
Police State Britain - no one can be trusted

A quick flick thorough today’s British papers shows Police State Britain is functioning well.

The Telegraph today tells us the familiar story of Jared Ahmad, 27, arrested after completing a 20-minute journey to Salford Crescent, Greater Manchester. He claims, and I don’t doubt him, having been in that predicament myself, he was unable to buy a ticket because there was no ticket machine at the station at which he got on the train, and no conductor on board his train.

In their wisdom, the ever vigilant British Transport Police arrested him, banged him up in cell and took both his fingerprints and a sample of DNA. Both will now be stored on a national police database. There again, he did have a non-British, Moslem-sounding sounding name.

The Mail informs us that two pensioners, Mr and Mrs Richards, the latter wheelchair bound, were accosted by shopping centre security guards in Hull. The guards spotted 79-year-old Anthony Richards taking a photograph of his wife at the entrance of a new £200 million retail centre and were having none of it. They were ordered to put the camera away.

Mr Richards and his wife Betty were told the ban on people taking photos was to stop terrorists gathering intelligence, and staff were instructed to follow "anyone acting suspiciously".

There you go then, how suspicious can you get? You just can’t be too careful these days. Those pensioners might well have uploaded those snaps to the internet for Al Qaeda to see.

Mr Richards rightly observed it was load of bollocks: “It's quite ridiculous. It makes you wonder what is happening to the world. They don't stop people taking photographs in Paris of the Eiffel Tower or the Millennium wheel in London.”

This said, me and another comrade, out getting stock footage for a socialist video we were planning, did get pounced on four times by cops who ordered us to stop filming or face arrest, on one occasion taking our names and radioing them in to se if they tallied – in Trafalgar Square, outside the Houses of Parliament, across the river from the Houses of Parliament and just up from Buck House.

I digress…Shopping centre manager David Laycock backed his guards' vigilance. He said: "It's our duty of care to check that all pictures taken are for legitimate reasons. Photographic reconnaissance is a proven potential risk," he said. "It is not realistic for security staff to assess who might be taking photographs innocently or otherwise. “

Again, utter bollocks. Anyone ever been on Google Earth? You can bloody well zoom into any building in Britain, and quite close up, and measure distances in feet and inches of all the alleys and back roads in the vicinity. Any terrorist wanting to attack a shoppie could get the lay-out in five minutes flat. You can even zoom into Guantanamo Bay!

Mr Richards, meanwhile should thank his lucky stars his name is not Ahmed. They’d have had him in a headlock, handcuffed and his DNA taken in a jiffy.


Anonymous said...

Crazy stuff. Good blog.