Girl, 13, attacked by fox which ripped open her tent while she camped with friends in garden

By Dan Newling
Last updated at 11:09 PM on 29th July 2010

A schoolgirl has told how she was attacked by a fox as she camped with two friends in her parents' suburban garden.

Bethany Blackburn, 13, was rushed to hospital after the animal slashed a hole in the canvas and bit her foot.

Before it struck it had spent more than two hours clawing at the sides of the tent but Bethany and her friends had treated its attention as a bit of fun.

Terrifying attack: Bethany Blackburn was bitten by a fox as she camped in her back garden with friends

Terrifying attack: Bethany Blackburn was bitten by a fox as she camped in her back garden with her friends

Fear: Bethany (centre) was with her friends Amie, left, and Sherice, right when the attack occurred

Fear: Bethany (centre) was with her friends Amie, left, and Sherice, right when the attack occurred

Their amusement turned to terror, however, when it lashed out.

Bethany screamed and blood started to gush from her left foot but the fox remained in the tent.

It sat, snarling, in the porch area, only turning tail when Bethany's mother, who the desperate schoolgirl had alerted on her mobile phone, switched on the kitchen light and came out to investigate.

The shocking incident happened on Sunday night in a suburban garden in Long Ditton, Surrey.

Wound: The bite mark on Bethany's foot

Wound: The bite mark on Bethany's foot

It comes after nine-month-old twins Isabella and Lola Koupparis were left with 'life-changing' injuries after a fox attacked them in their cots in East London last month.

Bethany's mother Melanie said yesterday that her daughter and friends had previously spent up to a week camping outside, and had never had any problems with foxes.

Wild: The fox had been clawing at the tent for two hours before it struck

Wild: The fox had been clawing at the tent for two hours before it struck

She said: 'Foxes have been coming into the garden for the past year, but normally they run away as soon as you see them.

'To be honest, we never really thought of them as dangerous. That's all changed now, though. I've got a four-year-old boy and now I keep the back door shut all the time. And no-one will spend the night in the tent again.'

Bethany and her two friends, Amie Clark, 14, and Sherice Perry, 13, had eaten supper indoors and did not take any food out to the tent with them. The only drink they had was a bottle of water.

Nonetheless, the fox was fascinated by the girls' presence, and from around 10pm started to sniff around the tent. At that stage the girls were unworried but later, as Bethany was dozing off, she heard it rustling again.

'The next thing I felt was something biting my foot. It clamped its jaws down and bit through my sock into my heel and the top of my foot.

'It was so painful, I was shaking with fear. There was blood everywhere. We didn't know what to do.'

Mrs Blackburn, 34, added: 'I heard about the two babies who were attacked by a fox, but I didn't pay too much attention to it.

'I always thought that foxes were not dangerous. But now I'm frightened to let my children out in the garden.'


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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All of these stories in the news about foxes attacking people are hyped up in order to promote a lift on the fox-hunting ban.

Click to rate     Rating   200

Enough with these pathetic "attack" stories. My cat and dog have given me worse scars than that! How do we know it was a fox and not just a big cat? I did like the point about wheelie bins removing a food source for foxes. We don't seem to have that problem over here and we have foxes, coyotes, etc. Personally I think these people are all attention seekers who should spend their time more constructively!

Click to rate     Rating   189

For the most part foxes are actually harmless and shy, and yes I've lived in the countryside. This story is just a rare occurance, as were those twins that got attacked by a fox.

They simply want to eat and live. Just like every other living creature on this earth. Please stop the anti-fox sensationalism.. it's so dumb.

Click to rate     Rating   270

My crown just fell out ..
I wonder if a fox came in prior and loosened it ..

Click to rate     Rating   135

What next.....young person stung by BEE, scratched by CAT, STUBS TOE, GETS CAUGHT IN THE RAIN.......for crying out loud.....

Click to rate     Rating   344

Daily Mail, this is silly.

The percentage of people want it banned like it should be, your stories won't change most people who have a brains view.

Click to rate     Rating   194

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