

about // Subcity Web Team is Recruiting


Subcity Radio is looking to add a couple of developers to its web developer team.

Development is done in the context of Subcity's completely custom CMS written in PHP. The entire site is more than 20,000 lines of PHP code and relies on a MySQL database with over 1.6 million records.

Currently we have projects in the following areas: Data Mining, S...

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Posted at 00:48, 7th October 2010

events // Important Notice


FAO all humans,
your current dimension will be deleted at 0200 31.10.10.

If you would like to transfer to the backup dimension, a portal will be available outside the art school on Renfrew street from 2230-0000 30.10.10.

Please alter your physical attributes so as to fit the backup dimension schema, details of which will be available online closer...

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Posted at 07:39, 4th October 2010

about // Applications re-opened

Shaun gives a tour of the studio

Our returning shows are now back in the studio, and it feels pretty good to have the crew back with new tunes and chat to get us through the depressingly fast change in seasons. But it’s not all about the oldboys, we could always be doing with a few extra music geeks about the place, so as ever we’re on the scout for fresh talent.

We’re loo...

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Posted at 19:51, 12th September 2010

events // Subcity Says 'Stay Fresh'

Subcity Says 'Stay Fresh' Flyer by Joe Crogan

Wednesday 15th September
SWG3 Studio Warehouse
100 Eastvale Place (map)
£0 Freshers Pass, £5 adv (SRC, Tickets Scotland), £7 door // 10pm-3am

Facebook Event

OH-KAY. Summer’s over and it’s back to school, back to reality. We haven't been gallivanting for the last 4 months like the rest of you dafties. We've been in the lab, with a pen and a ...

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Posted at 00:47, 31st August 2010

listen // Come Outside

Shaun at Soundclash 2

No more exams, heavy duty tan lines and drinking in public is socially acceptable; we get it, but not everyone is taking it so easy. Some of us have got real jobs... like listening to music and that. With the temperature in the new studio teetering close to the John McIntyre Sweatbox, we've had to open more windows than a house full of farts to ...

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Posted at 19:12, 29th May 2010

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