Subcity Radio

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Subcity Radio
Media Type: Student Radio
Launched: 1994
Member of: Student Radio Association
University: University of Glasgow
Across Glasgow 1 month a year on FM
Online Live stream and listen again

Subcity Radio (formerly Sub City and SubCity) is a student internet radio station based at the University of Glasgow[1]. It broadcasts online during term time and for 28 days a year on a temporary FM Restricted Service Licence.[2][3][4][5] The station also runs club nights throughout the year in Glasgow venues including the Sub Club and The Arches.[6][7][8]


[edit] Overview

While being mainly run by students for students, Subcity has over 150 contributors from all over the city. Presenters range from underprivileged teenagers from the local community to former students who have been on the station almost since it began broadcasting. Many previous contributors have gone on to jobs at commercial and BBC radio stations.[9][10][11][12]The station has no playlist, allowing DJs full choice in what music they play.[1]

It is a part of, and partially funded by, Glasgow University Students' Representative Council. It is one of four student media organisations within the SRC [13], who provide both a service and opportunities to students at the University and to the wider community. Subcity is a member of the Student Radio Association.[14]

[edit] History

The station was started in 1995 from the ashes of previous attempts at a student station in Glasgow (Ton and a Half Radio and Sweet FM[15][16]). It's first broadcast was in October 1995 for one month on an FM RSL from an unused University apartment in Park Circus on a minimal budget. As part of this inaugural broadcast the K Foundation did an interview about their burning of a million pounds on the Subcity show "Everything You Know Is Wrong" on November 3, 1995 at 6pm [17]

The station's second broadcast was in February 1996 and that year it was awarded Best Station at the UK Radio 1 Student Radio Awards. It went on to complete a 3 week RSL for that year's T in the Park festival. In 1997 it joined forces with Edinburgh's Fresh Air FM to provide a 2 local RSL's and an on site station at the festival. [18]

  • In 2000 the station was able to move into a new, purpose built permanent studio on campus which allowed for year-round broadcasting and training.
  • In 2002, a 5 year low-powered AM license was awarded. This allowed for permanent broadcasting to campus, rather than for just one month per year. [19][20][21][22][23] The station does not currently broadcast on AM, but has an online web stream which performs a similar role.
  • In February 2004 the station celebrated its tenth birthday with a large event at The Arches in Glasgow. The lineup featured DJs from Subcity's past who have gone on to bigger things. 1800 people filled the venue - thought to be the largest crowd a student station has ever attracted to an event. It was later discovered that the station's tenth birthday would be in 2005.
  • Between November 2007 and May 2008 the station ran a monthly club night at the University's Hetherington Research Club. [7]
  • In Freshers' Week 2008 the station launched a new website featuring dynamically updated navigation of its listen again content based on playlist data from every show.[27]

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b "Subcity Radio // About". Subcity Radio. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  2. ^ "SRC : Volunteer : Student Media : Subcity". Glasgow University Students' Representative Council. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  3. ^ "The Guide 05/06". The Guide. Glasgow University Students' Representative Council (September 2005). Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  4. ^ "Radio review / Media / The Guardian". The Guardian (24 January 2005). Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  5. ^ Taylor, Marianne (20 January 2005). "BRIEF ENCOUNTER WITH PHILL JUPITUS" (in English), Evening Times - Glasgow (UK), pp. 20. Retrieved on 7 January 2009. 
  6. ^ Zaak Jones (October 2007). "GUM • Subcity Radio". Glasgow University Magazine. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  7. ^ a b "Subcity Radio // Events". Subcity Radio. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  8. ^ "Hitlist - The best dancefloor action". The List Issue 561. The List (12 October 2006). Retrieved on 7 January 2009.
  9. ^ "Choose Glasgow Our Faculties Apply to Glasgow" 21. University of Glasgow. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  10. ^ "Sofa so good - Indepth". The Drum (20 August 2002). Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  11. ^ "Determined to broadcast, annie mcguire". determined to broadcast. The Scottish Government. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  12. ^ Joe Lenski (30 June 2007). "The Infinite Dial — 30 Under 30 Winner Profiles: Adam Uytman". 30 Under 30 2007. The Infinite Dial. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  13. ^ "SRC : Volunteer : Student Media". Glasgow University Students' Representative Council. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  14. ^ "Full List - Member Stations - Student Radio Association". Student Radio Association. Retrieved on 6 January 2009.
  15. ^ The Scotsman - Radio, archived at highbeam [1]
  16. ^ Subcity Facebook group wall - [2]
  17. ^ Dower, John, and Greer, Dave, "The K Foundation: Why we burnt a million pounds", Thee Data Base fanzine, 1 March 1996; based on an interview with Drummond and Cauty on Subcity Radio, Glasgow, 3 November 1995 (link 1, link 2)
  18. ^ Fresh Air History [3]
  19. ^ [ Subcity Radio wiki 2003
  20. ^ Ofcom Notes of Radio Authority Meeting [4]
  21. ^ Ofcom ofcom lrsl page
  22. ^ [ Archived Ofcom LRSL Page]
  23. ^ Ofcom Ofcom RSL Annual Report 2002
  24. ^ Digital Spy - BBC Radio 1 presents Student Radio Awards 2003
  25. ^ Student Radio Awards 2005 website
  26. ^ "City students on right wavelength" (in English), Evening Times - Glasgow (UK) (30 May 2006), pp. 4. Retrieved on 7 January 2009. 
  27. ^ Subcity news on website upgrade
  28. ^ SRA 2008 winners
  29. ^ Ofcom List of Current RSLs retrieved 22.12.08

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