
Beware hidden Tory cutbacks

THE main emphasis from all three parties in the election was the economy as to where to cut and where to spend.

Lurking in the background of the Tory plans is to use a term: "We will make a bonfire with Labour's laws".

So what do they mean? They have made no secret that they want to abolish law relating to the social chapter which gives rights to employees such as working hours. Industries like nursing and bakery workers all have access to sensible and less-stressful shift patterns. The Tories objected to this. Let's not forget they still do.

They plan to amend the law where the Health and Safety Executive can carry out inspections in industries where an investigation is already under way.

The HSE would not be allowed to carry out its independent audit.

I am sure that a lot of cases for injury compensation have been won due to the involvement of the HSE and let's not forget their legal powers have made the workplace a safer place to be. Departments like these will be targets for the Tories.

They have said very little on the minimum wage. They opposed it from the beginning and they don't like it now. The companies who support their campaign are these same companies who said the minimum wage would destroy them. All of them are retail industries once noted for paying low wages.

Voters beware if they have made donations to the Tory campaign coffers they will want something back in return.

I believe somewhere buried in their plans is to give companies the right to withdraw from paying the minimum wage because of the economic crisis, but I don't think these companies will exploit the idea do you?

Finally there is the issue of foxhunting, that tribal pursuit enjoyed by the wealthiest pillars in our society. They will certainly want a return for their support.

I don't think that there's a place for this sort of thing to adorn biscuit and toffee tins at Christmas.

BARRIE LEWIS Bestwood Road Hucknall

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