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David Headley Is A CIA-FBI Agent
By Feroze Mithiborwala

Recent revelations confirm the fact that David Coleman Headley is a CIA-FBI operative whose task was to organize & expedite the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks. Thus the role of the CIA, FBI & Mossad in fomenting & planning the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks are proved beyond doubt & need to be investigated by the patriotic elements within the security apparatus & the media

From Beautiful Nudibranchs To Coral Graveyards
By Dr. Terry Gosliner

For almost three decades I’ve been studying nudibranchs in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. Nudibranchs are beautiful and brightly colored sea slugs that thrive on healthy coral reefs. While that has been exhilarating, it is the changes that I’ve seen on these reefs that make me sit upright in bed in the middle of the night. Climate change is seriously endangering these richest reservoirs of marine biodiversity. Here is my story of some of these alarming changes

Revolution And American Indians: “Marxism Is
As Alien To My Culture As Capitalism”

By Russell Means

The following speech was given by Russell Means in July 1980, before several thousand people who had assembled from all over the world for the Black Hills International Survival Gathering, in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It is Russell Means’s most famous speech

Israeli Police Look To Settlers To Fill Ranks
By Jonathan Cook

As US-sponsored peace talks have stalled over the issue of settlements, Israel's national police force has revealed that it is turning to the very same illegal communities in its first-ever drive to recruit officers from among the settlers

A Tragedy Unfolding For America:
An Indifferent Friend Named Israel

By Ershad Abubacker

Israel is labeled as the most important ally of the United States of America in the Middle East. On many occasions the United States has gone too far to support its strategic ally and to whitewash its crimes against humanity vis-à-vis Palestinians. But the cost America has to bear for supporting Israel and the reprimand this generates will eventually lead to the Israel to become a strategic liability to America than a loyal ally

Knowledge Test On Religion
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui

Nicholas Kristof's religious quiz and some inaccuracies

Only If We Let It
By Sheila Samples

History. Round and round it goes. Will the US and Israel attack Iran? Will history repeat itself? Yes, but only if we let it. The choice is ours

Majority Of POSCO Enquiry Committee
Confirms That POSCO Project Is Illegal

By Abhay Sahoo

Today, three of the four members of the committee set up by the Ministry of Environment and Forests confirmed that the POSCO project is illegal and that all of its clearances were obtained by breaking the law. The Committee has also found that the project has potentially very dangerous impacts on issues like water, air pollution, and the coastline, and none of this was ever properly evaluated

A War Criminal Concluding
The Commonwealth Games
Is The Best It Could Go!

By Avinash Pandey Samar

Maybe the preparation for the games and the most serious violations of the rights of the urban poor in India were a dry run for the upcoming 'projects' of the Indian state to enhance national 'pride'. Maybe India has decided to learn a few lessons from President Rajapaksa. He is presiding over the dismantling of democracy in Sri Lanka. Maybe India is looking forward to the Rajapaksin solution for Kashmir and the North East. It has got the best teacher available then. Welcome Mr Rajapaksa!

Electoral Coup d'Etats
By Stephen Lendman

Electoral Coup d'Etats is a malaise not only in developing countries but also in America

Earthquake Stricken Haitians
Victimized By World Indifference

By Stephen Lendman

Over 10 months post-quake, Haitian suffering continues, victimized by world indifference, contempt, and paralysis, a new Refugees International (RI) report saying they're "Still Trapped in the Emergency Phase."

Lazy Rich People
By Mary Shaw

George W. Bush allegedly told one of his Harvard Business School professors that "poor people are poor because they're lazy." And why, I wonder, are rich people rich, George?

The United States Fights And Pays For
Israel's Wars: Maidhc Ó Cathail

By Kourosh Ziabari

An interview with Maidhc Ó Cathail

U.S Busting Labor Unions In Iraq
By Sherwood Ross

When historians re-examine what went wrong during the U.S. occupation of Iraq, “somewhere on the list will be the administration's indifference, indeed hostility, to Iraqi organized labor. The Iraqi people are paying a price for that attitude.”

A Culture Under Siege
By Zia Ur Rehman

Attacks on Sufi shrines in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa of Pakistan are aimed at parting ways with established cultural norms and constructing a new identity born out of extremism

Constitutional, Legal, Historical,
And Technological Reasons Against
UID//Aadhaar Scheme

By Gopal Krishna

The fact is becoming clearer that UID scheme is a naked declaration of war on civil liberties and natural resources like land

Faith Fact And The Law In Ayodhya:
An Appeal In The National Interest

By S.G.Vombatkere

The obvious peace-based solution is for both the political class and the judiciary to declare the 2.7 acres disputed site and the 77 acres surrounding land under government custody as a "common ground" for both Hindus and Muslims or declare it as an inter-religion sarvadharma sthal or as a national monument for communal harmony. This will surely be acceptable to all Hindus and all Muslims who are stakeholders for peace and harmony

Rural India And Rural China:
Both Battling Against Land Acquisitions

By Devinder Sharma

A bloody protest broke out in Longxu town in Guangxi province in China on Oct 13. According to reports, about a thousand villagers clashed with hundreds of police officials. They battled with homemade gasoline bombs, bricks and rods. They were protesting against an irrigation project. So it is not only in India that people rise against unwanted irrigation projects, China too faces the same problem

Looking At Burma's Forthcoming
General Election From India

By Nava Thakuria

In a media workshop on Burma election as well as the situation of Burmese refugees living in India, over 20 journalists and civil society activists urged New Delhi to take a critical stance on the fairness and inclusiveness of the forthcoming election in Burma and their results

India’s Muslim Social Welfare Schemes Revisited
By Syed Ali Mujtaba

It is the duty of the Muslim community to come forward and form NGO’s and work among the community and help realize the goal. This has to be done with utmost importance; else, various schemes of the government of their socio-economic development may remain unimplemented

In Memory Of Amitava Dasgupta
By Shamsul Islam

Acclaimed peoples’ theatre and music director Amitava Dasgupta, known to his friends as Amit Da, breathed his last on October 9, 2010. With his death India and the world also lost a prominent practitioner of Brechtian genre of theatre

16 October, 2010

Growing Conflict Over Arctic Resources
And The Threat Of A Climate Catastrophe

By Dr. Peter Custers

The Moscow Forum on the Arctic seemed a rather surrealistic event. For the Arctic circle is the very region where the drama of the world’s climate catastrophe threatens being enacted. Two of the natural phenomena which scientists describe when speaking of ‘tipping points‘, of natural changes that in the future will speed up the pace of climate change, occur in the Arctic circle and its surroundings

The State Of Bla-Bla-Bla
By Uri Avnery

Will Germany enact a law that demands that every Turk aspiring to citizenship swear allegiance to the “German Federal Republic, the Nation-State of the German People”? Sounds like a ridiculous idea

Smothered By Settlements
By Mustafa Barghouthi

The only way to save the two-state solution is for the Palestinians to declare the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, including East Jerusalem, and to demand that the world community recognize it and its borders — as it did in the case of Kosovo

Pentagon Author Exposes Zelikow's Key Role
In 9/11 Cover-Up

By Maidhc Ó Cathail

In an interview on the Fox Business Network , a retired U.S. intelligence officer accused the official in charge of the 9/11 Commission of a cover-up of intelligence failures leading up to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001

New Hearing Set For Sami Al-Arian
By Stephen Lendman

On October 29, 2010, a new hearing will be held before federal Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia to decide whether criminal contempt charges will be pursued or dropped

All Party Deception
By Tariq Shah

Kashmir continues to be India’s indescribable nightmare, and New Delhi has its own follies to blame. The political engineers in New Delhi have yet again demonstrated, if any evidence was needed, the bankruptcy of their political vision on the dispute of Kashmir. They have unimaginatively chosen to tread the weather beaten path of the bygone era: the dillydallying tactics

Our Census, Our Future
By Ashok Yadav

After lots of struggle within and without parliament the union cabinet on 09 September, 2010 decided that Census, 2011 would be casteless, that Census would take place as per the schedule in February-March, that a separate caste-only headcount would take place in June-September, that data collected during separate caste enumeration would be handed over to a group of experts to analyze the same and derive conclusions

Ayodhya Akharas: The Politics
And Culture Of Conflicts

By M. Hasan

As a stakeholder in peace and communal harmony, I find the present politics and culture of conflict unacceptable making Ayodhya an akhara ‘free for all ground’, hampering foundations of ‘temples’ of development, equity and justice. Indian stakeholders in peace and harmony must be counted and heard

15 October, 2010

WikiLeaks' Funding Blocked
By David Leigh & Rob Evans

The whistleblowing group WikiLeaks claims that it has had its funding blocked and that it is the victim of financial warfare by the US government. Moneybookers, a British-registered internet payment company that collects WikiLeaks donations, emailed the organisation to say it had closed down its account because it had been put on an official US watchlist and on an Australian government blacklist

On The Road With Ahmadinejad In Lebanon
By Franklin Lamb

He came, he saw, he conquered

My Oath To Israel’s “Jewish Democracy”
By Jonathan Cook

Next in Lieberman's sights, of course, are all of Israel's 1.3 million Palestinians, who will be expected to become Zionists or face a loss of citizenship and possibly expulsion. I may be one of the first non-Jews to make this pledge, but many are sure to be forced to follow me

Loyalty Oath Initiators Sending Clear Message
To Arab Israelis

By Ahmad Tibi

Until Israel starts to treat the Palestinians, whoever they are, as equals, including the ones living within it as citizens, and until it recognizes their rights for this land, we shall all continue to be stuck in place and say with great degree of accuracy that Israel is indeed Jewish and democratic – democratic to the Jews, and Jewish to the Arabs

The Biggest Climate Conference
You’ve Never Heard Of

By Anirvan Chatterjee

The world watched last year’s climate talks in Copenhagen with hope and trepidation. We spent the past two weeks following the ICAO Assembly, the aviation sector’s climate talks in Montreal with equal anticipation. Unlike Copenhagen, there was little coverage, and very limited civil society participation. And now that it’s over, despite most parties calling it a success, we have to conclude that it’s bad news

Future Chaos: There Is No "Plan B"
By Chris Martenson

The hard news is that there is no "Plan B." The future is likely to be more chaotic than you probably think. This was the primary conclusion that I came to after attending the most recent Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas (ASPO) in Washington, DC in October, 2010

'Know-How', 'Know-What' And The Politics Of
Knowledge For Social Change

By Michael Edwards

In an age when wealth and power present a more diffuse and benign face to the world, the soft authority of knowledge is ever more important as a force for social change. The politics of knowledge – how ideas are created, used and disseminated – represents a key issue for the social change community

The Tide Has Changed: A Musical Essay
And A Lesson In Humanity

By Ramzy Baroud

If one tried to fit music compositions into an equivalent literary style, Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble’s latest release would come across as a most engaging political essay: persuasive, argumentative, rational, original, imaginative and always unfailingly accessible

The Case Against Fluoride: Toxifying The Tap
By Rady Ananda

Both the book, The Case Against Fluoride , and the film, Professional Perspectives on Water Fluoridation , provide citizens with sound science to use when demanding that city officials end this “unethical, unnecessary, ineffective and dangerous” practice. Meanwhile, fluoride filtration systems can be purchased for home installation, ranging from around $50 a year to several hundred dollars

The Cuban 5: Victims Of US State Terrorism
By Stephen Lendman

The Five and many hundreds of other US political prisoners bear testimony to America's judicial unfairness, imprisoning innocent men and women for political advantage in violation of constitutional and fundamental international human rights laws, ones US authorities repeatedly flout with impunity

Israeli Policies Are Manifestly Evil: Philip Giraldi
By Kourosh Ziabari

An interview with Philip Giraldi a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. Now, he chairs the Council for the National Interest as the Executive Director

Letting The Crooks Off The Hook:
How The AP Debt-Swap Model Bails Out MFIs

By Devinder Sharma

The proposed ordinance looks to be an outcome of concern. As the Indian Express (Oct 14, 2010) states: 'A special ordinance approved today by the Andhra Pradesh Cabinet to regulate micro-finance institutions (MFIs) is likely to provide for a debt-swapping arrangement wherein high cost debt of MFI customers could be swapped with low interest bearing loans by banks.'

14 October, 2010

Chile's Ghosts Are Not Being Rescued
By John Pilger

The rescue of 33 miners in Chile is an extraordinary drama filled with pathos and heroism. It is also a media windfall for the Chilean government, whose every beneficence is recorded by a forest of cameras. One cannot fail to be impressed. However, like all great media events, it is a facade

Top Ten Questions About Chile Mine Collapse
By Juan Cole

The corporate mass media (especially television) did not treat the Chilean mine collapse as a labor story but rather as a feel-good human interest story. It not only avoided asking hard questions about why the near-disaster occurred and why the mine workers could be treated like guinea pigs by their employers, it actively obscured these questions

The Brave Chilean Miners
By Partha Banerjee

This episode unfolding in a distant corner of the world forced corporate media to tell the story to us all, as is, even though they did their best to censor some important points. It is now our role to fill people in with the missing information and analysis

We Worked: Pictures From The Biggest
Day Of Climate Action In History

By Bill McKibben

Amazing stories and pictures from 350.org Global Work Party

By Sherwood Ross

By assigning covert action roles to the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), it is as if the White House and Congress had legitimized the Ku Klux Klan to operate globally. That's because the CIA today resembles nothing so much as the “Invisible Empire” of the KKK that once spread terror across the South and Midwest. Fiery crosses aside, this is what the CIA is doing globally

Israeli Forces Test Transfer Scenario
By Jonathan Cook

Israel secretly staged a training exercise last week to test its ability to quell any civil unrest that might result from a peace deal with the Palestinian Authority requiring the forcible transfer of many Arab citizens, the Israeli media has reported

The Israeli Knesset's Anti-Democratic Agenda
By Stephen Lendman

The upcoming winter Knesset session promises worse, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel's Debby Gild-Hayo (ACRI) reviewing what's expected in a report titled, "Harming Democracy in the Heart of Democracy." Ahead of the upcoming session, it addressed several expected anti-democratic legislations

What Are Our Alternatives To The Corporate
Controlled Political Parties?

By Timothy V. Gatto

Maybe it’s time we all started to look at political power in a whole new way before we find ourselves incinerated or facing a nuclear winter because of the belligerent policies of Washington. We can become serfs or control our own destiny, this is the challenge

Islamic Identity In Secular India
By Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer

In this complex web of castism, communalism and regionalism it is secularism which gives hope for unity and co-existence. Not only minorities but a large number of majority Hindus also realize this and Islamic identity in secular India faces acute crisis in certain critical phases but also guarantees their safety and security as well as progress

A Trail Of Blood Follows The Peasant Struggles
In Punjab

By Narinder Kumar Jeet

The money-lenders are now letting loose their hired goondas to silence the farmers organizations, with full backing of the rulers

Forced Evictions Due To Commonwealth Games
Violate Human Rights

By Housing And Land Rights Network

The preparations for Delhi’s Commonwealth Games (CWG) have witnessed a range of human rights violations of the city’s working poor, including the homeless, beggars, street vendors, and construction workers. The process has also been marred by financial mismanagement, embezzlement of public funds, and lack of accountability. One of the least reported violations, however, has been the forced eviction and demolition of the homes of thousands of Delhi’s residents

13 October, 2010

US Corn Prices Surge
By Naomi Spencer

Driven by frenzied trading on the Chicago Board of Trade, US corn prices rose by 8.5 percent on Friday, the largest one-day increase since 1973. Over a two-day period, corn increased by more than 15 percent before easing slightly to 12.7 percent, a two-year high. Wheat, soybeans and other basic agricultural products have also soared, threatening a global food crisis like that of 2007-08

"GI's Brains Fried By Military Dispensed
Nose Candy"

By Bob Nichols

Researchers have shown that uranium oxide, or DU, “travels the nerves from the nose to the brain,” in the words of a University of Chicago doc and researcher. A tiny amount (a milligram) of this radioactive poison quick marches up your smelling nerves right into your brain and keeps firing 1.2 Million bullets a day – forever

US Committed To Israel As ‘Jewish State’
By Jason Ditz

“We recognize the special nature of the Israeli state. It is a state for the Jewish people,” declared spokesman P.J. Crowley. Crowley added that it was a “core demand of the Israeli government, which we support.”

Netanyahu Asking Palestinians
To Cede Right Of Return

By Akiva Eldar

Netanyahu understands that a Palestinian leadership prepared to recognize Israel as a Jewish state is tantamount to an up-front concession on the Palestinian right of return

Palin Fear-Mongers On Iran, Sharia
By Juan Cole

Republican gadfly Sarah Palin said in an interview with Newsmax Tuesday that Russia should be warned against helping Iran because if Iran got a nuclear weapon it would bring about Armageddon. She also warned against the imposition of what she called Muslim sharia law on Americans and said they would never put up with it

Gaza:But The Coffins Do Come In
By Mohammed Omer

Samir Tahseen Al-Nadeem died after waiting 35 days for an exit permit for treatment for his heart condition. He was 26. The medicines he needed could not get in. But the coffins do. The health ministry now lists 375 deaths due to shortage of life-saving medicines

Economics Of Needs And Limits
By Frank Rotering

An introduction to the Economics of Needs and Limits, or ENL

Abolishing The War System: The Big Picture
By Michael N. Nagler

The patina of glory that surrounds war is wearing off. Is this the beginning of the end of the war mindset?

The Witch Of Hebron And The Myth Of
Post-Peak Uniformity

By Carolyn Baker

A review of Peak Oil theorist James Howard Kunstler's novel "The Witch of Hebron"

MFIs: The Growth Of 'Blood Money'
By Devinder Sharma

In the last few days, at least 24 women who received micro-finance have committed suicide in Andhra Pradesh alone. This is only the visible tip of the invisible iceberg of misery that micro-finance inflicts

Hijacking Britain: A Close Look At
The Pro-Israeli Lobbies Inside Britain

By Ershad Abubacker

The pro-Israeli lobbies are a decisive factor in most European countries and its influence is felt manifold in Britain

United States Of America:
Need To Strive For Amity

By Ram Puniyani

The image of Muslims is being tarred badly in US. In short and long term it will have very adverse impact on intercommunity relations and the democratic norms. Will US Government and society wake up to this threat to democracy. This anti- Muslim, Anti-Islam propaganda is not only tormenting the Muslims in US, but is attacking the democratic norms of America. The right wing propaganda, though catchy and appealing in the short term, as a matter of fact is a serious erosion of the humane and democratic values of our civilization

Boston University's Islamophobic
Pro-Israeli Conference

By Stephen Lendman

Like Yale last August, BU lent its name to a two day hate fest, featuring Islamophobes supporting apartheid, lawlessness, aggressive wars, isolation, land theft, dispossessions, mass imprisonment, torture, targeted assassinations, and decades of slow-motion genocide of Palestinian civilians. For 48 hours, truth, equity and justice were nowhere in sight. Complicit BU was the venue for the worst of hatemongering viciousness

Nobel Politics
By Stephen Lendman

Many other countries, including China, have theirs. Israel for one, that at any time holds up to 12,000 or more, including women and young children, unfairly subjecting them to torture, abuse and humiliation - issues Nobel Committee members ignore and won't recognize as a way to condemn rogue practices, expose their lawlessness, and support equal justice everywhere vigorously. Instead, choosing Liu bashes China politically

Democracy Is Coming..To The USA
By Timothy V. Gatto

Are Americans so different than those living in South America? Time will tell. The left has yet to come together as one voice but the rumbling is getting louder. Change will come, make no mistake about it. Change will come from the bottom up and it may very well look like the changes that have swept across Latin America

Ayodhya: Burial Of Justice
By Avinash Pandey Samar

What better place than the grave of a mosque could a 'secular democracy' find to bury justice?

Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan: An Inspirational
Social Scientist

By Nasim Yousaf

A tribute to Dr. Akhtar Hameed Khan, a pioneer in the disciplines of rural development and poverty alleviation as well as microfinance on his 11th death anniversary

12 October, 2010

Israel's New Loyalty Oath
By Stephen Lendman

Since inception, Israel's democracy was illusory, but of late it's further eroded. The Cabinet's October 10 adopted Law of Citizenship amendment requires all non-Jews wanting it to pledge loyalty to "the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state," its latest anti-democratic measure. Voting 22 - 8, it evoked protests from Israeli artists, writers and intellectuals in front of Tel Aviv's Independence Hall against "the continuous erosion of Israeli democracy."

The Smell Of Apartheid: Israel's Citizenship Law
By Yacov Ben Efrat

The government has approved the proposal for an amendment to the Citizenship Law, according to which anyone requesting Israeli citizenship will have to declare loyalty to Israel as a “Jewish and democratic” state. This amendment is perceived by many to be an unnecessary provocation against the country's Arab population

Israel's Loyalty Oath: Disciminatory By Design
By The Guardian

The question that lies behind this is why, and why now? Are these the actions of a nation prepared to make a historical compromise, end occupation and live in peace with its neighbourhood? If they are and we are all wildly misinterpreting this, why alienate and incite the very people who could have helped by their example bring a historic settlement about, people who have accepted the existence of Israel, who have never in their history taken up arms against it?

37 Years After The October War
By Salim Nazzal

In the Arab orient they call it Tichreen war, in Egypt they call it October war, in other parts of the Arab world they call it Ramadan war, in Israel they call Yom Kippur war, in other parts of the world they call it the 1973 war, all these names are to name the war that took place 37 years ago between Arabs and Israel. The question is how to place this war in the Arab history

The Promise Of Fusion: Energy Miracle Or Mirage?
By Alex Salkever

The U.S. has invested billions of dollars trying to create a controlled form of nuclear fusion that could be the energy source for an endless supply of electricity. But as a federal laboratory prepares for a key test, major questions remain about pulling off this long-dreamed-of technological feat

On Climate Models, The Case For
Living With Uncertainty

By Fred Pearce

As climate science advances, predictions about the extent of future warming and its effects are likely to become less — not more — precise. That may make it more difficult to convince the public of the reality of climate change, but it hardly diminishes the urgency of taking action

Soils And Souls: The Promise Of The Land
By Robert Jensen

While evil lurks in many places, it is most concentrated in fossil fuels. Perennial polycultures can deliver us from that evil

China’s Pipelineistan “War”
By Pepe Escobar

Future historians may well agree that the twenty-first century Silk Road first opened for business on December 14, 2009. That was the day a crucial stretch of pipeline officially went into operation linking the fabulously energy-rich state of Turkmenistan (via Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) to Xinjiang Province in China’s far west

Every Tattoo Tells A Story And Expresses
The True Ken O'Keefe

By Eileen Fleming

"Our greatest responsibility is to hand over a better world to all children, and the 800,000 children in Gaza, are my children. I would rather die in pursuit of justice than back down. How can anyone accept the unacceptable!"

Currency War: To Be or Not To Be
By Farooque Chowdhury

It is now currency theatre. Exchange rates are policy weapon. A currency war is raging. The war is still to rage. Opinions differ

The Killing Ways Of Micro-Finance
By Devinder Sharma

Devinder Sharma's suggestions to end the killing ways of Micro-Finance

The Ayodhya Verdict: Beyond The Liberal
Brahmanic Framework

By Feroze Mithiborwala

The Ayodhya Verdict was a judicial demolition and justification of the destruction of the Babri Masjid. The verdict is basically a mockery and stands in utter contempt of the Indian constitution, as was the demolition. The verdict is an affront to the very vision of an India that is rooted in it's secular and plural values. The judgment has set an unprecedented precedent by giving precedence to belief or aastha over law. A civil title suit was reduced to a theological verdict. This is the process whereby the Brahmanic Manusmriti increasingly gains precedence over the Ambedkarite Constitution

The Maoist Versus The State Of India
By Prakash Kona

The author considers the historic reasons of maoist uprising in India and raises some questions about its objectives

11 October, 2010

Nine Months After The Quake –
A Million Haitians Slowly Dying

By Bill Quigley

Nine months after the quake, over a million people are still homeless in Haiti. Haiti looks like the quake could have been last month. I visited Port au Prince shortly after the quake and much of the destruction then looks the same nine months later

The No-State Alternative
By Cameron Hunt

An analysis of Mahmoud Abbas's four pronged alternatives proposed to the Arab League and the proposal of a fifth one: the ‘No-State Alternative'

Israel's Other ‘Peace’ Plan: Arm-twisting Obama
By Jonathan Cook

A ghost haunted the meeting of the Arab League in Libya at the weekend, as its foreign ministers decided to give a little more time to the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. That ghost was the Camp David talks of summer 2000, when US President Bill Clinton publicly held Yasser Arafat, the then-Palestinian leader, responsible for the breakdown of the negotiations, despite an earlier promise to blame neither side if they failed

One Wall, Two People, No States:
The Peace Pretense

By William A. Cook

“Our goal is two states, Israel and Palestine , living side by side in peace and security,” (President Obama) such is the illusion that resurfaces to restart the peace negotiations that will stabilize the mid-east. For 63 years that “goal” has been the carrot held before the people of the United States and Britain as the ultimate resolution for the Israeli/Palestinian crisis. In reality there is nothing in the statement that is true

Columbus Day Promotes Genocide
By Francis A. Boyle

Charges against the Federal Government of the United States of America under international criminal law

The Concept Of “Living Well” -
A Bolivian Viewpoint

By Bolivia Delegation at The UN

Faced with so much disproportion and wealth concentration in the world, so many wars and famine, Bolivia proposes Living Well, not as a way to live better at the expense of others, but an idea of Living Well based on the experience of our peoples.In the words of the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales Ayma, Living Well means living within a community, a brotherhood, and particularly complementing each other, without exploiters or exploited, without people being excluded or people who exclude, without people being segregated or people who segregate

Nuclear Weapons And The Survival Of
Homo Sapiens

By Fidel Castro

In the current stage of the world, when some 200 countries have been recognized as independent states with the right to participate in the United Nations —ridiculous legal fiction—, the only chance to forge a ray of hope is by leading the masses, in a rational and calm way, to the understanding that all the inhabitants of the planet are facing a grave risk

The Reinvention Of Collapse
By Peter Goodchild

A crtique of Dmitry Orlov's book "Reinventing Collapse"

We Are All Tea Partiers Now
By Guy R. McPherson

Members of the Tea Party take a lot of heat, and justifiably so, for blatant hypocrisy. They want the government out of their lives, and they want to retain all the benefits of Empire. Just like the rest of us

Fraud In America
By Stephen Lendman

Trinity University's Bob Jensen maintains fraud updates through June 2009 on his web site. He also reviewed a "History of Fraud in America," starting in colonial (and pre-colonial) times, saying the earliest kinds involved "phony health cures," including snake oil ploys, medical frauds, and other deceptions transitioning to today's "miracle cures and Internet charlatanism."

Verdict On Ayodhya And After: Calm Before Storm?
By Dr.K.Vidyasagar Reddy

Let good sense prevail in any Indian, who seeks justice and join the movement for social justice, when fellow Indian, be they Muslims or Minorities, are under attack, legally or otherwise! Lest, we cannot but consider the prevailing situation as volatile, or else, ‘calm before storm’, as the case may be!

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