Parents of twins mauled by fox gets police guard after web attacks by animal rights activists

By Neil Sears
Last updated at 12:07 AM on 14th June 2010

The family whose babies were savaged by a fox in their cots are being given police protection over fears of an attack by animal rights activists.

Nine-month-old twins Lola and Isabella Koupparis were taken to hospital with 'life- changing' injuries that left them looking like 'something out of a horror movie' after a fox crept through patio doors left open nine days ago.

Isabella has only just been taken out of intensive care and is likely to be in hospital for at least another week, while Lola was allowed home on Friday, with facial scars and a bandaged arm.

Nicholas Koupparis with baby Lola

Nicholas Koupparis returns with baby Lola to their home after visiting her twin Isabella in hospital yesterday

Police who arrived at the Koupparis family's £800,000 three- storey Victorian terrace within minutes photographed a fox skulking on the patio, and East London's Hackney council has since trapped and killed four foxes in the garden.

No officials have suggested there is anything questionable about Pauline Koupparis's graphic account of hearing her daughters' screams, before finding a fox in their room.

But internet gossips have since made wild allegations about the incident, claiming there is no evidence that a fox was involved.

Pauline Koupparis with daughter Lola

Pauline Koupparis with daughter Lola on Friday

Some, writing on a website called Urban Fox Defender, suggest the case is being used as propaganda in the campaign to bring back foxhunting, which was banned under the Labour government.

Mrs Koupparis, a fashion designer and former senior executive with British Home Stores, says she will campaign to help protect infants from foxes. There is no evidence to suggest she has any links to hunting.

At the weekend, a Scotland Yard spokesman said it was not aware of any specific threats against the Koupparis family but there was 'concern' about internet aggression.

A police source said: 'We are aware that there is a potential threat', and an officer has been assigned to guard the family's home.


Intruder: A blurry picture of the fox suspected of mauling the nine-month-old girls taken soon after the incident


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

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Only in the Uk are vermine more important than humans,people who prefer animals to humans are sick, sad ,lonely people, with no social skills.Get well soon little babies.
- welshy, Llandudno, 13/6/2010 12:28

What great insight and an interesting way of spelling 'vermin' which, incidently the fox is not classified as such by DEFRA. Vermin means an overpopulated species which spreads disease. Add violence to that and we humans qualify at the top. The comments on here about foxes being 'sly' and killing for pleasure (they probably go the pub and watch TV as well) are ridiculous and primitive. The man who said a fox killed his chicken obviously did not house them properly. I would not leave the back door open while I watched TV with infants at the top of the house. Incidently most London Councils welcome foxes as part of London wildlife. For those who want a cull at any cost, look to our city centres or A&E where you will find plenty of threatening animals reeking of drink.

Click to rate     Rating   4

Animal right activists are very evil people and the police take them very very seriously.
When they targeted one of the local vets there was a line 20 OFFICERS LONG IN FULL RIOT GEAR INCLUDING SHIELDS to protect us totally innocent customers from taking animals to this surgery for treatment
we were THE ENEMY because we used this vet.
in all this sad saga these are THE VERMIN not the poor foxes

Click to rate     Rating   41

Some animal rights activists are more dangerous than the foxes.

Even one child's life is one too many.

Click to rate     Rating   65

Doesn't take much to set off the Daily Mail readers does it?
In case they can't read, I quote:
"Scotland Yard said it was not aware of a specific threat against the family"
So all of these posters getting all upset need to take a chill pill and read the story before accusing animal rights activists as being mindless thugs.
- Dave Sampson, London,

They're not interested in hearing the truth Dave, the mob mentality has well and truely set in I'm afraid.
Clearly the majority of people posting on here didn't read the article, they just overreacted to the inaccurate and misleading headline.
Many of the comments on here about animal right's supporter's are ridiculously stereotypical and ignorant (with people labeling them as 'uneducated', 'travellers' and 'the great unwashed').
Most of these commentators are blissfully unaware they're being manipulated by the media, ahead of Cameron's attempt to repeal the hunting ban.
If you contradict them, you're red-arrowed immediately.

Click to rate     Rating   25

"Mrs Koupparis, a fashion designer and former senior executive with British Home Stores, says she will campaign to help protect infants from foxes."

But hers are the only infants who have been mauled by foxes?

Click to rate     Rating   35

Of course the parents are not lying or trying to get media attention. They are obviously genuinely scared and concerned for their babies.

What needs to be considered is the culling of foxes. If there was a mass outbreak of foxes attacking children then a cull would have to be an option BUT we have to remember that this was a million to one chance with 99% of foxes harmlessly roaming the streets trying to find food for their babies.

If we start vindicating these animals you will have people needlessly abusing and torturing them which would be terrible.

Can't we just put things into perspective, just for once?

Click to rate     Rating   34

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