
This site contains information specific to Britain's oldest socialist party,formed in 1904, The Socialist Party of Great Britain.
   For an introduction to socialism and much more information (including introductory information) on socialism and the World Socialist Movement, of which we are a member see the World Socialist Movement website which carries information common to all the Companion Parties of Socialism.

The World Socialist Movement (or WSM) consists of people who have organised themselves democratically with one objective: to bring about a complete change in world society. We are made up of companion parties and groups in several countries.

The WSM is a global socialist movement that  argues capitalism cannot meet the needs of the majority of us, the workers (or proletariat) of the world,  no matter how much it is reformed.

To meet these needs we contend that capitalism must be replaced by socialism.

November 2010 Volume 106 Issue 1275
November 2010

  Socialist Standard November 2010 Vol.106 Issue No.1275.

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This pamphlet comes at a time when many people are questioning the destructive effects of capitalism, and also with it a rejection of leaders and the traditional left.

 This is something that can be encouraged. The aim of the pamphlet is to show that there is another view of social change that may be a blind spot with those who get involved with anti-capitalist, activist or/and anarchist politics.

Click image to enlarge
November 14th
"Winstanley" (1975) (with introduction by Adam Buick)

  "1649. With poverty and unrest sweeping England, a group of impoverished men and women, known as the Diggers, form a settlement on St.George's Hill, Surrey.Inspired by the visionary leadership of Gerrard Winstanley, the commune's tireless, yet peaceful. attempts to assert their right to cultivate and share the wealth of the common land, are met with crushing hostility from local landowners and government troops."
More films Here >

Capitalism and Other Kids stuff

DVD produced by the Socialist Party in 2005. 'Capitalism and Other Kids Stuff' tries to find answers to why we live the way we do and possible alternatives.

The Socialist Party of Great Britain

The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be on

 Saturday 4 December at 1.00 pm
at the address below.

Correspondence should be sent to the General Secretary.
All articles, letters and notices should be sent to the editorial committee at: The Socialist Party,
52 Clapham High street, London SW4 7UN.

tel: 020 7622 3811
e-mail: spgb@worldsocialism.org

All of our meetings are open to the public.

Any errors,omissions ,or other problems, contact,