If you would like to advertise on the site just send me an email like, innit?

New video

Avatoke trailer now online.

New wallpapers available

Tart up your fucking computers with some new Wallpapers based on Avatoke...

First new video in aaaaaages

Taff Wars Episode 39 is now online. Sorry for the delay. Not really, I'll do them as and when I like, cheers.

Taff Wars is 7th best...

... in Wales' Top 10 Internet Sensations, according to WalesOnline. Aye.

Thanks a bunch (of cunts)

Updated the Thanks page (which lists all the people who have donated to help me meet the costs of running this site, and the Taff Wars empire in general - nutters).

Facebook news

Posted a link to a new Facebook group - "!!!GET TAFF WARS ON TV!!!" - on the Social Networks page.

More News...

Still reading? Get a life you FREAK. There's more of this shite over in my News Archive like.