
Liked Links

Some of the links I’ve read recently… How we collaborate is more important than who collaborates – Ben Malbon of Google Creative Lab makes some notes on a Carnegie Mellon / MIT article called. Especially enjoy his recounting of “casting” teams for projects… Books as Makers of Publics – Jeff Jarvis talks at an O’Reilly [...]

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Dare to keep it playful – Dan Hon on keeping the fun in games

Dan Hon‘s TEDx Transmedia talk DAREtoPLAY is a lovely build on and partial riposte to Seth Prietbatsch’s presentation I posted here yesterday. As someone who has played with and in and designed transmedia games and stories (the same thing, really) for a good long while, Dan’s got a great perspective on this whole area. He [...]

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A gaming layer on reading (and everything else for that matter)

Prompted by a lot of people (Rockjimford and Matt Bagwell especially) I finally got around to watching the Seth Prietbatsch TEDx talk about building a gaming layer over the world. His central conceit is that the last ten years were about building a social layer on the world with the web. This has now been [...]

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Typographical primers & baby steps

My relationship with typography is roughly the same as that with the French language: I know enough to express my enthusiasm, but a couple of sentences in to any conversation and I stumble awkwardly into the limits of my knowledge. An extract from a new book on typography by Simon Garfield, Just My Type: A [...]

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My presentation and a podcast from Community & Marketing 2.0

The recent Community & Marketing 2.0 event in Hamburg presented an opportunity to remix my book and my iCrossing work once again. I’d not visited Hamburg before and this trip was all too brief, but I’m definitely heading back soon, hopefully for a break rather than work. Before setting off I had a Skype conversation [...]

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Slides from my #digitalsurrey talk last night: Me & My Web Shadow: slide-show edition

Last night I gave a talk to the brilliant Digital Surrey group about Me and My Web Shadow, the slides from which are (practising what I preach) now available on SlideShare. How to Manage Your Reputation Online: Me & My Web Shadow – the slideshow of the book! View more presentations from Antony Mayfield. Kerry [...]

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Arcade Fire interactive video – if you haven’t tried this yet, do it now. Wonderful.

On the one hand the new Arcade Fire interactive video is an experiment with the Google Chrome team to show off what you can do with various bits of browser technology. On the other, it is very, very beautiful and achingly nostalgic. Posted via email from Antony’s posterous

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E-book self-publishing tempts authors large and small

Seth Godin says that he’s going to publish his next book himself. Rather than sending his next manuscript to his publisher he told the Wall Street Journal he is going to hire an editor and a designer to format the book and then he’d be on his way: “After those fixed costs, your idea is [...]

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iCrossing Connect blog: Brands need to understand users’ privacy concerns

I’ve been ruminating about brands and user privacy in social networks over at the iCrossing UK Connect blog. It’s an interesting area, and perhaps next to feel the clammy hand of regulation ‘pon it if marketers aren’t paying close attention to the interests of their customers…. A recent study in the US found that more than [...]

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Unbounded journalism: Ushahidi as news platform

Ushahidi is a platform for sharing and curating live information on a map. Since I wrote about it last year I’ve been fascinated by it for lots of reasons (not least the “swift river” approach to finding useful information amid a stream of irrelevant noise and echoes). In this article and video from Nieman Lab, [...]

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