper. "They say, 'Dylan never talks'. What the hell is there to say? That's not the reason an artist is in front of people." The words seem brash, but his tone is nearly pleading. "An artist has come for a different purpose. Maybe a self-help group -- maybe a Dr. Phil -- would say, 'How you doin'?' I don't want to get harsh and say I don't care. You do care, you care in a big way, otherwise you wouldn't be there. But it's a different kind of connection. It's not a light thing." He considers further. "It's alive every night, or it feels alive every night." Pause. "It becomes risky. I mean, you risk your life to play music, if you're doing it in the right way." I ask about the minor-league baseball* stadiums he's playing in the new tour's first swing: Do they provide the sound he's looking for? "Not really, not in the open air. The best sound you can get is an intimate club room, where you've got four walls and the sound just bounces. That's the way this music is meant to be heard." Then Dylan turns comedian again, the guy newly familiar to listeners of his XM satellite radio show, whose casual verbal riffs culminate in vaudeville one-liners. "I wouldn't want to play a really small room, like ten people. Unless it was, you know, $50,000 a ticket or something."

Let me take a moment and reintroduce myself, your interviewer and guide here. I'm a forty-two-year-old moonlighting novelist, and a lifelong Dylan fan, but one who, it must be emphasized, doesn't remember the Sixties. I'm no longer a young man, but I am young for the job I'm doing here. My parents were Dylan fans, and my first taste of his music came through their LPs -- I settled on Nashville Skyline, because it looked friendly. The first Dylan record I was able to respond to as new -- to witness its arrival in stores and reception in magazines, and therefore to make my own -- was 1979's Slow Train Coming. As a fan in my early twenties, I digested Dylan's catalog to that point and concluded that its panoply of styles and stances was itself the truest measure of his genius -- call us the Biograph generation, if you like. In other words, the struggle to capture Dylan and his art like smoke in one particular bottle or another seemed laughable to me, a mistaken skirmish fought before it had become clear that mercurial responsiveness -- anchored only by the existential commitment to the act of connection in the present moment -- was the gift of freedom his songs had promised all along. To deny it to the man himself would be absurd.

By the time I required anything of Bob Dylan, it was the mid-Eighties, and I merely required him to be good. Which, in the mid-Eighties, Dylan kind of wasn't. I recall taking home Empire Burlesque and struggling to discern songwriting greatness under the glittery murk of Arthur Baker's production, a struggle I lost. The first time I saw Dylan in concert, it was, yes, in a football stadium in Oakland, with the Grateful Dead. By the time of 1988's Down in the Groove, the album's worst song might have seemed to describe my plight as fan: I was in love with the ugliest girl in the world.

Nevertheless, Eighties Dylan was my Dylan, and I bore down hard on what was there. Contrary to what you may have heard (in Chronicles, Volume One, among other detractors), there was water in that desert. From scattered tracks like "Rank Strangers to Me," "The Groom's Still Waiting at the Altar" and "Brownsville Girl," to cassette-tape miracles like "Lord Protect My Child" and "Foot of Pride" (both later to surface on The Bootleg Series), to a version of "San Francisco Bay Blues" I was lucky enough to catch live in Berkeley, to a blistering take on Sonny Boy Williamson's "Don't Start Me to Talkin' " on Late Night With David Letterman, the irony is not only that "bad" Dylan was often astonishingly good. It is that his then-seemingly-rudderless exploration of roots-music sources can now be seen to point unerringly to the triumphs to come -- I mean the triumphs of now. Not that Dylan himself would care to retrace those steps. When I gushed about the Sonny Boy Williamson moment on Letterman, he gaped, plainly amazed, and said, "I played that?"

So, the drama of my projected relationship to my hero, thin as it may seem to those steeped in the Sixties or Seventies listeners' sense of multiple betrayals -- he's gone Electric! Country-Domestic-Unavailable! Christian! -- was the one Dylan described to David Gates of Newsweek in 1997, and in the "Oh Mercy" chapter of his memoir, Chronicles -- the relocation and repossession of his voice and of his will to compose and perform, as enacted gradually through the Nineties. Early in that decade it might have seemed he'd quit, or at least taken refuge or solace in the solo acoustic folk records he'd begun making in his garage: Good As I Been to You and World Gone Wrong. Live shows in what had become "The Never Ending Tour" were stronger and stronger in those years, but new songs were scarce. Then came Time Out of Mind, an album as cohesive -- and ample -- as any he'd ever recorded.

When that was followed by Love and Theft, and then Chronicles, a reasonable Dylan fan might conclude he was living in the best of all possible worlds. In fact, with the satellite radio show beaming into our homes -- Dylan's promised to do fifty of the things! -- Dylan can be said to have delivered more of his voice and his heart to his audience in the past decade than ever before, and more than anyone might have reasonably dared to hope. "Well, isn't that funny," Dylan snorts when I mention "the myth of inaccessibility." "I've just seen that Wenner Books published a book of interviews with me that's that big." He stretches out his hands to show me. "What happened to this inaccessibility? Isn't there a dichotomy there?

Yet it's awfully easy, taking the role of Dylan's interviewer, to feel oneself playing surrogate for an audience that has never quit holding its hero to an impossible standard: The more he offers, the more we want. The greatest artist of my lifetime has given me anything I could ever have thought to ask, and yet here I sit, somehow brokering between him and the expectations neither of us can pretend don't exist. "If I've got any kind of attitude about me -- or about what I do, what I perform, what I sing, on any level, my attitude is, compare it to somebody else! Don't compare it to me. Are you going to compare Neil Young to Neil Young? Compare it to somebody else, compare it to Beck -- which I like -- or whoever else is on his level. This record should be compared to the artists who are working on the same ground. I'll take it any way it comes, but compare it to that. That's what everybody's record should be, if they're really serious about what they're doing. Let's face it, you're either serious about what you're doing or you're not serious about what you're doing. And you can't mix the two. And life is short."

I can't help but wonder if he's lately been reconditioned by the success of the Martin Scorsese No Direction Home documentary, to feel again the vivid discomfort of his unwanted savior's role. "You know, everybody makes a big deal about the Sixties. The Sixties, it's like the Civil War days. But, I mean, you're talking to a person who owns the Sixties. Did I ever want to acquire the Sixties? No. But I own the Sixties -- who's going to argue with me?" He charms me with another joke: "I'll give 'em to you if you want 'em. You can have 'em." For Dylan, as ever, what matters is the work, not in some archival sense, but in its present life. "My old songs, they've got something -- I agree, they've got something! I think my songs have been covered -- maybe not as much as 'White Christmas' or 'Stardust,' but there's a list of over 5,000 recordings. That's a lot of people covering your songs, they must have something. If I was me, I'd cover my songs too. A lot of these songs I wrote in 1961 and '62 and '64, and 1973, and 1985, I can still play a lot of those songs -- well, how many other artists made songs during that time? How many do you hear today? I love Marvin Gaye, I love all that stuff. But how often are you gonna hear 'What's Going On'? I mean, who sings it? Who sings 'Tracks of My Tears'? Where is that being sung tonight?"

He's still working to plumb the fullest truth in the matter of his adventures in the recording studio. "I've had a rough time recording. I've managed to come up with songs, but I've had a rough time recording. But maybe it should be that way. Because other stuff which sounds incredible, that can move you to tears -- for all those who were knocked off our feet by listening to music from yesteryear, how many of those songs are really good? Or was it just the record that was great? Well, the record was great. The record was an art form. And you know, when all's said and done, maybe I was never part of that art form, because my records really weren't artistic at all. They were just documentation. Maybe bad players playing bad changes, but still something coming through. And the something that's coming through, for me today, was to make it just as real. To show you how it's real." Dylan muses on the fate of art in posterity. "How many people can look at the Mona Lisa? You ever been there? I mean, maybe, like, three people can see it at once. And yet, how long has that painting been around? More people have seen that painting than have ever listened to, let's name somebody -- I don't want to say Alicia Keys -- say, Michael Jackson. More people have ever seen the Mona Lisa than ever listened to Michael Jackson. And only three people can see it at once. Talk about impact."

Conversation about painting leads to conversation about other forms. "That's what I like about books, there's no noise in it. Whatever you put on the page, it's like making a painting. Nobody can change it. Writing a book is the same way, it's written in stone -- it might as well be! It's never gonna change. One's not gonna be different in tone than another, you're not gonna have to turn this one up louder to read it." Dylan savored the reception of Chronicles. "Most people who write about music, they have no idea what it feels like to play it. But with the book I wrote, I thought, 'The people who are writing reviews of this book, man, they know what the hell they're talking about.' It spoils you. They know how to write a book, they know more about it than me. The reviews of this book, some of 'em almost made me cry -- in a good way. I'd never felt that from a music critic, ever.",0.jpg

While my private guess would have been that Dylan had satisfied the scribbling impulse (or as he says on Modern Times, "I've already confessed/No need to confess again"), in fact he seems to be deep into planning for a Chronicles, Volume Two. "I think I can go back to the Blonde on Blonde album -- that's probably about as far back as I can go on the next book. Then I'll probably go forward. I thought of an interesting time. I made this record, Under the Red Sky, with Don Was, but at the same time I was also doing the Wilburys record. I don't know how it happened that I got into both albums at the same time. I worked with George [Harrison] and Jeff [Lynne] during the day -- everything had to be done in one day, the track and the song had to be written in one day, and then I'd go down and see Don Was, and I felt like I was walking into a wall. He'd have a different band for me to play with every day, a lot of all-stars, for no particular purpose. Back then I wasn't bringing anything at all into the studio, I was completely disillusioned. I'd let someone else take control of it all and just come up with lyrics to the melody of the song. He'd say, 'What do you want to cut?' -- well, I wouldn't have anything to cut, but I'd be so beat down from being up with the Wilburys that I'd just come up with some track, and everybody would fall in behind that track, oh, my God." He laughs. "It was sort of contrary to the Wilburys scene, which was being done in a mansion up in the hills. Then I'd go down to these other sessions, and they were in this cavelike studio down in Hollywood, where I'd spend the rest of the night, and then try to get some sleep. Both projects suffered some. Too many people in the room, too many musicians, too many egos, ego-driven musicians that just wanted to play their thing, and it definitely wasn't my cup of tea, but that's the record I'm going to feature."

Now, this may be the place for me to mention that I find Side Two of Under the Red Sky one of the hidden treasures of Dylan's catalog. The album's closer, a garrulous but mysterious jump-blues called "Cat's in the Well," in particular, wouldn't be at all out of place on Love and Theft or Modern Times. But as he's told me, Dylan doesn't listen to the records. And unlike me, he claims no familiarity with The Bob Dylan Encyclopedia. ("Those are not the circles I really move around in," he chuckles when I ask. "That's not something that would overlap with my life.") But just as when he praises his current band as his absolute best -- an evaluation supporters of Mike Bloomfield and Al Kooper, not to mention Garth Hudson and Rick Danko, et al., might take issue with -- I've come to feel that Dylan's sweeping simplifications of his own journey's story are outstandingly healthy ones. Puncturing myths, boycotting analysis and ignoring chronology are likely part of a long and lately quite successful campaign not to be incarcerated within his own legend. Dylan's greatest accomplishment since his Sixties apotheosis may simply be that he has claimed his story as his own. (Think of him howling the first line of "Most Likely You'll Go Your Way and I'll Go Mine" upon his return to the stage during the 1974 tour: "You say you love me and you're thinkin' of me/But you know you could be wroooonngg!"). I take our conversation today the way I took Chronicles, and the long journal-song "Highlands": as vivid and generous reports on the state of Bob Dylan and his feelings in the present moment.

In other words, never mind that I think Under the Red Sky is pretty good. After that early-Nineties disillusionment, how did he decide to record Time Out of Mind? "They gave me another contract, which I didn't really want. I didn't want to record anymore, I didn't see any point to it, but lo and behold they made me an offer and it was hard to refuse. I'd worked with [Daniel] Lanois before, and I thought he might be able to bring that magic to this record. I thought, 'Well, I'll give it a try.' There must have been twelve, fifteen musicians in that room -- four drummers notwithstanding. I really don't know how we got anything out of that." He pauses to consider the record's reception. Released just after a much-publicized health scare, the album's doomy lyrics were widely taken as a musical wrestling match with the angel of death. "I mean, it was perceived as me being some chronic invalid, or crawling on bleeding knees. But that was never the case." I mention that some are already describing the new album as the third in a trilogy, beginning with Time Out of Mind. Dylan demurs: "Time Out of Mind was me getting back in and fighting my way out of the corner. But by the time I made Love and Theft, I was out of the corner. On this record, I ain't nowhere, you can't find me anywhere, because I'm way gone from the corner." He still toys with the notion I've put before him. "I would think more of Love and Theft as the beginning of a trilogy, if there's going to be a trilogy." Then swiftly gives himself an out: "If I decide I want to go back into the studio."

In a day of circular talk we've circled back to the new record, and I venture to ask him again about certain motifs. Modern Times shades Love and Theft's jocular, affectionate vibe into more ominous territory, the language of murder ballads and Edgar Allan Poe: foes and slaughter, haunted gardens and ghosts. Old blues and ballads are quoted liberally, like second nature. "I didn't feel limited this time, or I felt limited in the way that you want to narrow your scope down, you don't want to muddle things up, you want every line to be clear and every line to be purposeful. This is the way I feel someplace in me, in my genealogy -- a lot of us don't have the murderous instinct, but we wouldn't mind having the license to kill. I just let the lyrics go, and when I was singing them, they seemed to have an ancient presence." Dylan seems to feel he dwells in a body haunted like a house by his bardlike musical precursors. "Those songs are just in my genes, and I couldn't stop them comin' out. In a reincarnative kind of way, maybe. The songs have got some kind of a pedigree to them. But that pedigree stuff, that only works so far. You can go back to the ten-hundreds, and people only had one name. Nobody's gonna tell you they're going to go back further than when people had one name." This reply puts an effective end to my connect-the-dots queries about his musical influences. I tell him that despite the talk of enemies, I found in the new record a generosity of spirit, even a sense of acceptance. He consents, barely. "Yeah. You got to accept it yourself before you can expect anybody else to accept it. And in the long run, it's merely a record. Lyrics go by quick."

When all is said and done, Bob Dylan is keen that I understand where he's coming from, and for me to understand that, I have to grasp what he saw in the artists who went before him. "If you think about all the artists that recorded in the Forties and the Thirties, and in the Fifties, you had big bands, sure, but they were the vision of one man -- I mean, the Duke Ellington band was the vision of one man, the Louis Armstrong band, it was the individual voice of Louis Armstrong. And going into all the rhythm & blues stuff, and the rockabilly stuff, the stuff that trained me to do what I do, that was all individually based. That was what you heard -- the individual crying in the wilderness. So that's kind of lost too. I mean, who's the last individual performer that you can think of -- Elton John, maybe? I'm talking about artists with the willpower not to conform to anybody's reality but their own. Patsy Cline and Billy Lee Riley. Plato and Socrates, Whitman and Emerson. Slim Harpo and Donald Trump. It's a lost art form. I don't know who else does it beside myself, to tell you the truth." Is he satisfied? "I always wanted to stop when I was on top. I didn't want to fade away. I didn't want to be a has-been, I wanted to be somebody who'd never be forgotten. I feel that, one way or another, it's OK now, I've done what I wanted for myself."

These remarks, it should be noted, are yet another occasion for laughter. "I see that I could stop touring at any time, but then, I don't really feel like it right now." Short of promising the third part of the trilogy-in-progress, this is good enough news for me. May the Never Ending Tour never end. "I think I'm in my middle years now," Bob Dylan tells me. "I've got no retirement plans."

*FOOTNOTE: So what's Bob Dylan's favorite baseball team, anyway? "The problem with baseball teams is all the players get traded, and what your favorite team used to be -- a couple of guys you really liked on the team, they're not on the team now -- and you can't possibly make that team your favorite team. It's like your favorite uniform. I mean . . . yeah . . . I like Detroit. Though I like Ozzie [Guillen] as a manager. And I don't know how anybody can't like Derek [Jeter]. I'd rather have him on my team than anybody."

[From Issue 1008 — September 7, 2006]

Bob Dylan on The Mystery of Creativity

A beautiful piece - one of many - from the second series of TTRH where Bob Dylan speaks about the concept of creativity; in this case, with respect to the writing of the sublime "Stardust" by Hoagy Carmichael.

A part of David McDonald's fascinating series, The Mystery of Creativity.

From: TheWoodstockChannel


We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Save yourself.

Lovely self-portrait by Aussie artist puss--in--boots

The Hunger

Great work from PorcelainPoet

Kissimi.Omayok by *Isaia

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Great work from Isaia

Artist's Comments;

Too large to be scanned, picture taken.

Drawn two years ago, finished about a couple days ago.

Will experiment more on Inuit-style printing/painting once I get more masking fluid that doesn't destroy my brushes.

Show me the way

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Lovely piece from Apri1

Death of a Moron

Bowlin ain't Borin !


The bleached blonde's boobs are bigger than that bowling ball!

Speaking of blondes;
Q: Why was the blonde's belly button sore?
A: Because her boyfriend was blonde too.

Flowers would have been a better idea!

Female Athletics !

by roykeanz

The hungry sandmonster

by roykeanz

Sara was having a very bad dream !

by roykeanz

Mushi Mushi Lisa Marie Scott

This chick has proven very popular!

So Mushi Mushi Lisa Marie Scott. Again!

OK ... she's only half Japanese!

But what a half!

She's also, amazingly, said to be part Scottish! Erm ... are you sure? Scots women generally tend to look like a cross between Margaret Thatcher, a mule, a gorilla and a bulldog and have the psychotic demeanour of a Sarah Palin with extreme PMT! We really do need to see a DNA report on this claim!

Yap, Eurasian hotty Lisa Marie Scott is back. And front!

Sure looks good for 34!

Me likey!

Here's some details about the curvy and clever hotty!

Lisa Marie Scott (born February 1, 1974) is an American model and actress, born in Pensacola, Florida to an American serviceman (of Scottish and Swiss descent) and his Japanese wife, from the island of Okinawa.

Scott is known through her appearances in Playboy magazine. She first appeared as the Playmate of the Month for February 1995, and has continued to appear in Playboy magazines, videos, and television.

She had a short career playing smaller roles in some Hollywood films and television shows. Her film appearances include Ringer (1996), The Corporate Ladder (1996), and Glass Cage (1995). Television appearances include the sitcom Married... with Children. Scott has also appeared in FHM and Vanity Fair.

Two of her main passions in life are traveling and architecture.

She received a ballet scholarship from the University of California, Irvine but later studied history at UCLA and graduated summa cum laude in March, 2000, and then briefly studied law. Before Playboy, she was a professional ballerina with a company in the Pacific Northwest.

While no longer appearing in movies, she still remains active in developing her personal website.

Born February 1, 1974
Pensacola, Florida
Measurements Bust: 34"C
Waist: 21"
Hips: 33½"
Height 5 ft 2 in (1.57 m)
Weight 103 lb (47 kg/7.4 st)

Palin Fired Scumbags

by roykeanz

Palin success!

By roykeanz

Some naughty Italian babe on crazy Iti TV!

Iti TV is truly crazy!

We don't know what the fuck's supposed be going on here!

This is the main evening News, I believe!

Nah, it's something called "Balls of Steel"! Really!

It's the Economy Stupid (Palin!)

by roykeanz

Eurasian hotty Lisa Marie Scott

Nice vid of Eurasian hotty Lisa Marie Scott!

(Lisa Marie) Scott - Beam me up!

Palin touches the public !

by roykeanz

Well, you have been warned!

Only 99 left to go!

Sarah Palin wants to ZIGAZIG HA!

by roykeanz

Ever wondered what's going on in that tiny, dark, empty brain?

Warning, my fellow prisoners, roykeanz sent me a zip file full of fucking Palin cartoons! He'll cry if we don't post them all! So we'll be a postin em all, you betcha!

Methinks he's really got a fetish for MAMILFs ... i.e. Moronic Alaskan MILFs!

Is this the longest fucking election campaign in history or what? Seems like it's been 2 years since the Primaries! That's about 15 years in Dog Years ... or in Mc Cain Years!!

Internet Nazis!

We're Back Motherfuckers!

Shoot the Messenger

- Adolf Hitler

We're Back Motherfuckers!!

We would really like to thank our many friends who have been in touch regarding our sudden hiatus on blogger and offering their support! We are most appreciative indeed, fellow prisoners!!

We've been having problems and being targetted for some reason by certain anonymous parties wanting to shut us down!! We're being singled out and attacked by anonymous complainants for certain music-related posts. Basically for doing what a billion other bloggers are doing!! Using our inalienable right to Freedom of Speech to inform our friends of certain information we may have found in a normal web search, such as links to low-quality files uploaded somewhere by other parties - not by us!

Yes, we don't host any content here assholes! We don't upload files to any hosts!!

We state this clearly on every fucking post!

We state too on every post that, if anyone objects to anything on this blog, all they need to do is contact us and we'll take care of it! It's all easy!

It's all just another case of Nazi bullies again trying to control the internet! Trying to restrict freedom of speech!

Things are escalating. This month there have been an insane number of music blogs shut down. Talk about shooting the messenger!

Large hosts such as Rapidshare are being brought to court! Trolls are trying to make hosts accountable for content stored on their servers, which is akin to a "real life" scenario of trying to hold a bank accountable for the contents of a safety-deposit box (the bank offers a service whereby certain objects can be safely stored but the bank cannot be held accountable if, for example, someone - a Google executive, say - stuffs his safety-deposit box full of, say, nazi memorabilia and gay sex toys!!)

The army of trolls is on the move, my fellow prisoners, and is obviously making a concerted attack on the concept of file sharing - a fundamental kernel aspect of the internet age - and indeed too on the concept of free speech. Just because we are in a technical world, doesn't mean that our inalienable right to free speech no longer applies! Some of these assholes probably pine for the good old days when those who speak up for their rights could be thrown into gulags to rot!

These scum have been ripping off the music fan since the days of the gramophone!! However, the trough where these pigs stick their greedy snouts is presumably not as overflowing with goodies as it once was!!

The fucking Troll Wars have begun!! The dark days are upon us! Time to arm up and get into the trenches!!

Chelsea Girls - directed by Paul Morrissey and Andy Warhol

Chelsea Girls
Directed by Andy Warhol / Paul Morrissey
Produced by Andy Warhol
Written by Ronald Tavel / Andy Warhol
Starring Nico, Brigid Berlin, Ondine, Gerard Malanga, Eric Emerson, Mary Woronov, Ingrid Superstar, International Velvet
Music by The Velvet Underground
Cinematography Andy Warhol / Paul Morrissey (uncredited)
Release date(s) September 15, 1966
Running time 210 min. (approx.)
Country United States
Budget $3,000 (approx.)

"I want to make a movie that is a long movie, that is all black on one side and all white on the other."

- A Warhol

The seminal film directed by Paul Morrissey and Andy Warhol. A bold experimental work. A brand new genre of movie! A new genre of art!

A film starring the great Nico and featuring music from the greatest music group of all, The Velvet Underground!

The film was Warhol's first major commercial success, and was shot at the famous Hotel Chelsea and various other locations in New York City. The film, starring many of Warhol's Factory lackees, takes place at the hotel, and follows the lives of several of the young women who live there.

According to script-writer Ronald Tavel, Warhol first brought up the idea for the film in the back room of Max's Kansas City, Warhol's favorite nightspot, one night in the summer of 1966. In Ric Burns' documentary film Andy Warhol, Tavel recollected that Warhol took a napkin and drew a line down the middle and wrote 'B' and 'W' on opposite sides of the line; he then showed it to Tavel, explaining, "I want to make a movie that is a long movie, that is all black on one side and all white on the other." Warhol was referring to both the visual concept of the film, as well as the content of the scenes presented.

The film was shot in summer and early autumn 1966 in various rooms and locations inside the Hotel Chelsea, although it is worth noting that of all those who starred in the film, only poet René Ricard actually lived there at the time.

Filming also took place at The Factory, Warhol's studio. Appearing in the film were many of Warhol's regulars, including Nico, Brigid Berlin, Gerard Malanga, Ingrid Superstar, International Velvet and Eric Emerson. According to Burns' documentary, Warhol and his companions completed an average of one 33-minute segment per week.

Once principal photography wrapped, Warhol and co-director Paul Morrissey selected the twelve most striking vignettes they had filmed and then projected them side-by-side to create a visual juxtaposition of both contrasting images and divergent content (the so-called "white" or light and innocent aspects of life against the "black" or darker, more disturbing aspects.)

As a result, the 6 1/2 hour running time was essentially cut in half, to 3 hours and 15 minutes. However, part of Warhol's concept for the film was that it would be unlike watching a regular movie, as the two projectors could never achieve exact synchronization from viewing to viewing; therefore, despite specific instructions of where individual sequences would be played during the running time, each viewing of the film would, in essence, be an entirely different experience.

Several of the sequences have gone on to attain a cult-status, most notably the "Pope" sequence, featuring avant-garde actor and poet Robert Olivo, or Ondine as he called himself, as well as a segment featuring Mary Woronov entitled "Hanoi Hannah," one of two portions of the film scripted specifically by Tavel.

Notably missing is a sequence Warhol shot with his most popular superstar Edie Sedgwick which, according to Paul Morrissey, Warhol excised from the final film at the insistence of Sedgwick herself, who claimed she was under contract to Bob Dylan's manager, Albert Grossman, at the time the film was made.


Links found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web to content hosted elsewhere and uploaded by parties unknown.


Big thanks to joe le taxi and the original poster


We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said links, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the item in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Leningrad Cowboys Live - doing the classics!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

We fucking love Finnish auteur Aki Kaurismäki !'

And we love Aki's musical creation, the mad Finnish music group Leningrad Cowboys!

With the Leningrad Cowboys, Kaurismäki gained worldwide fame with his movie 'Leningrad Cowboys Go America' (1989)

The band started off as an imaginary group but, strangely, after the success of the film became a "real" group! Leningrad Cowboys began to take on a life of its own, recording music, making videos and giving concerts.

The band appeared in two other Aki Kaurismäki films, the Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses (1994) and the Total Balalaika Show (1994), which is a film of a concert performed by the band and the full 160-member Alexandrov ensemble in Helsinki in June 1993.

Kaurismäki also wrote and directed two videos featuring the band: their cover of the 60's folk standard Those Were The Days (1992) and Thru The Wire (also featuring Tesco) (1992).

Currently, the band has eleven Leningrad Cowboys and two Leningrad Cowgirls!!

Their songs, somewhat influenced by polka, punk and progressive rock, are performed in English and have themes such as vodka, tractors, rockets, and Genghis Khan, as well as folkloric Russian songs, rock and roll ballads and covers from bands as diverse as The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Lynyrd Skynyrd, all presented with shitloads of humour.

Read more: wiki/Leningrad_Cowboys

Here the cowboys do a wonderful job with the Bob Dylan classic, Knocking On Heaven's Door!

You've never heard it played like this before!! This is fucking amazing!

The clip comes from the Total Balalaika Show - a concert performed by the band and the full 160-member Alexandrov ensemble in Helsinki in June 1993.

From: jarsku

Enjoy this clip of the cowboys performing live in Oulu, a small coastal town a few hundred miles north of Helsinki, back in 1997.

It's the classic Deep Purple track Smoke On The Water. But only kind of!

From: jarsku

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Brazilian hotty Adriane Galisteu

Adriane Galisteu - Vip Magazine
PDF │ 4 MB │ 09 pages

Some Brazilian hotty called Adriane Galisteu !



Awesome Asian Lisa Marie Scott



Friday, 24 October 2008

Blogger DMCA takedown notification! WTF is this?

Let all men know how empty and worthless is the power of kings, for there is none worthy of the name, ....

-King Canute

Shoot the Messenger

- Adolf Hitler

More dumb bullshit!

Bullies again trying to control the internet! Trying to restrict freedom of speech!

Bullies as fucking dumb as King Canute setting his throne by the sea shore and commanding the tide to halt and not wet his feet and robes!!

The tide of modernity cannot be stopped motherfuckers! It's a brand new world. A new paradigm. Deal with it!!

Let's make a few things clear at the outset.

This isn't a commercial site!

We're making less than zero on this! Correction, actually we were on Adsense for one month before censorial Adsense booted us, for some unclear reason, apparently for not having content for children! We made 15 bucks - but never claimed it!

It's a fucking hobby for us! The only people making money from this blog are Google!!

Anyway, here's a missive received today;

Blogger has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that certain content in your blog infringes upon the copyrights of others. The URL(s) of the allegedly infringing post(s) may be found at the end of this message.

The notice that we received, with any personally identifying information removed, will be posted online by a service called Chilling Effects at

We do this in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please note that it may take Chilling Effects up to several weeks to post the notice online at the link provided.

The DMCA is a United States copyright law that provides guidelines for online service provider liability in case of copyright infringement. We are in the process of removing from our servers the links that allegedly infringe upon the copyrights of others. If we did not do so, we would be subject to a claim of copyright infringement, regardless of its merits. See for more information about the DMCA, and see for the process that Blogger requires in order to make a DMCA complaint.

Blogger can reinstate these posts upon receipt of a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and 3) of the DMCA. For more information about the requirements of a counter notification and a link to a sample counter notification, see

Please note that repeated violations to our Terms of Service may result in further remedial action taken against your Blogger account. If you have legal questions about this notification, you should retain your own legal counsel. If you have any other questions about this notification, please let us know.


The Blogger Team

So we get this thing above from google.

Complaints about a Nick Cave bootleg, we think (yes, a fucking bootleg that's not commercially sold and therefore can never cause any loss to anyone!!)

What's more, we never posted the file in question to whatever host it was stored on!

In fact,
we NEVER post ANY files to any fucking host!

Even if we wanted to, our internet connection is so dire that it isn't technically possible anyway!!

However, we perhaps did post some links found via a search engine. I can't remember the post ... since eager-beavers google ripped it out immediately without addressing us in advance!!

We clearly say on the blog home screen, and on every post, the following;
We simply provide links to pre-existent content freely available on the World Wide Freedom Web and thus content which is available to all internet users under Freedom of Information Act and other legislation.

We are huge fans of music. One of our aims is to promote bands and music we like. Any music content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

However, if there is some content here that somebody has a valid objection to, please send an email to and the content shall be immediately removed.
We do not upload any files to the web! We did not upload these files!

Nevertheless, if there is some content here that somebody has a valid objection to, all they need to do is contact us and the content shall be immediately removed!

It all could be so easy!

But No! No! No! Fucking NO!

Why does the complainant not contact the original uploader, or the sites hosting the files, instead of hassling us?

The whole process that is actually adopted is total bullshit!

Google doesn't host any files. Therefore, google should not have to unquestioningly kowtow to any warnings and allegations from complainants regarding info pertaining to hosted files, and worse, take it out on their bloggers.

It's in big part due to its countless bloggers that google is a supremely rich company!

Anyway, all we are saying in the posts being complained about is essentially the following;
"In the course of a normal - perhaps random - search on the web, we found link xxxx for such and such. The exact same link xxxx that you will find if you search yourself! We do not upload any files to the web! We did not upload these files! This is probably a low quality file, inadequate for the true music fan.

We are huge fans of music. One of our aims is to promote bands and music we like. Any music content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

However, if there is some content here that somebody has a valid objection to, please send us an email
and the content shall be immediately removed."

To not be allowed to say this, and worse, to be punished for doing so, is surely an infringement upon our inalienable right to Freedom of Speech.

The whole complaint process is assways!

This situation is somewhat akin to a scenario like this;
Some guy, let's call him John Mac, sees a gal come out of a candy store with a tub labelled M&Ms and sees her puts the tub in a deserted building nearby at, say, 32 Main Street. He doesn't know what's in the tub for sure.

Now, he's on a busy street, so hundreds and hundreds of people see the event. For example, a lanky nasty Nazi looking mofo called George and his simian son GW see the event clearly too and tell their pals about it.

Like George and GW, John Mac tells his pal Barack that some gal put some a tub labelled M&Ms in the building at 32 Main Street and that he doesn't know what's in the tub for sure. Barack then tells his pal Joe.

Some asshole overhears this conversation and calls the police who arrest Barack because they have an unproven claim that the items in the a tub labelled M&Ms have not been properly paid for.

Now, Barack is the one (that one!) wrongly taking the blame for something he had no involvement with.

The assholes do not bother George and GW and the hundreds of others on the street who spoke about the third-party event.

They do not hassle John Mac, who told Barack about the event.

Barack did not take the tub labelled M&Ms. In fact, all he knows about the matter is what John Mac told him. He does not even know what's actuallyinside the tub labelled M&Ms! It might contain any number of different items. It may even be empty!!

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with Barack! All he did was tell his pal what someone else told him!

All he did was utilise his right to freedom of speech to tell his pal of the events that had already occurred!

Meanwhile (although not saying there is any real case to be brought against this party) the person who took the tub labelled M&Ms and placed it somewhere - let's call her Sarah! - is the only entity with something to potentially answer for!

However, Sarah may just have put the tub labelled M&Ms, that she properly purchased, in the building in order to collect it later. It's not clear.

Alternatively, Sarah may just have put the tub labelled M&Ms, that she properly purchased, in the building in order share some with her friend. It's not clear.

However, just because they have Barack, the authorities have no interest in pursuing Sarah and establishing the proper circumstances of the event!!!

And the asshole who started the whole witch-hunt also approaches the local Council (the Bureau for Streets!) - let's call them Goggledeegook ! - and demands that Barack no longer be allowed to speak on that street which is in their geographical jurisdiction!

So Goggledeegook threaten Barack because he was on a certain street when he told Joe of the event, and because Goggledeegook have been told by the authorities that nobody can speak of such factual matters on one of their streets!!


All very "commie under the bed". Talk about exhuming Mc Carthy!
The situation's very very simple. These complainants only have at best a potential case (i.e. at best, a very tentative and debatable case - but that's another discussion) but ONLY against the uploader and the host, wherein the file is housed!

That's the only remotely pursuable issue here!

Their bullying of other parties is simply an abuse of the Freedom of Speech Act.

And, since there can be thousands of similar parties posting the same links, why do they pick only one or a few such parties? It's a deliberate tactic of victimisation.

Also intolerable is the bullying of guys walking on the street, by the Bureau for Streets!

These complainants need to be told to politely FUCK OFF and contact the host of any such file and the person who uploaded it!!



Ahem .. Ahem !! .... Deep breathing!

Anyway, can someone please let us know what this message actually means for us! I sent an email to google but got no reply! We did nothing wrong.

We're entitiled to free speech. More than entitiled. It is our right.

John McCain/Barack Obama Dance-Off


Just a tad creepy!!

Polar Palin shooo be havin them moves down! You betcha!

Dir En Grey - Toshiya XV

Nice cosplay piece from doctor-surgeon

Model: Toshiya

Music Lover


Interesting work from

Kinks - Preservation Act 1 (Bonus Tracks)

Kinks - Preservation Act 1 (Bonus Tracks)
Released 16 November 1973 (Act 1)
Recorded March - July, 1973 (Act 1)
at Konk Studios, London
Genre Rock and roll
Length 46:54 (Act 1/1998 reissue)
Label RCA (original)
Velvel (1998 reissue)
Producer Ray Davies

Mp3 @320

Preservation: Act 1 and Preservation: Act 2 are rather strange 1973 concept albums released as separate albums in 1973 and 1974 by The Kinks. Originally the plan was to create a single rock opera, but the idea was scratched!

The Preservation albums were not well-received by critics and sold poorly (the first one peaking on the Billboard 200 at #177), though the live performances of the material were much better received.

Preservation: Act 1 coverMany hardcore Kinks fans were alienated by Ray Davies' melodramatic songwriting during the Preservation project era, resulting in albums that played more like the soundtracks to a piece of musical theatre than rock albums.

However, more recent reviews of Preservation: Act 1 have been more sympathetic to its ambitions. In particular, All Music's Stephen Thomas Erlewine has declared "Sweet Lady Genevieve" to be the "real candidate for Davies' forgotten masterpiece".

The CD reissue of Preservation: Act 1 includes the single versions of "Preservation" and "One of the Survivors", neither of which are available on the original vinyl release. The latter briefly charted on the Billboard Pop Singles chart peaking at #108.

Arriving in May, 1974, just six months after PRESERVATION ACT 1, the Kinks' double-album PRESERVATION ACT 2 better represented the scope of Ray Davies's aspirations to extend his creative talent to the arena of musical theater.

We have already posted Act 2.

Preservation: Act 1 coverDespite the title's similarity to that of the Kinks' 1968 album THE VILLAGE GREEN PRESERVATION SOCIETY (which frequently turns up on "Greatest Albums of All Time" surveys), the group's 1973 rock opera PRESERVATION ACT 1 is not nearly as song-oriented as its predecessor.

As Record Collector editor Peter Doggett writes in his excellent liner notes to VelVel's reissue of PRESERVATION ACT 1, VILLAGE GREEN was more of a concept album, creating a feel without using a narrative. Each of its songs was a miniature window into English villages' fast-disappearing way of life.

With PRESERVATION ACT 1, Ray Davies took the basic idea behind VILLAGE GREEN and turned it into a larger-than-life production with a highly didactic narrative. It was clear that, this time around, Davies was not going to leave listeners any room to interpret his musical statements symbolically.

The result was a Kinks album like no other, a forum for Davies's wildly creative imagination and his talent for storytelling. It left many Kinks fans hungry for its sequel, PRESERVATION ACT 2, which came out six months later.

The Kinks here are Dave Davies, Ray Davies (vocals, guitar); John Gosling (keyboards); John Dalton (bass guitar); Mick Avory (drums).

Additional personnel: Laurie Brown (flute, tenor saxophone, trumpet); Alan Holmes (clarinet, baritone saxophone); John Beecham (trombone, tuba); Pamela Travis, Krysia Kocjan, Sue Brown, Lewis Rich, Lee Pavey (background vocals).

Tracklisting and Details
  1. "Preservation"* – 3:37
  2. "Morning Song" – 2:00
  3. "Daylight" – 3:19
  4. "Sweet Lady Genevieve" – 3:26
  5. "There's a Change in the Weather" – 2:59
  6. "Where Are They Now?" – 3:28
  7. "One of the Survivors" – 4:31
  8. "Cricket" – 2:56
  9. "Money & Corruption" / "I Am Your Man" – 6:01
  10. "Here Comes Flash" – 2:41
  11. "Sitting in the Midday Sun" – 3:47
  12. "Demolition" – 4:07
  13. "One of the Survivors"* – 4:07

The songs marked with a star are bonus tracks on CD reissues.

1. Preservation stereo mix, recorded Oct 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
2. Morning Song stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
3. Daylight stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
4. Sweet Lady Genevieve stereo mix, recorded Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
5. There's A Change In The Weather stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
6. Where Are They Now? stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
7. One Of The Survivors stereo mix, recorded Mar 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
8. Cricket stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
9. Money & Corruption / I Am Your Man stereo mix (5:52), recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
10. Here Comes Flash stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
11. Sitting In The Midday Sun stereo mix, recorded May 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
12. Demolition stereo mix, recorded May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
13. One Of The Survivors stereo mix, different mix and edit from album version, recorded Mar 1973 at Morgan Studios, Willesden, London

Big thanks to Mr Ghost

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Kinks - Preservation Act 2 (Bonus Tracks)

Kinks - Preservation Act 2 (Bonus Tracks)
Released May 8, 1974 (Act 2)
Recorded January - March 1974 (Act 2) at Konk Studios, London
Genre Rock and roll
Length 76:56 (Act 2/1998 reissue)
Label RCA (original)
Velvel (1998 reissue)
Producer Ray Davies

Mp3 @320

Preservation: Act 1 and Preservation: Act 2 are rather strange 1973 concept albums released as separate albums in 1973 and 1974 by The Kinks. Originally the plan was to create a single rock opera, but the idea was scratched!

The Preservation albums were not well-received by critics and sold poorly (the first one peaking on the Billboard 200 at #177), though the live performances of the material were much better received.

Preservation: Act 1 coverMany hardcore Kinks fans were alienated by Ray Davies' melodramatic songwriting during the Preservation project era, resulting in albums that played more like the soundtracks to a piece of musical theatre than rock albums.

However, more recent reviews of Preservation: Act 1 have been more sympathetic to its ambitions. In particular, All Music's Stephen Thomas Erlewine has declared "Sweet Lady Genevieve" to be the "real candidate for Davies' forgotten masterpiece".

The CD reissue of Preservation: Act 1 includes the single versions of "Preservation" and "One of the Survivors", neither of which are available on the original vinyl release. The latter briefly charted on the Billboard Pop Singles chart peaking at #108.

Arriving in May, 1974, just six months after PRESERVATION ACT 1, the Kinks' double-album PRESERVATION ACT 2 better represented the scope of Ray Davies's aspirations to extend his creative talent to the arena of musical theater.

It begins roughly where ACT 1 ended, with the formerly placid inhabitants of Davies' mythical English country village taking up arms against the sleazy dictator Flash. While Flash represents animal desires given free reign, opposition leader Mr.Black takes advantage of citizens' Puritan desires for good old law and order.

As the two demagogues circle each other, the masses quickly become pawns in a political morality play that has little actual political content and no morality to speak of, save for Davies' obvious affection for everyday folks.

Musically, PRESERVATION ACT 2 closely follows the style Davies affected in ACT 1. The songs are tightly produced, with close harmonies, a liberal sprinkling of hooks, and a high level of drama. Davies has periodically threatened to turn the entire PRESERVATION into a Broadway show, and this album is a reminder of just how close it was to the time-honored Broadway style even when he first conceived it.

The Kinks here are Dave Davies, Ray Davies (vocals, guitar); John Gosling (keyboards); John Dalton (bass guitar); Mick Avory (drums).

Additional personnel: Laurie Brown (flute, tenor saxophone, trumpet); Alan Holmes (clarinet, baritone saxophone); John Beecham (trombone, tuba); Pamela Travis, Krysia Kocjan, Sue Brown, Lee Pavey, Chris Musk (background vocals).

Tracklisting and Details
  1. "Announcement" – 0:41
  2. "Introduction to Solution" – 2:43
  3. "When a Solution Comes" – 3:40
  4. "Money Talks" – 3:44
  5. "Announcement" – 0:55
  6. "Shepherds of the Nation" – 4:17
  7. "Scum of the Earth" – 2:45
  8. "Second-Hand Car Spiv" – 4:01
  9. "He's Evil" – 4:25
  10. "Mirror of Love" – 3:26
  11. "Announcement" – 0:34
  12. "Nobody Gives" – 6:33
  13. "Oh Where Oh Where Is Love?" – 3:40
  14. "Flash's Dream (The Final Elbow)" – 4:17
  15. "Flash's Confession" – 4:06
  16. "Nothing Lasts Forever" – 3:42
  17. "Announcement" – 0:20
  18. "Artificial Man" – 5:30
  19. "Scrapheap City" – 3:16
  20. "Announcement" – 1:05
  21. "Salvation Road" – 3:20
  22. "Mirror of Love"* – 3:29
  23. "Slum Kids"* – 6:27

The songs marked with a star are bonus tracks on CD reissues.

1. Announcement stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
2. Introduction To Solution stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
3. When A Solution Comes stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
4. Money Talks stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
5. Announcement stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
6. Shepherds Of The Nation stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
7. Scum Of The Earth stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
8. Second-Hand Car Spiv stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
9. He's Evil stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
10. Mirror Of Love stereo mix, Ray Davies' demo, recorded probably Dec 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
11. Announcement stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
12. Nobody Gives stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
13. Oh Where Oh Where Is Love? stereo mix, recorded probably May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
14. Flash's Dream (The Final Elbow) stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
15. Flash's Confession stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
16. Nothing Lasts Forever stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
17. Announcement stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
18. Artificial Man stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
19. Scrapheap City stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
20. Announcement stereo mix, recorded Jan-Mar 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
21. Salvation Road stereo mix, recorded probably May-Jul 1973 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
22. Mirror Of Love stereo mix, new recording with full band, US single mix (different from UK single mix), recorded 17-18 Jun, 1974 at Konk Studios, Hornsey, London
23. Slum Kids live, stereo mix, recorded Mar 1979 at (unknown venue)

Big thanks to Mr Ghost

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Plague Plague Plague

Wonderful piece by Miss-Deathwish

Obviously a big Albert Camus fan!

Figurine - Meer Campbell II

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

from doctor-surgeon

Is it wrong to be kinda turned on by a figurine?!

Sam the Snake ... by roykeanz

Big thanks to roykeanz

The Legendary Pink Dots - Plutonium Blonde (2008)

The Legendary Pink Dots - Plutonium Blonde (2008)

This one's getting a lot of critical acclaim.

Described as the "modern day Brothers Grimm"!

Or maybe it's a comedy album by the Brothers Grin! I just don't know!

We really like the cover artwork. But never judge a book by the cover.

This ain't a fucking book though!

Let's check the mofos out!!

The Legendary Pink Dots have created their most commercially appealing album to date with Plutonium Blonde, the follow up to 2006's Your Children Placate You From Premature Graves.

Frontman Edward Ka-Spel and his crew capture the listener's imagination with lush and haunting songs. "A World with No Mirrors" is as beautiful and emotionally charged as any Belle & Sebastian song, while "My First Zonee" comments upon our narcissistic love affair with modern technology.

"An Arm & A Leg" reminds us of the fragile state of our mental and physical health. Plutonium Blonde is more than just an album; it's an aural and visual treat, a collection of stories that could have very well been written by a modern day Brothers Grimm.

Legendary Pink Dots - "Rainbows Too?"



01. Torchsong (7:08)
02. Rainbows Too? (9:32)
03. A World With No Mirrors (5:18)
04. My First Zonee (3:59)
05. Faded Photograph (4:29)
06. An Arm And A Leg (6:42)
07. Mailman (2:23)
08. Oceans Blue (7:48)
09. Savannah Red (1:49)
10. Cubic Caesar (6:32)

here she be:

Big thanks to alienonacid

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Ahhhh Athletics! by roykeanz

by roykeanz

All the Psycho Horses .... by roykeanz

by roykeanz

Play with Batman!

A kid's squirting gun!

Is it just me, or is there something a tad distressing about this item?!

She Hangs Stars in the Sky

Lovely digital art from yanachan

Mary walks

We love this work by nixenator


Nice collage from tuureluure

Music is My Love

Nice work from Qinni

Maple Mabel

Nice shot from

Gotta love those Canuck babes!

Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly

by bunnystick

She hangs brightly from the tree
Wonders what she's done to me
I'm aware of your game
Come and watch me
Watch me come down

Takes me down deep and wide
Pulls me through to the other side
She's the winner of her game
Come and watch her
Watch her come down

It stays down
Sour in truth
Lies of lovin'
The story's cheap

She's the winner of her game
Come and watch her
Watch her come down.

Deep and wide

The great title track from the seminal debut album by !

Grab it here ... mazzy-she hangs brightly

Lots more magnificent Mazzy

Chinese Takeaway by roykeanz

by roykeanz

Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly (1990)

Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly
Released 1990
Genre Alternative rock, Dream pop, Psychedelic Rock/Folk
Length 40:28
Label Capitol
Producer David Roback
Mp3 @ 256 / 76MB

She Hangs Brightly was the amazing debut album from the magnificent !

We've already posted lots more Mazzy

Mazzy Star's roots lie in the California Paisley Underground movement of the 1980s. David Roback, along with his brother Steve, was one of the main architects of leading Los Angeles psychedelic revival band, the Rain Parade.

Leaving that band after their first LP, David founded Opal in the mid-1980s with ex- Dream Syndicate bassist Kendra Smith.

Opal's quasi-psychedelic ruminations, with their guitar drones and hints of blues and folk, weren't far off the template that Mazzy Star would follow.

Roback met Sandoval through Kendra Smith. Sandoval, still in high school at the time, was playing in a duo called Going Home with Sylvia Gomez; Kendra was impressed enough to make a tape of their music and pass it on to Roback, who produced a still-unreleased album by the pair.

When Smith left Opal under cloudy circumstances in the middle of an American tour with The Jesus & Mary Chain, Sandoval was tapped as her replacement. After that tour and a jaunt through Europe were completed, Opal disbanded, and Roback and Sandoval decided to continue collaborating in Mazzy Star.

She Hangs Brightly was the first album from Mazzy Star, released in 1990 not long after the demise of Opal.

This 1990 debut on Rough Trade, She Hangs Brightly, was a post-punk take on the kind of dark psychedelia practiced by The Doors on "The End", as well as the massive guitar drone woven by The Velvet Underground on "What Goes On". Most of the rest of their material is devoted to acoustic-flavoured ballads with heavy blues and folk elements, often featuring Roback on slide guitar.

She Hangs Brightly, basically picks up where Opal's Happy Nightmare Baby left off!

Exchanging Kendra Smith's languorous vocals for the sultrier presence of Hope Sandoval, David Roback continues chasing the neo-psychedelic holy grail he's pursued since his days with the Rain Parade.

After opening with a pair of standouts, the dreamy "Halah" and the garage-inspired "Blue Flower," the group demonstrates a solid grasp of atmosphere and texture across a seris of consistently good tracks

The opening track "Halah" was also released as a single. It announces the band's trademark effect with haunting guitar work and lyrics, and Hope Sandoval's disengaged vocals.

Roback's Robbie Krieger-inspired psychedelic blues slide guitar style can be heard on the song, "Free".

"Ghost Highway" is another psychedelic rock track, with a fast rhythm. This song dates from the band's days as Opal and was initially slated to be the title track of Opal's second album.

While not a commercial success, this album was lauded by critics and helped establish Mazzy Star as a unique band with a unique sound.

The great album cover features a shot of the interior of Hôtel Tassel in Brussels!

the second track on the LP, "Blue Flower" is a Slapp Happy cover from the 1972 album Sort Of.
Wonderful music, magic songs and sultry Hope Sandoval's sultry voice! What more could you want?!

Awwww .... Hope Sandoval .... the sexiest female to ever stroke a guitar!

Loadsa Mazzy here:

and here:


Loadsa info here:

Loadsa sexy Hope here:


1. "Halah" — 3:16
2. "Blue Flower" — 3:35
3. "Ride It On" — 3:01
4. "She Hangs Brightly" — 6:24
5. "I'm Sailin" — 3:13
6. "Give You My Lovin" — 3:50
7. "Be My Angel" — 3:17
8. "Taste Of Blood" — 5:36
9. "Ghost Highway" — 3:28
10. "Free" — 3:11
11. "Before I Sleep" — 2:10

Hope Sandoval, David Roback, Sylvia Gomez, Keith Mitchell, Suki Ewers, William Cooper, Paul Olguin.

Here she be:


Big thanks to the original poster

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Lesbian Soccer by roykeanz

by roykeanz

Mazzy Star - So Tonight Τhat I Might See (1993)

Mazzy Star - So Tonight Τhat I Might See
Released October 5, 1993
Genre Dream pop, alternative rock
Length 51:36
Label Capitol
Producer David Roback
MP3 256 kbps / 92 Mb

So Tonight Τhat I Might See
was the second great album from the magnificent !

We've already posted lots more Mazzy
The album's first track, the sublime "Fade into You," was the band's only single to make the Billboard Hot 100 chart, topping out at #44. The song also hit #48 on the UK Singles Chart.

This LP represents minimal change in the sound from Mazzy Star's first album She Hangs Brightly, although the tracks are a tad more processed and a little less gritty.

"Fade into You" became a staple of mid-1990s teen dramas, movies, and perhaps represented a kind of gentle ennui that was missing from the more aggressive angst of grunge.

Continuing with the general theme of quieter, more contemplative songs, this album became a staple on college radio stations.
Therefore, thanks to the fluke hit "Fade Into You" - one of the better beneficiaries of alt-rock's radio prominence in the early '90s, a gentle descent of a lead melody accompanied by piano, a steady beat, and above all else, Hope Sandoval's lovely lead vocal - Mazzy Star's second album became something of a commercial success.

All without changing much at all from where the band was before - David Roback oversaw all the production, the core emphasis remained a nexus point between country, folk, psych, and classic rock all shrouded in mystery, and Sandoval's trademark drowsy drawl remained swathed in echo.

But grand as She Hangs Brightly was, So Tonight That I Might See remains the group's high point, mixing in plenty of variety among its tracks without losing sight of what made the group so special to begin with.

Though many songs work with full arrangements like "Fade Into You," a thick but never once overpowering combination, two heavily stripped-down songs demonstrate in different ways how Mazzy Star makes a virtue out of simplicity.

"Mary of Silence" is an organ-led slow shuffle that easily ranks with the best of the Doors, strung-out and captivating all at once, Sandoval's singing and Roback's careful acid soloing perfect foils. "Wasted," meanwhile, revisits a classic blues riff slowed down to near-soporific levels, but the snarling crunch of Roback's guitar works wonders against Sandoval's vocals, a careful balance that holds. If there's a left-field standout, then unquestionably it's "Five String Serenade."

A cover of an Arthur Lee song - for once not a Love-era number, but a then-recent effort - Roback's delicate acoustic guitar effortlessly brings out its simple beauty. Tambourine and violin add just enough to the arrangement here and there, and Sandoval's calm singing makes for the icing on the cake.
Wonderful music, magic songs and sultry Hope Sandoval's sultry voice! What more could you want?!

Awwww .... Hope Sandoval .... the sexiest female to ever stroke a guitar!

Loadsa Mazzy here:

and here:


Loadsa info here:

Loadsa sexy Hope here:


1. "Fade into You" – 4:55
2. "Bells Ring" – 4:32
3. "Mary Of Silence" – 6:02
4. "Five String Serenade" – 4:24
5. "Blue Light" – 5:10
6. "She's My Baby" – 4:25
7. "Unreflected" – 3:42
8. "Wasted" – 5:31
9. "Into Dust" – 5:36
10. "So Tonight That I Might See" – 7:19

* All songs written by Hope Sandoval and David Roback except 'Five String Serenade' (track four) written by Arthur Lee

Here she be:

256 kbps

alternative link
unsure re kbps

Big thanks to kadorna and 100mirrorsproject

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Mazzy Star - Among My Swan (1996)

Mazzy Star - Among My Swan (1996)
Released October 29, 1996
Genre alternative rock
Length 54:00
Label Capitol
Producer David Roback
Hope Sandoval
MP3 192 kbps/ 74 MB

Among My Swan was the third album from the magnificent !

We've already posted lots more Mazzy Another wonderful work! This one also features contributions from William Reid of the mighty !

Although Among My Swan did not contain any US Billboard Hot 100 hits like its predecessor, So Tonight That I Might See, this album did garner the band its highest-ranking single on the UK Singles Chart, when "Flowers In December" reached #40 in November 1996. However, the album's second single, "I've Been Let Down", did not chart in either the United States or the UK.

Among My Swan relied less on the echo effect that was ubiquitous across the previous two albums. Hope Sandoval's voice is paired with simple acoustic instrumentation that marks most of the tracks. The guitar and harmonica accompaniment on "I've Been Let Down" is a prime example of this. These tracks are not markedly different in sound or feel from the preceding two albums.

Among My Swan is considered Mazzy Star's final album. Although the band has not officially broken up, they have released no new material since the release of "I've Been Let Down" as a single in 1996, and lead singer Hope Sandoval has gone on to form Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions, which released an album in 2001. music, magic songs and sultry Hope Sandoval's sultry voice! What more could you want?!

Awwww .... Hope Sandoval .... the sexiest female to ever stroke a guitar!

Loadsa Mazzy here:

and here:

Loadsa info here:

Loadsa sexy Hope here:


1. "Disappear" – 4:04
2. "Flowers in December" – 4:57
3. "Rhymes of an Hour" – 4:12
4. "Cry, Cry" – 3:58
5. "Take Everything" – 4:53 * **
6. "Still Cold" – 4:48 *
7. "All Your Sisters" – 5:16
8. "I've Been Let Down" – 3:17
9. "Roseblood" – 4:51
10. "Happy" – 3:58
11. "Umbilical" – 4:59
12. "Look On Down from the Bridge" – 4:47

* Drums: Aaron Sherer
** Guitar: William Reid of The Jesus and Mary Chain

Here she be:

Big thanks to kadorna

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Andrew Bird - Live In Montreal (2008)

Andrew Bird - Live In Montreal (2008)

A nice Live LP from Indie Hero Bird!

Bird's The Ballad Of The Red Shoes was one of our favourite releases of the past few years. Pure minimalist beauty. His other "normal" work is pretty damn good too.

Indie rock’s favourite whistler, Andrew Bird has announced his next studio full-length is all ready to go. Titled Noble Beast, the album is due to hit shops January 27 next, via Fat Possum and will follow up last year’s Armchair Apocrypha.

Along with Noble Beast, the Chicago songwriter also has a new live offering available at his webshop and at shows. That release is titled Live in Montreal and, as the title clearly points out, was recorded live in Montreal at the city’s La Tulipe. It features a three-man band made up of Bird, Martin Dosh and Jeremy Ylvisaker, and was recorded in September 2007.


1. Intro
2. Why?
3. Opposite Day
4. Simple X
5. Cannonade
6. Imitosis
7. Spare-Ohs
8. Skin Is, My
9. Darkmatter

here she be:

Big thanks to the original poster

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven OST by Yevgeni Doga (1975)

Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven (Tabor Ukhodit V Nebo)
- Soundtrack (By Yevgeni Doga) (1975)

Format: Mp3 256 kbps
Size: 84.1 MB

Some wonderful mad music here!


03_Pod Zvezdanim nebom.mp3
05_Sare Patrya.mp3
08_Nane Zokha.mp3
10_Kay Ene.mp3
12_Ya Umirayu Mama.mp3
14_Scena U Cerkvi.mp3
15_Ay Mato.mp3

here she be:

Big thanks to jura007 at

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Grinding for Obama ... by roykeanz

by roykeanz

Three Stooges ... by roykeanz

by roykeanz

Nailin Palin by roykeanz

by roykeanz

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Mc Cain laid bare! ... Ewwwwwwwwwww!!

Wonderful work from Damien Glez, Journal du Jeudi, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
E-Mail Damien

Campaign Lies !

Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune, Utah
E-mail Pat. Visit Pat's site.

Natalie Portman in Ohio says Vote Early; campaigns for Obama

Lovely Natalie Portman in Ohio with the intelligent and correct message to Vote Early and Often - for Obama, of course.

No, not for the rabid, moronic, freakshow McInsane / Moose Momma ticket!! Even the usual slew of GOP inbred rednecks won't be voting for them!

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Little Minx

Nice shot from Sepaltura22

The Vines - Discography

Remove formatting from selection

A fine selection of works from the Aussie Garage group The Vines.

1. Get Out
2. Manger
3. A.S III
4. He’s A Rocker
5. Orange Amber
6. Jamola
7. True As The Night
8. Braindead
9. Kara Jane
10. MerryGoRound
11. Hey
12. A Girl I Knew
13. Scream
14. She Is Gone


1. Get Free
2. Ride
3. Highly Evolved
4. Winning Days
5. Outtathaway
6. Autumn Shade
7. Autumn Shade II
8. Factory
9. Animal Machine
10. Dont Listen To The Radio
11. Vision Valley
12. Homesick
13. Fuck The World
14. Spaceship
15. Anysound
16. Sun Child


1. Anysound
2. Nothin's Comin'
3. Candy Daze
4. Vision Valley
5. Don't Listen To The
6. G
ross Out
7. Take Me Back
8. Going Gone
9. F*k Yeh
10. Futuretarded
11. Dope Train
12. Atmos

13. Spaceship


1. Ride
2. Animal Machine
3. TV Pro
4. Autumn Shade II
5. Evil Town
6. Winning Days
7. She's Got Something To Say
8. Rainfall
9. Amnesia
10. Sun Child
11. Fuck The World


1. Highly Evolved
2. Autumn Shade
3. Outtathaway
4. Sunshinin

5. Homesick
6. Get Free

7. Country Yard
8. Factory

9. In The Jungle
10. Mary Jane
11. Ain't No Room

12. 1969


Live at the Wireless 2006

Nothin's Comin
Vision Valley
Dope Train
Don't Listen To The Radio
Winning Days
Fuck Yeh
Get Free


Live on Steve Lamacq's BBC R1 Show 2004

Animal Machine
She's Got Something to Say to Me
TV Pro
Autumn Shade II
Evil Town
Winning Days (split into two parts)
Mary Jane, Outtathaway!
Ain't No Room
Get Free


Big thanks to musiqueindieegeste

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

TTRH3.3 Bob Dylan TTRH Season 3 Ep 3 'NIGHT'

Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour

Season 3

Episode 3


Original Airdate October 22, 2008

Mp3 @ 256 kbps/ 116 MB/ RS + ES

Absolute Sound Recorder > Sound Forge 6.0 > FLAC Frontend

It's Night-time in the big city!!

Theme Time Radio Hour, your home for Dark Dreams, Twilight Themes and Starry Schemes

"Shoe Box, Shoe Box, Shoe Box, Shoe Box"!!

Take the ribbon from your hair,
shake it loose and let it fall,
Laying soft upon my skin,
like the shadows on the wall.

Come and lay down by my side
till the early morning light
All I'm taking is your time
help me make it through the night.
I don't care whats right or wrong,
I don't try to understand.
Let the devil take tomorrow,
Lord, tonight I need a friend.

Yesterday is dead and gone
and tomorrow's out of sight.
And its sad to be alone.
Help me make it through the night.

I don't care whats right or wrong,
I don't try to understand.
Let the devil take tomorrow
Lord, tonight I need a friend.

Yesterday is dead and gone
and tomorrow's out of sight.
Lord, its bad to be alone.
Help me make it through the night.

- Kris Kristofferson

I could be Batman. And you know I try.

-Bob Dylan

One man that was totally unlike Achilles, and by that I mean he definitely had no problems with his feet, was Fred Astaire!

- Bob Dylan

Some day, when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you...
And the way you look tonight.

Yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight.

With each word your tenderness grows,
Tearing my fear apart...
And that laugh that wrinkles your nose,
It touches my foolish heart.

Lovely ... Never, ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won't you please arrange it ?
'Cause I love you ... Just the way you look tonight.

Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm,
Just the way you look to-night.

- Lyrics by Dorothy Fields / Music by Jerome Kern

Fred Astaire - The Way You Look Tonight

The original performance of this classic song from 1936 where Fred is singing to the lovely Ginger Rogers.

No, don't worry, nothing whatsoever to do with that abysmally vile dumb Chris De Burgh ditty "Lady in Red"!!

Here's a guy I know from New Orelans. I call him Mac.

- Bob Dylan

Dylan's magnificent and seminal Theme Time Radio Hour series continues into Season 3 with this episode which explores the great theme of Night!

We're really surprised this theme has not been hit before!

I always believe one's juju is self-contained .... Me, I keep my juju in a jar, so no matter where I go, I can always come back to it.

-Bob Dylan

A wonderful show with typically excellent music as well as great banter, snippets, quotations, poetry, witticisms and corny jokes! From Van Gogh to Film Noir to Dylan Thomas to Cornell Woolrich to Walt Whitman to babies on trees! Talk about what happened 9 months after the great blackout! Plus a joke about crap rockers Yes!

We loved all the songs this week - even the Kristofferson, although a tad obvious choice. Typically eclectic! From jazz to country to blues to classic song to rockabilly ... and everything in between!

There's another top Drifters cut again this week! Very nice!

The classic Astaire rendition of the Fields / Kern masterpiece The Way You Look Tonight was also a lovely surprise.

We really loved the "Shoe Box" song!! The great "In The Night" by Chick Carbo. We've been singing "Shoe Box, Shoe Box, Shoe Box, Shoe Box" all day!!

A great discovery was the beautiful lo-fi of Forever Night Shade Mary by Latin Playboys - a side project of Mitchell Froom and friends. We're gonna be checking this lot out for sure!

However, like last season, XFM are annoyingly back to their old tricks. Next week's show is on President's Day and is an "Encore Presentation", XFM double-speak for Repeat! This is particularly annoying since, in two weeks, I think there's some sort of election somewhere!! Loadsa reasons to knock out a new show on President's Day! Grrrr!!

We're going to be sending a free hat out to you any minute.

-Bob Dylan

I gotta give all props to the red-headed stranger.

-Bob Dylan


1. Intro
2. All Night Long - Joe Houston
3. Such A Night - Dr. John
4. Another Night With The Boys - The Drifters
5. When The Sun Goes Down - LeRoy Carr
6. The Way You Look Tonight - Fred Astaire
7. Nite Life - Willie Nelson
8. In The Night - Chick Carbo
9. Midnight Shift - Buddy Holly
10. Why Don't You Eat Where You Slept Last Night - Zuzu Bollin
11. Night Time - The Strangeloves
12. In The Night - Professor Longhair
13. Forever Night Shade Mary - Latin Playboys
14. Black Night - Charles Brown
15. Help Me Make It Through The Night - Kris Kristofferson
16. Outro

Next Week: President's Day [Encore Presentation]

Here she be Dylanite dogs !

The full show on one mp3;

Various individual show components recorded as individual mp3s; ...

Artwork included in this version (the Polaroid in inside cover is the George Bellows painting "Summer Night") ... Enjoy!

Big thanks to blindwilly / charlespoet!

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Sea Gals Sea

by roykeanz

Night Night

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Exquisite self-portrait from LonelyPierot

Dark Romance

Lovely piece by the great hakanphotography

Artist's Comments
For designer Pinar Eris [link]
Pioneertown, CA
Model: Twink

Beatlemania? ... you betcha!

A shedload of Beatles goodies here!
The Best Beatles Collection Vol 1

Một số album của The Beatles ^_^

The Beatles - Let It Be

[SND] 01- Two of Us.mp3       29-Jun-2005 21:48  5.0M
[SND] 02- Dig a Pony.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.4M
[SND] 03- Across the Unive..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.2M
[SND] 04- I Me Mine.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.3M
[SND] 05- Dig It.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 1.1M
[SND] 06- Let It Be.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.6M
[SND] 07- Maggie Mae.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 954K
[SND] 08- I've Got a Feeli..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.0M
[SND] 09- One After 909.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.0M
[SND] 10- The Long and Win..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.0M
[SND] 11- For You Blue.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.5M
[SND] 12- Get Back.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.3M

The Beatles - Beatles For Sale

[SND] 01- No Reply.mp3        29-Jun-2005 21:48  3.2M
[SND] 02- I'm a Loser.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.5M
[SND] 03- Baby's in Black.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 2.9M
[SND] 04- Rock and Roll Mu..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.5M
[SND] 05- I'll Follow the ..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 2.5M
[SND] 06- Mr. Moonlight.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.6M
[SND] 07- Medley- Kansas C..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.5M
[SND] 08- Eight Days a Wee..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.8M
[SND] 09- Words of Love.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.1M
[SND] 10- Honey Don't.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.1M
[SND] 11- Every Little Thi..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 2.9M
[SND] 12- I Don't Want to ..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.6M
[SND] 13- What You're Doin..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.5M
[SND] 14- Everybody's Tryi..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.3M

The Beatles - The White Album

[SND] 01- Back in the U.S...> 29-Jun-2005 21:48  3.7M
[SND] 02- Dear Prudence.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.4M
[SND] 03- Glass Onion.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.2M
[SND] 04- OB-La-Di, OB-La-..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.3M
[SND] 05- Wild Honey Pie.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 1.2M
[SND] 07- While My Guitar ..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 6.0M
[SND] 08- Happiness Is a W..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.7M
[SND] 09- Martha My Dear.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.4M
[SND] 10- I'm So Tired.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 2.8M
[SND] 11- Blackbird.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.2M
[SND] 12- Piggies.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 2.8M
[SND] 13- Rocky Raccoon.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.9M
[SND] 14- Birthday.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.7M
[SND] 14- Don't Pass Me By..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.3M
[SND] 15- Yer Blues.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.5M
[SND] 16- I Will.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 2.4M
[SND] 16- Mother Nature's ..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.8M
[SND] 17- Julia.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.0M
[SND] 17- Sexy Sadie.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.5M
[SND] 18- Helter Skelter.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 6.2M
[SND] 19- Long, Long, Long..> 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.2M
[SND] 20- Revolution 1.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 5.9M
[SND] 21- Honey Pie.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 3.7M
[SND] 22- Savoy Truffle.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.0M
[SND] 23- Cry Baby Cry.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.2M
[SND] 24- Revolution 9.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 11M
[SND] 25- Good Night.mp3 29-Jun-2005 21:48 4.4M

The Beatles - 1

[SND] 01- Love Me Do.mp3      03-Jul-2005 15:42  3.2M

[SND] 02- From Me To You.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 2.7M

[SND] 03- She Loves You.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:42 3.2M

[SND] 04- I Want To Hold Y..> 03-Jul-2005 15:42 3.3M

[SND] 05- Can't Buy Me Lov..> 03-Jul-2005 15:40 3.0M

[SND] 06- A Hard Day's Nig..> 03-Jul-2005 15:40 3.5M

[SND] 07- I Feel Fine.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 3.2M

[SND] 08- Eight Days A Wee..> 03-Jul-2005 15:41 3.8M

[SND] 09- Ticket To Ride.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:43 4.4M

[SND] 10- Help!.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 3.2M

[SND] 11- Yesterday.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:43 2.9M

[SND] 12- Day Tripper.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:40 3.9M

[SND] 13- We Can Work It O..> 03-Jul-2005 15:43 3.1M

[SND] 14- Paperback Writer..> 03-Jul-2005 15:42 3.2M

[SND] 15- Yellow Submarine..> 03-Jul-2005 15:43 3.6M

[SND] 16- Eleanor Rigby.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 2.9M

[SND] 17- Penny Lane.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:42 4.1M

[SND] 18- All You Need Is ..> 03-Jul-2005 15:40 5.2M

[SND] 19- Hello, Goodbye.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 4.7M

[SND] 20- Lady Madonna.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:42 3.1M

[SND] 21- Hey Jude.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 9.7M

[SND] 22- Get Back.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:41 4.4M

[SND] 23- The Ballad Of Jo..> 03-Jul-2005 15:42 4.1M

[SND] 24- Something.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:42 4.2M

[SND] 25- Come Together.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:40 5.9M

[SND] 26- Let It Be.mp3 03-Jul-2005 15:42 5.3M

[SND] 27- The Long And Win..> 04-Jul-2005 01:03 5.0M

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Colin's Powelling round with terrorists ... you BETCHA!

John Darkow, The Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
Visit John. E-mail John.

Mies vailla menneisyyttä (The Man Without a Past) (2002) - Aki Kaurismäki

A wonderful film from Finnish auteur Aki Kaurismäki!

We fucking love Aki!

Aki has for many years been producing off-kilter, minimalist masterpieces of cinema.

Beautiful works of ostensible simplicity but deep complexity. Works which deal with serious matters but with a treacle-black sense of humour.

Always cleverly written, masterfully directed, beautifully shot, perfectly acted and wonderfully scored!

This was part three of Aki's
Finland Trilogy.

This great film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003 and won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival!

Particularly fine performances here from Kati Outinen and Markku Peltola!

We've already posted the fine Soundtrack for this film! Check it out HERE!

Nominated for an Academy Award (2003 Best Foreign Language Film), this is the second installation of acclaimed Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki's Finland Trilogy.

This fine film is a comic drama that's both totally unique and completely irresistible.

When a laborer (Markku Peltola) arrives in Helsinki in search of a job, he gets a brutal surprise beating in a local park by a group of thugs instead. He miraculously survives, but amnesia prevents him from remembering anything, including his name. Soon, a Salvation Army worker (2002 Cannes Film Festival Best Actress Award Winner Kati Outinen) develops a shy interest in him, and a sweet, natural romance begins between the two.

But just as the man's life begins to make sense again, his past suddenly returns to haunt him!!


Password: oldscot

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Alternative download

Finnish With Hardcoded English Sub

Tx Demini

Big thanks to foriegnmoviesddl and Demini

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

VA - The Man Without A Past OST

VA - The Man Without A Past OST (2003)

A wonderful film from Finnish auteur Aki Kaurismäki!

We fucking love Aki!

As well as producing off-kilter, minimalist masterpieces of cinema, Aki always gets the music spot on!

A typically eclectic array of artists here. From
classic Blues (Blind Lemon Jefferson) to Pop (The Renegades) to mad Finnish music to classical.

This great film was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003 and won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival!

Check the masterful film out too! We've posted it HERE!!


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01. Do the shake - The Renegades
02. Bandoneon - Antero Jakoila
03. Lokki - Tapio Rautavaara
04. That crawlin’ baby blues - Blind Lemon Jefferson
05. Symphony No.3 in A major Op.55 (Adagio) - Oulu Symphony Orchestra
06. Paha vaanii - Marko Haavisto
07. Hawaii no yoru - Crazy Ken Band
08. Veto - Antero Jakoila
09. Valkoiset linnut - Markus Allan
10. Thunder And lightning - Marko Haavisto
11. Muistatko monrepos’n - Poutahaukat
12. My heart must do the crying - The Renegades
13. Motto wasabi - Masao Onose
14. Stay - Marko Haavisto

Here she be:


Big thanks to worldofsoundtrack

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Enough Joe the f**king Plumber already!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Cameron (Cam) Cardow, Canada
The Ottawa Citizen, Visit Cam's great site. E-mail Cam.

Excellent piece from Cam!

Why does John the Lunatic Loser keep bringing up this idiot?

Between a Barrel and a Hard Place!

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Another great piece from R.J. Matson .. Visit RJ -- E-Mail RJ

Seems like (Nailin) Palin ain't been a keepin' a good enough eye on them god-darn rooskies, you betcha!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Stairway to Haven!

Lovely shot of the lovely Sara from Sepaltura22

Serena Williams abusing surfboards!

Uber-curvy tennis star Serena Williams is having an ace time surfing with her new boo! (is that still the proper term these "street" multi-millionaires use?!)

Baby shooo got back! And then some!

The guy is Common (real name Lonnie Rashid Lynn .... yes really!!), who, when not lounging around Maui with the muscular tennis champion, makes some sort of hip hop music.

It seems like they're the latest hot couple, after they were spotted flirting outrageously at a party some months back.

Now they're surfing in Hawaii.

Don't worry ... Serena has a specially reinforced surf-board!

The timing isn't bad for Williams as she had to bow out of the WTA tournament in Moscow because of knee problems. Else she was perhaps afraid of being hammered by one of those goddarn rooskies on home soil!

Common’s extremely keen on his giant queen of the waves!

Recently he was asked about his ideal lady: “I like strong women,” he said (instead of saying "I like giant booty babes who are multi-millionaires and who have biceps the size of melons" (BTW, is there really steroid testing in tennis?) )

Well, "strong" is one word for Serena! Or maybe he likes being pussy-whipped! Or maybe he's talking about some weird S&M stuff! Who the fuck knows! Or cares!!


The Remote Viewer - I Can't Believe It's Not Better (2008)

Artist: The Remote Viewer
Album: I Can't Believe It's Not Better
Label: Mobeer
Release date: July 2008
Genre: Electronic
Style: Ambient Pop/Downtempo
RIYL: Epic45, The Boats, Marsen Jules

"It's been over 3 years since the Remote Viewer's last album "Let your Heart Draw A Line" so it's been quite a wait - but from the instant you start playing this amazing set of tracks you find yourself comforted by the familiar yet forever beguiling sound this band makes.

Delicate percussive underlays, pops and whirrs, tinkling melodies, banjo strums, loose piano arrangements and an assortment of found sounds mingle in with deep, almost gargantuan basslines that accompany many of the Remote Viewer's finest tracks.

There are some surprising treats in store too - with band member Andrew Johnson allowing his singing voice to be heard properly for the first time in years, while faithful family member Nicola Hodgkinson contributes some of her vocal magic to proceedings.

With packaging to die for (it took the label endless late nights to get all the elements together - more or less everything has been hand made) we're thinking that this is one of the most beautiful and sublime releases we've laid our hands on in a while." [Boomkat]

[The Remote Viewer - Open MySpace page in a new window]


01. Untitled
02. Untitled
03. Untitled
04. Untitled
05. Untitled
06. Untitled
07. Untitled
08. Untitled
09. Untitled
10. Untitled

Total running time: 39' 32"

Here she be:


Big thanks to idm trade and sonicprocess

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Sarah Palin double ‘Serra Paylin’ featured in Porn Flick

I'm horny John, you betcha!

Who’s Nailin’ Palin?
..... Not ME
... the horror

John McCain's anxiously chasing down a porno movie called ‘Who’s Nailin’ Palin?’ featuring a double of his Republican Vice Presidential candidate moron Sarah Palin. He's stocked up on a crate of viagra so that he can watch it properly! He's also brought in a working electronic arm!

Where's that fucking moslem socialist Obama ?

No, the double's not Tina Fey taking a career change!

Not this time anyway!

I sure be presidential, you betcha!

It hasn't been the first time the Alaskan governor has fuelled fantasies, lately. She was also the subject of a strange election video on Youtube called ‘Masturbate with Sarah Palin’.

Now ‘Hustler’ chief Larry Flint has turned the apparent fantasy of millions of idiots and other rednecks into a porn film.

I was a beauty queen, you betcha!
It was between me and a pretty moose.
I won by one vote, goddang it!
Then I got tanked up and shot that moose. You fuckn betcha!

A Palin double appears in the creatively named ‘Who’s Nailin’ Palin?’ which was filmed in an apartment in Los Angeles.

The role of ‘Serra Paylin’ is played by the porn star Lisa Ann.

Johnny, let's pretend we're in the Oval Office!
It makes me hot! You betcha!
Where is that goddarn Oval Office anyway?

With her trademark Palin hairstyle, the blank stare, the zero brain activity, the frameless glasses and the naughty All-American-ho smile, Lisa Ann perfectly portrays the 'pitbull with lipstick'.

But there are at least two huge differences!

So your name is President Putin?
And your name is President Putin too?
That's goddarn fine! You betcha!
I wanna be taken by Russia!

Surprisingly, a companion porno piece called "Who's Ridin' Biden?" hasn't been so successful!!

Miss Venus rushes to buy pink vibrator

One of ze reasons we love German chicks!

Zey are velly nasty!

Ya Voll!

What lady wouldn't want a series of differently coloured dildos?

If I can be a tad vulgar, how will she be able to tell what colour it is once it's in action? And, either way, what possible difference might it make?

Also she says "I bought it for me and my boyfriend". OUCH!! Honey, if your BF wants you to use a dildo on him, then there's a word for what he really is. Rhymes with MayDay!

From BILD.

“I already have the blue one”

Janine Brielmann
was recently voted Miss Venus 2008 at the world's biggest erotic trade fair in Berlin - and then headed straight for a sex toy stand to buy a vibrator!

Her first official business: Janine bought herself a pink vibrator for 35 euro. “I already have the blue one” claimed Miss Venus. Janine (25) had been elected just two hours before and was still wearing her sash.

The buxom beauty later told BILD: “I had the vibrator put aside at the beginning of the fair and picked it up after I was elected. I bought it for me and my boyfriend, but I’m not going to say any more.”

Will we be seeing some hot photos of Janine in the near future?

Miss Venus added: “I would only let myself be photographed naked for Playboy. I won’t be making a porno.”

The erotic fair wouldn’t be the same without old playboy Rolf Eden (78), the legendary Berlin nightclub owner. He was also holding what looked like a dildo.

A dildo? Why would Mr. "I’ve had more than 5000 women” Eden need a sex toy?

This is what BILD asked the Berlin sexpert!

Eden laughed it off: “No, that wasn’t a dildo, but a stimulating pineapple cocktail. I bought it from one of the stands for €5 and you drink it out of a special plastic container. Maybe it really does put you in the mood.”

Heidi Klum's Got Milk !

I hope that wasn't a bull!

Sick Punters bet on football legend Gazza's death

Paul Gascoigne - It's a dead cert!

Punters bet on football legend Gazza's death

It may be a grave situation, but for many punters it's a dead cert - members of an internet fan forum are taking bets on when England football legend Paul Gascoigne is going to die.


Gascoigne, known to millions as Gazza, has had very public issues with alcohol and mental health problems since he quit the game.

But now, supporters of Scottish club Celtic - the bitter rivals of Rangers, a club Gazza once played for - have invented a sinister betting game when participants can guess the time of his death. The game appeared on the 'Huddleboard' website after the latest lurid story involving Gazza, who once took centre stage at World Cup 90 and Euro 96, reported that he had drunk a bottle of whiskey for breakfast.

The British 'Daily Star' newspaper published some of the bets being taken:

Benedicts11 wrote: “I give him three months,” while MartyBhoy believed it would be “nine months”.

AyrshireCSC said: “On the Queen’s birthday. They can both go. What a day that would be!”

Why is Gascoigne such a target for Celtic fans? Well, not only did he star for Rangers, but he is also English.

While the Celtic fans giggle over the betting, Gazza’s nearest and dearest are understandably shocked. A friend told the Daily Star: “It’s unbelievable. He [Paul] has gone through a rough time, as everyone knows. That’s really kicking a man when he’s down. Paul needs support, not sick b*****ds who want to push him into an early grave. I hope they rot in hell.”

New US President must learn the lessons of Bush’s stupid adventures
by Monte Wolverton, The Wolvertoon

New US President must learn the lessons of Bush’s stupid adventures

20.10.2008 Source: AP ©

Respectful US diplomat Charles Freeman described the period of George W. Bush’s presidency as the stage of stupid adventures that weakened the United States. The official believes that the new US president must change the home and foreign policies of the nation, Saudi newspaper Al-Watan wrote Sunday.

Former Ambassador Charles Freeman, who chaired the US mission in Saudi Arabia from 1989 to 1992 (during Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi occupation) said in an interview with the newspaper that the current US administration exhausted its friends, weakened its allies and eventually exhausted and weakened the United States itself.

The diplomat, which replaced Senator George McGovern at the chairman of the US Council for Middle East Policy in 1997, set out a hope that the period of stupid adventures was over. The official added that the new US president must learn the lessons of Bush’s presidency well.

New US president must learn all lessons of Bush’s stupid adventuresIn the meantime, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama says that former secretary of state Colin Powell is welcome to campaign for him and might have a place in his administration.

Powell crossed party lines Sunday and endorsed the Democratic presidential candidate on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Obama told NBC's "Today" show Monday that Powell "will have a role as one of my advisers." Whether Powell wants to take a formal role, Obama said, would be "something we'd have to discuss."

Obama said Powell, a retired four-star general, did not tell him ahead of time that he'd be making the endorsement. At the time, Powell said he didn't plan to campaign for Obama before the Nov. 4 election, the AP reports.

Obama said he would love to have Powell on the campaign trail.


R.J. Matson, NY
, The New York Observer and Roll Call
Visit RJ -- E-Mail RJ


Funny definitions

The future for most of you married folks?

Assorted Soundtracks

An assortment of OSTs to various types of movies;
  • Magnificent film and Magnificent OST i.e. There Will Be Blood
  • Magnificent film and good OST e.g. Eastern Promises, 21 Grams
  • Good movie e.g. Cassandra's Dream
  • OK movie but good OST e.g. Juno
  • Poor movie but OK OST e.g. Vantage Point
  • Abysmally bad movie e.g. Da Vinci Code, Patch Adams, La Vita e Bella etc
  • Others

There Will Be Blood

1.- Open Spaces
2.- Future Markets
3.- Prospectors Arrive
4.- Eat Him By His Own Light
5.- Henry Palinview
6.- There Will Be Blood
7.- There Will Be Blood
8.- Oil
9.- Proven Lands
10.- Hope of New Fields
11.- Stranded The Line
12.- Prospectors Quartet

Eastern Promises

01. Eastern Promises (05:04)
02. Tatiana (05:11)
03. London Streets (01:56)
04. Sometimes Birth And Death Go Together (01:53)
05. Trafalgar Hospital (01:33)
06. Vory v Zakone (00:4
07. Slavery And Suffering (02:00)
08. Nikolai (01:19)
09. Kirill (02:09)
10. Anna Khitrova (03:25)
11. Eagle And Star (01:25)
12. Nine Elms (06:15)
13. Like A Place In The Bible (01:22)
14. Trans-Siberian Diary (02:24)

21 Grams

1.: Do We Lose 21 Grams
2.: Can Things Be Better
3.: Did This Really Happen
4.: Cut Chemist Suite - Ozomatli
5.: Should I Let Her Know
6.: Can Emptiness Be Filled
7.: Shake Rattle And Roll - Santaolalla, Gustavo & Benicio Del Toro
8.: Can I Be Forgiven
9.: Low Rider - War
10.: Is There A Way To Help Her
11.: Does He Who Looks For The Truth Deserve The Punishment For F
12.: You're Losing Me - Sexton, Ann
13.: Can Dry Leaves Help Us
14.: Can We Mix The Unmixable (remix)
15.: Can Light Be Found In The Darkness
16.: When Our Wings Are Cut Can We Still Fly - Kronos Quartet

Cassandra's Dream

1. Cassandra's Dream
2. Buying The Boat
3. Sailing
4. The Cockney Brothers
5. A Drive In The Country
6. Angela
7. Howard's Request / In The Apartment
8. The Pursuit & Murder In The Park
9. Suspicion
10. The Plot Unravels
11. Death On The Boat
12. Cassandra's Dream Finale


1.- Barry Louis Polisar - All I Want Is You
2.- Kimya Dawson - Rollercoaster
3.- The Kinks - A Well Respected Man
4.- Buddy Holly - Dearest
5.- Mateo Messina - Up The Spout
6.- Kimya Dawson - Tire Swing
7.- Belle And Sebastian - Piazza, New York Catcher
8.- Kimya Dawson - Loose Lips
9.- Sonic Youth - Superstar
10.- Kimya Dawson - Sleep (Instrumental)
11.- Belle And Sebastian - Expectations
12.- Mott The Hoople - All The Young Dudes
13.- Kimya Dawson - So Nice So Smart
14.- Cat Power - Sea of Love
15.- Kimya Dawson y Antsy Pants - Tree Hugger
16.- The Velvet Underground - I´m Sticking With You
17.- The Moldy Peaches - Anyone Else but You
18.- Antsy Pants - Vampire
19.- Ellen Page and Michael Cera - Anyone Else But You

Batman Begins

1. Vespertilio (2:52)
2. Eptesicus (4:20)
3. Myotis (5:46)
4. Barbastella (4:45)
5. Artibeus (4:19)
6. Tadarida (5:05)
7. Marcrotus (7:35)
8. Antrozous (3:59)
9. Nycteris (4:25)
10. Molossus (4:49)
11. Corynorhinus (5:04)
12. Lasiurus (7:27)

La Vita e Bella

1 Buon Giorno Principessa
2 La Vita E Bella
3 Viva Giosue
4 Grand Hotel Valse
5 La Notte Di Favola
6 La Notte Di Fuga
7 Le Uova Nel Cappello
8 Grand Hotel Fox
9 Il Treno Nel Buio
10 Arriva Il Carro Armato
11 Valse Larmoyante
12 L'uovo Di Struzzo-Danza Etiope
13 Krautentang
14 Il Gioco Di Giosue
15 Barcarolle
16 Guido E Ferruccio
17 Abbiamo Vinto

Vantage Point

1.Vantage Point Main Title (2:42)
2.Motorcade (1:36)
3.Enrique And Veronica (2:54)
4.Run Enrique Run - Atli Örvarsson And Ryeland Allison (2:33)
5.Lewis And Anna (1:19)
6.President And Decoy (1:38)
7.The Chase Begins (2:50)
8.Serendipity (4:39)
9.Epilogue (1:54)
10.Tightening Circle - Atli Örvarsson And Henry Pryce Jackman (3:18)
11.Clockwork (5:08)
12.The President Is Safe (1:15)
13.Explosion Aftermath (3:38)
14.Suarez' Plan (3:57)
15.Vantage Point End Title (2:01)

En el valle de Elah (In the Valley of Elah)

1. A Journey Begins (02:1
2. The Morgue 5 (02:15)
3. Body Parts (04:40)
4. The Morgue 22 (02:15)
5. Killing Field (01:34)
6. Photos (01:10)
7. A Family's Grief (03:10)
8. Emily Provokes (02:53)
9. Viewing (03:00)
10. You're A Good Father (01:26)
11. Bobby Ortiz (03:0
12. Bonner's Dead (02:33)
13. A Murder (04:03)
14. Torture (01:54)
15. New Evidence (01:4
16. Apology (01:46)
17. We Killed A Dog (03:02)
18. Upside Down (03:21)

3:10 To Yuma

01. Main Title
02. Ben Takes the Stage/Dan's Burden
03. Man of His Word
04. Bisbygliando
05. Barn Burn
06. Chinatown
07. Indian Grounds
08. Chinese Democracy
09. One for the Road - Storm Clouds
10. Trial By Fire
11. Flight of the Princess
12. Ben There Done That
13. Gang Arrives
14. Ben Arrested
15. It's Time
16. Hotel
17. One Man Left
18. William Escapes
19. Bible Study
20. Who Let the Cows Out?
21. The 3: 10 to Yuma

10,000 BC

01.Front Titles (02:47)
02.Mountain Of The Gods (01:57)
03.Spoken Truth (03:03)
04.Passage Of Time (02:44)
05.The Hunt (02:09)
06.Celebrating (01:27)
07.Never Brave (01:51)
08.Eve Of The Tiger (01:42)
09.A Leader Comes (02:28)
10.Terror Birds Attack (03:24)
11.The Blood Of Hunter (01:52)
12.Food Found (01:58)
13.Moving (01:15)
14.Oceans Of Sand (02:42)
15.Wisdom Earned (01:42)
16.My Father (01:07)
17.Sign Of The Hunter (02:48)
18.The Mannaks (01:50)
19.End Credits (02:58)

Charlie Wilson’s War

1. Charlie Wilson (03:03)
2. Telex Machine (01:32)
3. Jailbait (01:06)
4. Refugee Camp (05:11)
5. It's Up To Me (02:4
6. The Belly Dancer (02:41)
7. Turning The Tide (08:33)
8. Where's It At, Charlie? (01:12)
9. Balcony (01:29)
10. Honored Colleague (06:09)

Elizabeth - The Golden Age

1. Opening
2. Philip
3. Now You Grow Dull
4. Horseriding
5. Immensities
6. Bess and Raleigh Dance
7. Mary's Beheading
8. End Puddle / Possible Suitors
9. War / Realisation
10. Destiny Theme
11. Smile Lines
12. Bess to see Throckmorton
13. Dr Dee Part 1
14. Horseback Address
15. Battle
16. Love Theme
17. Divinity Theme
18. Storm
19. Walsingham Death Bed
20. Closing

Da Vinci Code

1. Dies Mercurii I Martius (06:03)
2. L'esprit Des Gabriel (02:48)
3. The Paschal Spiral (02:49)
4. Fructus Gravis (02:50)
5. Quodis Arcana (06:07)
6. Malleus Maleficarum (02:19)
7. Salvete Virgines - Written by Hans Zimmer and Abhay Manusmare (03:14)
8. Daniel's 9th Cipher (09:31)
9. Poisoned Chalice (06:19)
10. The Citrine Cross (05:22)
11. Rose of Arimathea (08:12)
12. Beneath Alrischa (04:23)
13. Chevaliers De Sangreal (04:07)
14. Kyrie for the Magdalene (03:55)

Patch Adams

01. Faith Of The Heart - Rod Stewart
02. Let It Rain - Eric Clapton
03. Only You Know And I Know - Dave Mason
04. Carry On - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
05. Bell Bottom Blues - Derek And The Dominoes
06. Good Lovin' - The Rascals
07. The Weight - The Band
08. People Got To Be Free - The Rascals
09. Stand! - Sly And The Family Stone
10. Main Title - Marc Shaiman
11. look Beyond The Fingers - Marc Shaiman
12. Childrens' Ward - Marc Shaiman
13. Ranch Reveal - Marc Shaiman
14. Hello - Marc Shaiman
15. Speech / Children's Reprise - Marc Shaiman
16. Front Porch - Marc Shaiman
17. Butterfly / Noodle Pool - Marc Shaiman
18. The Ruling / Graduation - Marc Shaiman

Big thanks to mariscal84

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Nick Cave, Blixa Bargeld & Mick Harvey - To Have And To Hold

Blixa Bargeld, Nick Cave & Mick Harvey - To Have And To Hold
Label: The Fine Line
Catalog#: IONIC 15 CD
Format: CD
Country: Europe
Released: 1996
Genre: Electronic
Style: Experimental

A rare find! This one's a fine score composed by , with from and one-time Bad Seed , as the soundtrack to Aussie director 's 1996 film, To Have And To Hold.

also directed 2 amazing recent movies, The Proposition and Ghosts of the Civil Dead, with which Cave was highly involved.

All plus a rare performance from the great ! The great man performs a cover of Dylan's I Threw It All Away as arranged by one-time Bad Seed !

Of course, we already have a shitload of posts pertaining to one of our long time favourites and and, Nick's earlier group, the wild and fucked-up .

Even some stuff from the earliest days, from the short lived,

I didn't know what to expect when I bought this except that the music was composed by Nick Cave and a couple of his Bad Seeds. But when I first listened, one thing became abundantly clear:if you are looking for a traditional Bad Seeds album, you should pass on this. On the other hand, if you enjoy Cave's work beyond the confines of what you are used to, To Have and To Hold may prove to be a surprise.

Cave and bandmates Blixa Bargeld and Mick Harvey have here woven together a seamless series of mostly instrumental pieces that SOUND like they belong in a movie. This pleasant and relaxing soundtrack climaxes in the song I Threw It All Away, rendered here by the enigmatic Scott Walker.

The only discordant note is sounded by the cacophonous Gangstar Bone. I didn't see the film, so I have no idea what its place is, but it will rudely shake you from the reverie induced by the rest of the CD.

To Have and To Hold will likely only appeal to Cave completeists or to the musically adventurous. If your tastes are limited to more mainstream music, then you will probably want to avoid this.

Three stars for effort and originality.

By Kurt Harding


1. Mick Harvey - To Have and to Hold (3:04)
2. Mick Harvey - The Jungle of Love (2:27)
3. Mick Harvey - Candlelit Bedroom (0:59)
4. Mick Harvey - Luther (0:55)
5. Mick Harvey - A House in the Jungle (1:13)
6. Mick Harvey - Delerium (0:44)
7. Mick Harvey - The River at Night (1:55)
8. Raun Raun Theatre - Mourning Song (2:48)
9. Blixa Bargeld - Romantic Theme (3:40)
10. Blixa Bargeld - Snow Vision (1:26)
11. Blixa Bargeld - Rose (1:37)
12. Blixa Bargeld - The Clouds (0:48)
13. Blixa Bargeld - Noah's Funeral (0:53)
14. Blixa Bargeld - The Flight (1:42)
15. Blixa Bargeld - Kate Leaves (1:11)
16. Blixa Bargeld - We're Coming/The Riot (1:21)
17. Blixa Bargeld - Murder (1:16)
18. Blixa Bargeld - The Red Dress (1:25)
19. Scott Walker - I Threw It All Away (song arranged by Barry Adamson) (Dylan) (2:14)
20. Blixa Bargeld - To Have and to Hold/End Titles (3:49)
21. Gangster Bone - performed by Keety General (Darkman, Keety General)

Here she be:


Big thanks to worldofsoundtrack

We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Sad Kermit - Needle in the Hay

A frog covers the late great Elliott Smith's classic song Needle in the Hay and also parodies the suicide sequence in the Royal Tenenbaums wherein Elliott's sublime "Needle in the Hay" was used to absolute perfection in an amazing scene.

Better than one might expect! I'm sure Elliott would've loved it!

Everyone sing along ... Needle in the Heeee ... Needle in the Heeee.

Royal Tenenbaums "Needle in the Heeee" sequence

John Cale with Chrissy Hynde and Nick Cave - Ship of Fools

Nick Cave, John Cale & Chrissie Hynde
Recorded on 9th July 1999
Songwriters Circle
BBC Live
Subterania Club, London

TV Broadcast

Three great artists (well, at least two! But some of Chrissie's stuff is tops too, so let's categorise her thusly also!) illustrate their songwriting craft in this special TV show broadcast by BBC TV in UK back in 1999.

John Cale with Chrissy Hynde and Nick Cave perform Cale's Ship of Fools

Trinity Embraced

Nice photo manip from devildoll

Lou Reed & John Cale - Waiting for the Man - Paris 1972

Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive, I'm waiting for my man

An amazing video this!

The great John Cale performs with Lou Reed at Bataclan in Paris in 1972!

After Cale was essentially kicked out of the Velvet underground in 1969 by Reed, not long after their wonderful second LP "White Light White Heat", I'd thought that Cale in '72 would be more likely to punch Reed's lights out than perform with him!

Of course, they would work together again much later on the "Songs for Drella" LP and perform in the Velvets reunion tour.

Here, they perform a slowed down re-interpretation of the amazing track Waiting for the Man from the Velvet's seminal 1967 debut, The Velvet Underground & Nico, better known as the "Banana" album!

Am I crazy or is Lou actually happy and smiling here??!

I'm waiting for my man
Twenty-six dollars in my hand
Up to Lexington, 125
Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive
I'm waiting for my man

Hey, white boy, what you doin' uptown?
Hey, white boy, you chasin' our women around?
Oh pardon me sir, it's the furthest from my mind
I'm just lookin' for a dear, dear friend of mine
I'm waiting for my man

Here he comes, he's all dressed in black
PR shoes and a big straw hat
He's never early, he's always late
First thing you learn is you always gotta wait
I'm waiting for my man

Up to a Brownstone, up three flights of stairs
Everybody's pinned you, but nobody cares
He's got the works, gives you sweet taste
Ah then you gotta split because you got no time to waste
I'm waiting for my man

Baby don't you holler, darlin' don't you bawl and shout
I'm feeling good, you know I'm gonna work it on out
I'm feeling good, I'm feeling oh so fine
Until tomorrow, but that's just some other time
I'm waiting for my man


Fine piece from Anti-conformity

Elliott Smith - Discography 1994-2007 take another moment to remember the sublime songwriting talent of Steven Paul Smith, on this sad day, the fifth anniversary of his shocking death on October 21, 2003, aged only 34.

We will always have Elliott's wonderful music and the great man will always be alive in the hearts of music lovers.

Here are some amazing LPs - some posthumous - which should be in the possession of anyone who calls themselves a music fan.

These are tasters. BUY THE ORIGINAL WORK!

Elliott Smith - Discography 1994-2007


Roman Candle
Released July 14, 1994

1. "Roman Candle" – 3:37
2. "Condor Ave" – 3:34
3. "No Name #1" – 3:03
4. "No Name #2" – 3:34
5. "No Name #3" – 3:13
6. "Drive All Over Town" – 2:36
7. "No Name #4" – 2:30
8. "Last Call" – 4:38
9. "Kiwi Maddog 20/20" – 3:40


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[If you like this album, plz comment ]


Elliott Smith
Released July 21, 1995

1. "Needle in the Hay" – 4:16
2. "Christian Brothers" – 4:30
3. "Clementine" – 2:46
4. "Southern Belle" – 3:06
5. "Single File" – 2:26
6. "Coming Up Roses" – 3:10
7. "Satellite" – 2:25
8. "Alphabet Town" – 4:11
9. "St. Ides Heaven" – 3:00
10. "Good to Go" – 2:24
11. "The White Lady Loves You More" – 2:24
12. "The Biggest Lie" – 2:39


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[If you like this album, plz comment ]


Released 25 February 1997

1. "Speed Trials" – 3:01
2. "Alameda" – 3:43
3. "Ballad of Big Nothing" – 2:48
4. "Between the Bars" – 2:21
5. "Pictures of Me" – 3:46
6. "No Name No. 5" – 3:43
7. "Rose Parade" – 3:28
8. "Punch and Judy" – 2:25
9. "Angeles" – 2:56
10. "Cupid's Trick" – 3:04
11. "2:45 AM" – 3:18
12. "Say Yes" – 2:19


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[If you like this album, plz comment ]


Released August 25, 1998

1. "Sweet Adeline" – 3:15
2. "Tomorrow Tomorrow" – 3:07
3. "Waltz #2 (XO)" – 4:40
4. "Baby Britain" – 3:13
5. "Pitseleh" – 3:22
6. "Independence Day" – 3:04
7. "Bled White" – 3:22
8. "Waltz #1" – 3:22
9. "Amity" – 2:20
10. "Oh Well, Okay" – 2:33
11. "Bottle Up and Explode!" – 2:58
12. "A Question Mark" – 2:41
13. "Everybody Cares, Everybody Understands" – 4:25
14. "I Didn't Understand" – 2:17


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Figure 8
Released April 18, 2000

1. "Son of Sam" – 3:04
2. "Somebody That I Used to Know" – 2:09
3. "Junk Bond Trader" – 3:49
4. "Everything Reminds Me of Her" – 2:37
5. "Everything Means Nothing to Me" – 2:24
6. "L.A." – 3:14
7. "In the Lost and Found (Honky Bach)/The Roost" – 4:32
8. "Stupidity Tries" – 4:23
9. "Easy Way Out" – 2:44
10. "Wouldn't Mama Be Proud?" – 3:25
11. "Color Bars" – 2:19
12. "Happiness/The Gondola Man" – 5:04
13. "Pretty Mary K" – 2:36
14. "I Better Be Quiet Now" – 3:35
15. "Can't Make a Sound" – 4:18
16. "Bye" – 1:53


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From a Basement on the Hill
Released October 19, 2004

1. "Coast to Coast" – 5:33
2. "Let's Get Lost" – 2:27
3. "Pretty (Ugly Before)" – 4:45
4. "Don't Go Down" – 4:34
5. "Strung Out Again" – 3:12
6. "A Fond Farewell" – 3:58
7. "King's Crossing" – 4:57
8. "Ostriches & Chirping" – 0:33
9. "Twilight" – 4:29
10. "A Passing Feeling" – 3:22
11. "The Last Hour" – 3:27
12. "Shooting Star" – 6:01
13. "Memory Lane" – 2:30
14. "Little One" – 3:14
15. "A Distorted Reality Is Now a Necessity to Be Free" – 4:32


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New Moon
Released May 8, 2007

Disc 1
1. "Angel in the Snow" – 2:39
2. "Talking to Mary" – 3:44
3. "High Times" – 3:13
4. "New Monkey" – 3:14
5. "Looking Over My Shoulder" – 3:41
6. "Going Nowhere" – 3:53
7. "Riot Coming" – 3:45
8. "All Cleaned Out" – 2:59
9. "First Timer" – 2:44
10. "Go By" – 3:48
11. "Miss Misery" (early version) – 2:58
12. "Thirteen" (Chris Bell/Alex Chilton) – 2:43

Disc 2
1. "Georgia, Georgia" – 1:48
2. "Whatever (Folk Song in C)" – 2:19
3. "Big Decision" – 2:02
4. "Placeholder" – 2:32
5. "New Disaster" – 4:12
6. "Seen How Things are Hard" – 3:23
7. "Fear City" – 3:31
8. "Either/Or" – 2:29
9. "Pretty Mary K" (other version) – 3:26
10. "Almost Over" – 2:13
11. "See You Later" – 2:56
12. "Half Right" – 3:50


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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Pale Trees

Lovely piece by dingodave

We remember Elliott Smith's fifth Anniversary

just leave me alone in the place where I make no mistakes.

We take a moment to remember the sublime songwriting talent of Steven Paul Smith, on this the fifth anniversary of his shocking death on October 21, 2003, aged only 34.

I can't believe it's already five years since that most sorrowful day. I vividly remember first hearing about his early demise. It hurt so bad. Elliott's songs seemed so nakedly open that you felt you knew him. Very strangely, it felt like the passing of a friend.

But we will always have Elliott's wonderful music and the great man will always be alive in the hearts of music lovers.

I'm a roman candle, my head is full of flames. I'm hallucinating. I hear you cry.

Since I first heard his work back in the mid nineties, Elliott's music always struck me as that of a minimalist, street-wise, American Nick Drake. This was long before what would be appalling similarities in their demise.

Both Elliott and Nick displayed a similar exceptional fragility and beauty in their work. Both produced music of smouldering and deeply intense emotionality.

Strangely, and unfortunately, aside from parallels in their work, there were a lot of similarities in their lives. And deaths.

Both men, in their everyday lives, had a preternatural sensitivity to events surrounding them. Both had difficulty coping with the daily realities in which they found themselves. Both too, sadly, developed certain chemical addictions and died very very young, both their deaths coming in very strange and suspicious circumstances.

Like Nick, Elliott produced music that was way out of synch with that of the prevailing times but would be hugely influential and grow more powerful as years passed. Music that would never be forgotten.

I don't know what to do with your clothes or your letters. It'll make a whisper out of you.
Elliott's music was like some amalgam of Charles Bukowski, the Beatles, Lucian Freud, Neil Young, Shane Mc Gowan, Erik Satie, Leonard Cohen, Nick Drake and a zen master! Pared down masterclasses in songwriting.

He produced so many understated, beautiful, powerful songs of timeless, delicate, fragile, poetry.

Unflinching exquisite portraits of blinding emotions and dark realities.

Minimalist missives from the underbelly of life.

Sweet reflections of the moon shining into the gutter.

Warm tales told in the stone cold darkness.

Assertions of power amongst the powerless.

Tales of afflictions inflicted on a damaged soul.

Eulogies to love and other addictions. And laments for the power and tragedy of these addictions.

Pure art.

Elliott Smith died on October 21, 2003 aged only 34 from two stab wounds to the chest.

According to his girlfriend Jennifer Chiba, with whom he was living at the time, the two were arguing, and she locked herself in the bathroom to take a shower. Apparently, Chiba heard him scream, and upon opening the door, saw Smith standing with a kitchen knife in his chest. She pulled the knife out, after which he collapsed and she called 911. Smith died in the hospital with the time of death listed as 1:36 p.m.

While Smith's death was originally reported as a suicide, the official autopsy report released in December 2003 left open the question of possible homicide. A possible suicide note, written on a Post-it, read, "I'm so sorry—love, Elliott. God forgive me."

Apparently, this is still an open homicide case.

It's all very Cobain-like and the waters are very murky about the suicide / open homicide. while numerous rumours and conspiracy theories abound. There's a piece about the matter below from

The Final Moments of Elliott Smith’s Life - Autopsy reveals details of argument with girlfriend
by Christine Pelisek - Published on January 08, 2004

Moments before he died, singer Elliott Smith argued with his live-in girlfriend, who said she found him screaming outside the bathroom door of their Echo Park apartment, with an 8-inch kitchen knife stuck in his chest, according to an autopsy report.

The report, released this week by the L.A County Coroner’s Office, reveals new details about the investigation into the death of the 34-year-old musician, who died October 21 from two stab wounds at the Lemoyne Street home. Coroner’s officials said last week that they couldn’t determine whether Smith committed suicide or was the victim of homicide.

According to the January 6 report, Smith’s girlfriend, Jennifer Chiba, told police that she and Smith were arguing when she locked herself in the bathroom. She said she heard Smith scream, opened the bathroom door and found him standing with his back to her. When he turned around, she told police, she saw the kitchen knife in his chest. She said he was standing up, conscious and gasping for breath. She told police that she pulled the knife out of his chest and saw "two cuts" before he walked away and collapsed.

She called 911 at 12:18 p.m. and performed CPR and first aid with a dispatcher’s help until paramedics arrived. Smith died at County-USC Medical Center 78 minutes later.

Police officers arrived and questioned Chiba, who was seated at the kitchen table. Detectives reported that she pointed out a Post-it note that appeared to be a suicide note left on the table. The note said: "I’m so sorry — love, Elliot God forgive me." Chiba told police that it was in Smith’s handwriting. The girlfriend could not be reached for comment.

LAPD Homicide Detective Jay King would not comment on the investigation and would say only that the case is still open.

Smith’s body had bruises on the right elbow and what appeared to be older marks on his right arm, left thigh and along his left shin. No track marks or cut marks were found on his wrists.

Deputy Medical Examiner Lisa Scheinin, in the autopsy report, wrote that Smith had a history of depression and that the wounds appeared to be consistent with suicide. However, she found that "several aspects of the circumstances (as are known at this time) are atypical of suicide and raise the possibility of homicide. These include the absence of hesitation wounds, stabbing through clothing, and the presence of small incised wounds on the right arm and left hand (possible defensive wounds)."

Coroner’s investigators also raised questions about the actions of Chiba, and why she removed the knife. "Detectives believe that this death is possibly suspicious, however, the circumstances are unclear at this time," according to the report.

The singer, who was born Steven Paul Smith, had been battling depression, drugs and alcohol for years, and had attempted suicide in 1997. Chiba told police that Smith often talked about committing suicide and had a history of addictions, including heroin, crack and alcohol. She said Smith engaged in self-mutilating behavior and would burn himself with cigarettes. Chiba told authorities that Smith had been drug-free for one year.

The coroner found no traces of illegal substances or alcohol in his system. The coroner did find prescribed levels of antidepressant and attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder medications in his system, including clonazepam, mirtazapine, atomozetine and amphetamine (the latter a byproduct of metabolizing the drugs).

Smith was born August 6, 1969, in Omaha, Nebraska, and began his career in Portland, Oregon, where he played in a punk rock band called Heatmiser. In 1994, he released his first album, Roman Candle, and later signed with DreamWorks, putting out XO in 1998 and Figure 8 in 2000. In 1998, Smith was nominated for an Oscar for best original song for "Miss Misery," from the soundtrack to Good Will Hunting. At the time of his death, Smith was working on his sixth album, known by its working title, A Basement on the Hill.

Elliott is not forgotten. Nor shall he ever be.

His music will live on forever.

Read more about the late great Elliott here: wiki/Elliott_Smith

You ought to be proud that I'm getting good marks

It's very difficult to pick a greatest Elliott Smith song.

There are so many masterpieces in the late great Elliott's brief catalogue.

However, this one is one of our many favourite Smith songs.

Another sublime work, "Needle in the Hay" from the Elliott Smith LP.


"Needle in the Hay"
Album Elliott Smith
Released July 21, 1995
Recorded September 1994
Length 4:16
Label Kill Rock Stars
Writer Elliott Smith
Producer Elliott Smith

"Needle in the Hay" appeared as the opening track on Elliott's self-titled second release, Elliott Smith. This was released on 7" vinyl back in 1995.

Elliott Smith, was a minimalist masterpiece which gleamed favourable critical recognition and helped Smith's talent become more widely known.

Thematically, Smith said that he "personally can't get more dark" than this self-titled album.

One of the best tracks on the LP was "Needle in the Hay".

A pared-down sumptuous song about addiction, the need for relief, the need for forgetting.

A song thematically not dissimilar to Lou Reed's seminal "Waiting for the Man" from the The Velvet Underground's magnificent debut LP back in 1967.

"Needle in the Hay" would later reach a new audience when it appeared on the soundtrack for Wes Anderson's sublime 2001 film, The Royal Tenenbaums. More of which anon.

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The recording is minimalist in the extreme which only adds to the power of the song. During the studio sessions, trumpet and harmonica were recorded for the track but were left off of the final mix. A mix featuring the extra instrumentation has not been released in any form.

During later shows with a full band, the song was given more of a "rock" arrangement and would feature drums and bass, with Smith also singing the vocals higher.

During some live performances Smith would alter the lyrics "...head down to toes a reaction to you..." to "...everyone knows he's a reaction to you..."

We've posted two live clips of this great track below. One with Smith performing a solo acoustic version and one with Elliott with his band in a "rockier" version - a great sound despite poor video.
Elliott's sublime "Needle in the Hay" was used to absolute perfection in an amazing scene from the Royal Tenenbaums.

This was the simple, yet immensely powerful, suicide attempt scene (weirdly prophetic of Elliott's fate in a sense) where Ritchie Tenenbaum (Luke Wilson) in a small, eerily lit toilet, slowly shorns his long locks, shaves off his hippy beard and then slits his wrists with the same blade, to the sounds of "Needle in the Hay".

This segment itself from the movie could be the greatest music video ever created!

We've posted this clip below. You can also catch The Royal Tenenbaums - DVD and Soundtrack - and other Wes Anderson stuff here;
Today we present
Elliott's majestic "Needle in the Hay" and remember the great man.

His magnificent music is eternal in our hearts.

Your hand on his arm
Haystack charm around your neck
Strung out and thin
Calling some friend, trying to cash some check
He's acting dumb
That's what you've come to expect
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
He's wearing your clothes
Head down to toes, a reaction to you
You say you know what he did
But you idiot kid, you don't have a clue
Sometimes they just get caught in the eye,
you're pulling him through

Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Now on the bus
Nearly touching this dirty retreat
Falling out 6th and Powell, a dead sweat in my teeth
Gonna walk walk walk
Four more blocks,
plus the one in my brain

Down downstairs to the man,
he's gonna make it all okay

I can't beat myself
I can't beat myself
And I don't want to talk
I'm taking the cure
So I can be quiet wherever I want
So leave me alone
You ought to be proud that I'm getting good marks
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay
Needle in the hay

Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay - Live Solo - Acoustic

Elliott Smith - Needle In The Hay - Live Band - "Rock Version"

The 'Needle in the Hay'
sequence from "Royal Tenenbaums"

DL this great track:


The Grunge Years - A Sub Pop Compilation

The Grunge Years - A Sub Pop Compilation

Some great tracks on this Sub-Pop compilation of acts grouped under the lazy "grunge" description! A few tracks, less so!

What strange cover-art !


1. Nirvana - Dive (3:52)
2. L7 - Shove (3:11)
3. Tad - Stumblin’ Man (3:36)
4. Beat Happening - Red Head Walk (2:08)
5. Mark Lanegan - Ugly Sunday (3:55)
6. Screaming Trees - Change Has C (3:18)
7. Soundgarden - Birth Ritual (6:08)
8. The Fluid - Tomorrow (2:39)
9. The Afghan Whigs - Retarded (3:24)
10. Babes in Toyland - House (3:34)
11. Mudhoney - Come to Mind (4:50)
12. The Walkabouts - Long Black Ve (5:00)
13. Love Battery - Between the Eye (4:26)
14. Dickless - Saddle Tramp (1:35)

Here she be:

The Grunge Years - A Sub Pop Compilation

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Moose Momma eats sh*t on SNL!

Daryl Cagle,

That GOP machine sure has that Alaskan Moose Momma eating sh*t everywhere these days !

Not only is the psycho-bimbo the thing wheeled out to throw mud at the Democrats, like a lunatic baby with diarrhea, and rattle off each new insane GOP personal attack on Obama - he is a terrorist, an unpatriotic citizen, a moslem and latest of all, a commie socialist!! (guess she's so dumb, though, she almost believes those things !) - now the psycho-bimbo has had to appear on SNL and eat sh*t on live TV!

When does shame and personal respect start to outweigh stupidity? Never, it seems!

Palin should listen to revered GOP bastion Colin Powell (a GOP with a brain ... what a shocker!!) and fuck off back to Mooseland!

Sarah Palin opening with Tina Fey + rap skit Saturday Night Live (SNL Oct 17) October 19, 2008

Tina Fey talks to David Letterman about Sarah Palin impersonation
October 18, 2008

Tears !

Funny definitions

Monday, 20 October 2008

Eliza Carthy - Dreams Of Breathing Underwater (2008)

Eliza Carthy - Dreams Of Breathing Underwater (2008)

Pioneer of new folk and inheritor of the great Carthy folk heritage!

This is another fine LP from Eliza.

It's hard to believe now, with the sheer volume of new acoustic heroes banging on about the virtues of folk, that there was a time when the whole genre was viewed as a musty old bag of bearded fustiness. One of the main reasons it's managed to shed such negative connotations is the hard work and constant invention of Eliza Carthy. There may be a plethora of folk evangelists now, but a few short years back, it felt like Eliza was about all we had to push things forward and out into the mainstream.

And push she has. Amongst her back catalogue, there's the double album Red Rice, where drum and bass meets folk fiddle, and Rough Music: a very modern exploration of the traditional country music of England. She is, it has to be said, never predictable.

Even so, that Dreams Of Breathing Underwater opens with a blues guitar, rather than her brilliant violin, comes as something of a shock, and it's not the only one to be found on the album, her seventh solo collection.

Dreams of Breathing Underwater is penned almost entirely by Eliza and writing partner Ben Ivitsky. Only the downbeat ghostliness of Hug You Like A Mountain comes from another hand: Rory MacLeod. It's an album which, even by Carthy's own standards, is pretty random, in the best way possible.

From the ethereal wonder of Lavenders, through the swelling, swaying meander of Rosalie, the squeeze-box comedic heartbreak of Little Bigman and the thrilling finale of Oranges And Seasalt, which is easily the best and most honest drinking song written for many a year, the majority of the experimentation works. Though the aforementioned opening blues number Follow The Dollar, feels increasingly dull as the rest of the album unfolds behind it.

The fact that it works is partly due to the musicianship on offer - there are turns for rambunctious folk duo, Spiers and Boden, Edinburgh rock 'n' rollers, Mystery Juice, and Scottish songstress, Eddi Reader, amongst others - and is partly down to the thoughtful songwriting, which never overfills the songs, allowing them to breathe and flourish. It can also be put down to Eliza's magnificent voice, the depth and richness of which can now comfortably sit next to her mother, Norma Waterson's, as one of the finest you will ever hear.

Dreams Of Breathing Underwater is a brilliant album that deserves applause as much for its occasional failures as it does for its multiple successes, as indeed does Eliza Carthy herself. Never one to rest on her laurels, this album shows just why she is one of music's, and not just folk's, most important and innovative artists.


01 - Follow the Dollar (3.40)
02 - Two Tears (4.14)
03 - Rows of Angels (3.12)
04 - Rosalie (3.43)
05 - Mr Magnifico (6.06)
06 - Like I Care (Wings) (3.28)
07 - Lavenders (4.19)
08 - Little Bigman (4.58)
09 - Simple Things (4.19)
10 - Hug You Like a Mountain (4.30)
11 - Oranges & Seasalt (3.34)

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Screaming Trees - Discography

Some fine music from Mark Lanegan and pals - Seattle's Screaming Trees!

Wrongly lumped with the "grunge" label, this group were far better than the vast majority of those rubbish "grunge" outfits! Of course too, they were around long before that dumb "grunge" label was coined!

Lanegan of course has gone on to a a very eclectic and impressive solo career.

The boys split at the dawn of the nineties but they regrouped in 1998 to record an album but the work was never completed or released. The demos are here.

1985 - Other Worlds (Ep)
1986 - Clairvoyance
1987 - Even If and Especially When
1988 - Beat Happening-Screaming Trees (Ep)
1988 - Invisible Lantern
1989 - Buzz Factory
1990 - Change Has Come (Ep)
1990 - Something About Today (Ep)
1991 - Uncle Anesthesia
1992 - Nearly Lost You (Compilation)
1992 - Sweet Oblivion
1996 - Dust
1998 - Unreleased Album



Big thanks to bunalti

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Nice work from blacksnowwhite

Wait till you see the ballot!

by John Trever, New Mexico, The Albuquerque Journal
E-mail John

The Smiths - Troy Tate Sessions (1983)

The Smiths Troy Tate Sessions (1983)

The legendary original unreleased recording of tracks for the seminal 1984 debut album from the mighty Smiths!!

These are the original studio recordings from the summer of 1983 for The Smiths" debut LP with producer Troy Tate and are usually referred to as the Troy Tate outtakes or sessions, or incorrectly as the Troy Tate demos.

Unsatisfied with his work as a producer, the Smiths re-recorded their debut with producer John Porter and this is what ended up being released.

Unfinished versions (at varying degree) of the shelved Tate recordings are in circulation on various bootlegs.

There are three Troy Tate Sessions "sets;
  • TATE 1 (core tracks),
  • TATE 2 (alternative mixes)
  • a third set that contains 2 demos: Jeane and What Difference does it make?

There are two circulated Troy Tate versions of most songs he worked on, but for a few titles there are either only one or three versions out there. The first versions to have leaked (let's call the set TATE1) feature seemingly rougher outtakes while the versions in a later set (TATE2) seem to be more polished, possibly considered finished, and include or exclude different vocals/sounds/elements. The Troy Tate recordings of "Jeane" and "Pretty Girls Make Graves" were considered good enough to see an official release so the versions of those two titles on most bootlegs are the studio ones, lifted from vinyl. For more information of the availability of the official sources for the latter two songs, click on the titles above in bold.

TATE 1 set

The first Troy Tate sessions bootlegs appeared on the market in the early 1990s. They featured what appears to be unfinished mixes. The pitch (speed) on these is often slower than it should be. Some bootleg feature speed-corrected versions. Timings given here for each title are respectively those of the uncorrected speeds followed by the corrected ones.

- Reel Around The Fountain (version 1; 6:13/6:02)
- You've Got Everything Now (version 1; 4:28/4:15)
- Miserable Lie (version 1; 4:52/4:39)
- These Things Take Time (only version; 2:48/2:40)
- Wonderful Woman (version 1; 3:29/3:19)
- Handsome Devil (version 1; 3:00/2:50)
- Hand In Glove (version 1; 3:30/3:20)
- What Difference Does It Make? (version 1; 4:13/4:01)
- I Don't Owe You Anything (version 1; 4:37/4:24)
- Suffer Little Children (version 1; 5:54/5:39)
- Pretty Girls Make Graves (officially released version 3:35)
- Jeane (officially released version 3:03)

TATE 2 set (first half)

In the mid-1990s the following Troy Tate outtakes were released on the "Reel Around The Fountain" and "Wonderful Woman" manufactured bootlegs. They have since been lifted and included on other fan-made compilations. They are sometimes referred to as alternate or alternative versions. Please note that two titles were not included in the first set. The other four are significantly different to their counterparts in the first set.

- Accept Yourself (only version 4:03)
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (only version 5:15)
- Miserable Lie (version 2; 4:37)
- Reel Around The Fountain (version 2; 5:55)
- What Difference Does It Make? (version 2; 3:19)
- Wonderful Woman (version 2; 3:18)

TATE 2 set (rest)

The complete set from which the above six were lifted has since leaked onto the internet, and is gradually finding its way onto fanmade bootlegs. Again they are sometimes referred to as alternate or alternative versions. A set circulated on the internet and labeled as 'remixed' is actually this one, with an inferior sound. So besides the above 6, this set also includes the following songs/versions, different to any one above (except for the two officially released ones of course).

- You've Got Everything Now (version 2; 4:29)
- Handsome Devil (version 2; 2:52)
- Hand In Glove (version 2; 3:24)
- I Don't Owe You Anything (version 2; 4:30)
- Suffer Little Children (version 2; 4:54)
- Pretty Girls Make Graves (officially released version 3:35)
- Jeane (officially released version 3:03)

TATE3 set

A different set leaked on the internet was labeled "Rough Trade Demos". This actually includes inferior sounding versions of many songs in the TATE2 set above, but the two songs listed below are different. They sound like pre-mixed versions of the ones above. Whether or not Troy Tate had anything to do with these is unknown as this point, but because they are circulated among Troy Tate sessions, they are mentioned here.

- What Difference Does It Make? (version 3 aka demo; 3:56)
- Jeane (demo 2:46)

In short, the completist will have more luck finding the best versions of all the above on the internet. Manufactured bootleg cds either have slow versions of the TATE1 set, or 2nd or 3rd generation fan-'remastered' versions of all sets. At this point in time great lossless versions of all the above is available on torrent sites. Still, in case one wants to know what is found on various titles, here is a rundown.

Differences between versions

Differences between the various circulated Troy Tate outtakes of each title are given below. These descriptions are not exhaustive, only the most obvious differences are mentioned.

"Accept Yourself"

Only version, TATE2 set - 4:03

This song was not part of the TATE1 set, or if it was, it was never released with the rest.

Ironically Simon Goddard in the fantastic "Songs To Save Your Life" mentions that the band recorded two different versions of this song with Troy Tate, but the other one is still uncirculated at this point in time.

"Hand In Glove"

Version in TATE1 set - 3:20 corrected / 3:30 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 3:24

This one is quite easy. At 1:36 in the TATE1 version, there is an echoey background vocal of "kiss my shades..." absent in the other version. Also there's something that sounds like flute in the outro of the TATE1 mix, but not in the TATE2 mix. There are many other minor differences, but these are the most obvious ones.

"Handsome Devil"

Version in TATE1 set - 2:50 corrected / 3:00 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 2:52

The two mixes sound quite different. A very obvious difference is found at 1:45 when in the TATE1 version Morrissey stretches the 'you' in "yooooooou deserve it", while in the TATE2 mix he sings "you deserve it, deserve it, deserve it". At the very end of the song, after singing "Oh you handsome devil!", he shouts "aah!" in the TATE1 mix, and "ow!" in the TATE2 mix.

"The Hand That Rocks The Cradle"

Only version, TATE2 set - 5:15

This song was not part of the TATE1 set, or if it was, it was never released with the rest.

"I Don't Owe You Anything"

Version in TATE1 set - 4:24 corrected / 4:37 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 4:30

These two versions are very similar. Not much work was done on the song between one and the other. The TATE1 mix has a one note bass intro before the drum kicks in, while the TATE2 mix, which is also sounds slower or smoother, has a 2-note bass intro. At 3:05 the finger clicking is more prominent in the TATE1 version. At 3:50 when Morrissey sings "life is never kind", the inflexion is more on 'never' in the TATE1 version, and more on 'kind' in the TATE2 mix.


Single version - 3:03
Demo - 2:46

All the Troy Tate outtakes bootlegs seem to feature the officially released version of this song, lifted from the "This Charming Man" 7" single. However an obvious demo was found in a 'Rough Trade Demos' package circulated on the internet which mainly featured inferior sounding versions of the TATE2 set except for this song and "What Difference Does It Make". This "Jeane" demo is shorter, rougher and lacks backing vocals. Its outro doesn't have the accelerating drum and "ooh!" ending.

"Miserable Lie"

Version in TATE1 set - 4:39 corrected / 4:52 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 4:37

The TATE2 mix usually starts with a drumstick click. At the end of the TATE1 version the echo fades out properly, while at the end of the TATE2 version, it is abruptly faded out, on whatever source in circulation.

"Pretty Girls Make Graves"

Studio version - 3:35

Because the Troy Tate produced version of this song had already been officially released by the band at the time of the initial release of the Troy Tate sessions on bootlegs, it seems like the makers decided to include it with the rest. The presence of the song at the very end of the track listings of the earliest bootlegs adds more weight to this theory, but doesn't necessarily confirm it. Until someone finds any difference between the official and bootleg versions, this theory can be safely considered.

"Reel Around The Fountain"

Version in TATE1 set - 6:02 corrected / 6:13 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 5:55

The TATE1 version starts with three notes not on the other one. The note is heard again at the very end after Morrissey's voice fades out. There is no 'oh' before 'people said' in the TATE1 version, while in the other one Morrissey sings '*oh* people said'.

"Suffer Little Children"

Version in TATE1 set - 5:39 corrected / 5:54 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 4:54

This one is rather obvious. At the end of the TATE2 mix, the outro guitar is accompanied by cymbal, but at the end of the TATE1 version, there is no cymbal. Instead the song segues into the piano part that was later used by the band in "Asleep". The woman giggling or crying at the 4:00 mark is present in the TATE1 mix, and absent in the other one. Also, the "you might sleep but you will never dream" line differs.

Another slight but noticeable difference is the presence of an echoey 'tock' sound at the very beginning of the TATE2 mix. The same sound can be heard at the very beginning of the TATE2 mix of "Wonderful Woman", but in a lower pitch.

"These Things Take Time"

Only version, TATE1 set - 2:40 corrected / 2:48 uncorrected

There is only one Troy Tate version of this song in circulation.

"What Difference Does It Make?"

Version in TATE1 set - 4:01 corrected / 4:13 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 3:19
Demo - 3:56

This one is rather obvious. A look at the song lengths alone is enough to tell the versions apart. However it is worth mentioning the "oh!" before the drum kick in the intro of the TATE2 mix, and the piano that comes in right after that. Also what sounds like a violin is heard in the background soon after, while it only comes in at about 0:38 in the TATE1 mix.

At 1:36 when Morrissey sings "it makes none", the violin (or something that sounds like that) is heard in the background of the TATE1 mix, while in the TATE2 mix, there is guitar picking and an added "aaahh" back vocal. At 1:46 there is slide after "tonight" in the TATE1 version, and dreamy echo on the background vox, but in the TATE2 version there is no slide and much less echo.

The 'Rough Trade Demos' version is unique, and different to both of the above mixes. It sounds like a primitive pre-overdub version of the TATE1 mix. It could be speculated that this version predates Troy Tate's involvement.

"Wonderful Woman"

Version in TATE1 set - 3:19 corrected / 3:29 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 3:18

The two versions of this song are very similar. The guitar seems to be slightly higher in the mix of the TATE1 version, particularly around the 1:45 mark. The only obvious difference is the presence of an echoey 'tock' sound at the very beginning of the TATE2 mix. The same sound can be heard at the very beginning of the TATE2 mix of "Suffer Little Children", but in a higher pitch.

"You've Got Everything Now"

Version in TATE1 set - 4:15 corrected / 4:28 uncorrected
Version in TATE2 set - 4:29

The two versions are reasonably similar. From the 3:35 mark in the TATE 1 version, a kid's voice (or perhaps slide guitar or some studio effect) can be heard.

All thanks gperkins151 who has uploaded the complete TATE 1 and TATE 2 sets (they are labeled and tracklisted as above)

He says
"The link below is the two complete sets (TATE 1 and 2), with correct speed and the best sound that I believe is available. It's on mediafire, so no charge, no download limit, no canceled uploads , no waiting for second downloads, etc. It's on four ZIP files labeled TATE 1, parts 1 and 2 and TATE 2, parts 1 and 2."

He also kindly uploaded a third set that contains 2 demos: Jeane and What Difference does it make? He says "unfortunately at only 128 kbps"!

All thanks gperkins151

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.


Great art from bonbon-A6dule

Twin Geishas



Beautiful art from bmessina


The greatest group of the eighties.

One of the greatest of all time.

Morrisey and Marr struck up a seminal partnership. Up there with Lennon/ Macca.

In a decade filled with crassness and emptiness, the Smiths shone like diamonds in the music gutter!

Nuff said.

Fine collection of their unmissable official LPs, some collections and some nice boots! Oh and some videos also!

What the fuck else could you want?!

1. Reel Around The Fountain
2. You've Got Everything Now
3. Miserable Lie
4. These Things Take Time
5. Wonderful Woman
6. Handsome Devil
7. Suffer Little Children

8. Pretty Girls Make Graves
9. Hand In Glove
10. What Difference Does it Make
11. I Don't Owe You Anything
12. Jeane

troy tate sessions.btjunkie

1. Reel Around the Fountain
2. You've Got Everything Now
3. Miserable Lie
4. Pretty Girls Make G
5. The Hand That Roc
ks the Cradle
6. This Charming Man
7. Still Ill

8. Hand in Glove
9. What Difference Does It Make?
10. I Don't Owe You Anything

11. Suffer Little Children


the smiths.gigasize
the smiths.rapidshare
the smiths.btjunkie

THE SMITHS(Japanese cd)
1. Reel Around The Fountain
2. You've
Got Everything Now
3. Miserable Lie

4. Pretty Girls Make Graves
5. The Hand That Rocks The C
6. Still Ill
7. Hand In Glove
8. What Difference Does It Make
9. I Don't Owe You Anything
10. Suffer Little Children
11. This Charming Man
12. These Things Take Time
13. Hand In Glove (version)
14. Heaven Knows, I'm Miserable Now

the smiths.btjunkie

1. William, It Was Really Nothing
2. What Difference Does It Make?

3. These Things Take Time

4. This Charming Man

5. How Soon Is Now?
6. Handsome Devil
7. Hand in Glove
8. Still Ill

9. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

10. This Night Has Opened My Eyes

11. You've Got Everything Now

12. Accept Yourself

13. Girl Afraid

14. Back to the Old House

15. Reel Around the Fountain

Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want


1. Hand In Glove
2. Heaven Knows, I'm Miserable Now
3. Girl Afraid

4. This Charming Man
5. barbarism Begins at Home
6. This Night Has Opened My Eyes

7. Miserable Lie
8. Stil Ill
9. I Don't Owe You Anything
10. What Differenc Does It Make
11. Handsome Devil

12. You've Got Everything Now
13. These Things Take Time

live amsterdam.rapidshare
live amsterdam. btjunkie


1. The Headmaster Ritual
2. Rusholme Ruffians
3. I Want the One I Can't Have

4. What She Said

5. That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore

6. How Soon Is Now?

7. Nowhere Fast

8. Well I Wonder

9. Barbarism Begins at Home

10. Meat Is Murder


meat is murder.btjunkie
meat is murder.rapidshare
meat is murder.rapidshare


1. The Queen Is Dead
2. Frankly, Mr. Shankly
3. I Know It's Over

4. Never Had No One Ever

5. Cemetry Gates

6. Bigmouth Strikes Again
7. The Boy With the Thorn in His Side
8. Vicar in a Tutu

9. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
10. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Other

the queen is dead.btjunkie
the queen is dead.rapidshare
the queen is dead.rapidshare

4.Bigmouth Strikes Again
5.Shakespeare's Sister
6.There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
7.Shoplifters Of The World Unite
8.The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
Changes Everything
12.Half A Person
13.Stretch Out And Wait
14.That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
16.Oscillate Wildly
17.You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby
18.Rubber Ring
19.Golden Lights

the world won't listen.btjunkie
the world won't listen.rapidshare

1.Louder Than Bombs
2.Is It Really So Strange
3.Sheila Take a Bow

4.Shoplifters Of The World Unite
5.Sweet And Tender Hooligan

6.Half A Person


9.Girl Afraid
10.Shakespeares Sister
11.William, It Was Really Nothing
12.You Just Haven't Earned It Yet Baby
13.Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

15.Golden Lights
16.Oscillate Wildly

17.These Things Take Time
18.Rubber Ring
19.Back To The Old House
20.Hand In Glove
21.Stretch Out And Wait

22.Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want

23.This Night Has Opened My Eyes


louder than bombs.btjunkie
louder than bombs.rapidshare
louder than bombs.rapidshare


1. Rush and a Push and the Land Is Ours
2. I Started Something I Couldn't Finish
3. Death of a Disco Dancer

4. Girlfriend in a Coma

5. Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
6. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

7. Unhappy Birthday

8. Paint a Vulgar Picture

9. Death at One's Elbow

10. I Won't Share You

strangeways here we comes.btjunkie
strangeways here we comes.rapidshare
strangeways here we comes.gigasize

RANK(LIVE 1988 [1986])
1. The Queen Is Dead
2. Panic
3. Vicar in a Tutu

4. Ask
5. Rusholme Ruffians
6. The Boy With the Thorn in His Side
7. What She Said
8. Is It Really So Strange?
9. Cemetry Gates
10. London
11. I Know It's Over
12. The Draize Train
13. Still Ill
14. Bigmouth Strikes Again


1. This Charming Man
2. William, It Was Really
3. What Difference Does It Make?
4. Stop Me If You Think You´ve Heard This One Before

5. Girlfriend in a Coma
6. Half a Person

7. Rubber Ring

8. How Soon Is Now?
9. Hand in Glove

10. Shoplifters of the World Unite

11. Sheila Take a Bow

12. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

13. Panic

14. Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want

best I.btjunkie
best I.rapidshare

...BEST II(1992)
1. The Boy With the Thorn in His Side
2. The Headmaster Ritual
3. Heaven
Knows I'm Miserable Now
5. Oscillate Wildly
6. Nowhere Fast
7. Still Ill 8. Bigmouth Strikes Again
9. That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
10. Shakespeare's Sister
11. Girl Afraid
12. Reel Around the Fountain
13. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
14. There Is a Light That Never Goes Out

best II.rapidshare

best II.rapidshare

1. Hand In Glove
2. This Charming Man

3. What Difference Does It Make?
4. Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

5. William, It Was Really Nothing

6. How Soon Is Now?

7. Shakespeare's Sister

8. That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore

9. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side

10. Bigmouth Strikes Again

11. Panic

12. Ask
13. Shoplifters of The World Unite

14. Sheila Take A Bow

15. Girlfriend In A Coma

16. I Started Something I Couldn't Finish
17. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
18. There Is A Light That Never Goes Out


1. Panic
2. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
3. Heaven knows, I'm Miserable Now
4. Ask 5. Bigmouth Strikes Again
6. How Soon Is Now
7. This Charming Man
8. What Difference Does It Make
9. William, It Was Really Nothing

10. Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
11. Girlfriend In a Coma

12. Hand In Glove
13. There Is a Light That Never Goes
14. Please, Please, Please... Let Me Get What I Want
15. That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
16. I Know it's Over

17. Sheila Take a Bow
18. I Started Something I Couldn't Find
19. Still Ill

20. Shakespeare's Sister
21. Shoplifters Of The World Unite
22. Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

23. Stop Me If You've Heard This One

the very best of the smiths.btjunkie

Big thanks to musiqueindieegeste

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

2 LPs by By the Tom Tom Club @ 320


1. Love Wave
2. Sunshine and Ecstasy
3. You Sexy Thing
4. Who Wants an Ugly Girl
5. Say I Am
6. Irresistible Party Dip
7. Dark Sneak Love Action
8. Innocent Sex Kiss
9. Dogs In the Trash
10. My Mama Told Me
11. As the Disco Ball Turns
12. Daddy Come Home



1. Love Wave
2. Sunshine and Ecstasy
3. You Sexy Thing
4. Who Wants an Ugly Girl
5. Say I Am
6. Irresistible Party Dip
7. Dark Sneak Love Action
8. Innocent Sex Kiss
9. Dogs In the Trash
10. My Mama Told Me
11. As the Disco Ball Turns
12. Daddy Come Home


Big thanks to shakthecat

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Sonic Youth - Intellectual Drama (1996) (@192kbps)

Sonic Youth - Intellectual Drama (1996)
recorded in Düsseldorf, Germany @ Philipshalle Sunday, April 7th
@192 kbps

Nice Sonics boot from 96.

Fine performance well captured.


1. Teen Age Riot - 6:40
2. Bull in the Heather - 2:49
3. Starfield Road - 2:46
4. Washing Machine - 9:28
5. Junkie's Promise - 4:26
6. Saucer-Like - 4:18
7. Becuz - 6:05
8. Sugar Kane - 8:04
9. Skip Tracer - 3:56
10. Skink - 4:40
11. The Diamond Sea - 20:17

If trouble with link, try removing any spaces from the url.

Big thanks to qwertyderek

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

No friends for play

Nice work from bonbon-A6dule

"That One" wins! Hurrah!

Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune, Utah
E-mail Pat. Visit Pat's site.

I guess Mc Insane might be wishing he was back in that POW camp now!

Dream Dream Dream of Night

Nice manga art from Pochii-chan

The Coat

Nice work by equivoque

The Yardbirds - Over/Under Roger (Mono) FLAC

The Yardbirds - Roger The Engineer/Over Under Sideways Down [Mono] - FLAC
Audio CD March 26, 2007
Number of Discs: 2
Original LP Release July 15, 1966 (UK)/ August 8, 1966 (U.S.)
Format: Extra tracks, Original recording remastered, Import
Label: Repertoire

The classic 1966 album by the Jeff Beck 'version' of the Yardbirds is now available in Special Slip-case 2CD edition! Hurrah!

This contains the complete Stereo and Mono versions of the album, plus 2 bonus singles tracks! Wonderful stuff!

Roger the Engineer (original title: Yardbirds, US, German, and French title: Over Under Sideways Down) was released in 1966 - produced by bassist Paul Samwell-Smith and Simon Napier-Bell.

It was the only Yardbirds album with all originally-written material. Although the record was officially titled The Yardbirds, it has since been referred to, first colloquially, then semi-officially, as Roger the Engineer, a title stemming from the drawing on its front cover, a cartoon of the record's audio engineer Roger Cameron by band member Chris Dreja.

Due to the influence of Jeff Beck's experimentation with guitar distortion, the album is considered a precursor to heavy metal.

The original American versions of this album (issued with a completely different album cover and entitled "Over Under Sideways Down") omitted the songs "The Nazz Are Blue" and "Rack My Mind" and are mixed differently to the British editions. Regardless, record collectors have sought out both the mono (LN 24210) and stereo (BN 26210) versions since several tracks are featured with slight differences in the mixes. Epic's 1983 reissue (simply entitled The Yardbirds) featured the original UK album cover, the two missing tracks, duplication of the British mixing, and two additional tracks, the 1966 single "Happenings Ten Years Time Ago" b/w "Psycho Daisies", both featuring Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page.

In 2003, the album was ranked number 349 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.


01. Lost Woman
02. Over Under Sideways Down - The Yardbirds, Dreja, Chris
03. The Nazz Are Blue - The Yardbirds, Beck
04. I Can't Make Your Way
05. Rack My Mind
06. Farewell - The Yardbirds, McCarty
07. Hot House of Omagarishid
08. Jeff's Boogie - The Yardbirds, Beck
09. He's Always There
10. Turn into Earth - The Yardbirds, Samwell-Smith
11. What Do You Want
12. Ever Since the World Began

Bonus Singles
13. Happenings Ten Years Time Ago
14. Psycho Daisies

tube says: This is Disc 2. Disc 2 is the only true Mono mix I've ever heard and it rocks. Please play it on a Stereo, not headphones.

Big thanks to tubert

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

James Brown - Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud (1969)

James Brown - Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud (1969)

For all you Obama fans out there! Yap he is that (although if you're following his campaign and the GOP's, you might not realise this!)


1. Say It Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud), Pts. 1 & 2
2. I Guess I'll Have to Cry, Cry, Cry
3. Goodbye My Love, Pts. 1 & 2
4. Shades of Brown - James Brown, Hobgood, Bud
5. Licking Stick-Licking Stick
6. I Love You
7. Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye - James Brown, Loudermilk, John D.
8. Let Them Talk - James Brown, Thompson, Sonny
9. Maybe I'll Understand
10. I'll Lose My Mind

320 kbps:

FLAC, 245 Mb:

Big thanks to iraklis

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Jim White - A Funny Little Cross To Bear [2008]

Jim White - A Funny Little Cross To Bear [2008]

We've always loved the maverick music genius of Mr White and are delighted to find this new live LP!

This live recording featuring White, the most idiosyncratic of singer-songwriters, either solo or fronting a trio with guitarist Patrick Hargon and bassist Fiona McBain, A Funny Little Cross To Bear features a handful of Jim White’s works-in-progress and a version of “Plywood Superman” re-arranged for guitar and harmonium.

The overall theme is of wanderlust and the emotional anchors which keep us rooted to one place, a conflict he conveys in “Jailbird” as the desire to “be a jailbird from the prison of my mind”. Elsewhere, he reflects in songs like “Counting Numbers In The Air” and “Stranger Candy” about the distractions of listlessness and drugs.

“That mother’s milk is dandy when you’re a baby,” he warns, his opiated drawl borne on a few etiolated wisps of guitar, “but as the wheels of time grind you down, you get a taste for that stranger candy”.

It’s all summed up in the concluding story of a phone call he received one night, the message of which - “15 years of blessings” – he later realised was his life’s total, rather than an unbroken run.


01. Stranger Candy 6:19
02. Jailbird 5:10
03. Counting Numbers In The Air 3:58
04. Alabama Chrome 3:28
05. Jim 4:05
06. Plywood Superman 5:39
07. Untitled 3:44

Big thanks to the original poster

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Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

Television - Discography

One of the greatest groups of all! No question!

The great Tom Verlaine and the great Television.

Heroes of Post Punk. Heroes of modern music!

We fucking love em!

Any "greatest albums" list that doesn't have the sublime Marquee Moon in the top ten, ain't worth shit!

We posted loads more Television before. Here are some new nice RS links!

Television, formed in New York City in 1973, and although Television never achieved much more than a cult audience in their American homeland, they achieved significant commercial success in Europe and today are widely regarded as one of the key bands in the punk and post-punk movements.

They were a part of the early New York punk rock scene, contemporary with bands like the Patti Smith Group and the Ramones.

However, in contrast to the Ramones' focus on minimalist amateurism, Television's music was much more technically proficient, defined by the duelling guitars of Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd.

As with many emerging punk bands, the influence of The Velvet Underground was pervasive.

Television also drew inspiration from minimalist composers such as Steve Reich. Tom Verlaine has often cited the influence of The Rolling Stones' "19th Nervous Breakdown" on Television's approach to the guitar, and he has also expressed a fondness for Arthur Lee's Love and the Buffalo Springfield, two groups noted for their dual-guitar interplay.

Television's ties to punk were underscored by their late 60s garage-rock leanings, as the band often covered The Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction" and the 13th Floor Elevators' "Fire Engine" in concert.

In actual fact, Television were key pioneers in pointing beyond punk rock to New Wave and Post Punk.

Television's first album Marquee Moon was received positively by music critics and audiences, despite failing to make the Billboard Top 200 - though it sold well in Europe and reached the Top 30 in many countries there.

Upon its initial release in 1977, Roy Trakin wrote in the SoHo Weekly, "forget everything you've heard about Television, forget punk, forget New York, forget CBGB's ... hell, forget rock and roll—this is the real item."

Recently, critics ranked it number 83 on cable music channel VH1’s 2000 list of the 100 Greatest Albums of Rock and Roll, number 128 on Rolling Stone's 2003 list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.

It was ranked number two on Uncut magazine's 100 Greatest Debut Records, and number 3 on Pitchfork's list of the best albums of the 1970's.

Stephen Thomas Erlewine writes that the album was "revolutionary" and "comprised entirely of tense garage rockers that spiral into heady intellectual territory, which is achieved through the group's long, interweaving instrumental sections."

Television's second album, Adventure, was issued in 1978 to less fanfare. The distinctive dual guitars of Lloyd and Verlaine are still evident on Adventure, notably on the tracks "Glory," "Days," and "Foxhole."

The band members' very independent and strongly held artistic visions, along with Richard Lloyd's alleged drug abuse, led to the band's break-up in 1978. Both Lloyd and Verlaine later pursued solo careers.

Television reformed in 1992, recording an eponymous third album, and have performed live sporadically thereafter.

Since being wooed back on stage together for the 2001 All Tomorrow's Parties at Camber Sands, England, they have played a number of dates around the world, and continue to perform occasionally in New York while touring on an irregular basis.

In 2007, Richard Lloyd announced he would be amicably leaving the band after a midsummer show in New York City's Central Park. Unfortunately, owing to an extended stay in hospital recovering from pneumonia, he was unable to take his place with the band for this concert. His place that day was taken by Jimmy Rip.

Rip has since been asked to stay on as a band member replacing Lloyd, and, as of December 2007, the group has been busy recording a new record!

We can't wait!


  • Tom Verlaine – lead vocals, guitar, keyboards
  • Richard Lloyd – guitar, vocals (left in 2007)
  • Richard Hell – bass, lead vocals (left in 1975)
  • Fred Smith – bass, vocals (joined in 1975)
  • Billy Ficca – drums
  • Jimmy Rip- guitar (joined in 2007)


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    1977 - Marquee Moon

    The album is one of the most acclaimed rock records of all time. Certainly one of my favourite albums of all time.


    • Rolling Stone (10/16/03, p.90) - 5 stars out of 5 - "One of the all-time classic guitar albums....MOON still shimmers with urban grime and psychedelic imagination."
    • Spin (12/03, p.125) - "It's the first punk jam album and a thing of swooning, brawny loveliness."
    • Entertainment Weekly (9/26/03, pp.94-5) - "One of the era's masterworks, a multilayered thrill ride of interlocking stun-gun guitars and leader Tom Verlaine's nervous vocals." - Rating: A
    • Q (5/02 SE, p.143) - 5 stars out of 5 - Included in Q's "100 Best Punk Albums" - Q (1/03, p.132) - "A brutally stark, yet intricate weave of guitars and affectingly passionate vocals."
    • Uncut (11/01, p.134) - "Television may have vowed to 'pull down the future', but no one knew they'd reinvent it. Proof that lightning can, indeed, strike itself."- Ranked #2 in Uncut's list of the 'Greatest Debuts' (Lost to Velvet Underground & Nico)
    • Mojo (3/03, p.76) - Ranked #32 in Mojo's "Top 50 Punk Albums" - "A graceful new wave bite that betrayed delicate hints of neo-psychedelic sophistication."
    • NME (9/18/93, p.19) - Ranked #10 among The Greatest Albums Of The '70s - NME (2003) - Ranked #4 in NME's list of the 'Greatest Albums Of All Time'


    Side one

    1. "See No Evil" – 3:53

    2. "Venus" – 3:51

    3. "Friction" – 4:44

    4. "Marquee Moon" – 10:40

    Side two

    5. "Elevation" – 5:07

    6. "Guiding Light" – 5:35 (Lloyd, Verlaine)

    7. "Prove It" – 5:02

    8. "Torn Curtain" – 6:56

    All songs written by Tom Verlaine unless otherwise indicated.

    Here she be:

    1977 - Marquee Moon

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    1978 - Adventure

    Another magnificent work!

    Upon its release, the album fared worse than its predecessor in the United States but entered the charts at #7 in the Britain.

    A noticeable difference between Adventure and Marquee Moon is in the production. Where Marquee Moon is a raw and straightforward album, Adventure has softer and more layered sound with added nuances, such as keyboard textures and back-up vocals.

    Two of the songs, "Foxhole" and "Careful" were older songs from the band's live set, however, several songs have a reputation as being "filler."

    The complex guitar work of Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd that gave Marquee Moon its appeal is present on Adventure too.



    Side one

    1. "Glory" – 3:11
    2. "Days" (Richard Lloyd/Verlaine) – 3:14
    3. "Foxhole" – 4:48
    4. "Careful" – 3:18
    5. "Carried Away" – 5:14

    Side two

    1. "The Fire" – 5:56
    2. "Ain't That Nothin'" – 4:52
    3. "The Dream's Dream" – 6:44
    All songs written by Tom Verlaine unless otherwise indicated.

    Here she be:

    1978 - Adventure
    *NOTE: One track missing form the MF link;
    08 -
    The Dream's Dream is here;

    1982 - The Blow-Up
    [Recorded live 1978]

    This is a great two-CD collector's edition, over 85 minutes long, digitally re-mastered and re-edited.

    All material on this recording was selected by Tom Verlaine from live tapes (circa 1978).

    It had been originally released as a Roir double length cassette-only issue in 1982.

    It includes extended versions of Little Johnny Jewel and Marquee Moon ... over 14 minutes each!!

    Liner notes were provided by Robert Christgau & John Piccarrella.

    The guitar-led, thin-sounding rock of NYC's seminal art-punk band Television had many acolytes - from the lovelorn poetry of Australia's Go-Betweens to the more commercial sound of New Wave poppers the Knack.

    This live double CD, originally released on cassette in 1982, showcases the band at their most experimental and wired.

    Obvious standouts include the intricate, almost Coltrane-esque guitar duel between bandleaders Tom Verlaine and Richard Lloyd on an incredible 15-minute version of "Little Johnny Jewel," plus an equally lengthy and tormented reading of "Marquee Moon."

    Sound quality is extremely variable, but the spirit of the originators of the New York punk loft scene shines through, even on a relatively ordinary rendition of the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction." Raw, dreamy, and ripe for rediscovery.

    -Everett True

    Here she be:

    1982 - The Blow-Up (Live) 1 / 2


    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    1992 - Television

    Television was the group's eponymous third official album, released in 1992, a full fourteen years after the band's second studio album and subsequent break up in 1978.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Television, July 28, 2007
    By J P Ryan (Waltham, Massachusetts United States) - See all my reviews
    By 1992 the legendary status of Television, the seminal band that was culturally, if not musically, linked to New York's C.B.G.B.'s, had surely grown, yet artistic influence be damned, a reunited Television still couldn't crack the Billboard Top 200 with their first album in 14 years. "Television", the group's third studio album, barely announced itself with abstract cover art and eponymous title, nor does the music jump out and take over your head and body the way "Marquee Moon" (1977) does.

    And, compared to their underrated second album, "Adventure" (1978), this is a more fleet and concise work, eschewing the langourous pace and watery keyboard/guitar textures. But unlike more successful peers such as Ramones, or Blondie, Tom Verlaine, Richard Lloyd, Fred Smith, and Billy Ficca successfully made a Television record for the 1990s that honors, and adds to, their legacy.

    At first "Television" feels rather dry, and passes by pleasently enough; yet with familiarity it eventually reveals itself to be both timeless and unassuming, understated and sometimes gorgeous. More than a decade after its release I'm still hearing some new musical detail or emotional nuance whenever I play it.

    With the band members in their forties, "Television" shows the New York quartet's 'maturity' which is not a back-handed compliment, for the musical intelligence, clarity of purpose, and self-awareness is evident throughout its ten tracks. Sometimes they seem to be evolving material out of loose jams ("Rhyme"), but the overall impression is of an organic and rigorous musical conception.

    And the songs, all of them memorable, give us Tom Verlaine in varied narrative personae, frequently exploring eroticism in a witty, appealing manner. The music is mostly made by guitars, bass, and drums (keyboards are less evident than on the Elektra albums), both stark and lush. Tom Verlaine's songs, in which darkness, compassion, and playfulness all co-exist in a world that seems hermetic at first, but prove to be Verlaine at his more accessable and communicative.

    The album certainly carries considerable emotional weight, yet many of the lyrics refer to literary and pop culture images from Verlaine's youth ("Mars", "The Rocket", "Rhyme"). As stripped down as Nirvana's contemporary "Nevermind" or "In Utero", the sound is typically dryer, less crunchy and inviting, but like Lloyd's superb solo debut "Alchemy" or Verlaine's classic "Dreamtime" the record deserves close attentionj. In my case I decided it was a good, slightly disappointing, record after three or four plays, and left it alone for nearly a decade.

    When I came back, after digging into Rhino's expanded editions of the two Elektra albums and the wonderful, incendiery "At The Old Waldorf" live album, I was amazed to find just how fresh the production was, and how many melodies and riffs had stuck in my brain without my even knowing it. There was a rush of pleasure, hearing this rich, nuanced album that sounds better than ever, and deserves the status of a minor classic.

    The riffs and melody lines are quintessential, if restrained, but do not feel sketchy or underdeveloped; the interlocking friction and lyricism of the guitars, and those exquisite solos - Lloyd's almost mathematical yet stunning and physical in their impact, Verlaine's more improvised yet heady, angular - and interplay are like stars piercing through a clear night - they shimmer and glow.

    Verlaine and Lloyd, despite their publicized differences, are an amazing team, virtually telepathic, as inventive as ever yet more playful and allusive. They bring out the best in each other, and I only wish they made more records together. Fred Smith's bass is as always supple and, on "Rhyme", entrancing. And Billy Ficca is a master percussionist, adding something fresh to every track.

    Unless you like "Marquee Moon" but have been put off by the rest of the band's (or Verlaine's) work, this recording is highly recommended. Too bad it, too, hasn't been expanded - with three tracks issued on a French ep in '92, or live material from the hard to find "Live At The Academy" set sold at gigs.



    1. "1880 Or So" – 3:41
    2. "Shane, She Wrote This" – 4:21
    3. "In World" – 4:12
    4. "Call Mr. Lee" – 4:16
    5. "Rhyme" – 4:47
    6. "No Glamour for Willi" – 5:00
    7. "Beauty Trip" – 4:22
    8. "The Rocket" – 3:23
    9. "This Tune" – 3:42
    10. "Mars" – 4:56
    All lyrics by Tom Verlaine; music composed by Television

    Here she be:

    1992 - Television


    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Live at the Old Waldorf
    [Recorded live 1978]

    Live at the Old Waldorf is a live album by Television that was recorded in 1978 on their last American tour date until their 1992 reunion.



    1. "The Dream's Dream"
    2. "Venus"
    3. "Foxhole"
    4. "Careful"
    5. "Aint that Nothin'"
    6. "Little Johnny Jewel"
    7. "Friction"
    8. "Marquee Moon"
    9. "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to Bunalti

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Sunday, 19 October 2008

    Beat Beat Beat at The BEEB - The Rolling Stones - 1963-65.

    Beat Beat Beat at The BEEB - The Rolling Stones - 1963-65

    This looks at the period 1963-65. A fascinating period in the what would be the evolution of the Stones from what Dylan called a "covers band" into one of the greatest groups of all time!

    This 2-CD set comprises all available studio recordings from the BBC sessions during these years in chronological order.

    The quality is very good to superb mono/stereo.


    CD 1:
    1. Come On
    2. Memphis Tennesee
    3. Roll Over Beethoven
    4. Ain't That Loving You Baby
    5. Don't Lie To Me
    6. Mona
    7. Walking The Dog
    8. Bye Bye Johnny
    9. I Wanna Be Your Man
    10. You Better Move On
    11. Roll Over Beethoven
    12. Beautiful Delilah
    13. Route 66
    14. Cops And Robbers
    15. You Better Move On
    16. Mona
    17. Hi-Heel Sneakers
    18. Little By Little
    19. I Just Wanna Make Love To You
    20. I'm Moving On
    21. Not Fade Away
    22. Walking The Dog
    23. I Just Wanna Make Love To You
    24. Beautiful Delilah
    25. Hi-Heel Sneakers
    26. Carol

    1. Meet Me At The Bottom
    2. You Can Make It If You Try
    3. Route 66
    4. Confessin' The Blues
    5. Down The Road Apiece
    6. It's All Over Now
    7. If You Need Me
    8. Confessin' The Blues
    9. Carol
    10. Mona
    11. Around And Around
    12. If You Need Me
    13. I Can't Be Satsfied
    14. Crackin' Up
    15. 2120 South Michigan Avenue
    16. Down The Road Apiece
    17. interview
    18. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
    19. The Last Time
    20. Mercy Mercy
    21. Oh Baby (We Got A Good Thing Goin')
    22. The Spider And The Fly
    23. Satisfaction
    24. Cry To Me
    25. Fanny Mae

    Here be Beat Beat Beat ... Stones

    Big thanks to retrovinylcupboard

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Saturday, 18 October 2008

    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Deus Ibi Est

    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan
    Deus Ibi Est
    from Ballad of the Broken Seas
    Released 2006

    Day on day I march the beat to someone else's drum

    A beautiful song from the great After 2006's great Ballad of the Broken Seas, the first collaboration by the new Lee and Nancy!

    Glad to see that Isobel paid attention during her Latin classes back in secondary school!

    Two videos for this track.

    First, a video piece set to the original track. An excellent video. Simple but effective. Posted by goouttothemeadow. Not sure if it was he who made it though.

    Second, a live performance from the dynamic duo.

    by alexandernvm

    Against my will to these sad shores
    An unknown force has drawn me
    Bound unto a future shaped by ancestors before me
    Day on day I march the beat to someone else's drum
    I have searched far foreign lands there's nowhere left to run

    Impending storm rise up rise up
    Oh demons I shall shame you!
    Look down the barrel of my gun and one by one I'll name you
    Day on day my brothers leave go marching off to war
    Yet we never understand for what we're fighting for

    Ubi caritas et amor
    (Where there is tender care and love)
    Ubi caritas
    (Where there is tender care)
    Deus ibi est
    (God is present)

    Worldly desires and worldly gains
    Designed for worldly men
    I'm a master of the heart with ears and hands to lend
    Soldiers come and soldiers go some changed by love for thee
    A circle in the chain of life all fighting to be free

    Ubi caritas et amor
    Ubi caritas
    Deus ibi est

    So come my lord and we shall dance
    To God's own private drum
    Sweet Jesus and the holy vine
    The afterlife to come
    Day on day I march the the beat to someone else's drum
    I have searched far foreign lands there's nowhere left to run

    Ubi caritas et amor
    Ubi caritas
    Deus ibi est

    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Deus Ibi Est

    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Deus Ibi Est - Live
    Live Shepherds Bush Empire, London
    23 January 2007

    Babe and Babe Gun

    New works by photographer Ben Heys

    New works by photographer Ben Heys

    by Ben Heys

    Life in Four Pictures

    Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Sunday At The Devil Dirt (2008)

    Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Sunday At The Devil Dirt (2008)
    Released May 13, 2008
    Recorded 2007
    Genre Indie pop
    Alternative rock
    Length 47:19
    Label V2 Records
    Producer Isobel Campbell

    After 2006's great Ballad of the Broken Seas, comes this wonderful second collaboration from the new Lee and Nancy!

    This carries on the high quality of the debut and is another wonderful work!

    Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart was released as an EP with extra tracks.

    Pitchfork review;
    Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan: Sunday at Devil Dirt
    Rating: 6.3

    It was another surprising detour in a career composed almost exclusively of detours: Isobel Campbell, former Belle & Sebastian member and sometime solo act, teamed with Mark Lanegan, taciturn former Screaming Trees singer and serial collaborator. With the release of their Ballad of the Broken Seas, the "Beauty and the Beast" lines came fast and furious. So did the Nancy and Lee comparisons, which were probably welcome. The pairing of Lanegan and Campbell may have come as a shock to fans of the latter (and maybe even the former) but the music itself was less than revelatory. Indeed, the Lee Hazelwood/Nancy Sinatra template is iconic for a reason, and to borrow it means to risk imitating them. It also means treading closely to Leonard Cohen, Scott Walker, or any other somber, late-1960s orchestral pop act.

    Still, the results were beautiful and brooding, with Campbell's songwriting significantly enhanced by this very specific setting. Sequels, however, are inherently built on familiarity and a sequel to the solid yet by-the-books Ballad of the Broken Seas could be as problematic as the Hollywood models are. Yet while Sunday at Devil Dirt may be more of the same (with glimpses of Tom Waits' junkyard blues tossed in to good effect), Campbell and Lanegan were never out to do anything different. Once again, melancholy, minor-key folk melodies, and bits of spy-theme and spaghetti-western cool color the album, typically enhanced by only the classiest of accompaniment-- upright bass, strings, brushed drums, twangy electric guitars, and other chamber-pop mainstays. And once again, Campbell works better as a supporting player on her own record than as a leader, cooing and chiming away in the background. Sure, she provides most of the songwriting, but it's Lanegan who provides the gravitas.

    Fortunately, Campbell seems to realize her place here as writer and arranger first and foremost, generally ceding the spotlight to Lanegan on the likes of the bleak (of course) "The Raven" and "Back Burner", the somewhat lighter country-blues of "Salvation" and "Sally Don't You Cry", and the spare folk of "Something to Believe". Compared to Lanegan, Campbell sounds thin singing lead on "Shot Gun Blues" or as duet partner on "Who Built the Road" and "The Flame That Burns". Her vocals are almost like post-production special effects.

    In a lot of ways that's what makes the disc such a good, breezy listen. Campbell's turn on "Come On Over (Turn Me On)" aims for sultry yet can't get beyond sweet and innocent; in Lanegan, however, she's found a substitute singer that's a perfect match for the strength of her compositions, a rumbling, grumbling vessel through which to channel her songs, themselves channeling the vibe of a lost but not forgotten time of smoky bars, scratchy jukeboxes, convertibles, open roads, broken hearts, cheap motels, and cheaper thrills. It's a bit like a dust-specked and flickering faux Super-8 road trip reel, with Campbell manning the camera and sitting in the director's chair and Lanegan glowering away in the uncomfortable glare of the sun.

    - Joshua Klein, May 9, 2008

    Some people have all the luck. You know the ones I mean; the sort of folk who stride through life safe in the knowledge that Lady Fortune will prescribe yet another dose of opportunity upon which their dreams can be realised. It’s said that such fortuity favours the brave, yet when things like this and especially this happen it becomes increasingly difficult to believe that luck is anything other than a prerequisite of the privileged.

    It would be easy then to argue that mouse-shy Isobel Campbell is one of the luck-struck few. Having been part of cultish twee-mongers Belle & Sebastian during, what was arguably, their most prodigious years, the Glaswegian-born songstress’ career nosedived on the release of her poorly received debut solo album (discounting two distinctly ‘meh’ Gentle Waves LPs) Amorino, leaving Campbell’s decision to flee Stuart Murdoch’s flock of bedtime reading jingle-janglers looking like a disastrous spot of self-aggrandised folly.

    But then, as luck would have it, Campbell hit gold. By coaxing gravel-pit grizzly Mark Lanegan into collaborating on smoke-stained long-player Ballad Of The Broken Seas (review), the reticent cooer was transformed from corduroy-clad pin-up girl to ravishing, blues-smudged chanteuse. A devilish, fiery-eyed record exuding arresting tales of love, lust and loss, it was a remarkable juxtaposition of sandpaper and silk or, as many a hack would eagerly deduce, beauty and beast. Musically, Ballad… may not have been an entirely satisfying affair, but the stark contrast of Campbell’s sheenful purr brushed against Lanegan’s baritonal growl produced one of 2006’s most intriguing records.

    Fast-forward two years and the unlikely Mercury Prize-nominated duo are once again caught in a smouldering embrace – but this time the element of surprise has disappointingly vanished. Album number two, Sunday At Devil Dirt, is comparable to the rekindling of an old flame; filled with memories of good times gone yet lacking the spark of fresh, unexplored pastures. Again penned almost entirely by Campbell before tweaked to fit Lanegan’s whisky-guzzled grumbling, there’s a distinct element of ‘seen it, done it, milking it’ to every rootsy, airsome shanty and, although executed with exemplary grace, it seems there’s not quite enough fuel left to stoke the fires of desire once more.

    That’s not to say Sunday At Devil Dirt is an unmitigated catastrophe. Any record that contains the lachrymose presence of Lanegan and the smoky wafts of bromidic tone he exhales cannot fail to intrigue. But from the first brittle notes of ‘Seafaring Song’ it’s apparent that the enveloping captivation of Ballad… has disappeared, replaced with a stale, minor-key haze of strum and string while Campbell lingers sultrily in the background of Lanegan’s dilapidated crow. And it’s in this opening number’s formation where …Devil Dirt’s main problem derives.

    For much of the proceeding 40-odd minutes Campbell appears so innately aware of her brutish accomplice’s ability to draw crowds she’s consigned herself to bit-part wing-woman. Tracks such as the sluggish ‘Salvation’ and gloom-laden ‘Something To Believe’ lack the sleight of touch her wistful mew provides, leaving what could be two heart-rousing duets to kick their heels in the dust-bitten rabble of Lanegan’s less than invigorated, bass-heavy growl. For sure, there are times when the ex-Screaming Trees frontman is an esteemed vocal exhilarant – adding an unequivocal snarl to ‘Back Burner’’s demanding voodoo-blues or the equally ravaged ‘The Raven’ – but, with Campbell’s main input confined to breezy harmonies, the likes of ‘Trouble’ and ‘Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart’ feel lonesome and bare-boned amidst a spate of perfunctorily arranged country laments.

    When Campbell finally gets to have her say the results are heavenly: ‘Shot Gun Blues’ is a simmering bar-room rankle of steel guitar and vixen-like pleading while the tombstone bound ‘Who Built The Road’ writhes over a windswept tundra of melancholic chimes and eerie string arrangement. Yet such peaks too often succumb to Lanegan’s limelight-hogging, culminating in the beard-stroking boredom of closer ’Sally don’t You Cry’, a track that exits on such a whimper of humdrum couplets it could well have been scribed by a Johnny Cash-aping ten year old.

    With Campbell’s second solo LP, 2006’s Milkwhite Sheets, barely garnering a crumb of acclaim in the pages of the unforgiving music press, it’s of no surprise to find her pulling out the stops with a double dose of prize-catch Lanegan. Yet, judging by the standards set on this less than sparkling offering, her lucky charm may be her eventual undoing.

    Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbell " Keep Me In Mind "


    1. "Seafaring Song" – 3:32
    2. "The Raven" – 4:59
    3. "Salvation" – 3:19
    4. "Who Build The Road" – 2:55
    5. "Come On Over (Turn Me On)" – 4:41
    6. "Back Burner" – 6:36
    7. "The Flame That Burns" – 3:38
    8. "Shot Gun Blues" – 3:52
    9. "Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart" – 2:35
    10. "Something To Believe" – 3:33
    11. "Trouble" – 4:49
    12. "Sally Don't You Cry" – 2:44

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Ballad of the Broken Seas ( 2006)

    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan - Ballad of the Broken Seas
    Released 2006
    Recorded 2005
    Genre Indie pop
    Alternative rock
    Length 42:45
    Label V2 Records
    Producer Isobel Campbell, Dave Paterson

    The first collaboration between bonnie Scots lass and ex Belle & Sebastian member Isobel Campbell and the great Mark Lanegan!

    Campbell penned most of the tracks and self-produced the album. There are a few Lanegan tracks too and some nice cover, including a great track by Mr. Hank Willliams!

    This fine LP made the shortlist for the 2006 Mercury Music Prize. However, the Mercury nomination provoked some criticism, as collaborator Mark Lanegan is American and the award is for British and Irish artists only. However Campbell wrote most of the tracks and self-produced the album. Campbell had written the music and some of the lyrics, before sending it to Lanegan.

    The songs are excellent and there's a nice dichotomy between Campbell's sweetness and Lanegan's growl especially in the context of the often dark lyrics!

    A great combination! A wonderful work!

    The new Lee and Nancy?? Yap!

    They would work again on the great Sunday At The Devil Dirt (2008)

    It's tempting to say something facile like "beauty meets the beast" in writing about this collaboration between former Belle & Sebastian member Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan, best known for his work with Screaming Trees and Queens of the Stone Age. After all, Campbell's voice is all sweet angelic whisper while Lanegan's whisky-and-nicotine rasp sounds like the product of ten thousand nights in a barroom, but somehow these sweet and sour elements come together with striking and impressive results on Ballad of the Broken Seas.

    It helps that musically these two are not far away from the same page; the ghostly blues-based structures of Lanegan's Whiskey for the Holy Ghost and The Winding Sheet may be starker than Campbell's stuff with Belle & Sebastian or her solo set Amorino, but they both appear to revel in the sort of glorious sadness that draws beauty from melancholy, and they find a dark and lovely common ground on this set of songs.

    Campbell produced the album and wrote the bulk of the material (though Lanegan wrote one song, the moody and satisfying "Revolver"), and while it's no great surprise that she comes up with superb material for herself, she also knows what to make of Lanegan's expressive rasp ("The Circus Is Leaving Town" is as good a performance as he's ever recorded), and their numbers together (especially "The False Husband" and the cover of Hank Williams' "Ramblin' Man") recall what one hoped Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue's duets on Murder Ballads would sound like. Ballad of the Broken Seas is a superbly crafted bit of late-night introspection that brings out the best in both Lanegan and Campbell and adds new and unexpected facets to their impressive repertoires.

    Fucking Pitchfork wrote:
    Isobel Campbell was the second-best singer-- and best cellist-- in Belle and Sebastian. Mark Lanegan fronted grunge almost-weres Screaming Trees, one of those odd bands that everyone knows but few listen to, and he did a stint in Queens of the Stone Age. Given Belle and Sebastian's penchant for lacy chamber pop and the Screaming Trees/QOTSA bias toward angrily trippy stoner jams, it only makes sense that Campbell's and Lanegan's collaboration produced a bunch of mildly acerbic sea shanties and maudlin dust-bowl folk ballads.

    "Deus Ibi Est" establishes Ballad of the Broken Seas's mise en scene-- a broad, desolate expanse of metronomic kickdrum and lilting acoustic guitar. Lanegan slips into a Grinchy beatnik drawl, doing Tom Waits doing Leonard Cohen, sharpishly channeling the voice of an itinerant soldier, while Campbell's airy Latin hook (the dead language kind, not the Ricky Martin kind) sounds as if all the Whos down in Whoville wandered into a seedy wharf bar.

    If you really wanna cut the roast beast, let's say it plain: While Campbell's contributions to the album are far from negligible, the thing reeks of Lanegan, aligning itself with the hard-bitten American roots music of his solo albums. Lanegan's boozy, melancholic growl and down-and-out imagery on "The Circus Is Leaving Town" would fit comfortably on a Crooked Fingers record, that pacesetter for all things indie-gone-Americana. He turns in an appropriately smoldering cover of Hank Williams's "Ramblin' Man", Campbell's whispered taunts and supplications skewing its narrative POV. Even openly sentimental songs like the hushed, piano-driven title track acquire a thin layer of grit: "We fucked up the sun to kingdom come/ You were under my blood and my skin." Campbell's presence seems unavoidably minimized on the duets, as her gusty chirp flutters through the holes in Lanegan's decaying clapboard shack of a voice, yet it's also indispensable, like the color commentary on a televised golf match.

    Some of the record's most penetrating moments arrive when either Lanegan or Campbell take center stage alone. Lanegan's "(Do You Wanna) Come Walk With Me?", despite moments of implied, discomforting pederasty ("Little girl, have I told you how you light up my life?/ Come and lay down beside me, come and thrill me tonight"), features the inarguably vivid and arresting lyrical turn, "There's a crimson bird flying when I go down on you." Campbell takes the lead on "Black Mountain" and "Saturday's Gone", her voice cascading over quivering strings and swirling arpeggios on the former, and riding in on clip-clopping hooves on the latter. The thirty-odd years of musical experience Campbell and Lanegan collectively possess are worn like sun-creased skin on Ballad of the Broken Seas, which manages to be consistently engaging and sufficiently memorable without making too much fuss about it.

    Isobel Campbell + Mark Lanegan - Ballad Of The Broken Seas
    Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan perform the title track of their album Ballad Of The Broken Seas at the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London on 26 July 2007.


    1. "Deus Ibi Est" – 2:51
    2. "Black Mountain" – 3:10
    3. "The False Husband" – 3:53
    4. "Ballad of the Broken Seas" – 2:42
    5. "Revolver" – 2:40 (Mark Lanegan)
    6. "Ramblin' Man" – 3:29 (Hank Williams)
    7. "(Do You Wanna) Come Walk with Me?" – 3:27
    8. "Saturday's Gone" (Campbell) – 4:37
    9. "It's Hard to Kill a Bad Thing" – 2:53 (Jim McCulloch)
    10. "Honey Child What Can I Do?" – 3:44 (Campbell/Shaw)
    11. "Dusty Wreath" – 3:44
    12. "Circus Is Leaving Town" – 5:35

    All songs written by Isobel Campbell except where stated

    * Mark Lanegan - Vocals
    * Isobel Campbell - Vocals, Piano, Cello, Harpsichord, Tubular Bells, Glockenspiel
    * Alyn Cosker - Drums
    * Jim McCulloch - Guitars
    * Ross Hamilton - Double Bass (1,6-8), Bass Guitar (4,10,12)
    * David Robertson - Bodhran (1), Percussion (8), Congas (9)
    * Bill Wells - Bass Guitar (2,3), Piano (4), Vibraphone (8)
    * John McCusker - Solo Violin (4)
    * Joshua Blanchard - Acoustic Guitar (5)
    * Eddi Nappi - Bass Guitar (5)
    * Norm Block - Drums (5)
    * Geoff Allen - Whip (6)
    * Claire Campbell - Violin (8)
    * Helen Thompson - Harp (10)
    * Chris Geddes - Hammond Organ (12)
    * Paul Leonard Morgan - String Arrangements (3-5,9-10)

    Here she be:


    if password: dublindog

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Haruka Ayase - Period

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    We posted this hottysan before.

    We like her.

    So here she is again.

    The video for hottysan's single, peculiarly titled Period!

    No, not about the monthly visit of the painters!

    At least, I hope not!

    Bad news though! Hottysan isn't bikini-clad in this vid!

    Sob! Sob!

    Instead she seems to be doing an impersonation of a dog on a car trip!

    Nice work Fido!

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    Haruka Ayase(綾瀨遙)_Period(句點)

    Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart EP (2008)

    Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart EP (2008)

    After 2006's great Ballad of the Broken Seas, 2008 sees more wonderful collaboration from the new Lee and Nancy!

    And this is excellent music from this incongruous yet wonderful musical pairing!

    This is from the recording sessions in Glasgow and the Catskills for the Sunday At The Devil Dirt (2008) released a few months back, the second fruitful collaboration between the dynamic duo after the sublime Ballad of the Broken Seas from 2006!

    The songs on the EP are tracks that Isobel felt worked best as a separate piece of work, and the discerning listener may observe a different flavour to much of the album, though as ever Campbell and Lanegan compliment each other beautifully.

    Highlights include the beautiful 'Asleep on a Sixpence' and 'Rambling Rose, Clinging Vine' which already sound like instant standards.

    Mark Lanegan & Isobel Campbell " Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart "
    From the Culture Show on BBC - Summer 2008.


    1. Keep Me In Mind Sweetheart 2:30
    2. Fight Fire With Fire 4:33
    3. Asleep On A Sixpence 4:13
    4. Violin Tango 1:37
    5. Rambling Rose, Clinging Vine 4:37
    6. Hang On 4:44

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to jotien

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mushi Mushi Haruka Ayase

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    Mushi Mushi Haruka Ayase!

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    This hotty-san's an actress and singer in Japland. She's also a full-time hotty-san!

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    In 2000, this booby hotty-san successfully passed an audition called the Horipro Talent Scout Caravan, and she first achieved widespread recognition as an actress in Japan for her starring roles in the short film "Justice"!

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol
    Later she rose to stardom in 2004 when she played the role of Aki in the TV series "Crying Out love, In the Center of the World".

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol
    On March 24, 2006, she released her first single, titled Period. The lyrics to this single were written by Kaori Mochida from Every Little Thing and Takeshi Kobayashi. Takeshi Kobayashi also composed and arranged the music, as well as produced the single.

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    Haruka Ayase Japanese Gravure Idol

    David Grubbs - An Optimist Notes the Dusk (2008)

    David Grubbs - An Optimist Notes the Dusk (2008)
    Release Date: 2008/09/15
    Label: Drag City
    Genre: Experimental, Post-Rock, Folk

    Strangely titled but rather good outing from one of the kings of post-rock!


    1. Gethsemani Night
    2. An Optimist Declines
    3. Holy Fool Music
    4. Storm Sequence
    5. Eyeglasses of Kentucky
    6. The Not-So-Distant

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to boombox

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Lucinda Williams - Little Honey (10/2008)

    Lucinda Williams - Little Honey (10/2008)

    Everybody loves Lucy! Apparently!

    We like some of her stuff. And this is her much heralded new work.

    The first thing Lucinda Williams announces on her ninth studio album is that she found the love she was looking for standing behind an electric guitar. Twelve songs later, she signs off with a bit of wisdom from the late Australian philosopher Bon Scott: “It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll.” The message? After chilling (and bumming) out on last year’s mortality-fixated West, which she said was inspired by the electronic blues of Thievery Corporation and Kruder & Dorfmeister, Williams goes back to the roots-rock well and takes a long, satisfying swig. The result is her finest record since Car Wheels on a Gravel Road, the decade-old masterpiece by which her career will always be judged.

    Little Honey is a retrenchment, but it isn’t narrowly focused: “Real Love” and “Honey Bee” are rowdy bar-band rave-ups; “Knowing” and “Rarity” have gorgeous vintage-soul horn arrangements; “Well Well Well” jumps with electric bluegrass rhythms. Over the scrappy juke-joint groove of “Jailhouse Tears,” Williams trades soured lover’s accusations with Elvis Costello. What unites the songs is the restored hope in Williams’ singing, whether she’s describing her engagement to Little Honey coproducer Tom Overby in “Tears of Joy” or the purity of an unnamed musician’s talent in “Rarity.” Amid all this emotional renewal, even the closing AC/DC cover sounds pretty profound.


    1. Real Love
    2. Circles And X's
    3. Tears Of Joy
    4. Little Rock Star
    5. Honey Bee
    6. Well Well Well
    7. If Wishes Were Horses
    8. Jailhouse Tears
    9. Knowing
    10. Heaven Blues
    11. Rarity
    12. Plan To Marry
    13. It's A Long Way To The Top

    Big thanks to victory

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Friday, 17 October 2008

    One With Nature by ~uvikidd

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    Lovely piece by uvikidd

    Model : Carmen.

    Pure beauty

    Sumptuous shot by diviamonds

    Big Bill Broonzy - Where The Blues Began

    Big Bill Broonzy - Where The Blues Began

    .. Year: 2000
    .. Label: Recall Recs. UK
    .. Country: U.S.A.
    .. Bitrate: VBR
    .. Ripped: EAC 9.0
    .. Genre: Blues
    .. Home-Page: (Tribute)
    .. Wikipedia:

    This forty-track double disc is one of the best of the many Big Bill Broonzy-compilations on the market, especially considering the price, and it does a great job summarizing Big Bill's thirty-year career. William Lee Conley Broonzy was a huge source of inspiration to many younger bluesmen, Muddy Waters and Memphis Slim among them, and once you've heard him do "I Can't Be Satisfied", "Worrying You Off My Mind" and "You May Need My Help Someday", you'll know why.Compare this CD to the earliest plantation recordings of Muddy Waters, and suddenly you have the giant of Chicago blues, the great McKinley Morganfield, looking like a Bill Broonzy-imitator. (Muddy actually recorded an entire album of Big Bill's songs, as did Memphis Slim, Broonzy's one-time pianist.)

    Big Bill Broonzy was one of the first country-blues musicians to pack up and head north to Illinois, where he became a vital link between rural and urban blues. This collection features most of his best songs, such as "Keep Your Hands Off Her", "Serve It To Me Right", "Long Tall Mama", "Good Time Tonight", "All By Myself", "I Feel So Good", "When I Been Drinking" and of course "Key To The Highway". Broonzy's recording career produced literally hundreds of songs. "Where The Blues Began" alternates between Big Bill's solo pieces, and the songs that he recorded with a band in the 20s and 30s, before the folk boom, and it's hard to say which is better. Broonzy was a fine, intricate guitar player, and a powerful and expressive singer, equally at ease on his own or with a band.

    The sound quality varies, but that is to be expected. Big Bill's recording career started in the late 20s, after all. But more importantly, almost all of his best (and best-known) songs are here. Not the folk songs that the European folk audiences requested in the 50s, sure, but Big Bill's own compositions, the blues songs that made him such an incredibly important figure, and one of the first real nation-wide blues stars.

    If you're looking for a truly definitive Big Bill-compilation, you won't find it anywhere. But this is probably as close as you can get.

    A few songs aren't here which should have been, and a few songs are less remarkable than others, but all in all, this is a very fine testament to the talent of one of the true greats of the blues...a great record, showcasing the talent of the great innovator and the great professional that was William Lee Conley Broonzy.

    ~By Docendo Discimus


    Vol. 1

    1. I Can't Be Satisfied
    2. Saturday Night Rub
    3. Big Bill Blues
    4. Brown Skin Shuffle
    5. Too Too Train Blues
    6. Long Tall Mama
    7. How You Want It Done
    8. Mr. Conductor Man
    9. Worrying You Off My Mind Pt. 1
    10. Bull Cow Blues
    11. Friendless Blues
    12. Serve It to Me Right
    13. Mississippi River Blues
    14. C.C. Rider
    15. Midnight Special
    16. Good Jelly
    17. You May Need My Help Someday
    18. Keep Your Hands off Her
    19. Good Liquor Gonna Carry Me Down
    20. I Want My Hands on It

    Vol. 2

    1. Good Time Tonight
    2. W.P.A. Rag
    3. It's a Lowdown Dirty Shame
    4. Trucking Little Woman
    5. Too Many Drivers
    6. Just a Dream
    7. When I Been Drinking
    8. Key to The Highway
    9. Wee Wee Hours
    10. All By Myself
    11. I Feel So Good
    12. Where the Blues Began
    13. Martha Blues
    14. Texas Tornado Blues
    15. I Feel Like Crying
    16. Partnership Woman
    17. Stop Lying Woman
    18. Ramblin' Woman
    19. I Stay Blue All the Time
    20. You've Been Mistreating Me

    Big thanks to Nagiants40

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    King painted

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    Lovely art from napoleoman

    Prince - Indigo Nights (2008)

    Prince - Indigo Nights (2008)
    Mpo3 320 kbps (with full scans)

    The aging Purple One will be allowing a rare glimpse into the inner sanctum via 21 Nights, a “photographic essay” offering a look at the “life, lyrics and mystique of one of the most notable and prolific performers of our time,” according to publisher Atria Books.

    In addition to 124 never-before-seen photos chronicling Prince’s 21 consecutive sold-out shows at London’s O2 Arena last year, the package will also include Indigo Nights, a compilation album culled from the intimate, small-venue gigs the artist played after-hours.


    01. 3121
    02. Girls and boys
    03. Song of the heart
    04. Delirious
    05. Just like u,(monologue)
    06. Satisfied
    07. Beggin’ woman blues (New Song)
    08. Rock steady (feat.B.Knight)
    09. Whole lotta love
    10. Alphabet street
    11. Indigo nights
    12. Misty blue (feat.Shelby J.)
    13. Baby love (feat.Shelby J.)
    14. The one/The question of U/Fallin'
    15. All the critics love u in London

    Big thanks toiraklis

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    FOAD my friend!

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    John Darkow The Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
    Visit John. E-mail John.

    Is that one still campaigning?

    If so, why?

    The little looney's lost the plot! Not sure he ever had the plot!

    Paddy Power pays out early on Obama victory


    The general public may still be weighing up who came off best in the concluding US presidential debate last night but Irish bookmaker Paddy Power today said it is to pay out early on Barack Obama becoming president.

    The bookmaker said this morning it is to pay out in excess of €1 million to punters who have bet on the Illinois senator taking over the world's top job in three weeks time.

    More than 10,000 bets have been placed on the 2008 presidential election with Paddy Power in Ireland, with the majority placed in support of Mr Obama over the past 12 months.

    Mr Obama was a massive 50/1 with Paddy Power to be the next US president back in May of 2005. One inspired punter who will be celebrating today had a long range wager of €50 at these odds which has led to a return of €2,550.

    The largest single bet placed on Mr Obama was €100,000 in June at odds of 1-2 which has led to returns of whopping 150,000 today.

    “We declare this race well and truly over and congratulate all those who backed Obama, your winnings await you. Although the Senator seemed a little off sorts in last night's final debate we believe he has done more than enough to get him across the line on November 4th. The overall betting trend has shown one way traffic for Obama since the start of the summer and punters seemed to have called it 100 per cent correct."

    In January, Paddy Power paid out over €50,000 to punters who backed the senator to be nominated as the Democratic Party candidate, seven months before the party's convention took place.

    The bookmaker said it continues to offer betting on the election outcome right up to and including November 4th. It said that one of its most popular bets currently on offer is predicting the winning margin of the successful nominee.

    © 2008

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    David Fitzsimmons,Arizona Daily Star, Tucson AZ
    E-mail David. Visit David at the Daily Star.

    Upside Down Mortgage

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    by Jeff ParkerVisit Jeff E-Mail Jeff

    Bummer indeed!

    Sam Cooke - The Rhythm and the Blues
    Sam Cooke - The Rhythm and the Blues
    Mp3 256k


    1. Get Yourself Another Fool (04:08)
    2. Driftin' Blues (03:17)
    3. Fool's Paradise (02:35)
    4. Smoke Rings (03:26)
    5. Baby Won't You Please Come Home (02:14)
    6. Please Don't Drive Me Away (02:14)
    7. Nothing Can Change This Love (02:38)
    8. But Not For Me (02:34)
    9. Don't Get Around Much Anymore (03:14)
    10. Trouble In Mind (03:01)
    11. Little Girl Blue (03:00)
    12. I Lost Everything (03:26)
    13. Chains Of Love (02:52)
    14. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (03:25)
    15. Since I Met You Baby (03:05)
    16. Cry Me A River (02:48)
    17. Trouble Blues (03:24)
    18. Little Red Rooster (02:54)
    19. Out In The Cold Again (02:26)
    20. One More Time (02:25)
    Here's Sammy

    Big thanks to dalto

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    So Sophya

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    Gorgeous shot of the lovely ZophyaG taken by tikillanes

    Peter Gabriel - Deutsches (1982) - rare album

    Peter Gabriel - Deutsches (1982)


    A rather strange and rather rare LP, this!

    Deutsches (1982) is the second German language album by Peter Gabriel.

    Second? Gabriel must love Germans and the German language!

    Well, the Germans have long been known as a lovely, fun-filled, peaceful, non-nazi, non-supremacist, non-violent people.

    And the German language is just so so so melodic and beautiful! For example, the song title ”Handauflegen” just rolls off the tongue!!!

    Ya voll! Sieg Heil!!

    So this one is actually a German language adaptation of Gabriel's fourth album, Peter Gabriel (1982) (Security in the United States). The deutsches album was released simultaneously with the international edition in Germany. In lyrics and mixing, the album is noticeably different from the international release.

    This album boasted a different running order and some substantially remixed songs from the English language version. Even the background vocals were redone in German.

    Gabriel's previous German language album, ein deutsches album (1980), had been more or less just an overdub of its corresponding English language version, Peter Gabriel (1980).

    The running album of deutsches album is slightly different from its parent, as "San Jacinto" is transposed with "The Family and the Fishing Net" (here, "Das Fischernetz"). There are also some obvious differences in running times, with some songs being 15-30 seconds longer or shorter than the corresponding international versions. Track eight gained a final coda not on the English version, while track seven has an earlier instrumental fade.

    Other changes are only noticeable when listening to both versions back-to-back, such as the shouted nonsense refrain of "WAKAKA WAKAKA" in track three. There are also subtle differences in the instrumental mixes.

    So if you're a lover of the phrase "WAKAKA WAKAKA WAKAKA WAKAKA", this is the LP for you!


    1. ”Der Rhythmus der Hitze” – 5:36
    2. ”Das Fischernetz” – 6:45
    3. ”Kon Takt!” – 4:31
    4. ”San Jacinto” – 6:13
    5. ”Schock den Affen” – 5:43
    6. ”Handauflegen” – 6:02
    7. ”Nicht die Erde hat dich verschluckt” – 5:59
    8. ”Mundzumundbeatmung” – 4:54

    Big thanks to iraklis / the original poster

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    Joe the Miracle Worker

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    Mike Keefe, The Denver Post
    visit Mike's web site. E-Mail Mike.

    Everyone's so bored with that Joe the Plumber bullshit already!

    What Mc Insane needs is Joe the Miracle Worker to save his campaign!

    Or that famous Jewish magician who could turn wine into water (or was it the other way round?) and who used to go around repairing dead folk in caves!

    Yap, Mc Insane's campaign's sinking like the Titanic!

    And we're fucking loving it!

    Bye Bye Gramps!

    Bye bye Bushy Boy

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by R.J. Matson, NY
    , The New York Observer and Roll Call
    Visit RJ -- E-Mail RJ

    Is this simian cnut still around?

    Thought he crawled into some hole to die!

    Mc Cain gets it in the neck

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by Daryl Cagle,

    It's the economy, Stupid!

    New Order - 5 great LPs Remastered (2008)

    New Order - 5 great LPs Remastered (2008)

    New Order melded post-punk and electronic dance, and became one of the most critically acclaimed bands of the 1980s. Though the band were shadowed by the legacy of Joy Division in their first years, their immersion in the New York City club scene of the early 1980s introduced them to dance music. The band's 1983 hit "Blue Monday" saw them fully embrace dance music and synthesized instruments, and is the best-selling 12-inch single of all time.

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    Big thanks to burn

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Gary Busey talks about Hunter S Thompson and Art

    "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."

    Hunter S Thompson.

    The very, let's say, eccentric Gary Busey - a fine actor - shares his thoughts on a few matters ... including art and the writings of the late great Hunter S Thompson!!

    I don't really know what Gary is talking about though for much of this! I guess some LSD was involved!

    Gary Busey talks about Hunter S Thompson and Art

    tx TXCANY

    Elliott Smith - Waltz #2

    just leave me alone in the place where I make no mistakes

    We take another moment to remember the sublime songwriting talent of Steven Paul Smith, as we approach the fifth anniversary of his shocking death on October 21, 2003.

    I can't believe it's already five years since that most sorrowful day. I vividly remember first hearing about his early demise. It hurt so bad. Elliott's songs seemed so nakedly open that you felt you knew him. Very strangely, it felt like the passing of a friend.

    But we will always have Elliott's wonderful music and the great man will always be alive in the hearts of music lovers.

    Elliott Smith died on October 21, 2003 aged only 34 from two stab wounds to the chest.

    According to his girlfriend Jennifer Chiba, with whom he was living at the time, the two were arguing, and she locked herself in the bathroom to take a shower. Apparently, Chiba heard him scream, and upon opening the door, saw Smith standing with a kitchen knife in his chest. She pulled the knife out, after which he collapsed and she called 911. Smith died in the hospital with the time of death listed as 1:36 p.m.

    While Smith's death was originally reported as a suicide, the official autopsy report released in December 2003 left open the question of possible homicide. A possible suicide note, written on a Post-it, read, "I'm so sorry—love, Elliott. God forgive me."

    Apparently, this is still an open homicide case.

    It's all very Cobain-like and the waters are very murky about the suicide / open homicide. while numerous rumours and conspiracy theories abound. There's a piece about the matter below from

    The Final Moments of Elliott Smith’s Life - Autopsy reveals details of argument with girlfriend
    by Christine Pelisek - Published on January 08, 2004

    Moments before he died, singer Elliott Smith argued with his live-in girlfriend, who said she found him screaming outside the bathroom door of their Echo Park apartment, with an 8-inch kitchen knife stuck in his chest, according to an autopsy report.

    The report, released this week by the L.A County Coroner’s Office, reveals new details about the investigation into the death of the 34-year-old musician, who died October 21 from two stab wounds at the Lemoyne Street home. Coroner’s officials said last week that they couldn’t determine whether Smith committed suicide or was the victim of homicide.

    According to the January 6 report, Smith’s girlfriend, Jennifer Chiba, told police that she and Smith were arguing when she locked herself in the bathroom. She said she heard Smith scream, opened the bathroom door and found him standing with his back to her. When he turned around, she told police, she saw the kitchen knife in his chest. She said he was standing up, conscious and gasping for breath. She told police that she pulled the knife out of his chest and saw "two cuts" before he walked away and collapsed.

    She called 911 at 12:18 p.m. and performed CPR and first aid with a dispatcher’s help until paramedics arrived. Smith died at County-USC Medical Center 78 minutes later.

    Police officers arrived and questioned Chiba, who was seated at the kitchen table. Detectives reported that she pointed out a Post-it note that appeared to be a suicide note left on the table. The note said: "I’m so sorry — love, Elliot God forgive me." Chiba told police that it was in Smith’s handwriting. The girlfriend could not be reached for comment.

    LAPD Homicide Detective Jay King would not comment on the investigation and would say only that the case is still open.

    Smith’s body had bruises on the right elbow and what appeared to be older marks on his right arm, left thigh and along his left shin. No track marks or cut marks were found on his wrists.

    Deputy Medical Examiner Lisa Scheinin, in the autopsy report, wrote that Smith had a history of depression and that the wounds appeared to be consistent with suicide. However, she found that "several aspects of the circumstances (as are known at this time) are atypical of suicide and raise the possibility of homicide. These include the absence of hesitation wounds, stabbing through clothing, and the presence of small incised wounds on the right arm and left hand (possible defensive wounds)."

    Coroner’s investigators also raised questions about the actions of Chiba, and why she removed the knife. "Detectives believe that this death is possibly suspicious, however, the circumstances are unclear at this time," according to the report.

    The singer, who was born Steven Paul Smith, had been battling depression, drugs and alcohol for years, and had attempted suicide in 1997. Chiba told police that Smith often talked about committing suicide and had a history of addictions, including heroin, crack and alcohol. She said Smith engaged in self-mutilating behavior and would burn himself with cigarettes. Chiba told authorities that Smith had been drug-free for one year.

    The coroner found no traces of illegal substances or alcohol in his system. The coroner did find prescribed levels of antidepressant and attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder medications in his system, including clonazepam, mirtazapine, atomozetine and amphetamine (the latter a byproduct of metabolizing the drugs).

    Smith was born August 6, 1969, in Omaha, Nebraska, and began his career in Portland, Oregon, where he played in a punk rock band called Heatmiser. In 1994, he released his first album, Roman Candle, and later signed with DreamWorks, putting out XO in 1998 and Figure 8 in 2000. In 1998, Smith was nominated for an Oscar for best original song for "Miss Misery," from the soundtrack to Good Will Hunting. At the time of his death, Smith was working on his sixth album, known by its working title, A Basement on the Hill.

    This one is another of my many favourites. Another sublime Smith song!

    XO cover'Waltz #2 (XO)' was a single from Elliott's greatest album 'XO', his 4th LP which was released in 1998.

    Read more about it here: XO_(album)

    "Waltz #2" is an intensely powerful and personal song.

    The song was apparently inspired by a specific memory from Smith's messed-up childhood watching his mother and stepfather at a karaoke bar in Texas. The first draft of the song contained the even more nakedly personal lyrics "I love you, mom."

    It seems Elliott is facing some of his many demons in this song, and setting out his scarred soul for all to see.

    Lyrics such as the "you're no good, you're no good, you're no good, you're no good" tirade coming from a loved one, seem to speak of recollections of certain events from years before which crushed the narrator psychologically and scarred him forever with self hate.

    The lyric "I'm here today and expected to stay on and on and on, I'm tired. I'm tired" really speaks of desperation and could almost be a premonition of Elliott's ultimate tragic fate.

    It's a difficult song to listen to, even being unaware of the specific autobiographical aspects, but a supremely well crafted and magnificently beautiful work.

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    The XO period was a very troubled period in a very troubled life.

    Around this time, Smith apparently fell into a deep depression, speaking openly of considering suicide, and on at least one occasion made a serious attempt at ending his own life.

    While in North Carolina, he became severely intoxicated and ran off a cliff. He landed on a tree, which badly impaled him but broke his fall. When questioned about his suicide attempt, he told an interviewer, "Yeah, I jumped off a cliff, but let's talk about something else."

    We have 2 version of this wonderful track ... see links further below.

    Also, on video, there's a great live performance by Elliott, together with an interesting short interview for Swedish TV, broadcast soon after Elliott's shocking death on October 21, 2003.

    The Swedish announcer introduces the clip thusly;
    "The American singer/songwriter Elliott Smith tragically committed suicide, 34 years young. But even though Elliott as a person is no longer with us, his music certainly lives on.

    Judging by all the requests we have received concerning Elliott Smith, he is clearly not forgotten here in Sweden."

    Elliott is not forgotten anywhere. Nor shall he ever be.

    Read more about the late great Elliott here: wiki/Elliott_Smith

    by fairyunique

    First the mic, then a half cigarette
    Singing "Cathy's Clown"
    That's the man that she's married to now
    That's the girl that he takes around town
    She appears composed, so she is, I suppose
    Who can really tell?
    She shows no emotion at all
    Stares into space like a dead china doll
    I'm never going to know you now
    But I'm going to love you anyhow

    Now she's done and they're calling someone
    Such a familiar name
    I'm so glad that my memory's remote
    Because I'm doing just fine hour to hour, note to note
    Here it is, the revenge to the tune
    "You're no good,
    You're no good, you're no good, you're no good"
    Can't you tell that it's well understood?

    I'm never going to know you now
    But I'm gonna love you anyhow

    I'm here today and expected to stay on and on and on
    I'm tired
    I'm tired

    Looking out on the substitute scene
    Still going strong
    XO, Mom
    It's ok, it's all right, nothing's wrong
    Tell Mr. Man with impossible plans to just leave me alone
    In the place where I make no mistakes
    In the place where I have what it takes

    I'm never going to know you now
    But I'm going to love you anyhow
    I'm never going to know you now
    But I'm going to love you anyhow
    I'm never going to know you now
    But I'm going to love you anyhow

    Elliott Smith - Elliott Smith Swedish TV Interview & Waltz #2 Live

    Tx maybejustmaybe

    DL or listen to two versions of this great track:

    (to DL, right-click on link and Save Link As .. )

    Waltz #2 - From XO:
    Waltz #2 XO
    mp3, 192 Kbps, 6.4 Mb, 00:04:40

    Waltz #2 - Live Performance
    2000.10.27 @ Recher Theatre, Towson MD
    Waltz #2 Live
    mp3, 192 Kbps, 6.1 Mb, 00:04:26

    I'm never gonna know you now

    But I'm gonna love you anyhow

    See In ME

    by NoirFeu

    The Verve - Urban Hymns Sessions (1997)

    The Verve - Urban Hymns Sessions
    Mp3 @ 320 kbps

    The Verve reached their pinnacle with the wonderful Urban Hymns. Here's a rare find, the sessions for that album.

    This is an excellent recording from the "Urban Hymns" recording sessions.

    Only four of the tracks on this collection made it to either the "Urban Hymns" LP or any B-side released with the single.

    A further three tracks were later released on Richard Ashcroft's solo LP “Alone With Everybody”.

    The remaining are unreleased for the time being. Track 10, "A Little Bit of Love" was randomly played by Richard Ashcroft on his promotional tour for his first solo album.

    The quality of these recordings are excellent and definitely worth a listen. It is surprising that many of these tracks have not been officially recorded for an album as many of them are excellent to say the least.


    01. Space And Time.
    02. A Song For The Lovers.
    03. One Before Dinner (Instrumental).
    04. Misty Morning June.
    05. Lord I've Been Trying.
    06. Jerusalem (Instrumental).
    07. The Drugs Don't Work.
    08. Come On People (We're Making It Now).
    09. The Crab.
    10. A Little Bit Of Love.
    11. Lord I Guess I'll Never Know.
    12. Monte Carlo.
    13. Oh Sister.
    14. New York (Siren Mix).
    15. One More For The Lovers.
    16. It Takes Two.

    Big thanks to iraklis

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Verve - Urban Hymns (1997)

    The Verve - Urban Hymns (1997)
    Mp3 @ 320 kbps

    When the Verve reached their pinnacle! A wonderful album.

    We're posting the sessions for this. Keep an eye out!


    01. Bitter Sweet Symphony 05:59
    02. Sonnet 04:22
    03. The Rolling People 07:02
    04. The Drugs Don't Work 05:05
    05. Catching The Butterfly 06:27
    06. Neon Wilderness 02:38
    07. Space And Time 05:37
    08. Weeping Willow 04:50
    09. Lucky Man 04:54
    10. One Day 05:03
    11. This Time 03:51
    12. Velvet Morning 04:58
    13. Come On 15:16 the song is followed by about 6 minutes of silence, and then plays:
    "Deep Freeze"

    Big thanks to iraklis

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Nobel Prize in Literature - an Alternative Universe

    Interesting piece below from greatbooksguide talking about the crazy world of the Nobel Prize for Literature and suggesting alternative, and potentially more worthy, winners than those awarded the prize.

    We need to say that it's absolutely shameful that the greatest novelist of the modern era, James Joyce - one of the key founders of modernism and a writer who has to some extent influenced every writer who came after - has not won the Nobel Prize.

    It's now 86 years since the greatest novel of all time, Ulysses, was first published by Sylvia Beach. For that work alone, he should deserve the prize - let alone for other great works like Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and the uber-experimental masterpiece Finnegans Wake, as well as his great poetry and other works.

    The situation is crazy. Why can the Nobel Committee not award the prize to Joyce now, even at this stage? Better late than eternally dumb!!

    Shameful too that Charles Bukowski, one of the greatest writers of the past 50 years (not only as novelist but as short story writer, poet, screen-writer and non-fiction writer too) and Bob Dylan, one of the greatest poets of modern times, have also not won.

    Not far behind would be the marvelous Hubert Selby Jr and the great John Fante!

    These great artists, however, created works that are far outside what the culture nazis and the cobwebbed world of academia narrow-mindedly, and insanely, consider "proper literature"!

    So fuck academia and let's have a gander at the great Bukowski in action, speaking about a not dissimilar topic!

    Ted Gioia came up with the list below of winners from an alternative reality!

    A few interesting names I would agree with. However, there are quite a few odd choices in there!

    Some of them are very odd indeed! Prime amongst which would be JK Rowling! If Rowling ever wins a Nobel, I will do a Kurt Cobain with a shotgun!!

    Article below from

    The Nobel Prize in Literature from an Alternative Universe (2008)
    - by Ted Gioia

    Note: In 2007, I wrote an article on what the Nobel Prize in Literature might look like in an alternative universe. This little piece generated a surprising amount of discussion and debate (see original article here).

    The premise was simple. As I wrote then: "Imagine a world in which such honors are exempt from pettiness, politics and tokenism. Imagine a Nobel Prize in which the contributions of Proust, Kafka, Nabokov and Joyce are not forgotten. Imagine a Nobel Prize in Literature in which genre writers have a chance. Imagine a Nobel Prize in Literature that doesn't bend over backward to exclude native born U.S. writers (only three honored during the last 52 years!)."

    These words seem even more relevant to me now than they did a year ago. But no matter how bad the Nobel decisions might look, at least I have my alternative universe. The judges at the Swedish Academy are smarter than you think. They really out-did themselves this year by orchestrating a clever disinformation campaign attacking all American novelists across the board (that was a giveaway right then, my friends)—then they turn around and give the award to Don DeLillo. They are a sly bunch!

    Of course, I saw it coming all along.

    Secretary of the Swedish Academy Horace Engdahl may have fooled everyone else, but when I heard his recent rant on the broad-mindedness and lack of insularity of European culture, I knew immediately that thiswas comedy and performance art ofthe highest quality. After all, a recentsurvey to pick the best Swedishworks of fiction of all time had Pippi Longstocking in fourth place. Say no more. We don't even need to get into the topic of Mohammed and newspaper cartoons.

    You have to give Engdahl credit for keeping a straight face even while he performed his little skit. He is a real wit and knows how to pull your leg—sort of the Borat of serious literature. Yet it’s amazing how many people took the bait. Some folks were even predicting the award would go to Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio of France—as a way of demonstrating the Academy's commitment to anti-insularity. Huh? That would be like going to Alaska to find a running mate . . .

    DeLillo is a brilliant choice. In a few days, he will turn 72, and he has written fifteen novels, including classics such as White Noise and Underworld. No contemporary writer has a better feel for dialogue or is less . . . well, insular. His critique of the banality and dehumanization of American life is much more incisive and interesting than anything you will hear in the hallowed halls of the Svenska Akademien.

    I know I should be celebrating the event, but I can’t help wondering what the Swedish Academy has in store next year.

    How can they top this one, with its real-life meta-fiction angles.

    Fool me once, Mr. Engdahl, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

    Below is a complete list of past winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature from an alternative universe.

    Year Actual Winner
    Alternative Reality Winner
    1901 Sully Prudhomme Leo Tolstoy
    1902 Theodor Mommsen George Meredith
    1903 Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Anton Chekhov
    1904 Frédéric Mistral, José Echegaray Jules Verne
    1905 Henryk Sienkiewicz Henrik Ibsen
    1906 Giosuè Carducci Mark Twain
    1907 Rudyard Kipling Rudyard Kipling
    1908 Rudolf Eucken John Millington Synge
    1909 Selma Lagerlöf August Strindberg
    1910 Paul Heyse W.S. Gilbert
    1911 Maurice Maeterlinck Henry James
    1912 Gerhart Hauptmann William Dean Howells
    1913 Rabindranath Tagore George Trakl
    1915 Romain Rolland Guillaume Apollinaire
    1916 Verner von Heidenstam Sigmund Freud
    1917 Karl Gjellerup, Henrik Pontoppidan Joseph Conrad
    1919 Carl Spitteler Thomas Hardy
    1920 Knut Hamsun Rainer Maria Rilke
    1921 Anatole France Marcel Proust
    1922 Jacinto Benavente Franz Kafka
    1923 William Butler Yeats William Butler Yeats
    1924 Wladyslaw Reymont Miguel de Unamuno
    1925 George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw
    1926 Grazia Deledda Arthur Conan Doyle
    1927 Henri Bergson Constantine P. Cavafy
    1928 Sigrid Undset Edith Wharton
    1929 Thomas Mann Thomas Mann
    1930 Sinclair Lewis F. Scott Fitzgerald
    1931 Erik Axel Karlfeldt G. K. Chesterton
    1932 John Galsworthy Zane Grey
    1933 Ivan Bunin Stefan Zweig
    1934 Luigi Pirandello Luigi Pirandello
    1936 Eugene O'Neill Eugene O'Neill
    1937 Roger Martin du Gard James Joyce
    1938 Pearl Buck Virginia Woolf
    1939 Frans Eemil Sillanpää Robert Musil
    1944 Johannes V. Jensen W. H. Auden
    1945 Gabriela Mistral George Orwell
    1946 Hermann Hesse Hermann Broch
    1947 André Gide André Gide
    1948 T.S. Eliot T.S. Eliot
    1949 William Faulkner William Faulkner
    1950 Bertrand Russell Ludwig Wittgenstein
    1951 Pär Lagerkvist Dorothy Parker
    1952 François Mauriac Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
    1953 Winston Churchill Wallace Stevens
    1954 Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway
    1955 Halldòr Laxness Bertolt Brecht
    1956 Juan Ramón Jiménez Raymond Chandler
    1957 Albert Camus Albert Camus
    1958 Boris Pasternak E. M. Forster
    1959 Salvatore Quasimodo Cole Porter
    1960 Saint-John Perse Ian Fleming
    1961 Ivo Andric William Carlos Willaims
    1962 John Steinbeck John Steinbeck
    1963 Giorgios Seferis Giorgios Seferis
    1964 Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
    1965 Mikhail Sholokhov Jack Kerouac
    1966 Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Nelly Sachs Agatha Christie, Jorge Luis Borges
    1967 Miguel Angel Asturias Vladimir Nabokov
    1968 Yasunari Kawabata Yukio Mishima
    1969 Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett
    1970 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    1971 Pablo Neruda Pablo Neruda
    1972 Heinrich Böll J.R.R. Tolkein
    1973 Patrick White Lionel Trilling
    1974 Eyvind Johnson, Harry Martinson John Lennon, Paul McCartney
    1975 Eugenio Montale Eugenio Montale
    1976 Saul Bellow Saul Bellow
    1977 Vicente Aleixandre Tennessee Williams
    1978 Isaac Bashevis Singer Isaac Bashevis Singer
    1979 Odysseus Elytis Philip K. Dick
    1980 Czeslaw Milosz Czeslaw Milosz
    1981 Elias Canetti Elias Canetti
    1982 Gabriel García Márquez Gabriel García Márquez
    1983 William Golding Graham Greene
    1984 Jaroslav Seifert Italo Calvino
    1985 Claude Simon Philip Larkin
    1986 Wole Soyinka Eugene Ionesco
    1987 Joseph Brodsky Ray Bradbury, Robert Heinlein
    1988 Naguib Mahfouz Salman Rushdie
    1989 Camilo José Cela Theodor Seuss Geisel
    1990 Octavio Paz Octavio Paz
    1991 Nadine Gordimer Muriel Spark
    1992 Derek Walcott Bob Dylan
    1993 Toni Morrison Ralph Ellison
    1994 Kenzaburo Oe Stephen Sondheim
    1995 Seamus Heaney Isaiah Berlin
    1996 Wislawa Szymborska Stanisław Lem
    1997 Dario Fo Hunter Thompson
    1998 José Saramago Roberto Bolaño
    1999 Günter Grass Tom Stoppard
    2000 Gao Xingjian Haruki Murakami
    2001 V. S. Naipaul V. S. Naipaul
    2002 Imre Kertész John le Carré
    2003 J. M. Coetzee Mario Vargas Llosa
    2004 Elfriede Jelinek John Updike
    2005 Harold Pinter Milan Kundera
    2006 Orhan Pamuk Philip Roth
    2007 Doris Lessing J.K. Rowling
    2008 Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio Don DeLillo

    Berlin Boy

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    We love this wonderful shot by martinavelenik

    Lou Reed - Berlin: Live At St. Anns Warehouse (2008)

    Lou Reed - Berlin: Live At St. Anns Warehouse (2008)
    Released October 1, 2008
    Recorded December 15-16, 2006
    Length 1:19:30
    Label Matador Records
    Producer Bob Ezrin, Hal Willner

    In Berlin, by the wall
    You were five foot ten inches tall
    It was very nice
    Candlelight and Dubonnet on ice
    We were in a small cafe
    You could hear the guitars play
    It was very nice
    It was paradise

    Berlin: Live At St. Anns Warehouse is a concert film and live album by Lou Reed released in October, 2008.

    The concert film was directed by Julian Schnabel, live at St. Ann's Warehouse in Brooklyn, NY during five nights in December 2006. Background shots of the characters Jim and Caroline were done by Lola Schnabel.

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    The Berlin tour was the first time Lou Reed had played the full album live in over 30 years, after the original album was a critical and commercial flop. Individual songs had been played, but not the whole thing.

    The concert film and album both feature three additional songs, Candy Says, Rock Minuet and Sweet Jane, not from the original Berlin.


    1. "Intro" - 1:51
    2. "Berlin" - 2:34
    3. "Lady Day" - 4:12
    4. "Men Of Good Fortune" - 6:35
    5. "Caroline Says (I)" - 4:31
    6. "How Do You Think It Feels?" - 5:37
    7. "Oh, Jim" - 8:16
    8. "Caroline Says (II)" - 4:33
    9. "The Kids" - 8:08
    10. "The Bed" - 5:59
    11. "Sad Song" - 8:21
    12. "Candy Says" - 6:04
    13. "Rock Minuet" - 7:18
    14. "Sweet Jane" - 5:31

    * Lou Reed: Lead Vocals, Guitar;
    * Steve Hunter: Guitars, Bandleader;
    * Fernando Saunders: Bass Guitar, Synthesizer, Guitar, Backing Vocals;
    * Tony "Thunder" Smith: Drums, Backing Vocals;
    * Rupert Christie: Keyboards, Backing Vocals;
    * Rob Wasserman: Double Bass;
    * Sharon Jones: Vocals;
    * Antony Hegarty: Vocals;
    * Steven Bernstein: Flugelhorn, Trumpet;
    * Curtis Fowlkes: Trombone;
    * Paul Shapiro: Saxophone, Flute;
    * Doug Wieselman: Bass Clarinet, Clarinet;
    * David Gold: Viola;
    * Eyvind Kang: Viola;
    * Jane Scarpantoni: Cello;
    * Brooklyn Youth Chorus: Choir.

    Here be Lou

    PART 1


    Big thanks to HAVEDAT

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    Life Experiment

    Beautifully composed shot by TikiLlanes

    Lovely angles!

    The gorgeous model is Wendy R.


    .. Year: 1968 (Original Release Date) (Vanguard Recs.) (CD-1990)
    .. Country: U.S.A.
    .. Bitrate: VBR
    .. Ripped: EAC 9.0
    .. Genre: Blues
    .. Home-Page: (Delmark)
    .. Wikipedia:

    Junior was born in Memphis, Tennessee, and raised in Arkansas. Intially influenced by fellow Memphian Junior Parker, and both Sonny Boy Williamsons, Wells moved to Chicago in 1948 and began sitting in with local musicians at house parties and taverns.

    He began performing with The Aces (guitarist brothers Dave and Louis Myers and drummer Fred Below) and developed a more modern amplified harmonica style influenced by Little Walter.

    He made his first recordings at age 18, when he briefly replaced Little Walter in Muddy Waters' band and appeared on one of Muddy's sessions in 1952. His first recordings as a band leader were made in the following year for States Records; in the later '50s and early '60s he also recorded singles for other local Chicago labels.

    Junior worked with Buddy Guy in the 1960s and recorded his first album for Delmark Records.

    His most famous songs are the great "Messin' With The Kid" and "Little by Little," which were written and composed by Chicago blues producer Mel London.

    His best-known album is 1965's Hoodoo Man Blues on Delmark Records, which featured Buddy Guy on guitar and evokes the smoky atmosphere of the era's Westside Chicago blues bars.

    Wells made an appearance in the 1998 movie Blues Brothers 2000, the sequel to The Blues Brothers. The movie was released less than a month after his death.

    On his passing from lymphoma in 1998, Junior Wells was interred in the Oak Woods Cemetery, Chicago.


    1. Stop Breakin' Down
    2. Somebody's Tippin In
    3. Five Long Years
    4. Mystery Train
    5. So Sad This Morning
    6. When My Baby Left Me
    7. Little By Little
    8. Tobacco Road
    9. Worried Life Blues
    10. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man
    11. You Don't Love Me

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to Nagiants40

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Art Of Motion

    Stupendous shot by ditya

    We love it!

    Artist's Comments:

    Japanese art of motion performance at Schouwburg Weltevreden Jakarta.

    Heather Nova - The Jasmine Flower (10/2008)

    Heather Nova - The Jasmine Flower (10/2008)

    That's all you need to make a great sounding album ... sun and songs.

    Man, we were so happy to find this!

    We used to like Heather Nova way way back in the day! I remember getting a boot copy of Glow Stars from Mentill-Mikill (who worked in a record shop and was always copying stuff for us!) back in 93 and really liking it!

    Heather Nova, aka Heather Allison Frith, was born on July 6, 1967 in Bermuda. She never got lost in the triangle though (as far as we know!).

    Heather had a very unusual, nomadic, hippy early life travelling around and living on a boat built by her father!

    Heather has released seven fine full-length albums in the past 15 years of her music life as well as a slew of singles. She has received most success in Britland. She is also a Brit citizen now.

    Man, Ms Frith still looks hot, all these years later!

    From the lady herself! ....

    Hello Friends

    I have some good news - on October 10th I will be releasing an album of all new material, called "The Jasmine Flower".

    I played around a lot over the last 2 years with different sounds and ideas, but in the end I decided I wanted to make my most stark record to date, so I recorded the songs just me and my guitar. Afterwards we added a string quartet to a few tracks.

    I have a home studio here in Bermuda, but when I was ready to put down the tracks, the whole thing started breaking down - first the mixing desk then the computer itself died. I was very "in the zone" to record and didn't want to wait what could be weeks for all new gear to arrive, so I decided it was a lesson in simplicity- I realized I could still record and mix the album on my solar powered laptop. So there you have it - that's all you need to make a great sounding album. Sun and songs.

    I think the songs must be good, because most of them make me feel pretty uncomfortable, which is a sign that I have plumbed the depths and dug for truth, no matter how unsettling
    More here:


    1. Ride
    2. Beautiful Storm
    3. Maybe tomorrow
    4. Out on a limb
    5. Every soldier is a mother's son
    6. Out in New Mexico
    7. looking for the light
    8. Hollow
    9. If I should die
    10. Say something
    11. Follow me in grace
    12. Always Christmas

    Here be H

    Thanks to victory

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    sun and shadow

    Wonderful piece by rooze

    Big thanks to the original poster


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    Thursday, 16 October 2008

    Elliott Smith - Between The Bars

    Elliott Smith - Between The Bars
    Mp3 / various bitrates / MB / 18MB / RS

    Drink up baby
    look at the stars

    Boyle: An', as it blowed an' blowed, I ofen looked up at the sky an' asked meself the question -- what is the stars, what is the stars?
    Joxer: Ah, that's the question, that's the question - what is the stars?

    - Sean O' Casey (The plough and The Stars)

    It's very difficult to pick a favourite Elliott Smith song.

    There are so many masterpieces in the late great Elliott's brief catalogue.

    This one's pretty close though.

    Like some amalgam of Charles Bukowski, Lucian Freud, Gavin Bryars, Shane Mc Gowan, Erik Satie and a zen master!

    An understated, beautiful, powerful song of timeless, delicate, fragile, poetry.

    A minimalist missive from the underbelly of life.

    A sweet reflection of the moon shining into the gutter.

    A warm tale told in the cold darkness.

    An assertion of power amongst the powerless.

    An acceptance of addiction.

    A eulogy to love, another addiction.

    Pure art.

    Either/Or cover
    Between The Bars was recorded back in 1996 and appeared on Smith's great Either/Or LP released in February 1997.

    Either/Or would be Elliott's second and final full-length release on the Kill Rock Stars label and the LP that started to gain the reclusive cult singer a much wider audience.

    Good Will Hunting: Music from the Miramax Motion Picture coverAlong with "Angeles", and "Say Yes" from the Either/Or LP, "Between The Bars" was used in the soundtrack for Gus Van Sant's film Good Will Hunting.

    An orchestral version of "Between the Bars" also appeared in the movie.

    Smith also contributed a new song, "Miss Misery," and three other previously released tracks ("No Name #3", from Roman Candle, and "Angeles" and "Say Yes", from Either/Or) to the OST.

    The film was a commercial and critical success, and Smith was nominated for an Academy Award for "Miss Misery".

    However, obscenely - yet predictably- "Miss Misery" lost to the vile "My Heart Will Go On" from the dumb Titanic movie!


    Below we have some video versions of this great song;
    • Between The Bars from Either/Or
    • Elliott Smith performing Between The Bars live
    • The Good Will Hunting acoustic version of Between the Bars

    Either/Or cover We also have an audio collection of different versions of the track;
    • Between The Bars from Either/Or
    • Between The Bars from the Either/Or Sessions
    • The Good Will Hunting acoustic version of Between the Bars
    • Elliott Smith performing Between The Bars Live on 2000.10.27 at the Recher Theatre, Towson MD
    • Grant Buell's performance of Between the Bars from The Elliott Smith Tribute CD

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    by pointproven

    Drink up baby, stay up all night
    With the things you could do
    You won't but you might
    The potential you'll be that you'll never see
    The promises you'll only make
    Drink up with me now
    And forget all about the pressure of days
    Do what I say and I'll make you okay
    And drive them away
    The images stuck in your head

    The people you've been before
    That you don't want around anymore
    That push and shove and won't bend to your will
    I'll keep them still

    Drink up baby, look at the stars
    I'll kiss you again between the bars
    Where I'm seeing you there with your hands in the air
    Waiting to finally be caught
    Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine
    Keep you apart, deep in my heart
    Separate from the rest, where I like you the best
    And keep the things you forgot

    The people you've been before
    That you don't want around anymore
    That push and shove and won't bend to your will
    I'll keep them still

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    by mnv

    Elliott Smith - Between The Bars

    From: dufftones

    Elliott Smith performs Between The Bars

    From: tvparty1974

    Good Will Hunting, Elliot Smith - Between the bars

    From: 101CaptHowdie101

    Here be the audio versions of the track;


    Nite Club Galz

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Nice effects on this shot from dacult

    Lara Croft Says Yes! .. by roykeanz

    by roykeanz

    Thai Beat A Go-Go Vol.s 1-3 (2004) (@320kbps)

    Thai Beat A Go-Go Vol.s 1-3 (2004) (@320kbps)

    Fatfuckfreddy's always telling me insane stories of his sordid experiences in Thai Go Go bars!

    He never told me about this great music though!

    Here are 3 volumes of Wild & Rockin' 60s Sounds From The Land Of Smiles!

    Thai Beat A Go-Go Vol. 1: Wild & Rockin' 60s Sounds From The Land Of Smiles!
    various artists
    released in 2004

    "Driving rhythms, rave-up guitar licks, groovy mod organ and proto-psychedelic guitar -- from 60s Thailand! The Thai Beat series shines a warm light on the rare rock from "the Land of Smile" -- and it's a worthy endeavor! The freewheelin' sunshine 60s groove stretched all across the globe, and this series does a pretty incredible job of show just how far -- on top of showcasing some worthy groovy music!"

    1. Kratae - Johnny's Guitar
    2. Tamai Dern Sae (Why Do You Walk Like a Drunkard) - Payom Moogda
    3. Dance Dance Dance - Vichan Maneechot
    4. Shake Baby Shake - Sodsai Chaengkij
    5. Meow - Cat
    6. Day Tripper - Starlights
    7. Bangsaen '66 - Johnny's Guitar
    8. Yipmerdai - Dang, Der Dong
    9. Boongatanyon - Son Of P.M.
    10. Loomsiah - Payom Moogda
    11. Phom Rak Khoom Tching Tching (I Really Do Love You) - Viking Band
    12. James Bond Theme - Son Of P.M.
    13. Do the Watusi - Cat
    14. Poo Yai Lee - Louise Kennedy
    15. Supannahong - Johnny's Guitar
    16. Kaw-Liga - Silver Sand
    17. Klongyao - Johnny's Guitar
    18. Yom Pha Barn Norn Pahwaa (Satan's Nightmare) - Paiboon
    19. Hit the Road Jack - Cat
    20. Muay Thai - Ong-Ard, Jiraphand

    alternative link - see below

    Thai Beat A Go-Go Vol. 2: Groovy '60's Sounds From The Land Of Smile!
    various artists
    released in 2005

    "If you dug volume 1 of Thai Beat A Go-Go, you'll go crazy over the new release in the Thai Beat A Go-Go series! Incredible and ultra rare recordings from Thailand in the 1960s. The amazing Thai Beat A Go Go vol 2, concentrates on exotic female pop and rock vocal numbers, beat, a go-go, psych and some very weird tracks, extreme sensuality and emotions, surreal and groovy, all with a totally otherworldly Thai flavor.

    Experience the blossoming Bangkok night club scene with the exotic bar and lounge go-go bands! There is a lot of work and effort behind these comps and they have taken a long time to compile. Records with Thai 60s-70s rock/pop a-go-go bands are incredible hard, if not impossible, to find as there is no Thai tradition of saving native artifacts from the 1960s."

    -label website

    01. YoK YoK (Jump Jump)
    Artist: Viparat Piengsuwan 2:34

    02. Ding Dong
    Artist: Surapon 2:30

    03. Rak Tong Rorn (Love Passion)
    Artist: Viparat Piengsuwan 2:35

    04. Mia Chaa (My Darling)
    Artist: Waipot Petsuwan 3:16

    05. Mahn Kao Lah (What Fun)
    Artist: Tuangchai Boonparaksa 2:50

    06. Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop
    Artist: The Reasons 1:58

    07. The Boat That I Row
    Artist: Sodsai Chaengkij 2:28

    08. Kotmorn Yoop Yap (All Shook Up)
    Artist: Sakarin Boonpit 2:02

    09. Soo Kwarm Rak Khorng Phom Doo Dai (You Can See My Love)
    Artist: Jackatchan 3:15

    10. Wairoon (Teenager)
    Artist: Kabuan Moogda 4:04

    11. Nai Teum (Cool Guy)
    Artist: Viparat Piengsuwan 2:31

    12. Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus
    Artist: The Traces 2:39

    13. Funky Broadway
    Artist: Suda Chuenbarn 2:36

    14. tee Makhuea Pok (Aour Cheatin' Heart)
    Artist: Pairote 3:11

    15. Lady Madonna
    Artist: Sodsai Chaengkij 1:38

    16. Let Your Life Be Free
    Artist: T. Zchien & The Johnny 3:43

    17. Yim (Smile)
    Artist: Viparat Piengsuwan 2:55

    18. Pee Kow Pee Ork (Ghosts Come And Go)
    Artist: Chai Muansing 2:54

    19. I Find Only Dreams
    Artist: T. Zchien & The Johnny 2:19

    20. Nang Meaw Pee (The Ghost Of Catwoman)
    Artist: Surapon alias The Fox 3:28

    alternative link - see below

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Thai Beat A Go-Go Vol. 3: Groovy Sounds From The Land Of Smile!
    various artists
    realeased in 2005

    "Easily one of the best series of the recent worldwide archival explosion in '60s-and-after pop/rock, the Thai Beat A Go-Go discs had already made a big splash by the appearance of the third entry, further excavating rarities ranging from the fantastic to the bemusing. Liner notes and photos help give context to the selections while past favorites reappear with other cuts, but even if one knows nothing about anything on the disc, all that matters is playing it and enjoying the results.

    The basic principle of fusing Western pop approaches (and a number of full-on cover versions) with a variety of Thai musical keys -- from singing in Thai to backing arrangements to more besides -- lies at the heart of nearly every cut, and the joy lies in how readily and how different the results proved. Young singer Supaphorn gets two great numbers near the front -- "Cham Chai," a retake of "Hang on Sloopy," and the Troggs' "With a Girl Like You" aka "Lua Chan See." What's especially nice is hearing how readily R&B and soul arrangements in particular suit Thai singing -- Don's cover of the song "Sunshine Day" is a treat, the easygoing flow of the music matching with the gentle reverb on his voice, while funk acts like the Erawan Band and Flash (and, but of course, the Oriental Funk, with the Moog-led treat "Come Together") take some good bows.

    Then there's a winning take on Johnny Wakelin's "The Black Superman" by Duangdao Mondara, which while it can't beat the original keeps the celebratory bounce to match the sharp yet sweet delivery. The disco samplings toward the end of the disc are equally grand, with the contributions from the Moog-crazy band backing singer Panatda proving wonderfully insane.

    Then there's the stuff that's just mind-boggling, like the kiddie record "Heoow Sabat," according to the liner notes a song about a land of rabbits with suitably wacky enough vocals to befuddle most adults in any language."

    ~ Ned Raggett, All Music Guide

    1 Thai Boxing / Jiraphand Ong-Ard 3:04
    2 Cham Chai / Supaphorn 3:12
    3 Sunshine Day / Don 3:16
    4 Lua Chan See / Supaphorn 2:19
    5 Khon Muangkhan / Erawan Band 3:13
    6 Jong Wai Korn / Suda Chuenbarn 2:27
    7 Noom Rai Por / Royal Sprites 3:17
    8 Pee Lah / Sakarin Boonpit 2:04
    9 The Black Superman / Duangdao Mondara 3:45
    10 Heoow Sabat / Vimarn Naeramit 1:20
    11 Where Is the Love? / Flash 2:52
    12 Come Together / Oriental Funk 3:52
    13 Soul Dracula / Don 3:17
    14 Let's Go! / Panatda 2:53
    15 Flash Disco / Panatda 2:57
    16 Changwah Disco / Chantana 2:23
    17 Siamese Boxing / Jiraphand Ong-Ard 2:57
    18 Paradise in Bangkok / Law & The Sandy 2:27

    If you're having trouble with these Zshare links, try removing any spaces from the urls.

    Zshare can be a total cnut! Many are having problems with it. So here are some alternative links.
    Unsure re kbps.

    VOL 1 76mb

    VOL 2 124mb

    VOL 3

    Huge thanks to qwertyderek for his great work on these!

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Moloko - All Back To The Mine (2 discs)(2001)(@192)

    Moloko - All Back To The Mine
    2 discs
    released in 2001

    "All Back to the Mine is a compilation album by Moloko containing remixes of singles and album tracks.

    Spanning two discs, the songs are segued together much like a nightclub DJ set.

    All Back to the Mine was released in the UK by Echo Records in 2001.


    Disc one

    "The Time Is Now" (DJ Plankton Mix) – 10:31
    Remix - DJ Plankton
    "The Flipside" (Herbert's Surround Sound Mix) – 6:42
    Remix - Matthew Herbert
    "Pure Pleasure Seeker" (Todd Edwards Pleasure For Life UK Vocal) – 7:00
    Remix - Todd Edwards
    "Dominoid" (Panty Sniffer Mix) – 7:16
    "Sing It Back" (Mousse T's Feel Love Mix) – 6:05
    Remix - Mousse T.
    "Indigo" (Robbie Rivera's Dark Mix) – 7:34
    Remix - Robbie Rivera
    "Pure Pleasure Seeker" (Oscar G's Cuba Libre Dub) – 5:34
    Remix - Oscar G
    "The Flipside" (Swag's Mocoder Dub) – 5:14
    Remix - Swag
    "Knee Deepen" (Salt City Orchestra Edit) – 4:48
    Remix - Salt City Orchestra
    "Sing It Back" (Can 7 1930's Mix) – 2:17
    Remix - Can 7

    Disc two

    The Time Is Now (Bambino Casino Mix) – 7:06
    Remix - Bambino Casino
    Lotus Eaters (Ashley Beedle's Funk In Your Neighbourhood Mix) – 4:49
    Remix - Ashley Beedle
    Party Weirdo (Wackdown Mix) – 6:16
    Fun For Me (Plankton's Pondlife Mix) – 6:02
    Remix - DJ Plankton
    Indigo (All Seeing I Glamoloko Edit) – 4:29
    Remix - The All Seeing I
    Lotus Eaters (Luke Vibert's Plug Mix) – 6:44
    Remix - Luke Vibert
    The Flipside (DJ Krust Dub) – 3:02
    Remix - DJ Krust
    Where Is The What If The What Is In Why? (Wonderbook Remix) – 6:22
    Remix - Mark Brydon
    Pure Pleasure Seeker (Pizzicato Mix) – 7:06
    Remix - Pizzicato Five
    Day For Night (Quarter Master Mix) – 5:10
    Remix - Jim Carmichael
    The Time Is Now (FK's Blissed Out Dub) – 10:27
    Remix - François Kevorkian

    Here she be

    Big thanks to qwertyderek

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Calexico - Black Heart EP (2004)

    Calexico - Black Heart EP (2004)

    Import-only EP from the great tex-mex, Americana, Indie ... and erm, unlabelable!! ... Calexico !

    The album version of the title track, lifted from their 2003 album, 'Feast of Wire' is backed with six non-LP tracks, 'Black Heart' (Jazzanova White Soul Dub), 'Attack El Robot! Attack!' (... And How He Lost RMX by Wechsel Garland), 'Quattro' (Gotan Project Remix), 'Guero Canelo' (Nortec Mix by Panoptica), 'Pepita' (ISO68 Remix).

    Very fucking nice!



    1. Black Heart (Original Version)
    2. Black Heart (Jazzanova's White Soul Dub)
    3. Attack El Robot! Attack! (... And How He Lost RMX By Wechsel Garland)
    4. Quattro (GoTan Project Remix)
    5. Guero Canelo (Nortec Mix By Panoptica)
    6. Pepita (Iso68 Remix)

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to AlienOnAcid

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bessie Smith - The Collection

    Bessie Smith - The Collection
    Audio CD (October 25, 1990)
    Original Release Date: March 28, 1989
    Label: Sony
    ASIN: B0000026N0

    The great Bessie sure could belt em out alright!

    Peerlessly so!

    Here are some of her many fine fine moments!

    Bessie Smith was the greatest and most influential classic blues singer of the 1920s. Her full-bodied blues delivery coupled with a remarkable self-assuredness that worked its way in and around most every note she sang, plus her sharp sense of phrasing, enabled her to influence virtually every female blues singer who followed. During her heyday, she sold hundreds of thousands of records and earned upwards of $2.000 per week, which was a queenly sum in the 1920s. She routinely played to packed houses in the South as well as the North and Midwest. By the time the decade had ended, Smith had become the most respected black singer in America and had recorded a catalog of blues that still stands as the yardstick by which all other female blues singers are measured.

    For many blacks, Smith was more than just a blues singer. Thanks to an assertive personality and an emancipated, often excessive lifestyle that included much drinking, frequent fistfights, wild sexual encounters with both men and women, and little tolerance of people who aimed to exploit her, Smith became a black cultural symbol. To many blacks, her success represented a triumph over white domination in the entertainment business. She gave hope to oppressed black women and inspired countless of other singers. Smith influenced everyone from Billie Holiday to Mahalia Jackson and Janis Joplin. Although she died 1937, still in the primer of her career, she left behind a legacy that is wonderfully rich and practically unparalleled. She ranks with the best artists the blues has ever produced.

    Backed by a rotating roster of jazz stars, Smith's potent delivery made her a peerless star of classic female blues, combining a fiercely independent, almost defiant approach with subtly effective tinges of vulnerability. Early cuts such as "Downhearted Blues," which supposedly saved Columbia records from extinction in 1923, and "T'aint Nobody's Bizness If I Do" feature only Clarence Williams's piano behind her, but it's her work with Louis Armstrong that truly stands out-Satchmo majestically bobs and weaves his cornet around Smith's lines on "St. Louis Blues," "Reckless Blues," "I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle," and the ragtime chestnut "You've Been a Good Old Wagon." Unfortunately, Columbia offers buyers only two options: this cursory 16-song introduction or an exhaustive five-volume double-CD series.

    -Marc Greilsamer


    1. Downhearted Blues
    2. 'Taint Nobody's Bizness If I Do
    3. My Sweetie Went Away
    4. Weepin' Willow Blues
    5. St. Louis Blues (with Louis Armstrong)
    6. Reckless Blues
    7. You've Been A Good Ole Wagon
    8. i Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle
    9. Young Woman's Blues
    10. Muddy Water (A Mississippi Moon)
    11. Mean Old Bedbug Blues
    12. Empty Bed Blues (Part. 1 & 2)
    13. Nobody Knows When You're Down And Out
    14. Black Mountain Blues
    15. Do Your Duty
    16. Gimme a Pigfoot

    Here be Bessie

    pass: bluestown

    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Alex Chilton - Like Flies on Sherbert (Peabody 1979)

    Alex Chilton - Like Flies on Sherbert (Peabody 1979)

    A rare solo 1979 LP from the wonderful Alex Chilton, once of the sublime Big Star! A true cult classic!

    Nice piece below from goodnight-gracie
    I once read something along the lines that aside from Rod Stewart, no one had betrayed their talent more than Alex Chilton. The fact that Alex Chilton’s career has not followed the neat path laid out for him, after scoring a few hits as lead singer for the Boxtops and garnering overwhelming critical sycophancy for the first two Big Star albums, has lead many critics to deride Chilton’s post-Big Star output. Chilton’s later works—his uncommon and seemingly whimsical covers of Volare and The Oogum Boogum Song for instance—have done more to disappoint critics and Big Star fans than Like Flies on Sherbert, but to be sure, Flies’ wanton, fractious and ultimate destruction of the Big Star myth has ruffled more than a few feathers. Mark Jordan of The Memphis Flyer referred to the fact that the album has “among Chiltonites…taken on the status of a cult masterpiece,” as “largely [being] a case of the emperor wearing no clothes. Ultimately, [falling] well short of that mark.” Jordan, like many conservative listeners misses the point of Like Flies on Sherbert—it is not about the quality of composition or songsmanship, or (obviously) musicianship; it is a document, a punctuation mark in Chilton’s career (a semicolon rather than a period), a statement of purpose and a musical ethos. It is a masterwork of petulant defiance and the final widening of the gulf between (what Chilton thought of as) Chris Bell’s Beatles-paint-by-numbers songwriting style and Chilton’s catch-as-catch-can musical obstinacy.

    The first time that I saw the name Alex Chilton, it was as the producer of The Cramps albums Gravest Hits and Songs the Lord Taught Us, and also The Gories phenomenal I Know You Fine But How You Doin’ record on Crypt. All of which were grim forebodings of what Chilton would become as the seventies wound down. In 1997 I checked out a book from the downtown San Francisco Public Library called The Spin Alternative Record Guide, which besides it’s name and it’s sponsor was an indispensable text in my musical education. Among the bands I discovered between those pages were The Young Marble Giants, Nikki Sudden, The Swell Maps, Richard and Linda Thompson, Wire, The Modern Lovers, The Stooges, and most germane to this essay, Big Star.

    Some time later, perhaps a matter of months, I ran across a reissued copy of Radio City on Big Beat at a record shop in Berkeley that specialized in imports. I took it home, listened to it, and did not really care for it, save for maybe I’m in Love With a Girl, which sounded like Elliot Smith to me. At the time, I was too young and in to all things twee and feminine sounding, especially Heavenly and things of that nature (oh, how people change!). I put it away and did not listen to it much for about a year. I remember looking at the cover though, and trying to figure out which one was Alex Chilton—the singer of Cry Like a Baby and The Letter—not knowing he was the short one on the right pointing at the viewer. I eventually warmed up to both Big Star albums, and soon got to the point where I could tell, like with The Beatles, the difference between lead vocalists, that is to say, when it was Alex, and when it was Chris Bell doing the singing (#1 Record only). It was not long before I began searching for Chilton’s solo material, and Bell’s lone solo work, the Geoff Emerick-mixed scattershot masterpiece, I am the Cosmos (which I will review soon).

    The Original release of Flies was a 500 record run on the local Peabody label. It was recorded at Sam Phillips Studios in 1978, over what must have been a number of boozy, druggy and chaotic sessions. Jim Dickinson produced, which is to say that he let Chilton run roughshod like a child, a fact that shows in the almost uncontrolled and unfocused nature of the output. All Music Guide’s David Cleary had this to say of Flies sound quality: “Sadly, this release is a dreadful disappointment. Production values are among the worst this reviewer has ever heard: sound quality is terrible, instrumental balances are careless and haphazard, and some selections even begin with recording start-up sound.” Again, the overwrought, cynical and mean conservatism shows through in the banal observations of a rather conventional critic.
    Many reviewers unfortunately refuse to see a record on its own terms. Like Flies on Sherbert is a cathartic blast of rock impressionism and an obvious example of not only the deconstruction of the Big Star myth, but of rock and roll in general. The album is a collection of originals and obscure covers (save for the lamentable opener, KC and the Sunshine Band’s Boogie Shoes) like Elvis Presley’s Girl after Girl, Ernest Tubb’s Waltz Across Texas, and the Jimmy Newman-penned swamp-country classic Alligator Man.

    Cleary is correct in assessing that precision is not really what Chilton and company were after here, but in calling it dreadful or terrible is more an indictment of him as a listener than Chilton and Dickinson as architects of the album’s sound. There is a primal essence in each track, and a trashy devolution at work here; a kind of catch-as-catch-can innocent brilliance that sets the listener on a collision course with an audacious musical wreck. Chilton’s originals too, are strong, including the brilliant My Rival, a shambling mess of a song about jealousy and rejection that would not sound out of place on an early Pavement record. The title track is the final nail in the coffin of Chilton’s boy-band past, a deconstruction of sixties pop, rendered perhaps unlistenable, in a bad acid kind of way to some, by Jim Dickinson’s reliance on effects laden keyboards and piano.

    Chilton and Dickinson obviously never intended to record a conventional album and, more to the point, probably never intended to record a classic of rock deconstructionism either, but their instincts, starting with the Big Star Third/Sister Lovers album began to blaze a path toward that eventual end. It’s not the kind of thing that one could go on doing forever, because once you tear it down, you can never build it back up again; you can not go home again. And to that end, I am sure Chilton has disowned this record, like he disowned the Big Star records before. But it doesn’t really matter if David Cleary or even Chilton himself like the album, it is a document that is out there in the ether. It has been re-issued many times, and is a touchstone for many fans. Like Flies on Sherbert is an album of immense depth, that, I think should be viewed like Neil Young’s Tonight’s the Night, and Skip Spence’s Oar; as albums that are documents of a time and a place, records that embody an essence of emotional immediacy and represent a certain skewed mentality at a given time.
    by Goodnight Georgie

    Alex Chilton
    Like Flies on Sherbert

    [Peabody, 1979; Earmark Vinyl, 2003]

    Styles: art-rock, rock-a-billy, lo-fi, mutant country
    Others: Big Star, the Cramps, Panther Burns, Dolby Fuckers

    My favorite scene in Bullit, the 1968 cop flick staring Steve McQueen as Detective Frank Bullit, comes near the end of the movie: Shady Senator Walter Chalmers tells Bullit — who’s been through hell and back, dodging death, knee deep in intrigue, and jumping up and down the hilly streets of San Fran in that ’68 Ford Mustang G.T.390 Fastback — “We all must make compromises.” “Bullshit!” Bullit growls.

    I like to imagine Alex Chilton saying the same thing when asked by some clueless record execs to tame down his 1980 debut, Like Flies on Sherbet. Maybe the label just didn’t, you know, get it — their unfeeling commercial aspirations unable to grasp the artistic boldness and significance of Chilton’s masterwork. This is his What’s Going On, his Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Bravely, Chilton decided to press a meager 500 copies of the album himself; 500 copies of no-compromise attitude, DIY grit, and triumphant artistic expression.

    Yet listening closely to Like Flies on Sherbet reveals that, sadly, my imagined Chilton, creative and courageous, might be exaggerated. Likes Flies is one of the most damaged records I’ve ever heard; not damaged in the way Pig Destroyer sounds “damaged,” but I mean totally wrecked. It’s as if no one involved in the performance, production, mastering, or duplication of the album was sober at any time during the process. The playing is sloppy: in-the-red guitars blast-mask any subtlety underneath, the vocals careen out of tune, studio clatter remains audible, and vocal flubs are left brazenly on display. It’s so ruined it can’t be accidental. Gleefully out of control, the record sounds like someone exiting the New York punk scene, someone enamored with The Cramps (who Chilton had produced), inspired by that snot nosed attitude, aiming to deconstruct rockabilly, blues, and country music, and to rebuild them in his own image.

    All of which wouldn’t be so surprising if it wasn’t for Chilton’s pedigree: At 16, the Memphis kid was fronting The Box Tops, gallivanting about the country on the strength of the group’s massive hit, “The Letter,” which found the young Chilton sounding impossibly gruff. Eventually, he left The Box Tops, frustrated by a lack of songwriting input, and headed home where he joined the fledgling Big Star. Over the course of three albums, Big Star would define American power pop; they laid the foundation for everyone from The Replacements to R.E.M. and garnered a cult following that still obsesses over every sound on those three records. But commercial success eluded the band, and by the time Third/Sisterlovers was released, the strain was audible. The final album to bear the Big Star name was haunting and disparate, created largely by Chilton alone. A fractured psyche is revealed, capable of chiming power pop as well as tortured balladry (listen to “Oh Dana” followed by “Holocaust”).

    Despite an ongoing debate over Third/Sisterlovers’ status as a one-man effort, Like Flies remains Chilton’s first definitive solo album. Holed up in Sam Phillips & Ardent Studios with Big Star producer James Luther Dickinson, Chilton leads a group of session musicians through a rambling set of covers and half-formed originals. “I’ve Had It” showcases the album’s most out-of-key performance, with multi-tracked vocals stumbling across the room. KC and the Sunshine Band’s “Boogie Shoes” (the first track or not included at all, depending on which rare pressing you hunt down) features another glorious mistake: Chilton comes in with the vocals too early and in the wrong key.

    “Girl After Girl” goes for prime Elvis and ends up sounding like dead-toilet Elvis, while the Carter Family standard, “No More the Moon Shines on Lorena,” features some high, lonesome vocals that don’t entirely fail until Chilton begins uncontrollably laughing amidst the tale of slavery and loss.

    It’s not that these tracks are without merit, though. The playing, still messy and loud, is positively gleeful and, on Chilton’s originals, surprisingly appropriate. “My Rival” stomps with Sonic Youth joy, driven guitars chugging along with complete abandon, and “Hey! Little Child” re-imagines Big Star’s lovelorn “Thirteen” as a Catholic school girl call out; with its repeated chorus of “Hey! Hey! Hey!” the song fits alongside “S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night!” and “Hey ho! Let’s go!” in the pantheon of deliriously stupid and wonderful rock ‘n’ roll mantras. The album’s title track, “Like Flies on Sherbet,” is an ace card: a pounding piano-driven rocker embellished by avant-garde synth and guitar squeals that sounds something like a Here Come the Warm Jets B-side covered by Badfinger.

    To say that Like Flies on Sherbert is a masterpiece of lo-fi punk would be a misnomer. Chilton wasn’t a punk rocker, even if he wanted to be. But to decry the album as an utter failure would be just as faulty. Chilton’s work has grown increasingly stale over the years, the oddball madness of early albums replaced by cool ambivalence and easy listening forays into jazz and blues. Modern Chilton doesn’t seem to care about anything, but the Chilton of Like Flies seems to care about not caring. What he found so exciting about punk was its engagement of the audience. Like Flies is G.G. Allin tossing excrement on his crowds; it’s Iggy Pop rolling around in broken glass and peanut butter; it’s Elvis Costello cutting the band off mid-song on SNL and launching into “Radio Radio” instead. Like Flies is the sound of a musician railing against the indifference he felt his career had endured.

    Chilton may not be the “rock-hard” Bullit, refusing to compromise, but his album at least recalls that film’s famous car chase. There’s one scene where the camera is hit by one of the cars, causing the shot to shake violently before cutting out. The scene was left in the movie. Perhaps the director wanted to make it known that the chase was real, that there was tangible danger and risk involved. Like Flies on Sherbert is an entire album of that shot. It certainly isn’t perfect, but it’s absolutely real.

    What happens when a pop genius goes on a bender and tries to give a middle finger to his record label? The answer is found on Like Flies on Sherbert. If you are looking for utter dourness of Sister Lovers, the punchy pop of the Box Tops or the power pop of Big Star’s most accessible tunes, you will be sorely disappointed. It is a drunk and drugged ode to the origins of rock and roll that is evenly split between moments of utter brilliance and sloppy bar band chaos. However, I even like the unrehearsed and thoroughly fucked versions of classics as well as sabotaged originals that are deformed into some base form that sound like little else I’ve heard.

    Somehow my teenaged self heard a radio show on Brave New waves where Yo La Tengo played their favorite songs for a bit. This was in the early 90s before I even knew about Big Star or the “The Letter” was a byproduct of Alex Chilton. They played the title track and it was an epiphany. There is so much going on in this song. It is a combination of apathy and passion. He attempts to ruin it with high-pitched vocals and intoxicated piano chords, poorly placed choruses and synthesizer mayhem, but I swear it os one of the most beautiful things thine ears have had the pleasure of hearing. Chaos suited him and his increasingly mannered follow-ups to Like Flies on Sherbert suggest that he should despise the world more often.

    “I’ve had It” reminds me of John Cale circa Paris 1919 after too many whiskeys and a stick removed from his anus. It has the grandiose chorus and piano chords of Cale’s prime period, but Chilton fucks it all up in the right ways. it lacks in the intricacy and orchestration of Cale’s work, it makes up for in a shaggy dog charm that Cale would probably revile with all of his heart.

    To be honest, some of the album misses the mark and descends into a charmless middle finger, but I wish there were more albums that could hold a candle to Chilton’s mangling of R&B, soul, 50s and 60s rock and roll. I find it hard to believe that this was intended as a throwaway since it brings out previously unseen qualities in his work. Sadly, they were never seen again.

    by magicistragic


    1. Baron Of Love, Pt. II
    2. Girl After Girl
    3. My Rival
    4. No More The Moon Shines On Lorena
    5. I’ve Had It
    6. Rock Hard
    7. Waltz Across Texas
    8. Alligator Man
    9. Hey! Little Child
    10. Hook Or Crook
    11. Like Flies On Sherbert
    12. Boogie Shoes
    13. Baby Doll
    14. She’s The One That’s Got It
    15. Dateless Night

    thanks to magicistragic

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    We are New Here

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Nice shot from dacult

    Artist's Comments:

    We are new here, Hello. I wasnt interested in their faces, you can see their naievity and innocence without their facial expressions.

    Full Only of Dreams by roykeanz

    For lovely Maria Beatriz Isabel !

    Nice piece from roykeanz adapted from a shot by Maria Beatriz Isabel!

    The piece has had to be cramped to the nth degree to fit in here though!

    Kiss you again between the bars

    Drink up baby, look at the stars
    I'll kiss you again between the bars
    Where I'm seeing you there with your hands in the air
    Waiting to finally be caught
    Drink up one more time and I'll make you mine
    Keep you apart, deep in my heart
    Separate from the rest, where I like you the best
    And keep the things you forgot

    -Elliott Smith

    Another great shot by Bobbyn0101

    The lovely model is lovely Ali!

    TTRH3.2 Bob Dylan TTRH Season 3 Ep 2 'MONEY II'

    Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour

    Season 3

    Episode 2

    Money (part II)

    Original Airdate October 15, 2008

    Mp3 @ 256 kbps/ 126 MB/ RS + ES

    Absolute Sound Recorder > Sound Forge 6.0 > FLAC Frontend

    The Buck Stops Here!!

    Theme Time Radio Hour, your home for Dosh Dreams, Tenner Themes and Spondulicks Schemes

    I was cleaned and skinned and so hard-pressed
    I called the woman that I love the best
    I finally reached my baby 'bout a half past three
    She said, "I'd like to know what you want with me."
    I said, "Money, honey!
    Money, honey!
    Money, honey,
    If you wanna get along with me."


    And it's there he buried his booty! Sounds like a rap song.

    - Bob Dylan

    Payday's coming and we wash it away
    Clean money, clean money
    Payday's coming and we wash it away
    Clean money, clean money
    That's what I want to do
    I want to spend it on you

    Checking on a checkmate
    Classing out a classmate
    So beautiful and fortunate
    He hates to love, you love to hate
    He can fix you for good
    'Cause he is the neighborhood
    You can't get money for blood
    Blood money for doin' no good
    But they won't take my love for tender

    Payday's coming and we wash it away
    Clean money, clean money
    Payday's coming and we wash it away
    Clean money, clean money
    That's what I want to do
    I want to spend it on you

    Have you made your selection ?
    Are you ready for correction ?
    'Cause the wages of sin
    Are an expensive infection
    And it's under the counter
    Under the Geiger counter
    Who stole your thunder ?
    But they won't take my love for tender

    - Elvis Costello

    My first girlfriend was named Pixie Stick. I wonder what happened to old Pixie!

    - Bob Dylan

    Dylan's magnificent and seminal Theme Time Radio Hour series continues into Season 3 with this episode which, like last week, explores the greedy theme of moolah!

    Bob, you're so money and you don't even know it!

    A great show with typically excellent music and banter (Beatles CAN buy me love ("I know you're Mr Sixties" etc!), booty buriers, etc), snippets (Fargo et al) and guests (Penn Gillette et al)!

    We loved the songs this week. So wonderfully eclectic! From Charlie Parker to the Jamaican mento music of Eric "Monty" Morris to the wonderful proto power-pop of the Everlys to the punk-pop of Costello (back when he was good!) ... and everything in between!

    A lovely tribute to the great Clyde McPhatter too!

    Man, that show was so fucking money!

    Baby, that was money! Tell me that wasn't money!

    Hey Bob, that fucking cheque bounced! So Fatfuckfreddy is still in Pinoy stir and he's getting pretty fucking angry! He's not gonna buy the Telltale Signs Box-Set now!

    Next week, Bob will go gentle into that good Night!!

    Seems like every time we play the Drifters, there's another guy singing lead.

    -Bob Dylan


    1. Intro
    2. Gimme My Dime Back, Gimme My Money - Moon Mullican & His Blue Ridge Playboys
    3. I've Got Money - James Brown
    4. Penny Reel - Eric "Monty" Morris
    5. Money Honey - Clyde McPhatter & The Drifters
    6. Lookin' For Money - Johnny Dove & His Magnolia Playboys
    7. I Need Money (Keep Your Alibis) - Slim Harpo
    8. Man With Money - Everly Brothers
    9. Clean Money - Elvis Costello & The Attractions
    10. Last Two Dollars - Johnnie Taylor
    11. Down To My Last Dime - Donny Young (Johnny Paycheck)
    12. Romance Without Finance - Tiny Grimes (w/ Charlie Parker)
    13. For The Love Of Money - The O'Jays
    14. You Can't Take It With You - Johnny "Guitar" Watson
    15. Outro

    Bonus tracks! (tx to charlespoet)

    A Taste Of Honey - The Hollies
    Money - The Beatles

    Here she be Dylanite dogs !

    The full show on one mp3;

    Various individual show components recorded as individual mp3s; ...

    Big thanks to blindwilly / charlespoet!

    Beauty at the Gates

    Wonderful shot by Bobbyn0101

    The lovely model is lovely Ali!

    Wednesday, 15 October 2008

    Madonna to drop dumb Brit accent (and dumb Brit hubby!)

    Great news! We will never again have to endure that dumb Madonna rabbiting on, in a dumb Brit accent!

    Not that we ever voluntarily listen to that hag!

    I guess Richie woke one morning and realised he's married to a talentless 80 year old banshee slapper!

    Richie's an insanely over-rated film-maker though. I mean that pile of shite Swept Away made Shanghai Surprise look almost bearable!

    But maybe he's not as dumb as we thought!

    Although, saying that, like the Madonna hag, he is a devotee of that krazy Kabbalah kult! And he is a Chelsea fan to boot! Therefore, I guess he is as dumb as we thought!!

    Madonna and Guy Richie Getting a Divorce


    Madonna and Guy Richie Getting a DivorceShowbizspy reports that Madonna and Guy Richie are splitting up after being married since December 22, 2000.

    A source said: “Madonna and Guy are over. It’s all very amicable. They’ve just fallen out of love with each other. They just think it’s for the best as after some great years together they’ve been going their separate ways.”

    It’s also been reported that Madonna has ordered her staff to prepare everything for the move to New York where she’s now planning to settle down with her three kids.

    The Black Keys - Discography

    Big thanks to album-base

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bob Dylan Live Elizabeth, IN - 23 August, 2008 (VG+ Aud) FLAC -

    Bob Dylan Live - August 23, 2008
    Horseshoe Casino, Elizabeth, IN
    (VG+ Aud) FLAC
    source: Schoeps mk21 > kc5 > cmc6xt > Sound Devices 702 (24/48)
    location: Row D, seat D5 (5 seats right of center)
    transfer: 702 > firewire > Spark XL 2.82 > xACT > .flac (16/44)
    total runtime: 1 hr. 59 min.

    A great Dylan show wonderfully captured!

    Take a gander at the amazing tracklist!


    Disc 1

    01 Introduction
    02 Watching The River Flow
    03 Mr. Tambourine Man
    04 Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
    05 Ballad Of Hollis Brown
    06 Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum
    07 Visions Of Johanna
    08 The Levee's Gonna Break
    09 I Believe In You
    10 Honest With Me

    Disc 2

    01 The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
    02 Highway 61 Revisited
    03 Make You Feel My Love
    04 I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met)
    05 Ain't Talkin
    06 Thunder On The Mountain

    07 Like A Rolling Stone
    08 Blowin' In The Wind

    Here she be:



    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bob Dylan - "Girl from the North Country", February 1964 on Canadian TV - RARE

    Many times I've often prayed in the darkness of my night

    Bob Dylan performs the magnificent "Girl from the North Country", in February 1964 on Canadian TV !

    A wonderful and rare performance!

    A magnificent artifact of a time that seems like centuries ago!

    We've already written about this sublime song HERE!

    Well, if you're travelin' in the north country fair,
    Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline,
    Remember me to one who lives there.
    She once was a true love of mine.

    Well, if you go when the snowflakes storm,
    When the rivers freeze and summer ends,
    Please see if she's wearing a coat so warm,
    To keep her from the howlin' winds.

    Please see for me if her hair hangs long,
    If it rolls and flows all down her breast.
    Please see for me if her hair hangs long,
    That's the way I remember her best.

    I'm a-wonderin' if she remembers me at all.
    Many times I've often prayed I
    n the darkness of my night,
    In the brightness of my day.

    So if you're travelin' in the north country fair,
    Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline,
    Remember me to one who lives there.

    She once was a true love of mine.

    Sarah Palin parody song, “Vice President” (parody of American Boy by Estelle ft. Kanye)

    Hockey fans boo “hockey mom” Sarah Palin at hockey game

    So hockey fans are not as dumb as we thought!!

    Maxim India Babes - Top 10 Pics

    Maxim India shots of hot Indian babes!

    Man, these Indian lovelies are hotter than masala made from raw fire!


    Holy mother of Ganesh!

    The hotties in question are;

    1. Shweta Salve
    2. Nina Manuel
    3. Amisha Patel
    4. Soha Ali Khan
    5. Katrina Kaif
    6. Celina Jaitley
    7. Shriya Saran
    8. Sherlyn Chopra
    9. Kim Sharma
    10. Yana Gupta

    Suzanne Vega - Discography

    A collection of LPs from New Yawk chick (well, at best, MILF now)
    We kinda liked this chick's music when we were rather young, back in the day! Her stuff is ok but her debut really flattered to deceive! We totally lost interest after the second LP.

    However, we do love that great track "In a Lonely Place" she did with the wonderful ! That's better than anything listed here!

    She was married to uber indie producer Mitch Froom for a while there.

    Here's some bio from wiki;

    Suzanne Vega is an American songwriter and singer known for her highly literate lyrics and eclectic folk-inspired music. Record companies saw little prospect of commercial success in the beginning; Vega's demo tape was rejected by every major record company—twice by A&M. In 1984 she was finally signed by A&M, and becamethe first major figure in the bumper crop of female singer/songwriters who rose to prominence during the late '80s and '90s.

    Vega's early commercial success helped open doors for a wealth of talent, and even if she couldn't sustain the level of popularity she reached in 1987 with "Luka" and the platinum Solitude Standing, she maintained a strong and dedicated cult following. Her association with -- and marriage to -- experimental producer Mitchell Froom during the '90s resulted in two intriguing but uneven albums; however, following their painful divorce, Vega returned in 2001 with her first album in five years, Songs in Red and Gray, which was greeted with her strongest reviews in a decade.

    Suzanne Vega [Self Titled][1985]

    01 Cracking
    02 Freeze Tag
    03 Marlene On The Wall
    04 Small Blue Thing
    05 Straight Lines
    06 Undertow
    07 Some Journey
    08 The Queen And The Soldier
    09 Knight Moves
    10 Neighbourhood Girls


    Pass = crunchiedo

    Solitude Standing [1987]

    01 Tom's Diner
    02 Luka
    03 Ironbound/Fancy Poultry
    04 In the Eye
    05 Night Vision
    06 Solitude Standing
    07 Calypso
    08 Language
    09 Gypsy
    10 Wooden Horse [Casper Hauser's Song]
    11 Tom's Diner [Reprise]


    Pass = crunchiedo

    Days of Open Hand [1990]

    01 Tired Of Sleeping
    02 Men In A War
    03 Rusted Pipe
    04 Book Of Dreams
    05 Institution Green
    06 Those Whole Girls (Run In Grace)
    07 Room Off The Street
    08 Big Space
    09 Predictions
    10 Fifty-Fifty Chance
    11 Pilgrimage


    Pass = crunchiedo

    99.9°F [1992]

    01 Rock In This Pocket (Song Of David)
    02 Blood Makes Noise
    03 In Liverpool
    04 99.9F°
    05 Blood Sings
    06 Fat Man & Dancing Girl
    07 (If You Were) In My Movie
    08 As A Child
    09 Bad Wisdom
    10 When Heroes Go Down
    11 As Girls Go
    12 Song Of Sand


    Pass = crunchiedo

    Nine Objects Of Desire [1996]

    01 Birth-Day (Love Made Real)
    02 Headshots
    03 Caramel
    04 Stockings
    05 Casual Match
    06 Thin Man
    07 No Cheap Thrill
    08 World Before Columbus
    09 Lolita
    10 Honeymoon Suite
    11 Tombstone
    12 My Favorite Plum


    Pass = crunchiedo

    The Best of Suzanne Vega: Tried and True [1999]

    01 Luka
    02 Tom's Diner
    03 Marlene On The Wall
    04 Caramel
    05 99.9F°
    06 Small Blue Thing
    07 Blood Makes Noise
    08 Left Of Center
    09 In Liverpool
    10 Gypsy
    11 Book Of Dreams
    12 No Cheap Thrill
    13 World Before Columbus
    14 When Heroes Go Down
    15 The Queen And The Soldier
    16 Book & Cover
    17 Rosemary


    Pass = crunchiedo

    Songs In Red And Gray [2001]

    01 Penitent
    02 Widow's Walk
    03 (I'll Never Be) Your Maggie May
    04 It Makes Me Wonder
    05 Soap And Water
    06 Songs In Red And Gray
    07 Last Year's Troubles
    08 Priscilla
    09 If I Were A Weapon
    10 Harbor Song
    11 Machine Ballerina
    12 Solitaire
    13 St. Clare


    Pass = crunchiedo

    Retrospective - The Best Of Suzanne Vega [UK Limited Edition][2003]

    Disk 1

    01 Luka
    02 Tom's Diner
    03 Marlene On The Wall
    04 Caramel
    05 99.9F
    06 Tired Of Sleeping
    07 Small Blue Thing
    08 Blood Makes Noise
    09 Left Of Center
    10 (I'll Never Be) Your Maggie May
    11 In Liverpool
    12 Gypsy
    13 Book Of Dreams
    14 No Cheap Thrill
    15 Calypso
    16 World Before Columbus
    17 Solitude Standing
    18 Penitent
    19 Rosemary
    20 The Queen And The Soldier
    21 Woman On The Tier (I'll See You Through)

    Disk 2

    1 Caramel
    2 Widow's Walk
    3 Solitude Standing
    4 Blood Makes Noise
    5 In Liverpool (Intro/Narrative)
    6 In Liverpool
    7 Anniversary
    8 Tom's Diner


    Pass = crunchiedo

    Beauty & Crime [2007]

    01 Zephyr & I
    02 Ludlow Street
    03 New York Is A Woman
    04 Pornographer's Dream
    05 Frank & Ava
    06 Edith Wharton's Figurines
    07 Bound
    08 Unbound
    09 As You Are Now
    10 Angel's Doorway
    11 Anniversary


    Pass = crunchiedo

    All thanks to the crunchiedo

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Tegan And Sara - I'll Take The Blame (2008 EP)

    Tegan And Sara - I'll Take The Blame (2008 EP)Mp3 / high VBR

    I'll Take the Blame is the second major EP released by Indie group Tegan and Sara. It is available as a digital download only, from iTunes in certain countries.

    Read more here:


    01 - Back In Your Head (Studio Version) 03:01
    02 - Back In Your Head (Tiesto Remix Edit) 04:57
    03 - One Second 02:38
    04 - I Take All The Blame 02:47

    Big thanks to iraklis

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Ed Harcourt -Until Tomorrow Then PLUS Bonus Disc NEW LINKS

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Ed Harcourt -Until Tomorrow Then: Best Of Ed Harcourt PLUS Bonus Disc -

    Bonus Disc - Mp3 @ 192

    This double disc pressing of the British singer/ songwriter's 2007 'Best of' collection features two new tracks plus a bonus disc that includes 16 previously unreleased gems!

    This limited edition two CD set was available for initial orders only. The release reverted to the standard single disc when first pressing was sold out.

    The Best Of Ed Harcourt, Until Tomorrow Then, compiles tracks from all five of his studio albums, from the scratchy, piano-and-empty-bottle etude of 'Apple Of My Eye' taken from 2000's debut mini-album Maplewood to the insanely catchy baroque-pop of 'Visit From The Dead Dog' from his most recently acclaimed release, 2006's The Beautiful Lie.

    Along the way the collection takes in the witty playfulness of 'Shanghai' (from 2001's Mercury Prize shortlisted Here Be Monsters), the aching lyricism of 'Fireflies Take Flight' (from 2003's From Every Sphere) and the euphoric surge of 'Born In The '70s' (from 2004's Strangers), plus nine other Harcourt classics. 32 tracks total!.

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Having launched a solo career seven years prior to this release, Ed Harcourt isn't quite ripe enough for a greatest-hits compilation. Still, his songwriting has been consistently solid since 2001's Maplewood EP, which lends a sense of cohesion to Until Tomorrow Then's 16 tracks.

    There are no dips here, no lapses in good judgment, no ill-advised forays into a genre that Harcourt isn't capable of pulling off. And even if this collection does seem a bit premature, it's still an engaging listen, with Harcourt's pop-based experiments veering between '70s-styled ballads and contemporary chamber pop.

    Also included are two unreleased tracks, "You Put a Spell on Me" (no relation to the similarly-titled song by Screamin' Jay Hawkins) and a demo version of "Whistle of a Distant Train." The latter track was taken from the Here Be Monsters sessions, and although it can also be heard in slightly different format on Maplewood, it's nothing short of beautiful here, with a plucked double bass anchoring the elegiac mix of piano, trumpet, and wistful vocals.

    Harcourt may be young, but he's one of the most promising songwriters in recent memory, bridging the gap between the confessionals of Jeff Buckley and the theatrics of Rufus Wainwright. For those looking to delve into his ever-growing catalog, Until Tomorrow Then is a nice place to start.

    -Review by Andrew Leahey


    Disc 1

    1. Born In the '70s

    2. She Fell Into My Arms

    3. Black Dress

    4. All Of Your Days Will Be Blessed

    5. This One's For You

    6. Apple Of My Eye

    7. Visit From the Dead Dog

    8. Something In My Eye

    9. Watching the Sun Come Up

    10. Loneliness

    11. Fireflies Take Flight

    12. Shanghai

    13. Shadowboxing

    14. Whistle Of a Distant Train

    15. Until Tomorrow Then

    16. You Put a Spell On Me

    Disc 2 (Bonus Disc)

    1. Hopeless

    2. Lord Give Me Fury

    3. Skullman

    4. Commandante Des Mandrilles

    5. In Her Own Eyes

    6. Silent Film

    7. Lately I've Been Feeling Rather Strange

    8. Schifoso

    9. My Friends Are Cooler Than Yours

    10. Oh Drunken Wastrel

    11. One Big Shot

    12. A.D.D.

    13. The Year We All Split Up

    14. Ultraviolent Love

    15. People Are Getting Younger

    16. I'm Sticking Around

    Here's Eddy then!


    Bonus Disc

    If anyone's got the bonus disc in Mp3 at better bitrate, please do let us know!

    Thanks to Firecracker and daveo76

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Clash - The Clash (1977)

    The Clash - The Clash (1977)
    Released 8 April 1977
    Recorded 10 February 1977–27 February 1977 National Film and Television School, Beaconsfield, CBS Studios London
    Length 35:18
    Label CBS
    Producer Mickey Foote

    The seminal debut LP from the The Clash. A hugely important and influential album!

    It was released in two different versions, both of which are still in print: the original version in 1977 and the revised U.S. version in 1979 (with several post-1977 single sides added to the album)

    The subject of the opening track, "Janie Jones", was a famous madam in London in the 1970s. "Remote Control" was written by Mick Jones after the Anarchy Tour and contains pointed observations about the civic hall bureaucrats who had cancelled concerts, the police, big business and especially record companies. CBS decided to release the song as a single without consulting the band. "I'm So Bored with the U.S.A.", developed from a Mick Jones song, entitled "I'm So Bored With You", condemns the Americanization of the UK in Europe.

    "White Riot" was the first single put out by The Clash. The song is short and intense, punk style of two chords played very fast. Lyrically, the song is about class economics and race.

    "Career Opportunities", the opening track of the B-side, attacks the political and economic situation in England at the time, citing the lack of jobs available, and the dreariness and lack of appeal of those that were available. "Protex Blue", sung by Mick Jones, is about a 1970s brand of condom. The song ends with the shouted phrase "Johnny Johnny!", "johnny" being a British slang term for a condom. The version of "White Riot" featured here was not recorded for the album. Instead they used the original demo version, recorded at Beaconsfield Studios before the band signed to CBS.

    "Police & Thieves" was added to the album when the band realised just how short the tracklist was. Another cover the band toyed with at these sessions was Bob Marley's "Dancing Shoes". "Garageland" was written in response to Charles Shaar Murray's damning review of the band's early appearance at the Sex Pistols Screen on the Green concert - "The Clash are the kind of garage band who should be returned to the garage immediately, preferably with the engine running".It was the final track recorded for the album.

    The album's front cover photo, shot by Kate Simon, was taken in the alleyway directly opposite the front door of the band's 'Rehearsal Rehearsals' building in Camden Market.

    Drummer Terry Chimes, though a full member of The Clash at the time, did not appear in the shot as he had already decided to leave the band.

    The picture of the charging police officers on the rear, shot by Rocco Macauly, was taken during the 1976 riot at the Notting Hill Carnival—the inspiration for the track "White Riot".


    Side one

    1. "Janie Jones" – 2:08
    2. "Remote Control" – 3:03
    3. "I'm So Bored with the USA" – 2:24
    4. "White Riot" – 1:56
    5. "Hate and War" – 2:06
    6. "What's My Name?" (Jones, Keith Levine, Strummer) – 1:41
    7. "Deny" – 3:06
    8. "London's Burning" – 2:12

    Tracks 1, 3–4, 6–8 are sung by Joe Strummer. Tracks 2 and 5 are sung by Joe Strummer and Mick Jones.

    Side two

    1. "Career Opportunities" – 1:54
    2. "Cheat" – 2:06
    3. "Protex Blue" – 1:47
    4. "Police & Thieves" (Junior Murvin, Lee Perry) – 6:03
    5. "48 Hours" – 1:36
    6. "Garageland" – 3:12

    Tracks 1–2 and 4–6 are sung by Joe Strummer. Track 3 is sung by Mick Jones.

    All tracks were written by Joe Strummer and Mick Jones, except where noted.


    * Mick Jones − guitars, vocals
    * Joe Strummer − guitars, vocals
    * Paul Simonon − bass
    * Terry Chimes − drums (credited as "Tory Crimes")

    Here she be:

    The Clash. 1977

    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Clash - London Calling + The Vanilla Tapes

    The Clash - London Calling + The Vanilla Tapes

    The classic original LP - one of the finest in modern music - plus rare demos! (the latter we've already posted - at higher bitrate, we think)

    We've posted this classic a few times before! ..

    London Calling was the third album by The Clash, released December 14, 1979, on CBS Records in the UK and in January 1980 on Epic Records in the United States.

    The album represented a change in The Clash's musical style, and featured elements of ska, pop, soul, and reggae music. The album's subject matter included unemployment, racial conflict, drug use, and the responsibilities of adulthood.

    The album received positive reviews and was ranked at number eight on Rolling Stone' list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time in 2003.

    London Calling was a top ten album in the UK, and its lead single "London Calling" was a top twenty single.It has sold over two million copies worldwide, and was certified platinum in the United States. album received very positive reviews from critics.

    Tom Carson of Rolling Stone said it "celebrates the romance of rock & roll rebellion in grand, epic terms".

    Stephen Erlewine of All Music Guide wrote that London Calling was "invigorating, rocking harder and with more purpose than most albums, let alone double albums" and called it "one of the greatest rock & roll albums ever recorded".

    Pitchfork Media reviewer Amanda Petrusich named "London Calling" the album's best song and wrote that "The Clash do not let go; each track builds on the last, pummeling and laughing and slapping us into dumb submission". The website ranked the album at number two on its list of the Top 100 Albums of the 70s in 2004.

    Robert Christgau described London Calling as "warm, angry, and thoughtful, confident, melodic, and hard-rocking" and called it "the best double-LP since Exile on Main Street".

    In 2004, Sal Ciolfi of PopMatters called the album a "big, loud, beautiful collection of hurt, anger, restless thought, and above all hope" and wrote that "if released tomorrow would still seem relevant and vibrant".

    In 2007, London Calling was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame, a collection of recordings of lasting qualitative or historical significance. Stone (11/89) - Ranked #1 in Rolling Stone's "100 Best Albums Of The Eighties" survey.

    Q magazine (5/02 SE, p.136) - Included in Q's "100 Best Punk Albums".

    Q magazine (6/00, p.90) - Ranked #4 in Q's "100 Greatest British Albums."

    Alternative Press (8/01, p.112) - Included in AP's "10 Essential '80s Albums."

    CMJ (1/5/04, p.6) - Ranked #3 in CMJ's "Top 20 Most-Played Albums of 1980".

    Vibe (12/99, p.160) - Included in Vibe's 100 Essential Albums of the 20th Century.

    Mojo (3/03, p.76) - Ranked #22 in Mojo's "Top 50 Punk Albums."

    NME (9/11/93, p.18) - Ranked #6 in NME's list of The Greatest Albums Of The '70s.

    The album's cover features a photograph of Paul Simonon smashing his Fender Precision Bass against the stage at The Palladium in New York City on September 21, 1979 during the "Clash Take the Fifth" US tour. Smith, who photographed the band for the album, originally did not want the photograph to be used. She thought that it was too out of focus, but Strummer and graphic designer Ray Lowry thought it would make a good album cover.

    In 2002, Smith's photograph was named the best rock and roll photograph of all time by Q magazine, commenting that "it captures the ultimate rock'n'roll moment - total loss of control".

    The cover artwork was designed by Lowry and was a parody of the design of Elvis Presley's debut album.

    The cover was named the ninth best album cover of all time by Q magazine in 2001.


    Disc 1 - London Calling

    1. "London Calling" – 3:19
    2. "Brand New Cadillac" (Vince Taylor) – 2:08
    3. "Jimmy Jazz" – 3:54
    4. "Hateful" – 2:44
    5. "Rudie Can't Fail" – 3:29
    6. "Spanish Bombs" – 3:18
    7. "The Right Profile" – 3:54
    8. "Lost in the Supermarket" – 3:47
    9. "Clampdown" – 3:49
    10. "The Guns of Brixton" (Paul Simonon) – 3:09
    11. "Wrong 'em Boyo" (Clive Alphonso) – 3:10
    12. "Death or Glory" – 3:54
    13. "Koka Kola" – 1:47
    14. "The Card Cheat" (Mick Jones, Joe Strummer, Paul Simonon y Topper Headon) – 3:49
    15. "Lover's Rock" – 4:03
    16. "Four Horsemen" – 2:55
    17. "I'm Not Down" – 3:06
    18. "Revolution Rock" (Jackie Edwards & Danny Ray) – 5:33
    19. "Train in Vain (Stand By Me)" – 3:10

    Disc 2 - The Vanilla Tapes

    1. "Hateful" – 3:23
    2. "Rudie Can't Fail" – 3:08
    3. "Paul's Tune" (Paul Simonon) – 2:32
    4. "I'm Not Down" – 3:34
    5. "4 Horsemen" – 2:45
    6. "Koka Kola, Advertising & Cocaine" – 1:57
    7. "Death or Glory" – 3:47
    8. "Lover's Rock" – 3:45
    9. "Lonesome Me" (The Clash) – 2:09
    10. "The Police Walked in 4 Jazz" – 2:19
    11. "Lost in the Supermarket" – 3:52
    12. "Up-Toon (Inst.)" – 1:57
    13. "Walking The Sidewalk" (The Clash) – 2:34
    14. "Where You Gonna Go (Soweto)" (The Clash) – 4:05
    15. "The Man in Me" (Bob Dylan) – 3:57
    16. "Remote Control" – 2:39
    17. "Working and Waiting" – 4:11
    18. "Heart & Mind" (The Clash) – 4:27
    19. "Brand New Cadillac" (Vince Taylor) – 2:08
    20. "London Calling" – 4:26
    21. "Revolution Rock" (Jackie Edwards & Danny Ray) – 3:51

    Big thanks to album-base

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Clash - The Vanilla Tapes ('London Calling')

    The Clash - The Vanilla Tapes (2 Disc set of early 'London Calling' tracks)

    The Vanilla Tapes were demo tracks recorded by The Clash which are, in essence, an early version of their greatest album London Calling (although the track Remote Control was a song from the band's first album).

    Roadie Johnny Green was to deliver the tapes to the band's new producer, Guy Stevens but Green fell asleep on the train ride to the studio. Waking up at the station where he was to disembark, he panicked, and in his rush left the tapes behind!!

    After that, the tapes were considered lost until March 2004, when Clash guitarist Mick Jones was moving boxes and came upon a copy of the tape.

    There is reported to be a 37 track completist edition of this floating around the world between some discerning (read as snooty and greedy) collectors and if anyone can get their mitts on this, please do let us know!

    Until then, my fellow prisoners, please enjoy the sensational 'London Calling - The Vanilla Tapes'!
    We've posted the classic 'London Calling' a few times before! ..


    1. "Hateful"
    2. "Rudie Can't Fail"
    3. "Paul's Tune" (Paul Simonon)
    4. "I'm Not Down"
    5. "Four Horsemen"
    6. "Koka Kola"
    7. "Death or Glory"
    8. "Lover's Rock"
    9. "Lonesome Me" (The Clash)
    10. "Jimmy Jazz"
    11. "Lost in the Supermarket"
    12. "Up-Toon" (instrumental)
    13. "Walking the Slidewalk" (The Clash)
    14. "Where You Gonna Go (Soweto)" (The Clash)
    15. "The Man in Me" (Bob Dylan)
    16. "Remote Control"
    17. "Working and Waiting"
    18. "Heart and Mind" (The Clash)
    19. "Brand New Cadillac" (Vince Taylor)
    20. "London Calling"
    21. "Revolution Rock" (J. Edwards, D. Ray)

    Here she be:

    Disc 1 -

    Disc 2 -

    All thanks to DaddyRich

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Clash - Live At Shea Stadium 1982 (2008) Deluxe edition

    The Clash - Live At Shea Stadium 1982 (2008)
    Deluxe Edition

    Release date: 06 Oct 2008.
    220 kbps VBR

    "The late Joe Strummer once said that during the 1982 US tour when this was recorded, The Clash did enough drugs to make the band they were supporting, The Who, look like boy scouts."

    Great quality capture of a great NYC show by one of the greatest groups of all, the mighty Clash, at their prime back in 82!

    Recorded at New York's Shea Stadium in October 13th 1982, Live at Shea Stadium captures the band at the peak of its powers and on devastating form.

    It's a show bristling with raw energy and attitude.

    This recording was rediscovered by Strummer during a house move!

    The recording now serves as a Clash coinage exercise, complete with DVD and autobiography.


    1. Kosmo Vinyl Introduction 1:11
    2. London Calling 3:29
    3. Police On My Back 3:28
    4. The Guns Of Brixton 4:07
    5. Tommy Gun 3:19
    6. The Magnificent Seven 2:33
    7. Armagideon Time 2:56
    8. The Magnificent Seven (Return) 2:23
    9. Rock The Casbah 3:21
    10. Train In Vain 3:45
    11. Career Opportunities 2:05
    12. Spanish Bombs 3:18
    13. Clampdown 4:26
    14. English Civil War 2:39
    15. Should I Stay Or Should I Go 2:43
    16. I Fought The Law 3:24

    Here she be;

    Big thanks to iraklis

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mick Jones - Amongst Pirate Friends - 1992

    Mick Jones - Amongst Pirate Friends - 1992

    Fascinating find this!

    And what a back-story!

    This was posted on a Big Audio Dynamite forum as follows:

    Thanks go to El Buccanero for turning up this absolute gem. The story behind it goes a little like this-

    How about this for a story:

    Here's the story:

    These tracks were all (or at least most) intended to be included in the Amongst Friends movie soundtrack. The director's house was robbed before the film's completion - oddly nothing was taken except a box of studio tapes labelled "Mick Jones Master Bits". Only three tracks were left as they had not yet been collected from the studio - these are the three on the soundtrack album as we know it.

    I was sent a cassette tape over two years ago by an LA burglar (no joke) who for obvious reasons can't be named (you know who you are and thank you again) who came upon a cassette copy, he tells me, when he was serving time. He was given it by this punk guy who (so the story goes) would sit alone in his cell all day and play harpsichord music tapes.

    So thanks to these chaps, we finally get to hear the whole thing - even if the sound quality is not great and some of the mixes a little rough, I reckon it's a really interesting and unique, not to say highly enjoyable bunch of tracks. And Mick, hope you don't mind - I'd like you to know no profit at all is being made by anybody involved. But if you do object for any reason then please contact me and I'll get them taken down. What I would say is that if any of you like the tracks then tell the gang here on the BAD discussion page, and give a few quid or dollars or U-Roez to a charity you believe in. If you're at a loss for one to choose then why not start a discussion about that.

    I have re-christened this collection "AMONGST PIRATE FRIENDS".

    I will be 'releasing' the MP3s in sets of 3 each Friday afternoon with the help of Tosh and EE. Just a tip I learned from my mum from childhood Xmas mornings!

    The first 3 are up now - there will eventually be 19 tracks in total (plus a few odd bits after), mostly instrumental themes and versions of the three tracks we already know. There are also two songs with Mick performing the vocal - one of which is up now called "When The Rain Would Fall" and the other will be in the last batch in about six weeks just to keep you all on your toes... (and I have kept them in the order they appear on the tape)

    Technical note - the cassette source I have is not great quality but it's the best you're gonna get as my LA contact seems to think the masters were destroyed... I have encoded them at 192 kbps so some of the files are quite large, but I didn't want to compromise on quality for such a treasure.

    Now what are you waiting for???


    01 Instrumental 1 Bass
    02 Long Island Piano
    03 When The Rain Would Fall
    04 Long Island March
    05 Instrumental 2 Calm
    05b Long Island LP
    06 Instrumental 3 Lite
    07 Instrumental 4 Mood
    08 Instrumental 5 Cut Off
    08b Instrumental 3 Repeated.
    09 Instrumental 6 SoulSpace
    09b Instrumental 7 Aborted
    10 Instrumental 7 Girl a
    10b Instrumental 1 Aborted
    11 Instrumental 8 Acid
    12 Instrumental 9 Horns
    13 No Ennio Version
    14 Instrumental 10 Girl b
    15 Instrumental 11 Yazz
    16 Long Island Strings]
    17 Instrumental 12 Spacy
    17b Rush Live
    18 What Can I Do
    19 No Ennio Strings
    19b I Don't Know LP
    19c No Ennio LP

    Here she be;

    Big thanks to El Buccanero and the original posters and Coga

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    AC/DC - Black Ice (2008)

    AC/DC - Black Ice (2008)

    Not our normal cup of Jack Daniels. But it goes down well at the gogo bar! Noisy dumbness always does!

    Black Ice is the upcoming fifteenth studio album by the Ozzy group who have been playing for 285 years now!

    This is set to be released on October 18, 2008 in Australia and October 20 in the rest of the world.

    It will be their first album in eight years, since the release of Stiff Upper Lip in 2000, the longest gap between AC/DC's studio albums to date.

    The legendary rockers are slated to begin an 18-month world tour in October, with the trek reportedly kicking off on around Halloween in Chicago.

    1. Rock 'n Roll Train
    2. Skies on Fire
    3. Big Jack
    4. Anything Goes
    5. War Machine
    6. Smash 'n' Grab
    7. Spoilin' for a Fight
    8. Wheels
    9. Decibel
    10. Stormy May Day
    11. She Likes Rock 'n Roll
    12. Money Made
    13. Rock 'n' Roll Dream
    14. Rocking All the Way
    15. Black Ice

    Here she be

    Big thanks to maybeherenow

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Jessica Alba - hot!

    OMG More Hotties for the Weekend!

    Jessy in sexy stockings and half-loosed top? Yes please!

    OMG More Hotties for the Weekend!

    Man, she's hot!

    Don't call her Latina though!

    She doesn't like that!

    OMG More Hotties for the Weekend!

    So here are some lovely shots of the lovely Latina!

    Estas asi atractiva mamasita!

    OMG More Hotties for the Weekend!


    OMG More Hotties for the Weekend!

    Miranda Kerr - Hot!

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Miranda Kerr Exposing Her Boobs and Panty Ass

    Spanish Window Honey

    Alison Carroll is the new Lara Croft

    Here's lovely Alison Carroll !

    Who is Alison Carroll, you ask?

    Well, she's some Brit model.

    And gymnast too! Oh, we like that!

    This curvy cutie's the official Lara Croft model for 2008!

    Looks better than that siliconed Jolie hag anyway!

    The Pretenders - Break Up The Concrete (2008)

    The Pretenders - Break Up The Concrete (2008)
    Released October 7, 2008
    Recorded April 13-25, 2008
    Label Shangri-La Music
    Mp3 / RS / 49mb

    A great return to form from the Pretenders! Well not really the Pretenders as we knew them way back in the day! More Chrissie Hynde and a current group of new musicians!

    Despite being together in some manner or other for 28 years, this is only their ninth outing and their first LP since 2002's Loose Screw.

    Break Up The Concrete starts with the magnificent punk pop Dylan tribute Boots Of Chinese Plastic and doesn't let off, with some great tracks of varied punk, rockabilly and classic rock beats!

    The LP was released through Shangri-La Music on 7 October 2008. Along with Chrissie Hynde this time is guitarist James Walbourne, pedal steel player Eric Heywood, bassist Nick Wilkinson and legendary drummer Jim Keltner (on the album only, not the current tour).

    1. Boots Of Chinese Plastic
    2. The Nothing Maker
    3. Don't Lose Faith In Me
    4. Don't Cut Your Hair
    5. Love's A Mystery
    6. The Last Ride
    7. Almost Perfect
    8. You Didn't Have To
    9. Rosalee
    10.Break Up The Concrete
    11.One Thing Never Changed

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to maybeherenow

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Tuesday, 14 October 2008

    Quick Change - 1990 - DVDRip Xvid

    Quick Change (1990)
    Directed by Howard Franklin / Bill Murray
    Produced by Bill Murray / Robert Greenhut
    Written by Howard Franklin / Jay Cronley (book)
    Music by Randy Edelman
    Cinematography Michael Chapman
    Distributed by Warner Brothers
    Release date July 13, 1990
    Running time 89 min.
    Language English
    DVDRip Xvid

    The bank robbery was easy. But getting out of New York was a nightmare.

    [Johnny holds a gun to Grimm's back]
    Johnny: This ain't my dick in your back!
    Grimm: That's a relief.

    A classic comedy, co-produced and co-directed by Bill Murray back in 1990!

    Beautifully structured, cleverly written and wonderfully performed.

    A true delight!

    Bank Guard: What the Hell kind of clown are you?
    Grimm: The crying on the inside kind, I guess.

    I caught this again late last night on some crappy channel that normally shows only inane movies by the likes of Adam Sandler or David Spade or the ilk!

    After seeing Quick Change now over a half dozen times down the years, amazingly there's still a great freshness to the film and always little things you haven't noticed on early viewings!

    A true test of a great film is re-watchability! (did I just make that word up? ... if so, I'm copyrighting the fucker!) I contrast this, for example, with the critically lauded and multi-Oscar winning pile of shit "No Country for Old Men" which I could barely sit through once!

    Flores! Flores para los muertes! Flores! Para los muertes! Los muertes! Los muertes! Los muertes!

    Loomis: Now, we're going to find a familiar street soon.
    Phyllis: I'd settle for a familiar borough.

    The high level script synopsis is that a wannabe-mastermind crook and some accomplices rob a bank in a unique and clever manner and make their escape. Things go well with what one would think the difficult part of the plan. However, then things start to unravel badly!

    But take this plot shell and turn it inside out and upside down, and, like a cubist painting, you get this comic masterpiece!

    The fascinating and quirky key characters face an unending series of weird scenarios in their existentialist struggle to obtain a slice of paradise. Too many scenarios to describe .... you've just got to watch it. And re-watch it!

    Loomis: Ten thousand dollars for a taxi!
    Phyllis: And a blow job!

    There is a wonderful cast led by Bill Murray (who also co-directed the film together with the film's screenwriter Howard Franklin) with Geena Davis, Randy Quaid, and Jason Robards.

    The great Bill Murray has never been better than this (and that's really saying something!).

    The supreme Jason Robards is predictably excellent as the street-wise aged Police Chief Rotzinger!

    Robards is one of our favourite actors of all time. It's amazing how many truly classic movies he has been in - great films by directors of the ilk of Leone, Peckinpah, Sturges, Anderson etc etc! Of course, we loved him best as Cheyenne in the sublime Once Upon a Time in the West.

    Geena Davis does a surprisingly fine job here also. While Randy Quaid, whose role is to provide a counter-point to Murray, is suitably OTT!

    Plus, there's a wonderful supporting cast that includes Tony Shalhoub, Stanley Tucci, Phil Hartman, Victor Argo, Kurtwood Smith, Bob Elliott, and Philip Bosco.

    The film - loosely based on the book by Jay Cronley - opens with the wonderfully named Grimm (Murray), dressed as a clown, robbing a bank in Midtown Manhattan by ingeniously setting up a hostage situation and slipping away with an enormous sum of money and his accomplices; girlfriend Phyllis (Davis) and best friend Loomis (Quaid).

    The plan works perfectly until a series of unexpected calamities begin to ensue!

    And the wonderful madness never thereafter relents!

    Loomis: It was an accident, Phyllis.
    Phyllis: Oh, you know? So was Chernobyl.
    Grimm: True, but Loomis didn't irradiate anybody.

    Quick Change contains some really crazy surreal moments! So many of them! But there are two truly amazing moments in particular which we love!

    When the threesome lose their way, they stop to ask a Spanish guy for directions. But this guy, shirtless on a bike and carrying some sort of dangerous looking pole, is deep in thought, trance-like, and totally ignores them. Suddenly he's up on the bike and racing towards another Spanish guy, also shirtless on a bike, in a sort of fifteenth century horseback joust!

    There are assorted other strange Spanish folk sitting around totally engrossed in the scene - like it's Andalusia in the nineteenth century, rather than modern day Manhattan island! Then, when one of the jousters is felled from his bike, a boy mournfully tolls the Church bell and an old woman cries!!

    What fucking madness! What fucking brilliance! Like something out of a Luis Bunuel film!

    Grimm: When you say "near" the airport...
    Bus Driver: .48 miles.
    Grimm: Alright. When do we get there?

    Bus Driver: 22:30 hours.

    Grimm: When is that? In human time.

    Bus Driver: 10:30.

    Grimm: 10:30. Say you had to walk it...

    Bus Driver: With that injured individual?

    Grimm: Yes.

    Bus Driver: I can't give you a precise figure on that.

    Grimm: Come on! Make a guess.

    Bus Driver: 21 minutes.

    Later, as things are looking perilous for the three fugitives and they are staggering through a scary dark deserted area full of dilapidated empty buildings, they hear someone screaming Flores para los muertes! Flores para los muertes! ..... .

    The voice gets louder and slowly approaches them.

    They see via a lamplight in the gloom that it is an old Spanish woman slowly making her way towards them, engrossed in her intense mournful lament, dressed in funeral garb and carrying a basket of flowers for the dead!

    You don't get magic like this in an Adam Sandler movie! Not in 1,000 Sandler movies!

    This is a stone-cold classic! A sadly neglected one!

    Quick Change - Trailer (1990)



    Geena Davis rehearsing on location

    Big thanks to

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    New Order - Movement (2008 Remastered, 2CD)

    New Order - Movement (2008 Remastered, 2CD)

    Movement was New Order's debut album, released in November 1981 on Factory Records.

    This work was recorded not long after Ian Curtis' death and this is the closest NO came to the Joy Division sound.

    This comes in a digitally remastered and expanded two CD edition.

    Disc One in this package contains the original 1981 album in its digitally remastered glory.

    Disc Two is filled with non-album singles, B-sides and remixes.

    At the time of its release, this album wasn't particularly well received by critics or consumers, only peaking at #30 on the UK album charts. Closer, an album the band had released just over a year before as Joy Division, reached #6.

    Movement cover After the death of Joy Division singer Ian Curtis and the severe effect this had upon those close to him, the remaining members of Joy Division elected to carry on, albeit under a new name - New Order.

    With the exception of two songs, "Ceremony" and "In a Lonely Place" (unrecorded in the studio but played live at the time of Curtis's death), all the material played would be new.

    A couple of songs on Movement stem from the initial songwriting session the band undertook in the summer of 1980.

    "Dreams Never End" and "Truth" were both played at the initial New Order concerts (still played as trio) in the US that September. At this point it was still undecided as to who should be vocalist. The interim solution was that all three members took turns at singing before finally deciding that Bernard Sumner should take the main vocalist's role with Peter Hook as back-up (though he sang lead on "Dreams Never End" and "Doubts Even Here").

    The introduction in November 1980 of Gillian Gilbert, Stephen Morris's girlfriend, lightened the burden on Sumner who had to play guitar and keyboards and sing (something he found impossible to do simultaneously) and enabled the band to pursue a more electronic approach.

    Subsequently, the remainder of the songs that appeared on Movement were written and then recorded over a seven month period "in two big bits, and a whole lot of little bits" (Sumner's words), as well as "Mesh," "Cries and Whispers" (both early live staples and used as B-sides), "Procession" and "Everything's Gone Green," the latter forming a non-album single released as FAC53 in September 1981.

    The producer of the album was once again Martin Hannett, who had worked with them as Joy Division; however, the rapport between producer and band had in the ensuing time eroded. Hannett was in a legal dispute with Factory Records and suffering from substance and alcohol abuse, and the band members--themselves still coming to terms with having to write and arrange songs without Curtis's ear and lyric-writing ability--found him uncooperative. It would be the last time they worked together.

    As noted above, upon its release in November 1981--just weeks after the Joy Division retrospective/live double album Still-- Movement was met with a tepid reception, with critics disappointed by what was perceived to be a lack of forward momentum after the "Ceremony" single. It is rumoured that the band considered either re-mixing or even entirely re-recording the album, but time and financial constraints prevented this. Fortunately, a new song called "Temptation" would provide the band with the necessary impetus and a new direction.

    Movement cover
    The album's cover was designed by Peter Saville and is based on a Futurist poster by Fortunato Depero. 'F' refers to Factory Records / Factory Communications Limited and 'L' the roman numeral 50 - the album being classified as FAC50. The blue colour was chosen by the band, although initial copies in America had the same design with a white background.



    1. Dreams Never End
    2. Truth
    3. Senses
    4. Chosen Time
    5. I.C.B
    6. The Him
    7. Doubts Even Here
    8. Denial


    01. Ceremony
    02. Temptation
    03. In A Lonely Place
    04. Everything's Gone Green
    05. Procession
    06. Cries And Whispers
    07. Hurt
    08. Mesh
    09. Ceremony [Alt. Version]
    10. Temptation [12" Mix]

    here be the new New Order

    Big thanks to iraklis and to

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    TTRH3.1 Bob Dylan TTRH Season 3 Ep 1 'MONEY'

    Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour

    Season 3

    Episode 1

    Money (part 1)

    Original Airdate October 8, 2008

    Mp3 256 kbps/ 112 MB/ RS
    Pioneer AirWare XM Radio (No FM Modulation) >Wave(via Adobe Audition) >Flac

    The Buck Stops Here!

    Theme Time Radio Hour, your home for Dollar Dreams, Thai-Baht Themes and Sterling Schemes

    Cos I found out honey
    you're just like money
    the root of all evil
    Money goes from hand to hand
    and my baby goes from man to man

    - Lefty Frizzell

    Photographer smile
    Take a break for a while
    Take a rest, do your very best
    Take five, honey
    Five, honey

    Search in your bag
    Light up a fag
    Think it's a drag, but you're so glad
    To be alive, honey
    Alive, honey

    Say, when this is all over
    You'll be in clover
    We'll go out and spend
    All a your (blue money)
    Blue money (blue money)

    Well the cameraman smiles
    Take a break for a while
    Do your best, your very best
    Take five, honey
    Take five

    Well, you search in your bag
    Light up a fag
    Think it's a drag, but you're so glad
    To be alive, honey
    Alive, honey

    Say, when this is all over
    You'll be in clover
    We'll go out and spend
    All a your (blue money)
    Blue money (blue money)


    Get it!

    Say, when this is all over
    We'll be in clover
    We'll go out and spend all your

    (Breau money) breau money

    Blue money (blue money)

    Juice money, loose money

    Juice money, loose money, honey

    (do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
    What kind a money, honey?

    (do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
    Juice money, loose money

    (do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
    Blue money

    (do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
    Juice money

    (do-do-do, do-do-do-do)
    Loose money

    Blue money

    Hey! alright

    Juice money


    Long as you wanna be.

    - Van daMan

    If your baby goes from hand to hand, perhaps she suffers from nymphomania.

    - Bob Dylan

    Yes, it's back! It's fucking BACK!

    Dylan's magnificent and seminal Theme Time Radio Hour series continues into Season 3 with this episode which explores the greedy theme of moolah!

    Bob, you're so money and you don't even know it!

    A great show with typically excellent music and banter (nymphomania etc) and snippets (the wonderful Chinatown! et al)!

    Man, that track Farewell To The Gold sung by Nic Jones was amazing!

    At the other extreme, what the fuck is Puff Daddy doing here?

    Hey, by the way, Bob, can you spare us a few bucks? We need to take a trip to Manila for the winter season! Oh, and also to bail Fatfuckfreddy out of Pinoy stir! Oh, and also to buy the Telltale Signs box-set, which costs about 900 bucks!

    That show was so fucking money! That was like the Jedi mind-shit! Baby, that was money! Tell me that wasn't money.

    More moolah next week!!


    # That's What They Want - Jerry McCain & His Upstarts

    # Pennies From Heaven - Louis Prima

    # You Put It In, I Take It Out - Papa Charlie Jackson

    # Blue Money - Van Morrison

    # Greenbacks - Ray Charles

    # Money - Mel Blanc

    # It's The Gold - Buddy & Ella Johnson

    # Farewell To The Gold - Nic Jones

    # My Baby's Just Like Money - Lefty Frizzell

    # 100 Dollar Bill - Buddy Guy

    # It's All About The Benjamins - Diddy

    # Your Cash Ain't Nothin' But Trash - The Clovers

    # You Can't Take It With You - Jesse Price

    Here she be Dylanite dogs !

    The full show on one mp3;


    Various individual show components recorded as individual mp3s;

    Big thanks to blindwilly / charlespoet!

    Sexy Bandit.

    Wonderful shot by Ladyrachel

    Betty The Builder 03

    Nice work by papertigress

    Man, I wish builders really looked like this! I'd have em over all the time!

    INDEX: Bob Dylan's TTRH Season 3 (Oct 08-May 09)

    Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour
    Season III
    Oct 08-May 09

    Theme Time Radio Hour, your home for Dreams, Themes and Schemes


    Episode 3 - Night

    Encore- President's Day

    Episode 4 - Beginnings, Middles & Ends

    Episode 5 - Blood

    Episode 6 - War

    Episode 7 - Fruit

    Episode 8 - Street Maps

    Episode 9 - Famous People

    Episode 10 - Numbers (11 up)

    Episode 11 - Work

    Episode 12 - Nothing

    Episode 13 - Something

    Episode 14 - Cats

    Episode 15 - Madness

    Episode 16 - Happiness

    Episode 17 - Cops & Robbers

    Episode 18 - Sugar & Candy

    I am talking to a couple of car companies about possibly being the voice of their GPS system ...

    Season II

    Season I

    You can grab all Season I on the great Dylan's Blindwilly

    TTRH Links:

    Playlists: notdarkyet
    flac torrents: Hunger City
    mp3s: Dylan's Blindwilly

    Monday, 13 October 2008

    Ryan Adams and The Cardinals - Cardinology (2008)

    Ryan Adams and The Cardinals - Cardinology (2008)

    Cardinology is a planned album by Ryan Adams and The Cardinals, due for release on October 28, 2008. A vinyl version is set for release which includes a bonus 7", a comic book and a digital download code. The album's first single, "Fix It", was released on vinyl and online on September 23, 2008.


    1. "Born Into a Light"
    2. "Go Easy"
    3. "Fix It"
    4. "Magick"
    5. "Cobwebs"
    6. "Let Us Down Easy"
    7. "Crossed Out Name"
    8. "Natural Ghost"
    9. "Sink Ships"
    10. "Evergreen"
    11. "Like Yesterday"
    12. "Stop"

    Pass: password unknown

    Big thanks to Gill Bates

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bob Dylan - Tell Tale Signs: BONUS DISC 3 of The Bootleg Series Volume 8

    Bob Dylan – Bonus Disc 3 from Tell Tale Signs The Bootleg Series Vol. 8
    Release: 07 Oct 2008
    Classic Rock
    Mp3 /
    M4a / FLAC (torrent link)

    Here it is .. the elusive Disc 3 from the Box Set version of this release ... yap, the box set which costs about 900 bucks!

    A fine collection of live tracks it is too!

    Wonderful, in fact!

    We already posted the original 2-Disc version HERE!

    Tell Tale Signs is a very fine collection of 27 tracks; rare and unreleased Dylan material from the period 1989 to 2006 - a very fruitful period when the muse returned to Bob as strongly as ever, reaching an apotheosis in terms of magnificence with the sublime Modern Times (2006)!

    The quality of the tracks here is consistently high and, amazingly, some of the stuff here is as good as, if not better, than, material included in the fine Dylan albums released over that period of 17 years!

    However, as true Dylan fans, we are a tad fucking disappointed in Sony's decision to release a box set - which contains the normal double CD with an extra disc of 12 live tracks plus a single - at the disgusting price of $130! That's five times the cost of the double CD!

    So the Dylan fan is forced to pay pay another 100 bucks for the extra few tracks! These record companies never learn! Trying to screw the true music fan, as usual! Assholes!

    I'm not gonna pay $130! Nobody should pay that! The days when record companies could fuck over the true music fan, are long over!

    So ... ahem (after calming down! ) ... if someone could please send us a 320kbps link for Disc 3, we'd be rather fucking happy!


    1. Duncan & Brady (3.47) Bromberg 92 - with band & horns
    2. Cold Irons Bound (5.57) - Live Bonnaroo June 2004
    3. Mississippi (6.24) - different lyrics..."earlier version"
    4. Most Of the Time (5.10)
    5. Ring Them Bells (3.18)
    6.Things Have Changed (5.32) - live Portland 15 June 2000
    7. Red River Shore (7.08) - with accordion..."more obvious approach than #1"
    8. Born In Time (4.19) - "alternate Lanois mix"
    9. Tryin' To Get To Heaven (5.10) - live Wembley 5 Oct 2000
    10. Marchin' To The City (3.39) - "uptempo"
    11. Can't Wait (7.24) - "psychedelic version"
    12. Mary & The Soldier (4.23) - World Gone Wrong o/t - "riff not the same as Paul Brady version"

    Listing taken from ISIS magazine, which published the press releases with track times from Sony. Additional comments come from a second source.

    Here she be:

    Mp3/160 /72 MB


    There should be a torrent FLAC version of Disc 3 at;

    If someone could please send us an Mp3 320kbps link for Disc 3, we'd be rather fucking happy!

    Big thanks to Joe Dury and ubique and commenters

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mushi Mushi Reon Kadena ... again!

    Yap ... one of our favourite Japland Idols, the stunning Kadena Reon!


    Name: Kadena Reon

    Alternate Spelling: Kadena Leon

    Birthdate: February 19th, 1986

    Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

    Blood Type: B

    Height: 167cm

    Bust: 90cm (H cup)

    Hips: 60cm

    Waist: 87cm

    Hobby: Walking her dog

    Favorite artists: Gackt, Hamasaki Ayumi

    Though her true name is unknown, Reon had a variety of aliases before deciding on "Kadena Reon" written in hiragana (かでなれおん).

    She began as Yurika, then became Kusano Minamo (久紗野水萌), then changed the Japanese spelling of "Minamo" to hiragana (久紗野みなも).

    Even before her current spelling, she had spelled "Kadena Reon" two different ways (嘉那れおん and かで那れおん).

    Brian Eno - Pellisero Wine Promo CD [FLAC]

    Brian Eno - Pellisero Wine Promo CD

    A rather strange one this!

    In 2003, to promote an Italian wine (Pellisero), for some reason, a promotional CD was sent to wine distributors!

    Very surreal!! ... Eno music never really encourages me to drink wine! Everything else does, however!

    This promotional CD included 5 unreleased Brian Eno tracks.

    The music sounds like outtakes from "Bell Studies" period.

    Ripped in FLAC with cover scans.


    1) Study 16 (x5, x3, series ratios) 2:32
    2) Study 17 (pythgorean ratios) 4:12
    3) If a bell became a drone 2:14
    4) Campion Bells 2:25
    5) Bell Study with distant delay 5:22

    Big thanks to cosmos65

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Otis Redding - Pain In My Heart (1964/1991 )

    Otis Redding - Pain In My Heart
    Atlantic & Atco Remasters | 1964/1991 | R&B, Soul | 31:43 | Flac - EAC, Cue, Log | MP3 - CBR 320 kbps | 136 MB & 70 MB

    Producer: Jim Stewart.
    Reissue producer: Yves Beauvais.
    Personnel: Otis Redding (vocals); Johnny Jenkins (guitar); Charles "Packy" Axton (tenor saxophone); Floyd Newman (baritone saxophone); Wayne Jackson (trumpet).
    Booker T. & The MG's: Booker T. Jones (piano, organ); Steve Cropper (guitar, piano); Donald "Duck" Dunn, Lewis Steinberg (bass); Al Jackson Jr (drums).

    Recorded between 1962 and January 1964. Originally released on Atco (33-161).

    Digitally remastered by Bill Inglot and Dan Hersch (DigiPrep).

    After Otis Redding made his mark on the Top 100 pop charts with his Fall 1963 single "Pain In My Heart," he released a debut album of the same name the following year that showed this Georgia soul singer to be no flash in the pan.

    The bulk of PAIN is covers that either pay homage to influences like Sam Cooke ("You Send Me") and Little Richard ("Lucille") or ride on the coattails of recent hits by Don Gardner and Dee Dee Ford ("I Need Your Lovin') and the Kingsmen ("Louie Louie").

    Although Redding's interpretive skills were impressive, his early, self-penned material such as "These Arms Of Mine" and "That What My Heart Needs" were an even greater representation of his burgeoning talent. Apparently fans of soul agreed--both songs made the Top 30 on the R&B charts.

    This album works on so many different levels, that it's essential listening for at least three categories of buyer -- fans of Otis Redding and Stax Records (natch), and more general soul listeners, and also anyone serious about their devotion to the work of the Rolling Stones and any other British invasion bands that covered American soul.

    Pain In My Heart was practically a road map to Mick Jagger and any number of other would-be white soul shouters in the UK, not just on the title track but also numbers like the hard rocking "Hey Hey Baby". For someone only 22 years old at the time of these sessions, and just two years past his first 45 rpm record, Redding exudes astonishing power, energy and boldness, though it's all packaged with greater restraint than his subsequent records did.

    This was the only LP that Redding recorded during the lifetime of his idol, Sam Cooke, and his version of "You Send Me" is the least stylized of any of his renditions of Cooke's songs -- later on, after Cooke's death, he would throw more of himself into it. The very fact that he was covering Cooke's soul classic shows an essential difference between Redding's and Cooke's early LPs; as Redding was on a soul label, no one tried to make him into a pop singer as that'd done at RCA with Cooke -- thus, he was running on all cylinders right out of the starting gate, though he wouldn't get really interesting or show his full depth until two albums later.

    But even covering Rufus Thomas's "The Dog", Richard Berry's "Louie Louie", Little Richard's "Lucille", or Ben E. King's "Stand By Me", he's already doing 70% of what we came to expect from Otis Redding in the years ahead -- his writing, apart from "Security", "These Arms Of Mine" and "That's What My Heart Needs", was still somewhat less than memorable, but this is still a first-rate debut and a must-own CD.


    01. Pain In My Heart 02:24
    02. The Dog 02:36
    03. Stand By Me 02:52
    04. Hey Hey Baby 02:47
    05. You Send Me 03:15
    06. I Need Your Lovin' 02:53
    07. These Arms Of Mine 02:34
    08. Louie Louie 02:07
    09. Something Is Worrying Me 02:29
    10. Security 02:37
    11. That's What My Heart Needs 02:41
    12. Lucille 02:28

    Big thanks to franklee

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Otis Redding - Tell The Truth

    Otis Redding - Tell The Truth
    Atco, Rhino, WEA | 1970 | R&B | MP3 | CBR 320 kbps | 31:24 | 76 MB

    Tell the Truth is a posthumously released Otis Redding album compiled from songs recorded in 1967.

    When a major artist dies, labels can usually be counted on to release anything and everything the artist had in the can, regardless of quality. In the case of Otis Redding, most of the posthumous releases were of a very high quality. One example is Tell the Truth, which was recorded the year he died, 1967, and remained unreleased until 1970. Though it falls short of essential, Truth has a lot to excite the soul icon's more devoted followers. Tracks like "I Got the Will," "Snatch a Little Piece," and "Demonstration" are pure Redding -- frenzied, passionate, relentlessly gritty Memphis soul that makes no concessions to pop tastes or Northern soul. "Out of Sight" speaks volumes about him -- while others would have been afraid to cover a song written and defined by James Brown, Redding confidently tackles the song with splendid results. Redding's last major hit, "Dock of the Bay," indicated that had he lived, he would have explored softer, Northern R&B sounds. But on this album (reissued on CD in the early '90s), it was Memphis all the way. ~ AllMusic

    This is not the posthumous masterpiece that Love Man was, that great album that was in the can when Otis died nearly three years ago. This is where the anthologists start reaching back into the vaults for the not-so-brilliant material that was left off earlier albums and songs that were beginning to get there for future albums.

    That's just by way of saying that if you have never heard an Otis Redding album before, this is not the first one to buy. But it's unthinkable that you haven't heard Otis before, and if you really heard Otis, you would have all the other albums anyway. And if you got all the other albums, then you are in luck, 'cause....

    Here's another. Otis was so good, so great a singer, a composer and an arranger, that everything he touched after he established his own identity (leaving the Little Richard thing early on) is suffused with his innate dynamism, warmth and love.

    The MGs were at their best when fronted by Otis Redding. This record is more of that: the Stax-Volt sound like you haven't been hearing it recently. Listening to this combination in new songs brings home again how good they are: they move like a Super-8 Creedence Clearwater on something like "Wholesale Love." The arrangements on this record are characterized by the contrasts and blends of the Memphis rhythm section with some unusually pop/commercial horn lines, not usually associated with straight RB. Otis was always reaching out.

    Otis does versions of big hits by the other two Macon natives, James Brown and Little Richard; "Out of Sight" and "Slippin' and Slidin'." Although I think Otis was the best singer out of that Georgia burg, these versions aren't the proof.

    The best stuff is Otis' own: "I Got The Will" is a beauty. None among the rest are fully realized, but all of them are demonstrations of how great Otis really was.



    1. Demonstration
    2. Tell the Truth
    3. Out of Sight
    4. Give Away None of My Love
    5. Wholesale Love
    6. I Got the Will
    7. Johnny's Heartbreak
    8. Kitty a Little Piece
    9. Slippin' and Slidin'
    10. The Match Game
    11. A Little Time
    12. Swingin' on a String

    Big thanks to franklee

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    All Original Cuban Studio Sessions CD 1

    All Original Cuban Studio Sessions CD 1
    Cuba | MP3 320 Kbps | 100 MB
    Sonodisc 2001


    1. Chan Chan - Segundo, Compay
    2. Yo Sigo Siendo Cubano - Puebla, Carlos
    3. El Beso Y La Cana - Cuni, Miguelito & Chappottin
    4. Mueve - Ritmo Oriental & Maravillas De Florida
    5. Me Duele El Corazon - Pineiro, Ignacio
    6. Lamento Cubano - Portabales, Guillermo
    7. Amparo - Septeto Habanero
    8. Compay Gallo - Septeto Nacional
    9. Que Me Haces - Septeto Turquino
    10. Guajeo De Saxo - Cachao Y Su Ritmo Caliente
    11. Vicenta - Los Compadres
    12. Echale Salsita - Guillermo Portabales

    Big thanks to Ibiza

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Some sunny Sunny Leone on a Gloomy Monday!

    “My family didn’t find out until I told them, which was when I won Penthouse Pet of the Year. They took it as well as I could have hoped. I am their daughter and they love me, so it was great when they didn’t disown me.”

    - Sunny Leone

    Sunny Leone is not the grand-daughter of the great Italian movie director!

    No, she's our favourite Canuck-Indian ever!

    The more prosaically named Karen Maholtra is of Punjabi descent, and one of the few Indians - all too sadly - in the adult industry.

    Yap, this curvy exotic babe is hotter than masala made from raw fire!

    This stunner started off modelling some years back and got her break as Penthouse Pet back in 2003.

    In the past year or so, she's dipped her toes, and other things, in the porn world! We've got a few of her scenes and they're pretty hot!


    Check her site:

    Here's her profile;

    Birthday: 5/13/1981
    Birthname: Karen Maholtra
    Hometown: Sarnia, Ontario
    Assets: Hottest Indian Girl Ever
    Sign: Taurus
    Job: Erotic model/Penthouse Pet / Pornstar
    Ethnicity: Indian (Punjabi)
    Country of Origin: Canada

    Giant Gum!

    Utada Hikaru - Piano Melodies

    Utada Hikaru - Piano Melodies

    Instrumental | MP3 192kbps | 49 MB

    Hikaru Utada- born January 19, 1983 in NYC- , also known by her fans as Hikki, is a singer-songwriter, arranger and record producer in Japan.

    She is well-known internationally for her two theme song contributions to Square Enix's Kingdom Hearts video game series:"Simple and Clean" and "Sanctuary".



    1. Automatic
    2. Another Chance
    3. In My Room
    4. Movin' On Without You
    5. Never Let Go
    6. Amai Wana ~ Paint It, Black
    7. Time Will Tell
    8. B&C
    9. Give Me A Reason
    10. First Love

    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Flower Babe


    2CD | FLAC/MP3-160kbps-MONO | 461.1/175.5Mb | 2:29:09 | Rec.1950, 1953 | Pearl-2004

    Classic recordings of some of 's greatest masterpieces!


    There is a pair of CDs with the beautiful longstanding German performance of the Bach's Brandenburg Concertos and Cantatas by the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra conducted by Karl Munchinger.

    Suzanne Danco was a soloist in cantatas.

    These recordings were made in 1950 and 1953 in the MONO regime and remastered in 2004. In the 50's the quality of the German sound-recording equipment was on the high level. That is why there are no any noises or squeeze frequency range in proposed recordings.

    Click here for lots more

    The Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra conducted by Karl Munchinger

    Brandenburg Concerto no. 1 in F major
    1. Allegro
    2. Adagio
    3. Allegro
    4. Menuetto; Trio; Polacca; Menuetto; Trio 2; Menuetto
    Brandenburg Concerto no. 2 in F major
    5. Allegro moderato
    6. Andante
    7. Allegro assai
    Brandenburg Concerto no. 4 in G major
    8. Allegro
    9. Andante
    10. Presto
    Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D major
    11. Allegro
    12. Affettuoso
    13. Allegro

    Total playing lime 74'56"

    CD 2
    Brandenburg Concerto no. 3 in G major
    1. Allegro moderato
    2. Adagio - Allegro
    Brandenburg Concerto no. 6 in B flat major
    3. Allegro moderato
    4. Adagio ma non troppo
    5. Allegro

    (Rec. 1950 Decca LXT 2501, 2540 & LX 3029)
    6. Cantata no. 202 'Weichet nur, betrube Schatten'
    Soloist: Suzanne Danco, soprano
    7. Cantata no. 51 'Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen'
    Soloist: Suzanne Danco, soprano
    (Rec. 1953 Decca LXT 2956)
    Total playing time: 74'26"

    Karl Munchinger

    Country: Germany
    Birth: May 29, 1915 in Stuttgart
    Death: Mar 12, 1990 in Stuttgart

    Karl Munchinger was one of those rare conductors whose careers are largely tied to their native city, in his case, Stuttgart. He was also closely identified with Bach, having conducted and recorded many of the Baroque master's compositions, generally with high critical praise. Munchinger also conducted much music from the Classical and Romantic periods and, to a lesser extent, from the twentieth century. The majority of his numerous recordings were made for the Decca label. Munchinger showed musical talent as a child and later began studies at the Hochschule fur Musik in Stuttgart. He then studied conducting at the Leipzig Conservatory under Hermann Abendroth. After graduation, he returned to Stuttgart and freelanced as a conductor while primarily supporting himself as an organist and choir director. In 1941, he accepted the post of conductor of the Hanover Symphony Orchestra. This would be the only major appointment in his career outside of his native Stuttgart. He held no post from 1943 until the end of the war.

    In summer 1945, he founded the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, the ensemble he became identified with in much the way Karajan would be with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. He quickly built the orchestra up from modest resources in the postwar era, so that by the late-'40s, they were making their first important tours abroad. Munchinger and the SCO debuted in Paris in 1949, representing the first German ensemble to appear there since the prewar era. That same year, they made successful tours of England and Spain. In 1952, they toured Central and South America. The conductor himself made his American debut in 1953 (San Francisco) and took the SCO back to the U.S. the following year for a successful concert tour there. He would return with his ensemble in 1977, once more receiving generally favorable response from both critics and the public.

    By the mid-'50s, Munchinger had established a reputation as one of the finest Bach interpreters in Europe. His admirers will assert that he was instrumental in restoring
    Baroque traditions to Bach interpretation, filtering out errant Romantic elements that had crept in over the years. Also by this time, Munchinger and the SCO were receiving invitations from throughout Europe, Russia, and Japan, and appeared in these various locales over the next couple of decades, scoring particular triumphs at the yearly festivals in Edinburgh, Salzburg, Prague (Prague Spring), and Colmar. In the recording studio, Munchinger was scoring triumphs a well: in 1964, he led the SCO in a recording of Bach's St. Matthew Passion with soloists Peter Pears, Hermann Prey, and Elly Ameling for the Decca label, that was awarded a Grand Prix du Disque.

    He made numerous other notable recordings of choral works by Bach, as well as the Brandenburg Concertos; symphonies by Beethoven and Mozart; and even music by twentieth century Swiss composer Frank Martin.

    Munchinger founded the Klassiches Philharmonie Stuttgart in 1966, an offshoot ensemble of the SCO, expanding the membership to 45 musicians in order to accommodate performing larger compositions. Munchinger and the SCO continued a fairly heavy performance and recording schedule in the 1970s and '80s, with many tours abroad. In 1977, they became the first German ensemble to visit the People's Republic of China. Munchinger retired in 1988 and died two years later.

    Big thanks to pmarkov

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mushi Mushi Asami Ogawa

    Pere Ubu - Dub Housing (1979)

    Pere Ubu - Dub Housing
    # Original Release Date: 1979
    # Audio CD (June 22, 1999)
    # Label: Thirsty Ear
    # ASIN: B00000J7N1

    The fine 1999 remastered reissue of the classic 1978 album originally released on Chrysalis.

    This LP is now considered a landmark album in punk and modern music !

    Ubu's first masterpiece!

    Listening to this recording, it's hard to imagine that it was released in 1978. Pere Ubu is a band that has had few antecedents and few followers. Their work is an odd mix of pop hooks, noise, edgy instrumental improvisations on guitar and sax, and the always spine tingling psychovoice of Dave Thomas. Ubu is unique and in many ways hard to get into initially. My first and last Ubu experience for 20 years was the Art of Walking, the band's "anti-rock" album and after two or three listens I sold the album (big mistake probably, since the LP is worth serious bucks now.) But picking up Dub Housing, I realize now that I was missing something quite special and prophetic.

    Dub Housing is a masterpiece. From the hook rich tracks like Navvy and On the Surface to the noise experiments on Thriller, this is a forward thinking album. Moments in the recording might have roots in the art-rock of Captain Beefheart and the Magic Band, but mixed in with that is the rock drive of Iggy Pop and the Stooges, and some of the sound experiments of the Art Bears, or Henry Cow. Yet Ubu is not like any of these bands. Stand out tracks on the recording include the tense and yet funky, Navvy; the terrifying Dub Housing; the slightly wobbly Drinking Wine Spodyody, with is not-quite-together feel in the rhythm section and Dave Thomas' warbling neurotic vocal; the almost psychobeachpop of Ubu Dance Party; the noise freakouts of Thriller and Blow Daddy-o; and the superspooky stalker music of Codex. But to me the cut that most perfectly depicts Ubu on this CD is Caligari's Mirror. The cut is a wild take off on the sea chantey "What Can You Do With a Drunken Sailor" delivered with barely controlled paranoia by Thomas, which then morphs into a bright pop-hook chorus. The song is layered with keyboard white noise and Tom Herman's tense guitar licks. This captures the tension in Ubu between art and rock; between paranoia and hilarity.

    Pere Ubu is not easy music, though, with their well crafted pop hooks, they are more accessible than Captain Beefheart, the band they most resemble. Dave Thomas' vocals are the signature of the band, and if you don't like his brand of warbling and his thin tone, you won't like Ubu. But listening now with 21st Century ears it's hard to imagine a rock band that goes farther than Ubu. Their influence can be heard in the work of Sonic Youth, Radiohead, and perhaps arguably even Nine Inch Nails. Love them or hate them, Pere Ubu was probably one of the most important alternative bands to have come out of the 70s, and one that still sounds outré even 25 years later.

    By Christopher Forbes


    1. navvy 2:42
    2. on the surface 2:38
    3. dub housing 3:42 $0.89
    4. caligari's mirror 3:51
    5. Thirller! 4:41 $0.89
    6. I Will Wait 1:47 $0.89
    7. drinking wine spodyody 2:46
    8. ubu dance party 4:49
    9. blow daddy-o 3:42 $0.89
    10. codex 4:55 $0.89

    Here she be:

    Thnks linvitationausuicide.blogspot &

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Robbie Williams of Pelicans!

    Cranes - Cranes (2008)

    Cranes - Cranes (2008)
    Mp3 @ 320 kbps

    Man, I really liked this band years and years and years ago! They made some great ethereal and haunting music!

    I'm shocked and happy they're still around!

    Here's a brand new Cranes LP! Their ninth LP.

    October 2008 sees the long-awaited release of a new studio album by Cranes, the British group whose creative output has spanned over fifteen years and – with this latest addition – nine studio albums.

    Cranes has been three years in the making. It is a triumph of celestial atmospheric rock and metaphysical minimalist electronics, made instantly recognisable by Alison Shaw’s childlike vocals and Jim Shaw’s uniquely inventive compositions.

    There are themes of fractals, the mysterious mathematical patterns and shapes that can be found throughout nature and the universe beyond. Lyrics speak of the passing of time, of how cyclical things can be and of wanting to move forward.

    This is all woven into compositions that take in everything from krautrock and folk, to intricate, almost extra-terrestrial soundscapes and David Lynch-esque melodies. Stand out tracks include Feathers – a filmic Espers-recalling underwater epic and High and Low’s guitar-led waltz.

    There’s Panorama’s dark Parisian vocal layering and Wires’ soaring melody textured with Four Tet-like blips. The new album’s otherworldly tonal beauty will continue to see them existing outside of the mainstream, slightly disconnected but able to offer a very beautiful, one-of-a-kind vision of life in the twenty first century.

    1. Diorama
    2. Worlds
    3. Feathers
    4. Wires
    5. Panorama
    6. Wonderful Things
    7. Collecting Stones
    8. Invisible
    9. Move Along
    10. Sleepwalking
    11. High and Low

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to iraklis

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    How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver

    Stunning Princess Sahar

    Another wonderful piece (and exotic babe!) from the great

    This time, the stunning Princess Sahar!


    Ethnicity: Iranian & Navajo
    Hometown: Sierra Vista, CA
    Measuremments: 34C-27-36
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Light Brown


    What is your full name??
    My full name is Sahar Khadjenoury

    And where are you from?
    Originally hailing from the Sunny state of Arizona, I still like to call PHX home.

    I lived in is that town?
    It's not a town it's a state silly and I loved it! Who can resist
    warm weather, skimpy attire, and amazing restaurants.

    Iono bout you but AZ is weakkkkk!!! Hahah..JK..its cool .. so like what did you do for fun out there?????
    Are you kidding?? AZ has some of the hottest nightclubs right now. If you are an outdoorsy partier you can hit up the Gila River and raft yourself into a
    tipsy sunburned mess too!

    So like your Persian and stuff right?? Ever see that movie 300? :-x
    Yes I'm half Persian and yes, I have seen 300...let's not get into that, shall we?!

    Do you have any pets?? And what are their names?
    I know phil is one HeHe, Yes, i have a pup named Max, this chub-a-dub is an English Bull Dog, not to mention a Pee machine!!

    How do you like Go-Going?
    I love gogoing, what can I say, I'm a Performer by heart.

    So explain your nationality ? What the hell happened to get that mix?
    So, I am half Persian and half Navajo(for those of you who didnt pay attention thats a Native American tribe that resides in the Four Corners). My parents met in college, my father was the "Cat's Meow" and my mother is the 5'11 version of Pochahontas. Bada-boom-bada-bang..little Sahar was born.

    Is there anyone out there would u like to thank?
    I'd like to thank VIP Auto Salon and Models in the Trunk for setting up the shoot, I'd also like to Status Auto Design for providing the location. Thank you to the loyal fans of MITT and a special thank you to Mr P Cambe.

    Sunday, 12 October 2008

    Jacques Brel - Les Marquises (With Bonus Tracks)

    Jacques Brel - Les Marquises (With Bonus Tracks)
    French | MP3 @320 kbps | Covers | Time: 48:19 | 91 MB
    Remastered 2004 this edition includes 5 Bonus Tracks

    In 1973, after he stopped his acting career, Jacques Brel decides to travel around the world. On his boat, the Askoy II, he sails the tropical seas. But he knows his fate his sealed ... he has lung cancer.

    In 1976, his doctors tell him that he cannot be cured. He then moved to the Marquesas where he writes the songs composing this album.

    The album is released on November 17th of 1977. One million copies have been pre-ordered.

    This testimonial album includes some of his best songs : Jaurès, an homage to the socialist politician murdered just before World War I; Knokke-Le Zoute Tango where he openly sings about sex and prostitution in Amsterdam - his descriptions of these women had never been that precise before; Les F... a song defending french speaking culture in Belgium and mocking Flemish speaking people (he is Flemish himself) on a slightly disco music which differentiates it from the other tracks of this album.

    Five of the songs here are from the musical Vilebrequin : Voir un ami pleurer, Vieillir, Les remparts de Varsovie, Le bon dieu and Knokke-Le-Zoute Tango. These great songs alone make this album a must hear.

    Voir un ami pleurer and Vieillir are very melancholic which makes sense considering Brel knew he was doomed when he wrote it. Les remparts de Varsovie is more upbeat and cheerful though quite masochist. It has to be said that Brel had never hidden the fact that he favoured male friendship over women's!

    The original album ended on Les Marquises, a hymn to his final home where Brel lived a simple and harmonious life awaiting his death.

    He died on October 9th of 1978, having left the Marquesas two days before.

    He has been buried in the Marquesas in the same cemetery as the French painter Paul Gauguin.

    This 2004 remastered edition includes 5 bonus tracks of what might have been Brel's new album had he lived a little longer...”

    Si le rock est la musique qui exprime le mieux la révolte et la subversion, le rejet du conformisme, de l'hypocrisie et de la morale bourgeoise, alors Brel (avec Brassens) est notre plus grand chanteur de rock. N'en déplaise à Johnny Halliday - franchement vous imaginez Brel aller chanter pour Bernadette Chirac ?
    Cet album est le chant du cygne de Brel. Peut-être son plus beau. La présence de chansons drôlatiques (le lion, Les remparts de Varsovie) n'empêche pas que la tonalité générale de l'album est sombre et hanté par la mort approchant (Vieillir, Jojo, les Marquises). Brel y règle une dernière fois ses comptes avec les Flamands au travers d'un pamphlet particulièrement acerbe et enlevé (ce qui lui vaudra un procès d'associations flamandes) sur une musique de Caetono Veloso. L'album s'ouvre sur Jaurès - une de ses chansons les plus engagées politiquement et socialement, qui est comme un testament et une supplique aux générations futures, se terminant par ses mots "demandez-vous belle jeunesse... pourquoi ont-ils tué Jaurès". Question toujours brûlante d'actualité pour notre époque si va-t-en guerre et à la misère galopante...
    Brel savait sa fin proche en raison du cancer des poumons qui le rongeait. Le disque a été enregistré dans un état d'urgence ; les séances avaient lieu très tôt le matin, car Brel n'était pas en état de chanter après une certaine heure. Pressé par le temps, François Rauber a écrit l'arrangement des Marquises en une nuit, et c'est un de ses plus beaux par sa force d'évocation, son caractère impressionniste et l'alliance parfaite aux mots de Brel. On pourrait mentionner également 'La ville s'endormait", chef d'oeuvre de poésie et de musique, avec son arrangement crépusculaire.


    1. Jaures
    2. La ville s'endormait
    3. Vieillir
    4. Le bon dieu
    5. Les F...
    6. Orly
    7. Les remparts de Varsovie
    8. Voir un ami pleurer
    9. Knoffe-le-zoute tango
    10. Jojo
    11. Le lion
    12. Les marquises

    Bonus tracks

    13. Sans éxigences
    14. Avec élégance
    15. Mai 40
    16. L'amour est mort
    17. La cathédrale

    Here be Brel


    Enjoy !

    Big thanks to mohet2003

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    Hefner's Twin Hos!

    Erm ... white trash scum alert! And double it!!

    Karissa Shannon, Kristina Shannon, mugshot Pinellas County Sheriff's Department


    Hugh Hefner must like his bunnies to have a lot of attitude.

    Having recently been dumped by his 'No.1 girlfriend' Holly Madison, the Playboy boss dried his tears and quickly replaced her with 19-year-old twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon.

    But he either likes his girls feisty or failed to give them a thorough background check because his new Playmates aren't as innocent as they seem.

    Mugshots released of the pair, a far cry from the Playboy cover the twins did in April, were taken in January this year after they were arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault.

    hugh hefner with karissa and kristina shannon

    It takes two: Hugh Hefner with Karissa, left, and Kristina Shannon.

    According to reports, the girls, who were working as glamour waitresses at a Florida restaurant called Wing House, beat up one of their colleagues, Erica Civello, with a beer bottle after she had an argument with Kristina.

    The twins are on probation for the incident.

    Hefner, 82, was not available for comment, after gushing earlier this week about the twins, telling the Press: 'They very much want to be girlfriends and they probably will become my girlfriends.'

    'Love of my life': Hefner's former No.1 girlfriend Holly Madison

    Only a few weeks earlier, the octogenarian ladies' man had been 'down in the dumps' after he was dropped by 28-year-old Madison when she realised he wasn't able to father a child.

    He said: 'With my sperm count, it's not possible. I was willing but it was not possible.

    'She'd like to be married and have children, but it's not on the cards for me.'

    Madison who Hefner described as 'the love of my life', became one of his Playmates in August 2001 before moving into his bedroom and becoming his No.1 girlfriend in February 2002.

    He also revealed that his No.3 girlfriend, Kendra Wilkinson, 23, would be leaving his mansion by the end of the year.

    Both Madison and Wilkinson starred in the American reality TV show The Girls Next Door - shown on E! in this country - which follows the lives of Hefner's three live-in girlfriends.

    The remaining one of the three, Bridget Marquardt, 35, is still living at the Hollywood mansion.

    As well as featuring on the small screen, the Playboy home made it onto the big screen in The House Bunny (12A) which is released this week.

    Produced by Adam Sandler it even has Hugh Hefner appearing as himself.

    However he is unlikely to be thrilled by the comments of Daily Mail film critic Chris Tookey who says '...Hefner himself resembles an elderly, heavily sedated crocodile and is rarely pictured standing up'.

    Hefner often appears on The Girls Next Door series with past and present Playmates, the most recent being Pamela Anderson, who has appeared on the Playboy cover 12 times, more than anyone else in the magazine's history.

    Film of her surprising Hefner on his 82nd birthday at the Playboy Club in Las Vegas was revealed this week.

    In it Pammie wore nothing more than high heels and a smile as she gave him a cake and performed a special lap dance.

    Birthday cake in a birthday suit: Former Baywatch star Pamela Anderson stripped naked and stepped out from behind a curtain to deliver the 82-year-old Playboy boss's cake

    Foo Fighters Get Their Knickers In A Twist Over John McCain

    Foo Fighters Get Their Knickers In A Twist Over John McCain !’d be honoured to have John McCain use any of of our songs - like Look At My Stubby Little Arms or Eghhh (EGHHH) - in his election campaign.

    But sadly John McCain isn’t having any of it. Instead, he’d rather use My Hero by Foo Fighters which - while probably a better election song that Eghhh (EGHHH) because it doesn’t have a seven-minute death-jazz intermission played on a contraceptive diaphragm - has annoyed Foo Fighters no end.

    John McCain’s use of My Hero has enraged Foo Fighters so much that they’ve launched a furious rock n roll riposte - they’ve written a really bloody strongly worded letter about it. In fact, Foo Fighters have really laid the law down - if John McCain plays My Hero one more time, they’re going to call the flipping council about it or something. Just you watch them!

    When a person runs for office in America, it’s important that they pick a campaign song. The song helps to set the tone of the campaign, plus it means there isn’t an awkward two-minute period while the politician shuffles to the podium in the middle of the stage in deathly silence. Would Hitler have lost the war if he’d picked something like Ooh Baby I Love Your Way (Every Day) by Big Mountain as his campaign song? Doubtful.

    However, one person who’s been having trouble picking a good campaign song is Republican presidential nominee John McCain. Well, actually that’s a lie - John McCain has found loads of brilliant songs for his campaign, but the trouble is the bands who recorded them get super shitty every time he uses them. far, both Heart and Jackson Browne have asked John McCain and his running mate Sarah Palin to stop playing their songs on the campaign trail, but now John McCain has met his biggest foe yet - Foo Fighters.

    You see, because John McCain is such a hero that he basically single-handedly inspired the flashback scenes from Rambo he decided that the only appropriate song to use is My Hero by Foo Fighters. After all, that’s about, um, a heroin addict blowing his chops off with a shotgun, and that’s, um, sort of, um, appropriate?

    Anyway, Foo Fighters aren’t taking this lying down - they’ve issued a statement explaining exactly why John McCain using My Hero in the election is jolly well not on. BBC News reports:

    The band said in a statement: “The saddest thing about this is that My Hero was written as a celebration of the common man and his extraordinary potential. To have it appropriated without our knowledge and used in a manner that perverts the original sentiment of the lyric just tarnishes the song.”

    These poor Republicans can’t catch a break, can they? First everyone from Diddy to Madonna has lined up to bash Sarah Palin, and now Kurt Cobain’s beardy drummer has decided that he doesn’t like John McCain? No wonder he looks like he’ll lose the election now.

    Anyway, the best way for John McCain to steer clear of any more trouble like this is to only use songs by people who haven’t complained about him yet. So, in that respect, we think that leaves McCain with a choice between My Old Man’s A Dustman, I Am Woman Hear Me Roar by Helen Reddy and the theme-tune to The Benny Hill Show.

    We know which one we’d pick - all three.

    Scott Walker - Scott, Scott 2, Scott 3, Scott 4 (320)

    Scott Walker - the seminal 'Scott' series

    Scott - 1967 - Philips Records
    Scott 2 - 1968 - Philips Records
    Scott 3 - 1969 - Philips Records
    Scott 4 - 1969 - Philips Records

    Mp3 / 320

    This series of seminal albums by Scott Engel came as a shock at the time.

    Imagine one of those retards from Boyzone creating a solo LP like Dylan's "Desire" ... and you're in the ballpark!

    These wonderful albums are a galaxy away from the Walker Brothers!

    However, they never sold at the time and it wasn't until much later that accumulated critical opinion put these great albums back on the map!

    These albums a must have for true fans of music!

    Truly wonderful!,0.jpg

    Scott Walker shed the Walker Brothers' mantle and began a solo career in a style clearly glimpsed in Images, the Walkers' last album. To this he added risqué recordings of Jacques Brel songs, translated by Mort Shuman (who was also responsible for the hit musical Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris). The influence of Brel is important as regards Walker's songwriting but should not be over-stated. His vocal style remained consistent throughout this period.

    Walker's own original songs of this period were clearly influenced by Brel as he explored European musical roots while expressing his own American experience. He was also reaching a new maturity as a recording artist.

    In 1968 Walker threw himself into intense study of contemporary and classical music, which included a sojourn in Quarr Abbey, a monastery on the Isle of Wight, to study Gregorian chant. His own songs gradually course into Lieder and classical musical modes.

    Scott Walker's early solo career was successful in Britain; his first three albums, titled Scott (1967), Scott 2 (1968) and Scott 3 (1969) all sold in large numbers, Scott 2 topping the British charts. There were also early indications that this concentrated attention was not conducive to his emotional well being. He became reclusive and somewhat distanced from his audience. During this time, he combined his earlier teen appeal with a darker, more idiosyncratic approach hinted at in songs like Orpheus on the Images album. Walker drove a fine line between classic ballads, his own compositions and Brel covers, all delivered inimitably.

    At the peak of his fame in 1969, he was given his own BBC TV series, Scott, featuring solo Walker performances of ballads, big band standards and introductions of his own and Brel compositions. Footage of the show is currently very rare as recordings were not archived. Walker's fourth solo album was an LP of songs from the TV series entitled Scott: Scott Walker Sings Songs from his TV Series.

    Walker released his fifth solo LP, Scott 4, in 1969. This was his first to be made up entirely of self-penned material. The 'standards' and Brel were gone and the sound was pared down. The album failed to chart and was deleted soon after. It has been speculated that the decision to release the album under the name "Noel Scott Engel" rather than his stage name contributed to its chart failure.

    In recent interviews, Walker has suggested that by his third solo LP, a self-indulgent complacency had crept into his choice of material. Starting with 'Til The Band Comes In (1970), the early 70s saw Walker revert to cover versions of popular film tunes and a serious flirtation with the country and western scene. Walker regards these as his lost years as an artist, though others claim the albums of this time are underrated and in fact contain several near-definitive readings of classic songs. The Moviegoer (1972), Any Day Now (1973), Stretch (1973), and We Had It All (1974) feature no original material whatsoever.

    Scott Walker's early solo career was successful in Britain; his first three albums, titled Scott (1967), Scott 2 (1968) and Scott 3 (1969) all sold in large numbers, Scott 2 topping the British charts.

    There were also early indications that this concentrated attention was not conducive to his emotional well being. He became reclusive and somewhat distanced from his audience. During this time, he combined his earlier teen appeal with a darker, more idiosyncratic approach.

    Walker drove a fine line between classic ballads, his own compositions and Brel covers, all delivered inimitably.

    At the peak of his fame in 1969, he had his own British TV series, Scott, featuring solo Walker performances of ballads, big band standards and introductions of his own and Brel's compositions. In recent interviews he admitted that a self-indulgent complacency crept into his choice of material and his reliance on slow tempos by his third album.

    Walker released his fourth solo LP, Scott 4, his first made up entirely of his own material. The ballads and Brel were gone and the sound was pared down. The album failed to chart and was deleted soon after. It has been speculated that the decision to release the album as "Noel Scott Engel" rather than his stage name contributed to its chart failure.

    Read all about the great man here: wikipedia/Scott_Engel

    Scott Walker performing Mathilde

    The Old Man's Back Again: Scott Walker


    Ain't nothin' like a bonafide legend to inflate a forgotten musician's historical worth. It's too often in these cases that it's an artist's story, and not their musical legacy, that compels their discography. and there's hardly a stranger legend than that of Scott Walker.

    After several years recording forgotten teen pop songs under his Christian name, Ohio-born Scotty Engel moved out to Hollywood where in 1964 he met aspiring singers John Maus and Gary Leeds. The threesome christened themselves the Walker Brothers for some reason or another, and made the somewhat unprecedented decision to move to the U.K. to try to hit it big. Within a year, they had a number one hit in the England, we're nearly as big as the Beatles, and became, strangely enough, a part of the British Invasion. A sort of boy band in the traditional sense, the Walkers weren't really a creative force--rarely playing on their own records, rarely writing their own songs--but with Scott's comically crooned baritone, the group had half a dozen U.K. hits, though largely ignored in the U.S. They weren't really much of a rock band, inspired more by passe American crooners than the reckless Brits, but somehow they managed a respectable cult through the mid-sixties.

    In 1967, as the Walker Brothers' stock began to wane, Scott released Scott, his first solo album, to wide critical acclaim and even greater record sales. Weird thing is, Scott is a super dark, morbid, bizarre pop record, filled with covers of his idol, Jaque Brel, like "My Death" and "Amsterdam," not to mention its ridiculous arrangements, with obscenely over-dramatic strings, horns, and other orchestrations composed merely to support Scott's deathly croon. Scott, though a little too much to get used all at once, revels itself to be the work of a true eccentricity: that somehow managed to hit #3 on the U.K. charts at the height of the psychedelic era.

    For the next three years, Walker continued his solo streak with three more amazing records, Scott 2-4, each release affording him more control than the last. By the time he recorded Scott 4, his first album comprised entirely of originals, Walker had produced three top ten albums (with Scott 2 hitting number one), and gotten more and more obtuse with every release. Scott 4, though widely acknowledged as his greatest work, sold considerably less than his previous solo records. Still, Walker was popular enough for the BBC to give him a short-lived television show, and to remain a very public celebrity, in spite of most of his material reflecting morose subject matter like suicide, prostitution, and, um, Stalin.

    Then came the '70s....between 1970 and 1974, Walker recorded five unsuccessful (both musically and financially) records in a row, scared off by the misfortune of his own songwriting on 4, the records were largely covers, and without the adventuresome morose of his previous output.

    in 1975, the Walker Brothers reunited to little fanfare, recording a six minute emo brood called "No Regrets"which, somehow, became yet another inexplicable hit for Walker. Three reunion records followed with little success, despite being celebrated by folks like Eno, Ferry, and Bowie (who famously covered "My Death" in a very Walker-like fashion).

    and then Walker simply vanished.

    A famed recluse, Walker wasn't seen in public for nearly twenty years. Releasing a single record in the 80s, 1984's surprisingly modern Climate of Hunter (an exploration of ambient minimalism), Walker was absent for another 11 years with nary a public appearance.

    then it got really weird. In 1995, Walker re-emerged at the age of 52 with a release on Drag City, of all places, called Tilt, which may very well be one of the most alienating pop records ever recorded. Gone is Walker's rich, full baritone. Gone are the boisterous orchestrations. Gone is any sense of hope whatsoever. In there place are a strained, angry tenor, bloodcurdling sparsity, and the sound of a broken soul. The record, one of the late century's greatest anomalies, is simply amazing, like a modern day Marble Index. four years later, he recorded the soundtrack to Pola X in much the same vein, and at the beginning of the century, persuaded by Walker-phile Jarvis Cocker to produce Pulp's most recent record, We Love Life (whose single, "Bad Cover Version," actually takes a jab at one of Walker's early records).

    The legend of Scott Walker is matched only by his amazingly polarizing discography, so impenetrable, so bizarre, and some how, however briefly, so commercially successful. Scott Walker's transformation from teen idol to British pop star to bizarro-world Tom Jones to experimental pop senior is a little far fetched, even in the spectrum of the British 60s, but it's all as true as his title. The Greatest Band of All Time.

    Some great Scott pix from Chris Walter here:

    Photo of Scott Walker , reference; 1838a

    Scott Walker - the seminal 'Scott' series

    Scott - 1967 - Philips Records
    Scott 2 - 1968 - Philips Records
    Scott 3 - 1969 - Philips Records
    Scott 4 - 1969 - Philips Records


    1. "Mathilde" – 2:39
    2. "Montague Terrace (in blue)" – 3:31
    3. "Angelica" – 4:02
    4. "The lady came from Baltimore" – 1:59
    5. "When Joanna loved me" – 3:08
    6. "My death" – 4:57
    7. "The big hurt" – 2:26
    8. "Such a small love" – 4:55
    9. "You're gonna hear from me" – 2:53
    10. "Through a long and sleepless night" – 4:12
    11. "Always coming back to you" – 2:41
    12. "Amsterdam" – 3:04

    Scott 2

    1. "Jackie" – 3:23
    2. "Best of Both Worlds" – 3:14
    3. "Black Sheep Boy" – 2:39
    4. "The Amorous Humphrey Plugg" – 4:31
    5. "Next" – 2:50
    6. "The Girls from the Streets" – 4:11
    7. "Plastic Palace People" – 6:06
    8. "Wait Until Dark" – 2:59
    9. "The Girls and the Dogs" – 3:10
    10. "Windows of the World" – 4:25
    11. "The Bridge" – 2:50
    12. "Come Next Spring" – 3:24

    Scott 3

    1. "It's Raining Today" – 4:01
    2. "Copenhagen" – 2:22
    3. "Rosemary" – 3:22
    4. "Big Louise" – 3:10
    5. "We Came Through" – 1:58
    6. "Butterfly" – 1:42
    7. "Two Ragged Soldiers" – 3:06
    8. "30 Century Man" – 1:29
    9. "Winter Night" – 1:45
    10. "Two Weeks Since You've Gone" – 2:48
    11. "Sons Of" – 3:44
    12. "Funeral Tango" – 2:55
    13. "If You Go Away" – 4:56

    Scott 4

    1. "The Seventh Seal" – 4:57
    2. "On Your Own Again" – 1:48
    3. "The World's Strongest Man" – 2:21
    4. "Angels Of Ashes" – 4:21
    5. "Boy Child" – 3:38
    6. "Hero Of The War" – 2:28
    7. "The Old Man's Back Again (Dedicated To The Neo-Stalinist Regime)" – 3:43
    8. "Duchess" – 2:50
    9. "Get Behind Me" – 3:14
    10. "Rhymes Of Goodbye" – 3:04

    Big thanks to cosmos65 and

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Grandaddy/VA - Below the Radio (Artists Choice)

    Grandaddy/VA - Below the Radio (Artists Choice)
    Mp3 192, no pass

    A nice collection. Some alternative classics here! And we don't mean fucking Snow Patrol!


    1. Beck - We Live Again
    2. Beulah - Burned By The Sun
    3. Earlimart - Color Bars
    4. Snow Patrol - Run
    5. Goldenboy - Wild Was The Night
    6. Giant Sand - Bottom Line Man
    7. Fruit Bats - The Little Acorn
    8. Home - Comin' Up Empty Again
    9. Jackpot - If We Could Go Backwards
    10. The Handsome Family - I Fell
    11. Little Wings - Sand Canyon
    12. Pavement - Motion Suggests
    13. Blonde Redhead - For the Damaged
    14. Virgil Shaw - Twisted Layer
    15. Grandaddy - Nature Anthem

    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bill Callahan (Smog) - Black Cab Sessions

    The great Mr Smog himself.

    Singing in the back of London cab.

    Yap, singing in the back of a cab!

    More goodies from the wonderful Black Cab series!


    Some amazing artists have performed in the wonderful Black Cab series!

    The Black Cab Sessions is a series of one-song performances by musicians and poets recorded in the back of a black cab and filmed for an internet audience. A black cab is a type of hackney carriage (taxicab) common to Britain. The sessions are recorded while the black cab that serves as the studio travels through city streets, usually in London, England. Most of the performances feature rock bands, ranging from popular acts such as Death Cab for Cutie, The Kooks and My Morning Jacket to lesser known acts such as the Cave Singers. Other performances stray from the rock music scene, featuring poetry and beatboxing, for example.

    The motto of the Black Cab Sessions is "one song, one take, one cab." These intimate performances embody the lo-fi ethos of the indie rock scene and have have gained a cult following of viewers both on their own website and on YouTube.

    The following artists have performed in the Black Cab Sessions:

    Fleet Foxes
    Beach House
    Micah P Hinson
    Bon Iver
    My Morning Jacket
    Sunset Rubdown
    The Futureheads
    Fireworks Night
    Lykke Li
    Charlie Siem
    Baby Dee
    Pete And The Pirates
    Killa Kella
    Hot Club De Paris

    Johnny Byers
    Stephen Fretwell
    Benjamin Zephaniah
    Okkervil River
    The Felice Brothers
    The Kooks
    Lightspeed Champion
    The Ravonettes
    Scout Niblett
    Noah and the Whale
    Laura Marling
    Cold War Kids
    The National
    The Brightlights
    Elvis Perkins

    Seasick Steve
    Jeffrey Lewis
    The New Pornographers
    Langhorne Slim
    St Vincent
    Vincent Vincent and The Villains
    The Mules
    Death Cab For Cutie
    Bill Callahan
    Eugene McGuinness
    Daniel Johnston
    Nic Dawson Kelly
    Luke Toms
    Freddie Stevenson
    Emmy The Great
    Johnny Flynn

    The 26 Hottest Star Trek Babes

    October 7th, 2008 by hecklerspray

    They are the babes we’d all like to boldly go with – the hottest women to ever appear in Star Trek.

    But compiling a list of the sexiest ever was never going to be easy. With all its different incarnations and the sheer volume of life-forms Captain Kirk alone has sullied, it’s certainly a tough job. But Hecklerspray has never been one to shirk a challenge and is prepared to risk the wrath of Trekkies across the world by compiling a list of lovelies that are the envy of the galaxy.

    And we are pretty happy with the results. Put it this way, we’d certainly love to get our hands on their tricorders. However, we are sure you will have your own suggestions. As always, please let us know of any glaring omissions – not that you need any encouragement, you pedantic, miserable bastards.

    And before you ask, we have not included the upcoming Star Trek film, which is due to be released next year. So the names Zoe Saldana and Jennifer Morrison have not been added to the list this time, but would certainly come into contention next time if we decided to do this list again.

    Anyway, set your phasers to stun and enjoy.

    26. Tasha Yar (Denise Michelle Crosby)
    Next Generation

    A personal favourite, but, sadly, the frankly blokeish haircut bumped our dear Tasha down the list.

    25. Marta (Yvonne Craig)
    Original series

    Batgirl as a green-skinned slave girl – what’s not to like?

    24. Dr Helen Noel (Marianna Hill)
    Original Series

    Love her bedside manner.

    23. Droxine (Diana Ewing)
    Original Series

    One of the most elegant actresses to pass through the series.

    22. Nona (Nancy Kovack)
    Original Series

    Played a Kanutu medicine woman in A Private Little War, but is possible more famous for her role as Medea in Jason And The Argonauts.

    21. Lt. Saavik (Kirstie Alley)
    Star Trek 2: Wrath of Khan

    Yeah, we know, but there is little doubt she was a fine-looking woman in her early years.

    20. Tonia Barrows (Emily Banks)
    Original series

    Received the benefit of Doctor McCoy’s bedside manner.

    19. Nyota Uhura (Nichelle Nichols)
    Original series

    No Star Trek list would be complete without her. A true legend.

    18. Kelinda (Barbara Bouchet)
    Original Series

    Played Kelinda in the original series, but is possibly more famous for playing Miss Moneypenny in the 60s spoof version of Casino Royale.

    17. Kara (Marj Dusay)
    Original series

    Watch out for this temptress, a glorified zombie itching to steal your brain!

    16. Ensign Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes)
    Next Generation

    A rebel, unliked by many, and ultimately a traitor. Shame on you Ensign Ro, but how can we say no?

    15. B’elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson)

    Klingon ridges and her temper work against B’elanna, although we bet she’s feisty in the bedroom.

    14. Beverly Crusher (Gates Macfadden)
    Next Generation

    A redhead and MILF to boot. What more could you ask for?

    13. Ishara Yar (Beth Toussaint)
    Next Generation

    Tasha’s sister has the body of a champion whippet

    12. Yeoman Janice Rand (Grace Lee Whitney)
    Original Series

    As Kirk says, she was “too beautiful to ignore” and “too much woman”. We certainly agree Kirk.

    11. Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis)
    Next Generation

    England’s very own Marina Sirtisis loved by fans for her voluptuous figure, skin tight bunny suit and the fact she’d sleep with anyone or anything.

    10. Anij (Donna Murphy)
    Star Trek: Insurrection

    A looker for her age (over 300 years old). If Picard didn’t have his eyes already set on Anij, you know you’d want a piece of that action.

    9. Ezri Dax (Nicole de Boer)
    Deep Space Nine

    Essentially, Jadzia Dax version 2, which can’t be all bad.

    8. Android Andrea (Sherry Jackson)
    Original series

    Kissing Kirk was not part of her programming. What can we say, programmes are there to be hacked. Better still that costume doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

    7. Ensign Robin Lefler (Ashley Judd)
    Next Generation

    Ensign Lefler lives by her own rules, Sadly, one of them being #22: Never date a co-worker. Too bad Wesley (Crusher)

    6. Kes (Jennifer Lien)

    Youthful and Innocent, just about the cutest elf you’ll find this side of the Delta Quadrant

    5. Hoshi Sato (Linda Park)

    Sultry and smart, knowing over 40 languages is a good workout for the mouth if you catch our drift.

    4. Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell)
    Deep Space Nine

    A very hot woman who attracted the attentions of Bashir and ultimately Worf. Slight turn-off: her multiple personalities, call it what you will.

    3. Kamala (Famke Janssen)
    Star Trek: Next Generation

    Simply stunning and a real favourite at Hecklerspray Towers.

    2. T’Pol (Jolene Blalock)

    A Trellium-D addict, which is great for lowering her inhibitions.

    1. Seven of 9 (Jeri Ryan)

    Seven of 9? More like 10 out of 10.

    Honorable mentions:

    Lieutenant Valeris (Kim Cattrall)
    Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor)

    [story by Michael Chenucha]

    Brian Wilson - Black Cab Session

    A great session from the legendary Brian Wilson from the amazing blackcabsessions

    Yes, that's Brian Wilson performing in the back of a London Cab!

    I think those are a few Wondermints too!

    More about this fantastic series here: wiki/Black_Cab_Sessions


    More John Mc Insane nonsense, "My fellow prisoners" !!

    Across this country, this is the agenda I have set before my fellow prisoners. And the same standards of clarity and candor must now be applied to my opponent.

    -John Mc Cain

    More scary craziness - or crazy scariness - from the GOP!

    Mc Insane thinks he's running for leader of the POW camp! Or maybe President of Vietnam!

    This guy's about 130. He should be at home in dressing gown and slippers, smoking a big pipe with a nurse mopping his brow and repeating "You're not in Nam now Johnny ... You're not in Nam anymore.. ..."!

    And yet more scary craziness, Polar Palin didn’t even blink when Mc Insane came out with this!! We wonder what Spice Girls song she had running through her head at the time!

    More nasty dumbness from Mc Insane!

    ... You know who voted for it? You might never know. THAT ONE!! ...

    In his typically annoying and smug manner of speaking, my friends, Mc Insane refers to Barack Obama as 'that one' in just another show of his contempt for his peer! He also insinuates that Obama got a kickback from this!

    Obama should have just gone over to that little asshole and given him a good smack round the head! Yes,
    my friends, kick that little moron's ass! Oh Yes, my friends!

    Can redneck Republican racists change their spots? No
    my friends! No!

    Is this geezer really the guy to allow have a finger on the big red button that deploys an apocalyptic nuclear arsenal?! Erm .... let me think about that!

    Maybe it's a deliberate GOP strategy - people will soon forget the GOP administered financial catastrophe that's sending the world back to the stone age, once mad Johnny's missiles start whizzing everywhere!

    Saint Etienne - London Conversations: Best of (2008)

    Saint Etienne - London Conversations: Best of (2008)

    A delicious collection of pop from the wonderful Saint Etienne !

    Not a conventional best-of! This one is as artfully constructed as might be expected of St Etienne in that it tries to link the specific 35 tracks by the theme of London.

    Read more:


    Disc 1

    1 Only Love Can Break Your Heart 4:29
    2 Nothing Can Stop Us 4:20
    3 Join Our Club 3:16
    4 Avenue [Edit] 3:48
    5 You're in a Bad Way 3:01
    6 Hobart Paving 4:47
    7 Who Do You Think You Are 3:47
    8 Pale Movie 3:44
    9 Like a Motorway 3:40
    10 Hug My Soul 3:52
    11 He's on the Phone 4:06
    12 Sylvie 4:00
    13 Heart Failed 3:37
    14 Action 3:48
    15 A Good Thing 4:00
    16 Side Streets 2:55
    17 Burnt out Car [Xenomania Mix] 3:38
    18 This Is Tomorrow 3:28

    Disc 2

    1 Kiss and Make Up 5:11
    2 Filthy 5:32
    3 Spring 3:41
    4 People Get Real 4:42
    5 Mario's Cafe 4:28
    6 Goodnight Jack [Original 1998 Version] 4:20
    7 The Bad Photographer 3:58
    8 Lose That Girl 4:03
    9 Lover Plays the Bass 4:13
    10 How We Used to Live 8:49
    11 Boy Is Crying 3:37
    12 Finisterre 3:43
    13 Soft Like Me 4:23
    14 Shower Scene 4:19
    15 Stars Above Us 3:23
    16 Teenage Winter 5:43
    17 I Was Born on Christmas Day 3:11

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to Iraklis and the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Hefner's Twin Dolly-Birds!

    Hugh Hefner's New Twin Girlfriends

    Apparently, Hugh Hefner's new bimbo girlfriends!

    More specifically, Hugh Hefner's new TWIN bimbo girlfriends!!


    Surreal, sick and wonderful rolled into one (or two!)

    Hugh Hefner's New Twin Girlfriends

    Hugh Hefner's New Twin Girlfriends

    However, if you look up the the word "Waste" in the Oxford English dictionary, you see the picture above!

    Somewhat akin to having two beautiful mint red porsches but being unable to drive!

    Yap, shame that Hef's about 150 years old now!

    There can't be enough Viagra in the world!

    Or maybe there is!

    Hugh Hefner's New Twin Girlfriends

    HOT HOTty

    Hot Babes (pics)

    Hot Babes (pics)

    Hot Babes (pics)

    Hot Babes (pics)

    Yann Tiersen & Jay Haze - Comptine d'un autre été: l'après-midi (2008)

    Yann Tiersen & Jay Haze - Comptine d'un autre été: l'après-midi (2008)

    Call me crazy, but I find it hard to imagine a bruiser like Jay Haze being enchanted by Jean-Pierre Jeunet's Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, a cute and quirky love story known to many as Amelie. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he saw it on a date with some totally hot piece of ass, which he dug into well before the credits rolled. In any case, he liked the musical score enough to slip a beat under one of the tracks and have Tuning Spork release it on a turquoise one-sided 12-inch. And, as unlikely as it may sound, Comptine d'un autre été: l'après-midi is a charmingly different track that really sticks with you, and succeeds in being both moving and bumpin'.

    A contemporary composer with rare pop appeal, Yann Tiersen's bittersweet melodies have adorned a number of critically acclaimed albums as well as soundtracks. Comptine d'un autre été: l'après-midi, exemplifies his style well, focusing on a melody that is as compelling as it is mournful. Jay Haze gives Tiersen's composition plenty of breathing room, focusing on the drums and letting the piano do its thing. The beat is classic Haze—thick and funky with impressive attention to detail. The contrast between Haze's oomph and Tiersen's melancholy is strangely symbiotic, and the track is ultimately no less upbeat than Haze's typical fare. Granted, this heavy-hearted track may be too sappy for some, but it is a refreshing change of pace for Haze as well as Tuning Spork, and will undoubtedly spark beautifully somber moments of clarity on the dance floor.

    1.Yann Tiersen & Jay Haze - Comptine d'un autre été: l'après-midi

    one side vinyl:

    Big thanks to iraklis and the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Dungen: 4

    photo: Karl Max


    Dungen has been at the vanguard of Swedish progressive rock since 2001. Led by Gustav Ejstes, the main composer, singer and instrumentalist, they continue to explore the meandering soundscapes peppered with the occasional guitar outburst. Their latest album 4 is more jazzy and sometimes even poppy than its predecessors, while retaining the seventies classic rock of feel of Pink Floyd albums like Obscure By Clouds and the output of Mike Oldfield.

    Gustav Ejstes doesn't play any guitar on this album, bringing his piano chops to the fore. His vocals are carefully floating on top of the tracks, serving as an extra instrumental layer.

    Dungen: 4

    4 is released on Kemado Records.

    1. Sätt Att Se
    2. Mälerås Finest
    3. Det Tar Tid
    4. Samtidigt 1
    5. Ingenting Är Sig Likt
    6. Fredag
    7. Finns Det Någon Möjlighet
    8. Mina Damer Och Fasaner
    9. Samtidigt 2
    10. Bandhagen
    USA tour:
    • 10/24 Brooklyn, NY, Music Hall of Williamsburg (CMJ/Kemado)
    • 10/26 Northampton, MA, Pearl Street
    • 10/27 Hoboken, NJ, Maxwell's
    • 10/28 Philadelphia, PA, Johnny Brenda's
    • 10/30 Boston, MA, Great Scott
    • 10/31 Toronto, ONT, Horseshoe Tavern
    • 11/01 Ann Arbor, MI, Blind Pig
    • 11/02 Chicago, IL, Bottom Lounge
    • 11/04 Minneapolis, MN, 400 Bar
    • 11/07 Seattle, WA, Chop Suey
    • 11 Portland, OR, Doug Fir
    • 11/10 San Francisco, CA, Bottom of the Hill
    • 11/11 Visalia, CA, Cellar Door
    • 11/12 Los Angeles, CA, The Echo

    MP3: Dungen - Sätt att se


    Vic Chesnutt and Elf Power -The Amorphous Strums - Dark Developments [2008]

    Vic Chesnutt & Elf Power-The Amorphous Strums - Dark Developments [2008]
    On Lame 320CBR | 2008 | Rock

    A wonderful collaboration between the great Vic Chesnutt and Elf Power!

    We love it!

    It's even got a great ditty about John Mc Cain. It's called Little Fucker !

    Vic recorded Dark Developments in his own attic studio in the Winter of 2007.

    It has trademark folk guitar ramblings spiced with Velvet Underground licks Chesnutt is still very much into lo-fi and this album is calling card for all aspiring home-recording artists. All you need are a good idea for a song, inviting a few friends to play along with you and press "record"!!

    The boys, of course, have collaborated before - most famously in 2004 on the Elf Power album Walking with the Beggar Boys.

    Legendary songwriter Vic Chesnutt teams with Elephant 6 psychsters Elf Power for a daunting sum of a record recalling the sounds of John Cale, Lou Reed and Nick Lowe.

    A tuneful collision of Athens institutions finds fruition this fall when Orange Twin releases Vic Chesnutt’s collaboration with Elephant 6 psychsters Elf Power, Dark Developments. As intriguing as this combination may seem for hardcore fans of either act, the final sonic results reveal a daunting sum much greater than even the involvement of such esteemed parts would imply. The Elves’ lived-in dexterity as a live band goads Vic’s vocal delivery to a menacing new muscularity, imbuing this batch of songs with a sinister vibe not dissimilar to John Cale’s black classic Fear, the harsh, articulate sleaze of Lou Reed’s Street Hassle or the defeated low key soul-music of Nick Lowe’s last few records.

    As useful as these benchmark-records are in identifying Dark Developments’ own unique spirit, this record truly stands on its own as a brilliant statement, a classic addition to Athens’ legendary pantheon, and, most importantly, as an organic meeting of two separately-evolved and vital musical entities that never feels forced, flashy or false. This is an important album endemic of a natural partnership, and a great way to spend an afternoon.

    Vic Chesnutt’s songwriting retains its trademark literary bent, as a tune like “Stop The Horse,” or the withered gallows-stroll of “The Mad Passion of The Stoic” flash the narrative weight, sturdy construction and lexical mystery of a long lost Raymond Carver story. And Chesnutt can still woo you with the odd, beautiful chord-change, the compelling melody and the strange sonic turn in the road. Album opener “Mystery,” moves from a desperately wordless lullaby into a torchy, fragile folk-waltz and back again in about three minutes time, all the while supporting an intuitive rumination on loss and the passage of time.

    There’s a reggae stutter buried in the bridges and verses of “Teddy Bear,” an oddball keyboard vamp suturing them all together, and a chorus of strange beheaded whispers orbiting just outside the elemental and poignant refrain: “He ain’t never comin’ back.” Again, this all transpires within the pop-sanctioned three-minute borderline, and the song stands as a totem for just how action-packed this record is on all levels.

    Recorded over the course of a winter by Vic and Derek Almstead in Chesnutt’s own attic studio, Dark Developments revels in the intimate, home-recorded atmosphere you’d expect from an Athenian union like this. And Elf Power sounds characteristically powerful in this setting: there’s the crack rhythm section of Almstead and Josh Lott (making his final appearance as an Elf) to anchor the affair, the subtle and tremulous interplay of guitarists Andrew Reiger and Jimmy Hughes, and the esoteric whimsy supplied by Laura Carter’s improvisational Moog and accordion.

    Indeed, the band’s famously-honed instincts and Day-Glo pop-smarts provide the contradictory musical notions that never allow the album to sway too far in one bleak direction or another: it’s that friction extant between Chesnutt’s shadowy worldview and the inventive bounce and bray of Elf Power’s euphonious intra-band chemistry that buoys Dark Developments, provides its freshness, and makes for rewarding repeated listening



    01. Mystery

    02. Little Fucker

    03. And How (MP3)

    04. Teddy Bear

    05. We Are Mean

    06. Stop The Horse

    07. Bilocating Dog

    08. The Mad Passion of The Stoic

    09. Phil The Fiddler

    Here she be;

    Dark Developments

    Big thanks to Miss Demeanour

    W. (Oliver Stone's Bush Biopic) [OST] (10/2008)

    W. (Oliver Stone's Bush Biopic) [OST] (10/2008)

    "I want a fair, true portrait of the man. How did Bush go from an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world? It's like Frank Capra territory on one hand, but I'll also cover the demons in his private life, his bouts with his dad and his conversion to Christianity, which explains a lot of where he is coming from. It includes his belief that God personally chose him to be president of the United States, and his coming into his own with the stunning, preemptive attack on Iraq. It will contain surprises for Bush supporters and his detractors."

    -Oliver Stone

    Another Stone biopic, this time about the dumbest asshole this side of a troop of jungle monkeys! Or this side of Sarah Palin!

    A moron whose tenure as President, amongst many other atrocities, dug America into a needless, unwinnable war for oil, and oversaw the tumbling of world economies back towards the great Depression.

    Interesting soundtrack though. Artists such as Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, and Willie Nelson along with portions of the original score by Paul Cantelon.

    W. is the new biographical film based on the life and presidency of George W. Bush. The film was produced and directed by Oliver Stone, written by Stanley Weiser, and stars Josh Brolin as Bush.

    Stone compares his goal for W. to the approach of The Queen (2006) and his own Nixon (1995).

    Filming began on May 12, 2008, in Louisiana with the release date being set for October 17, 2008.

    The Motion Picture Association of America rated the film PG-13 in the United States for "language including sexual references, some alcohol abuse, smoking and brief disturbing war images."

    More here: wiki/W._(film)


    01. War Introduction - from the W. original film score (Paul Cantelon)
    02. The Whiffenpoof Song - Collegians Male Chorus
    03. Claudette - Roy Orbison
    04. Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson
    05. Shotgun Boogie - Hank Thompson
    06. Bayou - from the W. original film score (Paul Cantelon)
    07. Mammas Don t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys - Willie Nelson
    08. Wasted Days and Wasted Nights - Freddy Fender
    09. Delta Waltz - from the W. original film score (Paul Cantelon)
    10. Robin Hood - Dick James with Stephen James and His Chums
    11. Deep In The Heart of Texas - Gene Autry
    12. The Differencemaker - from the W. original film score (Paul Cantelon)
    13. What A Wonderful World - Eddy Arnold
    14. Yellow Rose Of Texas - Mitch Miller
    15. War - from the W. original film score (Paul Cantelon)
    16. I m Winging My Way Back Home - The Blackwood Brothers
    17. With God on Our Side - Bob Dylan

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to the original poster

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Saturday, 11 October 2008

    Ryan Adams - Bedhead Vols. 1 & 2 (a.k.a. Live Is Hell)

    Ryan Adams - Bedhead Vols. 1 & 2 (a.k.a. Live Is Hell)

    An amazing collection of the best of the manifold Adams boots!

    Adams, although sometimes capable of greatness (e.g the sublime Jacksonville City Nights - one of the best albums of the past deacade) produces output that is voluminous but however of variable quality.

    Plus Adams is a bit of a tosser in real life (from what we read!)

    Regardless though, he is an amazing songwriter. One of the best of his generation.

    Some proof of this can be had here!

    This great collection comes from hardhittingsongs .

    Thanks mate! ... Check their great blog out!

    Ryan Adams - Bedhead Vol. 1

    Welcome to Hard Hitting Songs … To start things off, here is the first installment of the amazing Ryan Adams bootleg-series Bedhead.

    Torrents for these can be downloaded from the Ryan Adams Archive, but these files are either flac or shn files, and not tagged. I have converted them to mp3s (192 kbps) and tagged them… just for you :-)



    October 28, 1999 - Nashville, TN
    01. Statuettes With Wounds
    02. Onslow County
    03. Folklore

    October 29, 2000 - Asheville, NC
    04. Memories Of You
    05. It Wasn’t…

    February 16, 2000 - Austin,TX
    06. Don’t Fail Me Now

    September 28, 2000 - Philadelphia, PA
    07. Nighttime Gals
    08. Gimme Sunshine
    09. Born Yesterday
    10. Oh My Sweet Valentine

    November 07, 2000 - Gothenberg, Sweden
    11. Abigail
    12. The Fools We Are As Men
    13. I’m Alright Today

    November 1, 2000 - Minneapolis, MN
    14. Hey There Mrs.Lovely
    15. Just Like A Whore

    February 13, 2001 - Seattle, WA
    16. Mara Lisa

    February 17, 2001 - San Francisco, CA
    17. Movie Star Girl
    18. My California Love
    19. God Bless The Week(You Go Away)

    Disc 2 (Vol 2)
    February 17, 2001 - San Francisco, CA
    01. Pretending’s Fun
    02. Caterwaul
    03. What Sin
    04. Memphis (aka Drunk & Fucked Up)
    05. Where Is My Heart,Famous Eyes?
    06. She Wants To Play Hearts

    February 18, 2001 - San Francisco, CA
    07. Perfect and True
    08. Young Winds
    09. The Shoeshine Man

    April 24, 2001 - Malmo, Sweden
    10. Dear Anne
    11. My Love For You Is Real
    12. Everything’s Alright

    July 14, 2001 Nashville, TN (with The Pinkhearts)
    13. Charmed
    14. Tell Me How You Want Me

    November 14, 2001 - San Francisco, CA (with The LAX)
    15. Don’t Ask For The Water
    16. Desire
    17. I Don’t Wanna Work

    Disc 3 (Vol 3)
    January 5, 2000 - New York, NY
    01.The Poison And The Pain
    02. The String And The Wire

    April 28, 2001 - Bergen, Norway
    03. Silver Bullets
    04. Dreams Of A Working Class Clown
    05. 100 Krona I Just Won(Improv)

    September 28, 2001 - Atlanta, GA (with The Sweetheart Revolution)
    06. Friendly Fire
    07. Mega Superior Gold
    08. Gimme A Sign
    09. Tennessee Sucks

    October 5, 2001 - Boston, MA (with The Sweetheart Revolution)
    10. Candy Doll
    11.The Shakin’ Blues

    October 31, 2001 - Oslo, Norway (with The Sweetheart Revolution)
    12. You Will Always Be The Same
    13. Poor Jimmy
    14. Fool For You
    15. Friends (aka For Beth)
    16. Prison Letter

    October 22, 2001 - Glasgow, Scotland (with The Sweetheart Revolution)
    17. C’mon Little Girl

    February 6, 2002 - Amsterdam, Netherlands (with The Sweetheart Revolution)
    18. Vampire

    Bedhead was initially distributed via the whiskeytownavenues yahoo list and was put together by Mike DuBose in May 2002.

    Tracklist song titles updated to accord those as listed on

    bedhead-v1-f_croppedHere she be:


    (password: hardhittingsongs)

    Ryan Adams - Bedhead Vol. 2 (a.k.a. Live Is Hell)


    Yap ... part two of the excellent Bedhead-bootlegs, featuring some surprising cover versions, eg Sonic Youth and Madonna (!).WTF!

    Remember, if you plan on burning these files to disc, then head over to Ryan Adams Archive, and use the torrents instead. These feature lossless formats like flac, and sound better than mp3.



    Disc 1

    1. Monday Night (09-26-00, Toronto, ONT)
    2. 1974 (02-20-01, Los Angeles, CA) ***
    3. Sunday, Wish You Were Here (10-22-01, Glasgow, UK) ***
    4. Saturday Night (12-03-01, Columbia, MO)
    5. 1986 (12-06-01, Iowa City, IA)
    6. Off Broadway (12-07-01, Madison, WI)
    7. This Time (02-06-02, Amsterdam, NL)
    8. Mix Tapes (02-06-02, Amsterdam, NL)
    9. Soundtrack Of Your Life (02-09-02, Stockholm, SWE)
    10. Wish You Were Here (03-04-02, San Francisco, CA)
    11. Diamonds Or Hearts (03-06-02, Portland, OR)
    12. In The Night (03-01-02, San Diego, CA)
    13. Psalms (03-22-02, Philadelphia, PA)
    14. Going To Brownsville (03-07-02, Seattle, WA)
    15. Queen Of The World (03-13-02, Chicago, IL)

    Disc 2

    1. World War 24 (04-09-02, London, UK)
    2. Alanis (05-18-02, The Woodlands, TX)
    3. English Girls Approximately (10-15-02, Chicago, IL) ***
    4. Jim (11-06-02, Berlin, GER)
    5. Stumblin’ Thru’ The Dark Tonight (11-15-02, Helsinki, FIN) ***
    6. Shadowlands (11-28-02, Dublin, EIRE)
    7. Thank You Louise (11-28-02, Dublin, EIRE)
    8. Hard Way To Fall (12-01-02, Tilburg, NL)
    9. Twice As Bad As Love (12-04-02, Utrecht, NL)
    10. Learn How To Say Goodbye (12-04-02, Utrecht, NL)
    11. I See Monsters (12-05-02, Groningen, NL)
    12. Witch Hunt (12-07-02, Brussels, BEL)
    13. Jeanne (01-17-03, New York, NY)
    14. Chelsea Nights (01-17-03, New York, NY)

    Disc 3

    1. Expressway To Yr. Scull (12-05-02, Groningen, NL)
    2. Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground (12-07-01, Madison, WI)
    3. Wharf Rat (03-07-02, Seattle, WA)
    4. Bitch (02-13-02, Hamburg, GER)
    5. Beast Of Burden (01-17-03, New York, NY)
    6. Dead Flowers (11-01-00, Minneapolis, MN)
    7. Brown Sugar (12-08-02, Paris, FR)
    8. Return Of The Grevious Angel (10-29-99, Asheville, NC)
    9. Ooh Las Vegas (03-01-02, San Diego, CA)
    10. Sin City (03-11-02, Minneapolis, MN)
    11. Sweet Jane (10-30-02, Portland, OR)
    12. I Still Miss Someone (11-05-00, Stockholm, SWE)

    Disc 4

    1. Nervous Breakdown (03-21-02, New York, NY)
    2. Last Nite (04-10-02, London, UK)
    3. Morning Glory (04-09-02, London, UK)
    4. Lovesick Blues (10-05-01, Boston, MA)
    5. Wonderwall (10-20-00, New York, NY)
    6. Like A Virgin (12-01-02, Tilburg, NL)
    7. Helpless (10-28-99, Nashville, TN)
    8. Sweetest Decline (11-27-02, Dublin, EIRE)
    9. Daniel (04-02-02, Nashville, TN)
    10. Tiny Dancer (04-02-02, Nashville, TN)
    11. Rocket Man (10-03-01, New York, NY)
    12. I Wanna Be Your Dog (12-03-01, Columbia, MO)
    13. Come Down Easy (12-05-02, Groningen, NL)


    Here she be:


    (password: hardhittingsongs)

    All thanks to hardhittingson

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    L O V and E

    Another nice shot from Candian artist jemappellefaux


    Lovely work from rcvpharv

    Gotta be an Irish chick!

    Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone - Newcastle 1966

    You've gone to the finest schools all right, Miss Lonely

    Amazing performance of the greatest single even made, Like A Rolling Stone during Dylan's UK leg of the legendary world tour of 1965/66.

    We've got a wonderful 7 CD Box Set from that tour which we'll be posting real fucking soon!

    The end of the clip is excellent too! With the Brit National Anthem wafting in the air, Dylan and the boys are rushing out through tiny cramped spaces into the waiting limo while Geordie chicks are screaming at Dylan to take them with him! Classic stuff!!

    Thanks to CheeseMuffin2 who says;
    Phenomenal 1966 performance of Like A Rolling Stone in City Hall, Newcastle (props to Country Jim). Dylan is absolutely manic, a must-watch.

    People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
    You thought they were all kiddin' you
    You used to laugh about
    Everybody that was hangin' out
    Now you don't talk so loud
    Now you don't seem so proud
    About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

    Check this out for loads and loads of LARR! ...
    Bob Dylan - Greatest Single Ever Made (Like A Rolling Stone)

    Shall I Wait Longer?

    Great art from KamPhoto

    Classy Women

    Lovely shot from thegreensmurf

    Hello Hello

    Lovely piece from jemappellefaux

    Zen-The art of Contemplation

    Nice work by Ascavilya

    Reminds me of the tale of the old Zen Master who went into a burger bar.

    The young waitress asks"What would you like to order Master?"

    The old zen master replies "My child, I always only want one with everything"

    Classy Lady

    Like a Ghost, Ghost of Me

    Bob Dylan - Greatest Single Ever Made (Like A Rolling Stone)

    Greatest Single Ever Made - Like A Rolling Stone
    source: Highway 61 Interactive disc
    Released: 2000

    How does it feel
    To be on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    This is a pirate disc in the strictest sense of the definition, since it was taken from an official release. That release is the 1995 Highway 61 Interactive CD-ROM. However, let it slide for several reasons. First off, the disc is long out of print. The manufacturer is out of business. Only one song could be played via a standard audio CD player... all others were imbedded in the CD-ROM program.

    The released disc had two tracks. Track two was an audio track of the electric version of House Of The Rising Sun. That's the first track on this boot.

    Track one was the computer track. Interactive was really quite a nice disc, with some great interactive segments, and a lot of unique recordings. One segment is a virtual 1964 CBS studio. If you go into the control room, you can pull up various versions of the greatest single ever made. These recordings are what is to be found on this boot title. The biggest problem with the CD-ROM is that it was designed for Windows 95 format, is not completely compatible with Windows 98 and above. Therefore, few get to benefit from it these days.

    Quality: (8½ stars first track) (9½ stars last few tracks)

    - Review from

    "Like a Rolling Stone" explodes with fury, but it's never been clear exactly who its target is. The speculations have ranged from Joan Baez in particular to his audience in general, with more than a smear of misogyny in the former case, misanthropy in the latter. Miss Lonely, who has--according to that "reductive" reading--gone from riches to rags, is asked in a tone of bitter contempt how it feels to be like a rolling stone."

    If the society lady in "Like a rolling stone" was Jackie Kennedy and Napolean in rags was LBJ who was the siamese cat ???

    Dylan was already a controversial figure by the time this classic was released. The previous year he had shocked folk purists with his conversion to the electric guitar and he recorded this song with a full rock band. However it was session musician Al Kooper who made the most telling contribution to the track. Kooper was there merely to watch but when Dylan decided a second organist was needed he bluffed his way into the job and improvised a swirling, circular melody on the Hammond. Dylan loved it and boosted it up in the mix.

    Dylan’s vocals are also pushed up high in the production, emphasizing the importance of the biting lyrics, which were taken from a 24-page short story he’d written about a society girl who has fallen on hard times.

    The finished result revolutionised music in a way that few other songs have ever done. At over six minutes it broke down barriers on the notoriously time-conscious commercial radio and it proved that complex, intricate lyrics were no barrier to success. Folkies may have been outraged but it remains Dylan’s biggest hit.

    - BBC

    "I think it's one of those songs that's pretty timeless," Al Kooper says. "The other one that comes to mind is 'Good Vibrations.' When you hear it on the radio, it could have come out yesterday. It's a timeless record -- so is 'Heartbreak Hotel.' They're putting out something unique, that has not been done before. And because they were recognized, it's become ageless. Which is great. We hear music that was done by people who died before we had a chance to pick up on it -- for instance, Robert Johnson. So you're really glad, when you pass on, that you know people are going to hear 'Like a Rolling Stone' and 'Good Vibrations' and ‘Heartbreak Hotel,' and Robert Johnson. It's a good feeling."

    No matter how timeless "Like a Rolling Stone" might turn out to be, what happened over the two days of recording sessions makes it clear that had circumstances been even slightly different -- different people present, a different mood in the studio, different weather in the streets outside, a different headline in the morning paper -- the song might never have entered time at all, or interrupted it. "I told all the musicians, you quit playing, you're gone," Bob Johnston says of the sessions that followed. "You quit playing, you're never going to hear that song again.

    Dylan would start a song -- they'd be a third of the way through, and someone says, Waal, I didn't git that. The bass stops, or the piano player. Dylan would forget about that song and you'd never hear it again." "Like a Rolling Stone" is a triumph of craft, inspiration, will, and intent; regardless of all those things, it was also an accident.

    Listening now, you hear most of all how much the song resists the musicians and the singer. Except on a single take, when they went past the song and made their performance into an event that down the years would always begin again from its first bar, they are so far from the song and from each other it's easy enough to imagine Bob Dylan giving up on the song, no doubt taking phrases here and there and putting them into another song somewhere down the line but never bothering with that thing called "Like a Rolling Stone" again. Following the sessions as they happened, it can in moments be easier to imagine that than to believe that the record was actually made -- that, circling around the song like hunters surrounding an animal that has escaped them a dozen times, they caught it. That is what makes an event, after all: it can only happen once. Once it has happened, it will seem inevitable. But all the good reasons in the world can't make it happen.

    From Like a Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan at the Crossroads by Greil Marcus.
    Copyright 2005 by Greil Marcus.

    I really like to read Marcus' book if anyone wants to get me a copy!

    Poetic Accident: Recording 'Like a Rolling Stone' (NPR)
    Talk of the Nation, April 11, 2005 · Music journalist and author Greil Marcus talks about Like A Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan at the Crossroads, his new book about the recording of the 1965 hit.
    64 kbps, 16:49

    Greil Marcus on Recording 'Like a Rolling Stone'

    A Review of Greil Marcus' "Like a Rolling Stone: Bob Dylan at the Crossroads"
    Exploring the Unmapped Country
    By Ron Jacobs

    From the greatest lyricist of all, Dylan used words in a way the Beatles (whom I admire) never did. Consider his lyrics in Mr Tamborine Man and in Like a Rolling Stone both 1965. This is my favourite song of all. It's a six minute song that passes in no time. I've always felt each verse covers some part of Jackie Kennedy Onasis' life, with that stinging question at the end of each part. "How does it feel!" But I'd love to know what the man himself has to say.

    - BBC

    Some Dylan fans speak about this masterpiece;

    Is “Like A Rolling Stone” the most epic single of all time? Did Dylan create a new kind of songwriting with his complex lyrics? What do you think of Bob's songs?
    - David Walton/Wakefield

    Bought it when first released in '65. I have never got tired of listening to it. The organ bits are great.
    -frans ghent

    when you put highway 61 in your player, the first thing you hear is that brilliant snare drum en then that C chord, suspended on the third and fourth beat. that great organ sound, the biting lyrics, dylan's "vocal backbeat" ...time...fine... make you wish the sound never comes to an end. after hearing "rolling stone" for the first time, my life was never the same again.
    - Pete Fenelon, York

    A grown-up singer singing a grown-up song; suddenly rock could be "about" something more than teenage lust; it could move the head not the heart.
    - musiclover, london

    historically there is no real argument - this is the most important song of the last fifty years. this song more or less started 'popular culture'. it also happens to be hair-raisingly good.
    - Jonathan Carter, Swindon

    I'm only 13 and this is one of (if not THE) greatest song I have ever heard!
    - Colin Millard/Notts

    This song changed popular music forever.
    -Janet , Manchester

    A total gem! Dylan is a linguistic gymnast who never fails to capture the imagination!
    -Patrick- London

    Powerful message within this song, one you must work out for yourself. Use your imagination let it run off in many tangents for only then can you reach a conclusion. How can you achieve the heights of joy if you have never experienced the depths of despair. "How does it feel"
    - chris brighton

    there is brilliant, absolutely brilliant, stupendously brilliant and then there is Like a rolling stone.
    - lee c leicestershire

    The greatest 'song' accessible by the masses. Look at it from whatever angle ... you'll find something.
    - george wellington

    If the society lady in "Like a rolling stone" was Jackie Kennedy and Napolean in rags was LBJ who was the siamese cat ???
    - Sam, York

    This is the greatest single song ever. it not only is great musically with a fantastic with a fantastic organ part but it also has some of the best lyrics ever which remain potent today.
    - Sean Stennett Liverpool

    Such a uplifting, real song from his royal bobness
    - les newman

    A pulsating tune put to aggressive lyrics makes a potent cocktail
    - David Irwin, Kelvedon

    Once upon a time you dressed so fine
    You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
    People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
    You thought they were all kiddin' you
    You used to laugh about
    Everybody that was hangin' out
    Now you don't talk so loud
    Now you don't seem so proud
    About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To be without a home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely
    But you know you only used to get juiced in it
    And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street
    And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it
    You said you'd never compromise
    With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
    He's not selling any alibis
    As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
    And ask him do you want to make a deal?

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To be on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns
    When they all come down and did tricks for you
    You never understood that it ain't no good
    You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you
    You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat
    Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
    Ain't it hard when you discover that
    He really wasn't where it's at
    After he took from you everything he could steal.

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To be on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
    They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
    Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things
    But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe
    You used to be so amused
    At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
    Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
    When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
    You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To be on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone (From Unreleased Hard Rain)

    Bob performs this classic in his recorded, but unreleased Hard Rain concert. A real good version!

    From: JMLiles


    House Of The Rising Sun (electric)
    I Shall Be Free #10 (extra verse)
    Like A Rolling Stone (14 Takes)

    For true fans of His Bobness!



    if pass: dublindog

    More Madness from the sad mad world of GOP and the bad mad world of Palin!

    "This isn't a presidential ticket, this is a sitcom. The Maverick and the MILF."

    -Bill Maher

    by Larry Wright, Detroit, Michigan, The Detroit News

    This tweedledum and tweedledummer pair have gone well beyond being a sad comic bore!

    Are we hearing the first peals of the GOP death knell? Let's fucking hope so!

    Some great messages below from Moose Momma, plus VP Debate Summary on Letterman!

    Doggone it, it's fucking funny! You betcha! Darn Right!!!

    Report: Palin Abused Power (CBS News)

    Not only as stoopid as a turnip, but a crazy abuser of power! Let's make this cnut President!

    Doggone it, she's corrupt! You betcha! Darn Right!!!

    An investigation into the "Troopergate" scandal has determined that GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin abused her power in the firing of a state trooper. Manuel Gallegus reports. (CBSNews reports)

    Palin On Foreign Policy

    ....where do they go? It's Alaska .... ......

    This is fucking hilarious! The funniest thing on TV since the last series of Curb!

    Doggone it, she's dumber than a bowling ball! You betcha! Darn Right!!!

    What the fuck is this nitwit blabbering on about?

    Palin Can't Name a Newspaper She Reads!

    I read most of 'em ......
    All of em ... any of em ....

    Even more fucking hilarious!

    Doggone it, she's never read a newspaper in her life! You betcha! Darn Right!!!

    Alaska is like a microcosm of America. Just like Palin's empty skull is like a microcosm of the world of the crazy dumb creationist right!

    You betcha!

    by John Darkow, The Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

    "John McCain's VP pick is the Governor of Alaska, a unknown "Hockey Mom" named Sarah Palin that no one ever heard of before. The only other job she had in politics was as the mayor of a small town known as Wasilla, Alaska, and now she has the opportunity to be on a ticket opposite Barack Obama, the first black man she's ever seen."

    -Bill Maher

    by R.J. Matson, NY, The New York Observer and Roll Call

    Johann Sebastian Bach: Complete Works - Hänssler Edition Bachakademie

    Johann Sebastian Bach: Complete Works - Hänssler Edition Bachakademie
    2000 | APE + CUE | Booklets, Front Covers: 143 MB | 171 CDs: 51 GB

    The greatest creator of music of them all? Yap ... no doubt!

    And this sublime package collects all of the master's masterpieces! Yap... all of em!

    Grouped into 43 distinct volumes. A paltry 171 CDs in all!!

    The most magnificent music ever created!

    Full info about available recordings of the master's works ...

    A very different set than Teldec's Bach 2000. The Hanssler Bachakademie, supervised by Helmut Rilling, is not HIP (historic instruments performance). The orchestras are warm and lush (but not huge). The soloists are, in general, extraordinary. The tempos are sane.

    Hanssler has included fragments of some incomplete BWV's that are not included in the Teldec set; a minor plus but appealing. I found I preferred these traditional instruments and the daring using of forte-piano in place of harpsichord on a few of the recordings (flute sonatas).

    Highlights for me are The Well-Tempered Clavier Books 1 and 2, Musical Offering, Flute Sonatas, The Motets. I also found I prefer these Cantatas recordings to any other, including the new Koopman, Suzuki and the well-known Leonhart-Harnoncourt. While not the newest recordings, the sound is warmer which I prefer to the new state-of-the-art HIP recordings. Although most of the Cantatas are older recordings, much of the Hanssler Bachakademie edition is newly recorded for this project and the sound is consistent and excellent.

    • Vol. 01 Kantaten
    • Vol. 02 Kantaten
    • Vol. 03 Kantaten
    • Vol. 04 Kantaten
    • Vol. 05 Kantaten
    • Vol. 06 Kantaten
    • Vol. 07 Kantaten
    • Vol. 08 Kantaten
    • Vol. 09 Kantaten
    • Vol. 10 Kantaten
    • Vol. 11 Kantaten
    • Vol. 12 Kantaten
    • Vol. 13 Kantaten
    • Vol. 14 Kantaten
    • Vol. 15 Kantaten
    • Vol. 16 Secular Cantatas
    • Vol. 17 Secular Cantatas
    • Vol. 18 Cantatas & Motets
    • Vol. 19 H-Moll-Messe, Sacred Music in Latin
    • Vol. 20 Christmas Oratorio, Choralbuch
    • Vol. 21 Matthäus-Passion, Choralbuch
    • Vol. 22 Johannes-Passion, Oster & Himmelsfahrts-Oratorio
    • Vol. 23 Magnificat, Choralbuch
    • Vol. 24 Ein Choralbuch
    • Vol. 25 Organ Chorales & Ohrdruf, Lüneburg, Arnstadt
    • Vol. 26 Organ works
    • Vol. 27 Organ works
    • Vol. 28 Organ works
    • Vol. 29 Organ works
    • Vol. 30 Harpsichord - Cembalo
    • Vol. 31 Piano (Evgeni Koroliov)
    • Vol. 32 Keyboard works
    • Vol. 33 Das Wohltemperierte Klavier
    • Vol. 34 English & French Suites
    • Vol. 35 Klavierbüchlein
    • Vol. 36 Keyboard works
    • Vol. 37 Cembalo Partitas, Die Kunst der Fuge
    • Vol. 38 Brandenburg Concertos, Orchestersuiten
    • Vol. 39 Works for Violin
    • Vol. 40 Cembalo Concertos
    • Vol. 41 Chello solo, Violin solo
    • Vol. 42 Lute, Flute, Viola da Gamba & Cembalo
    • Vol. 43 Oboe, Musik Offer, Canons, Klavier

    Here be magnificence!

    Booklets, Front Covers & Links
    CD1 of vol 7

    CD3 and CD4:

    Big thanks to wellithink and ctmelo and other posters

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bo Diddley - His Best (1955-66)

    Bo Diddley - His Best (1955-66)
    FLAC (cue+log+covers) | 335 Mb | RS
    Released: 1997 | Label:MCA / Chess (MCD 09373) | Genre:Blues

    Wonderful collection from the late great bluesman!

    The Chess Records' "His Best" compilations are generally outstanding, and the Bo Diddley installation is no exception.

    Outside of purchasing Bo's key studio albums, or shelling out for the comprehensive box set, HIS BEST is the Bo Diddley disc to have, since it covers all of his essential hits, from "Roadrunner" to "I'm a Man" to "Hey! Bo Diddley" to "Who Do You Love?"

    But the real surprise here is the quality of the remastering, which brings out a real crispness and edge to the recordings, and the "longer cuts" that result from re-edits to the original masters. Also here, of course, are the infectious, hugely influential Bo Didley beat, the rumbling, ch-chinking guitar, Bo's neo-blues wails and self-mythologizing lyrics, and everything else that makes this music some of the absolute best and most important in the chapters of early rock & roll.


    01. Bo Diddley [2:46]
    02. I'm A Man [3:01]
    03. You Don't Love Me (You Don't Care) [2:52]
    04. Diddley Daddy [2:27]
    05. Pretty Thing [2:50]
    06. Bring It To Jerome [2:29]
    07. I'm Looking For A Woman [2:33]
    08. Who Do You Love? [2:29]
    09. Hey Bo Diddley [2:12]
    10. Mona (aka I Need You Baby) [2:21]
    11. Before You Accuse Me [3:05]
    12. Say Man [3:14]
    13. Dearest Darling [2:52]
    14. Crackin' Up [2:06]
    15. The Story Of Bo Diddley [2:52]
    16. Road Runner [2:47]
    17. Pills [2:50]
    18. I Can Tell [4:34]
    19. You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover [3:15]
    20. Ooh Baby [3:49]

    Bo Diddley (vocals, guitar, violin)
    Jerome Green (vocals, maracas)
    Peggy Jones (guitar, background vocals)
    Jody Williams, Ricky Jolivet (guitar)
    Edward Drennon (electric violin)
    Billy Boy Arnold, Little Walter, Lester Davenport (harmonica)
    Otis Spann, Lafayette Leake (piano)
    Frank Kirkland, Clifton James, Billy Downing, Edell Robertson (drums)
    Willie Dixon, James Bradford, Jesse James Johnson, Chester Lindsey (bass)
    Cornelia Redmond (tambourine)
    The Bo-ettes (aka The Cookies), Bobby Baskerville, The Moonglows, The Flamingos, The Carnations (background vocals)

    Here she be:

    FLAC1 99,66 Mb
    FLAC2 99,66 Mb
    FLAC3 99,66 Mb
    FLAC4 36,34 Mb

    Artwork 18,86 Mb

    5% recovery

    Pass: drucen

    Big thanks to drucen

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mushi Mushi Yui Tatsumi

    Mushi Mushi Yui Tatsumi!

    We like this hotty san!

    Yui is a JAV star and has appeared in quite a few movies.

    Thanks to our friend who sent us these!

    A nice photo-set .... but we can only show a few of em though!

    HQ DVDRip Ipod Vids (mp4) - Midlake, Wolf Parade, Josh Ritter, Iron and Wine, The Postal Service, Decemberists.

    All vids are:
    128 kbps audio
    Directly ripped from DVD
    Many are not available on iTunes

    Some wonderful innovative Indie music here from great acts such as Midlake, Wolf Parade, Josh Ritter, Iron and Wine, The Postal Service andThe Decemberists.

    Midlake - Young Bride

    check out vid here:

    Wolf Parade - Modern World

    check out vid here:

    The Decemberists - 16 Military Wives

    check out vid here:

    The Postal Service - We Will Become Silhouettes

    check out vide here:

    Iron & Wine - Naked As We Came

    check out vid here:

    Josh Ritter - Lillian, Egypt

    check out vide here:

    Big thanks to kaocism

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Leonard Cohen - Live Songs (1973) (Better links)

    Album : Live Songs
    Artist : Leonard Cohen
    Release Date : 2001
    Original Release Date : 1973
    Columbia | CD 32272
    Number of Discs : 1
    Total time : 00:49:08
    EAC (APE+CUE+LOG) | full 300dpi scans | 174 MB
    rar files | 3% recovery

    I am dirty as a glass roof in a train station
    I feel like an empty cast iron exhibition

    A great Lenny live LP. This 1973 album is comprised of live recordings made in 1970 and 1972 in London, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Isle Of Wight and Tennessee.

    Cohen's fourth album was released during the three-year silence between Songs of Love and Hate and New Skin for the Old Ceremony.

    Live Songs is a live album, or, more accurately -and as the title suggests - a compilation of live recordings, performed mostly in Europe in 1970 and 1972. Cohen is backed by an excellent country-influenced group, which includes guitarist/ fiddler Charlie Daniels and vocalist "Jennifer Warren", who would soon become famous as Jennifer Warnes who, amongst other things (some good solo stuff and some succesful stuff too - especially the "Up Where We Belong" movie tie-in single with Joe Cocker) became a renowned interpreter of Lenny's songs.

    The album consists mostly of reinterpretations (often with additional or significantly altered lyrics) of songs from Cohen's second album, Songs From a Room.

    For example, "Nancy" is a version of "Seems So Long Ago, Nancy", and "Improvisation" is an extended instrumental guitar trio version of the vamp from "You Know Who I Am", which is also featured.

    Strangely, neither Songs of Leonard Cohen nor Songs of Love and Hate (which itself had featured a live track, "Let's Sing Another Song, Boys", culled from the same tour as the 1970 recordings here) are represented.

    The other tracks are a cover of the folk standard "Passing Through", and two new compositions: "Please Don't Pass Me By (A Disgrace)" (a thirteen-minute singalong recorded in 1970) and "Minute Prologue".

    At the beginning of a Paris, France performance of "Bird on the Wire", Cohen recites the first verse of a French translation of the song's lyric.

    A "bonus" track, the sublime "Queen Victoria", was recorded by Cohen alone in his Tennessee hotel room in 1972. This was later covered wonderfully by the great John Cale!

    Lenny must have had a thing for weird stoic right-wing German-Brit bitches! Guess he must've later loved Maggie Thatcher!

    Queen Victoria,
    My father and all his tobacco loved you,
    I love you too in all your forms,
    the slim unlovely virgin floating among German beards,
    the mean governess of the huge pink maps,
    the solitary mourner of a prince.

    Queen Victoria,
    I am cold and rainy,
    I am dirty as a glass roof in a train station,
    I feel like an empty cast iron exhibition,
    I want ornaments on everything,
    because my love, she gone with other boys.

    Queen Victoria,
    do you have a punishment under the white lace,
    will you be short with her, make her read those little Bibles,
    will you spank her with a mechanical corset.
    I want her pure as power, I want her skin slightly musty with petticoats
    will you wash the easy bidet out of her head?

    Queen Victoria,
    I'm not much nourished by modern love,
    will you come into my life
    with your sorrow and your black carriages,
    And your perfect

    Queen Victoria,
    the Twentieth Century belongs to you and me.
    Let us be two severe giants not less lonely for our partnership,
    who discoloured test tubes in the halls of Science,
    who turned up unwelcome at every World's Fair,
    heavy with proverb and correction
    confusing the star-dazed tourists
    with our incomparable sense of loss.


    1. Minute Prologue
    2. Passing Through
    3. You Know Who I Am
    4. Bird on the Wire
    5. Nancy
    6. Improvisation
    7. Song of Isaac
    8. Please Don't Pass Me By
    9. Tonight Will Be Fine
    10. Queen Victoria

    Here be Lenny:

    DL 2 parts


    HINT: careful of space

    All thanks Bumbo

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Midlake - Oak And Julian EP (2007)

    Midlake - Oak And Julian EP (2007)
    Mp3 / RS

    On September 4th Midlake released a digital EP called Oak and Julian, a small collection of rarities and b-sides from the last few years, including one from the wonderful The Trials of Van Occupanther (2006)

    The EP includes the older track, “Mornings Will Be Kind,” off of the Balloon Maker 7″. The song, which my brother-in-law (and Midlake superfan) always refers to as “Follow You Around” because of the repeated refrain, is a throwback to their Bella Union debut, the lo-fi, Grandaddy-esque Bamnan & Silvercork."


    1. Roscoe (Acoustic Version)
    2. It Covers The Hillside (Acoustic Version)
    3. Marion
    4. Mornings Will Be Kind

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Midlake - Bamnan and Slivercork (2004)

    Midlake - Bamnan and Slivercork (2004)
    Released June, 2004
    Length 46:04
    Label Bella Union
    Producer Midlake
    Mp3 / RS

    This wasreleased in 2004 to very positive reviews. It mixed warm acoustic sounds with electronica and lo-fi keyboard.

    The songs "Balloon Maker" and "Kingfish Pies" were released as singles.

    The tricky thing about lo-fi music is that if you don't know in advance that it's a style that has deliberately been adopted, you may mistakenly suppose that it's just, well, bad. The final song on Bamnan and Slivercork, Midlake's debut album, is called "Mr. Amateur," with lead singer Tim Smith, whose nasal voice recalls Rufus Wainwright's, declaring, "I'm Mr. Amateur on the freeway/I'm Mr. Amateur with a cupcake," and the uninitiated, having listened to the disc's previous 43 or so minutes, might be inclined to agree.

    The sound quality is primitive and it's a match for the playing, which sounds like the first rehearsal by a bunch of musicians who just started learning to play last week. Ah, but that's the point! In fact, the five members of Midlake all attended the North Texas School of Music before forming the band, which has been playing out for several years. Their influences are clear; like so many others, they are obsessed by the early psychedelic pop days of 1966-1967.

    Bamnan and Slivercork sounds like a group of musicians trying to remake Pet Sounds and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band with toy instruments on a portable cassette recorder, that is, with even more impressionistic lyrics. It's a pose that requires the listener to be in on the joke. And now that you've been forewarned, you can go ahead and appreciate it for its offbeat charm.

    - Allmusic


    1. They Cannot Let It Expand
    2. Balloon Maker
    3. Kingfish Pies
    4. I Guess I'll Take Care
    5. Some of Them Were Superstitious
    6. The Reprimand
    7. The Jungler
    8. He Tried to Escape
    9. Mopper's Medley
    10. No One Knew Where We Were
    11. Anabel
    12. Mr. Amateur

    Here she be:


    Big thanks to revolution9

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Beatles - Discography (41 Albums) - Remastered by Dr. Ebbetts

    The Beatles - Discography (41 Albums)
    MP3@320Kbps | Remastered by Dr. Ebbetts
    41 Albums | 614 Tracks | TT 1:03:48:51 | iTunes-compliant tags | 4.2 GB

    Dr. Ebbetts specializes in releasing digital remasterings from long-deleted and hard-to-obtain vinyl records, particularly issues from the audiophile Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs (MFSL) label. Although the Ebbetts catalogue has many artists, it is most known for Beatles CDs transferred from the best quality MFSL releases, US releases and mono vinyl sources. While lables like Millenium, BEAT, Mirror Spock and Fabulous Sound Labs (FSL) also issue 'needle drops' of Beatles vinyl, Dr. Ebbetts is regarded by many audiophiles as being the highest quality. For those interested in the technical, one source close to the Dr says that Ebbetts says that he uses no noise reduction and that there's no magic formula...just a good ear and patience.

    Album List

    • 1962-1966 (US Stereo) (Covers)
    • 1967-1970 (US Stereo)
    • A Hard Day's Night (MFSL) (Covers)
    • A Hard Day's Night (UK Mono)
    • Abbey Road (MFSL)
    • Beatles For Sale (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Beatles for Sale (UK Mono)
    • Beatles VI (US Mono) (Covers)
    • Beatles VI (US Stereo) (Covers)
    • Casualties (US Mono-Stereo)
    • Help! (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Help! (UK Mono)
    • Introducing The Beatles (v2 US Mono) (Covers)
    • Introducing The Beatles (v2 US Stereo) (Covers)
    • Last Licks Live (2005) (Covers)
    • Let It Be (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Magical Mystery Tour (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Magical Mystery Tour (US Mono 2005) (Covers)
    • Meet the Beatles (US Stereo 2005)
    • Please Please Me (MFSL)
    • Please Please Me (UK Mono)
    • Rarities (US Mono-Stereo) (Covers)
    • Revolver (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Revolver (UK Mono) (Covers)
    • Rock 'n' Roll Music (US Stereo) (Covers)
    • Rubber Soul (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Rubber Soul (UK Mono)
    • Rubber Soul (US Mono) (Covers)
    • Second Album (US Stereo 2005)
    • Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (US Mono) (Covers)
    • The Beatles (MFSL) (Covers)
    • The Beatles (UK Mono)
    • With The Beatles (Canadian Stereo 2005) (Covers)
    • With The Beatles (MFSL) (Covers)
    • With The Beatles (UK Mono)
    • Yellow Submarine (MFSL) (Covers)
    • Yellow Submarine (UK Mono) (Covers)
    • Yellow Submarine Songtrack (Mono 2005) (Covers)
    • Yesterday & Today (US Stereo 2005) (Covers)
    • Yesterday & Today (US Mono) (Covers)

    Album Track List

      1962-1966 (US Stereo)


    • 01. Love Me Do
    • 02. Eight Days a Week
    • 03. I Feel Fine
    • 04. Ticket to Ride
    • 05. Yesterday
    • 06. Help!
    • 07. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
    • 08. We Can Work it Out
    • 09. Day Tripper
    • 10. Drive My Car
    • 11. Norwegian Wood
    • 12. Please Please Me
    • 13. Nowhere Man


    • 01. Michelle
    • 02. In My Life
    • 03. Girl
    • 04. Paperback Writer
    • 05. Eleanor Rigby
    • 06. Yellow Submarine
    • 07. From Me to You
    • 08. She Loves You
    • 09. I Want to Hold Your Hand
    • 10. All My Loving
    • 11. Can't Buy me Love
    • 12. A Hard Day's Night
    • 13. And I Love Her

      1967-1970 (US Stereo)


    • 01. Strawberry Fields Forever
    • 02. The Fool on the Hill
    • 03. Magical Mystery Tour
    • 04. Lady Madonna
    • 05. Hey Jude
    • 06. Revolution
    • 07. Penny Lane
    • 08. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
    • 09. With a Little Help from My Friends
    • 10. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
    • 11. A Day in the Life
    • 12. All You Need is Love
    • 13. I am the Walrus
    • 14. Hello, Goodbye


    • 01. Back in the USSR
    • 02. Something
    • 03. Octopus's Garden
    • 04. Let It be
    • 05. Across the Universe
    • 06. The Long and Winding Road
    • 07. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    • 08. Ob La Di, Ob La Da
    • 09. Get Back
    • 10. Don't Let Me Down
    • 11. The Balad Of John and Yoko
    • 12. Old Brown Shoe
    • 13. Here Comes the Sun
    • 14. Come Together

      A Hard Day's Night (MFSL)

    • 01. A Hard Day's Night
    • 02. I Should Have Known Better
    • 03. If I Fell
    • 04. I'm Happy Just To Dance with You
    • 05. And I Love Her
    • 06. Tell Me Why
    • 07. Can't Buy Me Love
    • 08. Any Time at All
    • 09. I'll Cry Instead
    • 10. Things We Said Today
    • 11. When I Get Home
    • 12. You Can't Do That
    • 13. I'll Be Back

      A Hard Day's Night (UK Mono)

    • 01. A Hard Day's Night
    • 02. I Should Have Known Better
    • 03. If I Fell
    • 04. I'm Happy Just to Dance With You
    • 05. And I Love Her
    • 06. Tell Me Why
    • 07. Can't Buy Me Love
    • 08. Any Time at All
    • 09. I'll Cry Instead
    • 10. Things We Said Today
    • 11. When I Get Home
    • 12. You Can't Do That
    • 13. I'll Be Back

      Abbey Road (MFSL)

    • 01. Come Together
    • 02. Something
    • 03. Maxwell's Silver Hammer
    • 04. Oh! Darling
    • 05. Octopus's Garden
    • 06. I Want You (She's So Heavy)
    • 07. Here Comes the Sun
    • 08. Because
    • 09. You Never Give Me Your Money
    • 10. Sun King
    • 11. Mean Mr. Mustard
    • 12. Polythene Pam
    • 13. She Came in Through the Bathroom Window
    • 14. Golden Slumbers
    • 15. Carry That Weight
    • 16. Oh_ Yeah...Alright...
    • 17. The End
    • 18. Her Majesty

      Beatles For Sale (MFSL)

    • 01. No Reply
    • 02. I'm A Loser
    • 03. Baby's In Black
    • 04. Rock and Roll Music
    • 05. I'll Follow the Sun
    • 06. Mr. Moonlight
    • 07. Kansas City (Hey Hey Hey)
    • 08. Eight Days a Week
    • 09. Words of Love
    • 10. Honey Don't
    • 11. Every Little Thing
    • 12. I Don't Want to Spoil the Party
    • 13. What You're Doing
    • 14. Everybody's Trying to be My Baby

      Beatles for Sale (UK Mono)

    • 01. No Reply
    • 02. I'm A Loser
    • 03. Baby's in Black
    • 04. Rock and Roll Music
    • 05. I'll Follow the Sun
    • 06. Mr. Moonlight
    • 07. Kansas City (Hey Hey Hey)
    • 08. Eight Days a Week
    • 09. Words of Love
    • 10. Honey Don't
    • 11. Every Little Thing
    • 12. I Don't Want to Spoil the Party
    • 13. What You're Doing
    • 14. Everybody's Trying to be My Baby

      Beatles VI (US Mono)

    • 01. Kansas City
    • 02. Eight Days a Week
    • 03. You Like Me too Much
    • 04. Bad Boy
    • 05. I Don't Want to Spoil the Party
    • 06. Words of Love
    • 07. What You're Doing
    • 08. Yes It Is
    • 09. Dizzy Miss Lizzy
    • 10. Tell Me What You See
    • 11. Every Little Thing

      Beatles VI (US Stereo)

    • 01. Kansas City
    • 02. Eight Days a Week
    • 03. You Like Me Too Much
    • 04. Bad Boy
    • 05. I Don't Want to Spoil the Party
    • 06. Words of Love
    • 07. What You're Doing
    • 08. Yes It Is
    • 09. Dizzy Miss Lizzie
    • 10. Tell Me What You See
    • 11. Every Little Thing

      Casualties (US Mono-Stereo)

    • 01. Please Please Me
    • 02. I Want to Hold Your Hand
    • 03. Money (That's What I Want)
    • 04. A Hard Day's Night
    • 05. I'll Cry Instead
    • 06. Ticket to Ride
    • 07. Yes It Is
    • 08. Day Tripper
    • 09. I'm Only Sleeping
    • 10. Strawberry Fields Forever
    • 11. I Am the Walrus
    • 12. Only a Northern Song
    • 13. Revolution
    • 14. Her Majesty
    • 15. Let It Be
    • 16. Love Me Do
    • 17. From Me to You

      Help! (MFSL)

    • 01. Help!
    • 02. Night Before, The
    • 03. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
    • 04. I Need You
    • 05. Another Girl
    • 06. You're Going to Lose that Girl
    • 07. Ticket to Ride
    • 08. Act Naturally
    • 09. It's Only Love
    • 10. You Like Me Too Much
    • 11. Tell Me What You See
    • 12. I've Just Seen a Face
    • 13. Yesterday
    • 14. Dizzy Miss Lizzy

      Help! (UK Mono)

    • 01. Help!
    • 02. The Night Before
    • 03. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
    • 04. I Need You
    • 05. Another Girl
    • 06. You're Going to Lose that Girl
    • 07. Ticket to Ride
    • 08. Act Naturally
    • 09. It's Only Love
    • 10. You Like Me Too Much
    • 11. Tell Me What You See
    • 12. I've Just Seen a Face
    • 13. Yesterday
    • 14. Dizzy Miss Lizzy

      Introducing The Beatles (v2 US Mono)

    • 01. I Saw Her Standing There
    • 02. Misery
    • 03. Anna (Go to Him)
    • 04. Chains
    • 05. Boys
    • 06. Ask Me Why
    • 07. Please Please Me
    • 08. Baby It's You
    • 09. Do You Want to Know a Secret
    • 10. A Taste of Honey
    • 11. There's a Place
    • 12. Twist and Shout

      Introducing The Beatles (v2 US Stereo)

    • 01. I Saw Her Standing There
    • 02. Misery
    • 03. Anna (Go to Him)
    • 04. Chains
    • 05. Boys
    • 06. Ask Me Why
    • 07. Please Please Me
    • 08. Baby It's You
    • 09. Do You Want to Know a Secret
    • 10. A Taste of Honey
    • 11. There's a Place
    • 12. Twist and Shout

      Last Licks Live (2005)

    • 01. Get Back #1
    • 02. Get Back #2
    • 03. Don't Let Me Down #1
    • 04. I've Got a Feeling #1
    • 05. One After 909
    • 06. Dig a Pony
    • 07. I've Got a Feeling #2
    • 08. Don't Let Me Down #2
    • 09. Get Back #3

      Let It Be (MFSL)

    • 01. Two of Us
    • 02. Dig A Pony
    • 03. Across The Universe
    • 04. I Me Mine
    • 05. Dig It
    • 06. Let It Be
    • 07. Maggie Mae
    • 08. I've Got a Feeling
    • 09. One After 909
    • 10. The Long and Winding Road
    • 11. For You Blue
    • 12. Get Back

      Magical Mystery Tour (MFSL)

    • 01. Magical Mystery Tour
    • 02. The Fool on the Hill
    • 03. Flying
    • 04. Blue Jay Way
    • 05. Your Mother Should Know
    • 06. I Am the Walrus
    • 07. Hello Goodbye
    • 08. Strawberry Fields Forever
    • 09. Penny Lane
    • 10. Baby You're a Rich Man
    • 11. All You Need is Love

      Magical Mystery Tour (US Mono 2005)

    • 01. Magical Mystery Tour
    • 02. The Fool on the Hill
    • 03. Flying
    • 04. Blue Jay Way
    • 05. Your Mother Should Know
    • 06. i Am the Walrus
    • 07. Hello Goodbye
    • 08. Strawberry Fields Forever
    • 09. Penny Lane
    • 10. Baby Your a Rich Man
    • 11. All You Need is Love

      Meet the Beatles (US Stereo 2005)

    • 01. I Want to Hold Your Hand
    • 02. I Saw Her Standing There
    • 03. This Boy
    • 04. It Won't be Long
    • 05. All I've Got to Do
    • 06. All My Loving
    • 07. Don't Bother Me
    • 08. Little Child
    • 09. Every Little Thing
    • 10. Hold Me Tight
    • 11. I Wanna be Your Man
    • 12. Not a Second Time

      Please Please Me (MFSL)

    • 01. I Saw Her Standing There
    • 02. Misery
    • 03. Anna (Go to Him)
    • 04. Chains
    • 05. Boys
    • 06. Ask Me Why
    • 07. Please Please Me
    • 08. Love Me Do
    • 09. P.S. I Love You
    • 10. Baby It's You
    • 11. Do You Want to Know a Secret
    • 12. A Taste of Honey
    • 13. There's a Place
    • 14. Twist and Shout

      Please Please Me (UK Mono)

    • 01. I Saw Her Standing There
    • 02. Misery
    • 03. Anna (Go to Him)
    • 04. Chains
    • 05. Boys
    • 06. Ask Me Why
    • 07. Please Please Me
    • 08. Love Me Do
    • 09. P.S. I Love You
    • 10. Baby It's You
    • 11. Do You Want To Know A Secret
    • 12. A Taste of Honey
    • 13. There's a Place
    • 14. Twist and Shout

      Rarities (US Mono-Stereo)

    • 01. Love Me Do
    • 02. Misery
    • 03. There's a Place
    • 04. Sie Liebt Dich
    • 05. And I Love Her
    • 06. Help!
    • 07. I'm Only Sleeping
    • 08. I Am the Walrus
    • 09. Penny Lane
    • 10. Helter Skelter
    • 11. Don't Pass Me By
    • 12. The Inner Light
    • 13. Across the Universe
    • 14. You Know My Name (Look Up My Number)
    • 15. Sgt. Pepper Inner Groove

      Revolver (MFSL)

    • 01. Taxman
    • 02. Eleanor Rigby
    • 03. I'm Only Sleeping
    • 04. Love You To
    • 05. Here, There and Everywhere
    • 06. Yellow Submarine
    • 07. She Said She Said
    • 08. Good Day Sunshine
    • 09. And Your Bird Can Sing
    • 10. For No One
    • 11. Doctor Robert
    • 12. I Want To Tell You
    • 13. Got To Get You Into My Life
    • 14. Tomorrow Never Knows

      Revolver (UK Mono)

    • 01. Taxman
    • 02. Eleanor Rigby
    • 03. I'm Only Sleeping
    • 04. Love You To
    • 05. Here, There and Everywhere
    • 06. Yellow Submarine
    • 07. She Said She Said
    • 08. Good Day Sunshine
    • 09. And Your Bird Can Sing
    • 10. For No One
    • 11. Doctor Robert
    • 12. I Want To Tell You
    • 13. Got To Get You Into My Life
    • 14. Tomorrow Never Knows

      Rock 'n' Roll Music (US Stereo)

    • 01. Twist and Shout
    • 02. I Saw Her Standing There
    • 03. You Can't Do That
    • 04. I Wanna Be Your Man
    • 05. I Call Your Name
    • 06. Boys
    • 07. Long Tall Sally
    • 08. Rock and Roll Music
    • 09. Slow Down
    • 10. Kansas City
    • 11. Money (That's What I Want)
    • 12. Bad Boy
    • 13. Matchbox
    • 14. Roll Over Beethoven
    • 15. Dizzy Miss Lizzie
    • 16. Anytime at All
    • 17. Drive My Car
    • 18. Everybody's Trying to be My Baby
    • 19. The Night Before
    • 20. I'm Down
    • 21. Revolution
    • 22. Back In The USSR
    • 23. Helter Skelter
    • 24. Taxman
    • 25. Got To Get You Into My Life
    • 26. Hey Bulldog
    • 27. Birthday
    • 28. Get Back

      Rubber Soul (MFSL)

    • 01. Drive My Car
    • 02. Norwegian Wood (this Bird has Flown)
    • 03. You Won't See Me
    • 04. Nowhere Man
    • 05. Think for Yourself
    • 06. The Word
    • 07. Michelle
    • 08. What Goes On
    • 09. Girl
    • 10. I'm Looking Through You
    • 11. In My Life
    • 12. Wait
    • 13. If I Needed Someone
    • 14. Run for Your Life

      Rubber Soul (UK Mono)

    • 01. Drive My Car
    • 02. Norwegian Wood (this Bird has Flown)
    • 03. You Won't See Me
    • 04. Nowhere Man
    • 05. Think for Yourself
    • 06. The Word
    • 07. Michelle
    • 08. What Goes On
    • 09. Girl
    • 10. I'm Looking Through You
    • 11. In My Life
    • 12. Wait
    • 13. If I Needed Someone
    • 14. Run for Your Life

      Rubber Soul (US Mono)

    • 01. I've Just Seen a Face
    • 02. Norwegian Wood
    • 03. You Won't See Me
    • 04. Think for Yourself
    • 05. The Word
    • 06. Michelle
    • 07. It's Only Love
    • 08. Girl
    • 09. I'm Looking Through You
    • 10. In My Life
    • 11. Wait
    • 12. Run For Your Life

      Second Album (US Stereo 2005)

    • 01. Roll Over Beethoven
    • 02. Thank You Girl
    • 03. You Really Got a Hold on Me
    • 04. Devil in Her Heart
    • 05. Money (That's What I Want)
    • 06. You Can't Do That
    • 07. Long Tall sally
    • 08. I Call Your Name
    • 09. Please Mr. Postman
    • 10. I'll Get You
    • 11. She Loves You

      Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (MFSL)

    • 01. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
    • 02. With A Little Help From My Friends
    • 03. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
    • 04. Getting Better
    • 05. Fixing A Hole
    • 06. She's Leaving Home
    • 07. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite
    • 08. Within You, Without You
    • 09. When I'm Sixty-Four
    • 10. Lovely Rita
    • 11. Good Morning, Good Morning
    • 12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
    • 13. A Day In The Life

      Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (US Mono)

    • 01. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
    • 02. A Little Help from My Friends
    • 03. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
    • 04. Getting Better
    • 05. Fixing a Hole
    • 06. She's Leaving Home
    • 07. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
    • 08. Within You Without You
    • 09. When I'm Sixty-Four
    • 10. Lovely Rita
    • 11. Good Morning Good Morning
    • 12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
    • 13. A Day in the Life

      The Beatles (MFSL)


    • 01. Back in the USSR
    • 02. Dear Prudence
    • 03. Glass Onion
    • 04. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
    • 05. Wild Honey Pie
    • 06. The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
    • 07. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    • 08. Happiness is a Warm Gun
    • 09. Martha My Dear
    • 10. I'm So Tired
    • 11. Blackbird
    • 12. Piggies
    • 13. Rocky Raccoon
    • 14. Don't Pass Me By
    • 15. Why Don't We Do it in the Road
    • 16. I Will
    • 17. Julia


    • 01. Birthday
    • 02. Yer Blues
    • 03. Mother Nature's Son
    • 04. Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
    • 05. Sexy Sadie
    • 06. Helter Skelter
    • 07. Long Long Long
    • 08. Revolution 1
    • 09. Honey Pie
    • 10. Savoy Truffle
    • 11. Cry Baby Cry
    • 12. Can You Take Me Back
    • 13. Revolution 9
    • 14. Good Night

      The Beatles (UK Mono)


    • 01. Back in The USSR
    • 02. Dear Prudence
    • 03. Glass Onion
    • 04. Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da
    • 05. Wild Honey Pie
    • 06. The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill
    • 07. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
    • 08. Happiness is a Warm Gun
    • 09. Martha My Dear
    • 10. I'm So Tired
    • 11. Blackbird
    • 12. Piggies
    • 13. Rocky Raccoon
    • 14. Don't Pass Me By
    • 15. Why Don't We Do it in the Road
    • 16. I Will
    • 17. Julia


    • 01. Birthday
    • 02. Yer Blues
    • 03. Mother Nature's Son
    • 04. Everbody's Got Something to Hide Except Me And My Monkey
    • 05. Sexy Sadie
    • 06. Helter Skelter
    • 07. Long, Long, Long
    • 08. Revolution 1
    • 09. Honey Pie
    • 10. Savoy Truffle
    • 11. Cry Baby Cry
    • 12. Revolution 9
    • 13. Good Night

      With the Beatles (Canadian Stereo 2005)

    • 01. It Won't be Long
    • 02. All I've Got to Do
    • 03. All My Loving
    • 04. Don't Bother Me
    • 05. Little Child
    • 06. Till There was You
    • 07. Please Mister Postman
    • 08. Roll Over Beethoven
    • 09. Hold Me Tight
    • 10. You Really Got a Hold on Me
    • 11. I Wanna be Your Man
    • 12. Devil in Her Heart
    • 13. Not a Second Time
    • 14. Money

      With The Beatles (MFSL)

    • 01. It Won't be Long
    • 02. All I've Got To Do
    • 03. All My Loving
    • 04. Don't Bother Me
    • 05. Little Child
    • 06. Till There Was You
    • 07. Please Mister Postman
    • 08. Roll Over Beethoven
    • 09. Hold Me Tight
    • 10. You Really Got a Hold On Me
    • 11. I Wanna Be Your Man
    • 12. Devil In Her Heart
    • 13. Not A Second Time
    • 14. Money (That's What I Want)

      With the Beatles (UK Mono)

    • 01. It Won't be Long
    • 02. All I've Got to Do
    • 03. All My Loving
    • 04. Don't Bother Me
    • 05. Little Child
    • 06. Till There was You
    • 07. Please Mister Postman
    • 08. Roll Over Beethoven
    • 09. Hold Me Tight
    • 10. You Really Got a Hold on Me
    • 11. I Wanna be Your Man
    • 12. Devil in Her Heart
    • 13. Not a Second Time
    • 14. Money (That's What I Want)

      Yellow Submarine (MFSL)

    • 01. Yellow Submarine
    • 02. Only a Northern Song
    • 03. All Together Now
    • 04. Hey Bulldog
    • 05. It's All Too Much
    • 06. All You Need is Love
    • 07. Pepperland
    • 08. Sea of Time
    • 09. Sea of Holes
    • 10. Sea of Monsters
    • 11. March of the Meanies
    • 12. Pepperland Laid Waste
    • 13. Yellow Submarine in Pepperland

      Yellow Submarine (UK Mono)

    • 01. Yellow Submarine
    • 02. Only a Northern Song
    • 03. All Together Now
    • 04. Hey Bulldog
    • 05. It's All too Much
    • 06. All You Need is Love
    • 07. Pepperland
    • 08. Sea of Time
    • 09. Sea of Holes
    • 10. Sea of Monsters
    • 11. March of the Meanies
    • 12. Pepperland Laid Waste
    • 13. Yellow Submarine in Pepperland

      Yellow Submarine Songtrack (Mono 2005)

    • 01. Yellow Submarine
    • 02. Only A Northern Song
    • 03. All Together Now
    • 04. Hey Bulldog
    • 05. It's All Too Much
    • 06. All You Need is Love
    • 07. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
    • 08. Eleanor Rigby
    • 09. Nowhere Man
    • 10. When I'm Sixty Four
    • 11. Love You To
    • 12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts C
    • 13. With A Little Help From My Fr
    • 14. Baby, You're a Rich Man
    • 15. Think for Yourself

      Yesterday & Today (US Stereo 2005)

    • 01. Drive My Car
    • 02. I'm Only Sleeping
    • 03. Nowhere Man
    • 04. Doctor Robert
    • 05. Yesterday
    • 06. Act Naturally
    • 07. And Your Bird Can Sing
    • 08. If I Needed Someone
    • 09. We Can Work It Out
    • 10. What Goes On
    • 11. Day Tripper

      Yesterday and Today (US Mono)

    • 01. Drive My Car
    • 02. I'm Only Sleeping
    • 03. Nowhere Man
    • 04. Dr. Robert
    • 05. Yesterday
    • 06. Act Naturally
    • 07. And Your Bird Can Sing
    • 08. If I Needed Someone
    • 09. We Can Work It Out
    • 10. What Goes On
    • 11. Day Tripper

    Here she be:

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    Huge thanks to WellIThink

    Bonkers Basketball Babe

    This Bonkers Basketball Babe sure knows how to grab a pair of giant balls!

    Nice work kangaroo girl!

    Eric Clapton Discography (45 CD lossless)

    Eric Clapton Discography
    Rock, Blues | 45 CD | 1965-2006 | Flac | 23 GB | RS; text file with links

    All thanks to olelele for this stupendous collection!

    Eric Patrick Clapton, CBE (born 30 March 1945), is an English blues-rock guitarist, singer, songwriter and composer. He is "probably most famous for his mastery of the Stratocaster guitar".

    He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of The Yardbirds, of Cream, and as a solo performer. Often viewed by critics and fans alike as one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Clapton was ranked fourth in Rolling Stone Magazine's list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" and #53 on their list of the Immortals: 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.

    Although Clapton's musical style has varied throughout his career, it has remained rooted in the blues. Despite this focus he is credited as an innovator in a wide variety of genres, including blues-rock (with John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers and The Yardbirds) and psychedelic rock (with Cream). Clapton's chart success was also not limited to the blues, with chart-toppers in Delta blues (Me and Mr. Johnson), pop ("Change the World") and reggae (Bob Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff"). One of his most successful recordings was the hit love song "Layla", which he played with the band Derek and the Dominos.

    D I S C O G R A P H Y

    1964: Sonny Boy Williamson and The Yardbirds

    1) Bye Bye Bird 2) Mister Downchild 3) 23 Hours Too Long
    4)Out On The Water Coast 5) Baby Don't Worry 6) Pontiac Blues
    7)Take It Easy Baby 8)I Don't Care No More 9)Do The Weston

    1965: For Your Love (Yardbirds)

    1) For Your Love 2) I'm Not Talking 3) Putty (In Your Hands)
    4) I Ain't Got You 5) Got To Hurry 6) I Ain't Done Wrong 7) I Wish You Would
    8) A Certain Girl 9) Sweet Music 10) Good Morning Little Schoolgirl 11) My Girl Sloopy

    1965: Having A Rave Up (Yardbirds)

    1) Mr You're A Better Man Than I 2) Evil Hearted You 3) I'm A Man
    4) Still I'm Sad 5) Heart Full Of Soul 6) Train Kept A-Rollin' 7) Smokestack Lightning
    8) Respectable 9) I'm A Man 10) Here 'Tis.

    1966: With Eric Clapton (John Mayall's Bluesbreakers)

    1) All Your Love 2) Hideaway 3) Little Girl 4) Another Man
    5) Double Crossin' Time 6) What'd I Say 7) Key To Love 8) Parchman Farm
    9) Have You Heard 10) Ramblin' On My Mind 11) Steppin' Out 12) It Ain't Right.

    1966: Fresh Cream (Cream)

    1) I Feel Free 2) N. S. U. 3) Sleepy Time Time 4) Dreaming 5) Sweet Wine
    6) Spoonful 7) Cat's Squirrel 8) Four Until Late
    9) Rollin' And Tumblin' 10) I'm So Glad 11) Toad

    1967: Disraeli Gears (Cream)

    1) Strange Brew 2) Sunshine Of Your Love 3) World Of Pain
    4) Dance The Night Away 5) Blue Condition 6) Tales Of Brave Ulysses
    7) Swlabr 8) We're Going Wrong 9) Outside Woman Blues
    10) Take It Back 11) Mother's Lament.

    1968: Wheels Of Fire (Cream)

    1) White Room 2) Sitting On Top Of The World 3) Passing The Time
    4) As You Said 5) Pressed Rat And Warthog 6) Politician 7)
    Those Were The Days 8) Born Under A Bad Sign 9) Deserted Cities Of The Heart
    10) Crossroads 11) Spoonful 12) Traintime 13) Toad.

    1969: Goodbye Cream (Cream)

    1) I'm So Glad 2) Politician 3) Sitting On Top Of The World 4) Badge
    5) Doing That Scrapyard Thing 6) What A Bringdown 7) Anyone For Tennis.

    1969: Blind Faith (Blind Faith)

    1) Had To Cry Today 2) Can't Find My Way Home 3) Well All Right
    4) Presence Of The Lord 5) Sea Of Joy 6) Do What You Like.

    1970: On Tour With Eric Clapton (Delaney & Bonnie & Friends)

    1)Things Get Better 2)Poor Elijah 3)Only You Know and I Know
    4)I Don't Want to Discuss It 5)That's What My Man Is For
    6)Where There's a Will There's a Way
    7)Comin' Home 8)Little Richard Medley

    1970: Live Cream (Cream)

    1) N. S. U. 2) Sleepy Time Time 3) Sweet Wine 4) Rollin' And Tumblin' 5) Lawdy Mama.

    1972: Live Cream Volume II (Cream)

    1) Deserted Cities Of The Heart 2) White Room 3) Politician
    4) Tales Of Brave Ulysses 5) Sunshine Of Your Love 6) Steppin' Out.

    1970: Eric Clapton

    1) Slunky 2) Bad Boy 3) Lonesome And A Long Way From Home
    4) After Midnight 5) Easy Now 6) Blues Power 7) Bottle Of Red Wine
    8) Lovin' You Lovin' Me 9) I've Told You For The Last Time
    10) Don't Know Why 11) Let It Rain.

    1970: Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs (Derek and the Dominos)

    1) I Looked Away 2) Bell Bottom Blues 3) Keep On Growing
    4) Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out 5) I Am Yours 6) Anyday
    7) Key To The Highway 8) Tell The Truth 9) Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
    10) Have You Ever Loved A Woman 11) Little Wing
    12) It's Too Late 13) Layla 14) Thorn Tree In The Garden.

    1970: Live At The Fillmore
    CD I:
    1) Got To Get Better In A Little While 2) Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad
    3) Key To The Highway 4) Blues Power
    5) Have You Ever Loved A Woman 6) Bottle Of Red Wine

    Tracks CD II: 1) Tell The Truth 2) Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
    3) Roll It Over 4) Presence Of The Lord 5) Little Wing 6) Let It Rain 7) Crossroad

    [i1973: Rainbow Concert

    1) Layla 2) Badge 3) Blues Power 4) Roll It Over 5) Little Wing
    6) Bottle Of Red Wine 7) After Midnight 8) Bell Bottom Blues
    9) Presence Of The Lord 10) Tell The Truth 11) Pearly Queen
    12) Key To The Highway 13) Let It Rain 14) Crossroads.

    1974: 461 Ocean Boulevard

    1) Motherless Children 2) Willie And The Hand Jive
    3) Get Ready 4) I Shot The Sheriff 5) I Can't Hold Out 6) Please Be With Me
    7) Let It Grow 8) Steady Rollin' Man 9) Mainline Florida 10) Give Me Strength.

    1975: There's One In Every Crowd

    1) We've Been Told (Jesus Coming Soon) 2) Swing Low Sweet Chariot
    3) Little Rachel 4) Don't Blame Me 5) The Sky Is Crying
    6) Singin' The Blues 7) Better Make It Through Today
    8) Pretty Blue Eyes 9) High 10) Opposites.

    1975: E. C. Was Here

    1) Have You Ever Loved A Woman 2) Presence Of The Lord 3) Drifting Blues
    4) Can't Find My Way Home 5) Rambling On My Mind
    6) Further On Up The Road.

    1976: No Reason To Cry

    1) Beautiful Thing 2) Carnival 3) Sign Language 4) County Jail Blues
    5) All Our Past Times 6) Hello Old Friend 7) Double Trouble
    8) Innocent Times 9) Hungry 10) Black Summer Rain 11) Last Night.

    1977: Slowhand

    1) Cocaine 2) Wonderful Tonight 3) Lay Down Sally 4) Next Time You See Her
    5) We're All The Way 6) The Core 7) May You Never
    8) Mean Old Frisco 9) Peaches And Diesel.

    1978: Backless

    1) Walk Out In The Rain 2) Watch Out For Lucy 3) I'll Make Love To You Anytime
    4) Roll It 5) Tell Me That You Love Me 6) If I Don't Be There By Morning
    7) Early In The Morning 8) Promises 9) Golden Ring 10) Tulsa Time.

    1980: Just One Night

    CD I
    1) Tulsa Time 2) Early In The Morning 3) Lay Down Sally 4) Wonderful Tonight
    5) If I Don't Be There By Morning 6) Worried Life Blues
    7) All Our Past Times 8) After Midnight
    CD II:
    1) Double Trouble 2) Setting Me Up 3) Blues Power
    4) Rambling On My Mind 5) Cocaine 6) Further On Up The Road.

    1981: Another Ticket

    1) Something Special 2) Black Rose 3) Blow Wind Blow 4) Another Ticket
    5) I Can't Stand It 6) Hold Me Lord 7) Floating Bridge
    8) Catch Me If You Can 9) Rita Mae.

    1983: Money And Cigarettes

    1) Everybody Oughta Make A Change 2) The Shape You're In 3) Ain't Going Down
    4) I've Got A Rock 'N' Roll Heart 5) Man Overboard 6) Pretty Girl
    7) Man In Love 8) Crosscut Saw 9) Slow Down Linda 10) Crazy Country Hop.

    1985: Behind The Sun

    1) She's Waiting 2) See What Love Can Do 3) Same Old Blues 4) Knock On Wood
    5) Something's Happening 6) Forever Man 7) It All Depends 8) Tangled In Love
    9) Never Make You Cry 10) Just Like A Prisoner 11) Behind The Sun.

    1986: August

    1) It's In The Way That You Use It 2) Run 3) Tearing Us Apart 4) Bad Influence
    5) Walk Away 6) Hung Up On Your Love 7) Take A Chance 8) Hold On
    9) Miss You 10) Holy Mother 11) Behind The Mask 12) Grand Illusion.

    1988: Crossroads 1
    1989: Journeyman

    1) Pretending 2) Anything For Your Love 3) Bad Love 4) Running On Faith
    5) Hard Times 6) Hound Dog 7) No Alibis 8) Run So Far
    9) Old Love 10) Breaking Point 11) Lead Me On 12) Before You Accuse Me.

    1991: Rush

    1) New Recruit 2) Tracks And Lines 3) Realization 4) Kristen And Jim
    5) Preludin Fugue 6) Cold Turkey 7) Will Gaines 8) Help Me Up
    9) Don't Know Which Way To Go 10) Tears In Heaven.

    1991: Back Home
    1991: 24 Nights

    CD I
    1) Badge 2) Running On Faith 3) White Room 4) Sunshine Of Your Love
    5) Watch Yourself 6) Have You Ever Loved A Woman
    7) Worried Life Blues 8) Voodoo Man
    CD II
    1) Pretending 2) Bad Love 3) Old Love 4) Wonderful Tonight
    5) Bell Bottom Blues 6) Hard Times 7) Edge Of Darkness.

    1992: Unplugged

    1) Signe 2) Before You Accuse Me 3) Hey Hey 4) Tears In Heaven
    5) Lonely Stranger 6) Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
    7) Layla 8) Running On Faith 9) Walkin' Blues 10) Alberta
    11) San Francisco Bay Blues 12) Malted Milk 13) Old Love 14) Rollin' And Tumblin'.

    1994: From The Cradle

    1) Blues Before Sunrise 2) Third Degree 3) Reconsider Baby
    4) Hoochie Coochie Man 5) Five Long Years 6) I'm Tore Down
    7) How Long Blues 8) Goin' Away Baby 9) Blues Leave Me Alone
    10) Sinner's Prayer 11) Motherless Child 12) It Hurts Me Too
    13) Someday After A While 14) Standin' Round Crying
    15) Driftin' 16) Groaning The Blues.

    1995: The Cream Of Clapton

    1)After Midnight 2)Badge 3)Bell Bottom Blues 4)Blues Power 5)Cocaine
    6)Cross Road Blues (Crossroads) 7)Hello Old 8)Friend 9)I Can't Stand It
    10)I Feel Free 11)I Shot The Sheriff 12)Knockin' On Heaven's Door
    13)Layla 14)Let It Grow 15)Let It Rain 16)Presence Of The Lord
    17)Promises 18)Sunshine Of Your Love 19)White Room 20)Wonderful Tonight

    1996: Crossroads 2

    CD I:
    1) Walkin' Down The Road 2) Have You Ever Loved A Woman
    3) Willie And The Hand Jive/Get Ready 4) Can't Find My Way Home
    5) Driftin' Blues/Rambling On My Mind 6) Presence Of The Lord
    7) Rambling On My Mind/Have You Ever Loved A Woman 8) Little Wing
    9) The Sky Is Crying/Have You Ever Loved A Woman/Rambling On My Mind
    CD II:
    1) Layla 2) Further On Up The Road 3) I Shot The Sheriff 4) Badge
    5) Driftin' Blues 6) Eyesight To The Blind/Why Does Love Got To Be So Sad?
    CD III:
    1) Tell The Truth 2) Knockin' On Heaven's Door 3) Stormy Monday
    4) Lay Down Sally 5) The Core 6) We're All The Way 7) Cocaine
    8) Goin' Down Slow/Rambling On My Mind 9) Mean Old Frisco
    CD IV:
    1) Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever 2) Worried Life Blues 3) Tulsa Time
    4) Early In The Morning 5) Wonderful Tonight 6) Kind Hearted Woman
    7) Double Trouble 8) Crossroads 9) To Make Somebody Happy
    10) Cryin' 11) Water On The Ground.

    1998: Pilgrim

    1) My Father's Eyes 2) River Of Tears 3) Pilgrim 4) Broken Hearted
    5) One Chance 6) Circus 7) Going Down Slow 8) Fall Like Rain
    9) Born In Time 10) Sick And Tired 11) Needs His Woman 12) She's Gone
    13) You Were There 14) Inside Of Me.

    1998: From Yardbirds To Bluesbreakers

    1)Chocker 2)I wish you would 3)Snake drive 4)For your love
    5)Draggin' my tail 6)A certain girl 7)Freight loader
    8)Got to hurry 9)West coast idea

    1999: Blues (Includes Bonus Disc Of Jams)

    2000: Riding With The King (B.B.King)

    1) Riding With The King 2) Ten Long Years 3) Key To The Highway
    4) Marry You 5) Three O'Clock Blues 6) Help The Poor 7) I Wanna Be
    8) Worried Life Blues 9) Days Of Old 10) When My Heart Beats Like A Hammer
    11) Hold On I'm Coming 12) Come Rain Or Come Shine.

    2001: Reptile

    1) Reptile 2) Got You On My Mind 3) Travelin' Light 4) Believe In Life
    5) Come Back Baby 6) Broken Down 7) Find Myself
    8) I Ain't Gonna Stand For It 9) I Want A Little Girl 10) Second Nature
    11) Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight 12) Modern Girl
    13) Superman Inside 14) Son And Sylvia.

    2002: One More Car One More Rider


    CD I
    1)Key To The Highway 2)Reptile 3)Got You On My Mind 4)Tears In Heaven
    5)Bell Bottom Blues 6)Change The World 7)My Father's Eyes
    8)River Of Tears 9)Goin' Down Slow 10)She's Gone
    CD II
    1)I Want a Little Girl 2)Badge 3)Hoochie Coochie Man
    4)Have You Ever Loved a Woman 5)Cocaine
    6)Wonderful Tonight 7)Layla 8)Sunshine of Your Love
    9)Over the Rainbow

    2004: Me & Mr Johnson

    1)When You Got a Good Friend 2)Little Queen of Spades 3)They're Red Hot
    4)Me and the Devil Blues 5)Traveling Riverside Blues 6)Last Fair Deal Gone
    7)Stop Breakin' Down Blues 8)Milkcow's Calf Blues 9)Kind Hearted Woman Blues
    10)Come on in My Kitchen 11)If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
    12)Love in Vain 13)32-20 Blues 14)Hellhound on My Trail

    2005: Royal Albert Hall (Cream)

    CD I
    1) I'm So Glad 2) Spoonful 3) Outside Woman Blues 4) Pressed Rat & Warthog
    5) Sleepy Time Time 6) N.S.U. 7) Badge 8) Politician 9) Sweet Wine
    10) Rollin' And Tumblin' 11) Stormy Monday 12) Deserted Cities Of The Heart
    CD II
    1) Born Under A Bad Sign 2) We're Going Wrong 3) Crossroads
    4) White Room 5) Toad 6) Sunshine Of Your Love 7) Sleepy Time Time

    2006: The Road To Escondido (J.J. Cale)

    1)Danger 2)Heads in Georgia 3)Missing Person
    4)When This War is Over 5)Sporting Life Blues 6)Dead End Road
    7)It's Easy 8)Hard to Thrill 9)Anyway the Wind Blows10)Three Little Girls
    11)Don't Cry Sister12)Last Will and Testament
    13)Who am I Telling You? 14)Ride the River

    2007: Complete Clapton

    Eric Clapton - Clapton The Autobiography (Audiobook)

    Big thanks to olelele

    Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary: The Definitive Box Set (12CD)

    Led Zeppelin - 40th Anniversary: The Definitive Box Set (12CD)
    WavPack | IMG+CUE+LOGs+Covers | 569:23 min | 4,1 GB

    All thanks to Rehabilly for this great collection!

    Led Zeppelin The Definitive Box Set - 2008 Japanese exclusive strictly limited edition digitally remastered 12-disc SHM-CD album set (8 single CDs and 2 double sets), comprising the entire LP output from the legendary rockers, from the eponymous 1969 debut through to 1982's posthumous "Coda"; each disc is superbly presented in a mini LP-style card sleeve, housed in a deluxe metallic embossed box - sealed & stickered. Limited to 5000 copies!

    Originally Web-Released via Pedro's BTMusic tracker
    Huge Thanks to the Original Releaser!
    Complete Box Set Released as WPCR-13142/53


    Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin
    WavPack+CUE+LOG+Covers -> 323 MB

    Tracklist (44:51 min)

    01. Good Times Bad Times
    02. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
    03. You Shook Me
    04. Dazed And Confused
    05. Your Time Is Gonna Come
    06. Black Mountain Side
    07. Communication Breakdown
    08. I Can't Quit You Baby
    09. How Many More Times

    Original Release Date: 01.1969
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13130

    Tracklist (41:30 min)

    01. Whole Lotta Love
    02. What Is And What Should Never Be
    03. The Lemon Song
    04. Thank You
    05. Heartbreaker
    06. Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
    07. Ramble On
    08. Moby Dick
    09. Bring It On Home

    Original Release Date: 1969
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13131

    Tracklist (43:03 min)

    01. Immigrant Song
    02. Friends
    03. Celebration Day
    04. Since I've Been Loving You
    05. Out On The Tiles
    06. Gallows Pole
    07. Tangerine
    08. That's The Way
    09. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
    10. Hats Off To (Roy) Harper

    Original Release Date: 1970
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13132

    Tracklist (42:38 min)

    01. Black Dog
    02. Rock And Roll
    03. The Battle Of Evermore
    04. Stairway To Heaven
    05. Misty Mountain Hop
    06. Four Sticks
    07. Going To California
    08. When The Levee Breaks

    Original Release Date: 1971
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13133

    Tracklist (40:55 min)

    01. The Song Remains The Same
    02. The Rain Song
    03. Over The Hills And Far Away
    04. The Crunge
    05. Dancing Days
    06. D'yer Mak'er
    07. No Quarter
    08. The Ocean

    Original Release Date: 1973
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13134

    Tracklist (82:45 min)

    01. Custard Pie
    02. The Rover
    03. In My Time Of Dying
    04. Houses Of The Holy
    05. Trampled Under Foot
    06. Kashmir

    07. In The Light
    08. Bron-Yr-Aur
    09. Down By The Seaside
    10. Ten Years Gone
    11. Night Flight
    12. The Wanton Song
    13. Boogie With Stu
    14. Black Country Woman
    15. Sick Again

    Original Release Date: 1975
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13135/6

    Tracklist (44:28 min)

    01. Achilles Last Stand
    02. For Your Life
    03. Royal Orleans
    04. Nobody's Fault But Mine
    05. Candy Store Rock
    06. Hots On For Nowhere
    07. Tea For One

    Original Release Date: 1976
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13137

    Tracklist (131:56 min)

    01. Rock And Roll
    02. Celebration Day
    03. Black Dog
    04. Over The Hills And Far Away
    05. Misty Mountain Hop
    06. Since I've Been Loving You
    07. No Quarter
    08. The Song Remains The Same
    09. The Rain Song
    10. The Ocean

    11. Dazed And Confused
    12. Stairway To Heaven
    13. Moby Dick
    14. Heartbreaker
    15. Whole Lotta Love

    Original Release Date: 1976
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13138/9

    Tracklist (42:36 min)

    01. In The Evening
    02. South Bound Saurez
    03. Fool In The Rain
    04. Hot Dog
    05. Carouselambra
    06. All My Love
    07. I'm Gonna Crawl

    Original Release Date: 1979
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13140

    Tracklist (54:42 min)

    01. We're Gonna Groove
    02. Poor Tom
    03. I Can't Quit You Baby
    04. Walter's Walk
    05. Ozone Baby
    06. Darlene
    07. Bonzo's Montreux
    08. Wearing And Tearing
    09. Baby Come On Home
    10. Travelling Riverside Blues
    11. White Summer / Black Mountain Side
    12. Hey Hey What Can I Do

    Original Release Date: 1982
    Release Date: September 10, 2008
    Format: SHM-CD/Original Recording Remastered
    Label: Wea Japan (Warner)
    Catalog No.: WPCR-13141

    Big thanks to the original posters

    Friday, 10 October 2008

    Inugami Expert - Suehiro Maruo

    Interesting and well crafted manga here from Suehiro Maruo

    Download here!


    Big thanks to acetoeteno.blogspot

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mushi Mushi Yoko Kumada ... again!

    Mushi Mushi Yoko Kumada ... again!

    Yoko Kumada, born May 13, 1982, is a Japanese gravure idol and singer originally from Gifu city, Japan.

    She's been kinda busy!

    As well as TV acting and the music biz, she's released a shitload of gravure DVDs and Photobooks.


    * à la mode(March 20, 2002、AQUA HOUSE)
    * Indian summer(September 15, 2002、VEGA FACTORY)
    * Legend(February 28, 2003、Edge)
    * Hibiscus(June 26, 2003、)
    * Kumada Yoko(August 20, 2003、h.m.p)
    * Labilynth(January 27, 2004、
    * Rainbow(February 25, 2004、
    * teleport(July 25, 2004、VEGA FACTORY)
    * Rodeo Girl(October 25, 2004、
    * Stronger(February 20, 2005、I-ONE)
    * Everytime(February 20, 2005、I-ONE)
    * Dawning Window(April 25, 2005、
    * Day Off(June 25, 2005、
    * Kumada Yoko Special DVD Box(December 15, 2005、I-ONE)
    * Yoko, Sweetheart(February 15, 2006、MARE)
    * Love-Me(April 25, 2006、
    * Heartful Days(May 25, 2006、


    * mimoza(March 20, 2002、AQUA HOUSE) ISBN 4-86046-038-3
    * ff(August 27, 2002、Bestsellers) ISBN 4-584-17089-4
    * Sun 3 Yoko(February 28, 2003、Edge) ISBN 4-921159-52-1
    * 7×7 7Day's 7Color's(August 22, 2003、BUNKASHA) ISBN 4-8211-2557-9
    * Trap!(December 18, 2003、Gakken) ISBN 4-05-402130-1
    * Doll Week(March 23, 2004、Takeshobo) ISBN 4-8124-1560-8
    * Happening Blue(May 13, 2004、Kodansha) ISBN 4-06-364579-7
    * Private(June 30, 2004、Ascom) ISBN 4-7762-0178-X
    * Beruang Manis(August 31, 2004、Takeshobo) ISBN 4-8124-1805-4
    * Komorebi(November 22, 2004、SAIBUNKAN) ISBN 4-7756-0056-7
    * Comfortable(March 25, 2005、Wanimagazine) ISBN 4-89829-790-0
    * Kuma You(July 27, 2005、Kodansha) ISBN 4-06-364645-9
    * Dreamy Days(October 28, 2005、AQUA HOUSE) ISBN 4-86046-100-2
    * Love Potion(April 8, 2006、Gakken) ISBN 4-05-604333-7

    All rather nice ... But we really want to see her migrate into the JAV world!

    Please hotty-san, do make 1 or 2 (hundred) JAV outings! You'll love it!

    Sun City Girls - Second Shitload of SCG albums!!

    The Sun City Girls were a fine experimental rock band formed in Phoenix, Arizona in 1982.

    The members were Alan Bishop (bass guitar, vocals), his brother Richard Bishop (guitar, piano), and the late Charles Gocher (drums).

    More here:

    They released about 33,000 albums! Here's a rough discography listing!

    Cassettes / LPs / CDs etc

    * Sun City Girls LP (Placebo) 1984
    * Grotto of Miracles LP (Placebo) 1986
    * Midnight Cowboys from Ipanema CS (Breakfast Without Meat) 1986, LP/CD reissue (Amarillo Records) 1994
    * Horse Cock Phepner (Placebo) LP/CS 1987
    * God is My Solar System 1982 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Superpower 1982-83 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Hatchet Rain 1983 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Bleach Has Feelings, Too! 1983-85 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * To Cover Up Your Right To Live 1983-85 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Def in Italy 1984 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Folk Songs of The Rich and Evil 1985 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Fresh Kill of a Cape Hunting Dog 1985-86 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Exotica on Five Dollars a Day 1986 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Fruit of The Womb 1986 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Polite Deception 1986 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Famous Asthma 1986-87 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * The Palm Leaves of Victory 1986-87 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Cloaven Theatre #1 1987 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Cloaven Theatre #2 1987 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * Tibetan Jazz 666 1987 CS (Cloaven) 1987
    * The Multiple Hallucinations of an Assassin 1987-88 CS (Cloaven) 1989
    * Cloaven Theatre #3 1988 CS (Cloaven) 1989
    * Audio Letter to Mitch Meyers 1988 CS (Cloaven) 1989
    * That Old Western Sieve 1988 CS (Cloaven) 1989
    * Graverobbing in the Future 1988 CS (Cloaven) 1989
    * Extra-Sensory Defection CS (Cloaven) 1989
    * Torch of the Mystics LP (Majora) 1990, CD reissue (Tupelo) 1993
    * The Great North American Tricksters CS (Cloaven) 1990
    * Dawn of the Devi LP (Majora) 1991
    * Live from Planet Boomerang 2-LP (Majora) 1992
    * Bright Surroundings, Dark Deginnings LP (Majora) 1993, CD reissue (Majora) 1998
    * Valentines from Matahari LP (Majora) 1993, CD reissue (Majora) 1998
    * Live at C.O.N. Artists LP (Poon Village) 1993
    * Pelican 92 CS (Abduction) 1993
    * Kaliflower CD/LP (Abduction) 1993
    * Juggernaut LP (Abduction) 1994
    * Piasa...Devourer of Men LP (Abduction) 1994
    * Jacks Creek LP (Abduction) 1994
    * Dante's Disneyland Inferno 2-CD (Abduction) 1996, 3-LP reissue (Locust) 2002
    * Wah CD (Abduction) 2002
    * 330,003 Crossdressers from Beyond the Rig Veda 2-CD (Abduction) 1996, 3-LP reissue (Locust) 2001
    * Live from the Land of the Rising Sun City Girls CD (Japan Overseas) 1997
    * Box of Chameleons 3-CD box (Abduction) 1997
    * Dulce soundtrack LP (Abduction) 1998
    * Cameo Demons and Their Manifestations CD (Abduction) 2000 - CFR vol. 1
    * The Dreamy Draw CD (Abduction) 2000 - CFR vol. 2
    * Superculto CD (Abduction) 2000 - CFR vol. 3
    * A Bullet Through the Last Temple CD (Abduction) 2000 - CFR vol. 4
    * Severed Finger With a Wedding Ring CD (Abduction) 2000 - CFR vol. 5
    * Sumatran Electric Chair CD (Abduction) 2001 - CFR vol. 6
    * Libyan Dream CD reissue (Abduction) 2001 - CFR vol. 7
    * The Handsome Stranger CD (Abduction) 2001 - CFR vol. 8
    * High Asia/Lo Pacific 2-CD reissue (Abduction) 2001 - CFR vols. 9 & 10
    * Flute and Mask CD (Abduction) 2002
    * God is My Solar System/Superpower 2-LP reissue (Eclipse) 2003
    * Bleach Has Feelings, Too!/To Cover Up Your Right To Live 2-LP reissue (Eclipse) 2003
    * Carnival Folklore Resurrection Radio 2-CD (Abduction) 2004 - CFR vols. 11 & 12
    * The Fresh Kill of a Cape Hunting Dog / Def In Italy 2-LP reissue (Eclipse) 2004
    * 98.6 IS DEATH CD (Abduction) 2004 - CFR vol. 13
    * Folk Songs of the Rich and Evil / Exotica on $5 a Day 2-LP reissue (Eclipse) 2005
    * Uncle Jim's Superstars of Greenwich Meantime LP (Black Velvet Fuckere Records) 2005
    * Static from the Outside Set CD (Abduction) 2006 - CFR vol. 14
    * Uncle Jim's Superstars of Greenwich Meantime CD reissue (Abduction) 2006
    * Live Room CD (Three Lobed) 2006
    * Djinn Funnel LP (Nashazphone) 2006
    * Piano Bar LP (Ri Be Xibalba) 2006
    * For Drummers Only LP (Ri Be Xibalba) 2006
    * Beginnings Dark LP (Enterruption) 2007
    * Mister Lonely: Music From A Film By Harmony Korine with J. Spaceman LP/CD (Drag City) 2008

    7" records

    * And So The Dead Tongue Sang (Pulp) 1987
    * You're Never Alone With a Cigarette (Majora) 1990
    * Three Fake Female Orgasms 2x7" (Majora) 1991
    * Let's Just Lounge (Majora) 1992
    * Napoleon and Josephine (Scratch) 1992
    * Caroliner tribute split 7" with the Thinking Fellers (Nuf Sed) 1992
    * Eye Mohini (Majora) 1992
    * Borungku Si Derita 2x7" (Majora) 1993
    * Live...For Chilly (bootleg) 1993
    * Carl the Barber (I Don't Feel a Thing) 2003
    * Uncle Jim's True Confessions of Homeland Security (Empirical) 2003

    We already posted a Shitload of SCG albums some months back; shitload-of-scg

    Here's a Second Shitload!

    Some of the same titles but different links.

    This of course is an incomplete discography! Just a tranche of their voluminous output!

    If anyone's got some good other SCG stuff - including video - please do drop us a line!

    Here be some drops in the SCG ocean! .....

    1984 - Sun City Girls
    1986 - Grotto of Miracles
    1987 - Horse Cock Phepner
    1990 - Torch of the Mystics
    1991 - Dawn of the Devi
    1992 - Live From Planet Boomerang 1 2
    1993 - Bright Surroundings, Dark Beginnings
    1993 - Pelican 92 72.96
    1993 - Live at C.O.N. Artists
    1993 - Kaliflower
    1993 - Valentines from Matahari
    1994 - Juggernaut
    1994 - Midnight Cowboys From Ipanema...
    1994 - Piasa...Devourer of Men
    1995 - Jacks Creek
    1996 - 330,003 Crossdressers from Beyond the Rig Veda 1 2 3
    1996 - Dante's Disneyland Inferno 1 2 3
    1996 - Live from the Land of the Rising Sun City Girls
    1997 - Box Of Chameleons 1 2 3
    1998 - Dulce
    2002 - Flute and Mask
    2002 - Wah
    2006 - Djinn Funnel
    2006 - For Drummers Only
    2006 - Live Room
    2006 - Piano Bar
    2006 - Montreal Pop

    Big thanks to experimentaletc and acetoeteno

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Thursday, 9 October 2008

    Charlie Louvin - Steps to Heaven (2008)

    Charlie Louvin - Steps to Heaven (2008)

    An amazing album from one of the stalwarts of folk music, of country music ... of all music!

    One question though ... why the fuck is Bob Dylan not on here, to pay rightful tribute to an artist who has been hugely influential on him (and thousands others!)? Charlie's over 80 now, so there won't be to many more fucking chances!

    2007 saw Louvin celebrate his 80th birthday amidst a swirl of activity around the release of his first studio album in ten years, Charlie Louvin. Grammy-nominated for Best Traditional Folk Album, the disc features George Jones, Wilco's Jeff Tweedy, Will Oldham, Elvis Costello and many others.

    Charlie toured and recorded with Lucinda Williams, made a video for the song "Ira", released a field recording of one of his many in-store performances, Live at Shake It Records, played over 100 concert dates sharing stages with Ryan Adams and Neko Case, appeared on giant festivals like Bonnaroo and Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, and placed a medallion around Emmylou Harris' neck inducting her into the Country Music Hall of Fame. Charlie's self-titled album earned 4 out of 5 stars in Uncut and Mojo Magazine, and sparked a bevy of great press and renewed interest in his fascinating career.

    Instead of hanging back at age 80, Charlie has instead chosen to challenge himself. Steps to Heaven was recorded live with a gospel choir comprised of three sisters, journeyman gospel pianist Derrick Lee, and Chris Scruggs adding doghouse bass and electric guitar. Louvin had never recorded with black gospel musicians before, and in doing so discovered a new musical path. "I did things on the gospel record I had no idea I could do. I'd be thinking along the way, `How can I do things I've never done before?' And I did it."


    1. Love at Home
    2. How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
    3. Precious Lord, Take My Hand
    4. There's a Higher Power
    5. Where We'll Never Grow Old
    6. If We Never Meet Again This Side of Heaven
    7. Jest Rehearsing
    8. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
    9. I Feel Like Traveling On
    10. I Am Bound for the Promised Land

    Big thanks to Victory for this amazing post

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mudslinger Palin

    The heels are on. The gloves are off.

    by Bob Englehart, Hartford, Connecticut -- The Hartford Courant,
    Visit Bob's cartoon archives. E-Mail Bob.

    Some Threesome

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Lovely manipulation piece from Slut-Fairy

    Pool Beauty Night

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    A lovely shot once again from Philippines artist herrainbowbrightness

    Artist's Comments;

    Taken by my best friend Mica, during our short but awesome trip to Boracay. Colors tweaked using an "Optikulay" and tweaked even more by moi, using Photoshop.

    Robert Forster to play All Tomorrow's Parties Australia

    All Tomorrow's Parties flyer

    Robert Forster to play All Tomorrow's Parties Australia

    Robert Forster will be playing the All Tomorrow's Parties festival in Australia in January 2009. The events take place in Mt. Buller Ski Resort, Victoria (9th-10th January 2009), the Riverstage in Brisbane, Queensland (15th January 2009) and on Cockatoo Island, Sydney, New South Wales (17th-18th January)

    A great selection of acts performing here, curated by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds.

    The mighty Saints will also play!

    More info:

    Lucky Bastard !

    Threesomes with two 7-foot tall amazons!

    This is one lucky bastard!

    They may be half-robot and evil destroyers of humanity, but still, Gaius Baltar's one lucky bastard!!

    Although, I guess he needs to use a step-ladder!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Who the hell hasn't imagined a threesome with lovely and ?

    I imagine it every waking moment!

    Man, I miss Galactica! When's the second half of season 4 due?

    Robert Forster - Live Radio Session BBC 6 (23/9/2008)

    Robert Forster - Live Radio Session BBC 6
    23rd September 2008

    More wonderful Forster thanks to our pals at the great stripedsunlight

    A great session recorded for Marc Riley's show on BBC a few weeks back, together with an interview with the great man!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Robert plays some tracks from his wonderful 2008 LP - the best album of the year! - "Evangelist"

    We also recently posted an amazing show (in terms of performance and recording quality) from Robert's current world tour recorded 15 September 08 in NYC! Check it HERE! It's truly amazing!

    This NYC gig and others are discussed on the blog for the US and European legs of the 2008 tour at - written by Adele (I think!)

    We also posted a special Live show in Brisbane back in April 2008: Robert Forster - April 2008

    We have loads and loads more Robert postings HERE!

    We have loads and loads of Go-Betweens postings HERE!

    We have loads and loads of Grant Mc Lennan postings HERE!

    Robert also has a great website here:

    Bob writes:

    Steve from Keyham in the UK who gave us the heads up on the Robert Forster live radio session on the Marc Riley show on BBC radio 6, has outdone him self and recorded it.

    Its a fantastic recording, with 3 tracks and a couple of interviews. Pandanus is shaping up to be my fav track of the Evangelist, its great here. The whole band is on this.

    Here's what Steve says;

    Managed to catch the Robert Forster session & it was great. Have recorded it & posted it onto Rapidshare.

    It's my first pop at actually uploading to Rapidshare, but it seems to work.

    Plus a couple of pics from the tour blog of our favorite band on the run, catch up with this very funny blog here


    01 Intro 01
    02 Pandanus
    03 Interview 01
    04 Intro 02
    05 Surfing magazines
    06 Interview 02
    07 Demon days
    08 Outro

    Here be Bob

    Big thanks to stripedsunlight and Steve

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Shy Booby Pirate Wenches ...... Yarrrrr!

    Nice treasure chests!

    ...... Yarrrrr!

    Silence Everywhere

    For lovely Maria Beatriz Isabel !

    Nice piece from roykeanz adapted from a shot by Maria Beatriz Isabel

    Click here to view full size

    Interpol - "No I in Threesome"

    Interpol - No I In Threesome

    Released December 3, 2007
    Recorded Electric Lady Studios, New York City
    Genre Post-punk / New wave
    Length 3:50
    Label Capitol Records
    Producer Rich Costey, Interpol

    Babe, it’s time we give something new a try

    "No I in Threesome" is the wonderful second track on the New New Wavers' great 2007 album, Our Love to Admire.

    The song was the second radio single therefrom in the US, and the third single in the UK, with a release date of December 3, 2007.

    The video was directed by Patrick Daughters and was filmed in London at Black Island Studios.

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Through the storms and the light
    Baby, you stood by my side
    And life is wine
    But there are days in this life
    When you see the teeth marks of time
    Two lovers divide
    Sound meets sound, babe
    The echoes the surround
    And know that we need is one thing
    Now what is there to allow?
    Babe, it’s time we give something new a try
    Oh, alone we may fight
    So, just let us be free
    And baby tonight
    I see your lips are on fire
    And life is wine
    Now the windows are open the moon is so bright
    There’s no one can tell us what love brings, you and I
    Sound meets sound, babe

    The echoes they surround
    And know that we need is one thing
    Now what is there to allow
    Babe, it’s time we give something new a try
    Oh, alone we may fight
    So just let us be free, tonight
    Through the storms and the light
    Baby you stood by my side
    And life is wine
    You feel the sweet breath of time
    It’s whispering, its truth not mine
    There’s no I in threesome
    And I am all for it
    Babe, it’s time we give something new a try
    Oh, alone we may fight
    And feathers bend like trees in the moonlight
    Babe, it’s time we give something new a try
    Oh, alone we may fight
    So just let us be free tonight

    Red Ribbon

    Wonderful self-portrait by Miss-Deathwish

    Artist's Comments;


    model/photo/editing/everything by me.

    Inspired by the classic horror tale about the woman with a red ribbon around her neck. She marries a man who is always asking to take the ribbon off, but she never lets him. One night, the husband just cannot take it any more, and unties the ribbon... and the woman's head falls off.

    Silent Film

    Lovely piece by girltripped

    Interpol - Our Love To Admire (2007)

    Interpol - Our Love To Admire (2007)
    Released July 6, 2007
    Recorded 11/06 to 05/07
    Electric Lady Studios / The Magic Shop Studios, New York City
    Genre Post-punk, New Wave, Indie rock
    Length 47:05
    Label United States - Capitol Records
    Label United Kingdom - Parlophone
    Producer Interpol and Rich Costey
    Mp3 @ various kbps

    We had keyboards on from the start which we've never done before. It's like a fifth member. There's a lot more texture, and interesting sounds, there's definitely progression and growth. ”

    — Daniel Kessler, in NME

    Rubbish artwork aside, a return to form by the boys from interpol!

    It's not Turn On The Bright Lights but their third LP is still a rather fine LP in its own right.

    Recorded at Electric Lady Studios in Greenwich Village and The Magic Shop Studios in New York City, the album was the group's first to be released on a major label, following the release of their debut and follow-up albums on the independent label Matador Records.

    On 25 April 2007, the band officially announced the album title as Our Love to Admire as well as the track listing.

    The first single off the new album, "The Heinrich Maneuver", was released on 7 May 2007.

    The album has received a positive critical response of 70 overall at Metacritic.

    According to band members, Our Love to Admire is more "expressive" than the group's previous efforts, and uses many more keyboards and textures. Prior to the album's release, Billboard offered the following brief descriptions of some of the band's new songs:

    “ First single "The Heinrich Maneuver" is a peppy kiss-off to an ex-love now residing on the opposite coast and hits radio May 7; the band has been playing it of late during its just-concluded Canadian tour. The band is on familiar footing with tracks like the tense "No I in Threesome" ("Maybe [sic] it's time we give something new a try," frontman Paul Banks sings) and the relentless "Mammoth," which are loaded with Daniel Kessler's simple, repeated guitar riffs and Carlos D's powerful bass underpinnings. There are some new sonic experiments; the album begins with the funereal, nearly six-minute "Pioneer to the Falls," featuring Jim Morrison-esque crooning from Banks, and wraps with another unusually ambient piece, "The Lighthouse." Hints of soul creep in on the spaced-out "Rest My Chemistry" ("I haven't slept for two days / I've bathed in nothing but sweat," Banks sings) and "Pace Is the Trick." ”

    I see your lips are on fire
    And life is wine
    Now the windows are open the moon is so bright
    There’s no one can tell us what love brings, you and I
    Sound meets sound, babe

    - No I in Threesome


    1. Pioneer to the Falls
    2. No I in Threesome
    3. Scale
    4. Heinrich Maneuver
    5. Mammoth
    6. Pace Is the Trick
    7. All Fired Up
    8. Rest My Chemistry
    9. Who Do You Think?
    10. Wrecking Ball
    11. Lighthouse

    Here she be:



    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights (2002)

    Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights
    Released August 19, 2002
    Recorded Tarquin Studios, Bridgeport, Connecticut
    Genre Post-punk / New Wave / Indie rock
    Length 49:02
    Label Matador
    Producer Pete Katis, Gareth Jones
    Mp3 @ 320 / RS

    I had seven faces
    thought I knew which one to wear
    But I'm sick of spending these lonely nights
    training myself not to care
    The subway is a porno
    And the pavements they are a mess
    I know you've supported me for a long time
    somehow I'm not impressed

    But New York Cares
    New York Cares

    Got to be some more change in my life

    subway she is a porno
    and the pavements they are a mess
    I know you've supported me for a long time
    somehow I'm not impressed

    It's up to me now turn on the bright lights
    It's up to me now turn on the bright lights

    One of our favourite LPs of recent years, the sublime and seminal TOTBL!

    What an amazing debut album!

    We played this obsessively when it first came out 6 years ago!

    This album, and the Interpol sound, have been ripped off wholesale since!

    I know Interpol had listened to a shitload of great post-punk and new wave albums, but they made something new and wonderful out of it. The groups who copied Interpol didn't!

    This fine work was released in Autumn 2002 on Matador Records to a great deal of critical acclaim. TOTBL sold exceptionally well for an indie release and has sold over 500,000 copies so far.

    TOTBL was also ranked highly on the yearly lists of many music critics, and has to date sold 86,000 in the UK despite only charting as high as #101.

    Musically, many have pointed out the similarities between Turn on the Bright Lights and post punk and new wave bands such as Joy Division and The Chameleons. There are influences, sure, but Interpol manage to make a work that's distinct and of their own.

    "PDA", "NYC", "Obstacle 1" and "Say Hello to the Angels" were the singles from Turn on the Bright Lights.


    1. Untitled
    2. Obstacle 1
    3. NYC
    4. PDA
    5. Say Hello To The Angels
    6. Hands Away
    7. Obstacle 2
    8. Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down
    9. Roland
    10. The New
    11. Leif Erikson

    Here be the cops!

    or (not sure about kbps)

    RS /Interpol_-_Turn_On_The_Bright_Lights.rar


    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    A Heap of Imogen Heap !

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Imogen Heap (born December 9, 1977) is a Grammy nominated English singer-songwriter from Romford, London, most famous for her work as part of Frou Frou and for her 2005 solo record Speak for Yourself, which she wrote, produced and mixed herself. In 2006, she was nominated for two Grammy Awards.

    More here: Imogen_heap

    Image Hosted by

    Frou Frou - Details (2002)
    Style: Ambient/Alternative/Electronica/Indie/Pop/Rock/Downtempo

    Frou Frou were an English electronic music duo composed of Imogen Heap and Guy Sigsworth.


    1. Let Go
    2. Breathe In
    3. It's Good To Be In Love
    4. Must Be Dreaming
    5. Psychobabble
    6. Only Got One
    7. Shh
    8. Hear Me Out
    9. Maddening Shroud
    10. Flicks
    11. The Dumbing Down Of Love

    Download :


    Artist: Imogen Heap
    Title: I Megaphone
    Year: 1998
    Quality: 192 Kbps


    1. Getting Scared
    2. Sweet Religion
    3. Oh Me, Oh My
    4. Shine
    5. Whatever
    6. Angry Angel
    7. Candlelight
    8. Rake It In
    9. Come Here Boy
    10. Useless
    11. Sleep

    Here be Heap

    Imogen Heap - Speak for Yourself (2005)


    1. Headlock
    2. Goodnight and Go
    3. Have You Got It In You?
    4. Loose Ends
    5. Hide and Seek
    6. Clear The Area
    7. Daylight Robbery
    8. The Walk
    9. Just For Now
    10. I Am In Love With You
    11. Closing In
    12. The Moment I Said It

    Here be Heap
    pass: praed


    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Cure - Fourteen Delicious Drugs

    The Cure - Fourteen Delicious Drugs

    What a wonderful title! Love it!

    Strangely, only 13 tracks though!

    Some classic Cure cuts!


    01. In Between Days
    02. Why Can't I Be You
    03. Friday I'm In Love
    04. The Walk
    05. Hot Hot Hot
    06. Love Song
    07. A Forest
    08. Never Enough
    09. Fascination Street
    10. Lullaby
    11. Close To Me
    12. High
    13. Back Trax

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to Kant

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Asian Hotty Lisa Kaye

    From the great in modelsinthetrunk (a site we really like .... check it out!) comes delectable Asian Hotty Lisa Kaye!

    Read all about her below - if you can read!

    Else look at the stunning shots of this stunner!

    Apparently, if you buy this model of car, you get a free Lisa Kaye in the trunk! Nice! Sign me up for two!!


    Ethnicity: Korean/Japanese
    Hometown: The OC
    Measurements: 34C-25-34
    Hair color: Brown
    Eye color: Brown



    What is your name? nicknames?
    Lisa Kaye ... uhh, LK? Ha! I have none, it’s just plain ol' Lisa, can you think of one for me because I really want one. =/

    And where are you from?
    When I was growing up, I was living all over the place. Here in Ca, Korea, Seattle WA, but mostly here in OC. So pretty much I can say im just a Orange County Girl!

    So where do u live now?? Can I had the address *wink* JK
    I currently live somewhere in the OC, and no... you may not. You can try and guess and I’ll tell you if you're right, deal?

    You know been in the scene for awhile. One of the OG’s at that. You disappeared for a while
    and frankly where the hell did u go?????

    Ahhh... the question I've been hearing so much lately. Well, I decided to take some time to focus on my career. I went to college to get a degree for a reason so; I wanted to make sure I kept my priorities in order. .... Plus, u try and get away, but you always get sucked back in, it’s like a disease! I didn't plan on doing any car shows or anything, I just started up go-go dancing a lot since I enjoy it so much and I could do it even with my career. Then, from there is when you get all sucked in to everything else because it’s so addicting!

    Do you have MySpace? And if so can u add me? lol
    I sure do! You are lucky, you already are my friend on there, awww, lucky-lucky you :)

    Do you like to eat?? And what are your favorite foods?

    Food is sure my friend. I love food. I love to eat. I have so many favorites, I can't just pick one... but here are some: In n Out protein style burgers with animal style fries, Lumpia (egg rolls), Papa John's pepperoni pizza, McDonalds chicken mc nuggets, Del Taco hard tacos, chili cheese fries, all sorts of Korean food, Bo Luc Lac (Vietnamese dish), sushi, pizza hut hot wings... I can go on for days. :) I’m a piglet, and I’m proud of it.

    What’s the first thing that comes to you mind when you hear the word “camel toe”? lol
    I hate you for putting this question in here! lol. Well since it’s so fresh in my mind, I would have to say, the major camel toe I had at our photo shoot! That was no fun at all! =/

    What is your nationality?
    I am half Korean and half Japanese, best of both worlds :)

    What does Lisa Kaye do for fun???
    Gosh, I feel like I barely get to take time to have actual fun without working. The weekends are always filled with working my go-go gigs. I see that as fun though, I get to hang out with my go-go girlies and that's always a good time. I love dancing, I love music, so that = fun to me! On the chill days, I just lay out a lot, meet up with some friends to go eat, and if it’s an overnight thing, we would go to Vegas for a short trip.

    I remember back in the days you were in this car club modeling... I don’t really remember the team name but you were wearing angel wings. Where do you see the whole import car scene going? From how it was then and now?
    Oh! I remember that show, it was for Team Hybrid @ HIN La. Honestly, I can't really tell. Back then, I was so much more involved than now. I was going to every show possible, and meeting so many people from different places.

    But because I’m just starting to do a little bit more, I haven't been able to experience the change yet. One thing I can definitely applaud is the addition of go-go dancers all over the booths at the shows. Great idea. Maybe at the next show, MITT can but some go-go cages in their booth so I can shake my romp! :)

    That’s about it, Thanks Lisa!!

    Wednesday, 8 October 2008

    Midlake - The Trials of Van Occupanther (2006)

    Midlake -The Trials of Van Occupanther
    Released July 25, 2006
    Recorded 2005-2006
    Alternative / Folk rock / Progressive Folk
    Length 44:51
    Label Bella Union
    Producer Tim Smith and Midlake
    MP3 / avg 210 kbps /63 MB

    We came a tad late to the Midlake party!

    But better to come late than come too early! So the wife tells me!

    Despite the dumb title and the dumber artwork (Did Stevie Wonder choose it?!), this is a very fine collection of innovative alternative music!

    We especially love the great track Young Bride !

    Ignore the artwork (it's OK ... Stevie Wonder did choose it!) and check the music out motherfuckers!!

    The Trials of Van Occupanther was the second album by Texans Midlake.

    A suite of lush, heavily melodic songs laden with multi-part harmonies, given evocative lyrical imagery set in woodlands, boats and log cabins, telling oblique but moving tales of pioneering, travel and isolation.

    The sound of the album is very distinct and has a heavy reliance on analogue synthesizers - as did their earlier works Bamnan and Slivercork.

    "Midlake’s debut has already encouraged ecstatic comparisons with The Flaming Lips and Radiohead. That’ll be the former’s stratospheric harmonies (take opener “They Cannot Let It Expand”, like some Fisher-Price toy Yoshimi tribute) and the sometimes vexing vocal similarity between singer Tim Smith and Thom Yorke then?

    Whatever, the two elements fuse beautifully on the mistily majestic “Kingfish Pies”, the hypnotizing highpoint on an album which more than merits the high expectations such prestigious peer evaluations invite."

    -Uncut Magazine

    More info here;

    * Tim Smith — vocals, piano, keyboard, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, flute
    * Eric Pulido — electric guitar, acoustic guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar, keyboards, backing vocals
    * Eric Nichelson — keyboards, piano, acoustic guitar, 12-string acoustic guitar, electric guitar
    * Paul Alexander — bass, double bass, electric guitar, keyboards, piano, bassoon
    * McKenzie Smith — drums, percussion

    Additional musicians

    * Linda Salisbury — french horn on "Branches" and "Van Occupanther"
    * Josh Ello — violin on "Young Bride"
    Production notes
    * Songs and lyrics by Tim Smith
    * Produced by Tim Smith and Midlake
    * Engineered and mixed by Paul Alexander and Midlake
    * Mastered by Alan Douches at West West Side Music
    * Photos by Tim Smith
    * Design and layout by Tim Carter and Midlake
    * Recorded and mixed in Denton, TX

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Sonic Youth - The Destroyed Room: B-Sides & Rarities (FLAC)

    Sonic Youth - The Destroyed Room: B-Sides & Rarities
    Mp3 @ 320 kbps / FLAC


    01 - Fire Engine Dream (10:22)
    02 - Fauxhemians (4:04)
    03 - Razor Blade (1:08)
    04 - Blink (5:27)
    05 - Campfire (2:19)
    06 - Loop Cat (5:39)
    07 - Kim's Chords (6:02)
    08 - Beautiful Plateau (3:07)
    09 - Three-Part Sectional Love Seat (8:16)
    10 - Queen Anne Chair (4:37)
    11 - The Diamond Sea (25:48)

    Here she be:

    320 kbps:



    How to download from

    0. go to the bottom of the page
    1. click: сюда or просмотра рекламы
    2. click link ( - лучшие вакансии) or any other link
    3. wait 30 seconds (look right - up corner)
    4. a new page appears with 4 numbers code (like a rapidshare, at the bottom of the page)
    5. write it and click on red arrow >
    6. click : ckayatb > (or click on red arrow or click link)


    ANOTHER GUIDE: http://weaponofsound.blogspot......derru.html

    and a tip:
    in the last page with the link, you can use Flashgot (Firefox plugin) and get it with Flashget with 3 parts. (right click and choose "FlashGot link" or "FlashGot All" -> deselect all -> then select the "")
    Much-much faster!

    You can also d/l more than one files simultaneously.

    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Midlake - Young Bride

    Our latest most favourite song ever!

    It's the beautiful "Young Bride" by Midlake.

    OK, the lyrics ain't Sam Beckett ... but so fucking what! It's a sumptuous song!

    We admit we're kinda fuckin late to the Midlake party ... but we prefer to come later than come too soon!!

    And nobody's inflammable !!!! Not even us! We're very flammable!

    This comes from the LP "The Trials of Van Occupanther", the second album from Texans Midlake released back in July 2006 on Bella Union Records.

    At the time, we did read a lot about this, but the rather dumb title and the dumb (nay atrocious) cover artwork sorta put us off!

    But we're catching up now! And we do like the LP a LOT!

    And we love this track a whole fucking LOT!

    We're gonna be posting The Trials of Van Occupanther as well as their fine Oak And Julian EP (2007) !

    If anyone's got other and/or rarer Midlake stuff, please let us know!

    by veronika

    My young bride
    Why are your shoulders like that?
    Of a tired old woman
    Like a tired old woman

    My young bride
    Why are your fingers like that?
    Of the hedge in winter
    Of the hedge in winter

    Polonaise in winter
    Snowshoes and hunters
    Carry the goods in for you
    Darkness and forest
    Grant you the longest
    Face made for porridge and stew

    My young bride
    Why aren't you moving at all?
    Helps to make the day seem shorter
    Helps to make the day seem shorter

    My young bride
    Why aren't you keeping with you
    All the ones who really love you?
    All the ones who really love you?

    Polonaise in winter
    Snowshoes and hunters
    Carry the goods in for you
    Darkness and forest
    Grant you the longest
    Face made for porridge and stew

    Polonaise in winter
    Snowshoes and hunters
    Carry the goods in for you
    Darkness and forest
    Grant you the longest
    Face made for porridge and stew

    I feel a wreck without my little China girl

    Spurs Stunner

    Yap .... she'll do!!!

    they left us alone in a coldground place called EARTH

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Lovely work from IAM SUGAHTANK

    Feel the Heat !

    I really wanna feel the Heat !

    What keeps mankind alive-d

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Another great piece from IAM SUGAHTANK

    Sarah Palin's Library

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Monte Wolverton, The Wolvertoon --
    - Visit Monte -- E-Mail Monte,

    Another great piece from Monte !

    I love the book titles .... "Killing Animals for Fun" etc!

    Shouldn't that dimwit be reading a book called "How to Read at Kindergarten Level" ?!

    I guess her real library, if she even has one, is a cobweb-ridden haven for spiders!!

    Clippers Hotty

    Yap ... that's not bad!!

    I throw mud therefore I am !

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    John Darkow, The Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri
    Visit John. E-mail John.

    A conclusion from today's debate is that Mc Cain is one little hate-filled, quasi demented, warmongering motherfucker!

    Ergo he's bound to win!! (except he won't .... thank fuck!)

    This won't hurt a bit!

    Eric Allie,Chicago
    E-Mail Eric

    Joan Baez w ith The Smothers Bros. - I Shall Be Released

    Tom and Dick provide some nice harmonies while Joan performs one of Bob Dylan's greatest.

    Baez sure does have
    a great voice, and an uncanny knack for getting her interpretations spot on!

    thanks 2old2Rock

    Blixa Bargeld’s Execution of Precious Memories Makes US Debut in San Francisco

    Yap ... we've been fans of the great German musician/ artist for years now, picking up on him of course as part of the mighty and and, also as part of the great experimental and infuential German group

    Here's a blitz of Blixa news!!

    Lots more here ...

    Blixa Bargeld’s Execution of Precious Memories Makes US Debut in San Francisco


    Fabled composer, author, vocalist, musician, actor, founder and former and guitarist will collaborate and star with Nanos Operetta and Yannis Adoniou’s KUNST-STOFF on the SF-based version of this world-wide project following its debut in Berlin and culture specific runs in Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Stockholm, London, New Delhi and Krakow

    Performances to run November 19-23 at Project Artaud Theater; Sunday’s Performance at 7pm, all others at 8pm


    San Francisco, October 7, 2008Blixa Bargeld will collaborate with new music ensemble Nanos Operetta and award-winning choreographer, filmmaker and artistic director of KUNST-STOFF, Yannis Adoniou in the US debut of Bargeld’s Execution of Precious Memories. SF-based new music ensemble Nanos Operetta will not only contribute original music to the score, but the 7-piece ensemble will perform live along with Bargeld and Yannis Adoniou's KUNST-STOFF who will also supply choreography.

    Performances of this project that has enjoyed culture-specific runs in 8 cities since it’s debut in Berlin circa 1994 are scheduled for Project Artaud Theater, located at 450 Florida Street, San Francisco CA 94111


    Tickets:; links to ticket purchase also on

    Bargeld— whose life long work with Einstürzende Neubauten has strongly influenced Nine Inch Nails, Marliyn Manson, Depeche Mode and the evolution of Industrial Music—will appear alongside Nanos Operetta in a rare live performance as part of a fundraiser for the run to be held on October 19 at Foreign Cinema in San Francisco’s Mission District.

    Tickets for the fundraiser are available at

    “This collaboration has been a longtime desire for Nanos,” say Nanos Operetta’s Ali Tabatabai. “Blixa Bargeld is a true maverick and an instinctual idealist who follows his creative hallucinations and musical compulsions without fear of consequence; his sonic and textual investigations have informed virtually all of Nanos Operetta's work.”

    Execution of Precious Memories is a worldwide work that began in Berlin in 1994. Since then it has been performed in culture specific performances in 8 other cities. This is the first performance in US—and the first performance period—since 2001. When asked about the collaboration, Adoniou explains that “Blixa is not only an exceptional musician but also a conceptual guru,” before adding, “It is a great pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to finally work with him.”

    Dancers performing are Marina Fukushima, John Mercke, Jennifer Meek, Andrew Ward, Suzanne Lappas and Justin Andrews.

    Memories collects anonymous recollections from individuals living in the city of performance by distributing questionnaires at a variety of distribution points, through mailings, posting online and other methods. Once the 50-question forms are complete they are compiled together by the collaborators who then pull out specific lines, situations, descriptions of physical feelings, associations with animals, childhood and sensual experiences along with other ephemera to produce a cohesive single work.

    In this case that means a much anticipated music, dance and spoken word performance that mixes its global lineage with local DNA, all performed live by the collaborators for five days only.

    As the old Chinese proverb says, “Memory paints with a golden brush.” Execution of Precious Memories uses that brush to take real memories and contextualize them in a piece of fiction. And fiction as we’ve often been told, can be viewed as “the lie that tells the truth.”

    The survey is available in both print and online.

    The online survey can be filled out and submitted online at

    The paper form of the survey will be distributed at random throughout the Bay Area; it can be filled out by hand and mailed to: Bargeld Entertainment, 405 El Camino Real #430, Menlo Park, CA 94025

    By utilizing local respondents and responses, Precious Memories becomes an almost interactive performance by using the memories of its audience in its construction.

    The survey cut-off date is November 1, 2008

    Performances of Execution of Precious Memories by Year and City

    1994 – Berlin
    1995 – Tokyo and Osaka
    1995 – Buenos Aires
    1998 – Stockholm
    1999 – Yaunde, Cameroon
    1999 – London
    1999 – New Dehli
    2001 – Krakow
    2008 – San Francisco

    Future plans following the run in San Francisco include touring the piece nationally and internationally - including a June 2009 return to Berlin for three shows at the Berlin Docks.

    About Blixa Bargeld

    Blixa Bargeld is a composer, vocalist, musician, author, actor, and lecturer in a number of artistic fields. Best known as the founder of German experimental rock group Einstürzende Neubauten and idiosyncratic guitarist of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, his enormous body of work over the last 30 years has been hugely influential worldwide. Inspired by the dada-influenced Die Geniale Dilletanten movement and the spirit of punk rock, Bargeld founded Einstürzende Neubauten in 1980, which along with groups Throbbing Gristle and Cabaret Voltaire laid the foundation of the Industrial music movement, influencing groups such as Nine Inch Nails, Depeche Mode, and Marilyn Manson. While these have been his principle outlets Bargeld has been involved in numerous theatrical, spoken word, and film projects including appearing in the films of Wim Wenders and Peter Sempel. His extensive discography has been distributed worldwide and he has performed in numerous concert-tours throughout Europe, North and South America, Australia and Japan. He has resided in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2001.

    About Nanos Operetta
    Nanos Operetta is a six-member new music ensemble led by composer/vocalist Ali Tabatabai that creates conceptual and collaborative works with dance, physical performance, and other music groups and vocalists. Utilizing unconventional and culturally diverse instrumentation and found objects, the ensemble incorporates elements of film music, ethnic music, modern chamber, minimalism, and the avant-garde to create works for live performance and recording. Collaboration is one of the group's main focuses, creating new works with such acclaimed artists as dance artists inkBoat and Ledoh; vocalists Nils Frykdahl and Dohee Lee; and music groups Dillinger Escape Plan and Kronos Quartet. Nanos Operetta received an Isadora Duncan Award (IZZIE) for Serei, their collaboration with butoh masters, Koichi & Hiroko Tamano and the Harupin-Ha Butoh Dance Theater. Nanos Operetta also created the critically acclaimed music and dance performance series 3 Drops of Blood, curated by Ali Tabatabai.

    About Yannis Adoniou and KUNST-STOFF
    Yannis Adoniou’s KUNST–STOFF is a San Francisco-based, Goldie award winning, contemporary dance company that has been creating eclectic movement-focused art experiences in the Bay Area for the past 10 years.
Under the artistic direction of Yannis Adoniou, the company celebrated its 10th Anniversary Season with Three World Premieres on the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts main stage in February 2008. These premieres are a continuation of a decade-long dedication to creating conceptually driven work that challenges and expands the boundaries of our perception. With themes that reflect upon and respond to contemporary society, KUNST–STOFF’s work reaches across cultural and social boundaries in search of that which resonates on a universal level.
Visit for more information

    Al & OJ

    by Jimmy Margulies, New Jersey -- The Record
    Visit Jimmy E-Mail Jimmy -

    Who believes in karma?!

    Yet another surreal moment in the surreal life of the Homer Simpson of criminals! D'Ohhhhhh!

    Charge By the Hour

    Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon - 30th Anniversary Edition


    Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon [SACD-DTS 5.1] 30th Anniversary Edition

    SACD Release: 2003 | Label: EMI |Genre : Progressive Rock
    Included : CUE + Wav + Covers | Size : 500 MB


    Audio Format: Digital Surround DTS 5.1
    To play DTS CDs you need to have equipment that supports DTS and a surround sound system that is capable of decoding the DTS signal. Don't play this on equipment that isn't compatible because you'll only hear static.

    Super Audio CD (SACD)
    The Super Audio CD (SACD) features two disc layers. One layer contains a standard version of the album that works on any CD player. The other layer includes high-resolution stereo and a 5.1 surround version of the recording that works on SACD-compatible DVD players and home theater systems. Both layers employ SACD's Direct Stream Digital (DSD) encoding process that samples the music 64 times faster than CD for unprecedented fidelity.

    Dark Side of the Moon, originally released in 1973, is one of those albums that is discovered anew by each generation of rock listeners. This complex, often psychedelic music works very well because Pink Floyd doesn't rush anything; the songs are mainly slow to mid-tempo, with attention paid throughout to musical texture and mood. The sound effects on songs like "On the Run," "Time" and especially "Money" (with sampled sounds of clinking coins and cash registers turned into rhythmic accompaniment) are impressive, especially when we remember that 1973 was before the advent of digital recording techniques. This is probably Pink Floyd's best-known work, and it's an excellent place to start if you're new to the band.

    Genevieve Williams


    The Dark Side of the Moon (titled in the 1993 CD release as Dark Side of the Moon) is a 1973 concept album by Pink Floyd. It explores the nature of the human experience, with themes such as birth, time, greed, conflict, travel, mental illness, and death.

    It is considered by many fans and critics to be the band's magnum opus, and is generally hailed as the record that defined their sound. It was a landmark in rock music, featuring radio-suitable songs such as Money, Time, Us and Them, and Brain Damage/Eclipse that also incorporate ethereal concrete sound techniques. Some critics use the album as a point of reference between classic blues rock and the then-new genre of electronic music. However, the work's softer touches of lyrical and musical nuance are what make Dark Side stand apart from its peers. All four of the band members participated in the writing and production: David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Roger Waters, and Richard Wright. It is the first Pink Floyd album with all lyrics credited to Roger Waters. It is the third bestselling album of all time and stayed longer on the US Billboard Top 200 chart than any other album in history (741+ weeks).


    01. Speak To Me
    02. Breathe
    03. On The Run
    04. Time
    05. Great Gig In The Sky
    06. Money
    07. Us And Them
    08. Any Colour You Like
    09. Brain Damage
    10. Eclipse

    Total Time: 42:59

    - David Gilmour / guitars, vocals, VCS3
    - Nick Mason / drums, percussion, tape effects
    - Roger Waters / bass, vocals, VCS3, tape effects
    - Richard Wright / keyboards, vocals, VCS3

    - Dick Parry / saxophone (6-7)
    - Clare Torry / lead vocals (5)
    - Leslie Duncan / backing vocals
    - Lisa Strike / backing vocals
    - Barry St. John / backing vocals
    - Doris Troy / backing vocals

    5.1 Surround mix by James Guthrie
    Assistant engineer Joel Plante
    5.1 and stereo mastering by Doug Sax and James Guthrie
    Assisted by Joel Plante and Gus Skinas
    Mixed and mastered at das boot recording
    DSD authoring for SACD by Gus Skinas

    Here she be:

    Pink Floyd - The Dark Side Of The Moon [DTS 5.1]

    Password: EktorasClub

    Big thanks to pparadiso

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Stone-Age Pageant Babes & The Unbearable Triteness of Being

    Let's play along in this wonderful roykeanz game! (yawn!)

    More importantly, let's get this post over with so I can hit the bar!

    Roykeanz mailed me these pix of pageant babes - Miss World he says - going back ... well to the stone age!

    He highlighted in red the ones where he would .... well ... you know! I don't even care which of these he would .... well ... you know!!

    I ask him if he really would .... well ... you know, a Swedish babe who in 1955 was about 20 years old - making her now the same age as John Mc Cain and/or a dinosaur!!

    - He says "Yap! A babe's always a babe! ...... Nah, course not! Any chick over 25's a MILFFaFa (Mother I'd Love to Fucking Flee From) man! ... I mean if you were there the moment when the fucking picture was taken?"

    - When the picture was taken? Could you get any dumber, Mr GW fucking Bush?? If you were there when a fucking picture was taken in say 1970, you'd have been a sperm in your dad's gonads!

    - OK! OK! Wait ..... Imagine you had a fucking time machine and could travel back to any of those moments! Alright?

    - What? A time machine? WHAT THE FUCK'S A TIME MACHINE? ... They don't fucking exist!!

    - Maybe not now, but one day in the future. Einstein said time travel is actually possible and I believe fucking Einstein!

    - So you've read fucking Einstein?

    - Yeah.

    - Sure?

    - Of course.

    - When?

    - I checked him on wikipedia.

    - For fucks .... Gotta go now! Need to feed the goldfish.

    - What? You don't even have a gol .... (CLICK)

    Fucking hell! No wonder I'm losing whatever little sense I had! I need a pint glass full of Jack Daniels!

    Anyway, here they are .......... replete with dumb words from roykeanz!

    All of em ..... Dominican Republic

    Puerto Rico


    Is that Norway chick called "Grunt"?
    Is that Thai chick called "Porn"?
    If you mixed em together, you'd have a chick called Porn Grunt!


    Venezuela (79)
    Why the fuck are
    Venezuela always winning? I gotta get me to Venezuela fast!


    Did these really win? ... erm .. Lebanon




    And the overall winner?

    Well, it's Porn Grunt, of course!!

    Thailand 1965.

    Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Best Of (1998) - FLAC


    Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Best Of (1998)
    Alternative Rock
    WV+CUE+EAC/ log -> 466 MB or mp3@VBR V0 (259 avg) -> 147 MB

    75:37 min | covers | 3% recovery | RS

    A great collection of and the released back in 98.

    Some great cuts in here. However, any sort of Cave fan needs to get the various individual albums. Especially, of course, his greatest LP The Boatman's Call.

    Check a discography here: Cave - Discography

    We've posted a shitload of other pieces pertaining and and also Nick's earlier group, the wild, wonderful and fucked-up .

    Even some stuff from the earliest days, from the short lived,

    Nick Cave is unquestionably an album artist. Each of his records has a specific mood and theme, standing as an individual work. That said, his albums have also been notoriously uneven. Sometimes, as on From Her to Eternity or The Boatman's Call, he has delivered near-masterpieces, while on other albums, only a handful of songs have hit the mark accurately, which is why The Best of Nick Cave is a welcome addition to his catalog. Granted, the title is a bit odd (it's better than Greatest Hits, however), but the compilation itself is as good as it could possibly be. All the major songs -- "Red Right Hand," "Straight to You," "Nobody's Baby Now," "Into My Arms," "Do You Love Me?," "Henry Lee," "Where the Wild Roses Grow," "From Her to Eternity" -- are on this 16-track collection, along with several strong album cuts.

    Some hardcore fans will find a couple of favorites missing, and the disc should have been sequenced in chronological order, but The Best of Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds is nevertheless a terrific single-disc overview of his rewarding, occasionally inaccessible work with the Bad Seeds; it's ideal for both the curious and the casual fan.

    AMG review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine:


    01 Deanna
    02 Red Right Hand
    03 Straight To You
    04 Tupelo
    05 Nobody's Baby Now
    06 Stranger Than Kindness
    07 Into My Arms
    08 (Are You) The One That I've Been Waiting For?
    09 The Carny
    10 Do You Love Me?
    11 The Mercy Seat
    12 Henry Lee
    13 The Weeping Song
    14 The Ship Song
    15 Where The Wild Roses Grow
    16 From Her To Eternity

    Here she be:


    password: 19m66

    Big thanks to paradiso

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Basketball Babe's new addition to the Kama Sutra!

    After years of practice, Basketball Babe Belinda has perfected a new sexual technique which will soon be added to the Kama Sutra!

    We give it 10 out of 10 for artistic merit. But -10 for practicality!

    The main drawback is you've got to be the size of a giraffe to try it out with her!

    The other drawback of course is that if the ring doesn't hold, Belinda's head will soon look like a squashed cantaloupe all over the floor!

    No one wants the head of the babe they've been banging to suddenly become a squashed cantaloupe all over the floor. Well, except Sarah Palin's hubby, perhaps!!

    Butterfingered Basketball Babe

    This babe seemingly can't play basketball for shit!

    So what? She's hot!

    That's why she's here !

    Great work butterfingered basketball babe!

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection - 8 CDs of amazing music!

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection
    8 CDs of amazing music!
    Mp3 @ 320

    A wonderful collection of classic Rock 'N' Roll cuts! Some amazing well known groups but some rare wonders too!

    All this and an excuse to post Bettie Page! Perfect!

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 1 @ 320

    01 - The Twist - Chubby Checker
    02 - He's A Rebel - The Crystals
    03 - Duke Of Earl - Gene Chandler
    04 - The End Of The World - Skeeter Davis
    05 - Raindrops - Dee Clark
    06 - Sheila - Tommy Roe
    07 - Leader Of The Pack - The Shangri-Las
    08 - The Boy From New York City - The Ad Libs
    09 - Hey! Baby - Bruce Channel
    10 - (Just Like) Romeo And Juliet - The Reflections
    11 - Surf City - Jan & Dean
    12 - My Boyfriend's Back - The Angels

    Total Size: 70,36MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 2 @ 320

    01 - Runaway - Del Shannon
    02 - Stand By Me - Ben E. King
    03 - It's My Party - Lesley Gore
    04 - Save The Last Dance For Me - The Drifters
    05 - Happy Together - The Turtles
    06 - Cherish - The Association
    07 - This Diamond Ring - Gary Lewis & The Playboys
    08 - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head - B. J. Thomas
    09 - Games People Play - Joe South
    10 - Ferry 'Cross The Mersey - Gerry & The Pacemakers
    11 - Cara Mia - Jay & The Americans
    12 - She Cried - Jay & The Americans

    Total Size: 76,86MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 3 @ 320

    01 - Wooly Bully - Sam The Sham & The Pharoahs
    02 - What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted - Jimmy Ruffin
    03 - Hawaii Five-O - The Ventures
    04 - Lady Willpower - Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
    05 - Grazing In The Grass - Friends Of Distinction
    06 - Judy In Disguise (With Glasses) - John Fred & His Playboy Band
    07 - Let's Twist Again - Chubby Checker
    08 - Judy's Turn To Cry - Lesley Gore
    09 - Tossin' And Turnin' - Bobby Lewis
    10 - The Little Old Lady (From Pasadena) - Jan & Dean
    11 - Hurt So Bad - Little Anthony & The Imperials
    12 - Rinky Dink - Dave ''Baby'' Cortez

    Total Size: 71,61MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 4 @ 320

    01 - One Fine Day - The Chiffons
    02 - Little Honda - The Hondells
    03 - Rubber Ball - Bobby Vee
    04 - Sad Movies (Make Me Cry) - Sue Thompson
    05 - Wipe Out - The Surfaris
    06 - Elenore - The Turtles
    07 - Bend Me, Shape Me - The American Breed
    08 - Hair - The Cowsills
    09 - Kind Of A Drag - The Buckinghams
    10 - She's Not There - The Zombies
    11 - Sunday Will Never Be The Same - Spanky & Our Gang
    12 - Laugh, Laugh - The Beau Brummels

    Total Size: 72,26MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 5 @ 320

    01 - A Summer Song - Chad & Jeremy
    02 - Five O'Clock World - The Vogues
    03 - Incense And Peppermints - Strawberry Alarm Clock
    04 - Spooky - Dennis Yost & The Classics IV
    05 - Western Union - The Five Americans
    06 - Pony Time - Chubby Checker
    07 - She's A Fool - Lesley Gore
    08 - The Night Has A Thousand Eyes - Bobby Vee
    09 - Deep Purple - Nino Temple & April Stevens
    10 - Deadman's Curve - Jan & Dean
    11 - C'mon And Swim - Bobby Freeman
    12 - Denise - Randy & The Rainbows
    13 - You Don't Have To Be A Baby To Cry - The Caravelles

    Total Size: 74,80MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 6 @ 320
    01 - Peppermint Twist (Part 1) - Joey D. & The Starliters
    02 - Hey Paula - Paul & Paula
    03 - If I Had A Hammer - Trini Lopez
    04 - Under The Boardwalk - The Drifters
    05 - Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye - The Casinos
    06 - Cool Jerk - The Capitols
    07 - I'm Leaving It Up To You - Dale & Grace
    08 - Goin' Out Of My Head - Little Anthony & The Imperials
    09 - Tell Him - The Exciters
    10 - Diane - The Bachelors
    11 - Cry Like A Baby - The Box Tops
    12 - Telstar - The Tornadoes
    13 - Lightnin' Strikes - Lou Christie

    Total Size: 79,89MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 7 @ 320

    01 - Midnight Confessions - The Grass Roots
    02 - More Today Than Yesterday - Pat Upton formerly of Spiral Staircase
    03 - Worst That Could Happen - Brooklyn Bridge
    04 - Bread And Butter - The Newbeats
    05 - Poetry In Motion - Johnny Tillotson
    06 - The Monkey Time - Major Lance
    07 - What's Your Name - Don & Juan
    08 - Tragedy - The Fleetwoods
    09 - Nut Rocker - B. Bumble & The Stingers
    10 - Respectable - The Outsiders
    11 - You Don't Own Me - Lesley Gore
    12 - Twine Time - Alvin Cash & The Crawlers
    13 - Rescue Me - Fontella Bass

    Total Size: 78,58MB

    1960's Rock 'N' Roll Collection CD 8 @ 320

    01 - Uptown - The Crystals
    02 - Two Faces Have I - Lou Christie
    03 - Sugar Shack - Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs
    04 - Hats Off To Larry - Del Shannon
    05 - Mr. Bass Man - Johnny Cymbal
    06 - Soul Man - Sam & Dave
    07 - Shakin' All Over - Chad Allen & The Guess Who
    08 - Along Comes Mary - The Association
    09 - The Shoop, Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) - Betty Everett
    10 - Remember (Walkin' In The Sand) - The Shangri-Las
    11 - Love Potion No. 9 - The Clovers
    12 - Wild Thing - The Troggs
    13 - Young Girl - Gary Puckett & The Union Gap

    Total Size: 75,50MB

    And some more Bettie, huh?

    OK then!

    Big thanks to pparadiso

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Tuesday, 7 October 2008

    Sigur Ros - Discography

    Sigur Ros - Discography
    Lossless: EAC rip (FLAC+CUE+LOG) | Full Covers
    7 Albums | 66 tracks | Total Time: 07:09:45 | 2.41 GB

    "with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly"

    The greatest thing to come out of Iceland! Well, after that gorgeous, yet nasty and very drunk, chick (see pic below) I met when I went there 5 years ago, who in between infinite gulps of raw vodka, kept Mr. Stupid junior stiff as an icicle (well, Iceland is damn cold!!) for three full fun filled days .... and three full fun filled nights!

    Man, it took a hell of a long time to thaw Mr. Stupid junior out after those exploits!!

    Awwww .... we're made of memories (or mammaries), and all we've got are memories (or mammaries) !!!
    Artist's impression by Mr. Stupid junior. Not necessarily accurate.... In fact, not remotely fucking accurate!

    Ahem ..... what the fuck was I talking about? Ah yeah ... Sigur Ros !

    Better than Bjork?, a moron asks (we get lots of that species here!)?

    Better than Bjork? .... Well, to put it subtly, a squeaking drooling rat crawling over my dying body would sound better than Bjork!

    Sigur Rós are a great Icelandic slow-motion rock band (according to the band’s own fucked up definition!) with post-rock elements.

    The name is derived from the name of lead vocalist Jónsi Birgisson’s little sister Sigurrós. According to their website, it is pronounced “si-ur rose”. They hail from the same creative and vibrant Icelandic music scene as múm and Amiina. They released their first ever foray into film-making with their tour documentary, Heima in late 2007.


    Jón Þór (Jónsi) Birgisson, Georg Hólm and Ágúst Ævar Gunnarsson formed the group in Reykjavík, Iceland in August 1994.

    They soon won a record deal with a local record label, Bad Taste.

    In 1997, they released Von (Hope) and in 1998 a remix collection named Von brigði. The name is Icelandic wordplay: Vonbrigði means “disappointment”, but Von brigði means “hope alteration”. (In English, the album is sometimes known by the alternative name “Recycle Bin”.)

    International acclaim came with 1999’s Ágætis Byrjun (“An alright start”) for which the band were joined by Kjartan Sveinsson. The album’s reputation slowly spread by word of mouth over the next two years. Soon many critics worldwide hailed it as one of the best albums of its time and the band was playing with Radiohead and other big names. Drummer Ágúst left the band after the recording of Ágætis Byrjun and was replaced by Orri Páll Dýrason.

    After the release of Ágætis Byrjun, the band became perhaps most well known for Birgisson’s signature style of playing guitar with the bow from a cello, accentuated with reverb, creating a sweeping, fluid sound that is unique for an electric guitar.

    In early 2001, Sigur Rós set out to record some songs in their newly-completed álafoss swimming pool studio with their friend Steindór Andersen who is a fisherman and chairman of the Icelandic poetry society, called Iðunn. Steindór is a chanter/singer of the traditional Icelandic epic poetry form called Rímur. Only 1000 copies of the EP were printed and sold in the spring tour of 2001.

    In 2002, their highly anticipated follow-up album ( ) was released. Upon release all tracks on the album were untitled, though the band later published song names on their website. Famously all of the lyrics on ( ) are sung in vonlenska (“Hopelandic”), nonsensical vocalisations which resemble the sound of the Icelandic language.

    It has also been said that the listener is supposed to interpret their own meanings of the lyrics which can then be written in the blank pages in the album booklet.

    In October of 2003, Sigur Rós joined Radiohead in composing music for Merce Cunningham’s dance piece Split Sides; Sigur Rós’s three tracks were named Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do and released in March of 2004. The three tracks (Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do) are separate endeavours, but the band intended that all three be played at the same time to form one single track. The band’s 1997 debut album Von also finally found a U.S. and U.K. release in October of 2004.

    Their next full-length album, Takk… (Thanks…), was released on September 13, 2005, with a legal download of their first single, Glósóli, made available on August 15.

    For North American fans, Sæglópur was made available for download on August 16. Hoppípolla, the second official single from Takk…, was released on November 28 alongside a new studio remake of Hafsól, a song which was previously released on the band’s 1997 debut, Von.

    I´M BACK by Ásta Sif.

    An extended Sæglópur EP was released on July 10th in most parts of the world and on August 8th in the United States. Its original release date was May 8th, but because of the sudden demand of “Hoppípolla”, especially in the UK due to its inclusion on BBC’s ‘Planet Earth’, it was pushed back from that date. Sigur Rós recorded three new songs for the EP (Refur, Ófriður, and Kafari).

    The Hvarf/Heim double album was released on November 5th 2007, comprising two separate albums. Hvarf contains reworkings of songs dating back to the bands’ first album, whereas Heim contains live acoustic versions of more well known songs. The double album was an accompaniment to the film Heima.

    Sigur Rós have sold over 2.5 million albums worldwide.

    Sigur Rós are currently touring worldwide and their newest album Með suð í eyrum, við spilum endalaustwas release on June 23 2008.

    Sigur Ros - Discography

    [b]Von (1997)

    1. sigur rós [9:46 mins]
    2. dögun [5:50 mins]
    3. hún jörð [7:17 mins]
    4. leit að lífi [2:33 mins]
    5. myrkur [6:14 mins]
    6. 18 sekúndur fyrir sólarupprás [0:18 mins]
    7. hafssól [12:24 mins]
    8. veröld ný óg óð [3:29 mins]
    9. von [5:12 mins]
    10. mistur [2:16]
    11. syndir guðs (opinberun frelsarans) [7:40 mins]
    12. rukrym [8:59 mins]

    Agaetis byrjun (1999)

    1. intro [1:36 mins]
    2. svefn-g-englar [10:04 mins]
    3. starálfur [6:47 mins]
    4. flugufrelsarinn [7:47 mins]
    5. ný batterí [8:11 mins]
    6. hjartað hamast (bamm bamm bamm) [7:11 mins]
    7. viðrar vel til loftárása [10:18 mins]
    8. olsen olsen [8:03 mins]
    9. ágætis byrjun [7:56 mins]
    10. avalon [4:00 mins]

    ( ) (2002)

    8 untitled tracks

    Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do EP (2004)

    1. ba ba [6:12 mins]
    2. ti ki [8:49 mins]
    3. di do [5:42 mins]

    Takk… (2005)

    1. takk... · 01:57 mins
    2. glósóli · 06:15 mins
    3. hoppípolla · 04:28 mins
    4. með blóðnasir · 02:17 mins
    5. sé lest · 08:40 mins
    6. sæglópur · 07:38 mins
    7. mílanó · 10:25 mins
    8. gong · 5:33 mins
    9. andvari · 06:40 mins
    10. svo hljótt · 07:24 mins
    11. heysátan · 04:09 mins

    Hvarf-Heim (2007) double album

    hvarf studio cd

    1. salka
    2. hljómalind
    3. í gær
    4. von
    5. hafsól

    heim live acoustic cd
    1. samskeyti
    2. starálfur
    3. vaka
    4. ágætis byrjun
    5. heysátan
    6. von

    Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust (2008)

    1. gobbledigook · 3:05 mins
    2. inní mér syngur vitleysingur · 4:05 mins
    3. góðan daginn · 5:15 mins
    4. við spilum endalaust · 3:33 mins
    5. festival · 9:24 mins
    6. með suð í eyrum · 4:56 mins
    7. ára bátur · 8:57 mins
    8. illgresi · 4:13 mins
    9. fljótavík · 3:49 mins
    10. straumnes · 2:01 mins
    11. all alright · 6:21 mins

    Here she be

    yes, this a file containing the links only, moron!

    Big thanks to Allende

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    A Bonnie Babe

    A Bonnie Babe becomes uncomprehendably ecstatic at the presence of lettuce.

    Or, as Homer Simpson would call it, "Dirt"!

    I hope all she's gonna do is EAT it!!!

    Scary as f*ck

    Bob Dylan, Bertolt Brecht and "When the Ship Comes In"

    Album cover
    Album The Times They Are a-Changin'
    Released January 13, 1964
    Recorded October 23, 1963
    Genre Folk
    Length 3:18
    Label Columbia
    Writer Bob Dylan
    Producer Tom Wilson

    The "Folky" created the classic "When the Ship Comes In" back in 1963 for his third studio album The Times They Are a-Changin', released in 1964.

    Joan Baez stated in the documentary film No Direction Home that "When the Ship Comes In" was, to a great extent inspired by an actual event when a hotel clerk that refused to give the young Dylan a room due to his "unwashed" appearance - of course, Dylan was not a superstar, or even famous outside of the folk movement back in 63!

    The song then grew into a sprawling epic allegory, about vanquishing the oppressive "powers that be".

    It soon became a folk classic, a standard that was covered by a slew of famous artists within the folk movement, and some artists without.

    Dylan's main inspiration for this song is said to be Pirate Jenny (1928) by Bertolt Brecht & Kurt Weill, both thematically and in lines such as;

    You gentlemen can wipe off that smile off your face
    Cause every building in town is a flat one
    This whole frickin' place will be down to the ground
    Only this cheap hotel standing up safe and sound

    Inspiration was also likely gleamed from My Ship (1941), written by Kurt Weill & Ira Gershwin wherein are found lines such as;

    My ship's aglow with a million pearls
    And rubies fill each bin
    The sun sits high in a sapphire sky
    When my ship comes in

    In Dylan's magnificent 2004 memoir, “Chronicles: Volume One,” - a must have not only for Dylan fans, not only for music fans and not only for fans of great literature! - there is a fascinating section exploring how Bob Dylan went from being an ingenue unable to write or structure an original song, to being - in an incredibly short timeframe - someone with an almost preternatural expertise in the art of songwriting.,_Volume_1.jpgBob writes about how he took certain great songs from artists he worshiped and tried to break them down into kernel parts, so that he might attain some understanding of how their creators created them.

    Among the slew of such artists he worshiped, as set out in “Chronicles”, prominent therein is Bertolt Brecht, who Bob writes had an enormous impact on his development as an artist.

    As if describing a conversion on the road to Damascus, Dylan recalls in great detail “Brecht on Brecht,” a musical revue he saw in the Village in '63. He only happened upon the show by chance while waiting for his girlfriend, , who was on the production staff.

    “My little shack in the universe was about to expand into some glorious cathedral, at least in songwriting terms,” he writes, describing his reaction to the music. “They were like folk songs in nature, but unlike folk songs, too, because they were sophisticated.”

    Bob was struck in particular by “Pirate Jenny” from “The Threepenny Opera.” This bracing song, with music by Kurt Weill, tells the story, from the point of view of a maid, of an ominous black ship coming into town.“Each phrase comes at you from a 10-foot drop, scuttles across the road and then another comes like a punch on the chin,” Bob writes in “Chronicles.”

    “This piece left you flat on your back and it demanded to be taken seriously. It lingered. Woody had never written a song like that,” he says, referring to his folk hero Woody Guthrie. “It wasn’t a protest or topical song and there was no love for people in it.”

    After seeing the show, he writes, he painstakingly took apart the song’s structure, lyrics and melody to figure out what made it work.

    “It was the form, the free verse association, the structure and disregard for the known certainty of melodic patterns to make it seriously matter, give it its cutting edge. It also has the ideal chorus for the lyrics. I wanted to figure out how to manipulate and control this particular structure and form.”

    He continues, “I could see that the type of songs I was leaning towards singing didn’t exist and I began playing with the form, trying to grasp it — trying to make a song that transcended the information in it, the character and plot.”

    So, “totally influenced by ‘Pirate Jenny,’ ” Bob says he began experimenting with his own songwriting!

    Oh the time will come up
    When the winds will stop
    And the breeze will cease to be breathin'.
    Like the stillness in the wind
    'Fore the hurricane begins,
    The hour when the ship comes in.

    Oh the seas will split
    And the ship will hit
    And the sands on the shoreline will be shaking.
    Then the tide will sound
    And the wind will pound
    And the morning will be breaking.

    Oh the fishes will laugh
    As they swim out of the path
    And the seagulls they'll be smiling.
    And the rocks on the sand
    Will proudly stand,
    The hour that the ship comes in.

    And the words that are used
    For to get the ship confused
    Will not be understood as they're spoken.
    For the chains of the sea
    Will have busted in the night
    And will be buried at the bottom of the ocean.

    A song will lift
    As the mainsail shifts
    And the boat drifts on to the shoreline.
    And the sun will respect
    Every face on the deck,
    The hour that the ship comes in.

    Then the sands will roll
    Out a carpet of gold
    For your weary toes to be a-touchin'.
    And the ship's wise men
    Will remind you once again
    That the whole wide world is watchin'.

    Oh the foes will rise
    With the sleep still in their eyes
    And they'll jerk from their beds and think they're dreamin'.
    But they'll pinch themselves and squeal
    And know that it's for real,
    The hour when the ship comes in.

    Then they'll raise their hands,
    Sayin' we'll meet all your demands,
    But we'll shout from the bow your days are numbered.
    And like Pharaoh's tribe,
    They'll be drownded in the tide,
    And like Goliath, they'll be conquered.

    Bob Dylan
    Copyright ©1963; renewed 1991 Special Rider Music

    There's an interesting piece on the origins of this song, which talks about Pirate Jenny (1928) by Bertolt Brecht & Kurt Weill, and My Ship (1941), music by Kurt Weill and lyrics by Ira Gershwin, amongst others; as well including as a nice piece fromm Jason Zinoman, a few snippets of which we've borrowed above!

    There's a nice piece below about this great song from Jeff Nielsen at musicruinedmylife - a very fine blog!

    musicruinedmylife? What a coincidence! Music ruined my life too! Well, music and alcohol. Actually, music and alcohol and drugs. Well, more accurately, music and nasty alcohol and nastier women!

    Ahem ... sorry .... A nice piece on Dylan, the protest song and some twenty two different versions of the classic "When the Ship Comes In"!

    Great work mate!

    Here's the piece below .... Check out more stuff like this at musicruinedmylife motherfos!

    God, I’m glad I’m not me.

    Bob Dylan

    The Ship Confused

    by Jeff Nielsen (musicruinedmylife)

    Recently, I told my father (a retired seventy-something philosophy professor and disavowed leftist) that I’d gone to see a Bob Dylan concert. He asked, “So are his songs about Iraq and Afghanistan now?”

    In a knee-jerk response, I said, “Bob Dylan hasn’t written a protest song since 1964.”

    Glib and a bit suspect. (“Au contraire, mon frere,” someone will comment, “what about “George Jackson", “Hurricane” and …uh…“TV Talkin’ Song”?”) However, it is true that his Dylan, the old black and white, finger-pointin’ Dylan of '63-'64, turned out to be just a fleeting facet of the man.

    Everyone* has their own Dylan. Dylanologists (and, of course, Todd Haynes) have over the years, delineated these variegated Dylan archetypes (traditionalist, protest singer, rocker, country crooner, gypsy, Christian, hack, old cowboy etc.) which everyone is free to warp into their own one and only Dylan. Witness the depths that Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone and Sean Curnyn at Right Wing Bob will plumb to twist Dylan’s every twitch into a signal of allegiance to their own political vision. (As Joan Baez, in No Direction Home, informs those who ask if Bob will come and join their cause. “He never comes, you moron. When are you gonna get it?")

    My own Dylans are a hopeless mish-mash. At the age of ten “Gotta Serve Somebody” played alongside “You Don’t Bring me Flowers Anymore” and “I Will Survive” on my cheap transistor radio. At eleven, a cassette of Greatest Hits smeared together the earliest Dylans for an awkward pre-adolescent. Following a plunge into fundamentalist Christianity, I bought a used LP of Saved and topped it off with the, then-current, Knocked out Loaded. That duo – a gospel album and a hodgepodge – cooled me on Dylan for years. But, much later, I came back, and devoured his entire catalog – finding the wheat even in the chaff-ridden albums. I concluded that with each Dylan being rewarding (even if some are much less so) that picking a single favourite is an affront to the man's work.

    However, pushes turning to shoves, that stark, earnest, tune-pilfering Dylan of the early sixties is damn compelling for me. This is the Dylan of my father (a man who has ignored Bob for forty-some years yet can still recite whole verses of “The Times They Are A-Changin'”).

    One crucial favourite of this era is “When the Ship Comes In” from The Times They-Are-A-Changin’. This hard-charging battle anthem seems to be about civil right but is in fact all about personal indignation. Joan Baez says after Bob, in all his scruffiness, was turned away from a hotel he wrote the song in a fury. It’s a short jump from the belligerence of this song’s, “Then they'll raise their hands/Sayin' we'll meet all your demands/But we'll shout from the bow your days are numbered” to “Positively 4th Street’s”, “You got a lotta nerve/To say you got a helping hand to lend/You just want to be on/The side that's winning”. That anger, open or hidden, is one of the many constants in all of Dylan's guises.

    In the end, each of the facets are of a piece; there is no Dylan but Dylan.

    “There was a time in my life when I fervently wanted to be Bob Dylan. Then I realized that practically everyone else in the world wanted to be Bob Dylan, too, and that even if we all got our wish, being Bob Dylan would be so common that it would be completely meaningless to be Bob Dylan even for the actual original Bob Dylan and the world would end up exactly the same as it was before.”

    Frank Portman, King Dork

    * Hemispheric bias duly noted.

    Here for your listening pleasure, possibly, are twenty two different versions of "When the Ship Comes In."

    Bob Dylan

    In 1963 at Carnegie Hall Dylan gave one of those the rambling introductions (“There are crueller Goliaths…”) that would later get him in trouble and then tore into the song, throwing a punk snarl into the consonants. Video (March on Washington) here.

    The Hillmen

    The phoniness that oozes from the living corpse named David Crosby may taint the Byrds for some but Chris Hillman, on the other hand, has a history including once leading this sterling bluegrass band (alongside future country star Vern Gosdin) who in 1964 effortlessly thrust the song back to another time and geography.

    Arlo Guthrie

    This live version from 1994 , with Pete Seeger (supposedly), feels laboured as Arlo’s Dylanesque voice (which he possess for very good reason) clashes with an inflated lite-rock arrangement.Video here

    The Silkie

    Underwhelming vocals and half-hearted accompaniment on this 1965 version of the song make this band sound like a wa-a-a-y too polite version of the (already pretty damn polite) Seekers. Video here

    Billy Bragg

    Bragg's recent version of the song gives it a slightly mournful take, akin to Dylan’s later-period sad readings of “The Times They-are-a Changin’”, which is a shame as the world could use a clanging solo-electric guitar version like Bragg did for that damn "Times...." song.

    Clancy Brothers with Tommy Makem

    That hammy introduction (“You never thought you’d hear Dylan with an Irish accent did you?”) for this version of the song from 1992's 30th Anniversary Concert reminds us that the Clancy’s are actors who bring a broad, theatrical feel to the song, perhaps bringing the song back to it’s roots in the song “Pirate Jenny” from Bertolt Brecht’s Three Penny Opera. Video here.

    Carl Marcus Franklin

    In his 2007 film, I'm Not There, director Todd Haynes cast Franklin to portray Dylan as a pre-teen African American named Woody and the young actor digs into the song's gospel elements .Video here

    Coal Porters

    While this band, led by former Long Ryder and author Sid Griffin (who did justice to the Clash's “Something About England on the Sandanista Project - previously) may not have created the lost Byrds version they aspire to this 2001 version still stands as a fitting tribute to Chris Hillman's take on the song.

    Hugues Aufray

    Le Jour où le Bateau Viendra is a translation by French, (“French from France” as a good Franch-Canadian would specify) singer and Dylan pal, Aufray who gives the song a more heroic but still faithful read.


    Idlewild go all sad n’ piano here for a version that will (for a lucky few) recall singer Roddy Woomble’s stunning solo album, My Secret is my Silence (which might better Idlewild’s tense but melodic sophomore 2000 album 1,000 Broken Windows from which this song is a b-side.)


    It’s 1979 – the Clash have unleashed London Calling, Daniel Amos are preparing to break Christian rock free of the Eagles grasp with Horrendous Disc and somewhere there still existed this freeze-dried Mighty-Wind Christian folk band (not-to-be-missed album available here) full of banjo and church-choir break-it-down sections.

    Mark Haines and Tom Leighton

    In 2002 this East Coast Canadian folk duo did a fine accordion and tin whistle take on the song which has clearly become a Celtic standard thanks to the Clancy Brothers.

    Totta & Wiehe

    Totta Näslund, a veteran Swedish rocker, died of liver cancer in 2005 just before finishing an album of Dylan songs including this one of When the Ship Comes In (apparently a Euro-Dylan favourite) translated to Swedish (as När Vårt Skepp Slår Til) with Mikael Wiehe.

    Peter, Paul, Mary

    This trio was always disparaged for sanitizing Dylan (didn’t the Byrds do that too?) and this bouncy, yet sincere 1965 cover will not change anyone’s views on a group who are as static as Dylan is mercurial. Video here

    The Pogues

    Hampered a bit by trying so hard to sound like their earlier selves, this Shane McGownless-less, but Joe Strummer-fortified (previously), version of the Pogues circa 1996 do get the closest to doing a punk rock version of this song (albeit with heavy tin whistle).

    Steve Gibbons



    The Hollies

    Not only did the Hollies do a Dylan covers album as late as 1968 (it’s wretchedness causing Graham Nash to quit and inflict Crosby, Stills and Nash upon an unsuspecting world) but the syrupy arrangement here makes the Slkie sound like the Stooges. Video here

    Roky Erickson (13the Floor Elevators.)

    Like many Roky semi-bootlegs, this rough demo of uncertain date sounds like someone paid a derelict a mickey to sing into an old boombox. Yet, in his madness, Roky gets an apocalyptic death grip on the song that both Brecht and the Dylan of ’64 would understand.

    Bruce T. Holmes

    Ineffectually nice.

    Barry McGuire and Terry Talbot

    Y’know, Barry gets a lot of grief for Green, Green, Eve of Destruction and a batch of tepid Christian folk albums (including this one from 1995) but that gritty voice is a biting instrument that can give strength to even his, almost invariably, weak material.

    The Golden Gate Strings

    Their web-site says, “Come and hear the Golden Gate Strings and see how this exciting ensemble can add incomparable elegance Muzak to receptions, fundraisers, weddings and corporate events.

    Bob Dylan (with Ron Wood and Keith Richards)

    Here, in all its shambolic glory is the Live Aid version from 1985 with the rambling, heretical, introduction that kept Dylan on the outs with the cultural cognoscenti for a decade. In all fairness, Bob Geldof had it coming, as does anyone else who thinks that Dylan meet will meet their expectations. Video here.

    If you truly believe you can withstand twenty-two versions in a row of the same song here is the compilation in its entirety (for preview purposes only to be deleted from your computer in 24 hours etc. etc.)

    The Black Freighter panel above is from the Watchmen graphic novel from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons -
    the first chapter of which is titled "At Midnight, All the Agents..." after the line in "Desolation Row" plus chapter
    ten is called "Two Riders Were Approaching" after the final line of "All Along the Watchtower".

    Go-Betweens Heaven .... stripedsunlight.blogspot !

    You may have noticed that we're quite fanatical about Brisbane's finest sons, the Go-Betweens (and indeed the wonderful solo work of the late great Grant Mc Lennan and the genius that is Robert Forster)

    Now, I don't mean fanatical in the sense of making crappy shaky videos and then strapping half a ton of explosives around our chest and running into record stores that don't stock Go-Betweens records screaming stuff about teenage Rasputins and the like!! .... But almost !

    But we've found a big Go-Betweens fanatic who's an even bigger Go-Betweens fanatic than we are!

    This guy, Bob, is almost at the stage of making shaky videos and then strapping half a ton of explosives around his chest and running into record stores that don't stock Go-Betweens records screaming stuff about teenage Rasputins and the like!!

    But, what's better, this Go-Betweens fanatic has been posting shitloads of wonderful Go-Betweens rarities as well as solo Grant and Robert goodies!

    Well ... Bob is from Brisbane, and the GBs are the finest thing to ever come out of Brisbane! Or indeed Australia! Or the southern hemisphere!!

    We bow in awe before the Go-Betweens heaven that is the wonderful stripedsunlight.blogspot ! (named of course for a great GB's release from a few years back!)

    We're not worthy!! ...... We're not worthy!!

    Bob's got loads of other great Oz music too ... and loads of stuff from sublime Oz bands we love like Nick Cave (Birthday Party, Bad Seeds, Solo), The Saints, The Triffids, Hunters & Collectors etc etc .... plus shitloads of lesser known bands.

    A little heads up to Bob though ... we're gonna be borrowing a few of those delicious GBs post!

    Keep up the great work mate!!

    Great Australian Albums The Go-Betweens - 16 Lovers Lane

    Another GBs nugget from the wonderful stripedsunlight

    This is a wonderful document about 16 Lovers Lane, not only the finest of many fine GB's LPs, but one of the finest albums in recent times! An album that was shamefully overlooked when it was released, the consequent lack of deserved commercial success contributing to the band splitting up for a long number of years!

    Bob speaks about the show thusly;

    The first Album in the 2nd series of Great Australian Albums aired in Australia this weekend and I managed to record it. I'm going to upload the hour long broadcast in 4 parts to make it a manageable download from the blog and the 1st part is up, with the rest as I find time this week.

    So all you overseas fans who couldn't watch and those here who missed the show here's your opportunity.

    The 1st series had some fantastic albums but the Triffids Born sandy devotional and the Saints I'm Stranded were the highlights for me and I have recordings of those 2 shows if there's heaps of interest cause this takes a bit of work.

    The series has held exceptionally high standards, with its interviews and insight and this was no exception. 16 Lovers has always been an album close to my heart, I cut my wedding cake to "love is a sign", and it was the cumulation of everything the Gobs had achieved, it should have been their breakthrough album. It hasn't a weak song on it and many exceptional songs.

    The hour in which they delve into the making of the album and the collapse of the original band is fascinating, the way they operated, the relationships which were very convoluted and the disappointments which came after, had me glued to the TV.

    All the band members talk with candor and humor, with Grant's input made with footage from old interviews done in such a way that he was truly part of it.

    I hope to hear many comments from you guys about things that stuck you or touched you.

    I've included a few screen shots from this wonderful document.

    The Go-Between's started in the late 1970s when Robert Forster persuaded his friend Grant McLennan to form a band. They began writing songs and were soon in London where they made their base for most of the 1980s.

    Lindy joined around 1980 and she and Robert became lovers. Shortly after the couple broke up, violinist Amanda Brown joined and became involved with Grant.

    Through it all were a series of brilliant and critically acclaimed albums.

    In 1988, they returned to Australia without longtime bass player Robert Vickers and was replaced by fellow Brisbane expatriate John Willsteed.

    It was this line-up of the Go-Betweens that recorded 16 Lovers Lane, their most musically accomplished album.

    The band then embarked on a year-long world tour. Then, on the 29th of December at 6pm Robert met with Lindy and Grant met with Amanda and sacked them.

    Big thanks to Bob at stripedsunlight

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    VA - Rogue's Gallery - Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys

    VA - Rogue's Gallery - Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys
    2006 | FLAC | 865 MB

    Avast now me mateys .... Oooooohhhh Yarrrrr! ....

    I be likin this, so I be! ...... Oooooohhhh Yarrrrr!......

    As powerful as the Cat o' nine tails and as wonderful as Fiddlers Green ! Yarrrrr!

    Last night, when I be loaded to the Gunwales with glorious cheap sweet Jamaican grog and delectatin meself inside an army of glorious cheap sweet Jamaican wenches - who be costin me a pretty cache o' pieces o' eight I be tellin ya - I be hearin some lovely melodies a wiltin across the stench filled air! ..... Oooooohhhh Yarrrrr!......

    A great collection, aye surely me hearties .... Oooooohhhh Yarrrrr!......and a very eclectic one too I be tellin ya ..... Oooooohhhh Yarrrrr! ......

    Ahem ... sorry, I get demented betimes .....Oooooohhhh Yarrrrrr ......

    Some amazing sea songs sung by artists we love such as Nick Cave, Lou Reed, Antony, Stan Ridgway, Mary Margaret O'Hara, Martin Carthy, Kate McGarrigle and David Thomas etc.

    Bono - that scurvy dog sure be one annoyin tosser Yarrrrr! ..... and his pal Gavin Friday ex of the Virgin Prunes are on here too!

    There's a group on here called The Old Prunes .... have the Virgin Prunes reformed?

    There's also some performances from the mysterious Jack Shit! Could this be one Johnny Depp?!!

    Some unusual performers here too such as John C. Reilly - a great actor but one who lately seems to be appearing in way too many moronic "comedies" with assholes like Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler - and (one time) radical genius cartoonist Ralph Steadman!

    Be warned, however, that included here is that vile Sting (that scurvy dog sure be one sickenin muzak tosser Yarrrrr!) and one of those awful Corrs (I be wantin to go a pokin with that diddly-iddle lass but not a listenin to her banshee muzak! Yarrrrr!) !!

    ..... All thanks be to the gods of the scurvy oceans for ye ould DELETE button! Yarrrrr!

    A whopping 43 tracks in all (well, 41 after I be a deletin the Sting and the Corr, Yarrr!) .... I be likin this, so I be!

    Ahoy! Get downloadin' now me hearties!! Oooooohhhh Yarrrrrr !!!!

    Are ye gonna be a scoffin that glorious grog all day Mr Stupid or will ye be a raisin me wet sails! Yarrrr!

    Johnny Depp and director Gore Verbinski hatched the idea for Rogue's Gallery while filming "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"--that idea being to cast genteel rock superstars like Bono, Lou Reed, Bryan Ferry, Andre Corr, and Sting to reinterpret gritty seafaring standards for an exhaustive 43-track double-disc set produced by Hal Wilner.

    Throw in a bunch of credible folk stars (Loudon Wainwright III, Richard Thompson), their offspring (Rufus, Teddy) and a string of other curious characters (Jarvis Cocker, Antony) and what results is one of the strangest compilations in recent memory, if not exactly the most historically authentic or, well, digestible. Nick Cave embraces the role just a little too hard on "Fire Down Below," while Ferry can't help but sound like he's singing for the cast of "The Love Boat," but cut through the chaff and there is some real bootie here: Bono's "Dying Sailor to His Shipmates," Jolie Holland's "The Grey Funnel Line" and "Boney" by a mysterious tramp called Jack Shit, which must be some kind of anagram* for Johnny Depp.

    -Aidin Vaziri

    * Anagram? Buy yourself a fucking dictionary Aidin! .... Methinks thoust been imbibin too much of ye glorious grog!! Y'arrrrr!!

    Is that a big pistol in yer pocket Mr Stupid or are ye very happy to be a seein me? Yarrrrr !

    Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs and Chanteys is a compilation album of sea shanties performed by a wide array of artists, ranging from Sting to Bryan Ferry, representing a variety of genres. The artists cover a large number of diverse songs of the sea, at times adding elements traditionally attributed to other types of music. The majority of the pop performers had not been known to be familiar with the sea shanty as a separate genre, though Sting, who contributed two tracks to the project, had had prior knowledge of and contact with them. Several well-known names from the folk world, where these songs have long been staples, also make appearances, including Richard Thompson, Martin Carthy and James Cooke.

    While the marketing insanity for Pirates of the Caribbean II continues to echo in the
    popular mindset, this whopping yet seemingly near-underground document -- born from the minds of the film's director, Gore Verbinski, his pal Johnny Depp, and Anti-Epitaph label boss (and Verbinski buddy) Brett Gurewitz -- may end up as a lasting contribution to the populace at large without them even knowing it. Surely it lends its own weighty blend of blood, sweat, and tears to the folkloric literature of sea shanties and pirate songs, though cranks like Alan Lomax and John Jacob Niles are certainly turning over in their graves if they have any extraterrestrial knowledge of its existence. Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys, produced by Hal Willner, has gathered up the usual outrageous, inspired, ambitious, sometimes ridiculously grouped musicians to record folksongs of the sea, from the call-and-response grunting and occasionally obscene work songs sung by men from the old seas who worked the riggings in rhythm, to pirates who needed (much as modern-day rappers) to boast of their exploits. Willner gathered together some 75 songs and went to Seattle to hang with Bill Frisell to discuss the project. Frisell gathered the Akron Family, Wayne Horvitz, and Eyvind Kang to be a kind of house band there, and netted a slew of songs from the likes of Robin Holcomb (whose reading of "Dead Horse" is one of the most beautiful and haunting things here); the notorious Baby Gramps (whose version of "Cape Cod Girls" starts everything off with a harrumph), and a slew of others. He later went to Los Angeles, New York, London, Dublin, and god knows where else, finding roots musicians to be an ad hoc house band. In London, Warren Ellis of Dirty Three and Bad Seeds fame and Kate St. John formed a unit with some other folks, and in L.A. it was Jack Shit and friends. But this is the back of the story, actually.

    The singers include everybody from pop blowhards like Sting and Bono, who do respectable jobs (well, not Bono: he blows it big-time on "A Dying Sailor to His Shipmates" because he can't help himself), to wildmen like David Thomas (of Pere Ubu) and Nick Cave; from modern-day darlings like Lucinda Williams and Rufus Wainwright (who sings with his mom, Kate McGarrigle while his cranky old dad Loudon Wainwright III makes an appearance for two cuts); to strange adventurers like Mark Anthony Thompson, Jarvis Cocker, and Bob Neuwirth; from bona fide rock eccentrics like Antony, Jolie Holland, Bryan Ferry, Van Dyke Parks, Stan Ridgway, and Gavin Friday (in Ireland anyway) to rock legends (Ferry fits here, too) like Lou Reed); to indie rock songwriting iconoclasts Joseph Arthur and Ed Harcourt; bona fide recluses like Mary Margaret O'Hara; true traditionalists like John C. Reilly, Martin Carthy and family (Eliza Carthy on her own, too), and Richard and Teddy Thompson. Oh yeah, and one true counterculture icon: Ralph Steadman!

    There's a whale load of 43 cuts spread out over two discs in a handsome package. It's bound to lose money unless some uptight Amerikanskis get adventurous real quick and buy it to put on their iPods to play on their sailboats and yachts, or if NPR does a feature on it for the yups (that would make both Ishmael and Captain Ahab proud). There are many standouts here, but those that really shake up the decks are Eliza Carthy's "Rolling Sea," Bryan Ferry's two contributions -- the entirely creepy "The Cruel Ship's Captain," and his duet with Antony "Lowlands Low" -- Nick Cave's "Pinery Boy" and his hilariously evil "Fire Down Below," Gavin Friday's "Baltimore Whores," Richard Thompson's reverential and lonesome "Mingualy Boat Song," Martin Carthy and family's "Hog-Eye Man," O'Hara's stirring "The Cry of Man," Cocker's wondrously cannibalistic "A Drop of Nelson's Blood," and Mark Anthony Thompson's hunted "Haul Away Joe." This doesn't mean there are other things here that will appeal to the masses, or even to the few. Let's face it, Baby Gramps, as great as he is, is only gonna make a few hearts (those that are diseased, most likely, or warped, most surely) flutter. Williams is good, but Parks is better, and Joseph Arthur can be downright scary when he wants to be: remember Tom Waits' contribution to another Willner project, Stay Awake: Interpretations of Vintage Disney Films? There you have it.

    There is something here for most, and something to piss off everyone else. The real deal is this: by bringing up these old relics -- some of which took considerable research to find -- Willner has done a service to folk culture by presenting it in such an oddball, loose, and fun way to the masses. Perhaps that rarefied world of folk culture fascists (who will remain unnamed here) may take umbrage, but consider those who will actually get turned on by this music and research the old songs themselves. Certainly that may be a choice few; for the rest, there is untold knowledge to be gained for random conversation, filling in the "personal weird stuff" file in their brains, and perhaps, if urbane enough, may spark a discussion for a moment or so until the next really "big" thing distracts them. Any way you hoist it, Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys is a treasure trove of the beautiful, the weird, the arcane, and the dangerous right out there on the record store shelves for anyone with a few dollars to spare to be awed or amused by.


    Oh Ya Ya. Yarrrrr !
    Ya Ya. Yarrrrr ! Yarrrrrrrrrrrrr !


    Disc: 1

    1. Cape Cod Girls - Baby Gramps
    2. Mingulay Boat Song - Richard Thompson
    3. My Son John - John C. Reilly
    4. Fire Down Below - Nick Cave
    5. Turkish Revelry - Loudon Wainwright III
    6. Bully In The Alley - The Old Prunes
    7. The Cruel Ship's Captain - Bryan Ferry
    8. Dead Horse - Robin Holcomb
    9. Spansih Ladies - Bill Frisell
    10. High Barbary - Joseph Arthur
    11. Haul Away Joe - Mark Anthony Thompson
    12. Dan Dan - David Thomas
    13. Blood Red Roses - Sting
    14. Sally Brown - Teddy Thompson
    15. Lowlands Away - Rufus Wainwright & Kate McGarrigle
    16. Baltimore Whores - Gavin Friday
    17. Rolling Sea - Eliza McCarthy
    18. Haul On The Bowline - Bob Neuwirth
    19. Dying Sailor to His Shipmates - Bono
    20. Bonnie Portmore - Lucinda Williams
    21. The Mermaid - Martin Carthy & the UK Group
    22. Shenandoah - Richard Greene & Jack Shit
    23. The Cry Of Man - Mary Margaret O'Hara

    Disc: 2

    1. Boney - Jack Shit
    2. Good Ship Venus - Loudon Wainwright III
    3. Long Time Ago -White Magic
    4. Pinery Boy - Nick Cave
    5. Lowlands Low - Bryan Ferry w/Antony
    6. One Spring Morning - Akron/Family
    7. Hog Eye Man - Martin Carthy & Family
    8. The Fiddler/A Drop Of Nelson's Blood - Ricky Jay & Richard Greene
    9. Caroline and Her Young Sailor Bold - Andrea Corr
    10. Fathom The Bowl - John C. Reilly
    11. Drunken Sailor - Dave Thomas
    12. Farewell Nancy - Ed Harcourt
    13. Hanging Johnny - Stan Ridgway
    14. Old Man of The Sea - Baby Gramps
    15. Greenland Whale Fisheries - Van Dyke Parks
    16. Shallow Brown - Sting
    17. The Grey Funnel Line - Jolie Holland
    18. A Drop of Nelson's Blood - Jarvis Cocker
    19. Leave Her Johnny - Lou Reed
    20. Little Boy Billy - Ralph Steadman


    Here she be me hearties! Yarrrr ...

    links had to be removed


    Big thanks to ceart-bootlegs

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Gramps and Moose Momma in the crapped out Bushonomics Plane!

    by Pat Bagley
    E-mail Pat. Visit Pat's site.

    There ya go again Palin, flailin at the laughin' electorate 'stead o' fuckin off back to polar hicksville (and kindergarten!)

    The Go-Betweens: J-File (broadcast 31-08-2000)

    The Go-Betweens: J-File (broadcast 31-08-2000)

    Bob from the great Oz music site stripedsunlight.blogspot has posted this beauty!

    He says "Many Thanks to Robert from Melbourne who has uploaded 3 hours of Go-Betweens on the J-files for us, it sounds fantastic ...

    I'm not sure if this is in wide circulation - It's the JJJ Go-Betweens J-File broadcast on 31.08.2000.

    It really is wonderful.

    It was a week before the release of Friends of Rachel Worth (or close to that). Grant and Robert sit in on the show and they talk through the new album and the history of the band - old JJJ interviews also cut through the show between old and new songs.

    It's three hours long, so I've split it into 3 CD-length files.

    It's great to hear them talk about their "come-back", knowing now how successful it was.


    Download Here


    Huge thanks to Robert from Melbourne and stripedsunlight.blogspot

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Palin Doctrine

    Typically excellent work by R.J. Matson, NY, The New York Observer and Roll Call.

    "Any more questions?" .... yap ... how can a moronic, right-wing, gun-toting, creationist numbskull be so close to becoming President of the US and A?

    Another in the litany of useless Republican nitwits from Reagan to Quayle to Bush !

    Pink Floyd Flac Collection


    Pink Floyd Flac Playlist

    Flac | 2.43gb | RS | Includes Covers

    Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here

    01- Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part One).flac - FLAC - 73.05 - MB - 13:31
    02- Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine.flac - FLAC -
    03- Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar.flac - FLAC - 31.55 MB - 05:08
    04- Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here.flac - FLAC - 30.02 MB - 05:40
    05- Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part Two).flac - FLAC - 69.71 MB - 12:23

    Pink Floyd - Animals

    06- Pink Floyd - Pigs On The Wing (Part One).flac - FLAC - 6.24 MB - 01:25
    07- Pink Floyd - Dogs.flac - FLAC - 94.11 MB - 17:04
    08- Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones).flac - FLAC - 54.36 MB - 11:22
    09- Pink Floyd - Sheep.flac - FLAC - 49.79 MB - 10:24
    10- Pink Floyd - Pigs On The Wing (Part Two).flac - FLAC - 6.45 MB - 01:25

    Pink Floyd - The Wall Cd's 1 & 2

    11- Pink Floyd - In The Flesh .flac - FLAC - 19.48 MB - 03:18
    12- Pink Floyd - The Thin Ice.flac - FLAC - 12.47 MB - 02:29
    13- Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1).flac - FLAC - 17.07 MB - 03:41
    14- Pink Floyd - The Happiest Days Of Our Lives.flac - FLAC - 7.40 MB - 01:21
    15- Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2).flac - FLAC - 23.18 MB - 03:56
    17- Pink Floyd - Mother.flac - FLAC - 31.44 MB - 05:33
    18- Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky.flac - FLAC - 12.63 MB - 02:48
    19- Pink Floyd - Empty Spaces.flac - FLAC - 30.16 MB - 05:36
    20- Pink Floyd - Young Lust.flac - FLAC - 8.06 MB - 02:03
    21- Pink Floyd - One Of My Turns.flac - FLAC - 10.16 MB - 01:34
    22- Pink Floyd - Don't Leave Me Now.flac - FLAC - 19.46 MB - 04:23
    23- Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Part 3).flac - FLAC - 7.03 MB - 01:17
    24- Pink Floyd - Goodbye Cruel World.flac - FLAC - 3.98 MB - 01:05
    25- Pink Floyd - Hey You.flac - FLAC - 24.65 MB - 04:41
    26- Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There .flac - FLAC - 11.35 MB - 02:40
    27- Pink Floyd - Nobody Home.flac - FLAC - 14.92 MB - 03:25
    28- Pink Floyd -Vera.flac - FLAC - 6.68 MB - 01:39
    29- Pink Floyd - Bring The Boys Back Home.flac - FLAC - 5.23 MB - 00:51
    30- Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb.flac - FLAC - 40.26 MB - 06:49
    31- Pink Floyd - The Show Must Go On.flac - FLAC - 8.68 MB -
    32- Pink Floyd - In The Flesh.flac - FLAC - 22.84 MB - 04:17
    33- Pink Floyd -Run Like Hell.flac - FLAC - 23.16 MB - 04:23
    34- Pink Floyd -Waiting For The Worms.flac - FLAC - 20.45 MB - 03:57
    35- Pink Floyd - Stop.flac - FLAC - 2.14 MB - 00:35
    36- Pink Floyd - The Trial.flac - FLAC - 26.28 MB - 05:16
    37- Pink Floyd - Outside The Wall.flac - FLAC - 5.85 MB - 01:43

    Pink Floyd - Meddle

    38-Pink Floyd - One Of These Days.flac - FLAC - 26.96 MB - 05:59
    39-Pink Floyd - A Pillow Of Winds.flac - FLAC - 25.69 MB - 05:11
    40-Pink Floyd - Fearless.flac - FLAC - 33.41 MB - 06:09
    41-Pink Floyd - San Tropez.flac - FLAC - 19.96 MB - 03:44
    42-Pink Floyd - Seamus.flac - FLAC - 8.93 MB - 02:17
    43-Pink Floyd - Echoes.flac - FLAC - 112.20 MB - 23:31

    The Delicate Sound Of Thunder (Live Album)

    44-Pink Floyd - (Live) Shine On You Crazy Diamond.flac - FLAC - 68.44 MB - 11:54
    45-Pink Floyd - (Live)Learning To Fly.flac - FLAC - 35.12 MB - 05:27
    46-Pink Floyd - (Live)Yet Another Movie.flac - FLAC - 38.09 MB - 06:21
    47-Pink Floyd - (Live)Round And Around.flac - FLAC 2.95 MB - 00:34
    48-Pink Floyd - (Live)Sorrow.flac - FLAC - 55.24 MB - 09:29
    49-Pink Floyd - (Live)The Dogs Of War.flac - FLAC - 41.95 MB - 07:19
    50-Pink Floyd - (Live)On The Turning Away.flac - FLAC - 44.51 MB - 07:57
    51-Pink Floyd - (Live)One Of These Days.flac - FLAC - 34.93 MB - 06:17
    52-Pink Floyd - (Live)Time.flac - FLAC - 31.46 MB - 05:17
    53-Pink Floyd - (Live)Wish You Were Here.flac - FLAC - 28.00 MB - 04:49
    54-Pink Floyd - (Live)Us And Them.flac - FLAC - 40.26 MB - 07:22
    55-Pink Floyd - (Live)Money.flac - FLAC - 58.43 MB - 09:52
    56-Pink Floyd - (Live)Another Brick In The Wall Part II.flac - FLAC - 33.96 MB - 05:29
    57-Pink Floyd - (Live)Comfortably Numb.flac - FLAC - 58.04 MB - 08:57
    58-Pink Floyd - (Live)Run Like Hell.flac - FLAC - 42.86 MB - 07:12

    Pink Floyd - More Blues (Limited Edition Album)

    59-Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine.flac - FLAC - 62.33 MB - 10:36
    60-Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun.flac - FLAC - 85.81 MB - 14:07
    61-Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother.flac - FLAC - 108.59 MB - 18:35
    62-Pink Floyd - Cymbaline.flac FLAC - 65.65 MB - 11:42
    63-Pink Floyd - The Embryo.flac - FLAC - 83.23 MB - 13:10
    64-Pink Floyd - Just Another Twelve Bar Original.flac - FLAC - 35.88 MB - 05:29
    65-Pink Floyd - More Blues.flac FLAC - 55.31 MB - 09:16
    66-Pink Floyd - Green Is The Color.flac - FLAC - 21.83 MB - 03:30
    67-Pink Floyd - Careful With That Axe Eugene.flac - FLAC - 50.81 MB - 07:54
    68-Pink Floyd - If.flac - FLAC - 26.49 MB - 04:31
    69-Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Suite (full Orchestra version).flac - FLAC - 162.56 MB - 25:21


    Here she be:

    Unfortunately, all of these links from pparadiso have been trolled now!

    Big thanks to pparadiso

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    The Saints - This Perfect Day

    The Saints - This Perfect Day

    One of our favourite punk /post punk bands and one of our favourite Ozzy band, the mighty Saints!

    This comes from back in the early days, from a punk festival at The Hope and Anchor, during their first tour of the United Kingdom.

    The audience, wanting their punk bands to look like a punk band, never really took to the Saints and the response on this record is lukewarm at best but the music is pure brilliance.


    Do the Robot
    Lost and Found
    Lipstick on Your Collar
    River Deep Mountain High
    Memories Passed
    Run Down
    This Perfect Day
    Messin' With the Kid
    Nights in Venice
    I'm (Stranded)
    Demolition Girl
    One Way Street

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to the excellent madparade

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Lloyd Cole & The Commotions - Live at BBC - Volumes One and Two! (2007)

    Lloyd Cole & The Commotions - Live at BBC - Volumes One and Two! (2007)

    Some amazing music here, my friends, from the great Lloyd Cole & The Commotions!

    Two great releases from only a few months back of material recorded by Lloyd Cole & The Commotions for the BBC over their short time together.

    There was also another release of solo Cole ... if anyone's got that, please let us know!

    Lloyd speaks about the BBC releases on his website

    That's right - 3 new CDs of pretty much everything we, and I ever did at the Beeb. It's not bad, either.

    Here's the press release from BBC/Universal Records. I'm not quite sure why it has me announcing the releases. I did not write it.

    (Note - We were involved in choosing the included material and it represents pretty much every single track we recorded 'In Session' at the BBC along with the best of the live concert recordings that were broadcast. There are sleeve notes written by Neil and I and the artwork features the photography of Peter Anderson.)

    Lloyd Cole

    Announces the release of Commotions and solo BBC sessions.

    August 6th 2007 sees the release of a trio of albums from Lloyd Cole on Universal. The three albums, which feature an assortment of BBC sessions and live recordings, cover both his early work with The Commotions and his later solo career.

    Lloyd Cole & The Commotions – Live At The BBC Vol 1 essentially features versions of tracks from Rattlesnakes, the band’s debut long player and all their BBC session tracks from 1984. While Live At The BBC – Vol 2 features tracks from their follow up, Easy Pieces and session tracks from the 1985 – 86 period. Lloyd Cole – Live At The BBC features the best of his solo performances including a complete concert recording and session tracks .

    Lloyd Cole And The Commotions formed in 1982 in Glasgow. By 1984 they had signed to Polydor Records and released their debut long-player, Rattlesnakes. The articulate songwriting and lush orchestration have seen it widely acclaimed as one of the most important releases of the 1980s; NME recently placed it in the top 100 albums of all time.

    The band went on to release two further albums, Easy Pieces in 1985 and Mainstream in 1987 before disbanding in the late 80s.

    Post Commotions, Lloyd Cole relocated to New York where he recorded and released a series of solo albums. 2004 saw the Commotions re-form to perform a number of UK dates to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of Rattlesnakes.

    The full tracklistings of the 3 albums are as follows:

    Lloyd Cole & Commotions – Live At The BBC Vol 1

    Glory / Patience / Perfect Skin
    Sat Live 26/5/84

    Rattlesnakes / Speedboat / Forest Fire / Andy's Babies
    Richard Skinner 5/7/84

    Forest Fire / Four Flights Up / Down On Mission Street / Charlotte Street
    BBC Session 1984

    Sweetness / Perfect Skin / Down On Mission Street / 2CV /
    Four Flights Up/ Rattlesnakes / Speedboat / Forest Fire
    Hammersmith Palais 13/12/1984

    Lloyd Cole & Commotions – Live At The BBC Vol 2

    Brand New Friend / James / Grace
    BBC Session 1985

    Speedboat / Perfect Blue / Charlotte Street / James / Brand New Friend
    Janice Long 12/8/1985

    Disc 2

    Rich / Lost Weekend / Old Hats / Pretty Gone / Mr Malcontent / Brand New Friend /
    Perfect Blue / Cut Me Down / Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?/ Speedboat / Forest Fire / Grace / Rattlesnakes / Perfect Skin / Mystery Train
    Glastonbury Festival 15/11/1986

    Lloyd Cole– Live At The BBC

    Disc 1

    Perfect Skin / Rock n Roll / Sentimental Fool / Like Lovers Do / Cut Me Down /
    So You’d Like To Save The World / Be There / Jennifer She Said / Happy For You
    I Didn’t Know That You Cared / Speedboat / New Age
    In Concert 1995

    Disc 2

    Perfect Blue / Pay For It / Forest Fire / A Long Way Down / Undressed / No Blue Skies
    Four Flights Up / Charlotte Street / Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?
    In Concert 1995

    A Gift / Don't Look Back / Sweetheart / Perfect Skin
    Nicky Campbell 7/3/90

    LLOYD COLE & THE COMMOTIONS - Live at BBC Volume One

    Lloyd Cole & The Commotions – Live At The BBC Vol 1 essentially features versions of tracks from the sublime Rattlesnakes, the band’s debut long player and all their BBC session tracks from 1984.

    Disc 1

    01. Glory
    02. Patience
    03. Perfect Skin
    04. Rattlesnakes
    05. Speedboat
    06. Forest Fire
    07. Andy's Babies
    08. Forest Fire
    09. Four Flights Up
    10. Down On Mission Street
    11. Charlotte Street

    Disc 2

    01. Sweetness
    02. Perfect Skin
    03. Down On Mission Street
    04. 2cv
    05. Four Flights Up
    06. Rattlesnakes
    07. Speedboat
    08. Forest Fire

    Glory / Patience / Perfect Skin
    Sat Live 26/5/84

    Rattlesnakes / Speedboat / Forest Fire / Andy's Babies
    Richard Skinner 5/7/84

    Forest Fire / Four Flights Up / Down On Mission Street / Charlotte Street
    BBC Session 1984

    Sweetness / Perfect Skin / Down On Mission Street / 2CV /
    Four Flights Up/ Rattlesnakes / Speedboat / Forest Fire
    Hammersmith Palais 13/12/1984

    LLOYD COLE & THE COMMOTIONS - Live at BBC Volume two

    Live At The BBC – Vol 2 features tracks from their second album Easy Pieces, and session tracks from the 1985 – 86 period including stuff from the great Mainstream LP.

    BBC Session 1985

    01- Brand New Friend
    02- James
    03- Grace
    04- Speedboat
    05- Perfect Blue
    06- Charlotte Street
    07- James
    08- A Band New Friend

    Glastonbury Festival 1986

    01- Rich
    02- Lost Weekend Grace
    03- Old Hats
    04- Pretty Gone
    05- Mr. Mañcontent
    06- Brand New Friend
    07- Perfect Blue
    08- Cut Me Down
    09- Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken
    10- Speedboat
    11- Forest Fire
    12- Grace
    13- Rattlesnakes
    14- Perfect Skin
    15- Mystery Train

    BBC Session 1985

    Brand New Friend / James / Grace

    Speedboat / Perfect Blue / Charlotte Street / James / Brand New Friend
    Janice Long 12/8/1985

    Disc 2

    Rich / Lost Weekend / Old Hats / Pretty Gone / Mr Malcontent / Brand New Friend /
    Perfect Blue / Cut Me Down / Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?/ Speedboat / Forest Fire / Grace / Rattlesnakes / Perfect Skin / Mystery Train
    Glastonbury Festival 15/11/1986

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Monday, 6 October 2008

    High Places - High Places (2008)

    High Places - High Places (2008)
    MP3 | CBR 320k | 68 MB

    Genre : Indie pop, electronic, alternative

    We posted this before.

    We like it!

    Here it is again .... new links!

    AMG Review by Tim Sendra :

    Using samples, loops, found sounds, household appliances, and a highly developed sense of childlike joy and wonder, High Places create some magic on their debut full-length album. The duo of Mary Pearson and Robert Barber take a get-in-where-you-fit-in approach to their sound, splicing in elements of indie pop, electronica, world music, dub, and outer space kids music and ending up with a sound that isn't miles away from what fellow sonic adventurers like Panda Bear or El Guincho are doing, but retains more than enough individuality and invention to be totally unique and original.

    Credit Barber's amazing ability to weave bits and bobs of noise and sound into a blipping, jerky music that soothes the ears and makes your feet want to move. It could have easily ended up a jumbled mess or a corny gimmick, instead it sounds like a thoroughly modern update on the kind of primitive music humans have been making all along. Pearson's vocals too deserve all kinds of praise. They are unfailingly sweet without being sugary, sometimes treated and trippy but always directed straight for the heart. She gives the whirlwind of sound a stable and very human center.

    Within the group's hermetically sealed and unified world of sound there is enough variation to keep things very interesting, whether it's stuttering dance beats on "Gold Coin," the heavenly clouds of what sounds like bells and strings but could be anything on "Papaya Yeah," the almost Chinese guitars on "The Storm," or the clattering steel drums on "The Tree with the Lights On It," Barber and Pearson show a mastery of atmosphere and dynamics without sacrificing the beauty of the melodies and the impact of the songs.

    High Places' debut lives up to the promise of their singles (and then some) and is hopefully the first of many impressive and inspiring records to come from the duo.


    01 - The Storm (2:48)
    02 - You in 40 Years (1:28)
    03 - The Tree with the Lights in It (2:41)
    04 - Vision's the First... (3:37)
    05 - Gold Coin (3:47)
    06 - Papaya Year (1:38)
    07 - Namer (4:01)
    08 - Golden (2:52)
    09 - A Field Guide (3:59)
    10 - From Stardust to Sentience (3:33)

    This band are going places.

    High places!

    How fucking corny!

    Big thanks to p6s

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Had to Look!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by Mike Keefe, The Denver Post

    visit Mike's web site. E-Mail Mike

    Ghosts of the Civil Dead (1989 )

    Ghosts of the Civil Dead
    Director: John Hillcoat
    John Hillcoat /
    Runtime: 93 mins
    Language: English
    Country: Australia
    IMDb Link: title/tt0095217/

    This was the first cinematic collaboration between Aussie director John Hillcoat and . The two teamed up again in 2006 to great effect with the Ozzy Outback Western “The Proposition”.

    Cave here scripted the movie, wrote much of the soundtrack (which we've already posted ... Ghosts of the Civil Dead OST) and put in a convincingly demented performance as as a mad psychotic inmate! Nick's a very versatile chap! Yap ... a true polymath!

    This is an amazing fucking movie! It's years and years since I saw this but I still recall it vividly! Dark and demented! Fucked-up! ..... Yap, exactly how I like em!

    Set in a futuristic uber-prison in the wastes of the outback, the movie traces the story of the goings on inside the prison walls and the inevitable flashpoints which lead to an all out eruption of raw rage and violence.

    Dark and macabre, and based in truth, the story is told in a traditional dramatic style combined with innovative cinematic techniques as we watch the inmates and guards of this modern, clean and efficient maximum security wing, who are slowly and increasingly brutalised until the fierce eruption of widespread violence.

    A great review of the film can be had here; sensesofcinema

    The excellent soundtrack for this movie, composed by Cave and a few cronies, can be had here; Ghosts of the Civil Dead OST

    Download Links:









    Big thanks to the original uploader.


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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Grinderman - Grinderman (2007)

    Grinderman - Grinderman (2007)
    Rock : Alternative
    mp3@192 | 59 MB | Rapidshare

    A real return to form from Nick Cave and a few pals after a few disappointing outings with in the period after Cave's meisterwerk The Boatman's Call.

    The step away from the Seeds seems to have freed up Nicky and allowed all involved to go back to the future! This really is a rgreat eturn to the angst, power and rawness of the earliest Bad Seeds albums, and indeed harks back to his previous outfit, post-punk heroes the !

    This Grinderman project would in turn freshen the Bad Seeds and the great 2008 LP Dig Lazarus Dig (also here) would carry on in the same vein as the template carved out here.

    This is a wonderful and humorous rock-fuelled trip to the back of the mirror!

    Lock up the kids, motherfuckers!

    Beginning sometime in the mid-to-late 1990s, Nick Cave's output became increasingly nuanced, introspective, and even tender. While he was still capable of a snarling rocker now and again, he'd certainly mellowed by the turn of the new millennium.

    Then came 2007 and the arrival of the mighty Grinderman, a raucous, noisy, angry, horny outfit fronted by and featuring a few erstwhile members of Warren Ellis, Martyn Casey, and Jim Sclavunos.

    The project marks the first time Cave has been featured on guitar, and the first time since as far back as the . that he's approached his music with such libidinal urgency and swaggering gothic machismo.

    The music screeches, lurches, and clangs with a loose abandon that reimagines Cave's earlier incarnations in a more self-effacing guise.

    While Cave's lyrics are as considered and darkly literary as ever, there's great humour here ("No Pussy Blues," "Depth Charge"), and the general improvisatory, spontaneous nature of the project is obviously being enjoyed by all.

    GRINDERMAN is delicious proof that Nick the Stripper isn't gone after all.

    Parents, lock up the kiddies, it's showtime motherfuckers!!

    Grinderman - Electric Alice


    1. Get It On
    2. No Pussy Blues
    3. Electric Alice
    4. Grinderman
    5. Depth Charge Ethel
    6. Go Tell The Women
    7. (I Don't Need You To) Set Me Free
    8. Honey Bee (Lets Fly To Mars)
    9. Man In The Moon
    10. When My Love Comes Down
    11. Love Bomb

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Nick Cave, Blixa Bargeld, Mick Harvey - Ghosts of the Civil Dead OST (1989)

    Nick Cave, Blixa Bargeld and Mick Harvey - Ghosts of the Civil Dead
    Released: 1989
    Soundtrack / Alternative
    Mp3@ 320/ 83mb/RS

    One of lil Nicky’s earliest forays into movie soundtracks. This time for a movie co-written by Nick with director John Hillcoat. The two teamed up again last year to great effect with the wonderful, Cave-scripted, Outback Ozzy Western “The Proposition”!

    I remember seeing Ghosts of the Civil Dead back in the day, and very impressive it was too. A very dark portrait of a fucked-up futuristic high-security prison somewhere in the wilds of Australia with Mr Cave excellent as a demented psychotic inmate!

    The film's score was actually written by and , (of great German band and , all then members of Cave's band,

    - another long time Cave collaborator, and indeed one time paramour - is involved here, singing (and, on video, in the movie itself) A Prison In The Desert.

    This is an excellent and eclectic soundtrack, matching the dark realness of the movie.

    A good review of the movie can be had here; sensesofcinema/ghosts


    01.The News
    02.A Prison in the Desert
    03.I’ve Been a Prison Guard Since I Was 18 Years Old
    04.I Was 16 When They Put Me In Prison
    05.You’re Dangling Like A Bunch Of Meat On A Hook
    06.Pop Mix
    07.We Were United Once
    08.The Day Of The Murders
    09.Lilly’s Theme (”A Touch Of Warmth”)
    10.Maynard Mix
    11.What I’m Tellin’ Is The Truth
    12.The Free World
    13.One Man Released So They Can Imprison The Rest Of The World

    Here she be caverinos;

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Nick Cave - Discography

    Nick Cave - Discography
    Genre : Post-Punk / Avant Garde / Alternative

    We've posted most of these before amongst the shitload of posts pertaining to one of our long time favourites and and, Nick's earlier group, the wild and fucked-up .

    Even some stuff from the earliest days, from the short lived,

    Anyway, here are a shitload of Nicky albums again with newer links and mirrors.

    However, this isn't a one way street, my friend! Oh No!! ....

    We're looking for Cave's spoken word / music release "The Secret Life of the Lovesong". If anyone's got this, please get us the link!
    .... 2000 "The Secret Life Of The Love Song/The Flesh Made Word" "Two Lectures by Nick Cave"
    West Country Girl
    People Ain't No Good
    Sad Waters
    Love Letter
    Far From Me
    The Flesh Made Word
    King Mob KMOB 007
    Zomba records GmbH / 3Mv AN/IPC: 5037337200075
    Mute (acetate)
    Mute (France)

    Also, if anyone can fill in any gaps in the discography or get us some tour-only stuff or indeed EPs or singles, that would be mighty fucking fine too!

    The extensive official discography is listed here on Nick's site, but oddly not updated since Aug 2006!:
    BOOTLEG LP's & CD's

    You can never get enough Cave! ... well, except for the Murder Ballads LP!

    Read about the supreme polymath here! .... Nick Cave - Wikipedia

    The Bad Seeds

    The Mercy Seat


    No Pussy Blues

    • 2007 Grinderman - RS

    More here:
    The Birthday Party

    Nick the Stripper

    More here:

    The Boys Next Door


    Soundtracks / Other

    If password: dublindog

    More here:

    Unless where otherwise stated, any password:
    Big thanks to musicheaven

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Hockey Hag and Grandpa Johnny

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by Mike Lane
    , Baltimore, Maryland
    E-mail Mike

    Methinks she's taken a few too many pucks to the head!

    No, not a sexual reference!!

    Sunday, 5 October 2008

    Mark Lewisohn - The Complete Beatles Chronicle

    Mark Lewisohn - The Complete Beatles Chronicle
    PDF | 368 pages | Publisher: Hamlyn (May 2000) | 26.2 MB | English | ISBN: 0600600335

    A massive and wonderful chronicle of the Beatles' days together, from Mark Lewisohn, the producer of the successful The Beatles: Recording Sessions.

    This great tome exhaustively documents the group's public and private lives from the early days until their breakup.

    A must have for fab-four fans!

    Here she be:

    Big thanks to amadou

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mercury Rev - Strange Attractor (2008)

    Mercury Rev - Strange Attractor (2008)
    Mp3 / RS / 48MB

    On September 29, the great released STRANGE ATTRACTOR, the 11 song, full-length companion album to SNOWFLAKE MIDNIGHT absolutely FREE for MP3 download!

    While still conscious of its 'other', STRANGE ATTRACTOR'S own radiance reflects an even subtler kind of self-organization, its own ground state of order not immediately perceived but rather felt over the course of a complete listen. The less said and the more listened, the better...

    More Rev here:


    01. Love Is Pure
    02. Taken Up into Clouds, Changed and Rained Down
    03. Pure Joie de la Solitude
    04. Persistance and the Apis Mellifera
    05. Fable of a Silver Moon
    06. Loop Lisse, Loop
    07. In My Heart, a Strange Attractor
    08. Incident on Abeel Street
    09. Af Den Fader Kommer Den Sol
    10. Because Because Because
    11. Nocturne for Norwood

    Here she be:


    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Sarah refused to let College interfere with her alcoholism !!

    Congrats to Killian Said

    Our pal Killian Said has had some great news in this period of economic gloom and the dark days of the loony Mc Cain / Palin ticket - surely some prophecy from that whacky Book of Revelations come true !!

    The news is not that he got home from Mayo recently without having had to be taken to the Emergency Room in Castlebar Hospital with alcoholic poisoning! Although, that itself, is somewhat amazing!

    The new issue of Rock and Rap Confidential, a renowned and long-lived music publication by Dave Marsh and Lee Ballinger, have published Paul's fine piece "Tom Joad Lives".

    Great work mate!

    For a free copy of RRC -- available only via email -- write to

    Bob Dylan - Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Volume 8

    Bob Dylan – Tell Tale Signs The Bootleg Series Vol. 8 (2008)
    Release: 07 Oct 2008
    Classic Rock / 2 CD
    Flac / 720.4mb (*see caveat below)
    mp3 / vbr /173 mb /covers : on RS /Megaupload/Filefactory

    Ring them bells, ye heathen
    From the city that dreams,
    Ring them bells from the sanctuaries
    Cross the valleys and streams,
    For they're deep and they're wide
    And the world's on its side
    And time is running backwards
    And so is the bride.

    It's here at last! At long long last!!

    Yap, it's Tell Tale Signs, Volume 8 in Bob's incredible Bootleg Series.

    I've got an order in for the CD, but also I've just got this taster which I've just started listening to!! ........... yes, it's only a taster, Record Company assholes!

    And it's a wonderful collection! Better than we expected and as good as we hoped!

    We'd already posted pieces about the two great teaser tracks for this LP, the wonderful Dreamin of You, and Mississippi previews from 'Tell Tale Signs'. And now, this is the real deal!

    Tell Tale Signs is a very fine collection of 27 tracks; rare and unreleased Dylan material from the period 1989 to 2006 - a very fruitful period when the muse returned to Bob as strongly as ever, reaching an apotheosis in terms of magnificence with the sublime Modern Times (2006)!

    The quality of the tracks here is consistently high and, amazingly, some of the stuff here is as good as, if not better, than, material included in the fine Dylan albums released over that period of 17 years!

    However, as true Dylan fans, we are a tad fucking disappointed in Sony's decision to release a box set - which contains the normal double CD with an extra disc of 12 live tracks plus a single - at the disgusting price of $130! That's five times the cost of the double CD!

    So the Dylan fan is forced to pay pay another 100 bucks for the extra few tracks! These record companies never learn! Trying to screw the true music fan, as usual! Assholes!

    I'm not gonna pay $130! Nobody should pay that! The days when record companies could fuck over the true music fan, are long over!

    So fuck the record companies and a big hurrah for file sharing!

    So ... ahem (after calming down! ) ... if someone could please send us a 320kbps link for Disc 3, we'd be rather fucking happy!

    CATCH DISC 3 HERE in a different format!

    We already posted a good review from the excellent UNCUT Magazine.

    Here's another from the Observer;
    Which Bob Dylan is it that will turn up this time? Last year's film, I'm Not There, directed by Todd Haynes, presented seven incarnations of the singer - the young Dylan who wanted to be Woody Guthrie (played by a child), the born-again Dylan, the Dylan who played that thin wild mercury music (played by Cate Blanchett) and so on - but in the course of the past half decade, he has revealed himself to us in a further multiplicity of ways. There's Dylan the TV ad star, Dylan the radio host, Dylan the painter, Dylan the author - and of course Dylan the never-ending touring artist. Can these different figures be reconciled by thinking of Dylan as Dylan the entertainment franchise? Because the 67-year-old's commercial stock is higher now than at any other point in at least the past 30 years. It's a view that encompasses, too, the vociferous complaints on a website near you now concerning this latest instalment of the Bootleg Series: two discs (the only two available to this reviewer) are priced quite normally, but there is also a box set containing a third CD being hawked for something like £101. It's bread-head Bob.

    Set against this, who is the Bob Dylan known to us through his songs in the period so welcomely covered with these releases? Tell Tale Signs brings together rare and unreleased material from between 1989 and 2006. That period ought to encompass sessions for seven albums - Oh Mercy (1989), Under the Red Sky (1990), the two records he made of covers of old folk songs, Good As I Been to You (1992) and World Gone Wrong (1993), Time Out of Mind (1997), 'Love and Theft' (2001) and Modern Times (2006). But Under the Red Sky and 'Love and Theft' are essentially edited from the picture - and what do you mean it's not like him to be so slippery? - leaving outtakes from three albums of original material. Considered as a trilogy, those records leave a singular vision of the artist: here is the 'Man in the Long Black Cloak', muttering something about it being not dark yet, but it's getting there, always on the periphery of your vision.

    How does this treasure trove make us reconsider that Dylan? Among 27 tracks there is room for two versions of 'Mississippi' from the Time Out of Mind sessions with producer Daniel Lanois - and the first in particular is wondrous: performed acoustically, it features Dylan singing beautifully, beguilingly, pursuing the key sentiment: 'But my heart is not weary, it's light and it's free.' And you understand why it didn't make the cut on the album (but did surface reconceived on 'Love And Theft'). Likewise, 'Red River Shore', among Dylanologists, the most eagerly awaited song on Tell Tale Signs. The narrative unrolls over almost fully seven minutes, and touches delightfully, mysteriously, on matters theological ('I heard of a guy who lived a long time ago... that if someone around him died and was dead he knew how to bring 'em on back to life'); and at the end, Dylan the great storyteller finds a note of optimism: 'sometimes I think no one ever saw me here at all/ except the girl from the red river shore'.

    So guess what? Not all is what it seems, with Dylan himself wont to quote another poet: 'I is another'. But unknowable as he may be, he remains untouchable as a songwriter and at times performer. Not everything is perfect here, the five live cuts, in particular, not particularly inspired choices. But you could lose yourself in these recordings.

    4 out of 5 ..... by Caspar Llewellyn Smith; The Observer

    More reviews here:

    Tell Tale Signs seems to be hitting the right notes with some of rock's most distinguished journalists:

    Rolling Stone's Mikal Gilmore {complete review}:

    ...Tell Tale Signs is less an anthology than an album in its own right. It seems designed to tell a story that sharpens and expands the vista of mortal and cultural disintegration that has been the chief theme of 1997's Time Out of Mind, 2001's Love and Theft, and 2006's Modern Times - perhaps the most daring music he's ever made. Tell Tale Signs makes plain that Dylan knows the caprices of the world he lives in, now more than ever.

    Los Angeles Times' Robert Hilburn {complete review}

    Bob Dylan's latest collection of material from his musical back pages, "Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Vol. 8," is a rich, revealing look at how this master songwriter put together one of the most dramatic creative renaissances in pop history...."Tell Tale Signs" is not just "extra" Dylan. It's essential Dylan.

    Entertainment Weekly's Chris Willman {complete review}

    Only one set of archival releases can compare to Bob Dylan's ''Bootleg Series'' in the annals of popular music, and that would be the Beatles' Anthology collections, which similarly gave the world a window onto a great recording act's studio outtakes. But with the Fab Four, you always get the feeling that there was only one possible perfect version of each song; the fascination lies in hearing how certain numbers become classics due to some final, transcendent tweak. Listening to Dylan's discards, though, there's little sense of honing or averted near misses; his cuttingroom-floor takes are usually completely viable alternatives to the official renditions....The last two ''Bootleg'' releases focused on Dylan's mid-'60s heyday...but true fans already had a lot of it. (Shhh, don’t tell the feds.) Excitingly, Tell Tale Signs jumps decades ahead to offer an alternate history of a less leaky period: the creative renaissance that started at the end of the 1980s and has been bearing fruit ever since.

    The Independent's Andy Gill {complete review}:

    The eighth instalment of Dylan's Bootleg Series covers the years spanning his 1989 return to form with Oh Mercy up to the present day, a period in which he managed to conquer a long-standing blight of writer's block, establish himself as the pre-eminent repository of American roots-music forms, and ultimately find the route to the Indian summer of Time Out of Mind, "Love and Theft" and Modern Times....It's a remarkable collection...

    The Telegraph's David Cheal {complete review}:

    There's stuff here that leaves the listener wondering: why have we never heard this before? What possessed him, for instance, to excise Red River Shore from his Time Out of Mind album? It's a haunting classic. Ditto the wistful Born in Time (from the Oh Mercy sessions)...what's captured here is the restless, questing creative spirit of the man. He never stops.

    The BBC's Chris Jones {complete review}:

    If you love the trilogy of Time Out Of Mind, Love And Theft and Modern Times you're going to adore this. It lays bare the process that led Dylan to not only revisit the work that got him fired up in the first place but remake them in his own image: the Carter Family (Tell Ol' Bill) amongst many others...As a companion to his best work from the period this is essential. It even stands as a fine album on its own—the work of a man obviously in love with his muse once more, and totally unafraid of fessin' up to his roots. Beautiful, brave and beguiling.

    The Guardian's Dave Simpson {complete review}:

    The eighth treasure trove in Dylan's Bootleg Series of unreleased material and alternate takes further illustrates that there is no such thing as a definitive recording of a Dylan song, just a snapshot of the great man's prevailing mood...reaffirms Dylan's return to classic form. The extraordinary Red River Shore—already prompting feverish excitement among Bobcats—sounds like the produce of a broken heart, and has mystifyingly remained in the vaults for 11 years...Four Stars.


    Disc One

    1. Mississippi 6:04 (Unreleased, Time Out of Mind)
    2. Most of the Time 3:46 (Alternate version, Oh Mercy)
    3. Dignity 2:09 (Piano demo, Oh Mercy)
    4. Someday Baby 5:56 (Alternate version, Modern Times)
    5. Red River Shore 7:36 (Unreleased, Time Out of Mind)
    6. Tell Ol’ Bill 5:31 (Alternate version, North Country soundtrack)
    7. Born in Time 4:10 (Unreleased, Oh Mercy)
    8. Can’t Wait 5:45 (Alternate version, Time Out of Mind)
    9. Everything is Broken 3:27 (Alternate version, Oh Mercy)
    10. Dreamin’ of You 6:23 (Unreleased, Time Out Of Mind)
    11. Huck’s Tune 4:09 (From Lucky You soundtrack)
    12. Marchin’ to the City 6:36 (Unreleased, Time Out of Mind)
    13. High Water (For Charley Patton) 6:40 (Live, August 23, 2003,Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada)

    Disc Two

    1. Mississippi 6:24 (Unreleased version #2, Time Out of Mind)
    2. 32-20 Blues 4:22 (Unreleased, World Gone Wrong)
    3. Series of Dreams 6:27 (Unreleased, Oh Mercy)
    4. God Knows 3:12 (Unreleased, Oh Mercy)
    5. Can’t Escape from You 5:22 (Unreleased, December 2005)
    6. Dignity 5:25 (Unreleased, Oh Mercy)
    7. Ring Them Bells 4:59 (Live at The Supper Club, November 17, 1993, New York, NY)
    8. Cocaine Blues 5:30 (Live, August 24, 1997, Vienna, VA)
    9. Ain’t Talkin’ 6:13 (Alternate version, Modern Times)
    10. The Girl on the Greenbriar Shore 2:51 (Live, June 30, 1992, Dunkerque, France)
    11. Lonesome Day Blues 7:37 (Live, February 1, 2002, Sunrise, FL)
    12. Miss the Mississippi 3:20 (Unreleased, 1992)
    13. The Lonesome River 3:04 (With Ralph Stanley, from the album Clinch Mountain Country)
    14. ‘Cross the Green Mountain 8:15 (From Gods and Generals Soundtrack)

    Listing taken from ISIS magazine, which published the press releases with track times from Sony. Additional and sometimes contradictory comments come from a 2nd source.

    If you wanna know what's on Disc 3 ... then here it is!


    Disc Three

    1. Duncan & Brady (3.47) Bromberg 92 - with band & horns
    2. Cold Irons Bound (5.57) - Live Bonnaroo June 2004
    3. Mississippi (6.24) - different lyrics..."earlier version"
    4. Most Of the Time (5.10)
    5. Ring Them Bells (3.18)
    6.Things Have Changed (5.32) - live Portland 15 June 2000
    7. Red River Shore (7.08) - with accordion..."more obvious approach than #1"
    8. Born In Time (4.19) - "alternate Lanois mix"
    9. Tryin' To Get To Heaven (5.10) - live Wembley 5 Oct 2000
    10. Marchin' To The City (3.39) - "uptempo"
    11. Can't Wait (7.24) - "psychedelic version"
    12. Mary & The Soldier (4.23) - World Gone Wrong o/t - "riff not the same as Paul Brady version"

    Here be Bobby D


    rapidshare part 1 rapidshare part 2

    megaupload part 1 megaupload part 2

    file factory part 1 file factory part 2


    check comments for links

    * caveat

    This link was sent to us by a commenter under the assumption it was a valid FLAC. However, we haven't been able to DL this and check it because our IP service is shite! So please be aware of the comments below from some viewers who say that, in their view, this is mp3 upconverted to FLAC, as was in circulation on

    CATCH DISC 3 at the post HERE

    Note: There should be a torrent FLAC version of Disc 3 at

    Big thanks inem & Joe le taxi

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Saturday, 4 October 2008

    Anne hotty Hathaway

    I saw an interview with this babe on some show recently. Man, she's fucking annoying!

    But she's hot!

    That's all that counts!

    And she's looking good in this nice set.

    She's named after Willy the Shake's wife. Which we like! Willy's wife, however, never looked like this!

    Anne likes to get her boobies out on screen (I believe she insists on this in a clause in her contract!) Which is always something we heartily commend!

    However, her movies are otherwise unwatchable!

    In 2006, Hathaway was listed as one of the world’s 50 Most Beautiful People.

    I think she's listed as one of the world's 50 Most Annoying People too!

    Anne has had a busy time dealing with the FBI lately! No, not in one of her dumb movies! In real life!

    On June 24, 2008, her paramour - Italian real estate developer Raffaello Follieri -was arrested on fraud charges for allegedly fleecing investors out of millions of dollars in a scheme involving purchasing Catholic properties in the U.S. for re-development. The FBI alleged that he posed as a financial representative of the Vatican and had duped people into investing in his fraudulent fund as recently as May 2008.

    Apparently, citing the fear that this and other ongoing legal issues involving Follieri would become detrimental to her acting career, as well as for her own ethical reasons, Hathaway ended her relationship with Follieri in mid-June 2008

    Court papers state that Hathaway was an unwitting beneficiary of the stolen money which had in large part paid for Follieri's opulent lifestyle of jet-setting, shopping sprees and fine dining.

    On July 24, 2008, it was reported that the FBI had confiscated Hathaway's private journals from Follieri's New York City apartment as part of their ongoing investigation into Follieri's activities.

    Currently, Hathaway is not facing any charges in regards to the allegations brought against either Follieri or the Follieri Foundation, and has reportedly cut off all contact with him.

    Listen baby, don't go near any asshole who claims to be, or even is, a financial representative of the Vatican!!

    The weird incomprehensible Vatican is just like the Mafia. Except with funny dresses! (and compulsions to fuck young boys!)

    Bob Dylan - San José '98 Soundboard (10 star quality!)

    Bob Dylan - San José '98 Soundboard
    source: San José Arena, San José, CA May 19, 1998
    Manufacturer / Catalog No. [No Label listed] / BD005
    Released: 1999
    Quality: 10 stars
    Bob's Boots ref # BB-s08

    Wonderful live recording in terms of the performance, the tracklisting and the recording quality! Download it now motherfuckers!

    I use the word 'incredible' and 'breathtaking' often to describe recordings. "At times I think there are no words but these to tell what's true" ... but they are never more true nor deserved than here. The title tells you it's a soundboard recording. It doesn't tell you that it's one of the best you'll ever hear.

    The performance is a soul-baring masterpiece. The recording sparkles with a perfect blend of crisp vocals that are way out on top, and warm, full sounding instruments.

    This is not to be missed.

    The package and photos are nice. Aesthetics are simple and elegant. The only complaint that could be registered is: 'Why doesn't Sony release this amazing show into the hands of a wider audience!?"

    -Bob's Boots


    Absolutely Sweet Marie
    The Man In Me
    Cold Irons Bound
    Just Like A Woman
    Stone Walls And Steel Bars*(acoustic)lyrics Masters Of War (acoustic)
    Tangled Up In Blue (acoustic)
    Make You Feel My Love
    Highway 61 Revisited
    Forever Young (acoustic)
    Love Sick
    Rainy Day Women #12 & 35

    * [Marcum/Pennington composition]

    Big thanks to the original poster

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Bob Dylan - Live in Dublin, 2005

    Bob Dylan - Live in Dublin
    27 November, 2005

    Another great Dylan show. This time from the land of white people and black beer! (and a few little green men who live beneath rainbows!)

    Bob performs his prophetic song about the loony Mc Cain / Palin ticket ... Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum !

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Tweedle-dee Dee is a lowdown, sorry old man
    Tweedle-dee Dum'll stab you where you stand
    "I've had too much of your company,"
    Says, Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee


    Living in the Land of Nod
    Trustin' their fate to the Hands of God
    They pass by so silently
    Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee


    Tweedle-dee Dum said to Tweedle-dee Dee
    "Your presence is obnoxious to me."
    They're like babies sittin' on a woman's knee
    Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee

    Well, they're living in a happy harmony
    Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
    They're one day older and a dollar short
    They've got a parade permit and a police escort


    They're lying low and they're makin' hay
    They seem determined to go all the way
    They run a brick and tile company
    Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee



    1. Drifter's Escape
    2. Señor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
    3. God Knows
    4. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
    5. Love Minus Zero/No Limit
    6. Cry A While
    7. Boots Of Spanish Leather
    8. High Water (For Charley Patton)
    9. Every Grain Of Sand
    10. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
    11. New Morning
    12. 'Til I Fell In Love With You
    13. Visions Of Johanna
    14. Highway 61 Revisited

    15. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
    16. All Along The Watchtower

    Here be Bob

    Big thanks to Conor

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    "21" by Bob Dylan

    Two Dylan poems were recently published in the New Yorker magazine.

    In typically cryptic Dylan manner, they're titled 17 and 21!

    Here's 21!

    by er0k

    "21" by Bob Dylan

    death silenced her pool

    the day she died

    hovered over

    her little toy dogs

    but left no trace

    of itself

    at her


    Party Girl!

    Wonderful candid shot by Trueblood

    "17" by Bob Dylan

    Two Dylan poems were recently published in the New Yorker magazine.

    In typically cryptic Dylan manner, they're titled 17 and 21!

    Here's 17!

    "17" by Bob Dylan

    after crashin the sportscar

    into the chandelier

    i ran out t the phone booth

    made a call t my wife. she wasnt home.

    i panicked. i called up my best friend

    but the line was busy

    then i went t a party but couldnt find a chair

    somebody wiped their feet on me

    so i decided t leave

    i felt awful. my mouth was puckered.

    arms were stickin thru my neck

    my stomach was stuffed an bloated

    dogs licked my face

    people stared at me an said

    “what’s wrong with you?”

    passin two successful friends of mine

    i stopped t talk.

    they knew i was feelin bad

    an gave me some pills

    i went home an began writin

    a suicide note

    it was then that i saw

    that crowd comin down

    the street

    i really have nothing


    marlon brando

    Ni Hao, curvy “G little sister”

    We don’t know this curvy hotty’s name but, typically weirdly, apparently she is known in China as the “G little sister”, the G standing for her cup size!

    Some distant relative of Chairman Mao, no doubt!

    Apparently she's the boobiest beauty in Chinaland! Note that this isn’t the same sized G-cup we drool about in the West, but pretty fulsome nonetheless!

    “G little sister” came to prominence in China after entering the Miss China Universe 2007 beauty pageant, and made the rounds of all the newspapers there.

    She didn't win, but the furor surrounding her melons produced loads of great pictures!


    The Complete Million Dollar Quartet (1956) - Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.

    The Complete Million Dollar Quartet

    The Complete Million Dollar Quartet (1956)
    Artist: Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis
    Genre: Rock
    Label: Sony/BMG
    mp3 / 191 mb

    The first release of the entire 46 song all-star Jam session that took place on Tuesday, December 4th, 1956, between 4 Rock & Roll MONSTERS: Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Johnny Cash.

    Yeah, I know ... Throughout the years many parts from this session were released, but this one, released in 2006, is the first time the complete session is available.

    This fascinating recording documents the entire session. They play each other's songs, Blues classics, Country standards and Gospel tunes, laugh, talk shit and mostly blowing your fucking minds right out of your unworthy heads!!

    In 1956, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash spent an afternoon jamming at the Sun Studios in Memphis.

    For decades, fans knew that on December 4, 1956, the four brightest stars on the Sun Records catalogue - Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis and Johnny Cash - had spent an afternoon jamming at the Sun Studios in Memphis. The session had been reported in the local press but the tapes were never released.

    It wasn't until 1981, after Sun Records was sold, that 17 tracks from the session were released by Charly Records under the title The Million Dollar Quartet.

    This 47-track recording is the first time the entire jam has been released in the order it was recorded.

    Certainly there's a lot of fascinating chat and a lot of fooling around, but there are also some truly magical moments.

    Presley singing Don't Be Cruel with everyone joining in is glorious; there is the shared love of gospel songs and the obvious respect for Presley; then, at the very end, Lewis cuts loose on the piano.

    A truly fascinating historic document.


    1. Instrumental
    2. Love Me Tender (Instrumental)
    3. Jingle Bells (Instrumental)
    4. White Christmas (Instrumental)
    5. Reconsider Baby
    6. Don't Be Cruel
    7. Don't Be Cruel
    8. Paralyzed
    9. Don't Be Cruel
    10. There's No Place Like Home
    11. When The Saints Go Marchin' In
    12. Softly And Tenderly
    13. When God Dips His Love In My Heart
    14. Just A Little Talk With Jesus
    15. Jesus Walked That Lonesome Valley
    16. I Shall Not Be Moved
    17. Peace In The Valley
    18. Down By The Riverside
    19. I'm With A Crowd But So Alone
    20. Farther Along
    21. Blessed Jesus (Hold My Hand)
    22. On The Jericho Road
    23. I Just Can't Make It By Myself
    24. Little Cabin Home On The Hill
    25. Summetime Is Past And Gone
    26. I Hear A Sweet Voice Calling
    27. Sweetheart You Done Me Wrong
    28. Keeper Of The City (Carl Lead)
    29. Crazy Arms
    30. Don't Forbid Me
    31. Too Much Monkey Business
    32. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
    33. Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
    34. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
    35. Don't Forbid Me
    36. You Belong To My Heart
    37. Is It So Strange
    38. That's When Your Heartaches Begin
    39. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
    40. Rip It Up
    41. I'm Gonna Bid My Blues Goodbye
    42. Crazy Arms
    43. That's My Desire
    44. End Of The Road
    45. Black Bottom Stomp
    46. You're The Only Star In My Blue Heaven
    47. Elvis Says Goodbye

    Here she be




    lower bitrate / 72mb

    Big thanks to suburbanterror / other poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Japanese soccer babes

    Sport Sexy Girls

    Sport Sexy Girls

    Sport Sexy Girls

    Sport Sexy Girls

    Sport Sexy Girls

    Good Rockin' Tonight (2004) - Elvis Presley, Danny P. Harvey, Lee Rocker & Slim Jim Phantom

    Elvis Presley, Danny P. Harvey, Lee Rocker & Slim Jim Phantom - Good Rockin' Tonight (2004)

    Slim Jim Phantom and Lee Rocker, both of the legendary Stray Cats, as well as Danny B. Harvey of the Swing Cats present this incredible EP of Elvis' early hits, stunningly recreated with authentic Presley vocal tracks recorded in the mid-50's on Louisiana Hayride radio program.

    Back in the 1980s, bassist Lee Rocker of the Stray Cats participated in one of the better rockabilly revival efforts of its era, the Carl Perkins live broadcast special Blue Suede Shoes, which also included George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Rosanne Cash, et al., playing alongside Perkins.

    This CD sort of does the same thing for (or with) Elvis Presley, kind of -- the producers have gotten hold of what they claim are the original, first-generation tapes of Presley's live broadcasts from The Louisiana Hayride and, using digital technology, have inserted Rocker, Danny B. Harvey of the Swing Cats, and Stray Cats alumnus Slim Jim Phantom in place of Presley's band, which was partly drowned out by the crowd and not too well recorded in any case. "Good Rockin' Tonight" offers a very compressed Presley vocal, but "That's All Right Mama," "Baby Let's Play House," and "Maybellene" all kind of work, showing what Elvis might've sounded like working with musicians who were doing more (and this is meant as no slight against Scotty Moore or Bill Black) than making up the music as they went along -- rather, these are real virtuoso musicians who've got the advantage of 50 years on the participants.

    The songs are all startlingly good, though a bit busier than Elvis' real sound of this period was.

    Also, it's impossible to tell how Presley would have liked the current musicians' approach to this music, or altered his own contribution; he was very much his own producer, with definite ideas from his first day recording at RCA (if not earlier) about how he wanted each song to sound. Still, as entertainment it works here, as an eerie hybrid of two rockabilly sounds separated by half a century but linked by the same inspiration. And the sound is awesome.


    1. That's All Right Mama
    2. Baby Let's Play House
    3. Good Rockin' Tonight
    4. Maybellene
    5. Blue Moon of Kentucky
    5. Tweedle Dee

    Here she be:


    Pass: rideyourpony

    Big thanks to rideyourpony

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Mushi Mushi Ai Kurosawa

    Here's Japland hotty Ai Kurosawa!

    Me likey!

    Booby Ai has been a famous JAV star in Japland for a few years now.

    In fact, I almost didn't recognise her with her clothes on!

    Here she's on her way to some demented orgy in the Tokyo suburbs!

    Nice work baby-san!


    Great stuff by sugahtank

    The Elvis Presley Sun Collection (1979 )

    The Elvis Presley Sun Collection (1979 )
    Mp3 @320 kbps

    A wonderful collection thanks to bebopwino for this great post.

    In 1979 RCA released this LP of sides recorded by Elvis Presley at Sun Records, Memphis, between July 1954 and July 1955.

    Five classic Elvis singles were released by Sun as follows:
    209 That’s All Right / Blue Moon of Kentucky

    210 Good Rockin’ Tonight / I Don’t Care if the Sun Don’t Shine

    215 Milkcow Blues Boogie / You’re a Heartbreaker

    217 I’m Left, You’re Right, She’s Gone / Baby Let’s Play House

    223 Mystery Train / I Forgot to Remember to Forget

    When Elvis signed for RCA the following tracks recorded for Sun were used on his debut album: I Love You Because, Blue Moon, I’ll Never Let You Go, Just Because, and Trying to Get to You.

    The sound quality on this vinyl album seems rather top heavy on the echo and reverb. For decades RCA’s treatment of the Elvis back catalogue was shabby. When the CD era arrived the original Elvis albums were re-released in the new format with no additional tracks or remastering. A CD of the Sun sides was released featuring many alternative takes, but the sound quality was pretty poor.

    RCA is now taking steps to give the Elvis back catalogue the treatment it deserves. His debut album has been remastered and released with six extra tracks. More relevant to this post is the current RCA CD “Elvis At Sun” which has superb sound quality and 19 tracks including Harbour Lights, Tomorrow Night, a slow version of I’m Left, You’re Right She’s Gone, and When It Rains It Really Pours. If you call yourself a Rock ‘n’ Roll fan then this is an essential purchase for you.

    Now to complete this post we present Sun single label scans from Joan K. There is a folder of scans included in the download. Thanks yet again to Joan for these visual delights!


    1. That's Alright
    2. Blue Moon Of Kentucky
    3. I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine
    4. Good Rockin' Tonight
    5. Milk Cow Blues Boogie
    6. You're A Heartbreaker
    7. I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone
    8. Baby Let's Play House
    9. Mystery Train
    10. I Forgot To Remember To Forget
    11. I'll Never Let You Go
    12. I Love You Because (1st version)
    13. Tryin' To Get To You
    14. Blue Moon
    15. Just Because
    16. I Love You Because (2nd version)

    Here she be;

    Ripped from vinyl at 320 kbps.


    Password = greaseyspoon

    All thanks to bebopwino

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Some classic Elvis cuts

    Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock (Music Video)


    Elvis Presley - In The Ghetto...


    Elvis Presley-Unchained Melody (1977)


    Elvis Presley - love me tender


    Elvis Presley - Return To Sender


    Elvis Presley - Always on my mind


    Elvis Presley - Burning Love (Live '73)


    Elvis Presley - 50 CD Box Set

    Elvis Presley - 50 CD Box Set

    This is the wonderful Elvis Presley - 50 CD Box Set. That's a staggering 50 CDs!

    Now Elvis the Pelvis sure took some strange roads musically over the years reaching a nadir in the Vegas jumpsuit burger-scoffing days, but he is a seminal figure in modern music and has influenced so many of the greats.

    His early albums are pure classics. Albums that changed the world of music. Albums that changed the world!

    The King of Rock 'n' Roll: The Complete 50's Masters

    Here are the fab 50!

    cd 01 of 50 - Elvis Presley
    cd 02 of 50 - Elvis
    cd 03 of 50 - Loving You
    cd 04 of 50 - Elvis’ Christmas Album
    cd 05 of 50 - Elvis’ Golden Records
    cd 06 of 50 - King Creole
    cd 07 of 50 - For Lp Fans Only
    cd 08 of 50 - A Date With Elvis
    cd 09 of 50 - A Big Hunk of Love
    cd 10 of 50 - Elvis Is Back
    cd 11 of 50 - Elvis’ Double Features- Flaming Star - Wild - Follow That Dream
    cd 12 of 50 - G.I. Blues
    cd 13 of 50 - His Hand In Mine
    cd 14 of 50 - Something For Everybody
    cd 15 of 50 - Blue Hawaii
    cd 16 of 50 - Pot Luck
    cd 17 of 50 - Kid Garland Girls Girls Girls
    cd 18 of 50 - It Happened Acapulco
    cd 19 of 50 - Elvis Golden Records 3
    cd 20 of 50 - Kissin Clambake Stay Away
    cd 21 of 50 - Love In Las Vegas Roustabout
    cd 22 of 50 - Girl Happy - Harem Holiday
    cd 23 of 50 - Elvis For Everyone
    cd 24 of 50 - Frankie And Johnny Paradise
    cd 25 of 50 - Spinout Double Trouble
    cd 26 of 50 - Easy Come Easy Go Speedway
    cd 27 of 50 - How Great Thou Art
    cd 28 of 50 - Elvis Gold Records 4
    cd 29 of 50 - Live A Little Charro! Trouble
    cd 30 of 50 - NBC TV Special 68 Comeback
    cd 31 of 50 - From Elvis In Memphis
    cd 32 of 50 - In Person
    cd 33 of 50 - Back In Memphis
    cd 34 of 50 - On Stage
    cd 35 of 50 - Thats The Way It Is
    cd 36 of 50 - Elvis Country
    cd 37 of 50 - Love Letters From Elvis
    cd 38 of 50 - Wonderful World of Christmas
    cd 39 of 50 - Elvis Now
    cd 40 of 50 - He Touched Me
    cd 41 of 50 - Recorded At Madison Square Garden
    cd 42 of 50 - Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite
    cd 43 of 50 - Elvis The Real Album
    cd 44 of 50 - Raised On Rock
    cd 45 of 50 - Good Times
    cd 46 of 50 - Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis
    cd 47 of 50 - Promised Land
    cd 48 of 50 - Today
    cd 49 of 50 - From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee
    cd 50 of 50 - Moody Blue


    01 of 50 - Elvis Presley

    01 - blue suede shoes.mp3
    02 - i'm counting on you.mp3
    03 - i got a woman.mp3
    04 - one-sided love affair.mp3
    05 - i love you because.mp3
    06 - just because.mp3
    07 - tutti frutti.mp3
    08 - tryin' to get you.mp3
    09 - i'm gonna sit right down and cry.mp3
    10 - i'll never let you go.mp3
    11 - blue moon.mp3
    12 - money honey.mp3

    02 of 50 - Elvis Self-Titled (02)

    01 - rip it up.mp3
    02 - love me.mp3
    03 - when my blue moon turns to gold again.mp3
    04 - long tall sally.mp3
    05 - first in line.mp3
    06 - paralyzed.mp3
    07 - so glad you're mine.mp3
    08 - old shep.mp3
    09 - ready teddy.mp3
    10 - anyplace is paradise.mp3
    11 - how's the world treating you.mp3
    12 - how do you think i feel.mp3

    03 of 50 - Loving You

    01 - mean woman blues.mp3
    02 - teddy bear.mp3
    03 - loving you.mp3
    04 - got a lot o' livin' to do.mp3
    05 - lonesome cowboy.mp3
    06 - hot dog.mp3
    07 - party.mp3
    08 - blueberry hill.mp3
    09 - true love.mp3
    10 - don't leave me now.mp3
    11 - have i told you lately.mp3
    12 - i need you so.mp3

    04 of 50 - Elvis' Christmas Album

    01 - santa claus is back in town.mp3
    02 - white christmas.mp3
    03 - here comes santa claus (right down santa claus lane).mp3
    04 - i'll be home for christmas.mp3
    05 - blue christmas.mp3
    06 - santa bring my baby back (to me).mp3
    07 - oh little town of bethlehem.mp3
    08 - silent night.mp3
    09 - (there'll be) peace in the valley (for me).mp3
    10 - i believe.mp3
    11 - take my hand, precious lord.mp3
    12 - it is no secret (what god can do).mp3

    05 of 50 - Elvis' Golden Records

    01 - hound dog.mp3
    02 - loving you.mp3
    03 - all shook up.mp3
    04 - heartbreak hotel.mp3
    05 - jailhouse rock.mp3
    06 - love me.mp3
    07 - too much.mp3
    08 - don't be cruel.mp3
    09 - that's when your heartaches begin.mp3
    10 - (let me be your) teddy bear.mp3
    11 - love me tender.mp3
    12 - treat me nice.mp3
    13 - anyway you want me (that's how i will be).mp3
    14 - i want you, i need you, i love you.mp3

    06 of 50 - King Creole

    01 - king creole.mp3
    02 - as long as i have you.mp3
    03 - hard headed woman.mp3
    04 - trouble.mp3
    05 - dixieland rock.mp3
    06 - don't ask me why.mp3
    07 - lover doll.mp3
    08 - crawfish.mp3
    09 - young dreams.mp3
    10 - steadfast, loyal and true.mp3
    11 - new orleans.mp3

    07 of 50 - For LP Fans Only

    01 - that's all right.mp3
    02 - lawdy miss clawdy.mp3
    03 - mystery train.mp3
    04 - playing for keeps.mp3
    05 - poor boy.mp3
    06 - money honey.mp3
    07 - i'm counting on you.mp3
    08 - my baby left me.mp3
    09 - i was the one.mp3
    10 - shake, rattle and roll.mp3
    11 - i'm left, you're right, she's gone.mp3
    12 - you're a heartbreaker.mp3
    13 - tryin' to get to you.mp3
    14 - blue suede shoes.mp3

    08 of 50 - A Date with Elvis

    01 - blue moon of kentucky.mp3
    02 - milkcow blues boogie.mp3
    03 - baby lets play house.mp3
    04 - i don't care if the sun don't shine.mp3
    05 - tutti frutti.mp3
    06 - i'm gonna sit right down and cry (over you).mp3
    07 - i got a woman.mp3
    08 - good rockin' tonight.mp3
    09 - is it so strange.mp3
    10 - we're gonna move.mp3
    11 - blue moon.mp3
    12 - just because.mp3
    13 - one sided love affair.mp3
    14 - let me.mp3

    09 of 50 - A Big Hunk of Love

    01 - a big hunk of love.mp3
    02 - my wish came true.mp3
    03 - a fool such as i.mp3
    04 - i need your love tonight.mp3
    05 - don't.mp3
    06 - i beg of you.mp3
    07 - santa bring my baby back.mp3
    08 - party.mp3
    09 - paralyzed.mp3
    10 - one night.mp3
    11 - i got stung.mp3
    12 - king creole.mp3
    13 - wear my ring around your neck.mp3
    14 - dontcha think its time.mp3

    10 of 50 - Elvis Is Back

    01 - make me know it.mp3
    02 - fever.mp3
    03 - the girl of my best friend.mp3
    04 - i will be home again.mp3
    05 - dirty dirty feeling.mp3
    06 - thrill of your love.mp3
    07 - soldier boy.mp3
    08 - such a night.mp3
    09 - it feels so right.mp3
    10 - girl next door went a'walking.mp3
    11 - like a baby.mp3
    12 - reconsider baby.mp3

    11 of 50 - [Double Feature] Flaming Star - Follow That Dream - Wild in the Country

    01 - flaming star.mp3
    02 - summer kisses winter tears.mp3
    03 - britches.mp3
    04 - a cane and a high starched collar.mp3
    05 - black star.mp3
    06 - summer kisses winter tears (movie version).mp3
    07 - flaming star (end title version).mp3
    08 - wild in the country.mp3
    09 - i slipped, i stumbled, i fell.mp3
    10 - lonely man.mp3
    11 - in my way.mp3
    12 - forget me never.mp3
    13 - lonely man (solo).mp3
    14 - i slipped, i stumbled, i fell (alternate master).mp3
    15 - follow that dream.mp3
    16 - angel.mp3
    17 - what a wonderful life.mp3
    18 - i'm not the marrying kind.mp3
    19 - a whistling tune.mp3
    20 - sound advice.mp3

    12 of 50 - G.I. Blues

    01 - tonight is so right for love.mp3
    02 - what's she really like.mp3
    03 - frankfurt special.mp3
    04 - wooden heart.mp3
    05 - g.i. blues.mp3
    06 - pocketful of rainbows.mp3
    07 - shoppin' around.mp3
    08 - big boots.mp3
    09 - didja' ever.mp3
    10 - blue suede shoes.mp3
    11 - doin' the best i can.mp3
    12 - tonight's alright for love.mp3

    13 of 50 - His Hand In Mine

    01 - his hand in mine.mp3
    02 - (i'm) gonna walk dem golden stairs.mp3
    03 - in my father's house.mp3
    04 - milky white way.mp3
    05 - known only to him.mp3
    06 - i believe in the man in the sky.mp3
    07 - joshua fit the battle.mp3
    08 - he knows just what i need.mp3
    09 - swing down sweet chariot.mp3
    10 - mansion over the hilltop.mp3
    11 - if we never meet again.mp3
    12 - working on the building.mp3
    13 - it is no secret.mp3
    14 - you'll never walk alone.mp3
    15 - who am i.mp3

    14 of 50 - Something For Everybody

    01 - there's always me.mp3
    02 - give me the right.mp3
    03 - it's a sin.mp3
    04 - sentimental me.mp3
    05 - starting today.mp3
    06 - gently.mp3
    07 - i'm comin' home.mp3
    08 - in your arms.mp3
    09 - put the blame on me.mp3
    10 - judy.mp3
    11 - i want you with me.mp3
    12 - i slipped i stumbled i fell.mp3

    15 of 50 - Blue Hawaii

    01 - blue hawaii.mp3
    02 - almost always true.mp3
    03 - aloha oe.mp3
    04 - no more.mp3
    05 - can't help falling in love.mp3
    06 - rock-a-hula baby.mp3
    07 - moonlight swim.mp3
    08 - ku-u-i-po.mp3
    09 - ito eats.mp3
    10 - slicin' sand.mp3
    11 - hawaiian sunset.mp3
    12 - beach boy blues.mp3
    13 - island of love.mp3
    14 - hawaiian wedding song.mp3

    16 of 50 - Pot Luck with Elvis

    01 - kiss me quick.mp3
    02 - just for old time's sake.mp3
    03 - gonna get back home somehow.mp3
    04 - easy question.mp3
    05 - steppin' out of line.mp3
    06 - i'm yours.mp3
    07 - something blue.mp3
    08 - suspicion.mp3
    09 - i feel that i've known you forever.mp3
    10 - night rider.mp3
    11 - fountain of love.mp3
    12 - that's someone you never forget.mp3

    17 of 50 - [Double Feature] Kid Galahad - Girls, Girls, Girls

    01 - king of the whole wide world.mp3
    02 - this is living.mp3
    03 - riding the rainbow.mp3
    04 - home is where the heart is.mp3
    05 - i got lucky.mp3
    06 - a whistling tune.mp3
    07 - girls! girls! girls!.mp3
    08 - i don't wanna be tied.mp3
    09 - where do you come from.mp3
    10 - i don't want to.mp3
    11 - we'll be together.mp3
    12 - a boy like me, a girl like you.mp3
    13 - earth boy.mp3
    14 - return to sender.mp3
    15 - because of love.mp3
    16 - thanks to the rolling sea.mp3
    17 - song of the shrimp.mp3
    18 - the walls have ears.mp3
    19 - we're coming in loaded.mp3
    20 - mama.mp3
    21 - plantation rock.mp3
    22 - dainty little moonbeams.mp3
    23 - girls! girls! girls! (end title version).mp3

    18 of 50 - [Double Feature] It Happened at the World's Fair - Fun In Acapulco

    01 - beyond the bend.mp3
    02 - relax.mp3
    03 - take me to the fair.mp3
    04 - they remind me too much of you.mp3
    05 - one broken heart for sale [film version].mp3
    06 - i'm falling in love tonight.mp3
    07 - cotton candy land.mp3
    08 - a world of our own.mp3
    09 - how would you like to be.mp3
    10 - happy ending.mp3
    11 - one broken heart for sale.mp3
    12 - fun in acapulco.mp3
    13 - vino, diner y amor.mp3
    14 - mexico.mp3
    15 - el toro.mp3
    16 - marguerita.mp3
    17 - the bullfighter was a lady.mp3
    18 - no room to rhumba in a sports car.mp3
    19 - i think i'm gonna like it here.mp3
    20 - bossa nova baby.mp3
    21 - you can't say no in acapulco.mp3
    22 - guadalajara.mp3

    19 of 50 - Elvis' Golden Records 3

    01 - it's now or never.mp3
    02 - stuck on you.mp3
    03 - fame and fortune.mp3
    04 - i gotta know.mp3
    05 - surrender.mp3
    06 - i feel so bad.mp3
    07 - are you lonesome tonight.mp3
    08 - (marie's the name) his latest flame.mp3
    09 - little sister.mp3
    10 - good luck charm.mp3
    11 - anything that's part of you.mp3
    12 - she's not you.mp3

    20 of 50 - [Double Feature] Kissin' Cousins - Clambake - Stay Away

    01 - kissin' cousins.mp3
    02 - smokey mountain boy.mp3
    03 - there's gold in the mountains.mp3
    04 - one boy two little girls.mp3
    05 - catchin' on fast.mp3
    06 - tender feeling.mp3
    07 - anyone (could fall in love with you).mp3
    08 - barefoot ballad.mp3
    09 - once is enough.mp3
    10 - kissin' cousins.mp3
    11 - clambake.mp3
    12 - who needs money.mp3
    13 - a house that has everything.mp3
    14 - confidence.mp3
    15 - hey, hey, hey.mp3
    16 - you don't know me.mp3
    17 - the girl i never loved.mp3
    18 - how can you lose what you never had.mp3
    19 - clambake.mp3
    20 - stay away, joe.mp3
    21 - dominic.mp3
    22 - all i needed was the rain.mp3
    23 - goin' home.mp3
    24 - stay away.mp3

    21 of 50 - [Double Feature] Viva Las Vegas - Roustabout

    01 - viva las vegas.mp3
    02 - if you think i don't need you.mp3
    03 - i need somebody to lean on.mp3
    04 - you're the boss.mp3
    05 - what'd i say.mp3
    06 - do the vega.mp3
    07 - c'mon everybody.mp3
    08 - the lady loves me.mp3
    09 - night life.mp3
    10 - today, tomorrow and forever.mp3
    11 - the yellow rose of texas-the eyes of texas.mp3
    12 - santa lucia.mp3
    13 - roustabout.mp3
    14 - little egypt.mp3
    15 - poison ivy league.mp3
    16 - hard knocks.mp3
    17 - it's a wonderful world.mp3
    18 - big love big heartache.mp3
    19 - one track heart.mp3
    20 - it's carnival time.mp3
    21 - carny town.mp3
    22 - there's a brand new day on the horizon.mp3
    23 - wheels on my heels.mp3

    22 of 50 - [Double Feature] Girl Happy - Harem Holiday

    01 - harem holiday.mp3
    02 - my desert serenade.mp3
    03 - go east - young man.mp3
    04 - mirage.mp3
    05 - kismet.mp3
    06 - shake that tambourine.mp3
    07 - hey little girl.mp3
    08 - golden coins.mp3
    09 - so close, yet so far (from paradise).mp3
    10 - animal instinct.mp3
    11 - wisdom of the ages.mp3
    12 - girl happy.mp3
    13 - spring fever.mp3
    14 - fort laudernale chamber of commerce.mp3
    15 - startin' tonight.mp3
    16 - wolf call.mp3
    17 - do not distrub.mp3
    18 - cross my heart and hope to die.mp3
    19 - the meanest girl in town.mp3
    20 - do the clam.mp3
    21 - puppet on a string.mp3
    22 - i've got to find my baby.mp3

    23 of 50 - Elvis For Everyone

    01 - your cheatin' heart.mp3
    02 - summer kisses, winter tears.mp3
    03 - finders keepers, losers weepers.mp3
    04 - in my way.mp3
    05 - tomorrow night.mp3
    06 - memphis tennessee.mp3
    07 - for the millionth and the last time.mp3
    08 - forget me never.mp3
    09 - sound advice.mp3
    10 - santa lucia.mp3
    11 - i met her today.mp3
    12 - when it rains, it really pours.mp3

    24 of 50 - [Double Feature] Frankie & Johnny - Paradise Hawaiian Style

    01 - frankie and johnny.mp3
    02 - come along.mp3
    03 - petunia the gardener's daughter.mp3
    04 - chesay.mp3
    05 - what every woman lives for.mp3
    06 - look out broadway.mp3
    07 - beginner's luck.mp3
    08 - down by the riverside-when the saints go marching in.mp3
    09 - shout it out.mp3
    10 - hard luck.mp3
    11 - please don't stop loving me.mp3
    12 - everybody come aboard.mp3
    13 - paradise hawaiian style.mp3
    14 - queenie wahine's papaya.mp3
    15 - scratch my back.mp3
    16 - drums of the islands.mp3
    17 - datin'.mp3
    18 - a dog's life.mp3
    19 - house of sand.mp3
    20 - stop where you are.mp3
    21 - this is my heaven.mp3
    22 - sand castles.mp3

    25 of 50 - [Double Feature] Spinout - Double Trouble

    01 - stop, look and listen.mp3
    02 - adam and evil.mp3
    03 - all that i am.mp3
    04 - never say yes.mp3
    05 - am i ready.mp3
    06 - beach shack.mp3
    07 - spinout.mp3
    08 - smorgasbord.mp3
    09 - i'll be back.mp3
    10 - double trouble.mp3
    11 - baby, if you'll give me all of your love.mp3
    12 - could i fall in love.mp3
    13 - long legged girl (with the short dress on).mp3
    14 - city by night.mp3
    15 - old macdonald.mp3
    16 - i love only one girl.mp3
    17 - there is so much world to see.mp3
    18 - it won't be long.mp3


    26 of 50 - [Double Feature] Easy Come, Easy Go - Speedway

    01 - easy come, easy go.mp3
    02 - the love machine.mp3
    03 - yoga is as yoga does.mp3
    04 - you gotta stop.mp3
    05 - sing you children.mp3
    06 - i'll take love.mp3
    07 - she's a machine.mp3
    08 - the love machine (alt. take).mp3
    09 - sing you children (alt. take).mp3
    10 - she's a machine (alt. take).mp3
    11 - suppose (alt. master).mp3
    12 - speedway.mp3
    13 - there ain't nothing like a song.mp3
    14 - you're time hasn't come yet baby.mp3
    15 - who are you (who am i).mp3
    16 - he's your uncle not your dad.mp3
    17 - let yourself go.mp3
    18 - five sleepy heads.mp3
    19 - suppose.mp3
    20 - your groovy self (with nancy sinatra).mp3

    27 of 50 - How Great Thou Art

    01 - how great thou art.mp3
    02 - in the garden.mp3
    03 - somebody bigger than you and i.mp3
    04 - farther along.mp3
    05 - stand by me.mp3
    06 - without him.mp3
    07 - so high.mp3
    08 - where could i go but to the lord.mp3
    09 - by and by.mp3
    10 - if the lord wasn't walking by my side.mp3
    11 - run on.mp3
    12 - where no one stands alone.mp3
    13 - crying in the chapel.mp3

    28 of 50 - Elvis' Gold Records 4

    01 - love letters.mp3
    02 - witchcraft.mp3
    03 - it hurts me.mp3
    04 - what'd i say.mp3
    05 - please don't drag that string around.mp3
    06 - indescribably blue.mp3
    07 - you're the devil in disguise.mp3
    08 - lonely man.mp3
    09 - a mess of blues.mp3
    10 - ask me.mp3
    11 - ain't that loving you baby.mp3
    12 - just tell her jim said hello.mp3

    29 of 50 - [Double Feature] Live A Little, Love A Little - The Trouble With Girls - Charro!

    01 - almost in love.mp3
    02 - a little less conversation.mp3
    03 - wonderful world.mp3
    04 - edge of reality.mp3
    05 - a little less conversation.mp3
    06 - charro!.mp3
    07 - let's forget about the stars.mp3
    08 - clean up your own backyard.mp3
    09 - swing down, sweet shariot.mp3
    10 - signs of the zodiac.mp3
    11 - almost.mp3
    12 - the whiffenpoof song.mp3
    13 - violet.mp3
    14 - clean up your own backyard.mp3
    15 - almost.mp3
    16 - have a happy.mp3
    17 - let's be friends.mp3
    18 - change of habit.mp3
    19 - let us pray.mp3
    20 - rubberneckin'.mp3

    30 of 50 - NBC TV Special - '68 Comeback

    01 - trouble-guitar man.mp3
    02 - lawdy,miss clawdy-baby,w.mp3
    03 - heartbreak hotel-hound d.mp3
    04 - where could i go to but t.mp3
    05 - baby, what tou want me to do.mp3
    06 - memories.mp3
    07 - nothingsville-big boss m.mp3
    08 - if i can dream.mp3

    31 of 50 - From Elvis In Memphis

    01 - wearin' that loved on look.mp3
    02 - only the strong survive.mp3
    03 - i'll hold you in my heart.mp3
    04 - long black limousine.mp3
    05 - it keeps right on a-hurtin'.mp3
    06 - i'm movin' on.mp3
    07 - ppwer of my love.mp3
    08 - gentle on my mind.mp3
    09 - after loving you.mp3
    10 - true love travels on a gravel road.mp3
    11 - any day now.mp3
    12 - in the ghetto.mp3

    32 of 50 - In Person

    01 - blue suede shoes.mp3
    02 - johnny b. goode.mp3
    03 - all shook up.mp3
    04 - are you lonesome tonight.mp3
    05 - hound dog.mp3
    06 - i can't stop loving you.mp3
    07 - my babe.mp3
    08 - medley- mystery train-tiger man.mp3
    09 - words.mp3
    10 - in the ghetto.mp3
    11 - suspicious minds.mp3
    12 - can't help falling in love.mp3

    33 of 50 - Back in Memphis

    01 - inherit the wind.mp3
    02 - this is the story.mp3
    03 - stranger in my own home town.mp3
    04 - a little bit of green.mp3
    05 - and the grass won't pay no mind.mp3
    06 - do you know who i am.mp3
    07 - from a jack to a king.mp3
    08 - the fair's moving on.mp3
    09 - you'll think of me.mp3
    10 - without love (there is nothing).mp3

    34 of 50 - On Stage

    01 - cc rider.mp3
    02 - release me.mp3
    03 - sweet caroline.mp3
    04 - runaway.mp3
    05 - the wonder of you.mp3
    06 - polk salad annie.mp3
    07 - yesterday.mp3
    08 - proud mary.mp3
    09 - walk a mile in my shoes.mp3
    10 - let it be me.mp3

    35 of 50 - That's The Way It Is

    01 - i just can't help believin'.mp3
    02 - twenty days and twenty nights.mp3
    03 - how the web was woven.mp3
    04 - patch it up.mp3
    05 - mary in the morning.mp3
    06 - you don't have to say you love me.mp3
    07 - you've lost that lovin' feelin'.mp3
    08 - i've lost you.mp3
    09 - just pretend.mp3
    10 - stranger in the crowd.mp3
    11 - the next step in love.mp3
    12 - bridge over troubled water.mp3

    36 of 50 - Elvis Country

    01 - snowbird.mp3
    02 - tomorrow never comes.mp3
    03 - little cabin on the hill.mp3
    04 - whole lotta shakin' goin' on.mp3
    05 - funny how time slips away.mp3
    06 - i really don't want to know.mp3
    07 - there goes my everything.mp3
    08 - it's your baby, you rock.mp3
    09 - the fool.mp3
    10 - faded love.mp3
    11 - i washed my hands in muddy water.mp3
    12 - make the world go away.mp3

    37 of 50 - Love Letters From Elvis

    01 - love letters.mp3
    02 - when i'm over you.mp3
    03 - if i were you.mp3
    04 - got my mojo working.mp3
    05 - heart of rome.mp3
    06 - only believe.mp3
    07 - this is our dance.mp3
    08 - cindy, cindy.mp3
    09 - i'll never know.mp3
    10 - it ain't no big thing (but it's growing).mp3
    11 - life.mp3

    38 of 50 - The Wonderful World of Christmas

    01 - oh come, all ye faithful.mp3
    02 - the first noel.mp3
    03 - on a snowy christmas night.mp3
    04 - winter wonderland.mp3
    05 - the wonderful world of christmas.mp3
    06 - it won't seem like christmas (with out you).mp3
    07 - i'll be home on christmas day.mp3
    08 - if i get home on christmas day.mp3
    09 - holly leaves and christmas trees.mp3
    10 - merry christmas baby.mp3
    11 - silver bells.mp3
    12 - if every day was like christmas.mp3
    13 - i'll be home on christmas day.mp3

    39 of 50 - Elvis Now

    01 - help me make it through the night.mp3
    02 - miracle of the rosary.mp3
    03 - hey jude.mp3
    04 - put your hand in the hand.mp3
    05 - until it's time for you to go.mp3
    06 - we can make the morning.mp3
    07 - early mornin' rain.mp3
    08 - sylvia.mp3
    09 - fools rush in (where angels fear to tread).mp3
    10 - i was born about ten years ago.mp3

    40 of 50 - He Touched Me

    01 - he touched me.mp3
    02 - i've got confidence.mp3
    03 - amazing grace.mp3
    04 - seeing is believing.mp3
    05 - he is my everything.mp3
    06 - bosom of abraham.mp3
    07 - an evening prayer.mp3
    08 - lead me, guide me.mp3
    09 - there is no god but god.mp3
    10 - a thing called love.mp3
    11 - i, john.mp3
    12 - reach out to jesus.mp3

    41 of 50 - LIVE from Madison Square Garden

    01 - introduction.mp3
    02 - thats all right.mp3
    03 - proud mary.mp3
    04 - never been to spain.mp3
    05 - you don't have to say you love me.mp3
    06 - you've lost that lovin' feelin'.mp3
    07 - polk salad annie.mp3
    08 - love me.mp3
    09 - i'm all shook up.mp3
    10 - heartbreak hotel.mp3
    11 - medley (let me be your) teddy bear_don't be cruel.mp3
    12 - love me tender.mp3
    13 - the impossible dream.mp3
    14 - introductions by elvis.mp3
    15 - hound dog.mp3
    16 - suspicious minds.mp3
    17 - for the good times.mp3
    18 - american trilogy.mp3
    19 - funny how time slips away.mp3
    20 - i can't stop loving you.mp3
    21 - can't help falling in love.mp3
    22 - end theme.mp3

    42 of 50 - Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite

    01 - intro-also sprach zaratustra.mp3
    02 - see see rider.mp3
    03 - burning love.mp3
    04 - something.mp3
    05 - you gave me a mountain.mp3
    06 - steamroller blues.mp3
    07 - my way.mp3
    08 - love me.mp3
    09 - johnny b.goode.mp3
    10 - it's over.mp3
    11 - blue suede shoes.mp3
    12 - i'm so lonesome i could cry.mp3
    13 - i can't stop loving you.mp3
    14 - hound dog.mp3
    15 - what now my love.mp3
    16 - fever.mp3
    17 - welcome to my world.mp3
    18 - suspicious mind.mp3
    19 - intro by elvis.mp3
    20 - i'll remember you.mp3
    21 - medley - long tall sally - whole lotta shakin' goin' on.mp3
    22 - american trilogy.mp3
    23 - a big hunk of love.mp3
    24 - can't help falling in love.mp3

    43 of 50 - Elvis - Self-Titled (43)

    01 - fool.mp3
    02 - where do i go from here.mp3
    03 - love me, love the life i lead.mp3
    04 - it's still here.mp3
    05 - it's impossible.mp3
    06 - (that's what you get) for lovin' me.mp3
    07 - padre.mp3
    08 - i'll take you home again kathleen.mp3
    09 - i will be true.mp3
    10 - don't think twice, it's alright.mp3

    44 of 50 - Raised On Rock

    01 - raised on rock.mp3
    02 - are you sincere.mp3
    03 - find out what.mp3
    04 - i miss you.mp3
    05 - girl of mine.mp3
    06 - for ol' time.mp3
    07 - if you don't.mp3
    08 - just a little.mp3
    09 - sweet angeli.mp3
    10 - three corn p.mp3

    45 of 50 - Good Times

    01 - take good care.mp3
    02 - loving arms.mp3
    03 - i got a feeling.mp3
    04 - if that isn't l.mp3
    05 - she wears my ring.mp3
    06 - i've got a thing.mp3
    07 - my boy.mp3
    08 - spanish eyes.mp3
    09 - talk about the.mp3
    10 - good time charl.mp3

    46 of 50 - Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis

    01 - See See Rider.mp3
    02 - I Got a Woman.mp3
    03 - Love Me.mp3
    04 - tryin' to get you.mp3
    05 - Medley.mp3
    06 - Why Me Lord.mp3
    07 - How Great Thou Art.mp3
    08 - Medley.mp3
    09 - Help Me.mp3
    10 - An American Trilogy.mp3
    11 - Let Me Be There.mp3
    12 - My Baby Left Me.mp3
    13 - Lawdy, Miss Clawdy.mp3
    14 - Can't Help Falling in Love.mp3
    15 - Closing.mp3

    47 of 50 - Promised Land

    01 - promised land.mp3
    02 - there's a honky tonk ang.mp3
    03 - help me.mp3
    04 - mr.songman.mp3
    05 - love song of the year.mp3
    06 - it's midnight.mp3
    07 - your love's been a long.mp3
    08 - if you talk in your sleep.mp3
    09 - thinking about you.mp3
    10 - you asked me to.mp3

    48 of 50 - Today

    01 - t-r-o-u-b-l-e.mp3
    02 - and i love you so.mp3
    03 - susan when she tried.mp3
    04 - woman without love.mp3
    05 - shake a hand.mp3
    06 - pieces of my life.mp3
    07 - fairytale.mp3
    08 - i can help.mp3
    09 - bringin' it back.mp3
    10 - green, green grass of home.mp3

    49 of 50 - From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee

    01 - hurt.mp3
    02 - never again .mp3
    03 - blue eyes crying in the rain.mp3
    04 - danny boy.mp3
    05 - the last farewell.mp3
    06 - for the heart.mp3
    07 - bitter they are, harder they fall.mp3
    08 - solitaire.mp3
    09 - love coming down.mp3
    10 - i'll never fall in love again.mp3

    50 of 50 - Moody Blue

    01 - unchained melody.mp3
    02 - if you love me (let me know).mp3
    03 - little darlin'.mp3
    04 - he'll have to go.mp3
    05 - let me be there.mp3
    06 - way down.mp3
    07 - pledging my love.mp3
    08 - moody blue.mp3
    09 - she thinks i still care.mp3
    10 - it's easy for you.mp3

    Here be Elvis


    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    World Ends Girlfriend

    Wonderful piece from the great sugahtank

    Friday, 3 October 2008

    Slinky Solitude

    Great art picks up where nature ends.

    -Marc Chagall

    How the dramatic Nico became a music iconoclast - by John Cale et al

    A wonderful piece about the great Christa Paffgen, better known as

    The piece comes from The Times UK

    We do love 's work, not only her contribution to the greatest group of all time but also her innovative solo work, which was decades ahead of its time!

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    Here, a group of people who knew her well - including a pivotal figure in the "original" and best Velvets line up - speak about their late great friend.

    Cale is also of course a wonderful pioneering solo artist and magnificent producer (who has produced seminal and ground breaking albums -including Nico's best work The Marble Index (1968) and 2 later Nico albums - but also an array of great LPs from acts we love ranging from;

    Nico's life was beset by extreme tragedy and horror throughout.

    The extent of this tragedy is surreal, crazy. It ranges from being an illegitimate child, to being born in a war ravaged Hungary in 1938, to having her father killed by the Nazis when she was 5 years old, to being raped at 15 by a US soldier, to testifying about that rape resulting in capital punishment for the perpetrator, to getting involved in damaging relationships with a series of abusive men, to bearing an illegitimate child, to becoming a chronic heroin addict, to being penniless, to ending up dead aged only 49 from a freak situation, a death which could perhaps have been prevented.

    For over fifteen years, Nico was a heroin addict. Biographer Richard Witts speculated that the habit was caused by her traumatic experiences of war and of being an illegitimate child.

    In his book Songs They Never Play on the Radio, James Young, a member of her band in the 1980s, recalls many examples of Nico's fiendish behaviour due to the addiction.

    But just before her death, she had managed to kick the habit and had embarked on a regimen of exercise and healthy eating.

    On July 18, 1988, while on holiday with her son in Ibiza, Spain, Nico had a minor heart attack while riding a bicycle, and hit her head as she fell. A passing taxi driver found her unconscious, and had difficulty getting her admitted to local hospitals. She was incorrectly diagnosed as suffering from exposure, and she died the next day. X-rays later revealed a severe cerebral hemorrhage as the cause of her death.

    Nico was buried in her mother's plot in Grunewald Forest Cemetery in Berlin. A few friends played a tape of "Mütterlein", a song from Desertshore, at her funeral. published a wonderful biographical piece on Nico, from which we quote below;

    According to popular folklore, she was born in 1938 in Budapest, named Christa Paffgen, and lived under Nazi Germany in Cologne while Churchill rained bombs all around her.

    Her father was conscripted into the German army and, after suffering brain damage resulting from a head wound, was killed in a concentration camp by the Nazis in 1943.

    At the ago of 15 Nico was raped by a US Air Force sergeant who was tried and shot for his crime. Her tour manager in the later period of her career commented:

    "Not only does she have to carry the horror of the rape but the secret guilt of somehow being complicit, by her testimony, in his execution. Sex, for Nico is irrevocably associated with punishment."

    (Young, 1992, p150)

    At a similar time she started modelling, with great success, which eventually took her to New York via Rome and Ibiza, changing her name along the way.

    Once in New York she met Brian Jones and, later, Bob Dylan, and involved herself in the music scene, releasing a single, "I'm Not Saying" before ending up at the Factory. Warhol was so taken with her that he wanted her to front his in-house band, the Velvet Underground.

    This was to the absolute horror of the misogynistic band themselves, for whom women were simply not welcome. Moe Tucker had faced similar hostility from the band when she first joined - a move which was only agreed to by John Cale when he was assured that it would only be a temporary measure.

    Cale wrote in his autobiography:

    Nico intended to sing all the songs and, at first, looked upon us as a hired back-up band. We had a different idea. However, remarkably quickly, and as a sign of Warhol's amazing ability to overcome objections and get things done his way, we agreed to let Nico sing a few songs and otherwise stand on the stage looking unenthusiastic and play the tambourine. She was tone deaf and had an abrasive voice, but it turned out to be a great casting.

    (Cale, 1999, p82)

    It seems from this quote that Cale at first valued Nico for her image rather than any musical contribution that she offered. Her coolly detached vocal phrasings were extremely distinctive, but she had another asset which made her stand out from the rest of the band during their performance: she had a poise which commandeered the attention of the audience. Notice the subtle differences between the following description of Nico's stage presence and the one quoted above from Cale:

    Onstage in her white pantsuit, she was the centre of attention. She was an inch taller than Cale, and despite the fact that Reed sang most of the songs, everything was geared so that she just had to stand there to command attention. Every drug-induced movement she made became significant. It was a talent she had developed in her years as a model with which Lou Reed could not compete."

    (Bockris, 1995, 120)

    It is this poise which also helps to make her voice so striking. A model learns to make every movement as precise, captivating and assured as possible, and Nico employed a similar technique in the movement of her vocal chords. Every syllable, every note was perfectly and precisely formed with such grace, in a way that mirrors a performance on a catwalk.

    Nico's time with the Velvets was somewhat fraught. She continued to insist that she should be singing all the Velvets songs, regardless of the appropriateness of her voice for tunes such as "I'm Waiting For The Man" and "Heroin", and her tempestuous love-affair with Lou Reed increased the tension even further. It was a love affair which Cale referred to as being "both consummated and constipated" and Lou savoured his bitchy revenge on her by verbally attacking her at every opportunity, criticising her ability to sing, to keep time, etc etc.

    By the time White Light White Heat was being written and recorded there were no more songs written for Nico to perform with the Velvet Underground. Her fall from grace from the Factory crowd, and Warhol in particular, is described by Victor Bokris in his Warhol biography thus:

    Andy never developed the kind of rapport with Nico that he has with Edie. For all his talk of beauty and glamour, Andy had always admitted that he liked good talkers best. Nico had a wonderful presence. She was mysterious, intuitive and fascinating to be with, but she was no Brigid Polk in the rap department. She was on different drugs. Edie and Andy had been able to communicate on the speed that made them so alike. Nico's use of LSD and heroin tended to distance her from Andy's mentality. Worse, Nico was a star in her own right and was not completely dependent on Andy, although she was somewhat identified with him.

    (Bokris, 1989, 327)

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    1969 saw the release of her second solo album, The Marble Index which is her most commonly critically acclaimed work. Recorded in New York at the end of 1968, all eight songs are written by Nico, primarily composed on her harmonium.

    The harmonium is a nineteenth century reed organ powered by foot pedals which force air over the reeds, producing a distinctively mournful drone. Nico made this instrument her own, teaching herself to play it, with its tones making the perfect accompaniment for her icebound vocals and lyrics of forbidden fruit and folly which seldom follow any specific narrative. Her words are a collection of abstract images, which waft in and out of the sound of her harmonium's drone, with images of the unusual setting of her childhood.

    The next two albums, Desertshore and The End, are very similar both musically and in atmosphere. Ever-so-slightly lighter and more accessible that The Marble Index, like a picture which has fully come into focus, these for me are the real delight.

    The years after The End saw Nico's heroin abuse worsen and consume her talents. There was no recorded output for some years due to her narcotised incapacitation. Cale wrote of his attempts to resuscitate her career in this period:

    "I tried to persuade him [Lou Reed] to write songs for Nico. He could have done it so easily and it would have changed her life. He said he would but unfortunately, all Lou seemed able to do when Nico was around him was torture her."

    (Cale, 1999, p162)

    She would have left an unblemished recorded legacy behind, but Nico returned in the 1980s to half-heartedly attempt to resurrect a career long since sidelined by the more pressing concerns of heroin addiction. These albums, while occasionally offering glimpses of something once special, merely detract from what was recently described in The Wire as:

    "…the most uncompromising and original body of work to emerge from any of the five participants in the founding document, 1967's The Velvet Underground And Nico."

    (Biba Kopf, The Wire, June 2000).

    In Young's wry yet affectionate account of Nico in the 80s, we are presented with a life gone very dreary indeed; a festering universe far removed from the grimy glamour which Nico possessed during her Factory days. It is also a chilling portrait of what happens when one's career disappears from under one's feet, though Nico appeared not to realise that her underground superstar status had very rapidly faded. Surrounded by unsympathetic musicians, she was left completely without an audience, save for the few handfuls of Velvet Underground enthusiasts dragged along and eventually let down by their own curiosity.

    Sometimes, the best a person can do is to retire, which Nico did do towards the end of her life (from touring, at least). Cleaned up and relatively rejuvenated post-heroin, she was preparing to write her biography when a minor heart attack prompted her to fall badly from her bicycle, causing the brain haemorrhage which killed her at the age of only 49.

    Nico's amazing works have for a few years now been critically reassessed, and slowly she is beginning to get the levels of credit she so well merits.

    It's all too later for her now though, sadly.

    Two great Nico Tributes are about to take place this month;
    • Life Along the Borderline — a Nico Tribute, curated by John Cale, Southbank Centre, London SE1 (0871-663 2500), Oct 11 2008.
    • Nico tribute concert curated by Lutz Ulrich, Volksbühne, Berlin (0049 30 24 065 5), Oct 17 2008

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    How the dramatic Nico became a music iconoclast

    Nico was the supermodel who hated being beautiful, a junkie muse, musical pioneer and femme fatale whose only regret was being a woman.

    Two decades after her death John Cale and other friends recall a true iconoclast

    Nico wanted to be an enfant terrible, a problem child, and maybe even thought that was the way you became an artist. And there are plenty of previous examples to prove that she was right.

    The first time I met her was at Andy Warhol’s Factory in New York. It was 1966. It was impossible not to be struck by her. She was so statuesque and serious. Certainly, we were stunned by Andy’s suggestion to include her in the Velvet Underground. No one knew what to make of her but we were far too self-concerned to either argue or refuse.

    Here was this formidable woman, the world’s first supermodel. We were awed by her style – something that we were just beginning to taste the fruits of ourselves, with Kenneth J. Lane jewellery and Betsey Johnson designs. Of course we’d seen her in Fellini’s La Dolce Vita – the first time you see her on screen she is introduced as “that German cow”. She was quintessentially the person that Andy used to make us aware of another dimension to music: publicity and image-making.

    She was unbelievably dramatic. Along with an already imposing physical presence she had worked at the Actors Studio, where Elia Kazan had helped her to hone her timing to a sharp blade. The silences that threw people off their stride were the result of Kazan’s advice that she “use time to carve a space for herself in everything she did”, as she described it to me later. This style of social conduct had hilarious as well as caustic results. She was a sucker for creating the “perfect storm”.

    Being in New York in the Sixties with that kind of sonorous German accent had specific connotations no matter how beautiful you were. And she played on that. She wanted to explode the air around her.

    On the one hand she was a threat, but it was such a startling threat that everybody decided to make it work – and, as it turned out, the blonde and statuesque Nico was exactly what Lou Reed was looking for. I was always suspicious of blondes, Lou was not. The band had no idea how to deal with her — the timing, the accent — but Lou rose to the occasion. His songs for her such as Femme Fatale are some of the most beautiful ballads he has written.

    Being in the late Sixties with Nico was great. From the band’s point of view, we were all entranced by being on the Exploding Plastic Inevitable tour and all the kerfuffle and pizzazz that went along with it. Touring the US was surreal. Nico loved driving the Winnebago and one time we were stopped by the state police who thought that we had kidnapped the chief of police’s daughter. They eventually let us go, having spent most of the time in awe of Nico’s stunning looks.

    We were all for her being a songwriter and heaved a sigh of relief when she left. Although her leaving was not untinged by disappointment, we felt we had failed her in some way. She had that ability — to make you feel you had failed her but no matter: she would survive all the stronger for it.

    Her leaving New York was typical. One night she was having drinks in a bar with two women, one of whom was rumoured to have been Jimi Hendrix’s groupie/girlfriend. This woman was complaining about what a tough life she had, she was relentlessly going on about it, Nico kept telling her to stop and eventually she cracked. “You don’t know what a tough life is,” she said and threw a glass in the girl’s face. It wasn’t pretty. She had to leave town that night; went to San Francisco and then Europe. That temper had its cost.

    All the revisionist speculation about her being a racist is ridiculous. I do know she’d try to zone in on the vulnerability of others, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she “used” the topic to force a confrontation and discomfort. Really, though, this is someone who grew up in a war zone, hiding from British bombing raids, whose father had died on the Russian front and who, if she hadn’t been plucked out of nowhere to be a model, would have stayed in a German town being preyed on by sleazy managers of the supermarket she worked in as a teenager.

    All Nico had of her childhood was a blurry, tattered black-and-white photo of her mother leaning against a tank. Nico had made her own way and she couldn’t take this person going on about what a tough life she’d had. That, and the liquor and whatever else was going on, that was her perfect storm.

    Another story that has been twisted came from when she was dating Lou. She came into the Factory one time without him and Andy said: “So where’s Lou?” And she replied, after a silence: “I cannot zleep with Jews any more.” People chuckled and got on with their chores.

    These were explosive remarks done for dramatic purposes. And there was so much drama of that kind going on. Things like that went on all day long and no one paid attention. It was outrageous. Life in the Factory went through the gamut and people don’t ever really want to be put through the gamut.

    Most importantly for Nico, she learnt from Lou and Andy how to access a more freewheeling creativity — independence was Andy’s gift to Nico. She also met Jim Morrison in New York. He drew her into his poetic circle, from which she emerged with English as her poetic language. Being deaf in one ear didn’t prevent her writing songs on a harmonium she picked up in India. She read Steppenwolf and Siddartha. After meeting Jim and quitting the Velvet Underground her blonde life was changed. She died her hair red with henna and then to raven black.

    She really related to Jim on an artistic level, if you like, her “soul-brother”, as she had done with Lou at one point. But despite all of her lovers, all that the men really did, I think, was remind her of her imperfections. She felt that they were a danger to her and that she would never get any respect from them. Really, she never thought of herself as a woman. It’s what made her relationship with her son, Ari, so difficult. His father [the actor], Alain Delon, never accepted paternity and Nico didn’t know how to be a mother. Ari was brought up by Delon’s mother, but ran away to live with Nico when he was a teenager. She was heavily addicted to heroin by then and would say, so despondently: “I can’t deal with him, he thinks he’s me.”

    And he did, he went through all of that and hit rock bottom. I believe those days are well behind him now.

    Her first album Chelsea Girls (1967) had featured the Velvet Underground. Dylan gave her a song for it (I’ll Keep it With Mine), as did Jackson Browne and Tim Hardin, yet everyone agreed it was too MOR. She was totally indifferent to it, later saying: “I cried because of the flute . . . There should be a button on record players, a ‘No Flute’ button.”

    Marble Index (1969) was what four days of entrenched self-interest created. Her view was pre-punk. The sense of impending nihilism was goth before goth. Most reactions were of shock. In among the murk there was real drama. I played the LP for the composer Aaron Copland, proud of its Neo-Classical European style. Copland’s only comment was about her “gravelly voice”.

    I always felt somewhat protective towards her music. I felt it needed presentation that elevated her to the status of a serious female songwriter, very different from those celebrated at the time. I think she understood this — felt that I appreciated and “understood” her — although the “understanding” was focused exclusively in musical terms. Her life made me depressed. Every recording session I came away from thinking I had seen her inner self and that it was a little girl trying to reach the daylight. Eventually I was left to consider that the drugs in her life were stronger than my attempts to use music to delineate a pathway ahead.

    The few times I’d witness her childlike laughter and utter amazement at her finished work — those were the moments a collaborator clings to. The payoff, the reward! Those times were so rare, but they kept me on the string that was Nico’s to dangle — the belief in her, even when she didn’t believe.

    ANDREW LOOG OLDHAM, the manager of the Rolling Stones and producer of Nico’s first single

    My Nico story is a short one but, like her life, it’s reasonably star-studded. Brian Jones brought Nico over from Paris, where she was modelling, in 1965 and said: “How about recording my friend too?” I’d already been through it with Marianne Faithfull, and I thought that I could tell who could sing just by hearing their speaking voice — and what a voice Nico had.

    I sent her to John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page to audition; they thought she was quite something, totally scrumptious. We weren’t used to this European allure. She was no doormat. She was a lethal woman. She was one of a new breed of woman, like Anita Pallenberg and Yoko Ono, who could have been a man. Like Carla Bruni is today. Far better that than the silly little English teacups around at that time.

    We got it all wrong on the record, though, I’m Not Sayin’. I made the mistake of recording her with a big orchestra. It was a Gordon Lightfoot song and it just didn’t swing. Decca rejected it and I hated it. It was in the wrong key, her voice sounded like a horse on steroids. But the B-side, The Last Mile, written by Jimmy Page, was good. [My label] Immediate Records put it out and we did a tour of the all the recording factories around the country. She was a trouper, a real laugh. They all loved her on the factory floor.

    We were a stepping stone for her but happy to be one. All the drugs and darkness came later. When I worked with her she was pure Harvey Nichols, and wonderful for it. Well done, Brian, he certainly knew how to pick ’em.

    JAMES YOUNG, member of Nico’s band from 1981-88 and the author of Nico — Songs They Never Play on the Radio

    A favourite Nico anecdote comes from spring 1982. I was in the tour van, at the back. The air was thick with Marlboro smoke, patchouli and something else. I pushed open the rear side window. A pocket of air whooshed around the interior and slapped Nico in the back of the neck. She turned round. “What are you?” she said. “Some kind of fresh-air freak?”

    I’d first heard Nico’s voice as a 14-year-old back in Oldham. A friend had brought round a copy of Chelsea Girl. What was this? A voice deeper than the foghorn on the Bismarck but with a strange inwardness; the music folky but with lyrics that were urban and startling.

    I got to hear her voice again, on my doorstep 14 years later. I was living in Oxford by then. I had a place at the university to begin a masters in romantic literature. Nico was with an old schoolfriend, Alan Wise, who had become her manager. She was performing at a local disco, Scamps, above Sainsbury’s in the Westgate shopping centre. I hadn’t planned to go to the concert, and I certainly hadn’t planned to abandon the academic life. But things change. I ended up playing piano for her until her death six years later.

    With a Nico performance, whether you were on stage or at the back of the hall, you had to be there all the way with her. You had to remember the world she was born into, without seeing her as a tragic beauty and sentimentalising it. Nico was a beautiful, dreaming, gifted monster.

    ALAN WISE, New Order promoter and Nico’s manager

    Twenty years on, it seems as if her little funeral in Berlin, with the help of the Rev Michael Gartland, an old friend of mine and hers, a weedy tape player and a few non-famous people, preceded, not followed, the seven years I had known her.

    I’d met her on the stairs at the Rafters club in Manchester in 1981, when she was 42. I liked her at first, and after a couple of years I loved her. I made little money with her, just got to travel. The Smiths were just happening, I promoted the first show, but I ignored them for Nico. I had no head for business, only for romance. I loved the travel, and the taste of a faded bohemia.

    Looking back I think we undervalued her. Her real stuff was the Germanic lullaby music, not the rock. She had something, a gravitas, even if she was not a “musician”. She could speak five languages and was ashamed of her lack of formal education. But she usually read good books and watched good black-and-white films.

    She was the real thing. Fascinated by drugs, she feared whatever her real self was; was scared that she might be mad and changed her mood every minute. She was ashamed of being a German and she was ashamed of being a woman. She was never an anti-Semite. That was crap. She chose to live among Ashkenazim Jews when she lived in Manchester and those of a Jewish cultural background for most of her life, ie, 80 per cent of the music industry here and in New York. She was no snob. She liked playing pool with bums in the pub.

    She was a pretty unusual person — a disaster, but also some kind of angel. I wanted her to love me and she never could, though she said once: “Of course I do.” But she loved only one person, her son, Ari. The rest of us vaguely amused her.

    Nico: life of an icon

    1938 Born Christa Pfaffgen in Cologne
    1954 Is spotted at 16, becomes a model
    1959 Appears in Fellini’s La Dolce Vita
    1962 Gives birth to son Ari
    1965 Records first single in London
    1967 Dylan introduces her to Warhol who makes her a Factory superstar and member of the Velvet Underground. Releases solo album, Chelsea Girl.
    1969-85 Records series of remarkable albums with John Cale
    1988 Dies of a brain hemorrhage

    Life Along the Borderline — a Nico Tribute, curated by John Cale, Southbank Centre, London SE1 (0871-663 2500), Oct 11 2008.

    Nico tribute concert curated by Lutz Ulrich, Volksbühne, Berlin (0049 30 24 065 5), Oct 17 2008

    Frank Sinatra Sings For Only The Lonely (1958)

    Frank Sinatra Sings For Only The Lonely
    Released 1958
    Recorded May 25-September 11, 1958 Capitol Studio A, Hollywood
    Genre Vocal Jazz, Classic pop
    Length 59:45
    Label Capitol Records
    Producer Voyle Gilmore

    One of the definitive Sinatra collections! From back in the heyday of Frank's wild years!

    In fact one of Sinatra's personal favourites!

    Heartfelt songs sung from the heart. No bullshit or brouhaha!

    Wonderful classically composed and structured songs wonderfully sung by the Chairman of the Board!

    Seminal cover artwork too!

    Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely (also known as Sings for Only the Lonely and simply Only the Lonely) was released in 1958.

    Sinatra had planned to record this album with Gordon Jenkins, with whom he worked on Where Are You?, his previous all-ballads album.

    However, since he was unavailable at the time of the sessions, Sinatra chose to work with Nelson Riddle, his original arranger at Capitol Records. A great fucking choice!

    According to the book Sinatra: An American Classic, when asked at a New York party in the mid-1970s if he had a favorite album among his recordings, Sinatra unhesitatingly chose this one, For Only The Lonely!

    One of several concept albums recorded by Sinatra in the 1950s, it is perhaps most notable as the most unambiguously bleak album of that decade.

    There are no up-tempo numbers – in fact the only emotional lift is for the benefit of those who purchase the CD reissue, who are treated to an out-take of the Rodgers and Hart classic Where Or When, as well as a bonus take of "Sleep Warm".

    At the Grammy Awards of 1959 Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely was nominated for the Grammy Award for Album of the Year, and won the Grammy Award for Best Album Cover.

    The jacket comes adorned with a clown portrait of Sinatra's face; on the back of the album is another of Sinatra's recurrent visual motifs, a lamppost.

    Q placed this LP at #1 on the '15 Greatest Stoner Albums of All Time' .

    Only the Lonely peaked at #1 on Billboard's pop album chart during a 120 week chart-run.

    Frank Sinatra Sings For Only the Lonely is a beautiful album of songs sung by the immortal Frank Sinatra. The voice is pure, the phrasing is perfect, and the pathos and passion in the lyrics are delivered as only Old Blue Eyes can. Nelson Riddle's arrangements for this album are inspired. The sensitivity and flair with which he approaches each song, achieving a distinct and definitive interpretation of each one, is alone worth the price of this album.

    -Sir Charlie Palmer


    1. "Only the Lonely" (Sammy Cahn, Jimmy Van Heusen) - 4:10
    2. "Angel Eyes" (Matt Dennis, Earl Brent) - 3:46
    3. "What's New?" (Bob Haggart, Johnny Burke) - 5:13
    4. "It's a Lonesome Old Town" (Harry Tobias, Charles Kisco) - 4:18
    5. "Willow Weep for Me" (Ann Ronell) - 4:19
    6. "Good-Bye" (Gordon Jenkins) - 5:45
    7. "Blues in the Night" (Harold Arlen, Johnny Mercer) - 4:44
    8. "Guess I'll Hang My Tears Out to Dry" (Cahn, Jule Styne) - 4:00
    9. "Ebb Tide" (Robert Maxwell, Carl Sigman) - 3:18
    10. "Spring is Here" (Richard Rodgers, Lorenz Hart) - 4:47
    11. "Gone with the Wind" (Allie Wrubel, Herb Magidson) - 5:15
    12. "One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)" (Arlen, Mercer) - 4:23
    13. "Sleep Warm" (Lew Spence, Marilyn Keith, Alan Bergman)
    14. "Where or When" (Rodgers, Hart)

    The last two songs are bonus tracks on the compact disc release and were conducted by Riddle.


    * Frank Sinatra - Vocals
    * Nelson Riddle - Arranger
    * Felix Slatkin - Conductor
    * Bill Miller - Piano
    * Gus Bivona - Alto Sax (Track 12 "One For My Baby (And One More For The Road)")

    Big thanks to Sir Charlie Palmer

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    György Ligeti - Mechanical Music (1997)

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    György Ligeti - Mechanical Music (1997)
    Audio CD (May 20, 1997)
    Label: Sony
    ASIN: B0000029P2
    Mp3 @ 192 kbps cbrspan

    Wonderful and beautiful modern experimental music from the great Gyorgy Ligeti!

    This CD was part 5 of an extensive Sony Ligeti series that's sadly soon to be deleted.

    Although Gyorgy Ligeti is best known for his eerie, tonally ambiguous choral and orchestral writing (immortalized in 2001: A Space Odyssey), this collection of works for musical automata–player piano, barrel organ, and metronomes–includes some of his most astonishing music.

    The player piano pieces are an exhilarating, intensely physical roller-coaster ride through superhuman tempi and dynamic extremes–an intriguing marriage of artifice and human invention.

    While clearly indebted to the influence of Nancarrow, Ligeti’s player piano works are more approachable than Nancarrow’s rigorous etudes, revealing the sense of humor that distinguishes Ligeti from his more ponderous contemporaries.

    Likewise, the controversial prank piece Metronomes foreshadows the phasing experiments of Reich with its intricate cross-rhythms created by metronomes marking time simultaneously at different speeds. Perhaps most fascinating of all are Ligeti’s compositions for computer-modified barrel organ–a hand-cranked, calliope-like instrument popular with itinerant musicians in the 1700s.

    –Dennis Rea

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
    First off, I should inform you that Sony's Ligeti Edition series is being deleted so if you're interested in this stuff, you should pick up the ones you want as soon as you can. Ligeti Edition 5 is a good one. No, it's AWESOME. If you have any interest in "mechanical music," this should be essential.

    Poeme Symphonique for 100 Metronomes was the main thing I wanted to hear on this collection. The piece starts with 100 metronomes ticking in a dense, ordered mass of monotone ticks. As the piece progresses, as some of the metronomes finish winding down, distinct rhythmic arrangements begin to emerge, swaying and wavy and disorienting. (You can also play a good trick on someone: play this piece in their car and they'll think the vehicle is about to explode or something.) Finally, one metronome is left ticking alone, then silence. The concept seemed utterly fascinating so I knew it was something I had to check out. Fortunately, it is more than just an idea that sounds good on paper - it is a very enthralling piece of music. In the liner notes, Ligeti discusses the thermodynamic category of maximal entropy, which factored into his considerations in composing this piece. That's interesting, because in his work on "dissipative structures," Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine theorized that a given system might reach a "bifurcation point," at which its simpler processes can no longer provide for order. At this point, Prigogine tells us, the system can either go into a total, entropic collapse, or evolve into a higher form of order. The second law of thermodynamics (on which our understanding of entropy is based) may not be as relevant as Prigogine's insights. Rather than coming to maximal entropy upon the finale of the single metronome, we can think of it as a new beginning. It's kind of inspirational in its own weird little way. To get the most out of it, play it on your finest stereo equipment at massive volumes and drown in the sound (gotta emulate the live performance anyway you can).

    Another highlight of this collection as Ligeti's piano Etudes adapted for player piano. In standard form, the Etudes demand reams of virtuosity. Here, they are rearranged for player piano where there are no limits imposed by the performer - even the godlike Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Fredrik Ullen are still MEN, and thus have man's limitations. Needless to say, these adaptations are stunning and astonishingly fast, from the head-spinning runs of L'escalier du diable to the astonishing gamelan texture of Galamb borong (for two player pianos). Also of interest is Continuum, adapted for two player pianos. It takes the blurry prestissimo to unreal speeds (it cannot actually be played fast enough on standard piano - the original was written for harpsichord).

    The barrel organ pieces are very amusing adaptations of early Ligeti with shadows of Bartok, and they are full of the original pieces' rhythmic ingenuity and vigor, but with flawless mechanical precision and tone control. I think a big reason for my enjoying them is their quirky sound. As for Musica ricercata, personally I'd rather listen to Aimard's piano version (on Ligeti Edition 3), but the barrel organ adaptation is a pretty interesting spin on the piece, with an arrangement that gives it a very different flavor. The barrel organ also makes them sound kinda proggy, hehe.

    Get it. Remember, this stuff's going out of print, and Ligeti is so good you don't want to miss your opportunity to have his music!

    By Lord Chimp


    1. Continuum (Instrumental)
    2. Hungarian Rock (Instrumental)
    3. Capriccio No.1 (Instrumental)
    4. Invention (Instrumental)
    5. Capriccio No.2 (Instrumental)
    6. Pohme Symphonique for 100 Metronomes (Instrumental)
    7. Musica Ricercata/I. Sostenuto - Misurato - Prestissimo (Instrumental)
    8. Musica Ricercata/II. Mesto, rigido e cerimoniale (Instrumental)
    9. Musica Ricercata/III. Allegro con spirito (Instrumental)
    10. Musica Ricercata/IV. Tempo de Valse (poco vivace - ` l’orgue de Barbarie) (Instrumental)
    11. Musica Ricercata/V. Rubato. Lamentoso (Instrumental)
    12. Musica Ricercata/VI. Allegro molto capriccioso (Instrumental)
    13. Musica Ricercata/VII. Cantabile, molto legato (Instrumental)
    14. Musica Ricercata/VIII. Vivace. Energico (Instrumental)
    15. Musica Ricercata/IX. (Bila Bartsk in memoriam) Adago. Mesto - Allegro maestoso (Instrumental)
    16. Musica Ricercata/X. Vivace. Capriccioso (Instrumental)
    17. Musica Ricercata/XI. (Omaggio a Girolamo Frescobaldi) Andante misurato e tranquillo (Instrumental)
    18. Itudes pour piano, adapted for Player Piano/X. Der Zauberlehrling: Prestissimo, staccatissimo, leggierissimo (Instrumental)
    19. Itudes pour piano, adapted for Player Piano/IX. Vertige: Prestissimo sempre molto legato, sehr gleichma_ig (Instrumental)
    20. Itudes pour piano, adapted for Player Piano/XI. En suspens: Andante con moto, “avec l’iligance du swing” (Instrumental)
    21. Itudes Pour Piano, Adapted For Player Piano/XIII. L’Escalier Du Diable: Presto Legato Ma Leggiero (Instrumental)
    22. Itudes pour piano, adapted for Player Piano/XIVa. Coloana fara sfbrsit: Presto possibile, tempestoso con fuoco (Instrumental)
    23. Itudes pour piano, adapted for Player Piano/VII. Galamb borong: Vivacissimo luminoso, legato possibile (Instrumental)
    24. Continuum (Instrumental)

    Here she be:




    Big thanks to wharfinger

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    Red Beauty

    Stunning art.

    Not sure who by, though.

    Reminds me of the Faulkner quote:
    The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life.

    -William Faulkner

    Hirano Yoshihisa & Taniuchi Hideki - Death Note OST I

    Hirano Yoshihisa & Taniuchi Hideki - Death Note OST I
    Artist - Hirano Yoshihisa & Taniuchi Hideki
    Album - Death Note OST I, II and III
    Year - 2006-2007
    Genre - Instrumental Experimental Post-rock (A mix of everything!)

    A wonderful score by Yoshihisa Hirano & Taniuchi Hideki for the acclaimed Death Note. This is the score for the first movie in the series.

    Yoshihisa Hirano (平野義久) is a Japanese composer, born in 1971. He is known for his very orchestral feeling when it comes to his musical style used for anime scores.

    In the past he has created musical scores for Midori Days, Air Master, Strawberry Panic, Ouran High School Host Club; his most recent work was done for the hit movie Death Note.

    タニウチヒデキ, Taniuchi Hideki,
    born on November 15th in Hokkaido, is a Japanese musician and composer, best known for his work on composing soundtracks to anime series.

    Aside from his work as composer, Taniuchi also plays guitar in the Japanese Rockband Shocking Lemon.

    In recent years, his popularity was increased due to his works for various anime series, such as Otogizōshi, Akagi, Kaiji and not least due to the worldwide hit DEATH NOTE.

    For the latter, Taniuchi composed the 3 OSTs in collaboration with 平野義久 (Yoshihisa Hirano).


    01 Death note
    02 Jiken
    03 Light's Theme
    04 L's Theme
    05 Kinchou
    06 Senritsu
    07 Kodoku
    08 Tomonari
    09 Kitai
    10 Tokusou Kira han
    11 L's Theme B
    12 Shunjun
    13 Tsuiseki
    14 L no Nakama
    15 Tokusou
    16 Shinigami kai
    17 Taikutsu
    18 Rem
    19 Death note Theme
    20 Kyrie
    21 Domine Kira
    22 Teloelogy of death
    23 Low of Solipsism
    24 Requiem
    25 Immanence
    26 Dirge
    27 Light Lights up light
    28 Alert
    29 the WORLD (Tv Size)
    30 Alumina (Tv size)

    Here she be:


    Password -

    Big thanks to

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Stunning Japanese Race Queen babe

    Shoooooooo !

    Cool stuffs(40)

    Shoooooooo ! Damn Republicans!! Shoooooooo !


    Incredible photo's (64)

    One time bastion of punk, anarchy and great music!

    I don't know what the fuck to say about this!

    Has Rotten been knighted, or something?

    Is that Mark E Smith? Has that guy mutated into a lesbian?

    At the Sarah Palin fanclub meeting

    Incredible photo's (64)

    Erm ...... DUM DE DUM DE DUM DE DUM!

    The Republican Party branch in Tokyo convene !

    Incredible photo's (64)

    Methinks Japanland is a tad weird!

    Nah, I don't!

    I've been there a few times and I KNOW it's fucking weirder than WEIRD!

    Imagine a country of Sarah Palin clones - but only worse!

    Sad suicide of cartoon dog babe!

    Incredible photo's (64)

    Don't do it Lassie!

    it !

    Johnny Rotten has aged very badly !

    Incredible photo's (64)

    Anarchy for the UUUUU KKKKKKKK ........

    He still sounds the same though!

    I'm SOOO pissed off today!!

    Incredible photo's (64)

    Cheer up lil fella!

    Hit the squirrel go-go bar and guzzle some Jack Daniels nuts!

    Then all shall be well!

    Works for me anyway ... except the nuts bit! ... and the squirrel bit!

    Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson and Sigur Ros - Angel Of The Universe

    Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson and Sigur Ros - Angel Of The Universe
    Year - 2001
    Genre - Instrumental/ OST / Ambient

    Wonderful OST by Icelandic composer Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson for Angel Of The Universe.

    Sigur Ros contribute a few good tracks too.

    Review from

    Sigur Rós fans take note: although the Icelandic art-rockers get prominent billing on this film soundtrack, they contribute only two songs. The bulk of Angels of the Universe comes from film composer Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, who adopts a suitably melancholy, tormented tone for the most of the disc, as befits the soundtrack to a dark film about mental illness. I haven't seen Angels of the Universe, but by all accounts it's a very powerful but relentlessly bleak affair. It's also become one of Iceland's most successful films of all time, which probably says as much about the national character of that frigid little island country as it does about the quality of the film.

    Since most listeners will skip right to the end for Sigur Rós' two closing tracks, let's start the review there, as well. "Blum blum bambalo" finds the band in mournful mode, with the solemn march of a bass drum punctuating the drone of Jonsi Birgisson's bowed guitar and melancholy, choir boy vocals. Although unmistakably a Sigur Rós track, "Blum blum bambalo" achieves a kind of solemn grandeur I haven't heard from the band before, and it's by far the most interesting thing Angels of the Universe has to offer. After a sweeping finish, the track segues into the churchy rock melodrama of "Death Announcements and Funerals", a noisy instrumental based on a popular Icelandic funeral hymn. It will probably leave all but Sigur Rós' most ardent fans scratching their heads -- they sound less here like the future of Icelandic music and more like the past of British prog rock. Not since Jethro Tull's heyday has anyone taken folk music themes and puffed them up into such headbanging bombast.

    The rest of Angels in the Universe is mostly sobbing strings and the occasional plaintively plucked guitar; Hilmarsson's music has the quiet emotiveness of all good soundtrack music, but outside the context of cinema it's simple and fairly repetitive. He does inject some interesting, avant-garde tonalities, the like of which you'll never hear in a Hollywood soundtrack -- the layered strings of "Memory" and "Degradation" echo the work of other maverick film composers like The Piano's Michael Nyman. Occasionally Hilmarsson jolts his listeners with something different -- "Over the Bend", for example, erupts mid-way into an ominous rumble of acoustic and electronic percussion that rises and falls in volume against the dark backdrop of those slightly off-key strings that are Hilmarsson's signature sound. Other tracks that stand out for their sheer disturbingness are "Journey to the Underworld", in which a single violin saws gnat-like through a series of atonal chords, and "Relapse", which uses a distorted drum solo to create a very fair sonic approximation of a nervous breakdown. But for the most part the pleasures in Hilmarsson's music are subtle and small -- this is not catchy stuff, even by the offbeat standards of Icelandic music.

    Still, Angels of the Universe has its moments. In addition to the mournful majesty of Sigur Rós' "Blum blum bambalo", there are at least two Hilmarsson tracks, that surpass their status as soundtrack fragments and stand on their own as striking compositions: the Steven Reich-like "Schiller in China" and the achingly beautiful "Te Morituri . . .". For fans of this kind of dissonant yet romantic string music, Hilmarsson is certainly a composer worth getting to know, either here or on his other major motion picture soundtrack, Children of Nature. As for fans of Sigur Rós -- well, for a band that takes as many risks as they do, one out of two ain't bad.


    01. Approach-Dream
    02. Memory
    03. The Black Dog And The Scottish Play
    04. Degradation
    05. Over The Bend
    06. Colours
    07. Journey To The Underworld
    08. Shave
    09. On The Road
    10. Another Memory
    11. Relapse
    12. Coma
    13. Schiller In China
    14. Helpless
    15. Te Morituri...
    16. Bium Bium Bambalo
    17. Death Announcements And Funerals

    Here she be:


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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Thursday, 2 October 2008

    Bob Dylan nominated for Nobel Prize ... AGAIN!

    Can I ask an obvious question? Why the fuck has Bob Dylan not won this prize already?

    A peerless canon of work spanning almost 50 years!

    Countless songs wherein the lyrics are pure poetry!

    Countless books of these lyrics chock full of great poetry.

    Works of' 'pure' literature also!

    The wonderful, experimental "Tarantula".

    The greatest memoir of recent times - Chronicles - a perfect and beautiful book!

    What the fuck is going on here?

    Well, I know. It's, simply,dumb literary snobbery!

    Total bullshit!

    The saddest thing - and it hurts me to say this - is that, should Bob suddenly die, he would be a sure shot to win this bullshit prize a few months thereafter!

    That is disgusting!

    Give it to Bob now! He fucking deserves it!

    Ask any of the other nominees. They'll tell you the same fucking thing!

    STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -

    Perennial favorites, from American novelist Philip Roth to Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, top the list of hopefuls for this year's Nobel Prize in literature.

    British betting agency Ladbrokes gives Italian scholar and journalist Claudio Magris the edge with 3-1 odds, followed by Israel's Amos Oz and American author Joyce Carol Oates.

    Bottom of the Ladbrokes list with odds of 150-1 is singer-lyricist Bob Dylan.

    But such secrecy shrouds the Nobel committee's deliberations over literature's most illustrious yearly prize that even the date of the award is kept hush-hush until news of a winner is close at hand.

    Dates for the other Nobel prizes, for achievement in the sciences, economics and peace, are set well in advance with the first -- for physiology or medicine -- due on October 6.

    Bookmakers are not the only ones to play oracle about the Nobels, which dynamite inventor Alfred Nobel established in his will and which were first handed out in 1901. Publishers and writers themselves often weigh in.

    American novelist Michael Chabon lists writers he would like to see win, led by Ursula K. Leguin and including Michael Ondaatje, Cormac McCarthy, J.G. Ballard and Roth.

    On the (beer) drip!

    If Beer Ruled The World

    Kodak Moment!

    pics of the day (53)

    Sandwich Time!!!

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Some SEMA Autoshow Babes!

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Girls at SEMA autoshow 2007 (33 pics)

    Where's the Palin sick bag?

    I don't know where to start with this vomit-inducing madness!

    So I Wont'!

    Except to quote Marlon as Capt. Kurtz .... Oh, the Horror ...... THE HORRORRRR!

    Old Town Ale House:Sarah Palin Nude Painting,Portrait

    Old Town Ale House:

    Sarah Palin Nude Painting

    Old Town Ale House’s Sarah Palin nude painting is the controversy of the day.Bruce Elliott who owns the Old Town Ale House which is a Chicago dive bar did a Sarah Palin nude painting.

    The Sarah Palin nude painting is a four-foot-tall oil painting that shows the Republican VP pick naked, on a polar bear-skin wearing only red stiletto heels and eyeglasses.B

    ruce Elliott, explained that the idea hit him while watching his daughter, Grace, impersonate Palin.


    Uncut reviews Dylan's new great Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Volume 8

    Bob Dylan

    May, 2008. The door of the hotel room opens and I'm introduced to someone who looks not unlike Billy Bob Thornton: tall, elegant, sharply turned out in a black suit. This is Bob Dylan's manager, Jeff Rosen, here to play SonyBMG's London chiefs tracks from the latest in the Bootleg Series he initiated in 1991.

    Rosen first of all plays me a revelatory early version of "Most Of The Time", stripped of the swampy atmospherics producer Daniel Lanois surrounded it with on Oh Mercy, and performed as it might have been for Blood On The Tracks, just Bob on guitar and harmonica. I'm flabbergasted, listen to about nine more tracks in wonder, and can't wait for the thing to be released.

    Six months later, here, finally, it is: Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series Volume 8 – 39 rare and previously unreleased Dylan tracks, available as a 27-track double CD with a 60-page booklet, and a Limited Edition Deluxe Collectors' Edition, with the content from the 2CD set complemented by a further 12 tracks, a 150-page hardcover book of vintage single sleeves and a seven-inch single. There's also a four-LP vinyl set.

    The material in all formats is drawn from the past 20 years of Dylan's career, the bulk of it from the sessions that produced Oh Mercy and Time Out Of Mind, with outtakes elsewhere from World Gone Wrong, and two startling alternative versions of two key tracks from Modern Times. Additionally, there are eight live tracks, including a thunderously exciting "Cold Irons Bound", first hearings for two tracks from the unreleased 1992 sessions with guitarist David Bromberg (covers of Jimmie Rodgers' "Miss The Mississippi" and the traditional "Duncan And Brady", a former concert opener), as well as a smattering of songs written for movie soundtracks, including the hitherto unreleased "Can't Escape From You" and the great Civil War epic, "'Cross The Green Mountain". Finally, there's "The Lonesome Mountain", a duet with bluegrass icon Ralph Stanley, from the latter's Clinch Mountain Country album.

    There have already been rumblings about the apparent eking out of what is clearly an abundance of previously unavailable material and the consequent duplication of songs – there are three versions, for instance, of "Love And Theft'"s "Mississippi", the earliest dating from the Time Out Of Mind sessions, and there are two versions each of seven other tracks. Where, the plea goes up, are the rest of the Bromberg tracks? And why hasn't there been a live album, culled from the shows Dylan played at New York's Supper Club in 1993, which on the evidence here of "Ring Them Bells" would be mindblowing?

    These may be legitimate quibbles, but you'd have to say in reply that whatever way you look at it, there are treasures here galore for the avid Bobcat and an opportunity to consider the many ways Dylan sees a song –an opportunity, that is, to appreciate his relentlessly myriadic vision. And who would put a price on that?

    There are alternative takes here of familiar songs that differ not just in mood and tempo from the versions we know, but boast partially or completely different lyrics – as with the solo piano demo of "Dignity" and the jaunty rockabilly incarnation of "Everything Is Broken". The two songs from Modern Times, meanwhile, are a radically altered "Someday Baby", set to a slow martial beat, and a mesmerising early go at "Ain't Talkin'", with a swathe of new words.

    I remember after seeing Dylan's Temples In Flames tour in 1987 trying to explain to sceptical colleagues how astonishing it had been to hear Dylan tearing up classics from his vast repertoire, in some instances reinventing them brutally. Their reaction was much the same as many of the people who'd been sitting around me at the gig: why didn't Bob just play the songs like he recorded them?

    For these people, Dylan's evisceration of his back catalogue was typically capricious, perverse, wilful vandalism, nothing less, and ruined their evening. The hits were played, perhaps, but you sometimes had to sit through half a song before you realised what it was. Clearly, for Dylan there was nothing to be gained by the faithful reading, replicated nightly with numbing repetition. For him to continue to make sense of his songs, they would have to be approached anew whenever they were played, as his moods dictated, and everybody would have to get used to that.

    It's become such an embedded part of the Dylan myth that he never repeats himself that we perhaps take it for granted. On the following pages, however, as our Tell Tale Signs special continues, there's ample testimony from some of the people who have worked with Dylan over the past two decades about his quixotic urgency, the impatient imperatives that drive him, his almost phobic insistence on not doing something twice the same way.

    In these days of boxset anthologies with innumerable extras, we're used to hearing how songs develop from rough-sketch demos to the finished thing, which then becomes the unalterable text, omnipotent and inviolate, embellished occasionally in concert but usually recognisably the song you know from the record. With Dylan it's different, as it usually is.

    Tell Tale Signs is awash with evidence of his staggering mercuriality, his evident determination even in the studio to repeat himself as little as possible, re-takes not merely the occasion for refinement, the honing of a song into static finality, but serial re-imaginings. Witness the three versions of "Mississippi" – all of them as different from each other as they are from the one on "Love And Theft". You can hear on them the working of nuance, a successive revealing of things. Similarly fascinating are the two versions of "Can't Wait", both more desperately intimate than the Time Out Of Mind recording. The first, piano-led, is fleetingly reminiscent of Planet Waves' "Dirge", dark and unsettling. The second, with glowering organ and a vocal drenched in reverb, is a doom-laden trip, eerily reminiscent of "Under Your Spell", an unlikely collaboration with Carole Bayer Sager from Knocked Out Loaded, with a lyric that went on to become part of "Love And Theft'"s "Sugar Baby".

    Previously, the Bootleg Series has given us unreleased gems like 1965's pivotal "Farewell Angelina", "Up To Me", dropped from the final version of Blood On The Tracks, which itself exists in two different forms, and "Blind Willie McTell", unfathomably not included on Infidels.

    Their equivalents here would be a majestic "Born In Time" on Disc One that's in every way superior to its Under The Red Sky incarnation, and three tracks from the Time Out Of Mind sessions that didn't make the album. This is extraordinary in the case of the eight-minute cantina reverie of "Red River Shore", which is high-tier late Dylan, fatalistic and windswept. And only slightly less so in the cases of the gospel-based "Marchin' To the City" – which turned later into "Till I Fell In Love With You" – and "Dreamin' Of You", Dylan wounded and haunted, much as he haunts us all.


    Bob Dylan - Minneapolis 1992 - Boots Of Spanish Leather

    So take heed, take heed of the western wind,
    Take heed of the stormy weather.
    And yes, there's something you can send back to me,
    Spanish boots of Spanish leather.

    After the Pretenders new punk pop great Boots Of Chinese Plastic, here's the real fucking deal, Bob Dylan's classic Boots Of Spanish Leather !

    A great live performance from a haunt familiar to Bob from his earliest days, the badlands of Minneapolis !

    Album cover
    Album The Times They Are a-Changin'
    Released January 13, 1964
    Recorded August 7, 1963
    Genre Folk
    Length 4:40
    Label Columbia
    Writer Bob Dylan
    Producer Tom Wilson

    "Boots of Spanish Leather" was first released on Dylan's great 1964 album The Times They Are A-Changin'.

    Musically, this song consists of Dylan alone on the acoustic guitar as he plays in his idiosyncratic "fingerpicking" style!

    Musically this song is quite similar to his earlier amazing composition "Girl from the North Country", a wonderful song we've already written extensively about!

    Lyrically, "Boots of Spanish Leather" is "a restless, forlorn ballad for the ages and sages - a classic Dylan tale of two lovers, a crossroads, and the open sea..." (Trager 80).

    Many critics have said that this song was written about and may relate to , Dylan's New York City girlfriend in the early '60s, who in 1964 left him to travel to Italy.

    Rotolo confirmed this interpretation in a 2008 NPR interview. Of course she did! There was book to flog with nothing of interest therein aside from the period when Bob was fucking her!!

    The song is written as a dialogue, with the first six verses alternating between the man and woman; however, the last three verses are all given by the one who has been left, presumably the man (Dylan). Within these nine verses, the woman goes across the sea.

    She writes, asking whether the man would like any gift, and he refuses, poetically saying he only wants her back. Towards the end it becomes clear that she is not returning, and she finally writes saying she may never come back, "It depends on how I'm a-feelin'."

    The man comes to realize what has happened and finally gives her a material request: "Spanish boots of Spanish leather."

    Michael Gray has pointed out a strong parallel between this line and the traditional folk song "Blackjack Davey," which Dylan arranged and recorded for his 1992 album Good as I Been to You, and in which footwear of Spanish leather also plays a significant role (Gray 657).

    We take particular note of this song's inclusion in the Norton Anthology of Poetry, 5th edition, in the section titled "Popular Ballads of the 20th Century."

    It's about fucking time Dylan's magnificent poetry gets widely recognised in the cobwebbed corridors of academia.

    Same goes for the greatest poet of recent times, Even moreso!

    Though performed live only sporadically since its composition, Dylan did not start performing "Boots of Spanish Leather" regularly until his Never Ending Tour began in 1988.

    However, after that Suze Rotolo cash-in book recently, methinks his taste for performing this great song will dwindle!

    Oh, I'm sailin' away my own true love,
    I'm sailin' away in the morning.
    Is there something I can send you from across the sea,
    From the place that I'll be landing?

    No, there's nothin' you can send me, my own true love,
    There's nothin' I wish to be ownin'.
    Just carry yourself back to me unspoiled,
    From across that lonesome ocean.

    Oh, but I just thought you might want something fine
    Made of silver or of golden,
    Either from the mountains of Madrid
    Or from the coast of Barcelona.

    Oh, but if I had the stars from the darkest night
    And the diamonds from the deepest ocean,
    I'd forsake them all for your sweet kiss,
    For that's all I'm wishin' to be ownin'.

    That I might be gone a long time
    And it's only that I'm askin',
    Is there something I can send you to remember me by,
    To make your time more easy passin'.

    Oh, how can, how can you ask me again,
    It only brings me sorrow.
    The same thing I want from you today,
    I would want again tomorrow.

    I got a letter on a lonesome day,
    It was from her ship a-sailin',
    Saying I don't know when I'll be comin' back again,
    It depends on how I'm a-feelin'.

    Well, if you, my love, must think that-a-way,
    I'm sure your mind is roamin'.
    I'm sure your heart is not with me,
    But with the country to where you're goin'.

    So take heed, take heed of the western wind,
    Take heed of the stormy weather.
    And yes, there's something you can send back to me,
    Spanish boots of Spanish leather.

    Copyright ©1963; renewed 1991
    Special Rider Music

    Bob Dylan - Minneapolis 1992 - Boots Of Spanish Leather

    The Pretenders - “Boots of Chinese Plastic”

    Illusion fills my head like an empty can

    spent a million lifetimes loving the same man

    So, Chrissie Hynde is a Yeah Yeah Yeahs wannabe?

    Fucking hell ... Chrissie Hynde could be, and maybe is, the granny of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs !

    This is an amazing punk pop classic from granny Chrissie and the band!

    It's The Pretenders' wonderful “Boots of Chinese Plastic”, which kicks off their great new comeback album, “Break Up the Concrete”!

    We've always liked The Pretenders! But we fucking love this!

    They sound so reinvigorated! So fucking real! So crucial!

    “Boots of Chinese Plastic” is Dylan's wonderful "Tombstone Blues" wrung through the wringer. And then some!

    Of course the title “Boots of Chinese Plastic” is a tribute to and/or piss-take on Dylan's classic “Boots of Spanish Leather” !

    The music is a punked up "Tombstone Blues", while the lyrics are, let's say "influenced", by Bob's most recent original meisterwerk , 2006's sublime "Modern Times"! (You could also say "ripped off"! .... but I won't! ... oops, maybe I did!)

    Anyway, it's excellent! We fucking love it!

    Check a great Dylan performance of “Boots of Spanish Leather” here!

    1,2,3,4 Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Buddha please
    can you help a little peasant that's begging on her knees
    illusion fills my head like an empty can
    spent a million lifetimes loving the same man

    Whoa! Every drop that run through the vein
    always makes it's way back to the heart again
    and by the way you look fantastic
    in your boots of chinese plastic

    Hare Krishna, Hare Rama too,
    Govinda I am still in love with you
    I see you in the birds and in the trees
    that's why they call me Krishna Mayee

    Whoa! Every drop that run through the vein
    always makes it's way back to the heart again
    and by the way you look fantastic
    in your boots of chinese plastic

    Hofra told us we should tolerate
    the people and the things that make me wanna hate
    oh have a little mixed mercy on me,
    this seasoned beauty in this human pageantry
    Jesus Christ came down here as a living man
    if he can live a life of virtue then I hope I can
    unto others as you would have a turn
    back here and repeat until you learn, learn, learn

    Whoa! Every drop that run through the vein
    always makes it's way back to the heart again
    every dog that lived his life on a chain
    knows what it's like WAITING FOR NOTHING!

    and by the way you look fantastic
    in your boots of chinese plastic

    Check it here;


    The title of “Boots of Chinese Plastic,” which leads off the Pretenders’ new album, “Break Up the Concrete” (Shangri-La), alludes to Bob Dylan’s “Boots of Spanish Leather,” but the song’s propulsive rhythm and surreal lyrics mark it as a close cousin to another Dylan song, “Tombstone Blues.” In just over two and a half minutes, the lead singer and songwriter, Chrissie Hynde, touches on everything from reincarnation to the global marketplace to the difficulties of ethical living. The next song, “The Nothing Maker,” supplies some yin to go with the yang: it’s a ballad about a lover whose greatest asset seems to be his lack of creative ambitions, sung with a dreaminess that may be concealing a deeper venom.

    “Break Up the Concrete” is the first album of new material from the Pretenders since “Loose Screw,” in 2002, and while that record found the band going for a seductive reggae vibe, this time the charge is straightforward roots rock. For years, the Pretenders have been a band in name only, consisting of a bunch of young hired hands doing the bidding of Hynde and, usually, the founding drummer, Martin Chambers. This time, Chambers is absent, though his replacement—the session veteran Jim Keltner—is a great deal more than capable. That’s true of the entire band, in fact: the English guitarist James Walbourne, the pedal-steel player Eric Heywood, and the bassist Nick Wilkinson. The punky “Don’t Cut Your Hair” blasts first and asks questions later; “Almost Perfect” steals along with a lovely tiptoe movement.

    The band’s enthusiasm is easy to understand; Hynde has written a superb set of songs here. Her persona is largely the same as it was on the band’s 1979 début, which is to say that it is tough and smart and confident and questioning and vulgar and philosophical and energetic and weary all at once. The songs gain immediacy through direct address (“Don’t Cut Your Hair,” “You Didn’t Have To,” “Rosalee”), and the exceptions tend to be irresistible pop songs like “Love’s a Mystery,” in which Hynde employs a slightly elevated class of moon-June-spoon rhymes (morning/warning, mystery/history), but with the added benefit of context, sensibility, wisdom, and her nearly undiminished upper register. The title song, a rough sequel to “My City Was Gone,” is an environmental anthem that doesn’t see conservation as passive, or even particularly nonviolent: Hynde’s idea of caring for the planet involves destroying what’s been built by industry, with impunity (“thwack it, crack it, lineback it / break up the concrete”), and chronicling the assault with a Bo Diddley beat.

    My Heart ... My Heart

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Gorgeous piece by ronnin16

    Redneck Bimbo and her Daddy ...

    by roykeanz

    Bill Callahan (Smog) - "Strawberry Rash"

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Meet strawberry rash
    One on each cheek
    Coins in the crack
    Meet strawberry rash

    It's the banquet of a starving girl
    It's the banquet of a starving girl

    She's gonna swallow glass

    Meet strawberry rash
    Red eggs and brown apples
    She's gonna swallow glass
    Meet strawberry rash
    Coins in poison in the crack

    It's the banquet of a starving girl
    It's the banquet of a starving girl
    She's gonna swallow glass
    meet strawberry rash
    Coins in the crack
    And beggin' her to piss

    Grab it here:

    Dumber than Danny Quayle

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by Jimmy Margulies, New Jersey -- The Record
    Visit Jimmy E-Mail Jimmy

    I agree ..... she's much dumber than dumbo Danny!

    Point your finger on it

    Wonderful shot from Elixie

    Maddow Show: Bill Maher Takes On Palin (VIDEO)

    It's a "Gotcha" question if she's trying to be Miss America!

    Rachel Maddow invited Bill Maher on her show recently and he talks about Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, and the economy.

    Some typically great stuff here from Maher!

    Maher describes the vice presidential candidate as "not very bright about matters on which a person in this position should be bright about."

    The Republicans have put up, in the last 20 years, Dan Quayle, George Bush and Sarah Palin. Those are three absolute ciphers who have no place in a national election.

    On McCain reactions to criticism of Palin as sexist, Maher says "if you describe her accurately, there's no way you can do that and not sound condescending" because she's so fucking dumb!!

    Rachel Maddow invited Bill Maher on her show last night to talk about Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, and the economy. Maher describes the vice presidential candidate as "not very bright about matters on ...
    Rachel Maddow invited Bill Maher on her show last night to talk about Sarah Palin, Carly Fiorina, and the economy. Maher describes the vice presidential candidate as "not very bright about matters on ...

    Human and Dinosaur !

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Frederick Deligne, Nice-Matin, Nice, France
    E-Mail Frederick.

    Yap ... gotta love those crazy creationists!


    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    We love this piece by Elixie

    Dumber than quail or DUM AND DUMMER

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by David Fitzsimmons,Arizona Daily Star, Tucson AZ
    E-mail David. Visit David at the Daily Star.

    Not only dumber than Dan Quayle, but dumber than quail.

    That's a species of bird, for you dumb right-wingers!!!


    Opposite ends of the pool!

    Mike Keefe, The Denver Post --
    -visit Mike's web site. E-Mail Mike.

    Yap ... in more ways than one!

    with apple in the dark

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Lovely shot by sergeyklochko

    Hard Questions, Asshole

    Stick thing for paint !

    Sympathy for a Stranger !

    Horny, Charlie ?

    Palin's Biden her time !

    Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your back .... !

    Viagra Johnny

    More Moose-momma Grandpa ! ... especially for those dumb moaning right-wingers who've been wasting my time with dumb comments about this whackjob!

    My my my ... isn't it easy to ruffle the feathers of a Republican ostrich!!

    Basket Case ... Palin

    Palin ..... may be DUMB .....

    Magic Spells as well

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Lovely piece from nylonjuvenile


    Mp3 @160

    An amazing collection from the wonderful Domino label - home to so many innovative bands.

    Here we get an outstanding array of tracks from some of our favourites - Four Tet, The Notwist, Hood and Clinic!

    Also good stuff from the likes of Orange Juice, Caribou, Sons & Daughters, King Creosote, Franz Ferdinand, James Yorkston & The Athletes and many, many more.


    Sons & Daughters - Johnny Cash
    The Blueskins - Girl
    Clinic - Nicht
    Archie Bronson Outfit - Islands
    Franz Ferdinand - Love & Destroy
    Adem - These Are Your Friends
    Woodbine - Neskwik
    Hood - The Negatives...
    Four Tet - As Serious As Your Life
    Caribou - Crayon
    To Rococo Rot - Sol
    The Notwist - Consequence
    James Yorkston & The Athletes - Edward
    Clearlake - Wonder If The Snow Will Settle
    King Creosote - Missionary
    Ulrich Schnauss - In All The Wrong Places
    Junior Boys - Teach Me How To Fight
    Juana Molina - Solo Su Voz
    Orange Juice - Blue Boy

    Here she be:

    Rapidshare Download

    All thanks to the great isupplythecountrywithbutter

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Strawberry Berry

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Nice work by Shaaae

    tamashii no kagami

    Wonderful art by sickbynature

    Smog - Julius Caesar (1993)

    Smog - Julius Caesar
    Audio CD (August 31, 1994)
    Original Release Date: July 13, 1993
    Number of Discs: 1
    Label: Drag City
    ASIN: B0000019PM
    Mp3 @ 256 kbps cbr

    47 push ups
    in a winter-rate
    sea side motel

    I feel like Travis Bickle
    I'm listening to Highway to Hell
    It's a shitty little tape I taped off the radio

    39 push ups
    in a winter-rate
    seaside motel

    32 push ups
    in a winter-rate
    seaside motel

    Not looking too good
    Not feeling so well

    37 push ups
    in a winter-rate seaside motel
    I'm going up again
    I'm going up again

    Goin' up to go down again

    An amazing early outing from the renegade maverick genius Bill Callahan, in the guise of Smog!

    To properly position Callahan in the songwriting world, there's no higher compliment than saying that he's up there with Will Oldham - another renegade maverick genius !

    I first knew of Callahan when I saw him perform in a small Dublin club around this time (93/94) - actually supporting Will Oldham - with a stark set of sparse, fucked-folk, no-fi songs performed like he was a baby Leonard Cohen. The event was truly amazing! I wasn't sure then if this was the worst shit I'd ever heard or the greatest music imaginable! Now I know it was the latter!

    His music is not for everyone though! It's not exactly meant for the Robbie Williams crowd! Beautiful songs, expertly crafted, minimalist in the extreme with fucked-up wondrous lyrics! Perfect!!

    The true poet of fucked-folk! No doubt!

    1. Strawberry Rash
    2. Your Wedding
    3. 37 Push Ups
    4. Stalled In The Tracks
    5. One Less Star
    6. Golden
    7. When You Walk
    8. I Am Star Wars!
    9. Connections
    10. When The Power Goes Out
    11. Chosen One
    12. What Kind Of Angel
    13. Stick In The Mud

    Here be Bill:

    (not sure about bitrate)

    Big thanks to wharfinger

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Lucky Pussy

    Yeah .... well, unless this is some giant tranny with silicone titties who has a penchant for dissecting felines!

    Spam Scam Scum !

    Man, it's surely my lucky day today!

    Yap, I'm luckier than that Dutch boy who woke with his finger in a dyke.

    Note that it was a Dutch dyke - therefore a six foot blonde stunner in a mini skirt whose not really a dyke but experimenting so that she can better enjoy threesomes! - not the usual kind we see in baggy pants and doc martens, wearing badges with deep haiku-like slogans such as "No to Nuclear weapons and Nuclear families!" or "Hyenas are People too - Never wear Fur!" or "Never shave below, as men will have you do - Always wear Fur!" and the like!

    Nor the usual large, tattooed, crew-cut, rabid, kind we see in baggy pants and doc martens, at 11.25 PM Monday, screaming at the Asian store clerk (who just arrived in the country this morning and still isn't 100% certain exactly what country this is), in a ten minute tirade about the proper price of tofu and nuts and herbal tea, while I'm waiting in line trying to hold onto the two Jack Daniels bottles and the mini-barrel of Heineken, wondering whether my impending roundhouse kick into the screamer will cause said bottles to break, thereby forcing me to drink the amber nectar off the floor, like a feral beast!!

    Anyway, what was I talking about?

    Oh yeah ....

    Mrs. Stella Bryan tells me I've won £1,000,000,00000,000,00000,000,00 GBP (yap, no last zero!!)

    Fucking hell! That's a lot of dough! Sterling too, none of that dollar Monopoly crap!

    I could live in India for 1,000,000,00000,000,00000,000 years with that dough. Well, perhaps I couldn't cos I don't think I'm immortal. Or maybe I am. I will never know for certain!

    Anyway, what was I talking about?

    Oh yeah ....

    I would've almost believed it too were it not for the header ... CONSELATION PRICE !

    I guess these cnuts mean "Consolation Prize"! (Or, perhaps too, they might mean "Consolation Price" which apparently is the term in some circles for the cash that tricks pay hookers in return for, erm .... companionship!!)

    Well, if this is the "Consolation Prize", what did the "Winner" get? Ten billion trillion gazillion pounds?

    These dumb fucks are getting dumber! And more annoying!

    Obviously, Sarah Palin fans!

    All of these various dumb scams are dealt with on the excellent

    These spam scams are as ridiculously stupid as GW Bush after a lobotomy, but liable to trap a few extreme morons or Sarah Palin fans!

    And the worst thing is that, since these manifold varieties of stupid scam spam keep coming, it means there are some unfortunate - yet very very dumb - victims.

    This bullshit must be stopped! These scumbags need to be put down!

    Death to spammers!!,,5765389,00.jpg


    Your e-mail address was selected as one of the lucky winner

    of £1,000,000,00 GBP among other 10 lucky winners in our monthly

    Winning: Ref Nr: PBL/CN/6654/CP
    Winning: coupon No.PBL2348974321

    Claims Requirements:
    full name:
    Full Address:
    Phone Number:

    Contact Person: Mr Anderson Moore
    Contact E-mail:
    TEL: Tel: +44-702-401-1299

    Mrs. Stella Bryan
    (Group Co-ordinator)

    Pimpin Palin !

    Pimp or Pander by Gwynedd.

    Great work by Gwynedd !

    Suggested by Buckaroo Bob.
    "For your next poster, perhaps you should draw your inspiration from Julia Robert's "Pretty Woman"--because the RNC is truly PANDERING in their blatant attempt to woo the disaffected Hillary voters."
    -Buckaroo Bob

    What would you pay this thing for a suck? A dollar? Nah, way too much!!

    When Mc Cain loses the election, he's going to host a new show on MTV.

    The tentative title is "Pimp my Redneck Bimbo".

    We can't wait!

    by Mike Lane
    Baltimore, Maryland

    E-mail Mike.

    Obama and The Palin Effect
    From: Deepak Chopra
    Posted: September 4th, 2008

    Sometimes politics has the uncanny effect of mirroring the national psyche even when nobody intended to do that. This is perfectly illustrated by the rousing effect that Gov. Sarah Palin had on the Republican convention in Minneapolis this week. On the surface, she outdoes former Vice President Dan Quayle as an unlikely choice, given her negligent parochial expertise in the complex affairs of governing. Her state of Alaska has less than 700,000 residents, which reduces the job of governor to the scale of running one-tenth of New York City. By comparison, Rudy Giuliani is a towering international figure. Palin's pluck has been admired, and her forthrightness, but her real appeal goes deeper.

    She is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essence his shadow, deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst impulses. In psychological terms the shadow is that part of the psyche that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence, selfishness, and suspicion of "the other." For millions of Americans, Obama triggers those feelings, but they don't want to express them. He is calling for us to reach for our higher selves, and frankly, that stirs up hidden reactions of an unsavory kind. (Just to be perfectly clear, I am not making a verbal play out of the fact that Sen. Obama is black. The shadow is a metaphor widely in use before his arrival on the scene.)

    I recognize that psychological analysis of politics is usually not welcome by the public, but I believe such a perspective can be helpful here to understand Palin?s message. In her acceptance speech Gov. Palin sent a rousing call to those who want to celebrate their resistance to change and a higher vision.

    Look at what she stands for:

    --Small town values -- a denial of America's global role, a return to petty, small-minded parochialism.

    --Ignorance of world affairs -- a repudiation of the need to repair America's image abroad.

    --Family values -- a code for walling out anybody who makes a claim for social justice. Such strangers, being outside the family, don't need to be heeded.

    --Rigid stands on guns and abortion -- a scornful repudiation that these issues can be negotiated with those who disagree.

    --Patriotism -- the usual fallback in a failed war.

    --"Reform" -- an italicized term, since in addition to cleaning out corruption and excessive spending, one also throws out anyone who doesn't fit your ideology.

    Palin reinforces the overall message of the reactionary right, which has been in play since 1980, that social justice is liberal-radical, that minorities and immigrants, being different from "us" pure American types, can be ignored, that progressivism takes too much effort and globalism is a foreign threat. The radical right marches under the banners of "I'm all right, Jack," and "Why change? Everything's OK as it is." The irony, of course, is that Gov. Palin is a woman and a reactionary at the same time. She can add mom to apple pie on her resume, while blithely reversing forty years of feminist progress. The irony is superficial; there are millions of women who stand on the side of conservatism, however obviously they are voting against their own good. The Republicans have won multiple national elections by raising shadow issues based on fear, rejection, hostility to change, and narrow-mindedness.

    Obama's call for higher ideals in politics can't be seen in a vacuum. The shadow is real; it was bound to respond. Not just conservatives possess a shadow -- we all do. So what comes next is a contest between the two forces of progress and inertia. Will the shadow win again, or has its furtive appeal become exhausted? No one can predict. The best thing about Gov. Palin is that she brought this conflict to light, which makes the upcoming debate honest. It would be a shame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling persona was a stalking horse for the reactionary forces that have brought us to the demoralized state we are in. We deserve to see what we are getting, without disguise

    Wednesday, 1 October 2008

    wino whiner

    I used to be a wino.

    Then I joined AA.

    Now I'm just a whiner!

    Saša Lendero - Sexiest Singer in the world?

    Is Saša Lendero the sexiest singer in the galaxy?

    Erm .... yap ... why the fuck not? .... Although there is a chick in the outer nebula of planet Garah who's uber-hot too. She's got three heads though. Which can be a good thing!

    And saying that - or rather, writing that - gives me an excuse to show these sexy Saša shots!

    Yes, of course I'm a huge fan of Slovenian music!

    And, no, unlike Sarah Palin, I didn't just hear of Slovenialand yesterday!!

    It's near Irakkistan, right?

    Anyway, here's sweet sensual Slovenian singer Saša Lendero.

    Saša's a superstar in her home country, although unknown elsewhere, because she doesn't sing in English, or even American!

    Also she doesn't star in crap home-made sex movies too much - rather sadly! (well, none that we know about anyway!!)

    She's really got some classic aesthetic beauty!

    And her singing is pretty good too!

    However, like GW Bush listening to Kim Gordon, you won't understand what she's singing about!

    Don't speak to my blow-up bimbo doll!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by Pat Bagley
    , Salt Lake Tribune, Utah
    E-mail Pat. Visit Pat's site.

    Who's looking forward to seeing this right-wing MORON put her foot (and arms and ass) in it during Thursday's debate!

    I hope it's as good as last week's hilarious outing on NBC!

    And on Saturday Night Live! (Yes, that IS her! ... Well, almost!)

    I hope someone's keeping an eye on Putin while moose-momma is away from Alaskaland!

    Hurrah for the crazy Nazi bimbo we love to hate!

    Lots more of this mad cnut here:

    Spread your fire

    Lovely self portrait by Bubazinha

    WINTERS OF DISCONTENT: THE PEEL SESSIONS 77-83 (1991) [Various Artists]

    WINTERS OF DISCONTENT: THE PEEL SESSIONS 77-83 (1991) [Various Artists]

    A stunning find this, from the great isupplythecountrywithbutter

    A very rare, out of print collection of great Peel tracks from more great bands than you could shake Sarah Palin at!

    I mean it's even got the wonderful cult Irish group Microdisney for fucks sake!

    And it's got one of my favourite songs of all time, The Only Ones' sublime punk pop classic Another Girl Another Planet!

    I officially am in love with this amazing album!

    isupplythecountrywithbutter says;
    Absolutely and ridiculously great collection of nearly every important Post-Punk band you can think of, live at Maida Vale studios. Yep, all of these recordings were radio sessions for the late, great DJ, John Peel. To name just a few of the artists featured, how about Buzzcocks, The Skids, The Ruts, The Birthday Party, Young Marble Giants, The Redskins, Associates, The Chameleons and many, many more. As you already know, John Peel wanted each artist to feel comfortable and to experiment. Bands tended to stretch out a bit, relax and have fun. These sessions prove this to be the case. 25 tracks, all of them Fan-Fucking-Tastic.


    I ripped this from the original and very out-of-print CD at 192.


    The Stranglers - Something Better Change
    Siouxsie And The Banshees - Love In A Void
    The Adverts - Gary Gilmore's Eyes
    The Slits - Shoplifting
    Buzzcocks - Fast Cars
    Rich Kids - Rich Kids
    Skids - Of One Skin
    Adam And The Ants - It Doesn't Matter
    The Only Ones - Another Girl Another Planet
    Stiff Little Fingers - Suspect Device
    The Fall - Mess Of My
    The Damned - Stretcher Case
    King - Anti Pope
    Echo And The Bunnymen - Read It In Books
    The Ruts - Sus
    Young Marble Giants - Brand New Life
    The Nightingales - Start From Scratch
    The Birthday Party - Big Jesus Trash Can
    Associates - A Matter Of Gender
    The Chameleons - The Fan And The Bellows
    The Very Things - Wall Of Fir
    The Wild Swans - Enchanted
    Microdisney - Sun
    The Redskins - Kick Over The Statues
    Billy Bragg - A New England

    Here be real music!

    Rapidshare Download

    All thanks to isupplythecountrywithbutter

    We do not host any files here. If this post contains a link to content hosted elsewhere, this is content found by a simple search on the worldwide freedom web. However, if for some valid reason, you object to a said content, or any content here, please let us know and we will remove the content in question.

    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.


    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Simply beautiful art by Daniaah


    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Gorgeous shot by bouncingferrit

    John Lennon: The Life by Philip Norman - The Sunday Times review

    Good review by Robert Sandall of the latest Lennon bio!

    If anyone want to send me this book - John Lennon: The Life by Philip Norman - feel free!

    John Lennon: The Life by Philip Norman - The Sunday Times review

    A compulsive biography that uncovers the conflicts that made John Lennon a mess of insecurities

    by Robert Sandall

    Unlike most rock stars — unlike most people — the life of John Lennon would probably have been a compulsive read whatever he’d achieved as an adult. From the moment he entered the world in 1940 during a German bombing raid on Liverpool, to the point at which he left it 40 years later, shot dead on his New York doorstep by a schizophrenic fan, Lennon was a lifelong stranger to normality.

    Emotionally, he was a mess of insecurities. The son of a working-class merchant seaman with showbiz aspirations and a flighty middle-class woman in permanent denial of her genteel background, Lennon fervently believed that he had been, as a child, “never really wanted”. Scarred by a bizarre scene when his soon-to-be-absent father ordered him, at the age of six, to choose which of his separated parents he wanted to stay with, he ended up with neither following the intervention of his mother’s older sister, a strict and childless former nurse, aunt Mimi. Mimi’s motivation for taking John off to live with her and uncle George in the polite Liverpool suburb of Woolton was not maternal or conventionally affectionate: it was driven by her class-bound disapproval of what she regarded as the proletarian habits of John’s mum Julia, a free-spirited fan of pubs, banjo-playing and extramarital relationships.

    Lennon’s affinity for his errant mother, whom he visited on a regular basis, extended way beyond her taste for popular music. In the course of his conversations with Lennon’s inner circle, Philip Norman heard several reports of an incident when John was 14 in which he accidentally touched his mother’s breast one afternoon while lying next to her on a bed. “I was wondering if I should do anything else,” Lennon later told a journalist from the Daily Express. “I always think I should have done it. Presumably she would have allowed it.”

    Feelings of intimacy were, for this extra- ordinarily unlucky man, often a prelude to bereavement. When Lennon was 17, Julia was run over and killed by a speeding off- duty policeman, a tragedy that left him, he said, “in a blind rage for two years”. He had barely recovered from that when the Beatles’ first bassist Stu Sutcliffe — whom Lennon worshipped with a quasi-sexual intensity and to whom he wrote letters similar in length and tone, he claimed, to the ones he later sent Yoko — died sudd- enly of a brain haemorrhage. (Norman discounts the possibility that this was provoked by an earlier, drunken attack on Sutcliffe in which Lennon-allegedly kicked him in the head.)

    The fatal drugs overdose that did for his surrogate father figure, Brian Epstein, in 1967 hit him much harder than it did the rest of the Beatles. For one thing, Lennon blamed himself “for introducing Brian to pills”.

    More to the point, he was devastated to lose the cultivated, sensitive soul he had once holidayed alone with in Spain and who, despite all the cruel jibes about Epstein’s being “a faggot and a Jew”, deeply touched the middle-class sensibility implanted by Mimi. When Epstein first checked into a London rehab centre to try to deal with his problem, Lennon sent him a huge floral bouquet with the message, “You know I love you . . . I really mean that. John.”

    The loss of Epstein was a disaster which presaged the end of Lennon’s first marriage to the long-suffering Cynthia, as well as his creative relationship with the Beatles. It seems to have coincided with, if not contributed to, the falling-out with Paul McCartney, another close buddy for whom Lennon, Norman suggests, might have harboured some sexual feelings. He quotes Yoko remembering people in the Apple office referring to McCartney as “John’s princess”. But rather than outing his subject, in the stridently accusatory style of his previous biographer Albert Goldman, Norman is more wisely tuned to Lennon’s wayward intellectual curiosity. He attributes his gay moments to a commitment to “the principle that bohemians should try everything” and concludes that, where McCartney was concerned, Lennon had been “deterred by Paul’s immovable heterosexuality”.

    Norman has written about Lennon twice before but he has uncovered much new mat-erial in his research for this impressive and highly readable book. One intriguing nugget concerns the revelation that the unidentified girl Lennon sings about “having” in Norwegian Wood was the German wife of the Beatles’ photographer Robert Freeman, with whom Lennon had a clandestine affair while the couple were living in the flat beneath his and Cynthia’s in South Kensington.

    The fact that Norman has had the blessing and full co-operation of Yoko Ono means that he is not short of new things to say about the relationship which, according to popular writ, broke up the world’s favourite pop group. He argues convincingly that, far from being an opportunistic schemer, the high-born, wealthy Yoko was reluctant to take up with the Beatle she regarded as her social and artistic inferior, and whose crude sexual foreplay — employing the Beatles’ roadies to cart her off to a bed in a flat near the Abbey Road studio — she initially rejected.

    The most interesting part of Lennon’s complicated life on which Norman sheds fresh light is the troubled relationship with his seaman father, Alfred. Usually seen as an absconding rascal, Alf emerges here as a stoic victim of the caprices of his serially unfaithful wife and volatile son. He tried to hang on to John, offering to take him to New Zealand after Julia walked out on their marriage; and when he finally re-established contact with his Beatle son, he seems not to have expected anything much in the way of help, despite being broke and virtually jobless. Like just about everybody else in John’s family and life, Alf was, in his way, a remarkable man. At 54, he successfully romanced a 19-year-old girl, whom he married and had two sons with. Shortly after this, in what was to be their final meeting, John unleashed the fury he had long nurtured for his hapless dad and threatened to have him killed. The statement a terrified Alf filed with a solicitor in the event of this threat being carried out is one of the most moving and scary pieces of Lennon’s sprawling legacy. It is greatly to Norman’s credit as a biographer that he does justice to all of it in a book whose 854 pages simply fly by.

    Book available at the Sunday Times BooksFirst price of £22.50 (inc p&p) on 0870 165 8585

    What Lennon's sexual fantasies have to do with Gandhi and Keats...

    Curiously titled but interesting piece from the Independent about the latest John Lennon "proper" biography John Lennon: The Life by Philip Norman ... another review of which we've posted here

    I really want to get this book.

    If anyone want to send me this book - John Lennon: The Life by Philip Norman - feel free!!

    What Lennon's sexual fantasies have to do with Gandhi and Keats...

    Tales of the city ... Tuesday, 23 September 2008

    John Walsh

    Do we need another book on John Lennon? In the 28 years since his death, a tsunami of Beatles history, biography, song analysis and memorabilia has engulfed fans of the Working-Class Hero. Lennon's own family have joined in; only last year Julia Baird, his half-sister, published a harrowing description of the tug-of-love between their mother Julia and their aunt Mimi, with whom John grew up. Can there be more to find out?

    And can Philip Norman, the author of the new 300,000-word John Lennon: The Life, be serious when he tells The Word magazine, "[Lennon deserves a] real biography, as if he were John Keats or Mahatma Gandhi. Not a pop person, but a major towering presence in his century"?

    The answer to both questions is emphatically Yes. Norman is perhaps going a bit far with the Gandhi comparison, but it's undoubtedly time we started taking the architects of the cathedral of rock more seriously, before the rest of them (Chuck Berry, Dylan, Jagger and Richards, McCartney, Ray Davies, the remainder of Pink Floyd) are mown down by Time. They presided over a revolution in human sensibility more profound and lasting than anything engendered by politics in the Sixties and Seventies.

    And yes, Norman has unearthed startling things. We knew, for instance, that Lennon adored his mother, Julia: she was exuberant, headstrong, red-haired and musical, and taught him his first instrument, the ukulele, standing behind him with her hands on his (she also did a fine George Formby impression). We didn't, however, know that Lennon fantasised about having sex with her, and told many people. At 14, apparently, he lay down beside Julia during her afternoon rest, "and wondered how far she would let him go". He also, according to Norman, flirted with the idea of having sex with Paul McCartney. Norman also reveals that the short-lived girlfriend in "Norwegian Wood" wasn't Maureen Cleave of the Evening Standard, but Sonny Freeman, the German wife of his friend Robert Freeman who lived downstairs from John and Cynthia, and whom John used to visit when Robert was working and Cynthia was changing the infant Julian.

    Hints that John Lennon could be a prize shit to his intimates are amply borne out by Norman. He tells the story about Lennon's father, Alfred, a chronically absent merchant seaman who reappeared from time to time to say "hi" to his son. Once he visited the grown-up Lennon, bearing a gift of some aftershave. Lennon by then was sporting a beard and the gift (which showed how much his father knew him) sent him into a fury. He threatened to have Alf killed. His father took the threat seriously enough to contact a lawyer.

    You might argue that this is mere smut and family tittle-tattle. That would be to misunderstand a) what we like to read in biographies and b) the importance to Lennon of his problematic childhood. It lurks behind so many of his world-changing songs. His half-sister Julia told me: "John once said in an interview, 'I'm not one for doing autobiography, I'll never do anything like that.' And I thought, 'John, all your songs are autobiographical.' Didn't he see it?"

    Peel Session - The Chameleons - 17.06.81

    The Chameleons
    Peel Session - 17.06.81
    Recorded: 8.06.81
    Transmitted: 17.06.81

    A band we really liked a lot back in the day, purveyors of wonderful indie music, Britland's !

    The Chameleons were a dream pop/post-punk band formed in 1981 that released three great studio albums in the early 1980s.

    Read more here

    In 1981, after the band recorded a series of demos and released their first single "In Shreds", John Peel featured The Chameleons in a Peel Session on his magnificent radio show on BBC.

    This was to be the first of three sessions the band would record for Peel.


    1. The Fan, The Bellows,
    2. Here Today,
    3. Looking Inwardly,
    4. Things I Wish I'd Said.

    Big thanks to

    Sensual Sickness

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    It'd been raining when you left

    and I remembered your

    and I remembered the



    Beautiful and evocative shot from Bubazinha

    Artist's Comments:

    It was raining when you left...and I remembered your touch...I remembered this sensual sickness...

    model: me / photo: me

    Exclusive Preview: Bob Dylan's 'Tell Tale Signs'

    We've already posted the wonderful Dreamin of You, and Mississippi previews from Bob's forthcoming LP 'Tell Tale Signs' - Volume 8 in the incredible Bootleg Series.

    Now NPR have posted a stream of Disc 1 AND Disc 2 of the wonderful new collection!


    Hear Disc Two of 'Tell Tale Signs'

    From NPR, September 30, 2008

    Widely regarded as America's greatest living songwriter, Bob Dylan has written and recorded some of the most influential and acclaimed music of the past century. With countless studio albums, compilations and live discs to his name in his nearly 50-year career, Dylan continues to produce new music that's as vital as his earliest recordings, and still performs more than 100 concerts every year in what's been called the "never-ending tour."

    For the legions of fans who still can't get enough, Dylan's longtime label (Columbia Records) has been releasing a series of "bootleg" CDs from the singer — a vast collection of rare recordings and outtakes spanning five decades. The series began in 1991 with the first three bootleg volumes, covering the first 30 years of Dylan's career. Now, 17 years later, Columbia is about to release the eighth volume. Tell Tale Signs covers Dylan's past 20 years, a period that produced the albums Time Out of Mind, Love and Theft, Modern Times and Oh Mercy. Tell Tale Signs offers a rare glimpse into Dylan's creative process, with alternate takes that show the evolution of his work, as his songs take shape lyrically and musically.

    Columbia recently gave listeners an early taste of Tell Tale Signs by offering the track "Dreamin' of You" as a free download from Dylan's Web site. You can also hear the song on the latest episode of All Songs Considered. Here, NPR Music offers a sneak preview of the entire two-disc set as a free stream. The album will be officially released in stores and online on Oct. 7.

    Grey blue grey

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Lovely piece from chopstickmadness

    Bob Dylan - Mississippi (from forthcoming LP 'Tell Tale Signs')

    Bob Dylan - Mississippi
    Mp3 @ 128 / 5.8 MB

    Last night I knew you
    tonight I don't
    I need something strong
    to distract my mind

    After the wonderful Dreamin of You, here's another great track from Bob's forthcoming LP 'Tell Tale Signs' - Volume 8 in the incredible Bootleg Series.

    The new album is due for release on October 6th, 2008! We're counting down the hours now!

    "Mississippi" is the opening track in the new collection

    It is a mighty fine track recorded during the sessions for Time Out of Mind but never previously released.

    Classic Dylan songwriting and a great performance too.

    Only one thing I did wrong
    Stayed in Mississippi
    a day too long

    In July 2008, CBS announced the release on 7 October of the long-rumoured Volume 8 of Dylan's Bootleg Series, entitled Tell Tale Signs: Rare And Unreleased 1989-2006.

    The album will be released in a two CD set (as well as a limited edition three CD version available only from Dylan's official website) and will contain live performances and outtakes from studio albums Oh Mercy, World Gone Wrong, Time Out of Mind, Modern Times and a track from an album that Dylan had started to record with David Bromberg in 1992, but which had never been finished or released.

    Other tracks on the set will include 'Cross the Green Mountain' from the movie Gods and Generals and Dylan's duet with Ralph Stanley, 'The Lonesome River'.

    Here she be:


    Paul Newman - Never Forgotten

    We were very saddened to hear of Paul Newman's death over the weekend.

    A great actor but, more importantly, a great man, a great human being.

    A man of principle and courage.

    A man of bravery who saw action in the airforce in WWII.

    A man of political convictions, a liberal activist who risked all in his support for anti-Vietnam war Senator Eugene McCarthy.

    A man who worked to earn countless millions for charities. And did so without brouhaha and without the aim of thereby gaining publicity that would bring later personal reward - unlike Angelina Jolie and the ilk nowadays. Amazingly, in early 2008 the Newman's Own Web site reported it had donated more than $220 million to charity.

    A man who became an accomplished rally driver and won a podium place at the gruelling Le Mans rally.

    A man of great intelligence and humour.

    A man who could eat a hell of a lot of eggs!

    We will always remember the greatness of Paul Newman!

    All commiserations to his family and loved ones.

    Paul Newman may be best known for saying, "Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand."

    Like he would have known.

    Paul Newman robbed banks with Robert Redford, raced automobiles, ate 50 eggs, had his thumbs broken, donated more than $200 million to charity, lost his first major film role to James Dean, blew up a million-gallon water tank with Steve McQueen, faced off with Elizabeth Taylor, won an Oscar and whipped up a mean low-fat Caesar dressing.

    Whatever Paul Newman held in his hand, a few inches below the bluest eyes this side of Frank Sinatra, it was never nothing.


    To a generation of women and their daughters, Paul Newman was the quiet dream. He didn’t make them shriek and faint, just stare and imagine.

    When he was a young man in "Cat On a Hot Tin Roof," his Brick Pollitt matched Taylor’s steam heat. A decade later, his "Butch Cassidy" bicycle ride with Katherine Ross to the tune of "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" remains one of the great moments of romantic innocence in movie history.

    He didn’t aspire to be James Bond and make women melt. More often he steered away from good-guy leading roles toward characters he apparently just found more interesting.


    In his two most successful films, "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "The Sting," he let Redford take most of the hunk stuff and spent his time creating rogues who had crafted their own code of living.

    Bob Dylan could have been describing both Cassidy and Newman’s Henry Gondorff in "The Sting" when he wrote that "to live outside the law you must be honest."


    It never felt like Newman picked those characters because they’d help sculpt a Paul Newman image. But they did, and one of the reasons men also loved to watch him was that he didn't flaunt his magnetism. His performances often told us more about what his characters lacked than what they had.

    His con man Fast Eddie Felson in "The Hustler" had a cold edge. His title character in "Hud" was downright mean. His lawyer Frank Galvin in "The Verdict" was a desperate drunk. Harry Keach of "Harry and Son," a script Newman wrote for and about himself, was about a father who felt his son slipping away.

    His last major role, John Rooney in the stark 2002 Tom Hanks drama "Road To Perdition," cast him as a Depression-era crime boss who lived by a code that left the earth stained with blood.

    Off-camera, Newman left a different kind of trail. He was a liberal activist who vaulted into the top 20 on former President Richard Nixon's enemies list in the late '60s because of his support for anti-Vietnam war Sen. Eugene McCarthy, and he stayed with progressive causes all his life.

    Yet here, too, he took a different fork in the road. Unlike a Streisand or Alec Baldwin, he wasn't held up as a Hollywood elitist - maybe because he didn't live in Hollywood, but more likely because he lived in every grocery store in the country, thanks to his ownership of Newman's Own, a socially conscious food company created with a bottle of salad dressing.

    Newman’s Own became much more than a celebrity novelty, probably because it was pretty good. After a few years he started adding other Newman's Own products, including pasta sauces, lemonade, cookies, coffee, salsa, fruit juice and dog food.

    With whimsical pictures of Newman on the labels, they became a standard item in American grocery stores, and by early 2008 the Newman's Own Web site reported it had donated more than $220 million to charity.

    For Newman himself, Newman's Own had the bizarre incidental effect of pretty much neutralizing anything people might not have liked about his work or his progressive views. When you see someone every day in your refrigerator or on your pantry shelf, whether it's Tony the Tiger or the Quaker Oats man or Famous Amos, it's hard not to bond.

    That was particularly interesting with Paul Newman because most fans probably couldn’t envision him stopping by the backyard barbecue for a burger. He was a movie star – no matter how emphatically he rejected a movie star life.

    Newman and his second wife, Joanne Woodward, were married for 50 years. He had a self-effacing sense of humor. He fled Hollywood as soon as he could and settled in Connecticut, where he founded a program for seriously ill children, The Hole in the Wall Camp.

    If he'd wanted the press, it was ready to love him. But he kept it at a distance for much of his career, disinterested in the Hollywood veneer that inevitably would have given him.

    When writers would compare him to Marlon Brando or James Dean, who also came out of Lee Strasbourg's Actors Studio in the early 1950s and played disaffected young men, he felt they were missing the point of what he really did.

    Later he resented the negative stories that surrounded “Fort Apache the Bronx" in 1981. Not by coincidence did the following year’s "Absence of Malice" portray the press, particularly Sally Field’s reporter, as cold and indifferent.

    "Absence of Malice," for which Newman received one of his seven best-actor nominations - he won for "The Color of Money" in 1986 - included one particularly arresting scene in which his pure cold fury filled the screen.

    That he could make us laugh in the hockey comedy "Slap Shot" and just as convincingly make us flinch from the force of his raw anger proved he had been right many years before when he decided not to simply become some version of James Bond.

    Within a few months in the early 1960s he reprised his Broadway role from Tennessee Williams' melancholy "Sweet Bird of Youth," played the rotten Hud Bannon ("You're a mean man, Hud") and then resurfaced as Steve Sherman in the romantic comedy "A New Kind Of Love," playing opposite his wife.

    Many actors want the versatility of Newman and some have the clout to attempt it. He pulled it off. Maybe that's why, despite "Butch Cassidy," a lot of fans like him best in "Cool Hand Luke," laughing as he bobs and weaves around the rules.

    Truth is, Paul Newman could make a cool hand out of just about anything.

    Aztec Camera - High Land, Hard Rain (Sire, 1983)

    Aztec Camera - High Land, Hard Rain
    Released April 1983
    Genre Indie pop, New Wave
    Length 45:25
    Label Sire Records
    Producer John Brand, Bernie Clarke

    A stunning debut album from Roddy Frame and company!

    High Land, Hard Rain was the debut album by Scots indie pop band Aztec Camera, released in 1983.

    The band's first UK 7" single had been released by Glasgow-based indie label Postcard Records in March 1981, and contained the songs "Just Like Gold" and "We Could Send Letters". An acoustic version of the latter song appeared on the influential C81 compilation cassette, released by NME in early 1981.

    A second single, "Mattress Of Wire", was also the last Postcard Records release before the group signed for fellow independent record label, Rough Trade. US releases were on Sire Records.

    Aztec Camera's debut album, High Land, Hard Rain, was released in April 1983. The album was successful, gathering significant critical acclaim for its well-crafted, multi-layered pop.
    Three tracks from the album had originally appeared on the Oblivious EP which reached number 18 on the UK Singles Chart in November 1983.

    The album itself reached number 22 on the UK Albums Chart.

    The band went on to release a total of six albums, although most of these were essentially written and played by Frame. The albums included Knife (1984), Love (1987), Stray (1990), Dreamland (1993) and Frestonia (1995).

    Some performers never make a bigger splash than with their first record, a situation which the Ramones and De La Soul know all too well. If that's the case, though, said musicians had better make sure that debut is a doozy. Aztec Camera, or more specifically, Roddy Frame, falls squarely into this scenario, because while he has doggedly plugged away ever since with a series of what are, at times, not bad releases, High Land, Hard Rain remains the lovely touchstone of Frame's career.

    Very much the contemporaries of such well-scrubbed Scottish guitar-pop confectionaries as Orange Juice, but with the best gumption and star quality of them all, Aztec Camera led off the album with "Oblivious," a mini-masterpiece of acoustic guitar hooks, lightly funky rhythms, and swooning backing vocals.

    If nothing tops that on High Land, Hard Rain, most of the remaining songs come very close, while they also carefully avoid coming across like a series of general soundalikes. Frame's wry way around words of love (as well as his slightly nasal singing) drew comparisons to Elvis Costello, but Frame sounds far less burdened by expectations and more freely fun. References from Keats to Joe Strummer crop up (not to mention an inspired steal from Iggy's "Lust for Life" on "Queen's Tattoos"), but never overwhelm Frame's ruminations on romance, which are both sweet and sour. Musically, his capable band backs him with gusto, from the solo-into-full-band showstopper "The Bugle Sounds Again" to the heartstopping guitar work on "Lost Outside the Tunnel." Whether listeners want to investigate further from here is up to them, but High Land, Hard Rain itself is a flat-out must-have.

    [From allmusic]


    1. "Oblivious"
    2. "The Boy Wonders"
    3. "Walk Out to Winter"
    4. "The Bugle Sounds Again"
    5. "We Could Send Letters"
    6. "Pillar to Post"
    7. "Release"
    8. "Lost Outside the Tunnel"
    9. "Back on Board"
    10. "Down the Dip"
    11. "Haywire"
    12. "Orchid Girl"
    13. "Queen's Tattoos"


    * Roddy Frame – vocals, guitar, harmonica
    * Bernie Clark – piano, organ
    * Campbell Owens – bass
    * Dave Ruffy – drums, percussion

    Here she be:

    Aztec Camera - High Land, Hard Rain (1983)

    Big thanks to takethepills

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Birds of Spring iv

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    Stunning piece from retrodiva88

    Shut up. No.

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    by Daniaah


    Bring on the dancing horse Palin!!

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    Terry Mosher (Aislin), Montreal, Canada, The Montreal Gazette
    Visit Aislin. E-Mail Aislin.

    Man, I can't wait for this right-wing MORON to put her foot (and arms and ass) in it during Thursday's debate!

    I hope it's as good as last week's hilarious outing on NBC!

    And on Saturday Night Live! (Yes, that IS her! ... Well, almost!)

    I hope someone's keeping an eye on Putin while moose-momma is away from Alaskaland!

    It's surreal how something could crawl out of some Alaskan swamp that both makes Margaret Thatcher look left-wing and makes GW Bush look intelligent!!

    And makes McCain look as dumb as a bag of spanners!!

    Lots more of this mad cnut here:

    Duran Duran - Big Thing (1988) @ 320

    Duran Duran - Big Thing
    Released 18 October 1988
    Recorded Davout Studios, Paris 1988
    Genre Rock, synth pop, new wave
    Length 44:48
    Label Parlophone
    Producer Duran Duran, Jonathan Elias, Daniel Abraham

    Mp3@ 320

    Aw c'mon. You gotta like the Ran!

    Not exactly amongst the canon alongside Dylan, Cohen, Waits, Velvets et al ... BUT, in fairness, they have made some moments of pure classic pop!

    This was a rather strange one, wherein they tried to shed their teeny pop image!

    And "Duranduran" made this LP! NOT Duran Duran!!

    In 1988, the musical climate was changing, veering to a more dance-based groove. Duran Duran were known primarily as an early '80s new wave synth-pop act, and the band was sitting at a career crossroads; Big Thing was their stab at maintaining musical credibility.

    Turning to more synth- and bass-heavy grooves than their previous efforts, Big Thing was seen by many as the band's "house music" album. Tracks like the first single "I Don't Want Your Love", the title track, and the album's second single "All She Wants Is" cemented the band's more aggressive dance angle.

    Oddly, the band decided to stylise how they spell their name, shortening it to the single word "Duranduran"!!

    To get the new music played without preconceived 'teeny bopper band' notions of Duranduran, the band sent an edited three minute version of album tracks "The Edge Of America" and "Lake Shore Driving" to radio stations, known as "Official Bootleg: The LSD Edit". The promo was credited to "The Krush Brothers", which the band also used in a few surprise live dates.

    Dance music and stylist respellings aside, Big Thing was an album of contrasts. While the general feel was a response to the burgeoning house music and rave scene, a number of tracks on the album harked back to the band's more lush arrangements. Tracks like "Land", "Palomino" and the single "Do You Believe In Shame?" had more in common with "Save A Prayer" or "The Seventh Stranger" than with Chicago house.

    The album also contains two short pieces entitled "Interlude One" and "Flute Interlude" which were more experimental in nature than anything the band had done before. The band would repeat the use of these "interludes" on future albums with "Shotgun" appearing on Duran Duran (1993) and "Prototypes" featuring on some versions of Pop Trash (2000).

    While the album and the first two singles did quite well in the charts, the relative failure of the third single "Do You Believe In Shame?" (it reached #30 in the UK) killed off any chance for a fourth single from the album. A house version of "Drug" which had been recorded with producer Marshall Jefferson in April 1989 was tentatively slated as that single.

    A brief legal challenge surrounded the close resemblance of the melody of "Shame" to that of the Dale Hawkins classic "Suzie Q" (more famously covered by Creedence Clearwater Revival). It was judged that there was no intentional plagiarism in this case.


    1. Big Thing
    2. I Don't Want Your Love
    3. All She Wants Is
    4. Too Late Marlene
    5. Drug (It's Just a State of Mind)
    6. Do You Believe in Shame?
    7. Palomino
    8. Interlude One
    9. Land
    10. Flute Interlude
    11. Edge of America, The
    12. Lake Shore Driving
    13. Drug (It's Just a State of Mind) - (Daniel Abraham mix)

    Here be Duranduran


    Big thanks to the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Manji (manga)

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    Stunning art from noah-kh

    Man, we fucking love this!

    Prelude a la nuit

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Sumptuous work by LuneBleu

    Borrow from Iraq!

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    Terry Mosher (Aislin), Montreal, Canada, The Montreal Gazette
    Visit Aislin. E-Mail Aislin.

    Terry sure makes beautiful and insightful - and funny - works!

    Another beauty here!

    Future Sound Of London - Environments II (2008)

    Future Sound Of London - Environments II (2008)
    Mp3 / 320 kbps / RS and multi mirror

    This genus of music is really not our normal cup of Jack Daniels but we did like this lot back in the day! I think we had Lifeforms and Dead Cities and they got a lot of play!

    I hadn't heard anything about them in a while though. I thought they'd died! But apparently not!

    The Future Sound of London are a prolific British electronic music band comprised of Garry Cobain and Brian Dougans. The duo are often credited with pushing the boundaries of electronic music experimentation and of pioneering a new era of dance music.

    Although often labelled as ambient, Cobain and Dougans usually resist being typecast into any one particular genre. Their work covers most areas of electronic music, such as ambient techno, drum and bass, trip-hop, ambient dub, acid techno and often involves extreme experimentation; for example they have, since the turn of the millennium, experimented with psychedelic rock under their Amorphous Androgynous alias.

    The artists have been fairly enigmatic in the past but have become more candid with their fanbase in recent years with social websites like Myspace, Youtube, their forum and many interviews in which Cobain almost always speaks for them both. In addition to music composition, their interests have covered a number of areas including film and video, 2D and 3D computer graphics, animation in making almost all their own videos for their singles, radio broadcasting and creating their own electronic devices for sound making.


    1. Viewed From Above (2:34)
    2. Glacier (Part 1) (8:56)
    3. Serengeti (4:32)
    4. Colour Blind (3:35)
    5. A Corner (3:29)
    6. Newfoundland (2:04)
    7. North Arctic (3:19)
    8. Factories And Assembly (5:04)
    9. Ice Formed (4:17)
    10. Small Town (3:14)
    11. Nearly Home (3:38)
    12. Boca Manu (2:22)
    13. Journey To The Centre (3:41)
    14. Glacier (Part 2) (6:22)

    Here she be:


    Big thanks to iraklis and the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Sonic Youth - SYR Series (SYR1-SYR7):

    Sonic Youth - SYR Series (SYR1-SYR7)

    Bring the Noise !!!

    This is for all you Robbie Williams fans out there! Yeah, DL it ... you'll love it!

    We posted some of this amazing series before!

    Here's lots more!

    Methinks this young group have a great future and will surely go places!!!

    More SY stuff here:

    SYR1: Anagrama
    Sonic Youth 1997

    SYR2: Slaapkamers Met Slagroom
    Sonic Youth 1997

    SYR3: Invito Al Cielo
    Sonic Youth & Jim O'Rourke 1998

    SYR4: Goodbye 20th Century
    Sonic Youth 1999

    Kim Gordon, DJ Olive & Ikue Mori 2000

    SYR6: Koncertas Stan Brakhage Prisiminimui
    Sonic Youth & Tim Barnes 2005

    SYR7: J'Accuse Ted Hughes
    Sonic Youth 2008

    Big thanks to thanks to "we're up for sale" blog and Iraklis

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Zemotion's wonderful new book

    Fabulous Singaporean artist Zhang Jingna aka Zemotion has long been a favourite of ours.

    She's now published a stunning book.

    Check it out - details below from her site.

    Lots more details and info HERE!

    And Jingna, to send me my copy, drop me an email!!!

    999 Copies. Limited Edition, numbered and signed.

    Hardcover with Dust Jacket, 80 pages
    216 x 286 x 15 mm


    To order select from the options below for your shipping location.
    Prices include registration of package.

    - To Singapore Only

    - To countries in Asia & the Pacific (except Australia, Japan & New Zealand)

    - To countries in the rest of the world (including Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Africa, America, Europe, Canada and the Middle East).

    Please note that incorrect shipping payment will result in an invalid order.

    No serial number reservations.

    Orders will be shipped in early December, 2008.

    Price for hardcover during the exhibition is 119SGD.

    Pick-up on location at The Arts House during the exhibition period only, please bring your confirmation email and notify me beforehand so I can bring your copy. Do note The Arts House is closed to public on 13th September Saturday.

    Email enquiries to:


    And the front and back cover of 2 copies together side by side. Not that I think anyone will buy 2 just to display it this way. Hahaha. XD

    Back to the book, for those who'd been asking the differences between softcover and this edition, other than the numbering, signing and hardcover, the dust jacket has embossing on text, matte lamination, and all pages matte varnished.

    Sakuran. II by zemotion

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    Another amazing piece from zemotion

    Four Tet - Pause (2001) (@320)

    Four Tet - Pause
    released in 2001
    MP3 / 320 kbps / 84.63 mb

    Another album we liked a lot a few years ago.'s Best of 2001;

    Kieran Hebden is, it has to be said, something of a genius. The groundwork for Pause was laid when Dialogue--his debut solo album under the guise of Four Tet--landed in 1999, an album that redrew the parameters of inventive dance music.

    A peculiar mix of live-sounding instrumental jazz and technologically super-precise laptop dance trickery, it sounded nothing like Hebden's actual group--the post-rockers Fridge--and, as it happened, very little like anything else in existence. Where Dialogue employed jazz sax and flute in its evocation of a 21st-century jazz meltdown, Pause goes even further, coiling whispers of harp and zither over layer-on-layers of fidgeting, rattling percussion.

    His inspirations? Well, like his friend and protégé:, Canadian tech-wizard Manitoba (whose Start Breaking My Heart is easily the equal of Pause), Hebden collects sounds and melodies from a dizzying array of places--ancient British folk music, the rattle of typewriter keys, the gurgle of running water, even a field recording of a children's playground. Genius? There really is no other word for it.

    -Louis Pattison


    1. Glue Of The World
    2. Twenty Three
    3. Harmony One
    4. Parks
    5. Leila Came Round And We Watched A Video
    6. Untangle
    7. Everything Is Alright
    8. No More Mosquitoes
    9. Tangle
    10. You Could Ruin My Day
    11. Hilarious Movie Of The 90's

    Big thanks to Runman and the original poster

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Richie Havens x 2 - Richard P Havens and Collection

    Two great LPs from the legendary Richard Havens!
    Fatfuckfrankie adds;

    I guess he's also been known as Dick Havens.

    Not to be confused with the gonzo porn movie of the same name I'm now making in Manila!!

    There are some amazing Dick Havens in Manila!

    Richie Havens- Collection @ 320

    1. Woman
    2. What's Going On
    3. Younger Men Grow Older
    4. What About Me
    5. There's A Hole In The Future
    6. Fire And Rain
    7. It Could Be The First Day
    8. Minstrel From Gault
    9. Tightrope
    10. Open Our Eyes
    11. Prayer
    12. Missing Train
    13. I Started A Joke
    14. Teach Your Children
    15. San Francisco Bay Blues
    16. High Flying Bird
    17. Here Comes The Sun

    Here be Richie:



    1. Stop Pulling and Pushing Me
    2. For Haven's Sake
    3. Strawberry Fields Forever
    4. What More Can I Say John
    5. I Pity the Poor Immigrant
    6. Lady Madonna
    7. Priests
    8. Indian Rope Man
    9. Cautiously
    10. Just Above My Hobby Horse's Head
    11. She's Leaving Home
    12. Putting Out the Vibration and Hoping It Comes Home
    13. Parable of Ramon
    14. With a Little Help from My Friends
    15. Wear Your Love Like Heaven
    16. Run Shaker Life/Do You Feel Good

    Here be Richie:


    Big thanks to shakthecat

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    Whip you into shape!

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    More fine work from elpinoy who says:
    Main illustration for FHM Philippines' June 2007 issue. Since June 2006, i've contributed illustrations for FHM, month after month. there was even that one time that i was able to do 11 illustrations for their special issue.

    after 12 consecutive monthly illustrations (plus the 11 i did for the special issue), it's time to move on and pass the reins to a new artist. whoever he/she is, good luck. :) i don't pretend that illustrating for a men's magazine is the most glamorous job in the world, but i'd like to think it was a nice project to work on. it helped me learn a thing or two about my style; and it did garner me some exposure, it being the philippines' number one magazine, across all genres.

    long story short: it was good while it lasted. now onto other things. :)

    Contrast. Me

    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

    Another fine piece from SeauDePhoto

    The After-Party

    Two great music Collections from boxsetgo

    Two great music Collections from the wonderful boxsetgo

    He has an eclectic knowledgeable taste! A bit like us! Check his site out if you have eclectic knowledgeable taste!

    Here we get some great obscure bands we loved back in the day - and still love!

    Here we get wonderful Irish acts we liked back in the day - Brian, and , amongst others!

    And great Brit cult acts we loved such as , the Blue Aeroplanes, The House Of Love, etc.

    And some Scottys too ... The Trash Can Sinatras, Teenage Fanclub etc!

    These are from November 2007. All text and content from

    Seasonal Affected Disorder - Give Me A Smile Mix

    Well it now appears that winter is well and truly upon us. I enjoy winter but I find that the change in the seasons can disorientate me a little. A friend of mine told me that it may be Seasonal Affective Disorder which made me laugh as it really just sounds like bollocks. However, just in case there is any truth to it I have been listening to the “Give Me A Smile Mix” – served twice daily with Echinacea and Prozac and the results have been staggering. 12 great pop songs here – lots of chiming guitars and quick drums. If you need cheered up look no further!

    All songs on this mix had to be very melodic and generally upbeat to beat the winter blues – BTW I make no apology for Travis or The Thrills – granted I am not a big fan of either the songs here are superb!

    Another mix next week...

    01. Welcome Back – The Trash Can Sinatras
    02. She Takes You Away – Brian
    03. All I Want – The Lightning Seeds
    04. Funny How – Airhead
    05. Did I Say – Teenage Fanclub
    06. Harbour Police – The Railway Children
    07. In Your Life – Day One
    08. Tiny Spark – Brendan Benson
    09. Superman – REM
    10. The World Is Turning On – The Pooh Sticks
    11. Say It Ain’t So –the Thrills
    12. Coming Around – Travis

    Knocking On The Door Of Fortune Mix

    I had another mix uploaded for this week but I changed my mind yesterday when I listened to this one. This one features some guitar bands from the 80s-90s that played outstanding melodic rock music. The Veldt opens it up with the fantastic “CCCP” – found this in a bargain bin years ago and needless to say I have been shopping out them ever since. Eat give us “Shame” which was probably their strongest single from the earliest 90’s. Other notables from this collection include Diesel Park West, The Chameleons, The Starlings, House Of Love, The Bridewell Taxis, Blow-Up, The Blue Aeroplanes, Into Paradise, The Bevis Frond and Scotland’s finest Goodbye Mr Mackenzie…yes I am aware that I have now mentioned every band on the mix – that is because they are all worth mentioning.

    1. CCCP – The Veldt
    2. Shame – EAT
    3. Like Princes Do – Diesel Park West
    4. The Fan And The Bellows – The Chameleons
    5. Thames Eternal – The Starlings
    6. Can’t Stand It – The House Of Love
    7. Face In A Crowd – The Bridewell Taxis
    8. Somersault Sunrise – Blow-Up
    9. The Applicant – The Blue Aeroplanes
    10. Don’t Let Me Down – Into Paradise
    11. He’d Be A Diamond – Bevis Frond
    12. Love Child [Extended] – Goodbye Mr Mackenzie

    All thanks to boxsetgo

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.

    OCEAN OF SOUND (1996) [2 Discs Various Artists]

    OCEAN OF SOUND (1996) [2 Discs Various Artists]
    Mp3 160

    This is a stunning eclectic collection of marvellous music I bought soon after it came out and thoroughly enjoyed!

    Until some bimbo I was dating back then, borrowed the CD and lost it!

    Subtitled; "A Collection of Music to Accompany David Toop's book, Ocean of Sound," this two disc set is like no other music collection you've ever heard!

    We are grateful to isupplythecountrywithbutter

    David Toop (born 5 May 1949) is an English musician and author, and as of 2001 was visiting Research Fellow in the Media School at London College of Communication. He was notably a member of The Flying Lizards. He was a prominent contributor to the British magazine The Face. He is a regular contributor to The Wire, the U.K. based music magazine.

    Toop published his pioneering book on hip hop, Rap Attack, in 1984. Eleven years later, Ocean of Sound appeared, described as Toop's "poetic survey of contemporary musical life from Debussy through Ambient, Techno, and drum 'n' bass."

    Since the 1970s, Toop has also been a significant presence on the British experimental and improvised music scene, collaborating with Max Eastley, Brian Eno, Scanner, and others. In 2001, Toop curated the sound art exhibition Sonic Boom, and the following year, he curated a 2-CD collection entitled Not Necessarily Enough English Music: A Collection of Experimental Music from Great Britain, 1960-1977.

    The rather scholarly Toop, back in the mid nineties, produced a wonderful book on the origins and diaspora of modern music - focusing on ambient/ minimalist music - and also complied a masterful music collection to illustrate his themes and concepts. describes Toop's amazing book as;
    "A member of a radical editorial collective on the cutting edge of British music criticism in the 1970s, later a critic for more standard papers, including the Times, David Toop's second book covers a vast expanse of music. His tour-de-force survey describes a dissonant and invigorating clash of music and noise from western classical to Javanese gamelan, from Claude Debussy to Miles Davis to Brian Eno, from disco to techno to ambient. He discusses the changes in our sound world caused by the global reach of radio and recordings, and shows himself a rigorous pluralist, open to all styles and forms, but unafraid to offer robust criticism in any musical sphere."

    Altered States iii, Crystal World excerpt

    In their search for absolutes, a number of music critics have looked to Riley as the definitive starting point for various trends: minimalism, extreme repetition, all-night trance improvisations and tape-delay systems.

    Pieces such as In C, A Rainbow In Curved Air, and Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band were important in their time because they signalled two important changes in the way the worlds of music and comerce worked.

    One: a composer was writing pieces which had grooves and improvised around modes (just like John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Frank Zappa and half the rock bands in Psychedelia), which sounded as if psychotropics had been involved at some stage of the compositional process, which explored new technology and studio processing. Two: the albums were packaged by Columbia as rock albums, despite being on the Masterworks series, so implying that the razor wire dividing so-called classical, rock, jazz, art and commerce had been cut in a few places. Never mind the embarrasing occurence of hippie-speak on the In C sleevenotes - 'No preconceptions, you just dig it' - the sort of thing that Oliver Stone might exhume for another chapter of his Sixties revisionism.

    The music, as musicians and sleevenote writes love to say, spoke for itself. Essentially modest, Riley downplays all of this. After all, his contribution to the late 20th Century mix emerged out of collaborative work and improvisations with La Monte Young, Pauline Oliveros and Chet Baker.

    After the first flush of enthusiasm for minimalism and systems music, Riley and Young tended to be dismissed as old hippies, past their peak, while Philip Glass, Steve Reich, John Adams and Michael Nyman slid with varying degrees of compositional credibility into a new orthodoxy of avant-garde populism.

    But as Riley says, life goes in cycles. Suddenly, the open works of Riley and Young seem more expansive, more useful to the fractured nature of music in the Nineties than all that knitting machine repetitiveness and it's mutations.

    -- David Toop excerpt from his book "Ocean of Sound" published by Serpents Tail

    Like the book, the discs cover an incredible array of sound and music. From Erik Satie to John Cage, to Ornette Coleman to Les Baxter to My Bloody Valentine to The Velvet Underground to Aphex Twin to Miles Davis to Brian Eno ! And loads more wonderfully eclectic music!

    All your common or garden left of field "weird" music (well, weird to Robbie Williams fans anyway!)

    But then there's the really weird stuff!

    Yap, we also get some strange but compelling stuff - sounds of Bearded Seals, recordings of Howler Monkeys (not a band, like the awful Arctic Monkeys! In fact, not a band at all!), sounds from a Buddhist Ceremony ..... you name it, it's here!

    Rather strangely, Howler Monkeys sound far better than Arctic Monkeys !!!

    Track Listing

    Disc 1

    King Tubby - Dub Fi Gwan
    Herbie Hancock - Rain Dance
    Aphex Twin - Analogue Bubblebath
    Jon Hassell - Empire III
    Ujang Survana - Sorban Palid
    Claude Debussy - Prelude A L Apres 'Midi D Un Faune'
    Les Baxter - Sunken City
    My Bloody Valentine - Loomer
    Brian Eno - Lizard Point
    Shunie Omizutori Buddhist Ceremony
    The Vancouver Soundscape - The Music Of Horns And Whistles
    Howler Monkeys
    Peter Brotzmann Octet - Machine Gun
    Harold Budd - Bismillahi 'Rrahmani Rrahim'

    Disc 2

    Miles Davis - Black Satin
    Terry Riley - Extract From Poppy Nogood "All Night Flight"
    Detty Kurina - Coyor Panon
    Ornette Coleman - Virgin Beauty
    John Zorn/David Toop - Chen Pe I Pe I
    Paul Schutze - Rivers Of Mercury
    The Velvet Underground - I Heard Her Call My Name
    Bearded Seals
    Holger Czukay & Rolf Dammers - Boat-Woman-Song
    The Beach Boys - Fall Breaks Back Into Winter (Woody Woodpecker Symphony)
    African Headcharge - Faraway Chant
    Sun Ra - Cosmo Enticement
    Music Improvisation Company - Untitled
    Deep Listening Band - Seven-Up
    John Cage - In A Landscape
    Erik Satie - Vexations
    Suikinkutsu Water Chime

    All thanks to the great isupplythecountrywithbutter

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    The Chameleons - The Fan And The Bellows [1986]

    The Chameleons - The Fan And The Bellows [1986]
    MP3 @ 320 kbps / RS / 98.71 MB

    A band we really liked a lot back in the day, purveyors of wonderful indie music, Britland's !

    We'd almost forgotten about them though. But we're soon gonna make up for that!

    Starting with this, a fascinating collection of classic recordings!

    These are gleamed from their three studio albums; 1983's Script of the Bridge, 1985's What Does Anything Mean? Basically and their best album, 1986's Strange Times!

    Sadly though, soon after the release of Strange Times, the band split!

    They would reunite briefly many years later but no further studio albums would be released.

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    The Chameleons were a dream-pop /post-punk band that formed in Greater Manchester, England in 1981. They consisted of singer and bassist Mark Burgess, guitarist Reg Smithies, guitarist Dave Fielding, drummer John Lever as well as keyboardists Alistair Lewthwaite and Andy Clegg.

    Their body of work is still critically acclaimed within the music press.

    This great band influenced groups as diverse as Interpol, Editors , Protokoll, The Comsat Angels, Puressence, and a slew of others!

    Through Mark Burgess' vocals and dark and ironic lyrics, their songs often dealt with personal themes of childlike innocence and a reverence for nostalgia. Musically, perhaps most notable in their work was the band's innovative and distinctive use of dual guitar melodies, courtesy of Reg Smithies and Dave Fielding, as opposed to the traditional rhythm-and-lead guitarist format prevalent in rock music even to this day. These arrangements were often characterized by the use of delay and choral effects.

    After their third release, Strange Times, in 1987 they abruptly disbanded following the sudden death of band manager Tony Fletcher.

    The Chameleons were, for all practical purposes, extinct for well over a decade before a small series of successful live dates and the release of a final studio album in 2001, entitled Why Call It Anything?.

    The band quickly dissolved once again in 2002 due to personal differences, after a successful reunion tour which took them across Europe and the United States.

    The band never attained the level of commercial success or fame enjoyed by their contemporaries (e.g. The Cure, Echo and the Bunnymen).

    Read more:


    1 The Fan And The Bellows (3:30)
    2 Nostalgia (5:25)
    3 Less Than Human (4:33)
    4 In Shreds (4:07)
    5 Prisoners Of The Sun (4:20)
    6 Nostalgia (7" Version) (3:55)
    7 Turn To The Vices (3:53)
    8 Love Is (4:00)
    9 Every Day I'm Crucified (3:31)
    10 Endlessly Falling (2:36)
    11 Nathan's Phase (3:06)

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    Any content linked to here is only meant as a taster for the original work itself and is posted on the strict understanding that anyone who downloads the taster, deletes said content within 24 hours. We would assume that these fans will then buy the original work and we greatly encourage them to do so.