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A cooperative conglomerate, also known as a super-mutual in the United Kingdom, is a conglomerate of various cooperatives, often from more than one industry. These mutualized companies, often worker cooperatives, may join together under a larger cooperative governance for the stability and flexibility of the workforce; under such setups, as in the commonplace corporate conglomerates, workers will enjoy a larger social safety net for their skills and welfare in the larger cooperative if their jobs in one subsidiary co-op are made redundant, and can be easily transferred to other subsidiaries, while still retaining their rights and liberties as equal shareholders in the larger cooperative.

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Article in the news
Venesat-1 is the first Venezuelan satellite. It was launched at 16:53 UTC on October 29, 2008 by a Chinese Chang Zheng 3B launch vehicle from the People’s Republic of China's Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC). The satellite is built by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). VENESAT-1 is the UN official designation. In Venezuela it is named "Simon Bolivar" to commemorate Latin America's 19th Century independence leader. It is PRC's first contract of manufacture and space launching service for a Latin American nation.
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Current events
  • Giovanni, guitarist of anarcho-punk band Drömdead is murdered by a gang in Caracas. [1]
  • 160 minors confined in the same cell at Pagani Detention Center (Greece), start a hunger strike. [2]
  • Two gay people are killed in Israel after shootings at the Tel Aviv Gay and Lesbian Association. Hundreds have protested and rallied against these murders. Gay rights activist Mike Hamel blamed religiously-driven hatred of gay people. "Beyond the pain, the frustration and the anger, we are facing a situation in which the incitement to hate creates an environment that allows this to happen," Hamel said.[3]
  • Eleven workers at the Vestas factory in Newport, Isle of Wight, England, who occupied their plants to protest against closure, were fired by the management without offer of redundancy pay.[4]
  • Tensions between North Korea and South Korea are rising. North Korea accused South of being confrontational and said it is scrapping military and political agreements signed with Seoul. [5][6]
  • Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15-year-old boy, is killed by police in Greece triggering riots. [7]
  • The United Nations is concerned over "systematic and widespread" killings of civilians by Colombia's US-backed security forces. Navanethem Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said that the 'extrajudicial killings' by Colombian forces could categorize it as 'crime against humanity'.[8]

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