Wednesday, October 06, 2010

At least the ducks don't destroy their environment: unlike, you know who?

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Anxiety and rebellion in ranks but Nick Clegg calls for steady nerves

To see this story with its related links on the site, go to
Anxiety and rebellion in ranks but Nick Clegg calls for steady nerves
Activists told to hold their nerve as leader says party would have lost credibility if it had spurned coalition agreement
Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent
Tuesday September 21 2010
The Guardian


Well, that's it now! Cameron and Clegg's marriage is consummated, and the dozy Lib-Dems swallowed it all: hook, line and sinker. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last 'sin-eater' celebrated with church service

The Reverend Norman Morris at Richard Munslow's grave The Reverend Norman Morris led the service for Richard Munslow
The restored grave of the last known "sin-eater" in England has been at the centre of a special service in a Shropshire village churchyard. Read the rest here


When I see news like this, I have to ask myself: is Humanity going off its head?

Friday, September 17, 2010

Are you looking - at Me?

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Friday, September 10, 2010

"Fidel Castro says his economic system is failing". Has he just found out? Some have known that for years.

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro Fidel Castro, pictured earlier this month, criticised Cuba's state-dominated system. Photograph: Desmond Boylan/Reuters It was a casual remark over a lunch of salad, fish and red wine but future historians are likely to parse and ponder every word: "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us any more."

Fidel should have said, that his state-owned capitalist system doesn't work anymore: the truth is that it has never worked for the workers.

Of course all the bourgeois apologists will be cock-a-hoop, about Fidel's admission - suckers.

But, from where I sit, the bourgeois privately owned, "free-market" capitalist system, doesn't work for the workers either.

So, fellow workers. Between, "Free-market capitalism, or State-capitalism, as far as we are concerned, it is simply a choice, between Tweedle Dum, and Tweedle Dee, either way: we are screwed.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

"GREED IS GOOD". So they tell us?

US Tea Party in London to spread low tax message

In an event organised by the Taxpayers' Alliance and sponsored by US lobbyists, the group will also promote small government
Tea Party Tax Protest, Atlanta, Georgia
A Tea Party anti-tax protest in Atlanta: The rightwing group is in London to promote its small government and low tax message. Photograph: KPA/Zuma/Rex Features
Lobbyists behind the rightwing Tea Party group in the US will arrive in London today to spread their message of low taxes and small government at an event organised by the UK's controversial Taxpayers' Alliance.


Courtesy of Wikipedia

Matthew Elliott[3] is the current Chief Executive of The Taxpayers' Alliance.
In October 2009 Mr. Elliott admitted that another director of the group, Alexander Heath, had not in fact paid any British taxes for several years as he resides in a farmhouse in the Loire in France [4].


Some people has neck for anything, lobbying for "low tax", and never paid any tax for several years: what a fucking hero!!!

Millionaires, Billionaires and maybe even Trillionaires, whose sole purpose in life, is to accumulate more and more money for themselves, and at the same time, happily trashing the poor.

Greedy, greedy, greedy, obscenely rich individuals. 

I won't call them Bastards, because that would malign Bastards, and they really, don't deserve it.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

A Coo on holiday?

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 It has a wee-calf

Monday, September 06, 2010

US rig owner Transocean accused of compromising safety in North Sea

Unions argue that abusive behaviour and racism are widespread and wants shake-up of system in light of worsening safety record
Transocean oil rig owner 
Transocean has so far managed to avoid the kind of acute scrutiny given to BP over the Macondo well, but the British oil company is expected to criticise the rig operator when it publishes its own internal investigation into what went wrong. Photograph: Chris Graythen/Getty Images
Transocean, the American rig owner at the centre of BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, has been accused of compromising safety in the North Sea by "bullying, harassment and intimidation" of its staff.


The modern-day version of the Dickensian attitude of the capitalist 'capitains' of industry to their employees - in this respect not a lot has changed since Dicken's time.
Not only putting the workers at risk, but also the environment, nothing is sacred when it comes to the capitalist corporate greed for profit - nothing!!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

A monsoon of chaos, scandal and delays

5 Sep 2010
Forced eviction and destitution loom large in the mind of Fulan Devi, as she stares out at a new underpass that cuts right through the heart of the place where she’s lived for 30 years  
A festival of sport? Or a capitalist money-making scam? It's the latter, I would suggest, and as usual a lot of very poor, powerless people have to pay! But of course, when it comes to making a lot of money, the poor's position is never considered: is it? 
Bourgeois Governments all over the world are the same.  
Greed is good: for some!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ed is the only Miliband who offers a genuine alternative

Labour's contest is now a straight fight between brothers – and David represents a return to a failed Blairite yesterday.
Read on, if that's what you need to do?


Politicians never cease using, change, and genuine alternatives, but they never tell us what they mean by those words.

They sound good on the hustings when the politicians are looking for your vote.
However, once the Party, of whatever persuasion, is in power, all alleged change, or alternative disappears, and it is business as usual.

So I ask myself, what genuine alternative, Ed is going to bring to the Bourgeois Labour Party?

Will they be anymore worker friendly? 

I don't think so.

The Labour Party is just as committed to capitalism, as is the Tories and Lib-Dems.

So, here's a prophesy, who ever becomes the leader of the Labour Party, it will still be: as it has always been, pro Corporate-Capitalist-Britain, and of course, the other side of the coin is to screw the workers.

So, fellow workers take note, the Bourgeois Labour party is no friend of ours.
The sad fact is that which ever party forms the government, we, the workers are shafted every time!!