Sunday, 5 September 2010

Anarcho-blogging roundup #3

I'm not actually away at the moment. However, there have been quite a few interesting comments from others on subjects I haven't got around to talking about myself. As such, I thought I'd offer the third in my (extremely irregular) series of roundups of the anarchist/left-libertarian blogosphere.

Firstly, Adam Ford tells us how the spectre of communism haunts the Chinese Elite, and introduces the brilliant concept of Philosophy in Pubs. His Workers Fightback articles are also worth following.

Bendy Girl is one of several disabled bloggers behind Where's The Benefit? On which, the article on deliberate misinformation and Disability Living Allowance is required reading.

Ann Arky explains the corporate society. She also offers why a European Day of Action is not enough to fight capitalist austerity. In the same vein, Molly Mew offers an Institute for Policy Studies report on the disparity between how the recession affects workers and corporate management.

Purely as a matter of interest, Division By Zero gives us The Anarchist Flowchart.

The Brighton Solidarity Federation have a report on the latest International Workers Association Conference. Their comrades in the local No Borders continue to dissect lies on immigration.

Liverpool Antifascists learn some valuable lessons from the anti-EDL demo in Bradford.

Hannah Kay is currently on a bit of a break, whilst Highlander is imposing his own austerity measures at home. He also isn't overly fond of the Trafford Council Spending Challenge.

Barnsdale Brigade reminds us of the identity of Ian Tomlinson's murderer. They also dissect the myth of CCTV and talk about class war in the classroom.

To round things off with some shameless plugs, check out my series on anarcho-syndicalism over at Property is Theft! An exposition on the question of the middle class and why mutual aid is to be preferred over charity are also worth checking out. Even if I do say so myself.

More substantial blogging will return tomorrow.


Amanda said...

Enough to be getting on with, lol