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George W Bush and John Paul II Share Vision On Reproductive Health

mercredi 30 juin 2004, par Emmanuelle Piron

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During G.W. Bush's visit to Vatican at the beginning of June, Pope John Paul II expressed his support to Bush's leadership against abortion rights in the US and praised "his commitment to respect life and family". Such an aknowledgement 5 months before the US Election Day has a clear political implication.

During G.W. Bush's visit to Vatican at the beginning of June, Pope John Paul II expressed his support to Bush's leadership against abortion rights in the US and praised "his commitment to respect life and family". Such an aknowledgement 5 months before the US Election Day has a clear political implication. It comforts for instance those US bishops who threatened to deny communion to pro-choice politicians, including John Kerry. Catholics For a Free Choice condemn this "politicizing on sacrament" and recall the US principle of separation between Church and State.
The Pope also praised Bush administration HIV/AIDS prevention policy in Africa, that imposes abstinence as the only valid prevention method. This policy together with the Global Gag Rule (see News/Africa) seriously increase the vulnerability of population to HIV, above all girls and women.
Source : Feminist.org

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Emmanuelle Piron