Saturday 17 April 2010 | Comment feed


Cowardice on immigration has allowed the BNP to flourish

Frank Field and Nicholas Soames argue that both Labour and the Tories have failed to address the voters' fears.


Statistics don't usually set the blood racing. But here are a few, published yesterday by the Office for National Statistics, that might shake you. In the next 20 years, the population of the UK will rise from 61 million to 70 million – and then go on rising. The bulk of that growth will be due to immigration, which will have added seven million – seven cities the size of Birmingham – to our population by 2034. In the next 10 years alone the British population will rise by four million.

Traditionally, a major characteristic of this country was the stability of our population. In fact, up until the mid-eighties more people left than wished to come here to live. Twenty-five years later the picture has been transformed: the population has grown by more than 4.4 million. How has this happened?

Three forces account for this transformation. First, governments simply gave up taking an interest in whether people who came to this country as visitors, workers or students ever left again. The last Conservative government abolished the need to keep note of who was leaving Britain for Europe, while the present Government abolished the same check on those going to the rest of the world. The message was clear: Britain had no interest in challenging people who stayed beyond their allotted time.

Second, the Government has not dealt fairly with those making asylum claims. It is the mark of a nation how it stands by those in need, yet our system has not worked; it has collapsed, to the detriment of genuine asylum seekers. Decades later, some are still waiting for their cases to be concluded.

Third – and most important – the present Government has acted as a recruiting sergeant to enrol workers from abroad. Before the EU expanded, ministers asserted that no more than 13,000 would come each year from the new countries to find work in this country. All too quickly the numbers swelled towards a million. But the jokes about Polish plumbers have hidden a key fact: two thirds of immigration comes from outside Europe, and is of people who want to make our country their home for good.

Overwhelmingly, this increase in immigration has been in England which, within the past 15 years, has become the most densely populated country in Europe. England is being fundamentally changed. All too many schools report that English is not the first language for the vast majority of students. Yesterday's statistics show that, over time, the increase in population will to an even greater degree be down to those coming here and their offspring. We have failed fully to integrate many of our newcomers: this shift will further tilt the balance away from a cohesive national identity.

Rather than use its energies to control these waves of immigration, the Government has instead clamped down on any public debate about the issue – it has studiously avoided seeking voter approval for the changes Britain has undergone. Gordon Brown's 6,435-word address to the Labour Party conference last month contained a mere 83 words about immigration. At the Conservative conference, David Cameron offered a mere 58 words out of 6,387. So much for the new era of honesty in politics.

Politicians' failure to address what voters have always regarded as one of their top two priorities (the other is the economy) has opened the door to the BNP. Nick Griffin does not owe his opportunity to peddle evil views on tonight's Question Time to some faulty judgment of the BBC. His vote in the European elections earned it for him. And that opportunity only arose because of the political cowardice and irresponsibility of the two main parties – but particularly of the Labour Party. Poll after poll shows BNP support coming from ex-Labour voters who believe their party has deserted them on immigration, and failed to represent their interests as underdogs in what until recently was a country characterised by unparalleled prosperity.

Social strains caused by immigration were all too obvious even during a period of record public spending increases. Immigration now accounts for 40 per cent of new households formed, just as the waiting list for social housing in England tops 1.8 million – an incredible 80 per cent increase in the past six years. We are now into a period of unparalleled austerity. The social tensions that are already present could be massively exacerbated, especially as yesterday's figures suggest the population will increase by a further two million over the next Parliament – and a further two million in the Parliament after that.

It was the dereliction of duty by Parliament to discuss a key voter priority that led us to establish last year the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration. All of our members readily testify to the advantages that immigration can bring to any country. But it is the scale of immigration, and its impact on our population, that have concerned us.

A key demand of our group has been for the Government to cut the link between people coming here to work and automatically gaining citizenship. Once a person has been in this country for four or five years they practically always gain citizenship. The present Home Secretary, to his credit, is consulting on our proposals of a two-stage entry to citizenship. Stage one would determine how many people are allowed into the country each year to work. A second and new set of procedures would then come into play, whereby people applying for citizenship would have to prove their worth. That status would no longer be automatically granted. Far from it.

If we are to reduce immigration sufficiently to prevent Britain crashing through the 70 million population barrier then the criteria for entry as well as for citizenship will have to be very tough.

Earlier this year, in a little-noticed interview on Radio Five Live, David Cameron said he wished to bring immigration back to the levels of the 80s and 90s. To achieve that objective would mean cutting 2007's level of immigration by 75 per cent, but current Conservative policies would only cut immigration by a quarter. Even a 75 per cent reduction would keep our population just below 70 million. Migration must be brought into balance if we are to stabilise our population at 65 million, compared to today's 61 million.

A fight-back against the BNP will only begin when the party leaders give a full pledge that our population will not breach the 65 million barrier. That would then set in train a whole series of restrictions that Balanced Migration believes crucial if our country is to regain some sense of cohesion and identity.

Politicians want to rebuild trust in politics. We agree – and here is a good place to start.

Frank Field, Labour MP for Birkenhead, and Nicholas Soames, Conservative MP for Mid Sussex,
co-chair the Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration.


Comments: 412

  • ...And if the socialist Labour hate the idea of a British nation governed by Britons, then the Cons and Libs are just as bad.

    All three parties have connections to this and that billionaire oligarch, banking family or industrialist. They all have their potential business plans lined up, eager to stuff their faces with a large piece of the pie should they be elected.

    Osborne and Cameron were members of the Bullingdon Club with Nat Rothschild. That Mandelson snake shared a yacht with Osborne and some Russian oligarch, and recently Mandelson spent a week or so in Corfu with his rich buddy Rothschild. The same people going by different brand names... (And what was all that wheeling and dealing with Libya over the Lockerbie bomber?)

    The EU is being sponsored by socialists, Russian elites and long standing powerful banking famillies.

    The news doesn't cover the EU so people are unaware of the scale of the corruption that takes place. How convenient!

    Why isn't there a regular segment on the EU?? We are being shoved into the EU blindly without a REFERENDUM. (I'm sure the BBC hates the idea of broadcasting propaganda to the whole of Europe some day).

    Politicians should have the easiest job in the world: do what the people want them to do. The reason it is instead difficult for them, is that they are not interested in what we want, but they have been pushing this EU agenda for decades, serving their true rulers: the banking famillies, corporations and industrialists.

    The only party with some genuine respect for British people seems to be UKIP and possibly the BNP (if they can guarantee the rights of the existing minorities).

    If we continue to vote for the main three same old parties then what chance does genuine democracy have in this country?

    on October 23, 2009
    at 04:34 PM
  • At one stage on Question Time last night, Jack Straw used the phrase �certainly not� to the idea that we could reduce the levels of migration in this country. It appears that the people of England have lost the right to live in a democracy where they can govern themselves through elected representatives and determine their own destinies. Eleven years of unrestrained migration has eroded our English heritage and identity and put the health and safety of the population, together with the environment, at risk. This is not democracy. This is a parody of democracy. The majority of the electorate want the levels of migration reduced in a significant way but their voice is being ignored by the government and parliament as a whole. The mainstream has been transformed into an invisible class. There should be genuine freedom and democracy in this country and Europe as a whole. A good country is somewhere that is safe, lawful, and at peace. The most effective way to reduce the threat of the BNP is to reduce the levels of migration in a significant way.

    Watermelon Man
    on October 23, 2009
    at 03:03 PM
  • Like the Roman, I saw the River Tiber foaming with much blood.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 02:27 PM
  • Blair set out to unify EU politically right from the beginning. Since you cannot accidentally allow too many people into the UK over 10-12 years, this was intentional.

    So what does it achieve?

    It achieves the break down of strong tightly knit communities.

    For what purpose?

    To enable the transition to a European (socialist) federation.

    Nowadays community spirit is being suspicious of your neighbour's potential belief system, based on how they look, dress or talk, and avoiding anything that might make you seem hostile towards them (as though a difference in views instantly makes you an Adolf Hitler admirer).

    Under such childish self-censorship, the politicians get away with murder (e.g. Iraq), while most people are happy to be able to agree on the weather. (You must feel very proud of yourself!)

    In genuine communities, people feel they have a common identity, a common understanding of how things should be and a common purpose. In such communities politicians cannot get away with murder.

    In genuine communities people support their friends and neighbours when the few rally against bad legislation or a corrupt politician.

    Do we have this here in the "United" Kingdom? No!

    Now there are so many different and contrasting views that no single group has overwhelming support, and the political status quo have never had it easier!

    So why would the left want to weaken the inherent moral/political compass of the larger community by introducing all sorts of conflicting ideologies?

    The left is strongly based in Marxist socialism (Straw and the Milibands are from Marxists descent - research your politicians!) and socialists love big megalomaniacal plans and projects, from the Millenium Dome to EU and all the centralised databases with our DNA and children's lives in them.

    Ultimately, their plan is to have the entire world run by a one world bank, with a society of elites, with the rest practically enslaved by legislation and multiple taxes on everything so that the giant corporations and bankers can continue to get richer off our backs.

    ...............Or haven't you been paying attention to the rest of the news??

    on October 23, 2009
    at 02:27 PM
  • MAX

    Most of the modern population do not have a problem with integrated black people but this letter from the Daily Mail is worth reading.


    I was glad to retire from my job of 34 years last May.I had an unblemished record until then but finally blotted my copybook when I automatically said"Bless you"to the new girl after she sneezed.It seems this zealous anti racist,who happened to be from Lahore,took offence and reported me.I was asked to apologise for hurt feelings and,if I hadn't been due to finish in 3 days, would have been required to attend a "cultural diversity awareness"session.
    I always thought one said "Bless you"as during a sneeze,the devil is supposed to escape from your soul and this is protection(not that I take all this into account whenever I say it!)Surely all religions have devils in one form or another and therefore we all require protection?

    - ann hamilton, manchester, 21/10/2009

    SO AS TO,

    "When are certain sections of the'indigenous white'population going to realise the part they have played in alienating many ethnic minorities?"

    What appears to be a newly arrived Pakistani child can humiliate her teacher. Do you not think this also contributes to alienation?

    Will you ask the same question of "certain sections" of the minority population?

    on October 23, 2009
    at 12:42 PM
  • Eight million concerned Britons watched Question Time last night. The major parties need to take notice.

    Mr Wolf
    on October 23, 2009
    at 11:27 AM
  • Nick Griffin and the BNP are trying to warn the British public about the effects of uncontrolled immigration.

    I don't find all their views acceptable but they do have some very valid points.

    Lets hope the BNP are wrong, else God help us all.

    John Small
    on October 23, 2009
    at 11:07 AM
  • Well said Field & Soames,
    Even though you come from opposite sides of the House, you share the same values that always defined an Englishman, the values that are being eroded.

    Our beautiful heritage is being destroyed before our eyes. Newspeak is already here, we are forced to pay the BBC to tell us how to think and political leaders are now just callow and slippery.

    What other country gives incomers money for nothing, and houses and education & health treatment? Who's going to pay for all this bloody niceness.

    Its all a fantasy - we even borrow the money that we give to poor countries.

    Well, Brown & Cameron clearly haven't got the balls, then we'll just have to wait 'til the IMF call in the debt. Then we'll see how much multi-culturalism we can afford.

    James Davey
    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:44 AM
  • Thankfully, Igo-on-and-on Jack won't have seen last night's QT - but I bet he's still got an opinion on it.

    Doris in a Morris
    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:43 AM
  • From the ONS 2009 Social Trends
    Pakistanis & Bangladeshis in employment � 45%
    Of those 45% - 54% are in the bottom fifth of earners, 26% are in the next fifth. Only 4% are in the top fifth. This means poor tax receipts & high benefit take up, particularly with their large families� also the poorest performing group educationally at GCSE�

    2% of the population, 10% of the prison population.
    3% of births, 33% of birth defects
    Throw in terrorism, ballot rigging, honour killings, rioting & the ghettoisation of part of nearly every town & city in England & the only �positive� I can think of, if you�re of that persuasion, is� Labour votes�
    What is it about �diversity� we�re supposed to be celebrating?

    Mr Wolf
    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:25 AM
  • Politicians are always saying that immigration helps the economy,and makes everyone richer.If that is the case ,why dosen't New Zealand which has a population of just 4 millon and the same land mass as the U.k.allow another 57 millon people into the country.On that premise just think how rich we would all become. I think not.You keep your 61 millon and we will stuggle along on 4 millon.Are we happy with 4 millon ,you bet!!

    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:25 AM
  • I watched Question Time last night.

    Apart from the fact that the blustering Mr Straw showed us what a hypocrite he is , I was sad that Warsi did not respond to Griffin's points about Islam being anti-women ( in general) and I thought Greer's attempt to show that she was better educated than him was a clever way of being dismissive BUT she missed the point that we white English ( not a black American like her) are profoundly worried about our lack of rights as a race and a as a culture. She may well be descended from slaves brought to the New World , I know not , but she should be sensitive to the fact that the English feel they are being enslaved and marginalised with few rights .

    The Lib Dem spokesman : well he was beneath contempt

    I would love to have heard all these people in the bar of the students union back in their late teens : I wager they spoke rather diferently about 'immigrants' then , but then they have 'changed their minds and ways', something which they cannot accpept the BNP might be tryin to do ! I doubt that the likes of Straw know what honesty is.

    Len Mulvaney , Carshalton Surrey
    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:09 AM
  • Morvan is missing the point.

    What I wrote, and have written before, is that the Labour Party have a chronic inability, demonstrated repeatedly over the years, to differentiate between internal faction fighting, abstract Utopian theories, and formulation of national policy.

    Whether it's Blair opening the doors to mollify the multi-culti yahoos dominating debate by stifling it, or Tony Benn attempting to circulate papers on Marxism during critical Cabinet meetings, it's all the same thing.

    ben arnulfssen
    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:02 AM
  • I am 74 and grew up in this country when it was all white. I did not then and do not still find the idea of an all-white Britain disgusting. I also think people should be allowed to say that they liked it that way and would like it to be that way still. People do not accuse Arab lands of being full of Arabs. China is not slated for being populated by Chinese people. So why is it that we here in Britain are accused of racism if we don't let in the world's population?

    Shirley Kingsley
    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:02 AM
  • Hope Springs Eternal.
    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:16 AM

    Don't bank on it! Despite the evidence vast numbers of people still voted for Labour at the last election. A diet of tabloid/soap/reality media, coupled with a propagandist education policy has seen to any wisdom amongst a massive slice of population. Couple that with the BBC's propensity to skew the news in favour of eco-socialist views and we have at best Lib-Lab coalition ahead of us.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 10:02 AM
  • This is the best article on this subject I have ever read. Nobody ever voted for mass immigration and yet we now live in a country which is unrecognisable from that of only fifty years ago. And in fact I beg to differ with one of the writers above, in that it has clearly been the intention of New Labour from day one to dismantle any notion of Britishness, let alone Englishness. In that, of course, they were almost completely successful.

    David, Wolverhampton
    on October 23, 2009
    at 09:59 AM

    Just don't discuss Afghanistan, The strike, the Bankers,

    on October 23, 2009
    at 09:59 AM
  • I watched the appalling Any Question programme last night. Very frightening what is happening to this country. My advice if you are a WASP start making arrangments to leave this disgusting country now, there is no one to support you.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 09:59 AM
  • Interesting to learn that Mr Straw , after his robust and patriotic speech about Asian people having died in large numbers fighting in the last World War ( for which I and I am sure many others are very grateful) , then tells us his mother is Jewish and that his father went to prison because he wouldn't fight !

    If my wife's family were being put in gas ovens , I think I CERTAINLY WOULD FIGHT !

    What a weird bunch of people are running our lives.You couldn't make it up.

    Darren Himmler , Brentwood Essex.
    on October 23, 2009
    at 09:59 AM
  • But Max

    That the English be allowed to exist as a group does not threaten you at all. Being told that one does not exist or the centuries of rubbing along nicely does not matter raises the ire. The feeling is that we have built the house and had newcomers move in. We have had ,thanks to these politicians, the greatest mass migration into the UK in our history. And these have been people who cannot speak English and have no wish to join in as your parents did.

    It is pathetic that Straw said we could not tell people how many children to have. We just stop paying Jack. This has two benefits one to sustainability and the other is that it would calm down disquiet. The antics of people like Islam4you cause the disquiet as do face veils when we have soldiers dying. The impression given is not an influx of people like you Max but an uneducated rabble of people who hate us. And the politicians just say it is racist to be upset.
    Proper borders coming and going, the ability to deport quickly, and
    stopping paying for vast families and we could all go back to rubbing along nicely. The gender apartheid of Islam is not compatible with the UK. British Islam may become something less peasant and tribal.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 09:11 AM
  • Back in 2002 William Hague raised the problem of the lax attitude the government had to controlling immigration. Blair and Brown laughed at him and ridculed him for being racist rather than opening up a sensible debate. How Jack Straw has the balls to crticise Nick Griffin for not answering the question asked to him I never know he has been doing it for years

    on October 23, 2009
    at 08:25 AM
  • Nick Griffin was not the only disturbing feature of last night's question time. Jack Straw all but admitted that the UK is condemned to overpopulation and 3rd world poverty because 30% of his constituents are Asian and to retain his seat in Parliament he needs to be seen ever to be celebrating diversity. It was intersting to see that it was an articulate, well dressed non white man in the audience who said what most think but do not dare to say and that is that the mainstream parties' policies on immigtration are literally suicidal. The other "main stream" politicians were almost as bad and in a programme after QT Michael Portillo said that massive immigration is needed because of our aging population (another luminary who has not heard that immigrants are also human beings who age like the rest). Add this the pack of hounds attitude of the QT audience and Dimbleby's well rehearsed manouevres to steer poor old Nick from issues that he might have had something sensible to say and you may conclude that Britain may have already changed for ever. "Nothing British" is indeed a most appropriate title for the people who run politics and the press in the UK today. Creepy, all round!

    on October 23, 2009
    at 07:38 AM
  • Max
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM

    "When are certain sections of the'indigenous white'population going to realise the part they have played in alienating many ethnic minorities?"

    They're never going to listen Max, old son. We took away their Black & White minstrels, even (sometimes) make them feel uncomfortable about telling Irish jokes and the like. My Dad arrived in the 1950s and was a little Englander to his bootstraps - he worked for the NHS and I can honestly say I never remember him taking a days sick. Yet still (despite my mum being English) I'm not 'indigenous' or white enough for them. They've got to blame somebody apart frome themselves I guess

    Peace & love

    The BNP Wants to Steal My Passport
    on October 23, 2009
    at 07:35 AM
  • @Joe R
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:45 PM

    Oz took a complete pass on the global downturn as a result, too. BTW, thanks for backing us Yanks in Nam. Always amazed us, we'd duck, you maniacs would just stand there looking for the target.

    What's the only nation that has really done anything yet about global warming industrially that means anything, too? Good on you.

    Walt O'Brien
    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:34 AM
  • "Remember the old saying, just because a pig is born in a stable it doesn't make the pig a horse." Cromwell on October 22, 2009 at 09:17 PM

    This statement is a classic example of a narrow minded person who refuses to see anyone who isn't white as British, and it's this type of sentiment that has alienated certain ethnic groups from fully integrating into British Society.

    I'm nearly 30 yrs old, born raised and educated in England. I and all of my black british relatives are professionals which include doctors, lawyers, pharmcists and nurses and we have a collective history in this country which spans over 100 years. We are law abiding citizens who positively contribute and invest in our country financially and culturally, and we are proud to call Britain HOME!

    ... yet people such as mr Cromwell (my fellow British countryman) see me as a pig. Is there any hope for a fair debate, when such ignorance and prejudice is so rife.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:24 AM
  • Have just watched QT and the headline about attacking gays is a lie. All NG said is that it made him uncomfortable to see men kiss in public. Which most straight men over a certain age do and would.
    The panel refused to acknowledge the English have any ethnicity. We do not exist apparently. And
    Lastly Jack Straw
    said we can't tell people how many children they can have, meaning we can't cap population. Yes we can Mr Straw, we just stop paying for more than two. The gap between the mainstream parties and public opinion was clear. The only person who seemed to get any of it was Saida Warsi and she only got it a bit.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:24 AM
  • Not quite sure why we feel the need to give asylum to anybody.

    John Kirkby
    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:22 AM
  • Labour increased immigration because it thought that immigrants would be more likely to vote Labour, thereby keeping Labour in power. They did not give a damn about the country. They were only concerned about getting re-elected.

    Hopefully Labour won't be re-elected - but don't bank on it - you have to join the Conservatives in ensuring Labour get defeated. It is the only realistic way to reduce immigration...

    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:22 AM
  • ben arnulfssen on October 22, 2009 at 09:20 PM

    "I've never believed that ANYONE in the NuLab Project actually set out to destroy or dismantle Britain in so many words."

    The corollary to that then is that they were all extremely stupid. All the signs are that, although many of them could be said to be mentally challenged, not all of them were that stupid; ergo, by design is the only answewr that fits the facts.

    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:22 AM
  • Dear Mr Ed,

    At time of writing there are 390 postings on this subject.
    Is this a record,?
    If so, All the current politicians must be very fearfull of their roles come next year.
    Who knows,we may be about to get a government that actually listens to the people they are supposed to be representing.
    Would'nt that be a first for the UK. Good onya D.T.

    Hope Springs Eternal.
    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:16 AM
  • Gentlemen, you still do not get it. The people of England do not want "balanced migration", or any other weasel words that really mean the invasion will continue.


    And they will vote for the party that promises to make that happen. And I say, good for them.

    Robert Firth
    on October 23, 2009
    at 06:15 AM

  • There are a number of prominent patrons of the Optimum Population Trust. Visit their website to see their names and qualifications listed.

    If these esteemed persons are willing to be members of an organisation that states the maximum sustainable population size for Britain is 30 million, then we really must take note, before it is too late. It may already be too late.

    By the way, I do not agree with the OPT policy of "balanced migration" (zero net migration). It does not take account of differential birth rates. But the maximum 30 million figure seems about right from my own calculations. But if we continue with our current lifestyle, even with solar panels / wind turbines / electric cars etc, the maximum is more like 10 million sustainably.

    We still have some choice over how we get to a sustainable population size. It might still be possible to get there relatively peacefully. However, the longer it is left the more likely it is that the correction will be automatic, via the traditional route of starvation and violence. No sensible person would wish to see that.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:35 PM
  • Couldn't agree more. Foreign bankers have over-run this country, made houses in central London completely unaffordable for the middle class, and they've also just blown a few trillion pounds of taxpayers' money. They're a threat to our national survival and they should be sent home at the end of their sentences for their economic crimes.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:23 PM
  • @ EP

    Well now, that's the most illogical * logical conclusion* that I've read for a long time.

    In fact for sheer fatuity and insult it forms an exact paprallel to the attitude of the government, the race relations trade and left-liberal opinion.

    You are not by any chance a government minister, are you?

    Or some frunctionary of the race relations trade?I

    In case it has not penetrated your supercillious and patronising mind, what people are outraged about is the transformation of their country into an alien land.

    They do not seek the ludicrous reductio ad absurdam of your *logical conclusion*, but to have a country that once more bears some resemblance, however tenuous, to the one that they have always had.

    They don not care much,Sir, for their child being the only white English one in the whole class.

    Nor are they very impressed with their aged parent/s being the sole white face/s in the street,or the whole estate, either.

    But there, who cares about them?

    For, by definition to be white is to be racist, so it is but just that they should be first sidelined, their so-called culoture abolished, and then,in due time made extinct.

    Nobody who is not of DTR's and my generation can conceive of the utter squalor of public and private life, compared to, say 60 years ago.

    Perhaps, before you post your next sneering comment, you might care to consult a few older folks aboout life in former eras.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 PM
  • A very good article.
    The BNP would not exist if the present main political parties had exercised responsibilty
    over the numbers of people being allowed into this overcrowded country.
    From the comments of people to this article, those who are to blame for having allowed this situation to develop are going to have to face the consequencies in due course.
    That could be averted if they are prepared to take some action in accordance with the wishes of the electorate.

    William Leeson
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 PM
  • Great article. Fully agree with what is said here and it is one of the reasons I now live in New Zealand and why a great number of my friends have left the UK. Practically limitless immigration is not sustainable economically or culturally.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 PM
  • The issue for me can be summed up in one sentence: Nobody on earth has the right to make British people a minority in their own country.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 PM
  • By any standard this is a responsible, measured article. Yet what good will it do? Preaching to the (mostly) converted readers of DT. Why does this discussion never surface in the Parliament. Any person wishing to address the issue is immediately accused of racism, except if the commentator is a Government Minister asserting that immigration is good for the economy. Our Government is good at making arrogant assertions that are so much in the tone of "Huh, you ignorant public don't really understand, but I can confidently assert that ...". Another example of this arrogance is if anyone dares ask why this Government did not fulfil its promise to hold a referendum on EU Constitution, and the answer to that is "(the ignorant) people are interested in really important things like schools-n-hospitals, not (really clever things like) EU".

    I think we are so used to the loss of so much of our democracy that we no longer feel pain with any further loss. I think the next election should be primarily about regainiong our democracy, and should consider any other issues only through the prism of democracy. Fat chance!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 PM
  • Fatty Soames & self-righteous Field have left it far too late to speak out, and dont count with their leadership. Civil war threatens!

    Ollam Fodhla, Northumberland
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:57 PM
  • 25 years ago the UK was a fairly nice place to live.

    Now it is over-crowded and only going to get worse.

    One of the many reasons I left for France 4 years ago.

    Wild horses wouldn't drag me back.

    Jon Leigh
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:36 PM
  • Cough up, Frank. Until you repay, your views aren't worth listening to.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:36 PM
  • I apologise for insulting you people thus, inmyearlier comment ...

    " one is that you were so bigoted, stupid, and so enamoured of the multi-culti dogma that they either thought that the cost to other ..."

    That should of course have read ...

    " one is that THEY [not you ] were so bigoted, stupid, and so ..."

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:36 PM
  • fascinating to see the conspiracy theorists and ranters about treason out in such force on this one.

    I've never believed that ANYONE in the NuLab Project actually set out to destroy or dismantle Britain in so many words.

    Occam's razor lead me to the conclusion at the time, that the Human Rights Act and associated, flagrant open-house on bogus asylum seekers in the early Blair years, was nothing more or less sinister than the price paid by Phoney Tony for the co-operation and acquiescence of the multitudinous single-issue, multi-culti, gay and what-not cells which have infested the Labour Party since the 1970s, and exert a considerable degree of control at local level, ( where they don't merely render it uncontrollable by anyone else) while he seized control in the power vacuum resulting from Kinnock's electoral fiasco and the sudden death of John Smith.

    Trying to CONTROL this rabble is like trying to herd cats, except less successful, but getting them to herd together in a more-or-less common direction is somewhat easier.

    No treason, no conspiracy, just simple self-interest, and the pursuit of the ambition ( obvious long ago ) for the accession of Phoney Tony and his sidekick, the Dark Lord himself, to the Presidency of the EU. The same-old, same-old Labour inability, or unwillingness, to distinguish between Party faction fighting and national interest is all part of the whole.

    The fact that his wife stood to make very large sums of money indeed, as a leading Chambers specialising in the newly-minted subject can't have been a hindrance, either.

    ben arnulfssen
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:20 PM
  • MOD wrote " Ever since the Anglo Saxons arrived, and before that, this has always been a land of migration, it still is, and there's not the slightest reason for alarm. "

    I think you dont really know your history or perhaps its not yours to know? The population in those days was only about 5m! We are talking about immigration equal to that over the last few years alone!!!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:20 PM
  • Mr Soames should have a word with his royal friends.
    It is noted they do not include
    non-indigenous types in thier circle of acquaintances.
    Not setting a good example.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:20 PM
  • Max at 06:45 PM

    It seems to me that the only criteria to obtaining a British passport these days is to be able to count to ten in whatever language you choose, as interpreters will be provided. I no longer define my nationality as British for I am first and foremost a white Englishman, trump that.

    Remember the old saying, just because a pig is born in a stable it doesn't make the pig a horse.

    I recall the likes of Peter Hain demanding that �Africa should be ruled by black Africans� which it now is so how about Peter Hain begins a campaign to let England be ruled by the white English or is that a racist comment?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:17 PM
  • How refreshing to hear politicians actually say something direct and not waffle around the issue, but will anything get done?

    Sadly I see that the only option at the moment is for me to vote BNP as they are the only party who are prepared to deal with immigration, that in its self is an awful situation but I can see many middle class voters taking the same view as me. The main political parties need to sit up and take notice before it is too late

    Paul Walker
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:14 PM
  • Thank you gentlemen for writing this article.I have been worried for many years about mass immigration,especially since 1996 when Labour let things get completely out of control,whether due to cowardice,stupidity or deliberately. We can not allow our population to get anywhere near 70 million. The country is virtually bankrupt and we can not pay benefits to people who have not contributed in any way.There is not enough housing for British people.There are shortages of water and soon fuel. Later on with rising world population, food could be a further problem.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:14 PM
  • Why do we need anymore immigrants with 2.5 million, at least out of work, some of whom are highly qualified graduates. The government says they bring skills, but this is a lie, some of them can't even speak English and do menial jobs, casual labour, fruit pickers, bus drivers, taxi drivers etc

    What I would like to see the politicians answer, is this, just how many people is too many, how many can this already overpopulated island support, they will never answer it because they will have to give a figure, which begs the next question, how many are already here, the government has no clue and the home secretary apparently wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Our politicians should be given a real hard time over this question, but they are always let off the hook.

    Of course the real agenda is that Labour wants more taxpayers to prop up its socialist ponzi scheme, and dosen't care if it destroys Britains, or more accurately Englands identity to do it.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:14 PM
  • The flavour of a grape derives from its soil. I believe the flavour of a people comes from a parallel metaphysical 'soil': thus, por ejemplo, Spaniards are invariably very 'Spanish'; it's axiomatic really.

    And so, what is English? Well I'm of the view, that Philip Larkin expresses Englishness perfectly: in a poem I wrote in response to a telly programme, Philip Larkin: J'Accuse, the only line I now remember is, '.....(Philip Larkin) who smashed most loudly our tracely elemental chord' And it's this tracely elemental chord which is at our heart and core: we're inextricably, and inexplicably, subtle.

    And so, my question is, will the second and third generation Muslims, and others, be able to resist our metaphysical soil? Will they become apathetic and lapsed, as per the population at large? And will they enjoy Larkin? 'Tis a powerful olde spelle, ye Englande, and while I maybe wrong, I say they'll succumb; and be just like the rest of us.

    Oliver Sellen
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:14 PM
  • Chris
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM

    Chris, I think most British people are appalled that this government has imported medical staff from third world countries, countries that need these people much more than us.
    It is this crass government that has not trained enough doctors and nurses etc.

    Bertie Poole
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:30 PM
  • After the war Churchill said," The next fascists will call themselves anti-fascists".
    Looks like he was right yet again.

    Bertie Poole
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:30 PM
  • The logical conclusion of extreme nationalism, in the British Isles, would be for each country to separate. Ergo, England for people of direct, male, Anglo-Saxon lineage only, & heaven help anyone, at the point of a seax, who isn't. By those standards, even Nick Griffin could only be regarded as half-hearted in his quest for nationalism. One could also forget the Vikings & those right Royal latecomers, the Normans, as well as even more recent immigrants. Under such circumstances, would Mr. Griffin be willing to go back home, to Wales, & leave those of us, who are of ancient Anglo-Saxon progeny, alone?

    Perhaps a return to the Heptarchy could be in order? I'll have the Wreocens�te & my wider Mercian family will have it's Staffordshire gold back, thanks. Aside from Muslims, we could kick Christians (I daresay Frank included!), back out to southern Europe, & return to Anglo-Saxon paganism & writing in runes, while we're at it. Would that be pushing things a bit too far in the quest for a nice, homegrown, centuries-cultured population of perhaps a few million?

    The dark ages? Not on your nelly. History was only overwritten by the supposed conquerors, whether it was by sword or religious text matters not!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:30 PM
  • @ CARLOS
    on October 21, 2009

    You are of course correct, and I share your views without reservation, but I'm afraid that what you express are merely pious hopes.

    And this is addressed to you all ; think about this ...

    there can only be two resons why your governments have permitted immigration on an unprecedented, and wholly unsustainable level ...

    one is that you were so bigoted, stupid, and so enamoured of the multi-culti dogma that they either thought that the cost to other people (YOU ) were worth it attain their ends. In which case do you really THINK that two or three generations of plotiticians are going to admit that it was a ll a horrible mistake?

    DO YOU?

    The other theory ( to which I find increasingly credible ) is that your country was deliberately flooded with unassimilable,often hostile, immigrants in order to further the ends of the EU.

    Or the FGA : the Franco-German Axis, as I prefer to call it, for that is what the EU really is.

    It is the final attainment of the centuries old aim of the Germans and the French to establish total hegemony over the European landmass.

    And as Britian has always thwarted this ambition, then clearly she must be removed from the equation.

    And what better,more efficient way to do this than to flood her with immigrants who have no shared values with the indigenous population.

    Or are in fact deicated to their destruction.

    When you, and more to the point, your media tolerated the first lie from Blair and Co ; the first backhander that came to light, you lost the game.

    Those who accept the unacceptable end up in chains.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:26 PM
  • As Max wrote.. "When are certain sections of the'indigenous white'population going to realise the part they have played in alienating many ethnic minorities?"

    I think you have that backwards there. Its the mass influx of bogus immigrants that have tarred the genuine migrants.

    Take the recent case of Gabriel Bhengu,and Jabu Mbowane, two black south african illegal immigrants who went around strangling and killing white british people for their valuables.

    They obviously didn't rebuild this country with their sweat and blood as you mention. And contibuted nothing to British society.

    With this kind of behvious it is easy to see how fear and panic spreads so easily among the indigenous population.

    W. Addle
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:26 PM
  • The article is spot on. The BNP wouldn't get a look in if the main parties had addressed the immigration issue rather than avoiding it completely. The Labour Party have suppressed any debate by ramming political correctness down our throats at every opportunity to such an extent that any sensible debate can no longer be had. You can barely mention immigration and its associated downsides without being accused of racism.

    This country has had pretty much an open door to virtually anyone that wanted to come here and as a country we are struggling to cope with the demands that this is placing on public services. Now that we are in a deep recession and tax revenues have plummeted we are all going to have to get used to a much lower standard of living to fund this diverse and growing population. To economic migrants they are coming into relative prosperity, even on benefit, having in many cases endured poverty the like of which hasn't been experienced in Britain for more than a hundred years.
    Unfortunately, the damage is already done and the immigrant population is outgrowing the indigenous one. This will lead to a demand for permanent change in the socio-cultural fabric of Britain and we can only imagine what that might entail.
    There will be trouble ahead.

    Ross Tague
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:26 PM
  • Hugh 03:01 PM

    Hugh, your path leads to a smoking ruin of a world. Even small drops in resource availability leads to a large increase in the risk of war or insurrection, let alone the 50% drop you are proposing. The Uranium would still be used in your world - as a trigger for nuclear weapons.

    Conservation just strings out the wait until some vital non renewable is exhausted.

    The only hope for a decent future is to stay on the ride, and keep on exploiting all the resources on this planet, and any others we can reach. This path might fail, but the worst outcome of my path is a world with only renewable resources available for exploitation.

    Eric Worrall
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:29 PM
  • So the answer to the BNP is to carry out BNP policy - interesting......not exactly opposing them, is it?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:28 PM

  • The BNP are already in government, they call themselves, NEW LABOUR.

    If one thing is certain, we learn nothing from history.

    The Nazi's rose to power because of weak government and there can be nothing weaker in government than a government that uses billions of tax payers money to systematically take children from decent loving parents in secret family courts without reason, without logic, without evidence, without a jury and without funding the parent with a decent defence counsel.

    The BNP are already in government, they call themselves, NEW LABOUR.

    B Geldof
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:28 PM
  • It's quite clear, if the UAF win, the left win, then the BNP lose and so, more importantly, does our democracy.
    After 12 years of rabid socialism, we should expect nothing else. Stalin's USSR here we become!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:28 PM
  • I now live in France, and it's great!!

    Alan Row
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • Immigration is not AN issue it is THE issue primarily because so many issues arise from it. Let us not be railroaded into accepting it and its criminal offspring multiculturalism by a father-knows-best Government.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • I am seventy one years old, I have lived through the second world war, sweet coupons, ration books etc;. This country has been brilliant!. What a change now, Enock Powell WAS RIGHT! and the worst is yet to come, beware!.(and no I am not a supporter of that pratt Griffin! But I would be of Enock Powell!)

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • The English are being ethnically cleansed. This process of breeding out has been going on for at lest 40 years. The febrile political classes need to be replaced by a more vigorous one.

    terence patrick hewett
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • I think the BBC are brilliant. They could have backed down but what they have achieved - even if Griffin doesn't say a word tonight - is to expose how strongly the majority feel about this government and also how undemocratic this country has become

    Well done to Mark Thompson and his team !

    Stop the Naked Scanning of our Women at British Airports.
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • Bruce Cain
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM

    True to his word - and very successful as well.

    Just one problem - he is an enemy of the English who are also remunerating him. So this is the reason Tony Blair abolished the UK Laws against Treason in 1997 ?

    And did they consult the Queen ?
    This would add another level to their treachery.

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • 9 million more will have reached these shores in the next 20 years. The majority of these will be muslims to add to the number we already have. Some of them are demanding sharia law now, so with them making upto 20% of the population they will have more of a voice. The laughable thing about this is in 40 years time we will be a muslim country anyway with muslim law. The liberal agenda of openess about gays will be squashed, women will lose all rights, no alchohol etc. Just do the maths , islam here we come.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:13 PM
  • Oliver Cromwell (6-40pm 22nd).
    Agree with your sentiments but,
    your sums are wrong, the cost to us of EU membership is nor six billion pounds sterling, it is FORTY billion pounds ANUALLY.

    R M Hemer
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:53 PM
  • Question Time - all it will is a baying audience of handpicked protestors and the "main" stream politicos falling over each other in proving how more immigrant friendly their party is compared with the other shower.
    Also, where are these "protestors" when members of the religion of peace and love are demanding our deaths on the box?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM
  • "Cowardice on immigration has allowed the BNP to flourish"
    possibly the most accurate and honest statement about this sorry affair and this now sorry country.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM
  • Enough talk its time to take to the streets and arrest all politicians, senior police officers and communist agitators, we are now in a struggle for our very existence and by god we will win.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM
  • As a twentysomething black person of African descent believe there should be a proper open debate on immmigration, with solutions sought and implemented. However judging from the comments of many on this board, it seems like many of the 'indigenous white' commenters have a problem with immigrants who aren't white. What do you propose to do with 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations of Britons of 'third world' descent? For all of you who think we should 'go home', I've got news for you... your red passport doesn't trump mine, this is my home.

    If you check recent history i.e. when the empire windrush docked in the 1950's, many black west indians came with the intetntion of integrating and assimilating and we undeniably shed blood, sweat and tears to rebuild post war Britain. However due to the overtly racist and often violent welcome we recived, integration wasn't even an option.

    When are certain sections of the'indigenous white'population going to realise the part they have played in alienating many ethnic minorities?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM
  • Please remind me again who exactly voted for these politicians who allowed this to happen since the early 1960s? Perhaps our gift to history will be a warning to other Western societies facing the same fate?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM
  • These are some of the people who earlier tried to prevent Mr Griffin from speaking to the people of this country about immigration and their other policies.

    Nice aren't they? And these people are ANTI fascists apparently. Orwellian doublespeak for fascism.

    Toby Morgan
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:45 PM
  • The thugs have tried to stop free speech. Can one write in a party on a ballot? Or does one have to hope a party can field a candidate?
    The violent Left disgust me. I will vote as far right as I can because of the thugs on the Left and the damage the left has done.
    All this brouhaha is to deflect attention from the hellish mess the current lot have left us in. It won't work. We know who is responsible and it is not the BNP who do not cross the line and call for anyone to be harmed.The minute they did they would be out on their ear. The British would not stand for it.
    All that is happening is that there are louts on the Left and NG who looks calm and brave under attack.
    Those who are screaming would no doubt be happy for the Tibetans,Aboriginees, American Indians etc to be replaced in their homes. No? I guess according to the Left it is because the British once had an Empire and deserve to disappear.
    Self loathing writ large.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:34 PM
  • Mark Schulzr
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:11 PM

    That's a bit harsh but many people do feel like that.

    It's ironic that hatred unites and unties (anag) people far more than love ever could. Just look at the hatred which inspires Islamist nutjobs. I fear that real hatred of the political classes (not the immigrants- I think everyone understands why they want to come here and we'd do the same in their shoes) will create civil and social unrest on a scale not seen here since the 1930s.

    I actually wonder if Harman and her Marxist friends actually understand this .

    Len Mulvaney , Carshalton Surrey
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:34 PM
  • It is remarkable that none of your well-meaning correspondents has noticed that it is 'democracy' that has brought Great Britain to its present state. The salvation of the UK can only be the proverbial Man on the White Horse - with carte blanche powers; impossible in a democracy. So stop looking for a happy, reasonable future and hang on all the way down. The worst is yet to come.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:34 PM
  • Excellent commentary - many thanks.

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:34 PM
  • These are some of the people who are currently trying to prevent Mr Griffin from trying to speak to the people of this country about immigration and their other policies.

    Nice aren't they? And these people are ANTI fascists - apparently. Orwellian doublespeak for fascism.

    Toby Morgan
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:19 PM
  • They themselves who demonstrate outside TVC. are behaving like far right Nazis and far left Communists. Both wish to stifle free speech.
    How dare they decide what I can or cannot see!! It is tantamount to one of them walking into my lounge, switching off my TV! Would they like that?
    We have let PC and the immigration issue ruin or once liberal country and only a coup or bloodshed will rectify it. In my view it's all gone too far.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:19 PM
  • Do we take more immigrants than the other 26 Federal States? Because I'm under the impression that we take anyone with a pulse, and the rest reject all but the brightest.

    Oliver Sellen
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 PM
  • Quite apart from issues of national cohesion and identity, does anyone in their right mind think that the present population,let alone an increased one, is sustainable in the long (or even medium) term?

    David Thornton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 PM
  • The ordinary people of thsi country are sick to death of these politicians who are always GONADO but never do, They have lied and cheated too long now - we need a cleanout- As for Europe and the EU , opt out of this human rights crap and start acting on my rights, all too ofter these undesirables cannot be repatriated because of some nonsense about being persecuted in their own country- tough. they are economic migrants which is fair enough - but many come to the Uk supported by this welfare state which I pay for but have no say in who I have to support. Cut our the endless jawing from asylum sypathizers and start to deport all those on social security, without my �1900 bonus.
    If their own country is not to their liking then make it to their liking, and get rid of those who make it anarchy in their homeland. Don't come to the Uk with the intention of never learning English or integrating into British society, not Muslim. If they do not wish to come here, and better their family without work, you are not welcome here or I suspect anywhere in teh world. There are No free meals in life, ask any woman.
    We are being shoved into the EU and told there is nothing that can be done about it - NONSENSE. f you join any club/ society freely and find it is not to your liking or expectation you dont go again and stop paying. The �6 bn or more paid into EU would reequip the Armed forces and at least give them a fighting chance, as it is obvious the majority of Europeans are leaving us to fight while they make noises on the sidelines

    oliver cromwell
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 PM
  • The Police , who are adept at beating the shite out of democratic protesters as in the pro-fox hunting demonstrators and the recently witnessed Sgt Smellie battering a girl , allegedly , at the G20 demo , but I have just seen a couple of hundred welfare claiming agitprops on the TV news , break into the BBC compound whilst the girlie police shouted 'stop that' but did next to nothing.

    How can a couple of hundred students and layabouts stifle free speech and stop a legal political party spokesman from speaking?

    I applaud the BBC for having the guts to stand up for free speech. Their spokesman was also on and he was quite indignant

    Well done the BBC

    Littlejohn and all the other big mouths havent backed free speech but they like to dish it out , don't they ?

    Man on Waterloo Bridge
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 PM
  • England beware! this is being done by global capitalists that want a borderless world. reject the big lie of multiculturalism

    mark konrad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:52 PM
  • England beware! this is being done by global capitalists that want a borderless world. reject the big lie of multiculturalism

    mark konrad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:52 PM
  • If the people who write these comments could transfer the amount of energy and intellect used to produce these literary wonders into raw power then we may see some changes. Other than that it`s just a bloody big joke and the rest of the world will continue to smile - laughing is not allowed.

    peter ex pat
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM
  • It was summed up in a TV news item the other week when the French police dismantled an Afghan refugee camp near Calais, where 700 or so inhabitants had spent several months just waiting for an opportunity to get across to England.

    One Afghan interviewed was asked "Why do you want to go to the UK, why not settle here in France"
    His one line replay was "We get more in England."

    This sums up why people want to come here because it can be an easy life, espacially if they have hordes of children and who can blame them.

    Rather than stretch the over-burdened education system, NHS and social services even further surely it would make more sense to just close the borders and let the rest of the EU take responsibility for a change. After all their borders were breached before they got to ours so the onus is on those countries bordering the EU to tighten up security.
    I don't think anyone in the UK would want to deprive genuine asylum seekers from a safe refuge, but to cross the entire continent of Europe to get here is hardly fair on the UK, which will soon become a poverty-stricken Third World country itself if this government is allowed to continue destroying it as they have done since 1997.

    Its nothing to do with racism it's just Common Sense. The EU should sort this mess out once and for all, that why we pay into it.

    fran hiatt
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM
  • Joe R
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:45 PM

    Australia and Canada have both benefited from cherry picking disaffected UK citizens.

    I am here (in Canada) purely because I am able to leave, start a new life with my family, and the host nation is eager to have high skill, high wage earning, high tax paying, law abiding, healthy workers.

    All of these aspects are checked rigously before I am even granted a visa to move here as a permanent resident. To come here as a worker requires I have a job offer that cannot be filled locally. Employers have to prove that is the case (all around skill levels and nothing to do with the pay levels).

    If the UK continues on it's chosen path of mass immigration and EU integration I forecast there will be more like me and my family who will up and leave. This will create 'sink' regions much like the flight from inner cities create 'sink' estates.

    One thing is ironic, those that complain of immigration making their own country unrecognizable, emigrate to another country that looks more like what the UK used to be, becoming immigrants themselves!

    David Whelbourn
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM
  • As a South African I can understand how angry the english must be over this issue, however they should also bear in mind that hundreds of thousands of tertiary educated antipodeans have come to England over the last ten years, without the UK having had to pay for any schooling or tertiary education, contributed greatly to the economy and paid taxes along with everyone else, without a lot of the benefits that accrue to UK citizens, for instance child tax credits.

    When things are booming the UK actively recruits skilled profssionals from countries like SA who have a severe skills shortage, especially in our healthcare system, and as soon as recession hits everyone starts shouting about the immigrants. You cant have your cake and eat it.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM
  • It must be remembered that Gordon Brown is a signatory to the "Scottish Claim of Right" which commits him to make the interests of the Scottish people "paramount" in all his "actions and deliberations". Disgracefully he refused to rescind this commitment when he became British Prime Minister.

    Since that time in addition to the fact that Scottish MPs continue to vote on matters only affecting England and the Scottish enjoy such things as free care for the elderly and free University tuition (and many others) thanks to a massive subsidy from the English taxpayer,he and his fellow Scottish Cabinet Ministers, who are probably also signatories to the same document, have set out to destroy the England as a country by trying to divide it into a number of cantons (regions) directly responsible to the EU, have tried to subvert the English identity through the tools of mass immigration and multiculturalism and have ruined the English econony by incurring mountains of debt.

    You have to give it to him. On this one thing he has been true to his word

    Bruce Cain
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM
  • Prepare yourselves fellow citizens for when the race riots start. For when the multicultural experiment turns into the multicultural civil war. For when peaceful people of all religions and ethnic groups find themselves having to choose which side to be on.
    Unless something is done very very soon to stem the tide, and indeed to reverse it, I fear for our futures, for our statehood and for our very lives.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:41 PM
  • Frank and Nick, the Ark is moored and you are free to go. You didn't give a toss then and you don't really give a toss now. Gangrene is the problem and you need to amputate at least the leg if you want to save this country. A little toe just will not do.

    There are few true racists in this country but an enormous number of Nationalists and Patriots. You didn't want us.
    Just go.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:11 PM
  • It is time for a revolution in GB. The establishment must be put on trial for treason and executed by firing squad when found guilty. 3rd world foreigners must be deported. At gun point if necessary. The British people must resist their planned demographic displacement by a racist and hostile elite bent on destroying the indigenous population of Great Britain.
    Resisting tyranny is our greatest moral imperative.


    Mark Schulzr
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:11 PM
  • An excellent article, but does it go far enough?
    The British public were not consulted on whether or not they wanted a multicultural society or whether they wanted mass immigration, just as they have not been consulted on the Lisbon Treaty, it was forced upon them by these nu labour, liberal/socialist cretins, with tacit support from the other main parties. It would appear that the political establishment are convinced that they can ride 'roughshod' over the electorate, but the electorate will not tolerate it any more!
    Everytime the subject of immigration was even mentioned in the House of Commons or the media, these left-wing fools screamed "racists", far from representing the electorate, they were dictating to them and now, sadly, the electorate is taking its revenge!
    The vast majority of our totally gutless politicians are directly responsible for the rise of the BNP and deserve not only to be kicked out at the next general election for not governing in accordance with the electorates wishes, but also to have their pensions slashed by 50% for theft and gross incompetence!
    The general public do not want a BNP government in Britain, but neither do they want a government who not only ignores their wishes totally, but through their 'experience' manages to bankrupt the country, while stealing every penny possible from the taxpayer!

    David West
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:11 PM
  • A good article from Messrs Field and Soames. However the fact that they have to write to a newspaper just emphasizes their powerlessness as MP's of a wrotten, discredited UK parliament. In this system an executive which does not have the best interests of this country at heart has all the power.
    Yes, mass unwanted immigration largely affects one country, England. Why? Because England has no voice, no democratic representation within this state called the UK. This is why we need a smaller, accountable, representative English Parliament to replace Westminster. This is why we need to leave the EU. Only a country that has control of its own borders is a legitimate country and a country worth living in.
    Mass immigration is an economic, social and environmental catastrophe of the first order. These population growth projections are completely unacceptable, and the English people must resist a state which is allowing this to happen.
    This issue is not about racism or xenophobia which I have no truck with, neither do I agree with or support the BNP. It is about democracy, justice and fair play.
    Have the English people ever been asked if they wanted mass immigration in this country? Have the English ever been asked what we want, despite 60=70% of those questioned in recent opinion polls wanting an English Parliament?
    Do we want our country flooded by immigrants who are not needed in economic terms, will fundamentally and are fundamentally altering our communities in the name of the dogma of multiculturalism, and who will place increasing strains on our environment and quality of life? NO.
    So if you want an English Parliament, control over our borders, a prosperous economy and a cohesive society and you are proud of our heritage, our countryside and our culture, then you should support the English Democrats Party. We believe in inclusive, civic nationalism. My message to Messrs Soames and Field is leave your wrotten dying parties; the parties that have failed our country, and join us where you can put your principles into effect.

    Adrian Key
    on October 22, 2009
    at 05:03 PM
  • Allowing massive immigration of unskilled third-worlders who have no attachment to the British way of life was, and is, insane. The effect of this is to guarantee a future of strife for our children and our grandchildren. It has to stop immediately and those immigrants who are here should be encouraged to return home.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:46 PM
  • THis shower in power are fond of retrospective laws...

    Lets ensure that they are also subject to retrospective legislation bringing in the seizure of all property gained whilst in public service (including any held in trust or by family members).. they can hold the national average and only that...
    That should return the millions paid to the failures called Kinnock, Mandlscum, Harribagage, Bliar and Bumbling Broon.

    Then we bring back retrospective treason for the same shower .. enough said !!

    A Jones
    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:46 PM
  • The growth of the Muslim population is given in this article in the Times:

    This article in the Mail perhaps says it all:

    It is not being Islamophobic to question where the trend will go and the impact it will have on British society. If as the Mail article states that in cities such as Birmingham and Leicester, Muslims will soon outnumber the whites, it could lead to the development of a "state within a state".
    It has been reported that there are an estimated 85 Sharia courts operating in Britain. The following Times article describes how government has acquiesced and permitted Islamic law to be officially adopted in Britain:
    If as the Mail article suggests, the Muslim population will double by 2015, the evolution of a "state within a state" seems inevitable. Multiculturalism would appear to have failed with Muslims, but has succeeded with other minorities. Leaving aside the so-called "host population", one wonders what the Carribeans, Chinese, and other groups, think of the rise of a dominant minority, which could in the future have a significant influence on how they run their lives.
    Frank Field and Nicholas Soames are quite right: it is cowardice. It is also a dereliction of duty by the main parties not wishing to confront the question directly. The emergence of right wing politics is the result of this "head in the sand" attitude.

    Dwight Vandryver
    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:46 PM
  • The words Horse . . . stable door . . . bolted, spring to mind.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:46 PM
  • I would say stupidity fits rather than cowardice. Our group of islands are far too tiny to support any more people of whatever nationality. Our infrastructure is already suffering, and I believe that unless Immigration is halted there will be trouble. It is only natural that when a place becomes overcrowded certain groups of people will react. We need to ban all Immigration from none EU countries, and enter into talks with the other EU leaders to call a halt also. The quality of life of the current population will become very degraded if we have to concrete over all green spaces just because people want to come and live here. My vote goes to the Party which will take positive action regarding Immigration. Make that plain to your MP if they can drag themselves away from 'filling in their expenses'.

    sylvia evans
    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:34 PM
  • A re-posting as my previous attempt was not easy to read. Apologies. First and foremost it has to be said that neither Labour nor the Conservatives raised any objections whatsoever to the massive influx of immigrants into this country when they ought to have done. Moreover Labour has positively encouraged it!, aided and abetted by the EUSSR.
    Inevitably it is those who can least escape the consequences of this ill-considered policy that have to deal with it on a day to day basis - the white working class. The class that used to be considered the natural voters for the Labour Party have been very deliberately knifed in the back by the same. Not content with this the Government (both Labour and Conservative are guilty), have ensured that the white working class are ill-educated, and should they manage to overcome this obstacle that there are no jobs. The results are there for all to see. An underclass of unemployed, ill-educated white youth who see local facilities and housing being allocated to foreigners. What the hell happened to "Charity begins at home"

    Furthermore, its no use banging on about the BNP or Nick Griffin and their views, odious or otherwise. The fact remains that they are a perfectly legitimate party just like the Dim-Libs, Tory or Noo Labour. That's democracy, deal with it. They are just as odious as say the Socialist Workers Party or the Communist party. The point here is that they are listening to what millions of people are saying, something that the LibLabCon tripartite have signally failed to do because they would be smeared as 'racist'. I think there are millions more who silently agree with much of what the BNP is saying about immigration and the EU, but keep quiet for fear of being labelled a 'racist'

    You've created the problem, and you know something, even if you wanted to do something about it, which I doubt, the EUSSR (our real government) won't let you. See Anne Palmer @ 07:38 AM. You're stuffed. Get out of the EUSSR and perhaps we can start to implement policies that suit Britain only. The real crowning turd in the pile though, is the political establishment, who have ignored the people on everything and not just immigration. For years we've told you, for years we've warned you. Only now with an election nearing are you playing the game of listening (with the intention of doing sweet F**k All). And yes We want that Referendum that we were promised.
    You have fiddled (literally) while all about you is burning. The country is going down the Swannee at a rapid rate of knots and you have sat on your arses, collected the expenses, voted as per instructions and lived the good life whilst the population is ignored and left to pick up the pieces of your crass ineptitude. Unless you start giving the people what they want, politicians are going to start swinging from lamp posts.

    Mary Crawford
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
    Excellent post - and you're right - we are bloody enraged. I've run out of feathers to spit!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM

    Absolutely spot on especially about the EUSSR sending in its own forces to quell riots.

    A R Ealist
    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:34 PM
  • Tom Norton@3.40pm appears to sum up the situation pretty well.But as we,in the words of Mandelson, are in the post democratic era it doesn't matter what the people want its what the Brussels bureaucrats decree that counts. It is only the extremists like the BNP that will fill the vacuum that this EU lead policy has created which is a pretty poor outlook for this very overcrowded island.

    alan butler
    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:22 PM
  • It was announced today that armed police are to patrol our streets for the first time.The excuse is that they are needed to deal with drug gangs.The real reason is that they know what's coming and are worried

    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:22 PM
  • Piss off Gordon Brown as Australia is full and we do not want you! Send all the reffos to Scotland. bet the jocks will not be nice to them. plus they'll have no william wallace to help out!!

    jim smith
    on October 22, 2009
    at 04:22 PM
  • What is now interesting is that, in 1968, Enoch Powell who was vilified for his comments and dismissed from the Conservative Shadow Cabinet by Edward Heath, said, and you can WIKIPEDIA his comments, referred to the Registrar General�s statistics in which it was said that, �in 15 to 20 years, there would be 3.5 million immigrants and their descendants in Britain. Powell estimated that by the year 2000, the figure would be 5 to 7 million, around one tenth of the population�.

    He went on to say, �We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fianc�es whom they have never seen. �

    Powell went on to describe what he thought the position of the indigenous population would be: �For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country. They found their wives unable to obtain hospital beds in childbirth, their children unable to obtain school places, their homes and neighbourhoods changed beyond recognition, their plans and prospects for the future defeated; at work they found that employers hesitated to apply to the immigrant worker the standards of discipline and competence required of the native-born worker; they began to hear, as time went by, more and more voices which told them that they were now the unwanted. On top of this, they now learn that a one-way privilege is to be established by Act of Parliament; a law which cannot, and is not intended to, operate to protect them or redress their grievances, is to be enacted to give the stranger, the disgruntled and the agent provocateur the power to pillory them for their private actions.�

    In his speech Enoch Powell did not state �rivers of blood� but said, �For these dangerous and divisive elements the legislation proposed in the Race Relations Bill is the very pabulum they need to flourish. Here is the means of showing that the immigrant communities can organise to consolidate their members, to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided. As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see "the River Tiber foaming with much blood."

    Powell was referring to the rise of communalism in which each group of immigrant formed their own communities, much like the segregated cast system in India and which he had first hand experience of, and had no intention of integrating within British society by accepting British customs and traditions above the customs and traditions of their own nationality but, rather, insisting on the introduction and implementation of their customs, creeds and traditions above those of the country they emigrated to.

    Now, who will say that Enoch Powell was wrong to raise the issue?

    Kenneth Armitage
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:48 PM
  • jack
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM

    Actually Jack they don't, try looking around. In Toronto there are all the enclaves that exist in England, China town! areas where all asians gather, italians, not to mention the black americans, etc, etc.
    This is true to all major cities in the world that has this 'come and join the multinational crusade'. It does not work, it is another head in the sand idea for the ignorant politicians of the world.

    John Korn
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:40 PM
  • The views of the white British people have clearly not, to date, been listened to by our mainstream parties.

    That is one thing.
    However, the functioning and efficiency of Whitehall itself, in a variety of fields, including the Home Office, are also open to question. But, I suspect that the most serious and lasting damage inflicted to date by our socialist friends has been to the constitution, and to the legal systems, of the UK.

    Behind the scenes, a systematic strategy of destruction and cultural 'dumbing down' seems to have been in operation, possibly in line with some master strategy linked to Brussels; political correctness and multiculturalism appear to have been part of this strategy.

    This destruction has occurred at the very core of our democratic system. There has also been politicisation of the Police, Civil Service, and other areas.

    It is to the credit of the BBC that it has allowed Nick Griffin a voice on Question Time today.
    The establishment will be reflecting and acting (?) on the outcome, and the words of this courageous man. However, the reforms that are required go far beyond the issue of immigration - vital though this is for the future of our country.

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:40 PM
  • This is one of the best pieces I have read for a long time. Actions speak louder than words, but at least articles such as this go some way to restoring one's faith in politicians.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:40 PM
  • Congratulations to Frank Field and Nicholas Soames for a well balanced comment on the failure of government. The current incumbents have, as with everything else, talked a lot (ID cards and points systems) and actually done nothing about immigration!

    If they only talked with and not down to the people of this country they would find this is an issue that concerns people more than anything particularly in relation their environment and way of life and the threat posed by overpopulation. What the people of this country really want is not points systems but signs at our airports saying �Sorry No Vacancies� �Full� etc.

    Politicians should consider
    � House prices have not fallen as much as expected by the scale of recession no doubt due to the inadequate supply.
    � The resistance to planning applications for new housing development as people don�t want their neighbourhoods and countryside concreted over.
    � The road and railway systems already inadequate.
    � Hospitals and schools incapable of handling the current populations let alone more people.
    � The overloading of energy and water supplies etc., etc., etc.

    There is a real need in this country for action to stop any further immigration which has already been one of the biggest mistakes in our history. We need a balanced discussion and urgent action to control it and this will not be helped by the irrational and emotional input from the BNP! Their further gains in support will only be driven further by government inaction!!

    Good luck to the cross party group.

    Regards D.P.

    Dave in a Sardine Tin
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:20 PM
  • To Simon Dawson 01:47 PM
    When the three main Political Parties decide to listen to the people, you know, the people that have voted for them in the past, and the ones that contribute to their high wages and vast expenses that some have taken advantage of-all be it within the rules-perhaps they might realise that the people have a tendency to look at their MP's that prefer to remain in the EU and let foreigners do the job that THEY should be doing, for the people may be looking at them as "taking money under false pretenses", for without doubt, MP's also have to obey EU Orders in the same way that we have to.

    They have one option though which we do not have. They can repudiate the Treaties as per Lord Denning ruling.

    It struck me the other day that ever since 1972 we have voted for political Parties that want to remain IN the European Union. WHY, when all the people in this Country want FREEDOM. We live in an alleged democracy. But what kind of democracy is it that just gives you a choice between three Political Parties that all want the same thing, to remain in a Union that instigates most of our laws yet our own MP�s want paying as if THEY are doing it?

    The row re MP's expenses was NOTHING compared to the treachery, and/or treason they have done to us and our Country. Now who are you going to blame? WHO DID YOU VOTE FOR? Maybe you opted out-didn't vote at all. I stupidly voted for the Conservatives, can you believe THAT? The people have great power when they do things together you know. MP's fear the people getting together, for they recognize the power of the people. Why do you think there are three Political Parties for you to choose from that WANT TO REMAIN IN THE EU? They give you a choice? Are you sure about that? They divide the people. They divide the people's votes. They divide the Country. So WHY are you voting for them?

    But we will be in a different kind of �Europe� if Lisbon comes into FORCE. BUT WHILE WE (and at every General Election) FILL PARLIAMENT WITH THE KIND OF PEOPLE THAT ARE AND HAVE BEEN IN IT ALL THESE YEARS, CONTINUING WITH THE DEEPER AND MORE MEANINGFUL INTEGRATION INTO THE EU, AND OUR QUEEN, (WHATEVER SHE WANTED TO DO) CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANTED. She cannot go against the people�s wishes. THE PEOPLE CHOSE TO VOTE FOR A POLITICAL PARTY THAT SEEMS TO LOVE THE EU. It was what THEY, the people voted for, for a political Party that wants to remain in the EU, that has ratified every EU Treaty that they have come across WITHOUT GIVING THE PEOPLE A REFERENDUM, A SAY ON THEIR FUTURE AND THE FUTURE OF GENERATIONS TO COME. Remember, it is US lot that have voted AND PAID THROUGH OUR TAXES to put these people in Parliament.

    Anne Palmer
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:20 PM
  • "Politicians want to rebuild trust in politics."

    You intend to start with "a full pledge that our population will not breach the 65 million barrier", do you?

    How about starting by paying back some of the expenses you are not entitled to first?

    And doing something about the loophole that lets peers rob us of hundreds of thousands of pounds each in unentitled housing allowances, like Baroness Scotland, for example?

    After that we can start on stuff like immigration.

    Such as telling us exactly how many immigrants are present in the country. How many of those are illegal? What, if anything, do you intend to do with those who are here illegally? How about the ones who are not only illegally resident, but have committed crimes, especially crimes such as rape and murder, who for some reason you seem reluctant to deport?

    How many asylum seekers, and of what category? What do you intend to do about those who have failed to qualify?

    What oversight do you intend to provide? Who will set targets, and who will be held when these targets (inevitably) fail to be hit?

    Who will ensure that your departments are "Fit for Purpose"? What steps will be taken to ensure that someone (not the tea lady) is held accountable when they are not? That's properly accountable, not promoted and given a pay rise, like the civil servant that was responsible for losing twenty-five million names and addresses, etc. relating to every child in the country, incidentally.

    Finally, nobody is going to be impressed by a pledge to maintain population growth to five million more than it is already.

    Try promising a REDUCTION, backed up with a promise that if it is not accomplished, then heads will roll, as in fired without bonus and without pension rights.

    Accountability, that's the ticket! Look it up if you don't know what it means.

    That might get you somewhere.

    But after twelve years of what we've had to put up with, utter failure of most public services due to tickbox culture gone mad, stealth taxes, misuse of anti-terror laws to harass OAPs for misaligned wheelie bins, fixed penalty notices left, right and centre, capped off with blatant theft from us the taxpayer, who you seem to have forgotten actually employ you to look after our interests. I wouldn't count on it.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:20 PM
  • The oxygen of debate is necessary, suppression of any view is tantamount to censorship. We all know the standard of debate allowed in the totalitarian states of the leftward inclination. The comment by Livingston on the Beeb (Today) were in effect an incitement to violence on the part of the hard line "anti- everything parties".

    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:01 PM
  • The time to get a grip of the flood of immigration was during and after the collapse of Yugoslavia, any half intelligent man or women could see what was coming our way. Why can British Governments only react to problems and never be proactive. "Think tanks" and MPs on huge salaries, tax free expenses, and pensions - why is the "body politic " so useless?

    To show you how easy it is to forsee the obvious here is the next horror to come:

    A violent link up between Moslem extremists (Godfearing but death cultists) and Green fanatics (mostly Godless).

    Both however with a common interest,the de-industrialization and de-electrification of every nation,
    a return, lterally, to the "Dark Ages"

    See it is simple, now where is my "quango" fee!

    C Turner
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:01 PM
  • SIR- GUFFAAWWW Lord Barnett
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:47 PM, sir.

    Bravo, old bean.

    Yours, how did one get away with that, Colonel M.T. Kernel (retd.)

    Colonel M.T. Kernel (retd.)
    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:01 PM
  • Worth pointing out is that people are not only concerned about new arrivals taking their job, they are concerned that they were promised that immigration would not cause wages to fall, that immigrants would just take a few jobs with no impact on the rest of us. The opposite has happened and many, many employers are using the glut of available labour to reduce the offered wages to minimum wage. Thank god for minimum wage legislation or the offered wages would have hit 1gbp per hour by now. May I also remind people that the British was always � �I may not agree with what you are saying but I will fight for your right to say it.�. Thus we may disagree with Griffin (and being a gay man I doubt if I�ll ever be on his Christmas card list) , but we should fight to allow him to be heard and not allow the political elite to silence him because he disagrees with the �sit quietly and do what you are told as we know better than you� agenda they have for us.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:01 PM
  • Eric Worrall
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM

    "If we fail, or stop trying, it might be your kids who are among those who die."

    There is a limited quantity of non-renewable fuels available (including uranium). Even if large strides are made in improving the efficiency of renewable energy sources, there is a fundamental limit, relating to the amount of sunlight available per square metre, which in turn relates to the amount of food and energy that is available.

    In light of this, the sustainable population size for Britain of a maximum 30 million given by the Optimum Population Trust must be heeded. This figure could be on the optimistic side. There is a tradeoff between quality of life and population size.

    If you are a non-Muslim in Britain, it probably is immoral to bring a child into the world at the present time, knowing that they will likely spend at least half of their life living under Sharia law. (If they are permitted to live at all, as a Dhimmi.)

    It is high time that the political leaders should grasp the full enormity of the disaster that is facing us.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 03:01 PM
  • "All-woman shortlist" Cameron sacks woman member in preference for muslims -

    The Muslim Council of Britain have released a statement saying the Question Time appearance "will create deep divisions in our society, and is disrespectful to the memory of those people, including many Muslims, who sacrificed so much to end Fascism in Europe during the Second World War."

    Todays muslims "sacrificing so much to end fascism" -

    Cameron is also a leading member of, and key signatory to Ken Livingstones extreme communist, violent, claw-hammer-brandishing UAF.

    Cameron will not face Nick Griffin on Question Time. Instead he has sent a token muslim woman, while he, like Brown and Clegg, cringes in front of his television watching the show.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:56 PM
  • 30 years ago, I was recruited by an Australian company to work in Perth.
    At that time Mrs T had put 5 million Brits on the dole, and used north sea oil to pay for them.
    I was interviewed by an Australian technical officer, before being given permission to work in Oz.
    He told me then, that Australia was cherry picking the very cream of the UK labour market, only accepting youg,fit,educated,highly skilled people.The very people the UK could ill afford to loose. that was over 30 years ago. since then, over one million excellent poms have been working,and paying taxes, for Australia.99% would'nt now return at the point of a gun, look what you have lost, look at what these people were replaced by ?
    Then ask who got the best bargain ? Sorry but, No prizes for guessing this no brainer.

    Joe R
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:45 PM
  • Hmmm, all those public people I despise (PM, Haines, Livingstone, Cameron etc.) don't want us to hear about BNP and UKIP. So, vote for either of them: BNP if you are a leftie and UKIP if you are a Conservative.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:41 PM
  • I'm Irish. 20 Million people in the UK are believed to have some Irish ancestry. Has this destroyed you? Why do so many of you believe that the same level of penetration from Europe and the Third World will destroy you? Is it because so many of them are coloured and you can see the difference?

    Is this really a good basis for
    all this fear?

    B McCaffrey
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:41 PM
  • What Frank and Nicholas do not get is that a far far greater proportion of the people of this country do not want as many immigrants as we have allowed to settle here. If we had a referendum on deporting any immigrant who had been allowed to settle here in the last 15 years I believe 75% would support that. As a 1 trick pony it is the only topic in the pubs. The arguement may start with unemployment or the economy, it always comes back to Immigration.

    As many posters have pointed out the various environmental, economic and social problems this will cause then it is easy to see how peoples' attitudes will continue to harden and the matter will become one of insurrection, rather than Government policy, and don't think the Army will side with the Government. The Generals might but don't think our sons and daughters will. They will be fighting the invading European Forces, on our behalf.

    A very dangerous combination the EU and Immigration. In a Fascist state it is the combination of Nationalist elements that combine in the interests of the country.

    Plinio Salgado, Brazilian Integralist Party Leader: Wikipedia - Fascism

    The best governments in the world cannot succeed in pulling a country out of the quagmire, out of apathy, if they do not express themselves as national energies...Strong governments cannot result either from conspiracies or from military coups, just as they cannot come out of the machinations of parties or the Machiavellian game of political lobbying. They can only be born from the actual roots of the Nation.[71]

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

    Andrew Hornbuckle
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:41 PM
  • This piece is a superb example of how the existing mainstream parties are starting to panic at the BNP sitting fair and square in areas of policy which have been unacceptable or a vacuum for years on both their parts - and evidences them running scared at poll data which is confirming erosion of their *white working class vote* - sufficiently so for them to work to together to pedal anti-BNP pieces in the media.

    I don't know enough about the BNP to be sharply critical - there appears to be some sort of crypto-fascist aspect to the slights directed against it - but it seems to me that we are faced with a cosy cartel in mainstream politics which simply will not offer any policies voters in key areas of concern to them.

    This piece looks at immigration and even ventures a mea culpa on unchecked immigration. I can only tell you what I see, having lived mainly in Spain since 1997 - and that is that the Britain I return to several times a year has become an increasingly alien and threatening place - with immigration, religion and race front and centre in what we observe, not to mention a complete failure to engage our own rump of disaffected benefits lifestyle clients whose opportunities have gone to those migrating to Britain. A double whammy of failure which should never have been enabled.

    My small corner, Brighton and Hove, is full of the *white working class* - a misnomer - living in bedsits, allegedly having come in search of work, enjoying a 365 day holiday on benefits (nothing new about that it also obtained in Blackpool and Morecambe years ago where I managed banks).

    Everywhere you look the jobs are being done by eastern europeans, glad of caf� and shop wages. The city's many language schools and the like are packed with young Asians studying, and I venture not all go home when their visas expire. The main shopping parade is dying, Woolworths which once dominated it dead, yet all Chinese-staffed nail bars and like are opening.

    This is observation only. I see it more because I am not there every day. What does this look to whole sections of the population concerned for their jobs, their home and security, their future and that of their children - and above all concerned for what we have until lately taken for granted as our well-off, western, white Christian way of life.

    And Labour, not to mention the Tories, wonders why the BNP is gaining ground? It is simply a manifestation of disaffection with what they offer � and in one sense a more honest reflection of tribalism - in this case *white* � which is endemic everywhere else in the world and in how politics operate. So much for where our veneer of multicultural, inclusive, sophistication has taken us. Projections of our racial and cultural mix show white indigenous values are rapidly being swamped - this kind of backlash looking to the likes of the BNP is exactly as predicted.

    simon coulter
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:34 PM
  • No wonder this article has attracted so many comments.

    Immigration control, or rather the lack of it, is one of the main reasons that, at the age of 53 when I retired in 2007, I decided to leave the UK. Other reasons included rising crime rates, too much attention to targets and performance indicators, which stifle getting jobs done, and the continuation and increasing of unnecessary political correctness, which alone is instrumental for driving decent and hard working people from our island. I could go on but I won't.

    On my island in Crete there are over 50,000 Brits living here and I am pleased to be one of them though unhappy that I felt it necessary to leave England because I could no longer bear to live there. In fact I resented living there as nothing was done to support the wishes of the British people or encourage and celebrate our Britishness. It's as if it's slowly being milked from us and what we will be left with in the years ahead is actually unthinkable if immigration isn't checked and dealt with properly and not paid lip service too.

    When will politicians eventually get the message that we have a view and a voice, and that we want them to do what what we pay them for and that is to speak up for us rather than pander to our gutless and quite pathetic leaders especially over the last 12 years. They should look at the numbers of Brits who are abroad and who have left the UK over the last 5 years and ask the question "Why are they doing this?" But I know they won't and it's this apathy and arrogance of our politicians to be loyal to us that is both insulting and frustrating beyond belief

    I sincerely believe that in the not too distant future there will be a large increase of violence on the streets of England concerning our current immigration situation, especially if it is continually ignored.

    The clock is ticking. Would someone who has the authority and nouse to do something about it please do so before matters become irrepairable.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:27 PM
  • A soldier's dad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:09 PM

    train them up and send them back in a uniform

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:27 PM
  • It is not the case that there has been cowardice on immigration, for that suggests that the ruling class did not want the present situation. It is quite the contrary. The political party of which Field chooses to remain a member chose this path when it introduced the British Nationality Act in 1948. This process is resulting in what the United Nations has defined as genocide. Oddly, the UK is a signatory to the UN�s declaration on genocide, and is thereby pledged to punish the perpetrators of the genocide that they are currently inflicting on the Aboriginal British. And the political party of which Soames chooses to be a member has deliberately chosen not to challenge this genocide. We will remember this at the Great Reckoning. There is thus no question of rebuilding trust in the politicians of the old parties, because they forfeited that trust decades ago. They have deceived us, and a person only has to tell a lie once for them never be trusted again. So that leaves us with the British National Party as the only political party which is making a serious effort at challenging genocide. And if you don�t like them, you should have thought of the likelihood of such a party arising before you started all this nonsense. You made this mess. Don�t try and shuffle off the blame onto someone else. And don�t ever spout rubbish such as Mr. Griffin having the �opportunity to peddle evil views on tonight's Question Time�, when you don�t know what he�s going to say � unlike the politicians of the old parties who have been peddling their evil views for decades. If there�s a question of banning anyone, ban the old politicians. You could start with banning Jack Straw because of his racist comments about the English being potentially very violent and the British not being a race worth saving.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:27 PM
  • Door closing, horse bolting, late too �. words that spring instantly to mind.

    Foolish people! Did ever a country have such a death wish?

    How wonderful it is to see politicians undergoing such Pauline conversions! Well, in Field�s case a sort of Pauline de-conversion for it seems that the thinking man�s hero�s feet are somewhat contaminated by the infamous clay.

    The whole points of this somewhat meandering comment are � in in a proverbial nutshell � do you a) trust ANY of the current bunch of sleazeballs ( and I DO include Field! ) to really have the will and the intent to do anything significant to remedy your dire situation vis-�-vis immigration?

    After alll these years of ACTIVELY encouraging it?

    After all these years of IGNORING your views on the matter?

    It all just simply reeks of opportunism ; of jumping on the immigration bandwagon for the sake of your votes?

    And are YOU going to be fooled by this?

    Probably yes.

    And � more to the point � do you, b) think that they will even be allowed to do anything about immigration?

    Laws have long since ceased to be made by Parliament : any British law that does not emanate from Brussels (70 to 80% of them ) is made either by the diktat of one made tyrant, Brown, or the wholly politicised judiciary, who now make law on the hoof.

    Some thing seem pretty clear to me, viz :

    Whoever wins the next election ; whether it results in an outright majority for one party, a hung parliament or � most likely in my view either a LabLib coalition, or a LabCon one, the Administration will be merely a caretaker one until the EU takeover under the terms of the Lisbon Contrick.
    Maybe someone cleverer than I can think of something, but I can�t conceive of either the British judiciary � which is in all but name a political party allied to the EU � or the EU itself permitting ANY measure likely to have any significant impact upon the situation in the long term.

    For, apart from inducing/forcing immigrants � many of whom are second and third generation Britons � there ARE virtually NO such measures.

    EU immigrants CANNOT be barred entry ; a government with the cojones to do it, could bar all would be immigrants from non-EU countries, but really people, this is a drop in the bucket.

    ANY conceivable, reasonably humane and acceptable measure that one can think of would be far outstripped by the sheer volume of children born to non-British residents. They are out-breeding the indigenous British by � what? 8%? 10%?

    ( And please, please, spare me the lengthy, nitpicking and vexatious rubbish about what constitutes �indigenous� : we�re all supposed to be adults, and we all know what we�re talking about here. )

    It�s high time that you all faced up to the fact that it�s all far, far too late ; your country will NEVER be what it was, for you have been colonised by alien people whose descendants will, in all probability be with your forever.

    They will BE the collective YOU.

    As an amateur historian, I have always tried to cut through the froth and the trivia and identify the basic issues in any situation, and until the world�s economy went into meltdown, I was pretty sure that in the long run � 50/100 years or more � things would have sort of evened out.

    For example, in historical terms it didn�t take long to establish a relatively harmonious Roman/British population ; a Celtic/Saxon/Scandinavian one.

    It is not to imply that you have no power to influence your future, but how it will turn out depends almost entirely upon the immigrants in your midst, who will � don�t forget � be the majority.

    In times of economic growth and increasing wealth, one could confidently predict that immigrants would slowly dilute their own culture and beliefs, assuming more the character and the attributes of the indigenous British.

    Prosperity is the greatest leveller of all, and also the most efficient suppressor of extremism. (And yes, I DO know about the prosperous, middle class terrorists from Baader-Meninhof to Islam, but these are tiny exceptions. )

    But now ; with rising unemployment, greater austerity and actual poverty ; with the sort of violent religious extremists in your midst, that are an novel phenomenon in British political life, I really don�t know. ( The IRA, in all its forms is a political, not a religious movement. )
    The basic issue here is that there is no conceivable way for you to halt the dilution of your culture, and the radical transformation of life as we once knew it ; and if immigrants find what remains of your culture sufficiently attractive, then over time things will work out all right.

    But if they don�t, then yours is a future of increasing ghettoisation ; mounting social strife and the inevitably ensuing bloodshed.

    And looking even beyond that possible mid-term future, the basic issue, above all others will be precisely that facing the various factions in Northern Ireland, and the Jews and Arabs in the Middle East � they, and you and your warring factions will go on killing each other until you are sick of it, and make peace.

    I wonder if such long term ruminations have ever occurred to the likes of Field and Soames.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:09 PM
  • How the hell did we get into the position that young Afghanistan men are given political asylum here in the UK when our own men are spilling their blood fighting their battles?

    A soldier's dad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:09 PM
  • How dare Ken Livingstone,Peter Haines, Gordon Brown "Call me Dave" and the rest of the political pygmies in Westminster lecture us on who we should and shouldn't listen to!If these and the rest of their left wing liberal, politically correct hand wringing lunatics not foisted enforced multiculturalism upon us this country would not be in the turmoil that it is in today!It's all very well for them in their leafy (subsidised) mansions to lecture us, they should be made to live in some of the inner city ghettoes where white people are afraid to go out for fear of abuse!I never thought that I(and a considerable number of friends) would vote for a right wing party,but these idiots have left us with no alternative.

    John Harper
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:09 PM
  • Just let the Muslims get the whip hand and the population will tumble.

    Only room for Muslims then though!

    This is our last breath. If we dont stop this and roll it back the British people can kiss themselves goodbye.

    We will be a footnote in history.

    We are committing racial suicide.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:09 PM
  • Excellent article. Labour and Tory have shied away from the truth that the indigenous population do not want mass immigration and we want the Govt of the day to stop this influx. But will they have the courage to do so. Whoever does will get my vote, even if it is BNP.

    Joan nesbitt
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • All these words and reams and reams of print just to state the obvious that everybody has known for yonks. As a previous poster has said where were Messrs. Field and Soames all those long years? Too busy pocket lining I suppose.

    Victor M
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • Just lets be honest about Labours policies. Look at them all from Labours self interest.

    Mass immigration = More Labour votes.
    Bogus Asylum seekers = More Labour votes.
    Benefit dependency = More Labour votes.
    Poor working class education/opportunity/indoctrination = More Labour votes.
    The inequity of Scottish MP's voting on English matters and smaller Scottish constituencies = More Labour votes.
    Multiculturalism = More Labour votes.
    Sucking up to Islamic extremists = More Labour votes.
    Postal votes = Postal voting fraud = More Labour votes.
    Special treatment for minorities = More Labour votes.
    Vast increase in State employees = More Labour votes.

    Get the picture?

    It used to be called Gerrymandering. I call it Treason.

    Wake up folks - Labour has not got YOUR interests at heart. The British, and the English people in particular, are not important to them.

    Power and their Marxist ideology is.

    If Cameron vows to address these issues (and I doubt he will) in the interests of the British people then he will get my vote.

    If not, its the BNP.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • All these words and reams and reams of print just to state the obvious that everybody has known for yonks. As a previous poster has said where were Messrs. Field and Soames all those long years? Too busy pocket lining I suppose.

    Victor M
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • How about the Telegraph runs an online poll titled-

    'should Brown,Blair,and most of the front bench Labour politicians face impeachment for crimes against the indigenous population'

    I'm number one voter for 'yes'

    Oh! and Mr Soames,Mr field-too late I'm afraid.
    I've been voting for the BNP for years,after It dawned on me that you politicians had no interest in the white indigenous British.

    Tony graham
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • Well said Harbinger 6.08 a.m. It's all there.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • Man on Waterloo Bridge

    "Why does it need 2 of you to tell us what we have known for at least 20 years ?"

    I'll bet my house you don't live south of the bridge or that would be 40 years

    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • Great quote here from someone on the Green Arrow website:

    "If nationalism hadn't been deliberately associated with racism (something which has been worked upon for a long time by those who planned this 'new age'), then people may well have unified under a common cause (i.e. love of country), and confidently resisted the advancing Orwellian nightmare. As it is, only the nationalists of each country now stand in the way of the NWO advance. Dark days are coming - are already here, in fact - and anyone going about their daily routine has already noticed that state intrusion and control has cranked up a gear - along with wider world events like swine flu/mass vaccination programmes/flouridisation of water supplies/biometrics etc - almost as if time has sped up a little; when in reality it�s because those who wish to bring the new age of oppression (which 2012 probably represents). realise that they are running out of time to complete their plans before the masses do wake up."

    No wonder they�re terrified of the people hearing what Nick Griffin has to say.

    Heaven Help Us
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • A few people above have said that European and British culture is superior to others. Maybe, maybe not. But that doesn't matter. What it mainly is is YOURS, and this is its home. You don't need to prove its superiority by some abstract universal standard to insist that it ought to prevail here. I moved here to share British culture because I've always loved it from afar, and it's awful to see it being eroded, to see from the moment you touch down at Heathrow that non-British culture is massively powerful. It would be nice if all immigrants came here to join and strengthen Britain's culture, not to undermine or oppose it. As an immigrant, I want native British culture to be mine, not for my native culture to become Britain's.

    Immigrant for England
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • One of the key issues concerning immigration is the great impact that foreign cultures have on traditional British way of life. Much of Muslim culture, for instance, is totally alien to the indigenous people.

    We treat our women as equals and do not expect them to be subservient to men. We do not expect them to walk around covered in a veil and I, like many others, find it offensive that we meet it on our streets. Our culture expects people to be open and straightforward not to be covered and hidden. If people chose to live here they should live by British lifestyles and culture. If incomers do not like our way of life they don't have to live here. But many politicians seem to think we should change to accommodate ways of life that we don't like.

    If I went to live in a muslim country I would not expect them to change to suit me and I would have to live by their ways. So why do we have to be so accommodating towards them?

    Phil M
    on October 22, 2009
    at 02:05 PM
  • I no doubt like many of your readers, have voted conservative in the past, but now I have given up.

    My country is becoming a more dangerous place to live, as the flood gates have opened and in have poured may uneducated third world immigrants, of which I am sure most are from islamic countries.

    We have a growing threat from islamic militants and by allowing more in is lunacy.

    In regard to Nick Griffin,love him or hate him you have to say the man has courage to speak up. He was certainly right in my opinion, when he said about Winston Churchill's views on immigration and islam, would have got him expelled from today's Tory Party. However, that said it would be the same result with any of the mainstream parties.

    We have serious problems with community cohesion already and is only going to get worse as they multiply. It has been reported that many of our Cities within 10 - 20 years will be majority ethnic. If this is the result of 50 years of immigration what will the next 50 bring!

    It is time everyone woke up any talked about it, instead of denoucing parties like the BNP. The censorship in britain today would make the old Sovet Union proud. I like many, want to hear Griffin speak and I for one will be looking forward to tuning in!

    I just hope the rent a mob outside and the selected lefties inside allow him to voice his opinion!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:48 PM
  • David P (10:24am) has produced a common sense manifesto on this issue. All three main political parties have made it clear they actively reject these policies.
    Perhaps the BNP really is "odious" as the media tells us. But the Lab/Con/Lib policies of deliberately refusing to address immigration is odious for sure.
    And I've certainly no time for the breast-beating of two politicians who failed to act when they had the opportunity.

    P Williams
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:48 PM
  • Although recognised by most of the Public for many years, it's still nice to see two well known figures (on opposite sides of the House) actually jointly publishing an article about the problems of increasing immigration in a National Newspaper. For too long now, such debate has been stifled. Unfortunately, the restriction of immigration they talk about is too little too late. The problem needs a rather more radical approach, one that I fear will not be adopted. This Government, the PC brigade and the media in general have done a great job of educating the Country's younger people into the "benefits" of multiculturism. In fact "education" is an understatement really, it's more like 12 years of "brainwashing". This problem has been extant for more than 30 years, as residents of Bradford and the mill towns of East Lancashire (to name but a few places) will attest to. The country, or certain parts of it, has indeed become, as one commentator put it "a sump for the worlds displaced", and the last 12 years has seen a massive acceleration and expansion into previously low immigration areas and the development or massive increase in size of 3rd world ghettos. I'm afraid that the cultures were and remain so different that in the main integration has not worked (despite the legal rules ordering this this and the threats of sanctions imposed by the Government for failure to implement).
    So, the situation is bleak in my view. Are the BNP the saviours ? Sadly, I don't think so. Whilst they retain the sympathy of a lot of people, they are just not a credible force. However, whilst the problem of immigration exists and there is no credible alternative, people will vote for them. Additionally, the more we see the media and the other political parties blindly (and often inaccurately) attacking the BNP, without accepting the problem and without ofering a credible solution, people will be even more intent on supporting them.

    For my own part, I'm a middle aged professional with sufficent experience of immigration to feel justified in commenting on this issue. It is the biggest issue for this country to sort. Call me what you want, but I'm English and still have (some) pride in the Country's history and culture.I do not believe there is anything wrong with that perspective at all. I believe that immigration (from all parts of the world) in small numbers can enhance and enrich the host country in a variety of ways. However, I believe that excessive immigration (particularly from the 3rd World )that we have now has had a destructive effect on the Country.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:48 PM
  • Great quote here from someone on the Green Arrow website:

    "If nationalism hadn't been deliberately associated with racism (something which has been worked upon for a long time by those who planned this 'new age'), then people may well have unified under a common cause (i.e. love of country), and confidently resisted the advancing Orwellian nightmare. As it is, only the nationalists of each country now stand in the way of the NWO advance. Dark days are coming - are already here, in fact - and anyone going about their daily routine has already noticed that state intrusion and control has cranked up a gear - along with wider world events like swine flu/mass vaccination programmes/flouridisation of water supplies/biometrics etc - almost as if time has sped up a little; when in reality it�s because those who wish to bring the new age of oppression (which 2012 probably represents). realise that they are running out of time to complete their plans before the masses do wake up."

    No wonder they�re terrified of the people hearing what Nick Griffin has to say.

    Heaven Help Us
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:48 PM
  • Get the army out of Afghanistan fast. They are going to be needed here.

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:47 PM
  • I can tell you one thing.. almost everyone I know is turning towards the BNP... and I'm talking solid professional people with good standing in society. They are not keen in admitting their new political leanings openly, but trust me, at the ballot box they will be expressing their disgust for the incredibly fast destruction of the culture of the British people that has taken place.

    simon dawson
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:47 PM
  • I had been wondering about the �other Churchill grandson�, Winston S. Churchill III, former Tory MP for Davyhulme, until retirement in1997. He was famously censured by the Tory hierarchy for an excellent speech he gave in Bolton in 1993 about immigration. Here is a flavour of that speech: ��We must call a halt to the relentless flow of immigrants to this country, especially from the Indian sub-continent. The population of many areas of our northern cities is now well over 50% immigrant and Muslims claim that there are now more than 2 million of their co-religionists in Britain. Mr Major seeks to reassure us �that �there will always be an England� and promises us that 50 years on, spinsters will still be cycling to Communion on Sunday mornings � more likely the Muezzin will be calling Allah�s faithful to the high street mosque!� More recently, in 2006 he gave a speech in the USA, which you can read here;

    In discussing the threat to the UK and western Europe from Islamic immigration he said this : �Today the combination of the oil wealth of Saudi Arabia and the supine weakness of the Saudi royal family which � as the price for not having their own behavior subjected to scrutiny and public criticism by these austere, extremist clerics � has bank-rolled the Wahabi fundamentalist movement, and given these fanatical zealots a global reach to their vicious creed of hatred and extremism.�
    I thought the words �vicious creed of hatred and extremism� were not dissimilar to words that nearly got Nick Griffin banged up! But of course, this speech was not delivered in the UK! Also, Griffin is not Churchill�s grandson
    Now the other interesting thing is that Winston S. Churchill III is President of an organisation called �UK National Defence Association�:- Among the names of the �President and Patrons� are those of Col. Tim Collins and Simon Weston Just two of the figures from the �Military Establishment� wheeled out in front of the TV cameras to attack the BNP !

    David Moon
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:47 PM
  • Igonikon Jack
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM

    Give it up cocker....nobody reads your muck any more....

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:47 PM
  • "Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration"?

    Bollocks! Let's have no migration. We're being overwhelmed, so much so, that I'm prepared to put aside my fears and vote BNP.

    Why can't Nick Griffin appear on TV? I seem to recall some Islamofascist scumbag called Choudray getting a voice on programs like Newsnight. He was like a scratched record, bleating on time and time again about Sharia law and never letting anyone else get a word in.

    To me, Islam and the BNP are soulmates in oppression - but give me the BNP over Islam any day.

    Here's a question - is it possible to revoke an immigrant's citizenship if they break the law? If not, it should be.

    Greg Russell
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:47 PM
  • Great quote here from someone on the Green Arrow website:

    "If nationalism hadn't been deliberately associated with racism (something which has been worked upon for a long time by those who planned this 'new age'), then people may well have unified under a common cause (i.e. love of country), and confidently resisted the advancing Orwellian nightmare. As it is, only the nationalists of each country now stand in the way of the NWO advance. Dark days are coming - are already here, in fact - and anyone going about their daily routine has already noticed that state intrusion and control has cranked up a gear - along with wider world events like swine flu/mass vaccination programmes/flouridisation of water supplies/biometrics etc - almost as if time has sped up a little; when in reality it�s because those who wish to bring the new age of oppression (which 2012 probably represents). realise that they are running out of time to complete their plans before the masses do wake up."

    No wonder they�re terrified of the people hearing what Nick Griffin has to say.

    Heaven Help Us
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Wait until the thousands of squaddies come home from the Muslim countries they have been bleeding for, from the shooting and bombing they have been subjected to at the hands of Muslims. What political party in the UK will they feel best represents them ? Remember where Hitler found his first comrades. Griffin is not the problem.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Hugh 11:59 AM

    Human populations have not been "sustainable" since the industrial revolution.

    We have no choice but to go forward, exploit every available resource - nuclear, fossil fuels, or renewable, and hope that we always pull the next rabbit out of the hat.

    If we fail, or stop trying, it might be your kids who are among those who die.

    Eric Worrall
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • lady Muck
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:24 AM

    Spot on!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Some of the comments here are the root cause of the issue in the first place.

    This article is factual on the subject generally of immigration and national population and direction.

    Its is NOT racist in the slightest but some people are purposely interpreting it that way in order to cover the issue up and not deal with it.

    I don't understand this view and it is extremely damaging to the country.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Yes, yes

    And then you'll all go and vote Tory.

    What's the point!

    Andy G
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Quite a few countries across the world have made two or less births per woman compulsory. Why don't we do it now with the only compulsion being an economic one.Stop at two or we will not pay for those children. No child benefit and no free education or health care. Exemptions for natural multiple births or adoptions within the UK.
    Every child in the UK of whatever ethnicity needs a lot of resources to live. We are not able to manage without imports. Energy has costs in every sense.
    Secondly just stop importing spouses from rural places. It is literally importing disadvantage which we end up being blamed for. 60% of marriages within the Pakistani community involve imported spouses. This could be handled by requiring high levels of education and English language in an imported spouse. And the age should be raised to 25.
    Don't just talk the talk walk the walk. The real rise in population will be births to immigrant Mothers and this does not change without deliberate policy. A support for two child policy would also head off career Mothers living on benefits. No money? fine we will take into care and some of your benefits will go towards the childs keep.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Immigration issues have been hijacked for so long by the politically-correct bullying bigots that we have sleep-walked into a situation that seems to prove Enoch Powell's case. Regardless of ethnic origin, colour of skin, religious beliefs or political conditions in various places
    around the world the blunt truth is that BRITAIN IS FULL, and charity begins at home.

    Australia is looking ever more attractive - I only hope I can qualify for immigration there

    Gordon Brown
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Until we have MPs who reflect what the electorate want our nation even of the 1980s, never mind the 1950s will be gone. The major political parties are only interested in their survival, parliamentary whips should be outlawed. With the exception of yourselves and a number of your contempories, many MPs are career politicians e.g. Brown, who have never done anything in the real world - they are lobby fodder. If Cameron wants a landslide, two policies for the manifesto - in/out EU referendum and five year freeze on immigration - majority 200.

    Tony Gee
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Although totally non-PC to do so, I recommend reading Mark Steyn's book "America Alone"...if it's all about the demographics, the figures on indigenous population growth v. immigration and immigrant ppopulation growth are very scary for Europe...

    All of the PC brigade hate Steyn for his "fascist" views, but in his books, he comes over as commonsense (and quite amusing) - far from fascist, but then it's the done thing to howl abuse at anyone who expresses a contrary view, these days...

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • Not true. The ONS figures were projections not predictions. Not the same thing at all, and take no account of recent changes to immigration rules. What supports the BNP is this continuing focus on "the other" being responsible for all the ills of Britain, of which this article is an excellent and sad example. Again, which party do you belong to Frank?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • I live in a south Coast seaside town that had a number of English schools. The maximum course length is 3 months. There are so-called students still here after years, from the Middle and Far East mainly. I see them on a daily basis and they still cant speak English.The authorities do not care.In fact, I would say it was a deliberate policy.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • I work in an international organisation. I have just had lunch with my colleagues: A Dane, a Turk, a German and Lithuanian. I brought up the subject of the BNP on QT - is opened up a debate between us of the 'immigration' problem our countries are experiencing. The following was interesting:
    The Dane remarked how certain areas of Copenhagen are no go and that due to the pressure from the far right the present government has almost ceased immigration (to such an extent that his Danish born daughter, who lives in the US and married a US citizen is only allowed back to Denmark under strict rules and for no longer that 3 months). TheGerman made familiar comments about feral gangs in various German cities. The Lithunian - and this is the interesting piece, shut us all up when she remarked that Eastern Europeans who go to work in the UK are staggered by the lack of blue collar workers who deem manual labour and 'difficult, uncomfortable' jobs too menial and beneath them. She said the Lithuanian (and the Estonian, Latvian and Pole one might suggest) are only capitalising on the abject response to the indigenous UK population 'getting their hands dirty'. This, from a Lithuanian who has accepted a 20% pay cut and can't travel home due to money shortage. The point she was making, if you are hungry for work, then you'll do it and this will, indirectly, prevent 'immigrants' finding a niche in the labour market, arriving here for work and then staying. As an aside, my comment about fighting a world war and the Battle of Britain to avoid occupation, but then witnessing the current scale of immigration, was not lost on the German!

    The Colonel
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • First and foremost it has to be said that neither Labour nor the Conservatives raised any objections whatsoever to

    the massive influx of immigrants into this country when they ought to have done. Moreover Labour has positively

    encouraged it!, aided and abetted by the EUSSR. Inevitably it is those who can least escape the consequences of

    this ill-considered policy that have to deal with it on a day to day basis - the white working class. The class

    that used to be considered the natural voters for the Labour Party have been very deliberately knifed in the back

    by the same. Not content with this the Government (both Labour and Conservative are guilty), have ensured that the

    white working class are ill-educated, and should they manage to overcome this obstacle that there are no jobs. The

    results are there for all to see. An underclass of unemployed, ill-educated white youth who see local facilities

    and housing being allocated to foreigners. What the hell happened to "Charity begins at home"

    Furthermore, its no use banging on about the BNP or Nick Griffin and their views, odious or otherwise. The fact

    remains that they are a perfectly legitimate party just like the Dim-Libs, Tory or Noo Labour. That's democracy,

    deal with it. They are just as odious as say the Socialist Workers Party or the Communist party. The point here is

    that they are listening to what millions of people are saying, something that the LibLabCon tripartite have

    signally failed to do because they would be smeared as 'racist'. I think there are millions more who silently agree

    with much of what the BNP is saying about immigration and the EU, but keep quiet for fear of being labelled a


    You've created the problem, and you know something, even if you wanted to do something about it, which I doubt, the

    EUSSR (our real government) won't let you. See Anne Palmer @ 07:38 AM. You're stuffed. Get out of the EUSSR and

    perhaps we can start to implement policies that suit Britain only. The real crowning turd in the pile though, is

    the political establishment, who have ignored the people on everything and not just immigration. For years we've

    told you, for years we've warned you. Only now with an election nearing are you playing the game of listening

    (with the intention of doing sweet F**k All). And yes We want that Referendum that we were promised.

    You have fiddled (literally) while all about you is burning. The country is going down the Swannee at a rapid rate

    of knots and you have sat on your arses, collected the expenses, voted as per instructions and lived the good life

    whilst the population is ignored and left to pick up the pieces of your crass ineptitude. Unless you start giving

    the people what they want, politicians are going to start swinging from lamp posts.

    Mary Crawford
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM

    Excellent post - and you're right - we are bloody enraged. I've run out of feathers to spit!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM

    Absolutely spot on especially about the EUSSR sending in its own forces to quell riots.

    A R Ealist
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:24 PM
  • As a white 60 year old working class man,, I feel deserted by the politicians who represent me. They have no idea of how we have to live hand to mouth whilst they gift our heritage and any wealth that we have left to any third world individual. I saw the suspected bank robber Hain blurting his vitriol on Newsnight. Hopefully he and his cronies will soon be out of a job.

    Jim Kirwin
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • It's not just cowardice, Mr Field and Mr Soames.

    In another well-known newspaper today there is reported the following:

    "Giving evidence for the prosecution, Professor Ert�rk added: "If the family or the father of the girl who is alleged to have brought shame on the family did not do enough to punish the girl then he would be considered as guilty." She said that a family council could include relatives overseas and did not have actually to meet. "Honour-based violence does not normally occur on the spur of the moment but is an escalation of the tension when the woman is seen to openly challenge acceptable modes of behaviour," she said. Professor Ert�rk told the court that "honour" was an important value in Turkish society, particularly in the southeast of the country where many Kurds live."

    This, it seems, is their Turkish culture. It is not ours. We are British and we have British culture. I am fed up with multi-culturalism in this, our country. No wonder far-right parties are gaining ground.

    Geoffrey Woollard
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • Field and Soames are 40 years too late.
    Enoch Powell told our future in his "Rivers of Blood" speech in 1968.
    ONLY the bloodshed has not happened - Yet.
    Our Country has been destroyed in the intervening years, by BOTH of their parties. What did they do about it - nothing.
    Trooped into the voting lobbies following the party line as ordered by the whips with all the rest of the sheep.
    Like all the other muppets, sorry, Parliamentarians, they now realise the electorate has had enough and is beginning to show signs of revolt and that their cushy "no expenses spared" life style is under threat, hence todays revelations.

    R M Hemer
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • I want to see BNP on question time. The left are always banging on about minority rights- well then let the not so small majority of us who wish to keep Britain British be represented. Hats off to BBC.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • I think it was a year or 18 months ago that a survey revealed that there is considerable anger amongst the British public. It isn't necessary to go far beyond ones friends and colleagues to establish that much of the anger is fuelled by uncontrolled immigration. Why is it that politicians, especially during the past 12 years, have taken the electorate for a bunch of complete fools? They still do! Do they not realise that just by saying immigration will be reduced by 75% will be a vote winner? No, they are too scared that a few people that are totally out of touch with public opinion will yell and shout: Racist!
    The figures released yesterday only give more power to the BNP. To the majority the figures just read like a dreadful horror story. Put simply; if you don't make it completely clear that Britain is no longer a soft touch for would be immigrants then there will always be a camp at Calais.
    The British need to take care of those that are in the country at present including a growing number of retired and elderly.
    Field and Soames mention social housing which I assume is the same as council houses and flats. Just when taxpayer supported council housing was starting to look more under control we have seen it grow again. How daft is that?
    Tonight on Question Time Griffin is going to bring up uncontrolled immigration and Jack Straw will not have any response. He is one of those responsible for it.
    Blair, you have alot to answer for. Brown, you're just plain weak. Both have knowingly given the BNP the power to appear on QT.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • I came to the UK from South Africa (British grandparents) many years ago, and one of the first things that struck me about the UK (under Labour) was how much self-loathing I found among the English population. This is not something I remember from my childhood, it seems to be a modern phenomenon in the UK. Some years ago there was a BBC news item about the first London borough to become white-minority, and the BBC would only broadcast views of people who were overjoyed at this development. How odd, I thought, not a single voice of dissent. The BBC editor admitted that she had cut out any views that did not express pleasure at this development. I cannot imagine in any other society this being met with a reaction of that sort. In any event, it is far to late to close the gate. Whatever has happened, people in this country have done to themselves. Obviously the self-hatred runs very deep.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • This article is right but its authors need to take this argument out into the broader public as Labour has stifled debate on this key issue over so many years. In this country one is branded a racist and fascist for addressing immigration. Do your readers remember how Labour reacted to William Hague's speech, "foreigner in one's own country" in a past election. For the good of all the diverse members of British society this debate should be conducted, openly, fairly and firmly.Mr Cameron has tied himself too closely to the platitudes of New Labour; it is now time to speak up for the fair minded majority with common sense.
    The British are tolearant and generous to foreigners - I know, I am one. But now is a time for honesty and realism.

    Robin Nordgreen
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • So which party decided it would be an excellent idea to let a section of the population have more than one spouse? And housing benefit for all?
    If you can't speak English, you don't have any skills to offer, (apart from breeding and growing a beard), you hate our country and you're a parasite on the benfit system you should be removed back to a third world country you will feel more at home with.
    Anyone got an MP who actually understands and accepts the views of the man and woman in the street?
    They should be tried for treason.

    Gez Yorks
    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • Anonymous
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:31 AM

    Quite so. We, and other European countries, are sleepwalking into disaster....

    on October 22, 2009
    at 01:04 PM
  • To Remittance Man at 08:40 AM.

    The British people HAD to be self sufficient, for a Country without the ability to produce its own food, or enough of it could never have survived, never mind actually won a war lasting so long, and this is why I strongly believe that those that are "in charge" now, and in the future will be very foolish indeed to continue to follow the EU's Agricultural Policy. It keeps the EU in control instead of our own politicians doing it.

    The people went short of many things that "today's" people take for granted now. Very few oranges, bananas etc. Lawns were dug up and all (and I mean everyone) grew vegetables, people shared what they had. Those that had not seen a banana, others that had, shared. My parents were given half of a Spanish Onion which was not used right away but put in the "pantry" and looked at and sniffed at, time a plenty, before it was cooked.

    The then Prime Minister had the gift of getting people to work together, and whole families did just that. All worked to one end and the shortage of food was endured not only to the end of that war, but long after it too. Without the Women's Land Army (in the days before political correctness and equality) the people may have starved. Without winning the War many men might not have survived.

    Anne Palmer
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:56 PM
  • Mauramia
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:23 AM,

    Firstly thank you. Secondly, the dismantling of the UK by the EU Communists and Nazis has been oh so very subtle. People today, no doubt of your generation and mine, look at what's happening in society, seeing mad things in the paper about arresting OAP's for speaking out or challenging youths, to hauling people to the police station and grilling them about damage to �5 hamburgers. There are of course the ridiculous laws springing up that are persecuting more and more, not forgetting the infuriating way people are treated by call centres on behalf of their companies, having to press umpteen buttons to speak to a person, never being able to contact the person they need, having to wait for ages on 0845 numbers to speak to someone regarding their problem who won't be able to help.
    All of this has been created by Europhiles for the sole reason of destroying the British spirit.
    The EU (or any invading force) cannot hope to control a people when they are loyal to their own culture first. They want to break Britain. This is their goal and unless people start doing something totally un-British - COMPLAINING, then the UK will no longer be what it is now but devolve (and keep devolving) into a Zimbabwe.

    There has been no violence because people are too scared to act. They know that if they do, they will not only be persecuted by the authorities, lose their job, possibly their families, as well as imprisoned, but also given a criminal record which will stop them from ever being allowed to emigrate out of Europe. There's too much to lose unfortunately. Our liberties in the UK have been destroyed and a prime example of that was the removing of Mr Wolfgang from a Labour conference. So much for Tony Blair's "we can do that as we still live in a democracy" as he's trying desperately to become the next Mussolini in power of the EU. Sharia is a distinct possibility simply because the unfettered growth of Islam will result in Muslims voting for Muslim parties. Within the Muslim community there will be the true Muslims, the Mohammedans who will continue to enforce his teachings and oppression upon the other 'not so true' Muslims. My only drawback on this though is that, when the EU Lisbon Treaty is fully ratified, there will be no voting that will count in the UK whatsoever as those who control our country won't be here but in the heart of Europe in Brussels, so any election will not be recognised and any vote will be cast aside. That however will not stop violence from Muslims within the UK as they push for Sharia and Islamisation. There will also be the possibility as well of yet millions of whites (those who are able to) leaving. The rest will no doubt have to either accept their fate or fight. The situation is a daunting one and a desperate one also.

    You are correct as well, at the moment it's a choice between stopping the UK from collapsing or letting it collapse and only two parties will achieve that goal, the Libertarian party and the BNP. It's a choice people have to make, to throw away their apathetic-ism and to vote, some for the first time ever. There's no point in complaining about society, whining and moaning in the pub about politics and the mess of the UK if you don't vote. Oh and the pub will disappear as well. That's another plan of the destruction of the UK - destroy everything that symbolises it.


    David Ballinger
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM

    Thank you for your praise. I know it was a bit long but so much to say. I could have easily continued as well and broken down the article yet more and more. I think I am really just speaking of how many people currently feel in the UK.


    Edd Herts
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:49 AM

    Thank you for your praise.


    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM

    Thank you for your words. You are correct. People in power tend to forget what happened in the French revolution of 1789. No prisoners were taken and once the aristocracy were removed, they went through the middle classes, eventually to the working one, in their revenge. If I were a politician today I would truly be in fear. The public is an animal without a head and when it turns into a mob, heaven forbid the outcome. It won't be stopped. This will not just happen in the UK but also all over Europe. The EU think they'll be able to control it, when in fact they're sewing the seeds of their own demise. There will certainly be EU totalitarianism, for a short while, however it will fall and crumble and those responsible dealt with by the angry citizens of the European countries they've tried to amalgamate into one and destroy their culture.


    Jonathan Laverick
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM

    I'm afraid to say that Britain is not full of small minded, inward looking people but instead desperately concerned individuals terrified at the thought of their culture and traditions destroyed. It appears also that your knowledge of British history is seriously flawed. Up until the late late 60's out politicians have been fiercely patriotic and loyal to their people and country. This is no longer the case. What has happened is that people like you are the "Nu" Britons, those who believe Britain to be what it shoudl be from the late 60's onwards compared to the "True" Britons, those who believe in the culture and tradition of the UK dating back thousands of years. Look at the Empire. Empires are only formed by fiercely Nationalist individuals. Empirical ideology is extreme Nationalism, not the mild Nationalism, that I pertain to, of wanting to secure your own country's culture and traditions are not destroyed, while having the utmost respect for foreign ones. I will not deny that the Empire did great good for the World and out of all the Empires this world has seen has been the most humanitarian, but going into another man's land and telling them to accept you culture as their own is not cricket I'm afraid to say. I am the first to defend the Empire and the many good things it has brought to this world, but I am also quick to spell out the wrongs also. Had the British politicians continued with a Nationalist ideology then we would not be in the problem we are today.


    The BNP Wants My Passport
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:02 AM

    "....but the millions of hard working, tax paying, law-abiding black Britons (I know, I know, horses, stables, blah, blah, blah) who stand to have their citizenship removed if the BNP ever achieve their aims."

    Why would the BNP remove those people who have taken on British culture as their own and not wanting to enforce their alien culture on them? Where in the manifesto does it say this? Have you read it?
    There are many people in the UK, very possibly born here who shouldn't be here and that also includes Caucasians. Remove the communists to Russia or China and see how they get on is what I say. There are no doubt a huge majority of BNP supporters who have non Caucasian friends and wouldn't dream of supporting a party that would send them packing to their ancestral home. And for your information, the BNP would offer 'voluntary' repatriation not 'enforced' repatriation as many people consider it to be from continued scaremongering by the media.

    If you do class yourself as British, you follow British history as your own, believe in what that much of what the Empire achieved was good, understand how it created the Western world as we know it and want to make sure that the qualities of Britishness never die then it really is in your best interests to support the BNP. If however, you continually want to see yourself as part of the minority because of your skin colour, then it obviously goes to prove that your culture (you choose to follow) is not that of the Indigenous of these lands and you prove beyond all doubt that although possibly born here, you are most certainly not pertaining to traditional British culture, but instead the "Nu" British culture created within over the last 40 years or so. That is not Britain I'm afraid to say. That is an enforced way of life upon indigenous Brits, never allowed the choice.

    Having lived in London for a large portion of my life, I have seen it change drastically. I have watched the indigenous cockneys leave to Essex, Sussex, Surrey and Kent. I have watched as the schools within London change from 10% ethnic to 10% white in the matter of 20 years, a mere generation. I have seen the rise of Black and Asian gangs over the last 15 years, running rampant on the streets of London, while the police do nothing and when indigenous complain about this, about the overwhelming numbers of young blacks and Asians in prison and offending, they are pilloried and castigated by local ethnic leaders and branded racists. I have watched the beautiful English language be utterly destroyed, thanks to a mix of Black American vulgar Culture and Ali G's rise of "Jafaicanism." I have seen basic, British qualities die such as queuing, civility, respect, stoicism and reticense only to give way to its exact opposite. I really hate to say it but I've watched the demise of English culture and the affect that immigrant culture has had on it and our very own indigenous population growing up in the inner city, a minority amongst the ethnic majority.

    So to finish, the BNP does not want your passport. It simply wants to fix this badly broken country before it get un-fixable. There certainly are many Blacks in the UK who adhere to our culture and fully utilise our culture to their own gains and become outstanding professionals, but sadly there are those who do the exact opposite, are anything but British and choose to reenact Golding's Lord of the Flies promoting their own, illiterate, ignorant, portrayal of British life. In other words they are anything else BUT British.

    I think it's about time that people in your situation stopped looking at themselves as a colour and instead as part of a wonderful culture, not an African, a West Indian or an Asian one, but a British one. It's time to stop looking at yourself as part of the oppressed minority and part of the overall majority, because one thing I've found out from living in London is that if you're indigenous you're last on the list for social housing and the benefits it entails. Your beliefs that the minority are the victims here is utter poppycock. You are a pampered lot and I've experienced it first hand. Britain is the only country in this world where the indigenous are treated like dirt and the minority non indigenous have more rights. It's madness and this is why people are supporting the BNP.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • WE.....are in the SHIT!.

    There is SEEMS TO BE NO WAY OUT it's like being in a burning building with all the fire exits locked!. Come on you people in power, join up and sort the bloody thing out, DO IT NOW!.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • Peter Atherton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:51 AM

    I'm in total agreement with you. I live in Bradford and the place becomes more ghastly by the day. Islam is a jealous faith, hostile to all but its own. I just wish more people would wake up and see the urgency of the situation.

    Mike Wood
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • I can assure Peter Atherton (11.51 am) that the North is not alone in this respect. I live in a southern town that you would not expect to be heavily populated with - well, let's not say immigrants, because I'd guess many of them are at least second generation - but let's say "people of foreign extraction who appear to have no interest in integrating into our society".

    I cite the example of driving past a local comprehensive school at chucking-out time recently; sitting in traffic, I carried out a very rough head-count - at least half of the girls were wearing Muslim dress (black robes, full headscarf) and probably a quarter of the boys were in Muslim-style pajamas (sorry, don't know what the correct name is)...

    And this was in a part of the town that has not traditionally been an immigrant area.

    By not enforcing a standard dress code for the school, the PC idiots that run the place are promoting the separation of groups who should be encouraged - nay, forced - to adopt at least some of our way of life, if they really want to live here.

    I am actually quite tolerant, and have several non-native people as friends; but I can only see disaster looming if our mainstream politicians continue to allow the building of "Little Islamabad" in this country. PC or not, there will be "rivers of blood" in the streets eventually, if we do not adopt a commonsense approach to restricting immigration and removing the destructive cult of multiculturalism.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • "Balanced migration"- if we're going to be a market system, shouldn't we do it properly? Let the market decide where people go, not governments.

    All this Mercantilist, protectionist Toryism is just keeping people artificially poor and others artificially rich, like the old system that tied people to their birthtowns or the guild system.

    It is completely hypocritical to call yourself a free-marketeer and restrict the labour market's freedom of movement.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • Key to what will happen is voting patterns. Labour assumed that immigrants would vote Labour but this hasn't been the case. Many immigrants share Tory values, wanting to prosper and educate their children well, many others don't vote at all as they don't identify with either party.
    Our politics will have to change, not only to stop the backlash of the BNP, but to stop the rise of a Muslim party which could replace Labour's vote in the inner cities. Alternatively existing parties will have to become more inclusive, rather than giving only lip service to other cultures and views.

    Peter Johnston
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • Sorry but we cannot support 61m never mind 65 or 70m.
    This threat has been obvious for 40 years. The race Relations act stifled free speech, The religious exemptions act set the precedent that minorities should be treated better than the majority.

    I watched the Panorama program telling us all how nasty we were to immigrants, my brother now goes through that a lot - but he's white living in an area of Asians.

    Jack Straw represents a town near my own. My town is known for race riots and disharmony. Another local town is now pretty much 50+% Asian. On a Saturday night, it is quite amusing that despite the hundreds of years of hatred between them, the Russians join forces with the Poles and Latvians to fight the Pakistani / Bangladeshi locals. The few Brits that there are just keep out.

    The interesting local migrations over recent years are: All my relatives between 21 and 35 have left as soon as they become qualified - and don't come back. The top jobs in council and housing companies are going to people from outside (who have the required obscure qualifications). The local council jobs (outsourced) now apparently gives preference to people who speak Pashtoon, Urdu and Bengali (amongst others).

    There is a large BNP vote round here and it is not surprising when there are said to be nine families (from Asia) a week moving into the area when there are about 15 jobs in the job centre and thousands of people who are out of work.

    I could go on but I would just be classed as some sort of racist

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • Who gave Fred Smith the right to talk on behalf of all of us?

    Peter Johnston
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • The rage is palpable, and justifiably so.

    However, the 'Trojan horse' has spilled its contents.

    I had the good fortune to get out for good some years ago.

    I wish you well in the quest to reclaim your country.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:55 PM
  • Let the man speak; this is supposed to be a democracy!

    Much as I despise the BNP I don't understand why certain labour politicians believe they are right in calling for the suppression of Mr Griffins as this is fascistic behaviour in itself.

    The sheer irony in the extremely orange Mr Hain banging his drum and calling for the banning of Griffin, just shows what a nasty little fascist he himself is. He just shows his duplicity and stupidity. Who the hell does Hain think he is? He's not in South Africa now and should take his extremist views and keep them to himself.

    The best way to deal with the BNP is with open debate in order to crush their bigoted arguments.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:34 PM
  • Frederick Roots :
    I have been saying this for years. Ban all asylum seekers -Economic Migrants.
    Deport all who have no right to be here. No appeals, which can drag for months or years. Most of them disappear into society.
    Lady Muck -- Spot on !
    Lord Barnett - I have always said this, Stop all benefits and word will get around that Britain is Not a soft touch anymore.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:34 PM
  • Sorry guys, its too late. Both of your parties have in turn cynically bullied, exploited, ignored and stolen from the British people for too long. We don't trust you. We don't like you. We no longer believe you. So, goodbye and goodnight. Yours, The British People

    Fred Smith
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:34 PM
  • If Nick Griffin is guilty of anything, it is that he is a race-realist (RR). As the term implies, a (RR) assesses the impact that a politically created multicultural society (MS) has on a long-standing mono-cultural one. Griffin has identified and voiced the flaws he sees in an artificially created (MS). Left-wing politicians and their supporters are very quick to dismiss (RR) commentary as racism, bigotry or fascism. However, the working-class - the downtrodden Brit, finds Nick Griffin�s style of tell-it-how-it-is-politics, extremely appealing.

    Dr Tom Swan
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • I don't consider myself racist and I have worked alongside some wonderful west Indian immigrants; but, and it is an important but, the indigenous population, who were brought up in Christian ethic and way of life, is being systematically sidelined by politicians whose aim seems to be to give other faiths more voice than the rest of us.

    The late Robin Cooke caused enormous resentment when he declared that "we were now a 'multi-cultral'society". He and other social engineers bare much of the blame for what is building up into a major confrontation between the indigenous white Christian poplulation and immigrants.

    Britain and the British were always known as a tolerant socitey, and they were. But now many feel overwhelmed by the number and the culture of immigrants which seems to be taking over our way of life and country.

    Main party politicians have seen fit to ignore this saying that it benefits the economy to have new populations while having no control mechanisms to regulate the inflow, and then wonder why extremist parties are starting to florish. All I can say is that the main parties, especially the Tories, had better get to grips with the problem before it is too late.

    Phil M
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • Nick Griffin should draw up a list of people to be rounded up after the BNP take over for re-education, rehabilitation, resettlement and other euphemisms. You'll be surprised at how fast the UK population will fall once word gets round.

    gwilym rhys-jones
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • England is the most densely populated country in Europe.

    England is the 3rd most densely populated country in the World!

    Yes, not Britain - all those immigrants imported by the Scottish mafia in Westminster end up in England - but England!

    Time for the English to grow a pair and stand up for themselves or lose their homeland!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • As a BNP supporter, I have just received the following email from Nick Griffin MEP -

    Question Time is scheduled for 10.35pm TONIGHT on BBC 1 and will be a milestone in the indomitable march of the British National Party towards saving our country.

    Our violent opponents on the far Left have promised to lay siege and barricade the studio venue, because they know only too well that this could be THE key moment that propels the BNP into the big time.

    Never before have we had the chance to present our patriotic, common sense solutions to Britain's nightmare situation to the public at large in such a prominent fashion.

    However, members and supporters must be aware that this show will be a stage-managed farce organised in a specific way to leave several impressions:

    The audience will be hand-picked and overtly hostile - thus giving the impression that the British people at large must be hostile to BNP views.

    The panellists will be overtly hostile, even the non-political guests will be hostile. Everyone will be hostile - this will leave the impression to non-informed viewers that BNP views have minority status.
    I will, no doubt, be interrupted, shouted down, slandered, put on the spot, and subject to a scrutiny that would be a thousand times more intense than anything directed at other panellists.

    It will, in other words, be political blood sport.

    But I am relishing this opportunity, and I know that, despite the stage-managed hostile audience and panellists, YOU, the ordinary members, supporters and voters of the BNP, will be in the studio with me as I take on the corrupt, treacherous swine destroying our beautiful island nation.

    Yours sincerely for Britannia

    Nick Griffin

    Nosmo King
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • Rather than anyone round on either the BBC or griffin, maybe the first question this evening will be addressed to the mainstream politicians, the Labour rep in particular.

    A good starting point would be to ask what degree of responsibility is accepted both for the rise of the BNP to electoral success and for the subsequent presence of Griffin on the panel?

    m collins
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • Andy G
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM

    For the first time, we agree. This should put the wind up the main parties - especially the labour traitors. Why did they abolish UK treason laws on coming into office in 1997 ?

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • In 1974 australia decided that unfettered immigration had to stop!This shortly after europe and uk cut direct trading links and left them to sink or swim on their own.
    A points system was introduced and later a system to monitor tourists and resident non citizens coming and going from australia..only genuine asylum seekers backed by UNHCR were allowed to stay.. all others were sent back.. this is fair and decent and as it should now has the 2nd best standard of living in the world (2nd to norway)and a booming economy to match a national pride only to be envied!
    I fear for my "green and pleasant land" (that England was).. This IS crunch time isn't it? please EVERBODY..get rid of the scum that have caused England's denigration and if you must (just this once) vote for bnp/ukip just to get rid of them forever!!

    dave h
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:31 PM
  • Why not commit to 61 million? why 65? Try deporting the million or so illegal immigrants Labour waved through?

    After reading this article I think I shall move my family to canada. Unlike the UK they run their own affairs in a properly democratic way, they have lots of space and they don't have tossers like Gordon Brown flushing their country down the toilet.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:14 PM
  • At last its about time we all woke up to this and take action on it ....the shame of it all is that it took the bnp to bring it forward with a voice i realy wish there was a party that was not scared to say it in this p.c world gone mad .

    D Downing
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:14 PM
  • Mary Crawford
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM

    "We are entering a dangerous period, I believe. Democracy isn't working and people are disenchanted by their elected representatives. Where are they supposed to turn? The Prime Minister and his cabinet, and the Opposition Front Bench need to take a look at themselves, because they are not providing good leadership. It's no good blaming the electorate because Gordon Brown, David Cameron and others have set themselves up as leaders of society and they have a moral duty to provide leadership. Their overwhelming loyalty should be to the British public, but it does not appear to be so. Shame on them."

    Perhaps (?), just for once, they will listen to us, the people ?
    If not, then democracy will have to be rebuilt from the grass roots upwards, all over again. We will have to create a new kind of Parliament where the people actually have a say in what does, or does not, happen.

    Just an ounce of humility is all that is required, and an ounce of the heroism and patriotism of Nelson(yesterday was Trafalgar Day).

    This country belongs to the British. Sensible action in line with the express wishes of the English/British is what is required.

    It is time to draw a line in the sand. If the politicians cannot, then the people of Britain will.
    Perhaps it will fall to Nick to
    draw that line. Our country is being/has been destroyed. I believe that Blair and Brown should be tried for their crimes.

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:14 PM
  • The title of the article suggests the raison d'etre for a need to review immigration policy is solely because of the assumed emergence of the BNP.
    The article is actually highly informative and relevant focusing on clear unemotive issues.
    I think most people in this country recognise that the BNP remain an irrelevant side show, who, because of recent minor marginal success have become a media curiosity; adding risky fascination for the bored, ever purient public;rather like snake charming. They are an inevitable distraction from the tedium of reality televison; nothing more.

    Griffin's brand of divide and rule, with cheap shots at Generals,as he attempts to curry favour by sychphantically sidling up to the rank file, and his claiming the iconic imagery of spitfires will never
    tempt the popular vote.

    The danger however, in a nuerotically politically correct nation, is that the mere visual association of BNP with icons from the nations heritage will taint and typecast not only those icons, but the values that they represent. In this way the nation's fondness for a spitfire might, for many people, be converted into a wariness that it may represent something sinister.This can start to undermine popular support for measures taken in the defence of the nation.

    It is notable that politicians have been slow to respond to this, while maintaining the effusive regulation platitudes about what a great job our boys are doing in Afghanistan. I am sure they have no more wish to be there than the rest of us.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:13 PM
  • There we go on again bleating about immigration and scumbag foreigners coming to our country to take our jobs and defile our women. At least most of them bother to apply to come in, we don't. We just send in our troops and stay there - univited or not. Check out - Iraq, Afganistan and now Pakistan.

    Sure Frank - send them back aye?

    Furre Fielding (trainee politician)
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:08 PM
  • Cartoon at top of article, just a little wrong, when he does burst there will be NOTHING LEFT of the PRATT!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:08 PM
  • Stop Islamic migration. That will stop unhinged 'refuse-to-integrate' population growth.

    Multi-culturalism works only when you let in qualified people, MBA-s, Doctors, people with Masters and PhD-s, who never have a litter of family members in burqas and beards.

    No benefits should be extended to immigrants with more than 2 children in their family, if both parents don't fall in the Tier 1 immigrant bracket (read, earn enough to manage education and other expenses of their kids without state aid).

    How about compulsory military service being a key part of the citizenship criteria? That should take care of 'integration' issues. But that won't stop the inflow of high-skilled immigrants.

    I don't get benefits, have no access to public funds, pay more than 40% of my income on taxes (that's because the UK government and the 'City' thinks I am a highly-sought-after talent), yet see my taxes used to support louts in sink estates who refuse to their rights to education, or work. They justify their aversion to education, and the highly-paid jobs that come with it, on grounds of higher education being too costly in this country.

    So where will you get the 'talented people with higher education' ? India, South East Asia, East Europe, Russia, are the easy answers.

    The immigration problem will never be answered unless the UK government is serious about bridging this 'education gap'.

    Silicon Valley, USA had a more nuanced way of dealing with the same issue in the 80-s and 90-s; so the 'Islamic-refusal-to-integrate' problem was never allowed to grow; instead you had technology conglomerates headed by Asian and American talents mushrooming, with the consequent benefits to the US economy.

    If the UK wanted to replicate this model in its 'multiculturalism', it should have replicated the model in its entirety, keeping the relevant filters in place.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:08 PM
  • The whole debate misses the point. The political elite of both parties have failed to be representative and democratic.

    The political landscape of the UK is changing. The next election will be the last traditional swing from left to right as in previous years. People will vote in the Conservatives only to get rid of Labour.

    This will truly be the end to traditional voting as we know it as people are becoming wise to the fact that politicians in between lining their own pockets have no back bone to actually address the main issues.

    Politicians have failed us on the EU, the joke that is the Human Rights Act, uncontrolled immigration and dare I say the economy by allowing greedy banks to bankrupt a nation so that we all lose our jobs and have to pay higher taxes for generations to come.

    Real change is needed to change the direction of this nation and if neither of the main parties can deliver then people will look elsewhere. Lets face it both Labour and the Conservatives have proven one thing, neither are fit for purpose.

    The problem we all have to face is that people are now looking at far right parties as the only alternative and this is very new and worrying.

    martini henry
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:08 PM
  • Here is a quote from the Optimum Population Trust website:

    "OPT researchers have concluded that, in the absence of radical breakthroughs in energy technology, an environmentally sustainable population for the UK may be lower than 30 million if it is to be largely self-sufficient in clean energy, if continuing damage to local and global environments is to stop, and if its citizens are to enjoy an acceptable quality of life."

    At some point in the future we will have no choice but to live sustainably. It looks as though the transition to sustainability will be painful.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:59 AM
  • How sad to read these article:-
    And see the hypocritical-writers
    missed the main points?

    And that is the origin of-All these children-of-Refugees-who-
    are using the good name of-
    British National?

    i.e BNP-that is British-National
    party, but their not British?

    Brown-Skin/British who we gave-
    our parents lives-to-defend our
    Crown and Country are the- British!

    Only people could claim to be-British-who done something for
    Britain and British Community?

    you don't flash around your look
    or your name?(you changed it).

    This is a legal challege to the
    all media-masters,to take a note
    of this challenge?

    You won't get away for ever, although this guy have already-
    have been prosecuted?

    This is merely a media hype,is to publicize to give credit to
    all these low IQ's......

    As this happened in 1933 in Germany-for-Nazi Party-then?
    that was the-then Jewish-Bankers
    were to blame, but now is the-Media must take the Blame?

    How sad to see our media is gone
    so dirty,and no one-in-the-office-
    of the Government would do anything about it?

    I wonder,why so much discrimination agaist Brown-skin
    British? why?

    " God bless us All "

    Cllr Ken Tiwari (Independent)
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:51 AM
  • Seems like the view of (most) people here is that if we just throw out all immigrants (i.e muslims and blacks), close the boarders, leave the EU and stop importing food/goods then everything will be alright.

    I wonder could this be right? If it is then surely we should go ahead.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:51 AM
  • Somebody commented 'Britain will become a Third World country."
    It is already a Third World country.
    Corrupt and incompetent government, an ever increasing gap between the super-rich and the working class - and a broken school system that's failing to turn out well educated school leavers and high calibre graduates.

    mike richards
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:51 AM
  • a pissed off Brit @ 10.50am...
    AND THE REST! (what about ALL the illegals?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:51 AM
  • Unfortunately this article doesn�t seem to raise the squeeze we have on resources with our CURRENT level of population. Never mind any growth, and ignoring the prospect of 70 million in the country.
    There is the question of oil
    The peak oil question which the BNP has on its own web site raises some very important issues. How does all this food from far away lands end up in your supermarket? It comes via ship, truck or aircraft. With oil getting more expensive, this food cost will rise. We could plough the fields and scatter, but not enough to feed 70 million, not by a long shot.
    As others have alluded to, the new arrival rarely brings with him/her, fantastic skills to build a great new country. Its basic semi skilled labour at most, work which the 2.4 million and rising unemployed should be doing. That means low pay, which must mean they will have difficulty in paying for the food they want.
    We go through a super tanker of oil every 4 days. Where does that energy come from when they don�t arrive any more? And where does the fertiliser come from without basic petroleum feed stock, so yields go down, meaning the food gets more expensive. The tractor doesn�t get its red diesel, so more manpower is required, which at minimum wage levels means food gets even more expensive still. So it continues�.
    We have North Sea gas running out, probably within the decade. The demise of North Sea gas will mean our houses will get cooler, or a lot more expensive to heat, whilst increasing our reliance on gas supplies from far away lands, which are beginning to rattle their sabres nicely.
    Until the politicians see that immigration has to be tightly controlled and some serious clamp downs occur, more headcount is just going to bring more squeeze, which will bring more social discontent, then rioting, and then lynching the people who got us into this mess, which Labour is convinced are the bankers (i.e. the rich), looting, society breaks down, anarchy, destroy all the old establishments. The only way out of this is to build a new Marxist one with everyone/thing under state control, so this doesn�t happen again.

    Oh� I get it now�.

    Nigel in a Spin
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:51 AM
  • The nation is now at its breaking point, not directly because of uncontrolled immigration, but rather people are tired and sick of the deceitful and treacherous Con/Lab/Lib politicians over the last 60 years.

    James Wong
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:50 AM
  • At last a 'mainstream' politician is coming out with something that UKIP (not BNP) have been forecasting for years, the moment the EU effecitvely prevented the UK from policing its own borders.

    Nigel Farage actually had a bet with the Romanian president when it was forecast that 37,000 (someone correct me?) Romanians might be tempted to come here... he bet 1 euro for every Romanian less than 37, 000, if the Romanian President would pay him 1 euro for every Romanian over the forecast. Farage is still waiting to become a euro millionnaire on that count.

    The usual answer, if anyone from UKIP raised their head over the parapet, was an immediate scream of outrage about such racist remarks from a single-issue xenophobic party, even if the question was simply 'Can we have a debate about this?'

    BNP is coming late to the party, but is receiving the same flak. More power to them for breaking the debate into the public arena.

    It's really simple. If 'immigrants' are here illegally, chuck them out as soon as they are found. If they are found guilty of a crime and jailed, pass sentence, then chuck them out, with the promise that the sentence WILL be carried out if ever they return. Don't keep them here at HMQ's expense.

    Then do as UKIP has been asking for decades- bring in an Australian-type points system. Establish a few rules, like the one where you are supposed to settle in the EU country where you arrive? Or one about being able to speak English BEFORE you come in?

    Or how about - deadly this one - accepting that British Law applies in this country? Don't come here and scream about applying your own.

    We can do all this and still be multicultural; No change there as Britain was always a dog's breakfast of mixed populations who (mostly) learned British tolerance and got on with each other.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:50 AM
  • It will get worse than people think as all these muslims import their relatives here. And the law is on their side because labour and tory govts have made these laws. Who created the terrorist organisation the UAF? Labour.

    In any case no country on the planet is dumb enough to take our muslims in. They aren't even allowed to do their haj because the Saudis know how much trouble these 'British' muslims are.

    We either deal with this problem or accept Britain will become a muslim state.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:50 AM
  • I will be watching THE SHOW tonight, haven't seen a good comedy for ages!.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:50 AM
  • Democracy has been usurped by the poisonous creed of political correctness which has suffocated traditional British openness and candour.This has cost us dear as Nulabour has swamped the rule books with so many laws and regulations that the whole legal system has a bizarre and twisted logic-that has turned the table on the victim and free speech has been muzzled apparently for the greater good of the people. Blair and Brown have thus been able to advance their- we know whats best -hypocritical agenda of multiculuralism and diluting Britishness as part of the left wing EU project to achieve the European super state whose lands will be rinsed in an even greater sham -the process of expanding human rights which in an Orwellian way will further stifle any dissent and lead us further into the socialist despond until we all love Big Brother-totally.The dishonesty of the ruling cadre and the naivety of the ruled who have bought into this fraudulent philosophy is breathtaking and we are now about to go over the final edge as the Lisbon treaty is ratified and what little power we have as a nation will soon drain away.
    So Cameron and Clegg have watched this incredible erosion of our democracy but have done nothing to resist the momentum-they have actually become major exponents of the corrupt PC/MC mentality as they come up with all women shortlists etc etc and kowtow to the religion that is blighting this country. That is why we all hope that Griffin ,against massive odds, will do well tonight and spell out what our dithering,disappointing,supine opposition parties have failed to do-represent what the majority feel and protect those rights that we most value to reinstate some sanity and good old happiness into this depressed country.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:50 AM
  • Chris 7.43am.

    you are at once hysterical, judgemental, aggressive, ill-educated and bad-mannered. If the folks outside my front door are like you, then I'll stay inside thank you very much.

    Robert Featherstonehaugh
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • There is only one hope for the Anglo Saxon nation - BNP.

    All other parties have betrayed the white nation - whether rich or poor.

    Sod the standard of living, stuff wealth creation, just vote to get our country back.


    Andy G
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • "England will have to cope with four million more people in the next 20 years."


    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • Arthur
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM

    Nice one Arthur. Saw this on the Green Arrow site earlier.

    No wonder one of the first things Labour did in 1997 was abolish the treason laws.

    Heaven Help Us
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • 'Left wing, right wing'... blah, blah, blah... Commonly accepted shades of the political spectrum. Too often confusingly so.

    Marxism, communism, national socialism/nazism, fascism, socialism...

    In truth, common political bedfellows. Each and every one suppresses individual liberties and freedoms. All should therefore be at one end of a political spectrum - however that spectrum be defined.

    Instead of 'left' or right' perhaps the political spectrum should be redefined along the lines of 'individual empowerment and liberty' at one end of it and 'individual disempowerment and repression' at t'other. Of course, as with 'left' or 'right' appropriate jargon one-word, summarising labels would need to be derived for each.

    Also, beware any politician peddling the word 'security.' It's often used to justify yet further erosion of individual liberties.

    'Security' is to 'freedom' as oil is to water. Just ask any prisoner...

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • The problem is the rate of growth of certain sub-populations.
    The Muslim population birth rate is around six times that of the indigenous, if births per women and age of reproduction are both taken into account.
    There may be a problem with the calculation method of the official projections. If the growth of sub-populations are calculated separately, rather than lumping all the calculations together, then the disparity becomes obvious. From a spreadsheet calculation taking these (and other factors such as mortality rate and immigration/emigration) it can be seen that the total population will be around 110 million by the year 2050, with an equal number of Muslims and non-Muslims around that date.
    The increasing steepness of the population curve must also be a concern.
    How does this fit with the Prime Minister's wish to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent by that date? There is some lack of realism, I would suggest!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • Frank
    Its too late mate, i will be voting BNP.
    It ought to shock you too that most of the people i know are going to do the same.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • All this hysteria about that pratt NICK GRIFFIN and the BNP is taking our minds away from the real problem in our society that being BROWN AND THE ECONOMY!. GRIFFIN has not got a CAT IN HELLS CHANCE chance of altering anything in this country!. WAKE UP! lads & lasses!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:32 AM
  • I never thought I would ever say this, but in my opinion anyone who has cone to this country in the last 10 years from outside the EU should be deported.

    My reasons are twofold. Firstly, to many companies have taken advantage of liberal immigration laws to bring in far eastern staff to drive down the salary expectations of indigenous employees. Secondly, the socialist PC crowd have made it impossible to treat everyone equally as they automatically assume that any comment or complaint is racist.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • If only the media gave UKIP the coverage that the BNP have been getting then we would not have a problem. The UKIP conference in Southport last month was ignored, speeches by UKIP MEPs in Brussels are only available on YouTube yet Griffin and his nast little part is getting acres of media coverage.

    There is an alternative to the mainstream parties that is non racist and has this country's interests at heart, UKIP.

    Alec Y
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • Immigration has been fuelled by the idiot do-gooders in our society, who want to spend everyone else's money to make themselves feel good. Years ago, when I worked for an Essex local authority, we were telephoned by a religious group wanting to bring in a coachload of Bosnian refugees.

    It was at a time when, after long and complex discussions, we'd succeeded in persuading a housing association to build new properties on Council-owned land, in order to reduce our housing waiting list. Under Home Office policy, such immigrants had to be given priority for housing, and that is what happened, to the great detrinment of existing residents. The new estate subsequently became a ghetto.

    Since then the situation has become immeasurably worse, and any voices raised against it have been shouted down and suppressed. Remember the Conservative MP who dared to refer, with some justification, to a "mongrel nation"? That was countered by Sir Dickie with the ludicrous phrase "rainbow nation"! Er, I don't think so, but that is a measure of the intellectual level of the debate.

    Barry McCanna
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • My parents saw this happening in Britain years ago and relocated to Australia. Whilst we have immigration in Australia it is at least controlled. I was shocked on a recent visit to the UK, I could have been in the Middle East, hardly a English face in site in London. It is quite obvious that some restraint or more appropriately common sense is shown by the government in stopping this mad policy of letting almost anyone in.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • The worrying thing here is not the eastern Europeans but the muslims who have created the ghettoes of East Lancashire, West Yorkshire and other areas. They have been pandered to by this government and left to pursue criminal activities (such as the Bradford riots) without fear of prosecution. They are now sitting pretty and breeding like rabbits to grow their population with the long term objective of overwhelming native Brits and creating a muslim state. Enoch saw it coming, why have Brown / Blair been unable to? Probably because it is their votes that might keep labour in government a little longer.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • last night, Newsnight covered this issue and not greatly at that. It pointed to the working class as turning to the BNP and wondered if it was because their communities had been ignored by Labour. to discuss this it and had 4 people on the panel- no little irony that one of them was the multi millionaire Barbara Follet, talking about the working class life in a Stoke housing estate, Mrs Follet is reputed to own two properties in London, one in Hertfordshire, a property in Cape Town and a holiday home in Antigua; one wonders how such a woman could ever understand what the people of that area need, but there you go. Anyway, they pointed to this and that initiative etc and yet they left out one important ingredient in all of this that leads people to possibly see the BNP as a viable political option. Ive read the posts regarding the BNP in this paper on two occasions; I was alarmed at first, people it appeared where accepting of the BNP and yet there was hardly a racist comment to look at, and then after seeing a theme arise became interested in a certain pattern that was beginning to emerge. From what Ive read about peoples concerns it has only served what I myself have began to believe over the last few years: the political class has become ONE, it has disengaged itself not just from the working class, but the electorate in general. we have laws we dont want and need without any rule being examined over them in parliament and the legistlative has become a rubber stamp machine of the ruling Government. That is the real reason that we had mortgage fraud by our MPs and so on, they live in a different world, with a different set of rules to anyone else, and in so doing have alientated what is known as 'the people'. We always have had poverty in this country, and we have always had multi millionaire socialists who believe they represent them, but we didnt succumb to the vile BNP before; no, what is unpalatable for the politicians is that the BNP and other 'fringe parties' are going to do rather well out of the next election, and it is their doing. Commentators like Johann Hari etc can claim the BNP are a product of the Daily Mail columnist as it suits him to say that, but the truth is, and an ironic truth it is, it is people like Mr Hari who have persuaded people that the BNP are alternative, by not properly defending the parliamentry mandate that is set within our constitution and a lapdog allegiance to the ignorance of proper democratic scrutiny since this Government came to power. MPs have ignored their first allegiance to their constituents, and in turn have disengaged with their concerns; that is why the BNP and parties like them flourish, and will continue to flourish so long as they do so.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • Alas, Messrs Field and Soames, you will achieve nothing unless you recognise that the bulk of immigration is not under government control, whatever its policies.

    There are no effective controls on immigration: a few valuable workers are admitted by discretion of the authorities, but the majority enter as of right by virtue of international obligation. Conventions on Refugees (asylum) and Human Rights (family) and EU treaties (freedom of movement) have made our borders porous.

    Running a welfare state for all comers is no longer feasible.

    Importing people to work illegally, because of the effect on the local population of the minimum wage and of welfare benefits, is also not sustainable.

    Building more social housing to accommodate new arrivals is not compatible with preserving the environment or the culture.

    As for the 'evil' Griffin, his policy of stemming immigration and removing illegals seems to be the logical conclusion you have failed to elucidate. I don't think the BNP is advocating death camps, pogroms or Nuremberg rallies, just the reassertion of British values in Britain. Isn't this what the SNP and Plaid Cymru stand for in their respective strongholds?

    Demonising the BNP because of its nastier supporters will not convince voters you have the solution to immigration, so provide some answers instead.
    21.06 211009 (second attempt)

    Phil Cowburn
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • By then civil war would be in full swing,through history we have one every 350 years,so we are due for one now.History does repeat itself.

    k jones
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • Recently the cry re MP's expenses has been "They still don't get it (the sense of outrage)" When it comes to the question of immigration they never, ever did get it!!

    Ron Matthews
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • The �no platform� policy is really just censorship by a different name. If you deny someone a public platform because you find their views objectionable then this is no different to the censorship that is practiced by Totalitarian regimes.

    The �no platform policy� contradicts the fundamental right of free expression by preventing (often with threats of violence) the freedom to make your views known as well as compromises the right of free assembly if like minds choose to meet in a public arena to discuss such views.

    Surely there is nothing more likely to get the angry, alienated electorate voting BNP in overwhelming numbers than the sight of corrupt, expense fiddling MPs such as Peter Hain patronising the general public by pleading that they must never ever take the nuclear option of voting BNP?

    Paul Henry
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:28 AM
  • The issue is further distorted by indigenous Brits leaving (always used to argue things are getting better without saying who's leaving) while the vast majority of immigrants are from outside the EU and entirely different cultural and educational backgrounds. I think it fairly safe to also assume this group will add further to the population figures you mention through an increased birthrate. This in turn will lead to a radical transformation of Britain or more specifically England in the not too distant future. Ultimately perhaps its laws and language too. Mainstream politicians ignore these details. Voters, this time round though, will not.

    Barrie Redfern
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:27 AM
  • How sad to read these article:-
    And see the hypocritical-writers
    missed the main points?

    And that is the origin of-All these children-of-Refugees-who-
    are using the good name of-
    British National?

    i.e BNP-that is British-National
    party, but their not British?

    Brown-Skin/British who we gave-
    our parents lives-to-defend our
    Crown and Country are the- British!

    Only people could claim to be-British-who done something for
    Britain and British Community?

    you don't flash around your look
    or your name?(you changed it).

    This is a legal challege to the
    all media-masters,to take a note
    of this challenge?

    You won't get away for ever, although this guy have already-
    have been prosecuted?

    This is merely a media hype,is to publicize to give credit to
    all these low IQ's......

    As this happened in 1933 in Germany-for-Nazi Party-then?
    that was the-then Jewish-Bankers
    were to blame, but now is the-Media must take the Blame?

    How sad to see our media is gone
    so dirty,and no one-in-the-office-
    of the Government would do anything about it?

    I wonder,why so much discrimination agaist Brown-skin
    British? why?

    Cllr Ken Tiwari (Independent)
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:27 AM
  • @ Mod on October 22, 2009
    at 09:23 AM

    "Ever since the Anglo Saxons arrived, and before that, this has always been a land of migration, it still is, and there's not the slightest reason for alarm."

    The UK is not a historically nation of immigrants. Professor David Conway in his book "Nation of Immigrants?" reports that DNA studies show 88% of Irish, 81% of Welsh, 70% of Scots, and 68% of English are descended directly from the Ice Age hunters. That's in spite of the Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Norman invasions.

    The reason for alarm is that the inflow now is 25 times any previous level, and as many others here point out, is frequently from totally alien cultures, not from neighbouring countries and cultural cousins as previously.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:27 AM
  • Great quote here from someone on the Green Arrow website:

    "If nationalism hadn't been deliberately associated with racism (something which has been worked upon for a long time by those who planned this 'new age'), then people may well have unified under a common cause (i.e. love of country), and confidently resisted the advancing Orwellian nightmare. As it is, only the nationalists of each country now stand in the way of the NWO advance. Dark days are coming - are already here, in fact - and anyone going about their daily routine has already noticed that state intrusion and control has cranked up a gear - along with wider world events like swine flu/mass vaccination programmes/flouridisation of water supplies/biometrics etc - almost as if time has sped up a little; when in reality it�s because those who wish to bring the new age of oppression (which 2012 probably represents). realise that they are running out of time to complete their plans before the masses do wake up."

    No wonder they�re terrified of the people hearing what Nick Griffin has to say.

    Heaven Help Us
    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:27 AM
  • A very well-written article with some hard-hitting facts. Immigration is a serious issue in this country. The trouble is that debate is stifled, with liberals accusing anyone who raises the topic of being a racist. Society is already crumbling due to racial tensions. There is genuine resentment to families who come here as economic migrants from countries where they live in poverty, only to be housed by councils while enjoying generous social security payouts and benefits, all paid for by our taxes. Sometimes this is at the expense of indigenous people, because councils interpret their responsibilities in such a way.
    Then there is the failure to integrate and the radicalism of religious groups whose extreme views are protected by the right under the Human Rights Act to free speech, which right some would seek to deny to lawfully elected members of minority political groups. When one sees these contradictions one understands that there is an "anything goes" mentality promoted by the worshippers of "tolerance". A tolerance that sometimes shows ridiculous contradictions and hypocrasy, especially when it comes to attitudes to religion. As an example, my wife was asked to remove her hat when she went to have a coffee. She was told it was for "security". Yet the ladies wearing their full burquas were sitting there enjoying their "right to follow their religion".
    Perhaps a reason why the major political parties are scared of openly and honestly discussing the topic of immigration is because there are now so many immigrants here that their votes could well tip the balance in the next election. So, rather than upset these potential supporters the parties say nothing of significance. Hence they create the very climate for more jingoistic groups to develop to defend what they see as a threat to their culture and heritage. As well as the BNP there is now the English Defence League and the Wesh Defence League. The warnings seem pretty clear that immigration has to be properly dealt with for all our sakes, before something terrble happens.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 11:27 AM
  • Forgot to add that come May we will all be submitting posts in response to an article questioning how the BNP manage to obtain the first seats in the Houses of Parliament.

    Finally, I'm not a racist and in no way support the BNP.

    I am however insulted by the fact that organisations such as the Association of Black Police Officers can exist unchallenged, yet the BNP has to accept non white individuals?

    How is this possible?

    Do the people that run the show not appreciate that one rule for one and one rule for another is exactly the sort of thing that creates the resentment that creates racism?

    A no brainer really.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:56 AM
  • Indigenous white British people are being systematically ethnically cleansed from this nation by a flood of 300,000 Third World immigrants arriving here each year.

    At this rate, Britain�s population will reach 70 million by 2029. Of this figure, at least two thirds will be the result of immigration. The majority of the rest of the increase will be due to the higher reproduction rates of those Third Worlders already present.

    Every year 425,000 more immigrants settle, in total, equivalent to a city the size of Bristol. The staggering growth rate means that in just 24 years, the population will increase by 10 million.

    The new figures, based on data provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), shows that the population increase will take less than half the time to reach 70 million as what it took to go from 50 to 60 million between 1948 and 2005.

    In addition, the population of �pensionable age� will rise by 32 percent over the next 25 years to 15.6 million, and the number aged over 85 will double to 3.3 million. These will be overwhelmingly white, and the younger generation overwhelmingly non-white.

    By 2033, the population of England will be almost as large as the current populations of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland combined.

    An August 2008 ONS report showed that nearly 25 percent of all babies born in Britain were from �foreign� mothers. The ONS said that 758,000 babies were born in Britain in 2007, and that births to foreign-born mothers rose to 160,340, or 23 percent of all live births.

    More than half of all births in some towns and cities, including London (54%), Slough (56%) and Luton (51%), were to non-UK born mothers. This figure peaks at 75 percent in the London borough of Newham.

    As shocking as these figures are, they still do not reveal the full picture of the demographic change underway. The ONS report did not say how many of the �non-foreign� mothers were in fact of non-European immigrant origin.

    As the key areas reporting the biggest baby boom were London, West Midlands, Greater Manchester and West Yorkshire � all areas of long-settled Afro-Caribbean and Asian immigrants, it is highly likely that once these figures are added to the 25 percent �foreign� birth rate, then as many as 50 percent of all babies born in Britain in 2008 were of Third World origin.

    The ONS population report states that, on average, �foreign� women have 2.5 children each, rising to 3.9 for those from Bangladesh and almost five for Pakistani women.

    This fast-moving trend means that babies born to immigrant mothers are set to become the main driver of Britain�s population growth within the next few years, taking over from immigration itself.

    It is clear that unless the Third Wold immigration invasion is not only halted, but also reversed, Britain will be submerged well within the next 30 or 40 years to become a majority Third World nation.

    Only the British National Party stands between this catastrophe and you.

    Doris in a Morris
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:56 AM
  • Chris
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:43 AM

    Can you explain to me how I'll break the news to my children upon graduation from University that the job they have worked towards obtaining will remain an aspiration as companies find it easier to bring in cheap experienced labour from India and Eastern Europe as opposed to training graduates?

    As for that awful woman on Newsnight last night, my 2 year old niece would have looked less out of her depth than she did. Give up the ghost love, you're just not cut out for it (reality that is) and there's us all wondering how we got into this mess. That woman plays a role in dictating how this country operates, really, absolutely comical.

    Also, funny that the ONS decided to release the immigration story yesterday, the day before Mr. Griffin appears on Newsnight. I can not help but think we the public are being manipulated for whatever reason here.

    Also, what support was Blair promised by the Eastern European accession states in his quest for European domination in return for reducing the unemployment figures in Warsaw and Prague?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • Uncontrolled immigration has gone on a lot,lot longer than the invention of "New Labour".
    Enoch Powell was crucified fifty years ago for stating the bleeding obvious.
    99% of all immigrants were allowed in to work cheaply and undercut even those Britons at the very bottom of the food chain.
    In Yorkshire and Lancashire cheap Asian labour could'nt stop the mills closing that once employed millions.
    Then we saw the advent of Thatcherism, that said we owe you nothing, get on yer bike.
    Millions did,unfortunatly, most of these were the young, highest skilled, exactly the people the UK could least afford to loose. and this drain of our brightest and best continues to this day,
    The UK is now a basket case, low waged, poorly educated, unable to compete at making anything.
    Blame politicians of both sides, because both are as guilty as one and other.
    blame the BNP, or Uncle Tom Cobley, but the truth is both were guilty of importing cheap unskilled labour,as a way of keeping wages low.
    Both have succeeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and we are now paying the price.and as usual, the people responsible are scot free living very,very well, with index linked futures for life.
    Keep on voting for morons, and all it proves is that there will never be a shortage of these particular people. or even more moronic voters who keep them in jobs.

    Geordie Lad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • At last the political class have admitted the underlying racism in politics. Some time ago I spoke to UKIP representatives and supporters in Sidcup.

    The UKIP members to whom I listened were - without exception - racist and xenophobic, including the war veterans who fumed that they "did not fight Fascism in the Second World War but fought to keep foreigners out of this country".

    UKIP may not publish pamphlets hating dark skinned people, but you don't have to dig too deep when speaking to them.

    Richard Barnbrook - who gained some notoriety for exposing Dereck Conway's expenses excesses while a member of the Fascist UKIP is now a member of the Nazi BNP.

    UKIP are a bunch of racists and were allowed onto the BBC, they mostly take votes from disaffected Europhobic Tories. The BNP are a bunch of racists too, but they do well in Labour voting areas.

    The difference between the UKIP and the BNP is that the BNP threaten to divide the Labour vote.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • Just to make sure I understand this.

    It has finally become acceptable to wring hands about excessive immigration. That's OK.

    However, the minute someone actually wants to do something about it - that's "evil".

    OK, "evil" it is then.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • Enoch Powell was castigated for articulating that mass immigration would destroy Britain as we knew it, way back in 1968. His timing was out, but his premise has proved to be correct.

    Will Enoch Powell's apocalyptic pronouncement concerning "the River Tiber foaming with much blood," come to pass?

    Powell finished with these words: "Only resolute and urgent action will avert it even now. Whether there will be the public will to demand action and obtain that action, I do not know. All I know is that to see, and not speak, would be the great betrayal."

    Powell was not the one who betrayed the people of the UK; rather, it was Ted Heath ("Traitor Heath") who sacked him and then took the nation into Europe with an outright lie concerning the future of Europe.

    It ill becomes Messrs Field and Soames to aver that there were some mistakes (no doubt minor mistakes in their eyes), out of which the BNP took advantage. The blunt fact is that the BNP articulate clearly on two things that concern the indigenous population: firstly, an open door policy that has allowed unlimited immigration; secondly, the continual surrendering of national sovereignty to Brussells.

    The three mainstream parties will, I hope, suffer real humiliation at the forthcoming General Election, as they have sold us out to Europe and allowed unfettered immigration, that has all but destroyed our identity with multi-culturalism and excessive PC imposed upon us without our being asked.

    Fraser K Turner
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • All over the world muslims are killing hindus christians jews buddhists.
    There are 2,ooo,ooo muslims living in Britain. You had better watch your backs

    a pissed off brit
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • What a good argument, and really good to see The Telegraph publishing dual author articles.

    Joe Conrad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:50 AM
  • Hallelujah. Quite literally, Thank God for Field and Soames. Bang on the money. But is anyone listening in the places that matter?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • That PC nutter Livingstone said on Today this morning that if the BNP speak on QT he is worried that some Muslims will get hurt.Pardon .... who has been dishing out the violence all these years? His friends in the IRA, and his friends the Muslims on our writers, on our cities and on our Jews.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • Frankly it seems unlikely that immigration numbers will go donwn dramatically, maybe it would be better to work at the same time to make the immigration work better.

    All the succcessfull immigrant nations, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, have this in common, they turn immigrants into Americans, Canooks, Aussies and Kiwis.

    Even if immigration stopped tommorow, the UK still faces a challenge in making poms, scots, and welsh out of it's immigrants.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • OMG !! I see you got ur little web thingy goin again , honey .

    Oh well , only 12 hours to go till Nick Griffin runs circles round the QT panel an audience .

    Or not .

    I'm probably gonna have to watch from behind the sofa .

    E x .

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • Looks like we, the rapidly diminishing caucasian population of this already overcrowded island, will have to vote BNP next spring, or it will be standing room only and enforced suicide on reaching 70 years of age. Oh, happy days.

    michael dearden
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • The secret files:

    "Property has been bought up by coloured landlords, who have then made the position of white tenants intolerable,and entire streets have gone over to a
    coloured population." -

    They knew, and they carried on with it.
    They knew it would lead to
    disposession and the displacement of indigenous Britions, and they increased
    immigration anyway.
    They know what is happening.
    They know what they've done.

    The indigenous British know too.

    But its "racist" to resist our own extinction.
    It's "fascist" to not want our country destroyed.

    They should hang for what they have done to us!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • I can only hope those in the audience of tonight's QT hold back from yelling such kneejerk, 6th form epithets as "fascist" and "evil", and confront Nick Griffin on the issues.

    * As a 35 year old, Cambridge educated man he chose to ignore all the facts and declare the Holocaust a "hoax". Why should any electorate trust the judgement of a man so blinkered by idealogy? A man willing to ignore such quaint, old fashioned concepts as "evidence" and "proof" in order to promote his paranoid and nasty world view?

    * How can a party whose upper ranks contain so many convicted criminals convince us that they will be genuinely tough on crime without appearing to be hypocrites?

    * Do the BNP's ties with white supremacist groups such as the KKK (as evidenced by the "American Supporters Of The BNP") somewhat tarnish the idea, put about by Mr Griffin, that they are not a racist organisation?

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    David Llewellyn
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • Unfortunately the rise of the BNP can be put at the door of Labour, for 12 years whenever anyone tried to raise the issue of immigration, they where immediately shouted down as either racist or little Englanders.

    In 2000 when William Hague tried to raise this issue he was decried by Labour and the press as being a racist, since then no one has bothered to try to discuse it since and now we have a severe problem.

    It is right that we continue to give a home to those who are being percecuted in their own country, but their has to be limits on how many people can move to this country.

    They say we need immigration to fill the skills gap but who,s fault is this, with 5 million out of work either on the dole or benefits there should not be any shortage of skilled workers.

    If there is a skill gap then it is due to the poor education provided by Labour policy on this, with so many unemployed immigration should be stopped except for those in real fear for their lives.

    As for any skills gap the government should be dedicating all its energy in training those who are unemployed in these skills, as long as its cheaper and legal for firms to bring in none British workers rather than train the indiginous population we will never gain the skilled workforce we need.

    If uncontrolled immigration continues, the pressure will continue to build and the risk of severe civil unrest will be unavoidable and possibly some form of civil war, if this happens it will be the politicians who will be to blame.

    Kevin Wardle
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • This is a rare and impressive
    article I have seen done by two
    MPs from rival, major political
    parties striving to achieve a
    common goal: Curbing population growth in Great Britain, along with the immigration that fuels
    it. This is, also, an unusual
    bi-partisan cooperation, which is what would likely make a dent on the imigration problem, or other challenges facing Great Britain.

    Often, in politics, it's about
    not letting opponents achieve
    and claim credit, like what's
    happening in the health-care
    debate and struggle in the
    United States. As I have always
    commented, Great Britain is a
    small island nation that
    cannot sustain unrestrained
    immigration. America faced the
    same deluge mostly through the
    southern border, and, then
    beefed up border patrol and other counter-immigration
    mechanisms; electronic fence.

    The biggest irony here is that
    BNP--a party that has barely won
    any seat in the Commons--has
    become a beneficiary of
    anti-immigration sentiments;
    not the other major parties.
    It's hard to win back those
    disaffected voters without
    concrete efforts, policies, results and accomplishments; not
    just campaign rhetorics.

    It may have been already too late. But, Britain cannot
    afford to ignore the threat
    of immigration. The statistics Fields and Soames provided
    explain it. Britain is heading
    toward population armageddon,
    unless urgent, practical steps
    are taken right now.

    P.S.: I found out several
    correspondents were delighted
    with the impersonation and
    humorous immitation of my
    commentary under Simon Heffer's
    Oct. 20 article: "Tories must
    not be wavering in replacing
    Labour's cronies with their
    own," (Oct. 21, 6:04 AM), where
    mine was published at 8:10 A.M.

    Some correspondents have tried
    in the past and managed to reach
    or cross the passing grade.
    But, this one needs serious, further improvement. I read
    Peter Watson's thesis-commentary
    at 12:26 PM, after invoking my
    name and "notorious" trademark.
    It was impressive. But, I can tell you: That's the longest posting I have come across in the Comment-Telegraph. Mine doesn't come even close. If he had gone further, Alka Seltzer might have been needed.

    Humor has never been lost in
    Comment-Telegraph. For all
    I wrote recently about personal
    attacks or ad hominem bloggerism
    in the Comment discussions,
    this site is ten times better
    than it was when I came back
    more than two years ago. But it took such advisory commentaries to let new comers and old deviants to know that's not how we perform here. I have seen lots of mutual, friendly comments among correspondents.
    That's the way it's done--with
    civility, even when you disagree or criticize ideas. But, just don't get into personal attacks. Doing so, gives the people attacked grounds to take the assailant down; especially for those who know to do it.

    Now, when you read comments like "drivel, rubbish, nobody reads, etc.," you can't just ignore them. They have been discredited. I wish I can accommodate the format
    challenge. I still can't for
    time-constraint reasons. For
    instance, there was a commentary
    I posted on Afghan president Telegraph Tuesday morning.
    I couldn't edit to the end,
    because of contractual emergency. But, then, those who
    know me through my writings would guess what happened. Keep
    up the good work. Best wishes in all your endeavors. Again,
    thanks to the editors for their
    kindness, indulgence and cooperation with everyone--all
    of which have promoted the
    culture of internationalism in
    the Comment-Telegraph.
    Igonikon Jack, USA

    Igonikon Jack
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:42 AM
  • News flash for Messrs Field & Soames. The war is over, we beat the Germans and the Japanese.
    What part of the jungle have these 2 been hiding in for the past 40 years? Have they just noticed this? How perceptive!
    If you want to find the man to blame, dig up Roy Jenkins and give him a good kicking. It was he, the red wine socialist who declared that anyone applying to come here from the Indian subcontinent should be presumed to have right of entry, and only refused in exceptional circumstances.
    The result of this lunacy is all around us in East Lancashire, and we have more chance of sunbathing in December than we have of either stopping it or turning the clock back now. Some things in life are irreversible, like the loss of innocence, and we have definitely lost it for good (and the plot with it)

    alan partington
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:41 AM
  • Fairfax
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM

    Excellent comment. I'm middle class and I voted for the BNP for the first time in the Euro elections. I've also donated hundreds of pounds to their funds. My first donation of �100 was in response to the frightening and disgusting attack on one of their chaps (Tony Ward) by a knuckle dragging fascist thug from Antifa - apparently an 'anti fascist' organisation. Talk about doublespeak. They are still openly bragging about it on their website along with the photo of the brave Mr Ward covered in blood from the terrible wound on his head. It was at that point that the BNP won me over. Did you know, by the way, that many Labour and Conservative MPs are open supporters of the UAF - you know, the 'anti fascists' who shout and scream and try to prevent Nick Griffin from being heard? The same groups whose supporters have been physically violent to BNP members?

    This small party of brave individuals risk life and limb (literally), risk political persecution (being sacked from your job if you are in the public sector) and have to put up with hate mail and vile phone calls (the BNP leaked membership list) just because their policies are about putting the people who built this country first.

    Like all right thinking people I will be voting for them again in the General Election (if we have one of course), and every other election from now on. This country is sliding into hell and the BNP is the only party committed to saving it. Thank goodness so many ordinary people like myself are waking up.

    Heaven Help Us
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:41 AM
  • Yesterday I had to go to the coroner's court in Walthamstow. To get to it I walked a mile from the tube along one road which curiously had a mosque and no less than 5 sari shops. This to me seemed strange in an otherwise ordinary residential suburban street. I passed a lady with her 5 young children. They were talking to each other excitedly in their own language which was not english. She had a face wholly concealed by a sort of burka covering her face but not her clothing. I think of myself as fairly open minded and warm towards newcomers in our country but I would have felt mildly uncomfortable asking the lady for directions for instance... an uneasy sense of separateness arises in me because of the concealement of the face which is a very strong indicator of lack of wish to integrate or engage with others. In the end (but perhaps sooner than I myself had previously appreciated) our towns will be balkanised by this sort of thing. It has plainly happened in the provinces in various cities. I can't help thinking about yesterday's prominent story of open hostility within a Swindon school leading to gang war along ethnic lines and a boy beaten to within an inch of his life. I can see that the lack of integration goes to the heart of it. But what can we actually do to make it happen and head off the growing problem? Multiculturalists make no apology for encouraging difference rather than blending of difference.Surely someone can take the lead and instil some degree of common ground at least in the next generation?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:41 AM
  • What are the odds of having A Rwanda like episode in the UK. Fairly high I would say.!

    Indiana Jones
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:41 AM
  • Who can disagree with the above 'wise after the events' article?
    Where were these MPs when the honest expression of their views might have made a difference? I suspect Hhding under the parapet while the hysterical left screamed 'racist, fascist. Hitler, Gas chambers, gemocide' at anyone who dared to suggest that uncontrolled mass immigration plus unknown levels of illegal immigration was perhaps not a good thing?

    Blunkett as Home Secretary was in the front line of those shouting' fascist'- and he is doing so still to try and suppress those who disagree with naive multicultural views.

    The whole Labour Party made easy capital for a decade by forcing a consensus between the parties on race and immigration issues which effectively prevented the Tories (even with Jewish Michael Howard as leader) from even discussing the issues at election time.This was in spite of the expressed concerns of the electorate. How many of us had huddled whispered converstaions on immigration which ended with 'But you can't say what you think, you can't talk about it....'?

    The role of the Nulabour consensus media has also been crucial in blocking debate. It has always been quite clear from tone expression and attitude of commentators what opinions are acceptable and what are not -it still is.

    Delegitimising the debate on immigration and controlling the discourse to suit Nulabour has also been one of the most insidious and damaging practices in the British media for a decade .
    Serious debates on race and immigration take place in French newspapers like Figaro -debates which have been virtuallly outlawed in Britain. The censoring role of the NUJ has been also been insidious in squashing opposition to enforced multiculturalism

    The cowardice of our MPs alongside the recent exposure of their wholesale greed and corruption has broken faith with the people. Foresight is what we need from politicians -not 20/20 vision after the event .

    So the rise of the BNP is consequential on this betrayal of the people and the blind arrogance of a government that thinks it knows best on all matters. Mainstream politicians may yet be surprised at the level of support Griffin's party achieves at the next election. -and it is all their fault.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:41 AM
  • banachech
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM

    You are wrong. We DO believe this country belongs to us - that's why we're so bloody angry and we are damn well going to take it back.

    Author Tim Lott recalled a tale last night on 'Newsnight' of an elderly lady in London who recently went along to a celebration of the history of her area (I think it was Lambeth). She was shocked to discover that it was all about immigrants. The white working class who had truly built it up from nothing had been airbrushed out of the 'celebration' Her shocked response? 'It's like we never existed'.

    We're being airbrushed out of the picture and it is disgusting. New Labour (and the pathetic Blue Labour) are the racists. They HATE the people of this country. But this is OUR country. WE built it. WE made it. WE are going to have it back and if it takes the British National Party to get the ball rolling , so be it!

    Toby Morgan
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • I am fed up with the way this great country has been misgoverned over many decades (and by no means limited to immigration).

    This article is full of patronising tosh. I will not vote for any Lib/Lab/Con, nor for any party in support of the Lisbon Treaty.

    It is high time the people of Britain stood up to be counted.
    We want our country back, and we would also like our original legal and constitutional systems returned to us please. That would do for starters.

    Tom Norton
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • 20:20 hindsight from Little and Large but too late the hero I'm afraid. Instead of pontificating in newspaper columns and sitting on your well upholstered arses why haven't you spent the last 20 years protesting against the soft genocide of the British people?

    Dai Ben
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • So two little Westminster villagers surface from the tittle tattle and safety bubble of their make-believe world and state the bleeding obvious about the country that the whole political class has failed so abjectly to govern properly... grat. I've never heard of the "Cross Party Group on Balanced Migration" - shows how much impact it's had thus far. The BNP is a grotesque bunch of unsavoury characters but so are the mainstream political parties now, but the difference is amongst the bile and foulness that comes from the BNP, are snippets of what the electorate want to hear and people will vote for them because who wants to vote for the parties who have done so much damage to this country.

    James Denning
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • As it stands, the BNP is a party which gained enough votes in the European Election that, if repeated next May in a democratic Britain which awarded seats in direct proportion to votes, it would secure them 20+ seats.

    If the politicians of the major parties addressed the following satisfactorily, which at the moment they have no intention of doing, they might well find support for the BNP fading away:

    (i) establish a controlled and selective immigration policy, which does not render Britain the dustbin and social services of Europe.

    (ii) end discrimination against Britsh nationals in their own country. By all means give our visitors a fair bite of the cherry, but not preferential treatment.

    (iii) cease the deliberate destruction of indigenous culture, such as Labour are trying to achieve to buy the votes of certain communities.

    (iv) do away with the Human Rights Act and eliminate the political correctness culture. If that offends our neighbours in Europe, get out of Europe.

    (v) establish qualification rules which limit the availability of public funds and social services to those who have contributed to our country long enough to justify it.

    (vi) cease giving overseas aid to countries which have had long enough to stand on their own two feet.

    David P
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • Wow Powerful Stuff Harbinger.

    And a true reality that is happening on these shores of ours.When it happens,as surly it will payback time will be swift.These marxist destroyers of a once great country will be in hiding for fear of their rotten lives.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • Stop all benefits and Britain will be on the road to becoming Great once more.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:24 AM
  • At last, two politicians that are beginning to understand why the BNP received One Million votes in last Junes EU election in mainly northern Labour Party areas.

    They may also may understand why UKIP have grown from nowhere, mainly in the southern Tory areas, by offering a superficially more respectable solution to controlling immigration by closing the back-door entrance from the EU.

    Eureka, after 12 years of useless government and the rise of the BNP and UKIP, someone is listening, but still inactive.

    The UK cannot sustain unlimited population growth we have never have had the social and economic infra structure in the past 12 years and now Brown has bankrupted us, we never will have the infra structure in the future.

    What is a government called that places International Socialism before the interests of it's indiginious people, it is called Marxist nuLabour.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:22 AM
  • From Jonathan Laverick:

    Reading these comments I am ashamed to say I am British.

    From a county that used to have an Empire that straddled the world (with all the good and bad things that implies) to turn into a small minded, inward looking little nation is extremely sad.
    What comments actually shame you Jonathan?

    Is it the long overdue awakening of the truth, which is, the unfettered ingestion of unassimilated peoples to these islands is impossible to sustain and must stop?

    Or is it, that an Empire nation of 30 million in 1900 has become a sump for the worlds displaced, which, in the past 25 years has brought the total number of known UK residents to 61 million; this not a little nation by any definition.

    Please note there is no covert racism in the posts submitted regarding immigration, the vast majority of UK people, from all ethnic groups, recognise the situation for what it is, UNSUSTAINABLE.

    John Ward
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:22 AM
  • Illegal migrants are an EU wide problem although most other countries, notably France, alleviate the problem by encouraging them to come to England, which is the prime target anyway.

    We therefore need a concerted EU and UN approach. I suggest the EU could pay rent to several sparsely populated African countries for several thousand acres of land, preferably near to the coast, which would be set up as refugee camps. The camps would be segregated by claimed nationality (that would be a test for those claiming to be from a war zone when in fact they are lying about their origin and come from somewhere else)
    They would be provided with basic humanitarian needs and the means to educate themselves or learn trades under the auspices of the UN.
    They would be free to return to their country of origin if they didn�t like it there.
    All illegal immigrants and foreign criminals in prison in the UK would be deported by ship.
    All the agency staff from the myriad publicly funded organizations who currently do such sterling work on their behalf,( and lawyers) would be relocated so they could carry on the good work.
    Similarly, all those organizations for the World�s poor and hungry that currently have large swanky offices in London could be found accommodation somewhat nearer to the problem.

    In return the African countries would get a large rent which would help them to create a better country for their own people and thus reduce the desire for them to enter the EU illegally.

    T Sedman-Smith
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:08 AM
  • Never a BNP supporter, I am however a supporter of allowing a viable political party with a million votes the same rights as we allow for example to the Communists.
    No one has to be reminded that Stalin purged millions and the old Eastern bloc has finally expunged the terror of their communist past.

    I do not recollect such impassioned horror by the do gooders as we see today at the BNP's expression against untrammelled immigration into the already top heavy Island that is the UK.

    I am sure that they speak for millions more who are afraid to find themselves on a hit list but who may well vote for the BNP secretly.

    peter C
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:08 AM
  • An an insatiable thirst for cheap labour, anyone?

    Johnny Too Bad
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:08 AM
  • Mary Crawford
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM

    Your comment is wonderful.

    I would only add one point.

    You say: "It's almost as if Labour MPs actually hate the English and have set about trying to destroy them."

    It is more than almost, I believe.

    Islam is very useful to the 60's revolutionaries (now in power not only in the government, but the media and education) and replaces the proletariat, who/which became too affluent to be used as revolutionary pawns.

    In order to create a new society the old must be destroyed.

    That is what they they are doing. Destroying us.

    I have written a number of articles on this which can be found at address below.

    Paul Weston
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:00 AM
  • Think about what you are reading. What possible reason could two UK MPs have for making a very overt point about it being ENGLAND that is most affected by this? No reason other than to divide and conquer. They intend for us to be at each others throats and forget about the bigger picture. Yes, the problem is worst in England because that is where ethnic communities first settled but more and more are working their way up the country. English friends living in Scotland are now bemoaning the fact that the immigrants they moved to escape from are starting to appear in much greater numbers here also. As I work throughout the UK I can attest to the fact that there are areas of Scotland that are turning into smaller versions of the ghettoes of South Yorkshire. So our own politicians would rather have us attacking each other than standing up for Britain. What a wonderful pair you are.

    Derek S
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:00 AM
  • Fairfax
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM

    Below A speech made by his grand father I am sure Mr Soams is familiar with it.


    "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
    Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as
    hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The
    effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly
    systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity
    of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
    A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement;
    the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law
    every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property either
    as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of
    slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among

    Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of
    the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
    No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being
    moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has
    already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at
    every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
    strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly
    struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the
    civilization of ancient Rome."

    Sir Winston Churchill (The River War, first edition,
    Vol. II, pages 248-50

    One ten years later !
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:00 AM
  • At last, two mainstream politicians who have the courage to tell the truth.
    Lets hope this is the beginning of our great nation waking up to the potential catastrophe before the extremists from all sides exploit the obvious tensions for their own evil gains.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:00 AM
  • Firstly DIVIDE... then RULE. The guiding light through the Ages for those who'd exert their power over us.

    Add ANXIETY and CONFUSION and you have the perfect recipe for CONTROL and totalitarian government in all its ugly forms.

    With some extremist exceptions,
    your enemy is not really the 'incomer' of a 'different' religious conviction or of a 'different' ethnicity.

    Your enemy truly is those who'd hold power over you for their own gain... variously found as a highly influential minority among big, monied interests, transnational corporations and international/national politicians.

    Are we suffering excess immigration as a result of incompetence or... deviousness? Which is it? I'm not certain but if I had to choose, I'd choose 'deviousness.'

    We are where we are. If we - 'Joe Public' - are not vigilant, thinking and very careful... DIVIDED we shall fall. And Joe Public will be the sore loser.

    In every facet of life in general, a tiny minority make things happen, a much larger number watch things happen while the majority are left asking themselves... "What happened?!"

    We are where we are. Don't be led by the nose by those who'd exert their power over us.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:00 AM
  • Lord Barnett is spot on. Until I retired I worked in the accounts dept. in a hotel in Birmingham. We employed about 240 people. At least 75% of our staff were eastern European. The reason? British people aged 18-25 enjoy benefits that make it not worth their while to get out of bed in the morning.

    While ever this remains the case, immigrants will flock here. They work extremely hard, are clean, polite,punctual and have good English. The cure?
    Stop paying such generous benefits and the lazy British will work or go without.

    Gerald Simon Davies
    on October 22, 2009
    at 10:00 AM
  • Two words:


    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:55 AM
  • Both parties have been doing is what they always do is mouth off and not listen.
    I worked in the east end for a number of years with youngsters who knew far more about the racial problems than any of our so called leaders. They lived with the problems daily and I learned a lot from listening to their stories.
    One young friend was stabbed on his way home from work and robbed he was off work for six weeks. Another boy was picked up by car by his mum each day because of threats and the danger on their estate.
    All this was from gangs of immigrants causing misery and mayhem while our politicians mouthed off about race relations.
    Mass immigration is the cause of the rise of the BNP. A very sobering thought is all those white working class happen to be the people who pay the majority of tax in this country yet are ignored by the political class.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:55 AM
  • How haunting is that nauseous phrase, �Celebrating our diversity�.

    It was the late Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat who coined the adage that the Palestinians' most potent weapon was the womb. Third World Muslim immigration is the issue, especially the mass importation of spouses. The real bomb is demography, exploding exponentially in the maternity wards, fuelled by visa and naturalization policy and welfare payments. Taxes are paying for the invasion and the succour, guarded by a Prat-orian rather than Praetorian Guard.

    Mark Derek
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:55 AM
  • Harbinger
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM

    Great post.

    And many others like it, it's such a crying shame no one ever takes any notice !
    Given old party stalwarts such as Soames and Field have been around the block a bit and have clearly seen what has been happening for the past twenty years, accelerated by nulabour's stint at the helm, why has it taken them so long to say something?
    Like them or hate them the BNP have certainly brought people to attention.
    But i am not saying these many of these great posts are totally supportive, just that many allowed to comment, unlike the terminally myopic members of the Ostrich parties are beginning to see the light.
    Whatever he has to say, I hope Griffin gets to be heard and much needed illumination is shed on this subject, unlike the pathetic attempt at stifling the debate, with his own personal views the Verkrampter Haines.
    Many might not agree with Griffin but you have to admire his courage, he's not stupid.
    I Sincerely hope Griffin, who Tonight has the opportunity of a life time, makes his points clearly and concisely, only if he is allowed to speak, can the real debate about our nations future gather momentum.
    I also hope that in particular party line thugs and the many members of distasteful left and right wing offshoots are kept clear of the BBC studio.
    So pay very close attention to what is said tonight and during the next few months, especially if you have aspirations to actually be elected the PM of (the previously) Great Britain !

    Edd Herts
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:49 AM
  • I think this is the key issue of the next decades. If nothing is done to halt the impact of immigration on the population, we will transform our culture in ways that are abhorrent to most of us. Being English, or British, is not just about sharing an island; it is about our culture and history. This is not shared at all by many immigrants, neither do they wish to be any part of what existed before they came, and some seek to make changes which are unacceptable.

    First step is an outright ban on accepting for asylum ANY person who arrives from a safe country such as France. The Berlin Agreement dictates that asylum within the EU must be applied for on entry to the EU.

    Secondly, the south Asian habit of marrying British born youngsters to brides and bridegrooms from 'back home', must be stopped outright and banned. This practice propagates a constant problem of assimilation. People educated here have at least a chance of becoming truly British, importing spouses from a culturally incompatible place such as rural Pakistan is a constant sore, leading to the continuance of non-English speaking, unemployable spouses and the maintenance of cultural 'difference' that is ripping apart our northern cities.

    Thirdly, we must deport ALL of those who have no right to remain here and pursue this policy without appeal and with vigour. Dragging out proceedings for months and years just shows how spineless we have become. Britain has been betrayed by its political class and terribly damaged. When the Border Agency sees 75% of those on a flight returning Iraqi aliens to Baghdad refused entry by their countrymen and sent back to us, something has gone terribly wrong. How could that have occurred? What are we? Mice?

    I believe these issues are serious and highly damaging. So do most people I know. The politicians MUST respond robustly or others will arise who will.

    Frederick Roots
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:49 AM
  • Dear Frank and Nicholas i think you both hit the nail on the head.

    The simple cause for the BNPs rise, and it will continue to rise, is down to the simple fact that no one in the Labour or Liberal Democrats is willing to accept that Immigration is a serious political issue.

    Not for calling people 'racist' as was so rudely done in during the 2005 general election, but actually discussing the social, human and resource impact of huge levels of net immigration.

    Fact remains and i quote the UNHCR from 2001, "75% of Asylum Seekers are in fact Economic Migrants, of which 90% are male".

    I ask you, who in their right mind would leave their family behind? No one, most migrants coming to the UK are doing so for money, work, health care and a passport.

    And my goodness, Labour has happily handed out millions of those.

    The problem is, Labour's own voter base as we saw on last nights Newsnight, your typical Labour voter who we know wouldnt vote Tory, has now turned to the BNP.

    Personally i blame Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for this. Both has systematically failed the British people.

    over 80%-90% of people in most polls ranging back to 1999 say that Immigration is a serious concern and they want it controlled.

    Yet Labour in its wisdom has ignored it. Now Labour will suffer. And the rest of society and the balance that we once had.

    Labour just simply haven't a care in the world about anything, they are more interested in headlines that the actual impact of their policies.

    Until the Labour Party fundamentally accepts that his got it totally wrong on Immigration, not only deported those people who have no right to be here, stopped economic migration at its current pace and fully secured Britain's borders the BNP will get bigger and bigger and bigger.

    I am angry at Labour for this, because innocent people on all sides are going to suffer.

    Well done, are you happy now!?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:49 AM
  • Chris

    "...nasty racist...", "...Field and Soames...", "disgusting", "scum". You're rather extreme aren't you?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:43 AM
  • No mention of the welfare state?

    Of course people will come to this country if they can have free money, housing, health care, education, and low-cost mortages.

    We are ruled by a power-hungry, malicious government that does nothing but steal our money and give handouts to those who haven't earned it.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:43 AM
  • Whether you agree with him or not he has a right to air his opinions, it is called democracy.
    I do not personally agree with him to me it has shades of the National socialist party of Germany in the 1920's and we all know how radical they became with their persecution of any non pure Germans.
    So be careful what you vote for as you might get a nasty surprise.

    mike williams in Bangkok
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:43 AM
  • Jonathan Laverick
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM

    Dont worry, you will soon see plenty of refugees from all the old european empires very soon.
    London is running out of space.

    Hope you're not a nimby.

    mike mines, londonistan
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:43 AM
  • There are only two economic justifications for immigration, addressing a specific, short term skill shortage & in times of full employment. The real reason we have unparalleled mass Third World immigration is ideological, to satisfy Marxist doctrine & to salve liberal guilt complexes (with a bit of vote chasing thrown in).
    The economic arguments are an easily dismantled raft of lies, one merely had to study the ONS social Trends 2008 to reveal far higher levels of unemployment & benefit dependency amongst the new �communities� than with the much maligned �lazy� indigenous population, who�re supposedly to be dependent on �hardworking immigrants paying your pensions�.
    According to the ONS only 45% of working age Pakistanis & Bangladeshis are in employment, & 80% of those working are in the bottom two fifths of earners, meaning only some 9% of these immigrants are of net economic benefit to this country!...yet they can still afford large families thanks to Mr Brown's tax credits... earn minimum wage when you have four kids & the generous British taxpayer will double your take home pay!!
    According to the 2001 Census figures there were 39 constituencies with pivotal muslim populations, another 80 with significant percentages... guess which party won these 119 seats & is going to do bugger all about Third World immigration? Muslims already represent 9% of the 0-4 age group in England & their birthrate is two/ three times higher than that of the indigenous population� do the maths, we will be an ethnic minority in our own country (a historical first � without a fight!) in very short order.

    Mr Wolf
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:43 AM
  • It seems obvious that the arrival of the BNP centre stage has triggered the long overdue public debate on immigration. I couldn't be more pleased. Anyone taking a look at the schools and hospitals in our cities this week would be happy to help calculate the cost of recent government non policy on this issue. Anyone contacting Home office departments about suspected illegal immigrants should be prepared for sniggering (yes, really) a long wait, and then the immigrants being released on bail as there is nowhere to hold them. Waste of time. Anyone taking a wander round some of the social housing in the cities will find (I guarantee it) many illegal immigrants living there with the connivance of Local Authorities and RSLs. It is simply too expensive and complicated to move them on. Finally, take a look at solicitors' advertisments in our cities. Most of them offer expertise in immigration issues. Quite a big business these days it seems. We have created the BNP for ourselves, and unless we take the views of Mr. Soames and Mr. Field on board, the BNP will continue to rise. Sad but true.

    m lowe
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • In 1998, the UN suggested that the UK's population in the year 2000 would be 58.8 million and then would hit 59.9 million in 2025 due to a then growth rate of 0.04%!

    Bearing in mind the above prediction, I suggest that these latest figures will be similarly wrong - whether the anti-BNP mob like it or not, a certain section of our immigrant community have a historically higher birth rate than the indiginous population. From their own mouths, this is part of their plan to conquer other countries - just look at the formation of Islamic States such as Pakistan and other countries where the Islamic population increased in size and then threw out (in same cases killed) the Infidels to make them the sole ethnic group in that country.

    Frank Field and Nicholas Soames have finally highlighted what many of us have known - the tensions in this country have been caused by lax Government Legislation on Immigration and we hope it is not too late to take our country back without resorting to violence.

    Mind you, if Politicians like Nicholas Soames had listened to his Grandfather in the first place all those years ago, maybe we wouldn't be facing this mess.

    And as for all you anti-BNP mob that want to disrupt tonight's "Question Time", your methods of intimidation and suppression of free speech (no matter what the subject)make a mockery of your stance that the BNP is a Fascist Organisation - Hitler's Stormtroopers employed the same methods in the late 20's and 30's and your methods are certainly not too far removed from theirs. It is however, a shame that your justified condemnation of hate wasn't also directed at Abou Hamza and Anjem Choudary with similar zeal - you may have prevented innocent Muslims from being sucked into their evil world and being trained to kill innocent people.

    It is about time that Britons of all ethnic groups realised that this country needs a radical shakedown - the current mainstream parties have let us down. I'm not saying that the BNP is the answer, but I agree with the tone of this article in that current Immigration Policies have certainly led to their raison d'etre.

    Southampton Mark
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • I like Frank Field; a very bright chap. Unfortunately, he works for a bunch of people who don't like his views (NHS, 10p tax, immigration to name but three) and he is therefore cast out into the wilderness from which he emerges, from time to time, to spout a bit more common sense before being smacked down again.
    But Frank dear it's getting us no forrarder is it?
    The issue with immigration is the largest single factor facing the UK..I say this because the globalised economic cycle will look after itself but immigration won't.
    Politicians who defend the composition of modern British society should be compelled to live for three months, with their families, in central Leicester, or Bradford, or parts of Sheffield, or Tower Hamlets in East London, or Blackburn, or indeed numerous other inner city areas colonised by tribal groups of immigrants who do not wish to, or cannot, integrate. Their children should enrol in school there. They should eat, shop and play there.
    Perhaps only then will they understand why British people give their vote to the "vile, perverse and evil" BNP.

    Jack Roob
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • Waves of recent immigration of muslims to the UK have demanded that Britain and British peoples embrace their customs and idealogies.
    Rubbish, I say.
    If muslims want to live in the UK, take on British ways and customs or begone from these shores

    one pissed off brit
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • The Brits are the new Red Indians.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • All that is done here is waffle. We know the facts. We even know that the current administration has bought 90million doses of the controversial swine flu vaccine, so that the whole population might be vaccinated. 90 Million doses. Not 61 Million doses. Or not 70 million doses. But 90 Million doses. More dishonesty.

    The BNP are founded upon two issues. The EU, and the Immigration assault by this administration/Executive. Huge changes that we were never asked about, never offered a ballot. Two issues that a communist/marxist executive desired to bring about their communist one world government in Copenhagen in December. Source PDF. Here:

    Where in 64/a/b/c you will see the three pillars that found a one world government operating outside the competences of National and supranational administrations and totally avoiding ANY democratic accountability. This vile document, which is a step removed from Lisbon is the communist takeover of the world, which explains why we have been saddled with all this Marxist trash in the houses of Parliament. Brought about with the aid of the undemocratic party list system.

    Everything we are seeing happenong in this country and the US is straight out of the stalinist handbook and laid out in the communist International 1938. This is now no longer conspiracy theory: It is in the light. And by god it is ugly.

    We have seen in the country of Great Britain and across the world, a plague of Governments making war upon their populations to bring about what is euphemistically called "Economic Partnerships" or Blocs Like the EU. The NAU. The AU. The Pacific Union. The SCO. The SAU. These 6 blocs represent the world. They have collected the sovereignties of the nations of the world. Though it is true to say the NAU ran into trouble over the security partnership agreement. But Obama is trying to push that through. Too the SAU has been delayed by the actions of Venezuelas' president Hugo Chavez who appears to not want to play ball with the Globalist Criminal Conspiracy. Good for him. Now we have Nick Griffin. Why is this growing party being so demonised? Because it is anti globalist. Like Chavez and Venezuela.

    Forget political correctness for one second, and deal with the issues. 1/..GM is destroying agricultural land at a fantastic rate. 2/..We are at a tipping point where, even if we ended the sabotage of our agriculture by the European Union Collective, and rebuilt that infrastructure destroyes under the previous administration the rate of mass immigration leaves us unable to support our population. Whatever the ratio of white/black/asian/oriental they will starve.

    What is happening today to great Britain is exactly what happened to the Ukraine under Stalin. If you want see the kind of world these scum are creating read a little of Soltzenyitin.

    Mr Field and Mr Soames write as though we have time to discuss these issues. We do not. December everything gets worse.

    Nick Griffin, though you would never think so from the media coverage, is probably the last chance this country has got to break free from the criminal bankers that have our means of government in thrall. Most men would have crumbled. Nick Griffin has fought on. You can clearly see the impact the assault upon him is having on his health, but he fights on. Ever considered stopping attacking this man and wondering why he is fighting so damned hard, when it easier to take the thirty pieces of tainted silver as have most.

    Think for yourselves.

    harry fredericks
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • Plenty room up here in Scotland,with much more affordable housing and an attitude a tad more tolerant; as many an English immigrant here can testify.

    The Ranting Nat
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:38 AM
  • More waffle from the Lab/Con alliance. They trash our culture ,economy, engage in wars no-one wants and bend over for the EUSSR while paying handsomely for the 'privilege'.
    However it is the BNP that is the problem ! PARDON. Did I not hear correctly ? When will the British people smell the coffee ?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:29 AM
  • The BNP Wants My Passport (October 22, 2009 at 07:02 AM) writes 'not once on these pages have I read a consideration of the corrosive affect supporting the BNP has on often 2nd & 3rd generation British born people'.

    It is indeed tragic that the only way people have of registering their disgust at the wilful negligence of the poltical establishment over this issue is to support the extremist BNP. This is what happens when the nation's leaders refuse to listen, and believe they can lie and deceive their way through life. Such no doubt is the political 'art' which brought us the EU, the Iraq war, the banking crisis, multiculturalism, etc.

    If they want to promote social cohesion they should pay more attention to the feelings of ALL their constituents so that those who are vulnerable- including racial minorities- are not put at risk. The imposition of special legal protection for minorities in place of reflecting the feelings of the majority has done more damage to the former than any racist chanting in football grounds could ever do, loathsome though it is.

    Phil C
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:29 AM
  • Nick Griffin does not owe his opportunity to peddle evil views on tonight's Question Time to some faulty judgment of the BBC.

    Just wait a minute. He has not even been on QT yet.

    As Dimbleby keeps saying, the guests do not have prior advice of the questions asked.

    If and when he peddles evil views, then he is to be rightly criticised, but not before.

    I think we will find him far too street-smart to get sucked into a racist rant but how the luvvies would like it if he did.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:29 AM
  • Immigration has been uncontrolled for far longer than the last 20 to 25 years. But it is not just the lack of control over the volume of the influx, it is compounded by the lack of integration. "Multi-culturalism" seems to have been the excuse for the establishment of enclaves where English is not the premier tongue. It may be an unchristian attitude to take, but why can we not insist that the national language be a pre-requisite. Demand an oath of allegiance to the Crown and the United Kingdom.

    In 1968, Enoch Powell was villified as a racist and sacked as Shadow Defence Secretary when he delivered his Rivers of Blood speech.

    Looks like he was right.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:29 AM
  • Winston Churchill on Islam: "No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome". Oh dear, look, the No. 1 Briton of all time was an Islamophobe. No, he was a realist like just about everyone else in the UK except politicians (like you two) and their arse-licking money-grubbing client groups. After days of anti-democratic mud-slinging now we have the pantomime of two politicians from the main parties trying desperately to fool us into thinking that something - yet again - will be done without the need for the "vile" BNP. Much too late I'm afraid. Nothing will be done and we all now know it. You are both treasonable sell-outs and liars. I'm voting BNP because I agree with their policies and couldn't give a monkey's if Nick Griffin is or is not a racist. He could be worse - he could be like you two.

    Derek S
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:24 AM
  • What Frank Field deliberately failed to mention is some of our Towms, and Cities are becoming no go areas populated by third world people, who seem to be mainly Muslims.We are too far down this route now to ever recover we no longer feel this country still belongs to us the English.To little, far to late,for things to change. We are now sitting on a powder keg, the socialists, and liberals of both labour, and tory parties are going to have a lot to answer for.I like many others will never vote for the tories again.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:24 AM
  • You write "England is being fundamentally changed". What nonsense. Ever since the Anglo Saxons arrived, and before that, this has always been a land of migration, it still is, and there's not the slightest reason for alarm. This kind of silly scaremongering, born of small-minded fearful desire to put the world is aspic, is on a par with the BNP. You are giving their petty nastiness credibility. Shame on you both.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:23 AM
  • "The Trust decided to look at the issue again after Mr Hain argued the BNP is currently illegal because it does not allow ethnic minorities to join." So, Hain thinks that the BNP is racist because it does not allow ethnic minorities to join. Through this medium I would like to ask Hain a question. If barring someone from becoming a member of a club, and a political party is such, then are other clubs also to be banded as racist for refusing to accept members who, for example, do not have the financial resources that present members have access to?
    Good point Hain!!! Surely racism is not only to de with colour, race or creed. Or do you greedy politicians see the world in a different perspective?

    Graham Spurrier
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:23 AM
  • There is nothing to disagree with in this piece, except that it is many years too late.
    A great number of the original citizens of the british isles had worked out for themselves where this was going to lead.
    I count myself among the lucky ones who was able to vote with his feet and, (at the age of 75!), took up permanent residence abroad.
    I consider myself to be a political refugee.

    A suggestion to the next government. Make George Orwell's 1984 a set book for all schools.
    Now that nativity plays at christmas are controversial, substitute 'Animal Farm'.
    Pity that many of the teachers would have to be substituted as well.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:17 AM
  • Joe at 6.08 states the key immigration issue. Immigration is fine if co-operation. He works with young muslims and ''They have absolutely no intention of integrating with us despite reaping the benefits of living here.''

    Leaders of extreme parts of this group state openly they intend to conquer, take the benefits and not integrate. A majority of muslims cling to an ancient rule to kill anyone who wavers from their faith!!
    Where is the public debate that killing someone for their personal faith is not tolerant and destroys societies.

    All previous immigrant groups integrated. This group applies the same atttitude across Europe. All agree there are muslim moderates, but they say nothing and are tied by the ancient rules imposed by extremists.

    No one is prepared to say the truth about muslim philosophy is to enter, take and not integrate.

    Check countries with islamic rule. All are at, or close to, civil war, and have vast internal secret security services imposing rules by violence.

    Like Pakistan, most depend on Overseas Aid provided by nations they see as inferior.

    The UK prison population is overcrowded. Over 8,000 are muslims, 10%, from a small minority. They also make up the 200+ active terror plots currently seeking to inflict mass murder in UK cities.

    This is not to do with current policies, or treatment, but has been the philosophy of Muslim Whabbists for centuries. The difference is the Whabbists now have funding Saud oil revenues to create terror cells across the globe.

    This UK government is unfit to manage, and has suppressed debate on the matter, while seeking to buy votes by giving special welfare payments to muslims for all wives and families, against UK law on bigamy.

    Open civil debate based on the facts is needed urgently. It is not just population numbers, but how to free muslims from the threat of murder if they do integrate and act tolerantly.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:17 AM
  • Look at the ram (could be a sheep) standing in the field on the photo above?....

    Yes you guessed it.....thats what we all are!

    Farmer Griffin
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:07 AM
  • They are terrifying statistics and reveal how badly we've been governed these past 10 years.

    Talk about unrepaired roofs and shining sun

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:07 AM
  • Gordon Brown's 6,435-word address contained 83 words David Cameron offered a mere 58 words out of 6,387 about immigration.

    Shows clearly that neither have any intention of stopping immigration.
    Don't trust them.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:07 AM
  • Like the establishment politicians these two are they concentrate their article on defeating the BNP rather than being aghast at the suppression and crushing of free speech in this country over the last 12 years.

    In a true democracy, its fundamental cornerstone rests on free speech. Without it we are finished. The way to defeat a poor argument is with a better one - not banning it. Labour are afraid of the BNP because they know the BNP strike a deep chord with the British public, whilst Labour have riden roughshod over our desires and wishes.

    May the socialists rot in hell.

    Michael S.
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:07 AM
  • Harbinger 06:08

    A bit long but absolutely spot on.

    I hope you do not mind and that you see it as the complement it is intended, that I copy and email you piece to my email list? I would urge others to do the same. Disseminating common sense like this must help.

    David Ballinger
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • btw. One question explicitly glossed over by the team is whether immigration is necessary - they say immigration is still vital to the economy even if it must be reduced. I ask: Why? Because we need those people to perform productive jobs?

    That makes no sense. While immigration has increased, the number of Britons unemployed has risen to 2.5 million officially unemployed. There's another 2.? million hidden on the incapacity benefits register and an additional 2.? million working unnecessarily for the state.

    This tells me the country has always had the bodies it needs and the problem lies with a lack of skills amongst many and poor distribution of those with skills. Unless I am sorely mistaken both the quality of education and the size of the civil service are the repsonsibility of government. If I were of a cynical frame of mind I might be tempted to think that uncontrolled immigration has been a deliberate plan to cover up failings elsewhere.

    Remittance Man
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • Reading these comments I am ashamed to say I am British.

    From a county that used to have an Empire that straddled the world (with all the good and bad things that implies) to turn into a small minded, inward looking little nation is extremely sad.

    Jonathan Laverick
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • A very sensible piece by two very sensible politicians. Sadly, it is now too late. Generations of political cowardice have condemned the UK to a future of dysfunction, ghettoization, social and political fragmentation and, quite possibly, civil war.

    Advocatus diaboli
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • All well and good as far as it goes, but what do the authors think we should do about the estimated million or so illegal immigrants already living here? And what would they do about immigrants who commit serious crimes. The British National Party advocate the removal of both of these groups - do Frank Field and Nicholas Soames support this position, or oppose it? And, whatever the answer, why?

    Little Englander
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • Question Time: Yes, the BNP's share of the votes does mean that they should occasionally appear on Question Time. But why don't Jack Straw, Baroness Warsi, Chris Huhne and Bonnie Greer solve the problem by refusing to take part. I can't imagine the show going ahead with only one panelist.

    Cutting the link between working in the UK and citizenship: Fair enough, but please try to avoid the mistake Germany made: I think someone born and raised in Country X should automatically be a citizen, except in truly exceptional circumstances (e.g. kids of diplomats).

    N.B. East Germany's "antifascist protective wall" (aka Berlin Wall) was designed not to monitor but to control who crossed it. There is a subtle difference.

    Wirralian in Eastern Germany
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
    You will see from the responses to the article that the people writing them are unlikely to have previously been Labour voters living on poor working-class estates.I would guess that the vast majority of responses are from people like me who have always voted Conservative in the past.Because I believe that immigration is THE issue and in particular the threat posed by the Muslims I shall vote in future for the only party that will tackle the problem and that is the BNP. If the action required is not taken there can only be 2 possible outcomes-- either the country will be ruled by sharia law or there will be a civil war.Your grand father would have recognized this but you seem incapable of recognizing it.
    Furthermore,you,your fellow Conservatives and the media(editor included) should remember the power of the internet.Everytime you comment unfavourably on any BNP policy, people like me do not take your opinion as being correct but check the facts on the BNP website.When we discover that you have lied then your credibility is shot down in flames and you are less likely to be believed on any issue.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • The power elites are sticking to their plan. The comments and even the article itself are useless. In the end it serves no purpose. These message boards are great for the those who think they are on message and those who dont, moaning and bleeting. We are all slaves to the elites who create financial structures to fail so that we become inslaved through taxation and debt. Nations peoples are at the mercy of them. Banks go bust then the tax payer bails them out and then the executives pick up huge bonuses!!! Ever felt like all those hardv hours at work, the rewards were for you? Slaves. People should be on the streets demonstrating, but no.....slaves! The hysteria of the BNP leader debating on a bias political program on national TV is pathetic. The real threat comes from a small group of people who have aims for centralising power to themselves, the New World Order. What ever happens Frank Field and Nicholas Soames can argue all they want about Labour and the Tories failing to address the voters' fears. It makes no difference, they are slaves like the rest of us. Good luck because you will all need it when the european police force start to arrest anti EU protesters when the people finally find out they have been conned!

    Nick Ross
    on October 22, 2009
    at 09:00 AM
  • We must remember that Alan Johnson does not lie awake at night worrying about 70 million people living here and he was happy to live in a multicultural society.
    I personally do not remember being asked for my views on this.
    I suppose we should just get used to "honour" killings, arranged marriages, car insurance scams and the turning of some of our inner cities into shooting galleries; all part of the rich tapestry, innit?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:52 AM
  • Stop all the benefits and the problem will go away overnight,its as simple as that.

    Lord Barnett
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:52 AM
  • When I was a kid back in 1965 we had an au pair girl- Maria from Genoa. She started a friendship with American- he was married but she didn't know this. Anyway, she got pregnant but the sheer opprobrium that would fall upon her led my mother to suggest that she became a member of our family and remain here and not return to Italy. This is where my mother made her big mistake. She applied for the free powdered milk and one day while she was out and my grandmother was in charge a policeman arrived on behalf of the Home Office. He announced that Maria was being deported- she was not a citizen etc and had no right of abode as she was no longer an au pair in her condition. I imagine also there was a subtext of "Sponging off our Welfare State" etc. Well, that was that, she returned home to an uncertain future. The bureaucracy in those days worked very well and it was unsentimental in its actions and sadly, Maria didn't own a pet cat- she only had a lying Yank whose wife said he was always picking up unsuspecting foreign girls.

    Nick R
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:51 AM
  • Crikey you are a bunch of doom-mongerers. Reading through most of the comments and it would seem that the end of the world is nigh. Not saying that you're all wrong. Just makes for depressing reading!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:46 AM
  • Politics nowadays is about creating fear so as to gain control over how people think. From that we get the corruption of the meanings between that of asylum and immigration.

    The citizens of the UK have always opened their doors and hearts to those seeking asylum, which means to those being persecuted in their own lands. However, when it comes to those that just want to live somewhere else, don�t we all, immigrants, the UK citizen quite natural asks the question is there room and jobs for them, are they going to integrate, and just as important in today�s world do we have the resources�?

    To counter the real thinking and meaning of immigration the Political and the Chattering Class try to mix the reasoning behind asylum with that of the immigration. They are not even the same conversation and to mix them is disingenuous.

    The real political reasoning behind immigration is that our Political Class are hiding the fact they have screwed up the country�s pension system. In other countries people go to prison for running what after all is in the jargon of now is just a �Ponzi� scheme, the pension payments basically come from those still working ( i.e. it is not a paid in investment during ones working life). As such our politicians are desperate to increase immigration to find the funds for future pension commitments.

    Shouldn�t the quality of life for all be given equal standing?

    Ian Bryan
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:46 AM
  • Why the panic? 70 million is a wild exaggeration, pure scaremongering. There's nothing to worry about.

    How do I know? The Guardian said so yesterday.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:46 AM
  • Peter
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:38 AM


    In my opinion this can be said for much of what has gone badly wrong in Britain over the last 12 years.

    All with aforethought and malice, and let us never forget that Blair promised to root out the forces of conservatism wherever he found them when he became PM.

    Condemned by his own words, not that his colleagues were/are any better mind, as events prove on a daily basis up to date.

    Paul (1)
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:46 AM
  • What I find to be an absolute obscenity is that people like Hain, who was not even born in these islands, would seek to censor and outlaw Griffin, some-one who seeks to truly represent the British people's best interests.

    John Salkeld
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • Anthony @ 6.08 - the statistics are showing net increase, so you are to believe that white british people had no more children than died. This seems perfectly reasonable to me - the birth rate among whites is less than the 'replacement' rate, and the death rate is more or less steady but gently rising.

    The problem is that all current politics appears to be based on the idea that consumption is good. What would be so bad about a contracting or static population, negative or zero inflation? Why when we have a housing shortage, instead of saying we need fewer people, are we saying we need to build more houses, while at the same time bleating on about 'climate change'? Why can't anyone see that mass immigration is just a pyramid scheme with people?

    Between Waterloo and the First World War, the value of the pound hardly changed at all - and that was the greatest period of prosperity and advancement this country has ever had.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • What Frank Field deliberately failed to mention is some of our Towms, and Cities are becoming no go areas populated by third world people, who seem to be mainly Muslims.We are too far down this route now to ever recover we no longer feel this country still belongs to us the English.To little, far to late,for things to change. We are now sitting on a powder keg, the socialists, and liberals of both labour, and tory parties are going to have a lot to answer for.I like many others will never vote for the tories again.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • in fairness Hague did warn but cast out.

    "William Hague was accused of pandering to neo-Nazis last night after he warned that the National Front would become more popular unless the Government clamped down on asylum seekers.

    Mr Straw said. "But pandering to the National Front ... is no way to oppose them. Mr Hague has fed anxieties which can lead to extremism by gross exaggeration of the asylum situation."

    Charles Kennedy, the Liberal Democrat leader, said Mr Hague's "deplorable" remarks on asylum proved he wanted to lower the tone of British politics."

    Dated 2000

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • the rot began in the late 70s and early 80s, with the progressive balkanisation of the Labour movement into minority-interest cells within local government structures.

    This is how Red Ken and his ilk first made their way into power. This was the introduction of the various pernicious race-relations and gay rights pressure groups, the introduction onto the main-stream political stage of the principle that if you disagree, you are a fascist whose rights and freedom could, and should, be over-ridden in the public interest, as defined by a self-appointed minority.

    This has in turn, led to the Human Rights Act, which has long outrun its original purpose - that of restoring a degree of stability to a Europe in which millions of people had been systematically murdered for ideological purposes, because a major nation had so lost its collective morality as to allow it to happen.

    We now see cases such as the current one whereby a couple are attempting to claim that having to sell their �850,000 farmhouse conversion, in accordance with a covenant ( regarding maintenance of the fabric of a listed church building nearby )they signed freely at the time of purchase and chose to overlook, is a breach of their human rights.

    They probably never expected to be asked for the money, and appear to have felt that the CofE would let them off out of the goodness of their hearts; but nonetheless, the actual legal aspects of the case seem to be quite straightforward.

    This simply means that the HRA is so worded as to mean almost anything you wish it to mean, and can be used to over-ride more-or-less any other law in the land; and as such is a largely oppresive piece of legislation in the hands of anyone who wishes to make it so.

    Its scope, in the context of a large and increasing minority who have not the slightest wish to integrate, and who practice cultural segregation openly and freely with no sense that it is wrong or undesirable, is unlimited.

    Unlike some posters on here, I have never subscribed to the principle of Labour governments being driven by Marxist dialectic or any of the other various conspiracy theories which abound. They simply aren't that organised.

    Sometime in the late 1970s, Labour mutated into a party wholly in thrall to a group of people whose entire political outlook was defined by a philosophy which had formed in political purdah, and whose whole world-view was formed by a status of permanent opposition.

    This included a belief in the desirability and rightness of government by diktat without majority consent, who did not recognise the fundamental concept that the primary function of a government was national security and financial stability, and whose political concepts were fatally debased by a lack of exposure to any sort of real-world experience.

    This lead inexorably to a situation in which the ability to make comparitive value judgements in the public arena was first compromised, then entirely eroded, and the situation produced by which it as not possible to form any coherent policy and adhere to it.

    This had lead to the collapse into military dictatorship, command economy, social persecution on a vast scale and the substantive abolition of rule of law in the only major state ( the Soviet Union ) to so far, fully embark on that route.

    Once that is denied and excluded from the mental landscape, there is no real basis left for the effective exercise of governance because the only possible conclusion remaining, that the attempt was not carried through sufficiently, is doomed to failure.

    The results are there to be seen

    ben arnulfssen
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • And once here, many immigrants breed like flies (thank you UK benefits system) thus further diluting the indigenous population.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • Mrs Palmer,

    While we probably both agree with much of what you say I do take issue with one point you raise: Briain hasn't been self-sufficient in food production since the 1846 abolition of the Corn Laws or earlier. Let's face it, Britain's entire Caribbean empire came about because of our insatiable sweet teeth.

    There are many valid raeasons for questioning the current wisdom vis a vis immigration but let's not give our opponents the opportunity to rubbish us because we avoidable errors.

    Remittance Man
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • This problem has been on the way for decades! politicians have failed the populace by chasing popularity and not doing their elected duty! The "BNP" is a product of our MP's dereliction of duty! one had only to take a walk around some northern council estates to sense the unease!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:40 AM
  • A truly underwhelming commentary on the obvious. Why have neither writer resigned the party whip on such an important matter?

    Politicians should take note as have politicians in France, that when you start to rule the people rather than to do their bidding then they will do something about it.

    The combined vote of BNP and UKIP should provide them with a clue; continue as they are and that protest vote will become so great that no politician will be able to ignore it.

    These two writers should receive nothing but contempt for raising this matter so late in the day. On such an important issue they should have been banging on about it non-stop for the last decade.

    Whichever government is in power when the momentum crosses the line of decency will be obliged to do something about it, other than shout politically correct slogans at the electorate.

    Best it is done now whilst the rebellion against parliament, and decency itself, can be controlled.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:31 AM
  • So maybe - just maybe - Enoch Powell was 100% correct all those many years ago, when he was humiliatingly vilified for expressing his frank views on the immigration problem at the time, and the dire consequences that he foresaw for the UK in the years ahead!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:31 AM
  • Well written gentlemen.If anyone had bothered to ask any inner-city school teacher TWENTY FIVE years ago one would have found out early this truly inconvenient truth.A friend taught in a primary in Deptford and in her class 35 pupils and 29 languages or dialects spoken at home.How does one deal with those numbers? We have allowed enclaves where English is an unwelcome intrusion, "cultural" sensitivities have meant ritual animal slaughter in the streets, "honour" killings and arranged marriages.Parts of Norfolk have been deluged with Portugese agricultural workers.Poles "only" building firms and these are but a few valid points.Blair has set up our country and the distasteful truth is that there will be areas where the BNP will prosper. In the mean time we waffle about climate change and assisting corrupt regimes in Africa and Afghanistan.
    The True clear and present danger to Our Nation is that it will no longer be predominantly British in nature ,character or Fact.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:31 AM
  • Of course these two MPs are correct but I fear any action (should any be forthcoming which is doubtful) is too late. Think of all those immigrants who are reporducing at the rate of one child every two or three years (we know who they are and what they represent). In 20 years' time their progeny will start to do the same. Who will they vote for then? In 50 years or so the UK will have a large percentage of Muslim MPs. How long then before Sharia Law becomes part of standard legislation within the "British" Isles? I am glad I shall not be here to see it and that we have lived in France for 20 years and so our daughters will not need to see it either. Shame on all politicians in the UK who have behaved pathetically. Powell was right after all.

    Liz Davison
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:24 AM
  • The two cowards say stage 1 is setting a limit to work permits.
    Even now, they don't 'get it' !

    Stage 1 is rounding up every illegal immigrant and sending them back double quick pronto. no appeals, no delays.
    Stage 2 is to ban all new immigration and restrict work and study permits to a maximum period with a requirement to carry an identity card at all times.
    Stage 3 is to expel all immigrants who commit any criminal offence.

    All 3 stages should commence immediately and run concurrently.

    Targets and time limits should be set and the Home Secrtetary should appear on a monthly basis to explain progress.

    lady Muck
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:24 AM
  • The sign at Dover should read "FULL".

    The towns and cities are full, the roads are full and the infrastructure can no longer cope.

    For fear of being classified as racist I am sure each political party dare not even mention the immigration word!

    Dave Jackson
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:24 AM
  • Harbinger: I was going to give your piece a pass as I thought it was that guy Jack again, so glad I spotted your name first. I agree with most of what you wrote, as I have had similar thoughts for many years on the socialist gangsters now running the UK. The big surprise for me has been the lack of violence from the average citizen, no organized national strike and no demand that foreign families now producing huge numbers of offspring must pay for any additional children after the first 2. How come? Much as I would like to blame all on the fecklessness of this inept government, this cannot be when that same average citizen has done nothing to force a change in policy on immigration? As stated by others here, the UK is not in control of its borders, it must rely on the importation of food and energy, and is at risk of having the law of Sharia becoming a fait accompli on the island? All this accomplished on the Blair-Brown watch, yet there they are, still clinging by their fingernails to the remnants of a tattered philosophy, still feasting at an empty table. Waiting in the wings offering more of the same are the Conservatives, salivating at the whiff of success and offering everything but their first born ( but not a vote on Lisbon ) for a miserable vote to launch them into office. No. A line in the sand must be drawn here, and if that means turning in a vote for a party like the BNP, then I think may will opt for that rather than return to a discredited, corrupt, sordid and socialist regime who have proved by their inaction on immigration alone, they are not the bootlace of their political betters.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:23 AM
  • A fine article, and very commendable.

    We urgently need to overcome two stupid and ridiculous political taboos, because the future of this country and indeed the plant now depend on it, and depend on it critically.

    Politicians must talk openly not just about immigration but about birth rate as well. Remember that an average of four progeny per female can double the population in a generation, and some of our immigrant groups have average birth rates of 4.6 ppf.

    Immigration needs much stricter control and the developed world needs to lead the way by restricting the birth rate to two progeny per female. There is a simple choice on this matter: we can do it before it's too late, or after. Our social, economic and foreign policy still seems to be made on the tacit assumption that individual nations and indeed the planet as a whole can sustain any population level.

    Unfortunately they cannot.


    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:23 AM
  • Too late !
    Far too late!
    The unkind might think that you are merely protecting your own interests with this article.

    I seem to remember a chap some years ago making an intelligent speech about immigration.
    Losts in the mists of time all that remains of it is
    " rivers of blood"
    thanks to a media disinterested in comment that made sense, but more than interested in headline hype.

    Chickens home to roost.

    Disgusted Dorothy
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:23 AM
  • "Come The Hour, Commeth The Man!" In one case The Man wasWinston Churchill.
    Eisenhower said at the liberation of a Concentration camp in 1945, bring in the surrounding population to see what their countrymen have been doing, write it all down, and take photographs, "because the day will come when some Son of a Bitch will say that this never happened!"
    Griffin, you are one such "Son of a Bitch!"

    Ralph Simpson
    on October 22, 2009
    at 08:23 AM
  • As others have pointed out, these 2 political operatives have been in the some form of power and influence for well over 2 decades. In that time the country has changed irrevocably, and rarely for the better. Apart from the odd bleat from Frank Field, an eerie silence has descended upon politicians with their inability to even attempt at some form of discussion on immigration.
    Is some discussion about immigration now on the cards as the Tories see their votes going off to UKIP, which solves the Eastern Europe immigration issue, and Labour see their votes going to the BNP?
    It should be a standard practice that anyone who writes the sort of columns as above should be forced to read the comments afterwards. I can assure them there is real anger in the country now.
    I realise for many of our liberal left wingers in the press and in government, multiculturalism is nothing more than a wider range of restaurants.

    Nigel in a spin
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:52 AM
  • How dare anyone who thinks we have to have an East German style wall around our country to check who comes in, and (more shocklingly) who leaves, call themselves a "libertarian". The nasty racist (and yes I will dare to call it that, because that's what it is) authoritarianism of Field and Soames is utterly disgusting. I'm sick of our freedoms being taken away to suit the sort of scum who blame anyone who's different. Whatever happened to "get on your bike." The people who have come to Britain got on their bikes and looked for work. Now we're running the country to suit the couch potatoes who can't be bothered to go outside their own front doors.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:43 AM
  • I grew up in the US in the sixties and marched with Martin Luther King. I can tell you as sure as God made little green apples that there will be a race war in the UK as politicians have done nothing but stoke the fires of it. We are not talking black against white - we are talking the survival of England and when the English finally get off their lazy backsides they get mad. It is a shame, a crying shame, but the influx of immigrants who reproduce at an exceptionally higher rate than the native population was done by Blair and was done on purpose. Welcome to the new world order. I am glad I am old enough to no longer care.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:38 AM
  • A thoughtful article even though there are points, for whatever reason, have been left out.

    In ratifying EU Treaties, we have given up the ability to close our own borders. We therefore have no authority to prevent those people that cannot or will not contribute anything to this Country.

    Unlike other European Countries, no one can stand with one foot in one country and the other in a different Country-in other words, they are stuck here even if they want to return to their 'home country' until payment is made to send them 'home'.

    Due to EU Regulations or Directives, where this Country was once "self sufficient", and had to be so during the war years, our farming industry is in dire straights, and it rather looks as if there has been a deliberate policy to make it so in order for each country to rely on another.

    This policy cannot possibly work for this ISLAND and, as long as it remains an ISLAND it will always be different from continental "Europe". If 'Global Warming is a "fact" which of course it is not, and cannot proven to be so, such farming policies are in no way conducive to it, for most food for the people of this Country would have to be transported here from outside it. More houses would have to be built, encroaching on farming land and thus creating more pollution in the environment and contributing to the mounting rubbish problem.

    Many people can see the problems that may arise, and dire ones at that by continuing with the present policy of ignoring the people and ratifying a treaty that the vast majority did not want, and particularly which is contrary to our own long standing constitution-WHICH HAS NOT GONE AWAY. We still have a full complement of "staff" in both Houses of Parliament which have to obey the same EU orders that the people have to. Just how long before the people-especially during these present times, will the people continue to pay for those that cannot actually govern this Country?

    You write of "the evil views" of Nick Griffin". I look at what elected politicians have done to this Country-given the governing of it away to foreigners-strictly contrary to our constitution and the Queens coronation Oath, without the guts to tell the people the truth of what they are doing for now and for future generations, remember it is only a tidying up exercise? The EU Charter of fundamental right was likened to the Beano comic etc. then tell me again who exactly has had "evil views" or actually done what may be seen as "evil deeds" in years to come.?

    Anne Palmer
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:38 AM
  • We have been sadly let down by successive Governments, and in particular, the current one. If their degree of failure was in the private sector they would have been sacked a long time ago. Concurrently an uncomfortable number of them have been robbing us blind and demanding pay rises - it all beggars belief and it is high time these fraudsters were given the boot /reduced drastically in number.The people want value for their money.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:37 AM
  • What is never mentioned is the taboo elephant in the room: Islam.

    "Immigration from outside Europe" hides the reality. All of the demographic figures show that the we are heading towards an Islamic Europe. Religion and philosophy matter. It is a traditional Islamic belief that non-Muslims should be treated as second-class citizens. See how Christians and others are treated in Muslim countries and start worrying. We are all worried about violent Jihad, but what is ignored is the modern view of Jihad: take over the "Crusader" countries through breeding. This is fact, not BNP raving. Being liberal doesn't mean closing your eyes to the facts because it is non-PC.

    Why is it ignored? Not only is there a concern about votes, or appearing intolerant, but there is always the fear of the violent side of Islam. Islam isn't a harmless private belief.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:31 AM
  • It's interesting that the establishment appear to be in full on panic mode. If the white working class notice that the only time you try to address their concerns is when they vote BNP, then they could become a political force in the country.
    At least it's stopped you all imposing cultural marxism on us, oh no, it hasn't has it. Dave is imposing all women shortlists on the Tory party, divide and rule, every little victim group must have it's say, except the people who pay for it all.
    I still don't understand why you have imported Islam, the only reason I can think of is that it is an equally joyless and soulless an ideology as is Marxism. Islam is the religion of terrorism and war, most muslims may be peaceful, but the minority that decide to emulate Mohammed will never be.
    The Prophet Mohammed was a warlord, peace be upon him, peace be upon the assassins he sent to kill his political enemies, peace be upon the sword he used to personally behead 600 jews at Medina.
    These are the people you've brought among us, violence is inevitable. Thanks for that.

    Jim Al Saud
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:31 AM
  • Excellent piece of writing, showing what we have all known for some years.
    Any question on immigration has been met by claims of racism. It has become politically incorrect to discuss such matters over the past 10 years and the peoples voice strangled. The country should be grateful that we English are either to submissive or restrained, because current mood means riots and protests are only just held at bay. Self-restraint stops me from writing how disgusted I really feel and what I would do to rectify the situation. It would be too incisive, the problem is I'm not alone and not all have restraint. If it ever does "kick off", which it will if the next government doesn't make rapid in roads to reduce the problem and remove the immigrants, I know exactly where I will stand. And to hell with their human rights, what about us English? Take over without war, by stealth, and the blind government have encouraged it, Blair and Brown should be tried for Treason!

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:31 AM
  • Very true.
    However, where have Frank Field and Nichlas Soames been for the past 25 or more years?
    In Parliament, both acually holding senior Government posts for some of that time,
    What have they done, and what have they said on the subject?
    Sweet **** All.
    In common with the other 600+ muppets they have followed their party line, trooped into the voting lobbies and done as their whips have commanded.
    They have supported virtually uncontrolled immigration, they have supported their party lines and, in the cause of multiculturism, have closed down debate on the subject and helped to throttle one of the greatest British traditions - Free Speech.
    The worms (us), are now beginning to turn and our politicians are getting worried.
    Not about the British people, I fear, they are just beginning to realise that their cushy, no expenses spared, life styles are in danger of coming to an end.

    R M Hemer
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:20 AM
  • �Traditionally, a major characteristic of this country was the stability of our population. In fact, up until the mid-eighties more people left than wished to come here to live. Twenty-five years later the picture has been transformed: the population has grown by more than 4.4 million. How has this happened?�

    Simples � politicians of both persuasions reduced the need for immigration and border controls with the removal and reduction of Customs Officers and for keeping a record of those who arrived and those who left and those who appeared to disappear within our towns and cities. Added to which this government in particular began to dish out more and more in social handouts and the UK was increasingly seen as a �soft touch� where anyone could arrive, get benefits and housing and then join the communities of people from their own country who had already settled here mainly in the larger towns and cities, and, hence places like the Sangatte camp in France springing up.

    Further, there appeared to be a deliberate policy, by this government, to encourage greater immigration perhaps as a way of forcing down wages in many areas of business because the immigrants would often work for lower wages than the indigenous population.

    Between 1975 and 1985 immigration was offset with emigration of the indigenous population to other parts of the Commonwealth, more noticeably Australia, New Zealand and Canada and net migration was negative. Between 1985 and 1995 net migration began to increase to approximately 50,000 a year but then jumped in 1998 to 150,000 and continued to increase to over 200,000 in 2004 with a slight dip in 2006.

    Between 1998 and 2008 immigration has been between 400,000 and 600,000 a year and emigration has also increased to between 250,000 and 350,000 a year, however, it still means that in that same period the UK population grew by an estimated 3.8 million immigrants. Reportedly 49 per cent of those immigrants arrived here from the Indian sub-continent and an additional 25 per cent from various countries in Africa, neither region is part of the EU. It is the lack of control over immigration from those 2 regions that has swelled the population leading to increased pressure on public services especially health, education and housing and making England, as the authors write, the most densely populated country in Europe and leading to increased levels of tension and frustration with politicians and government policy.

    If, as has been suggested, the population of this country will continue to expand at an unparalleled rate then those tensions, caused primarily by the increasing loss of employment opportunities as jobs have been outsourced, exported, to the Indian sub-continent and China, will only increase and the apparent abject failure of politicians to address the issue suggests government does not have its finger on the pulse and has ignored the wishes and feelings of the indigenous population. How on earth can this government continue to encourage immigration when we already have 10 million economically inactive people of working age in the UK?

    The population of UK is estimated at almost 62 million, but this figure does not include the illegal immigrants who have arrived here by various means and who do not feature in any census. The real problem is that this small island, especially England, is already grossly over-crowded and a continued rate of growth of the population at the present rate, which could reach 70 million by 2030, would place totally unacceptable stresses and strains on all areas of public services, which under the present economic conditions, the nation simply cannot afford. What price political indifference and procrastination, which is not only the thief of time but also the mother of decline.

    Kenneth Armitage
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:20 AM
  • This government and the inept preceding ones have given NO regard to the quality of life that unfettered immigration gives rise to.

    r brady
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:20 AM
  • In many ways "gross population turnover" is the more significant datum. Namely, immigration plus emigration, although obviously far more complicated than straight summation. This will give an indicator of when "more of them than there are of us" can be expected. Because in many British cities, it will be sooner rather than later. A minority in your own city going on country: Are you ready for that Britisher pals?
    The other datum I find equally disturbing is at least 20% of the electorate will still vote Labour. If the electorate don't vote Labour out of power and into oblivion at the next General Election, there really is no hope for Britain. Labour clearly expects to lose the next election; why else would they be enacting such unpopular legislation. They realize this is their last opportunity for some considerable period. So do yourselves a favour Britisher pals, and make that forever.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:20 AM
  • Perish the thought a politician could point out the danger from large numbers of Muslim immigrants?

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:02 AM
  • A sensible immigration policy is just common sense and long overdue. As a result of the complete inaction of the main parties over the years on this issue people will only people something is being done when they actually see it.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:02 AM
  • Amongst all the sturm & drang and hand wringing over immigration there is a forgotten victim - no, not the indigenous white working class natives (I believe that's what they like to be called now), but the millions of hard working, tax paying, law-abiding black Britons (I know, I know, horses, stables, blah, blah, blah) who stand to have their citizenship removed if the BNP ever achieve their aims.

    I read plenty how the rise of the BNP has given readers a warm fuzzy glow of schadenfeude over the discomfit caused to "libruls" by the rise of the BNP, but not once on these pages have I read a consideration of the corrosive affect supporting the BNP has on often 2nd & 3rd generation British born people. Nobody wants censorship, but a sensible discussion of the where all this will lead would be nice.

    All I'll say it that it may be black Britons (sic) who now feel a small, nagging and indefinable unease at the rise of the BNP, but if history is any guide that discomfort will spread - eventually even to readers of this estimable tome.

    Peace & love

    The BNP Wants My Passport
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:02 AM

  • Gosh! If only Field and Soames were MPs or even co-chairing a Balanced Migration Group.

    el seamus
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:00 AM
  • It will be the smiles on the faces of liberal polititians that fall first as the growing abundance of foreign enclaves elect to reject liberal views.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:00 AM
  • Very sensible. As an economic liberal and a political conservative, immigration is an area where my brain and my heart have clashed. Well said to both of you, it needs some sort of cross party consensus and thoughtful humane immigration policies in order to defeat scum like the BNP and maintain our freedoms, for surely nothing could be worse than eroding our freedoms of speech and thought in order to send the BNP to the social and political oblivion where they belong. Let the BBC show the thug Griffin for what he truly is because refusing him his opportunity will only drive interest in him and his odious accomplices further. Lets face it, the BBC banned the Sex Pistols and drove them all the way to number 1 in the charts as people bought their product because it wasn't available in the public domain. God forbid a similar effect with the BNP.

    Andy Dale
    on October 22, 2009
    at 07:00 AM
  • All too late, alas. It is shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. The country's social fabric is broken for ever.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:16 AM
  • Indeed..The first sensible article I have seen in this whole hysteria about the BNP. This is not the BNP's fantasy, but is a horrifying reality. Immigration on this scale will do unto the indigenous British what it did to the indigenous aboriginees. Even if halted tomorrow the immigrant descended population will continue to grow much faster than the indigenous. People living in relative comfort zones well away from areas which have already heavily affected will have a rude awakening when these issues arise in their cosy middle class suburbia.

    Margaret Davies
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:16 AM
  • At last somebody with the spine to tell it as it really is. As this feature says, both the Labour party and the Conservatives have treated immigration and asylum issues like a hot potato. Nobody wants to handle it. It is cowardice and a dereliction of duty and their refusal to address these issues that has caused the rise of the BNP and the defection of many voters to their ranks. The electorate is well and truly fed up to the back teeth with the arrogance of a government that does not listen to the people who elected them. If this is the best that Parliamentary Democracy can deliver then it is high time for a change that takes cognizance of the will of the people. Government is elected by the people to govern and not to rule.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:13 AM
  • I find the news on expectations on UK population incredibly depressing. Not only will our already over-populated country become ever more crowded, but its character will be changed irrecoverably, as immigration from the third world continues. It is a deeply worrying prospect, and yet few in the establishment - Tory or Labour - seem to care. Their lack of interest will result in the death of Britain and its culture.

    Peter Arnold
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:13 AM
  • 'Nick Griffin does not owe his opportunity to peddle evil views on tonight's Question Time to some faulty judgment of the BBC.'

    You may find that the views he is peddling are not so evil after all. Even some of the studio audience (which, of course, will be heavily loaded against him) may be surprised.

    Nick O
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:13 AM
  • Mr Soames, if President Klaus is bullied into signing the Lisbon Treaty, what will be your party's policy on Europe?
    The majority of people in this country want a referendum on our membership of the EU. If we leave, that would sort out a lot of the problems regarding immigration, but the Tories don't want to leave the EU, do they? They're quite happy to see England concreted over to house foreigners.
    You can't tell us that you worry about immigration while at the same time telling us to shut up and put up with Europe!
    We've had enough of it, and we demand an in/out referendum! If Cameron hasn't got the guts to face up to the EU, then put someone in charge who will. Boris Johnson seems to be the only Tory so far who has spoken on behalf of the British people. The rest are just wimps!

    Sweet Pea
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:13 AM
  • We have failed fully to integrate many of our newcomers: don't beat yourself up about this, I work in West Yorks for a company with a workforce comprised of around 30 - 35% young muslims. They have absolutely no intention of integrating with us despite reaping the benefits of living here.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM
  • Just read through a few of the comments -
    Good points re what the hell were you two doing about this for the last 15 years?

    Also, could we stop with all the "sensible piece at last . . . finally someone speaking out" things.

    Articles like this have been floating through the papers on a regular basis for five, six, seven years now. More.

    And for five, six, seven years they've all been the same - "we need to have a conversation about immigration . . ."

    All that's actually happened is more articles saying the same thing a few months down the road.

    I guess the 'conversation' is for the population to be placated on the subject by sporadic articles like this one - feigning an affinity with popular feeling - before the elites who stooped to 'feel our pain' for five seconds are back to their day jobs flipping houses, chowing down at Wiltons and hoping they don't run into too many proles, sorry, constituents.

    Steve Jacks
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM
  • The 2001 Census produced a UK population of 59m with 6% of the population classified as non-white British. By 2008, the population had risen to 61m and an estimate given that 9% of the population were non-white British (reference: UK National Statistics Office). If these statistics are to be believed then the 2m increase in population between 2001 and 2008 were all non-white British immigrants or births from the non-white British community. Are we to accept that no white-British couple or women had a child during that period?

    Plainly such logic is wrong and the UK is still predominantly made-up of white British people however the concentration of the non-white community within the urban centres exaggerates its visible presence within our society.

    I maintain that no sensible person has an issue with the ethnic make-up or change within the UK and I for one am a huge fan of such a mixed society but the problem lies when a small minority start to change the laws of the UK to suit their own ethnic or religous views. You are welcome to the UK if you accept our rule of law which has been handed down and refined for thousands of years. Where the main parties have failed the voter is their spineless appeasement of our hard fought civil liberties and heritage.

    Come to Britain but accept that you will have to behave in a secular and civil manner which is in keeping with our modern society.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM
  • It would seem there is going to be an increase in Crash for Cash incidents.
    Govt Ministers responsible for this influx and the failure to close loopholes should be investigated for treason.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM
  • I'm afraid that's what happens when a nations elites hate and despise the native population.

    The consensus attitude of all three political parties, the Civil Service, the BBC/Guardian & the educationalists - the establishment - has set the country on a path of radical population change.

    Whether you think it's 'RIP Great Britain' or the most 'vibrant' 'diverse' 'multicultural' heaven on earth that's being created, one thing we call all agree on is that this massive unlimited immigration from the 2nd/3rd world will change the nation permanently, radically, rapidly and without public consent.

    Why don't we replace jus soli with Jus sanguinis?

    Steve Jacks
    on October 22, 2009
    at 06:08 AM
  • Too little, too late.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:02 AM
  • Thing is Frank and Nicholas - Political Correctness is King. There is nothing else.

    Brave men can fight for things they believe in but not today's lot. They are home and hosed, expenses paid and no imminent problems for them.
    Look at Polly Toynbee at her Tuscan Villa with wine cellar, or Wedgie in his wine cellar. To be wrong is a value judgement. Nothing more.
    You place too much importance on facts with this piece, Frank and Nicholas - a common error these days.

    Didn't you know that to have an argument there must be discrimination - and prejudice?
    No - you've forgotten.

    Fulchard of Rheims
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:02 AM
  • And demonisation of anyone who dared question the wisdom of an open door policy.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:02 AM
  • Yep absolutely right, but what will change if anything ?
    I read today that an airliner taking off from France had three illegal migrants on board from 'The Jungle'. How can any one expect the problem to go away when no one seems to be taking it seriously.
    If the way to crush the BNP is to stop immigration, then by that token it's self that means the BNP ( now a legitimate political party) is not extreme to raise the issue.
    Stopping immigration in order to prevent "extremism" taking off is just a backhanded admission that it is support for immigration that is the real course of extremism.
    The issue is as simple as this, the vast majority of the people of this nation do not want to see this land handed over to colonisers. But have always welcomed genuine refugees. There is simply no more room, we are full. why on earth is it viable to encourage people to simply turn up and give them homes and shelter when we are told there is a crisis of global warming and at the same time being told there will be a shortage of natural resources soon, our infrastructure is already creaking at the seams. There are not enough homes for descendants of people born soon after the last war let alone taking in people from all over the world. Who's first port of call is quite often many hundreds of miles from our shores. I blame specifically this ridiculous government and the trend of rolling over and caving in to the obviously bogus Human Rights legislation, when to we get the benefit of those laws to protect our home land ?

    'A fight-back against the BNP will only begin when the party leaders give a full pledge that our population will not breach the 65 million barrier'.

    How are they going to implement this sterilisation ?

    No one currently has the guts to say this, as they will be attacked and vilified by the same people who have aided and abetted and even openly encouraged this impending catastrophe to happen. Some have even made a lot of money from 'human rights' cases.
    Instead of people attacking the BNP it's these people who should be brought to book. They are the people who are truly culpable in this situation.

    Dernier Bagage
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:02 AM
  • The headline says it all.

    Peter Ramsey
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:01 AM
  • All these articles on the BNP would make you think that the powers that be are concerned that people might actually vote for them.Pity they offer the people nothing apart from vacuous words .

    mike n
    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:01 AM
  • You have taken a long time to recognise the obvious.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:00 AM
  • What a great article Mr Field and Mr Soames. Stand by for the posts labelling you as fascists for daring to question immigration.

    I have just finished watching Newsnight with Ms Follett MP as a guest and it has to be said she is so out of tune with the public.

    There were continual denials of any failure in the multi cultural programme, lack of housing, training, work or loss of identity.

    Nick Farrar and Jeremy Paxman cornered her on a number of issues but she had no answers and came out with the well rehearsed party line.

    Thank you Gentlemen for a very enlightening and much needed article.

    on October 22, 2009
    at 12:00 AM
  • Learn from history
    Population growth from 1600 at 3.5-4 million has doubled each 100 years. 1901 census 30 million. 2000 60 million, 2100 what is to stop the figure going to 120 million? Certainly not the small minded politicians of today.

    Mike Curston
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:39 PM
  • What a wonderfull article. You speak what alot of British public are all thinking . We cannot say these truths ouselves because we will be called rascist and Nazi and lose our jobs. Thankyou for saying what needed to be said . The truth is the truth. I can't see why people should be persecuted for speaking the truth. Political correctness is one of the worse things that ever happened to this country. It is a way to silence the masses. Hats off to you Mr Field and Mr Soames for your bravery ! The BNP have stated some of the same facts as you, but every word they say, whether the truth or not, they are accudsed of rascism. I do hope you don't suffer the same fate. We are ment to be a country of free speach. Keep up the good work !

    Mr Evans
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:39 PM
  • How long have Messrs Field and Soames been sitting in Westminster? Only now do they choose to state what has been blindingly obvious to the lumpen proletariate for the past ten years. You talk of cowardice. Rank hypocrites both of you. Shame on you. Shame on all of you, our so-called representatives.

    S Roberts
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:39 PM
  • Please don't restrict immigration.
    I want to see the final results of total mismanagement by traitorous governments played out in race riots throughout British cities.
    Then the fightback will begin.

    Sid Spencer
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:39 PM
  • Its not just "fears" which smacks of the irrational. The UK relies on
    foreign imports for food and energy. We are already too many to be self sustaining in a world that will be competing for resources.
    We should not be paying people to have more than two children. After that people should bear the costs of health and education of further children themselves. Anounce it now, bring it in in two years time. Or we will be constantly at war over resources and end up with balkanized areas within the UK. In gender apartheid cultures birth rates do not drop or womens roles change without deliberate policy. More wealth and education does not do it.
    Its not just migration. Its the numbers of children some people choose to have (on other peoples taxes). And if this skews the population towards higher earners well...good.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:36 PM
  • This article correctly identifies both the problem and the feelings of the vast majority of the "native" population.
    Whilst it may be possible to make the drastic changes necessary to cut future immigration, there would semm to be nothing that can be done about to correct what has already happened. What a sad, sad country this has become.

    Henry Kaye
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:36 PM
  • A good article at long last from 2 people who just might win respect from the ordinary, worried, people of this country,
    if they step up to the plate.

    Well chaps why don't you seize the unoccupied ground and form a new party: National Party Of Britain would be a good name.

    Come on!

    Tony Platts
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:35 PM
  • As you politicians have shown us the true value of 'democracy' we have nothing to lose in suspending it. Get this country sorted now rather than see it crash and burn later.

    mike mines
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:35 PM
  • This country has been intentinoally turned into the catheter bag for the 3rd world by New Labour and Field himself.

    Why wasn't this blindingly obvious cancer stamped out 20 years ago?

    They stood by and did nothing...but laugh at the rest of us while they pocketed their corrupt expenses....

    You have sown the wind, I dearly hope you reap the whirlwind.....

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • See the forecast Housing / population increase for your region.......

    Government Household Projections to 2031 (March 2009)

    "The number of households in England is projected to grow to 27.8 million in 2031, an increase of 6.3 million (29 per cent) over the 2006 estimate, or 252,000 households per year"


    More analysis of the Governments household / population predictions which are being used to inform the basis of Government housing proposals for England. This document shows the forecasts for your region (sheets 10.15 & 10.11 & 10.8 which are the most informative sheets)

    The facts about migration.........
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • A lot of good talk - but still no signs of any action. That said, with the government there is always the likelihood of the baby going before the bathwater. If they were to act it would probably be botched, with the skilled and employed being shown the door while the indolent and criminal get to stay.

    Angry of Sussex
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • I suppose it'll be alright because they'll be doctors and nuclear scientists and not your usual spongers without the ability to use a broom in a government office. Look. I'd rather be a second rate nation with good morals and principles than the whirlpool of poo the governments are sending us down! They allow immigrants because all they think of is people paying taxes for the debt they've created and not giving a monkey's fig about how we pay for improved infrastructure and new schools etc. Live fro today is what they are. I call them ar5h*le5.

    Anglo Manglo
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • There is free movement of goods services and people between the Eu states which consists of around 400-500 million people. Also this means that our borders are no longer the ones that go around our nation but in fact go around the edge of the EU. At least the BNP have some principles regarding our EU membership and immigration. The three "mainstream" parties do not on either count. What does it say about our mainstream parties if people are willing to vote for the BNP despite their known dangerous racism? I would think a lot of people in this country are saying a pox on all your houses. There is too much consensus between the three main parties with little choice between them. None of them have any principles or appear to be free-thinkers as a party, with individuals only the exceptions.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • The Labour party seems to be pursuing a policy of state enforced overcrowding. New quangos are being set up to override local councils on planning decisions, and the only reason for this must be to railroad new housing developments on greenfield and green belt land which none of the locals want.

    The British in general and the English in particular are being forced to give up their way of life, their religion (Christian tradition), their right of free speech, their children's education in schools free of racial tensions, and last but not least, their beautiful countryside and open spaces. The government has been brutal in bringing in every kind of legislation to prevent open discussion on this topic. Just scratch the surface and you will find people are enraged about it.

    Nick Griffin is the only person saying what a lot of people think. By and large the British are a tolerant people, not racist, no more than anyone else. The more that the Labour party focuses on racism and screams at the BNP, the more irrelevant they will seem to the British public. The Labour party lied about the Iraq war, they lied about the referedum on the EU, many of them claimed ridiculous amounts of money on their expense claims. Some of their posturing about the evils of the BNP are no more than an attempt to retain the moral high ground. It's almost as if Labour MPs actually hate the English and have set about trying to destroy them. An elderly relative of mine put it very well, "This used to be a lovely country," she said, sadly.

    It's quite clear that the major beneficiaries of massive immigration are already rich people: businessmen who can pay low wages, developers who can make money from building all over the countryside, and politicians who can make a career out of promoting multiculturalism. Immigration on the scale we are experiencing it only lowers the quality of life for most people, and the poorest are the worst hit.

    The welfare state is paid for by ordinary taxpayers. It supports people in idleness while immigrants arrive to work for low wages, so effectively taxpayers are subsidising big business. Education is paid for by taxpayers, the majority of whom are of British descent, yet education is being used to denigrate everything British and promote subservience to foreign cultures. Again, the only prominent person making this observation is Nick Griffin.

    We are entering a dangerous period, I believe. Democracy isn't working and people are disenchanted by their elected representatives. Where are they supposed to turn? The Prime Minister and his cabinet, and the Opposition Front Bench need to take a look at themselves, because they are not providing good leadership. It's no good blaming the electorate because Gordon Brown, David Cameron and others have set themselves up as leaders of society and they have a moral duty to provide leadership. Their overwhelming loyalty should be to the British public, but it does not appear to be so. Shame on them.

    Mary Crawford
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • What has happened to our referendum?

    Neil Regan
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • There is no economic case for large scale immigration. See the attached Lords report, the most indepth study of the subject.....

    Select Committee on Economic Affairs
    1st Report of Session 2007�08

    The Economic Impact of Immigration

    "Overall GDP, which the Government has persistently emphasised, is an irrelevant
    and misleading criterion for assessing the economic impacts of immigration on the
    UK. The total size of an economy is not an index of prosperity. The focus of
    analysis should rather be on the effects of immigration on income per head of the
    resident population. Both theory and the available empirical evidence indicate that
    these effects are small, especially in the long run when the economy fully adjusts to
    the increased supply of labour. In the long run, the main economic effect of
    immigration is to enlarge the economy, with relatively small costs and benefits for
    the incomes of the resident population."

    The Facts about migration..........
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • Strange that no one has yet managed a valid argument for immigration per se.

    ..just the usual neo-marxist assumptions that Britain must have 3rd world immigration, like it or not, because it suits the neo-marxist conflict-based agenda.

    Any of these people who think immigration is a good thing - why don't you have a nice Somali family living in your front room then? It's exactly the same principle you advocate for the rest of us...

    The Inconvenient Truth
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • It's all part of a plan to cripple the country and to hand it over supine to our masters in Europe.

    Think about it - uncontrolled immigration by an alien culture (Muslims), suppresion of dissent (your a racist ), deliberate destruction of the economy, endless taxation and the building of an indolent client state, armed forces out of the way fighting wars that are not our concern, sneaky ratification of Lisbon with 2 fingers to the electorate, years of austerity and a winter of discontent ...

    Face it - we've had it, one world Government, one world currency and one world poverty.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • Truly draconian measures would have to be adopted by future governments to hold the population of Britain at or below 65 million.

    It won't happen it is too late; the genie is out of the bottle.

    By abandoning our border controls Gordon Brown and Tony Blair have presided over the destruction of British society and of British values. It was so easy for them, they simply allowing those values to be overwhelmed by importation of alien cultures.

    The BNP supporters are crying out, they are asking to have the open borders so championed by this Labour government, closed. It has to be done immediately and replaced with firm barriers, allowing only those through who accept the primacy of existing British rules and customs.
    If Labour would just fix this basic national need, the BNP support would simply retreat to the fringe party level it deserves.

    We are now in uncharted social waters. We have an unknown number of aliens amongst us. We have a growing immigrant population whose desire and stated objective, is the complete subjugation of the Anglo Saxon population and our laws. They desire Sharia law, though why is beyond logic, remember they left countries where Sharia law is a failure.
    Not one Sharia ruled state is successful but still they promote it.
    To Frank and Nicholas Soames;
    You have debated and prevaricated for too long, the damage done on your watch is irrecoverable; your collective failure to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples of these islands will forever lie at your door. The result of this failure to promote or even protect the rights of the native population may be dire.

    John Ward
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:34 PM
  • Why on earth did Frank let Gordon push him out,he should have led the party,then we wouldn't have been in the mire as we are now!

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:15 PM
  • The only thing which is preventing the BNP from garnering REAL support is the lack of a credible leader.

    Given the right frontperson , they would sweep to power.

    Darren Himmler , Brentwood Essex.
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:15 PM
  • Bravo! Bravo! Set a policy limit on size of population and then introduce the policies to prevent us from exceeding that limit. England has been wrecked by a bastardised Scottish Government of traitors. Labour out! Get back control of our English borders!

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:15 PM
  • Way too late. We're heading for civil war thanks to you lot. The sooner we get a BNP government the better.

    PS. Mr Soames, please stop talking rubbish about your grandfather. If he could see the state of 'Britain' now he'd be appalled.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:15 PM
  • Was it that they were too cowardly themselves, as they sat by watching this happen over the last 20 years? What were they afraid of? Being called racists and xenophobes by PC nutters, that's what. Still, at last they have jumped on the right band-waggon. Bit slow to catch on, our politicians, aren't they. Still at least they have had the gravy train to sustain them in their lethargy.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:15 PM
  • How many times have we heard the all too familar concerns about the effects of mass immigration whenever BNP popularity rises ?.....nothing has changed under this govement and nor will it should the Tories win power.

    Terry Williams
    on October 21, 2009
    at 10:15 PM
  • Yes, but why on earth did these two, Field and Soames, not speak out before? Was it that to do so would have had them branded as xenophobes and racists by the PC nutters, and that they too were too cowardly to do so? Yes, of course it was. They could have spoken out 20 years ago before the damage was done.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:30 PM
  • So at last the penny has dropped.

    After years of hostility, not denial, to the notion that we need controls on immigration the establishment has now woken up.

    Recall the days when anyone who questioned the validity of any asylum seeker or the lack of immigration control was a racist bigot?

    Remember how membership of a broadened EU was of unbridled and unalloyed benefit to the UK?

    The country is full. If immigration ended tomorrow the birthrate of some immigrant groups will ensure that the population gets to 70 million anyway.

    We have limited land, no energy policy, food dependency and a declining economy.

    Thanks, all you luvvie liberals and your multicultural, let them all in, we are all happy-clappy people together rhetoric.

    It is too late now.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:30 PM
  • no chance of the three main parties changing?

    Well any one of them could start explaining in the next three months or so - David Cameron - details please re referendum on Europe'/s LIsbon fiddle plus no more payments to Europe until Europe accounts cleared by independent auditors for last 14 years.

    john heppell
    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:30 PM
  • If a couple marry today and produce 4 children and those 4 then marry at 18 and produce 4 children each and the process is repeated 18 years later the total number in the family in 50 years would be 106 a 53 fold increase.For one section of our country this is the norm.Guess who?

    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:16 PM

  • Why does it need 2 of you to tell us what we have known for at least 20 years ?

    You are like speed cameras which record the event after it has happened.

    What did YOU BOTH do to PREVENT IT happening ?

    ���� ALL !

    Man on Waterloo Bridge
    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:09 PM
  • It is a sobering thought, to me at least, that had it not been for the BNP Messrs. Field & Soames might have never articulated these views and Britain would have strolled over the precipice whilst the entire poltical elite without exception (Field & Soames included) "celebrated diversity". Alas, the problem is not limited to the UK and other European countries are on a similar path of self destruction. But before trust is regained hypocrisy and political correctness must be excised from politics, the churches, the administration, the military, the police, foreign policy, education and the media. Western culture should be promoted with confidence and there is nothing wrong in stating the obvious fact that our traditions are, to many if not most people superior to others. That is why there is massive Muslim migration to Christian countries and not vice versa. As a person brought up in the Christian and Western tradition I respect all other cultures and religions but why can I should I not be able to say openly that I consider the Western culture of Greece, Rome and Christendom to be better than others and patently superior to some?

    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:09 PM
  • I agree with nearly all of what is said. There is so much truth and common sense displayed.

    My disagrement is the conclusion to settle on a population of 65 million. This is too many for a country of our size. 60 million would be more sustainable.

    on October 21, 2009
    at 09:09 PM
  • What a sensible piece .. at long last !!

    What a pity though that we are not being allowed democracy here .. where is the promised EU referendum that is the REAL matter of concern to the population ??? Enough of the MadleSCUM post democratic era !!

    A Jones
    on October 21, 2009
    at 08:39 PM
  • This threat to our national survival as a nation has been obvious for at least 10 years, None of the main parties have even recognised this, let alone offered policies to deal with it. What chance is there of them changing now and making the tough decisions and actions needed. They are all too much in thrall to multi-culturism.

    Brian Jones
    on October 21, 2009
    at 08:29 PM


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