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ABOVE: Police try and control demonstrators at Barking yesterday
16th June 2010

By Richard Peppiatt

HERO British troops were yesterday spat at by Muslim extremists during a homecoming parade.

More than 100 supporters of Muslims Against Crusades left onlookers sickened as they hurled abuse at the 1st Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment, known as The Vikings.

The soldiers, who lost five men in Afghanistan on a six-month tour, were confronted by the bearded hate mob in Barking, Essex.

But the protesters were soon cowering behind police after furious onlookers and members of the controversial English Defence League surged toward them with chants of “scum” and “traitors”.

Drinkers at a local pub hurled frozen pork sausages at them. Charlene Byrne, 24, whose partner Lance Corporal Scott Hardy, 26, was killed in an explosion, said: “It makes me so angry.”

A friend added: “The only reason these cowards are even allowed to stand here and hurl abuse is because we have brave men and women fighting abroad to protect those freedoms.”

Barking and Dagenham Council leader Liam Smith had asked Home Secretary Theresa May to ban MAC.

Meanwhile, two British soldiers were killed yesterday in shooting incidents in Afghanistan.

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