Cruiser on fire #g20 #riots
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Lucinda_Ellis 1 day ago
Wow! I guess now we know that all that money spent on security was necessary! Fools!
aspbergers123 2 days ago
And for the record it was a Drp not a tp
aspbergers123 2 days ago
@Cell144 the judge will say ' sorry my friend u can't sue tps what the fuck do u think happens when u beat on a cop and throw stuff' personally I had the shit kicked out of me of me a few years ago by a cop. I won't be sueing because I know I provoked it.
rob_sharwood 2 days ago
"DEMONstrators" are total vandals and idiots, IQs below room temperature
Cell144 2 days ago
Toronto will lose more $ in police brutality lawsuits. Which says something about why it's ablaze.
ethanfeldman 3 days ago
RyGuy009 3 days ago
What a waist of a perfectly good police cruiser.
adammacisaac 3 days ago
Triple lines of riot police blocking protesters but "magically" cop cars get left in march area.
naughtyweds 3 days ago
doggybytes 3 days ago
What a bunch of effin idiots!
meede 3 days ago
The civil protestors should pull the masks off of these morons and expose them. They hide behind their mask. Little boys - little dicks.
meede 3 days ago
Time to cut the Black Bloc off at the knees. They fly in, cause trouble and take off. This will cost the small businesses and main street people - not those these morons protest against. Their brains are fried. Police should pound the shit out of them.
GiltonScherzy 3 days ago
oh my good =O
SilentSpace 3 days ago
to serve & protect "the dynastic plutocratic families"
dieselboy28 3 days ago
The government already spent over a billion in taxpayer money, not to mention the loss of business activity. What is another couple hundred thousand, or even a few million. Put it in perspective.
BioWolff 3 days ago
What does this demonstrate? That the demonstrators are hypocrites.
greggle 3 days ago
Idiots! And we wonder why security cost so much...
msLadygee 3 days ago
lyssap89 3 days ago
Because causing damage that will cost thousands upon thousands of dollars is really getting your point across.....IDIOTS!
Karen445 3 days ago
Oh my fucking god. THIS IS CRAZY. I live right in downtown area and it's a GHOST TOWN. NO one is on the streets.
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Posted on June 26, 2010
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