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WDIE No.51 Thursday, October 21 2010

Stop This Attack on Society! Fight for the Alternative!

The Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) is nothing but a vicious escalation of the anti-social offensive on behalf of the rich. It is an intensification of the class struggle by the global monopolies and the financial oligarchy against the working class and people. Its aim is to guarantee the pay-the-rich society is protected against the claims and demands of the working people for the public good....more

End of US Combat in Iraq and the Necessity for Justice

On August 31, Obama announced "the end of the combat mission" in Iraq. The withdrawal of US-led military forces from Iraq is taking place under the auspices of a 2008 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between the US and the Iraqi government. The SOFA outlined that US-led forces would pull back from urban areas by the end of June 2009 and withdraw totally from the country by the end of 2011. As per the SOFA, US forces have also been releasing or transferring all detainees in their custody to Iraqi authorities and handing over control of prisons to them. Such prisons include Camp Cropper, near Baghdad International Airport; Camp Taji, north of Baghdad; and Camp Bucca, near Basra....more

October Is Black History Month

Black History Month recognises the achievements and history of Africans, people of African descent, and the people from the Caribbean. It is an important reflection of the necessity for the people to know about the history of Africa and Africans, and place this history within the context of world history. This is especially true of the place of peoples of African and Caribbean origin in Britain and their place within the struggles of the working class and people of Britain for their social liberation and for their right to exist and to create the conditions for the flourishing of that existence....more

Tens of Thousands March over Austerity Measures

A series of co-ordinated protests hits 13 capital cities yesterday from Madrid to Brussels. Tens of thousands of people marched through Brussels on a day of protests across Europe against government austerity measures....more

Actions against the Cuts:

There Is An Alternative!

Today, European-wide actions are taking place against the austerity measures of the capitalist governments in power....more

Salute the Tenth Anniversary of Second Palestinian Intifada

This week marks the tenth anniversary of the second Palestinian Intifada of September 2000, sometimes known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada. In that year the Palestinian people rose up to demand their rights to statehood and self-determination and in opposition to the occupation of their homeland by Zionist Israel, backed by the US, Britain and the other big powers. The Intifada of September 2000 had been precipitated by the failure of the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, which had been brokered by the US, and the provocative actions of the Zionist Israel, including the visit of Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to Al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site. The Intifada continued for some five years, led to the loss of thousands of lives and eventually to the withdrawal of Zionist Israel from Gaza and some areas of the occupied West Bank. ...more

Voicing the Demand for the Alternative

This year’s TUC Congress in Manchester was characterised by the voicing of the demand for an alternative to the agenda of cuts and attacks on the working class and people being pursued by the Con-Dem government....more

The British Government and the Middle East

Last week William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, faced questions on September 14 regarding the government’s stance on the current Middle East peace talks, which took place last week in Egypt, Israel and the US brokered by the US imperialists. The talks were the first to occur directly between the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Prime Minister of Zionist Israel for some two years and were designed to focus on discussions on substantive issues, including the future borders of the proposed Palestinian and Israeli states. As always there are efforts to present these talks as a historic opportunity for a breakthrough...more

Tony Blair Condemned over "The Journey"

Tony Blair’s memoirs, The Journey, are an indictment of the former New Labour Prime Minister, whereas the author clearly intended them as a justification. In his introduction, Blair speaks of them as setting out what it meant to be the human being at the centre of his ten years history as Prime Minister. This is entirely at one with the role given to him by the political system of which he became Prime Minister, a figure whose authority comes not from the people and being accountable to them, but as a god astride the political machinery who could take the decision to commit aggression against Iraq as a little god in opposition to the popular will because he did what he thought was right....more

Cameron’s “Big Society”: Fending for Yourself in the Name of Empowerment

David Cameron’s conception of the “Big Society”, elaborated in his speech on July 19, is a compendium of everything that is negative and retrogressive about the ruling elite and the society they are trying to fashion in their image. It is nothing less than the complete wrecking of society under the name of a “big society”. It exposes the nature of the “freedom, fairness and responsibility” that Nick Clegg elaborated as the three words which sum up the government’s aims. It is summed up in saying that it envisages everyone fending for themselves in the name of empowering the people....more

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