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G-20 Toronto: Restrictive Canadian border requirements leveled against G-20-bound journalists
"Terrorizing Dissent" and "Democracy 101" director targeted on way to cover Toronto protests

JUNE 24TH/2:31PM EST—In a telephone conversation with the RNC '08 Report, protest film-maker Vlad Teichberg—director of the 2008 RNC documentary Terrorizing Dissent, and 2009 G-20 documentary Democracy 101—described his experiences at the border with Canada, while on his way to cover the G-20 in Canada, taking place this weekend.

Teichberg and Shelby Voice, a colleague from the Brooklyn, New York-based Glassbead Collective, were greeted by Canadian border officials who told him "We have your picture" and, after a brief discussion, were refused entry to Canada pending fulfillment of an extensive list of documentation requirements—see photograph below—before they would be allowed to enter Canada.

Requirements circled by Canadian immigration officials on the form given to Teichberg and Voice included:

3. PROOF OF FOREIGN RESIDENCE (recent rent receipts, copy of mortgage, deed, various utility bills),

4. EVIDENCE OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT (bank statements, savings/chequing account, transaction books, income tax forms, etc)

5. EVIDENCE OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (current stubs from unemployment insurance, welfare, disability pension, etc)

6. EVIDENCE PERTAINING TO EDUCATIONAL TIES/APPLICATION TO STUDY IN CANADA (valid school ID, letter from school official, letter of acceptance, outline & duration of course(s), proof of student loan/funds, etc)

8. CONFIRMED MEANS OF DEPARTURE FROM CANADA (airline, bus, train tickets with time and date indicated)

9. SUFFICIENT FUNDS OR ADEQUATE ARRANGEMENTS FOR YOUR INTENDED TRIP (cash, travellers cheques, letter from your Canadian host stating that they will provide for your financial & medical support/accommodations)

10. DESTINATION IN CANADA (address, telephone number, name of relative or friend)

Teichberg called the RNC '08 Report from the U.S.-Canada border at Niagara Falls, where he and Voice were busy producing the materials with the goal of trying again to enter Canada to cover protests outside the Summit, which takes place June 26-27, 2010.

The RNC '08 Report, which has worked with Teichberg on a variety of documentary projects since the 2008 RNC, will continue to follow the story and post updates as news breaks.

UPDATE: Teichberg and Voice both were ultimately granted entry into Canada.

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For more information about independent journalism and protest coverage, see the Documentaries section of the RNC '08 Report, and read Nigel Parry's "From St. Paul to Pittsburgh: Citizen Media is Not a Crime".

UPDATE: Teichberg and Voice both were ultimately granted entry into Canada.

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Key People
BOSTROM, Matt (Assistant Police Chief of St. Paul), CHOI, John (St. Paul City Attorney), COLEMAN, Christopher B. (St. Paul Mayor), DARBY, Brandon (A.K.A. "CHS 1", paid informant who infiltrated Austin protesters), DARST, Andrew (A.K.A. "Panda", "CRI 2", paid informant who infiltrated RNC Welcoming Committee), DEPALMA, Matthew (Michigan Molotov Case), DOLAN, Tim (Minneapolis Police Chief), FLETCHER, Bob (Ramsey County Sheriff), GAERTNER, Susan (Ramsey County Attorney), GOODMAN, Amy (Democracy Now, arrested Sept 1st), GROSS, Michelle (Communities United Against Police Brutality), HARRINGTON, John (St. Paul Police Chief), HEFFELFINGER, Tom (Former U.S. Attorney) and LUGER, Andy (former Assistant U.S. Attorney), HUGHES, Elliot (alleged torture under Ramsey County Sheriff's care), JOHNSON, Jason (Tased in Mears Park on Day 2), KELLY, Mick (Banner carrier shot with projectile at point blank on Day 4/Arrested for distributing leaflets about RNC march at Obama rally), LANE, Leah (abusive arrest on Day 4 captured on CNN and Fox 9), LUBINSKI, Sharon (Assistant Police Chief of Minneapolis), MAHONEY, Dave (Accused of dropping sandbag onto I-94 freeway on Day 1), MULHOLLAND, Ann (St. Paul Deputy Mayor), NESTOR, Bruce (President of National Lawyers Guild, Minnesota Chapter), PAWLENTY, Tim (Governor of Minnesota), ROWLEY, Coleen (retired FBI 9/11 whistle-blower and peace activist), "RNC 8" Arrestees (Monica BICKING, Robert CZERNIK, Garrett FITZGERALD, Luce Guillen GIVINS, Erik OSELAND, Nathanael SECOR, Max SPECTOR, and Eryn TRIMMER), RYBACK, R.T. (Minneapolis Mayor), SMITH, Keith (17-year-old protester allegedly beaten by police on Day 1), SULLIVAN, Karen (Undercover FBI agent who infiltrated the Anti-War Committee), SUNDIN, Jess (March on the RNC organizer, Anti-War Committee), "TEXAS TWO" Arrestees (Bradley Neal CROWDER and David MCKAY), THUNE, Dave (Ward 2 Council Member for St. Paul)

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Important RNC Links
Coldsnap Legal Collective | Communities United Against Police Brutality (CUAPB) | Community RNC Arrestee Support Structure (CRASS) | Friends of the RNC 8 | Glass Bead Collective | Ground Noise and Static documentary | Help Dave Mahoney | The Milwalkee Three | National Lawyers Guild (Minneapolis) | RNC Commission Report & Executive Summary | Support the Texas Two | Terrorizing Dissent documentary | Twin Cities Indymedia
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