Truth, Reason, & Liberty

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Blog Name: Truth, Reason, & Liberty
Language: English
Topics: Politics, Anarchism, Liberty & Equality
Description: Truth, Reason, & Liberty makes no pretences towards being a comprehensive news source, it is not one. Nor does it claim to be the online presence of a massive activist movement as, again, it is not. There is only one person behind this site, and it almost certainly shows in the irregularity of updates, amongst other things. However, it does hope to present an interesting, informed, and informative view of those issues that it does cover. One that strays far from the uniform consensus of the liberal/conservative mainstream to offer an unapologetically partisan voice from the radical left, but nevertheless a view that makes its points with clarity and reason, not through generalised slander or unfounded ad hominems. Above all, the intention of this site is to make the reader think twice about events that are going on in the world, about the victims involved, and about the role those responsible play in our society.
Popularity: 98 Followers

Blog Feed

A winter's tale of scabs and fascists
Today was an interesting day. Most of it, unfortunately, involved me standing around in the cold and the wet in order to challenge people of a less-than-savoury nature. However, it was the oppositi...
The continuing injustice of Europe's migration policies
Around 50 refugees from Afghanistan have set up camp next to the Propylaia Acropolis in the centre of Athens. Whilst the Greek state is refusing to grant them asylum, they are also unable to move o...
Looking out the window is not science
Douglas Carswell is the latest right-winger to fall for this fallacy;Westminster in the snow this morningSo, how's that global warming theory working out?Or, to put it another way, "I looked out my...
National "Not Ashamed" Day: the temper tantrum of the religious right
George Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has apparently launched National "Not Ashamed" Day. He claims that Christianity is "under attack" and Christians need to wear crucifixes and demon...
Student militants continue to lead the way
Today was Day X 2, the second nationwide day of action called in the wake of Demo 2010, and by all accounts it looks like the momentum is holding. Police repression seems to be radicalising, rather...
Quote of the day...
...goes, a day late, to NUS President Aaron Porter;For too long the NUS has perhaps been too cautious and too spineless about being committed to supporting student activism. Perhaps I spent too lon...
No War but Class War - November 2010
This month, of course, was the month that class anger finally erupted in Britain. Where the trade unions have been talking big but not living up to their words, students defied the moderate noises ...
Media hype and WikiLeaks
On Friday, via Twitter, WikiLeaks announced that the "UK Government has issued a ‘D-notice’ warning to all UK news editors, asking to be briefed on upcoming WikiLeaks stories." This comes after the...
On austerity in Ireland
Today, tens of thousands of people marched through Dublin to protest the Irish government's austerity programme. Unfortunately, it is almost certain that their protests will fall on deaf ears. Desp...
Media bury documents revealing Israel's policy of near-starvation for Gaza
The following alert was released by Medialens last week. I repost it here because the story it tells is one that needs to be heard - not only of the deliberate injustices being committed against th...




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