
The new Bill, which will address many forms of torture routinely employed by Indian police and prison officials, is to be considered by the Select Committee of the Upper House of the Indian Parliament.

Morocco urged to release three men accused of undermining the country's internal security after their visit to camps in Algeria run by the Polisario Front.

Former Interior Minister Carlos Vielman and former National Director of Police Erwin Sperisen are among those being investigated over the killings of prisoners in 2005 and 2006.

Good news

Moldova commits to international justice

The country has become the 114th to commit to tackling gross human rights violations by ratifying the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

In focus

A call for tolerance in Serbia
The first gay pride parade in Belgrade for nearly ten years ends in violence as objectors hurl stones and explosives

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Amnesty International podcast
MDGs summit in New York, detention and torture in Iraq and Sting speaks out against the death penalty

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Activism Center

Germany must stop forcible returns of Roma to Kosovo

A growing number of Roma and other minorities are being forcibly returned to Kosovo from Germany and from other western European states. If returned to Kosovo, they will be at risk of persecution or other serious harm.

144437 appeals have been sent from this site.

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