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Liverpool's Radical & Community Bookshop
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Welcome to - the website for News from Nowhere Radical & Community Bookshop, listing a selection of the kind of books you'll find on our shelves, plus information about us, local links and local events.

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Ethical Junction Member 2009
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Books to change the world!


New Fiction - Recommended new novels
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New Books for Younger Children - Picture books and stories for children aged 3-6.
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New Books for Young Adults - Fascinating fiction and non-fiction for young adults.
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New Books for Older Children - Great stories and informative books for 7-12 year olds.
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New Books - Women / Feminism - Sisters doing it for themselves - memoirs, activism, herstory ...
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New Books - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender - Highlights of new lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender fiction & non-fiction.
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New Books - Environment / Ethical Living / Animals - Books about living ethically and sustainably make brilliant gifts - handing people the knowledge to help make the world a better place
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News from Nowhere recommends... - Up to a hundred of our top tips for a good read!
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New Books - Politics & Activism - Radical reads!
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Alternative Futures - A Booklist of Fiction and Non-fiction: utopias, dystopias, apocalyptic, visionary and practical, to Celebrate our 36th Birthday(!) on Mayday 2010, and help us envision the world(s) we want.
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New Books - Black, Asian & Other Diasporas - Highlights of black, Asian (and other diasporas) - fiction and non-fiction.
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New Books - Humour, Fun and Gift Books - guaranteed to raise a smile
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New Books - Arts, Music, Writing & Culture - Poets, writers, artists and musicians ...
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New Books - Mind, Body & Spirit - Self-help, spirituality, inspirational, alternative health
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New History & Biography - Fascinating memoirs and illuminating trips into the past
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New - Local Books - Books about Liverpool & the North West, and books by local writers - brand new titles and lots of old favourites
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New Books - Think Global - Books from all over the world
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Books most recently added to website:

The Illustrated History of Liverpool's Suburbs by David Lewis

Treating Traumatized Children: New Insights and Creative Interventions by Beverly James

Domestic Violence Cross Cultural Perspective by M. Basheer Ahmed M.D.

Baby X: Britain's Child Abusers Brought to Justice by Harry Keeble

Bitter Leaf by Chioma Okereke

Bear Flies High by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Adrian Reynolds

My Sister is an Alien! by Rachel Bright

Understanding the Jet Stream: Clash of the Titans by Ged Dunkel

Music Listography: Your Life in (Play) Lists by Lisa Nola

Shelter from the Storm: Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Years by Sid Griffin

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