Epitonic: Resurrecting the Center of Sound


We are all thrilled to be rebuilding Epitonic, but could really use your help. We are all donating our spare time to relaunch Epitonic, and can do much of the work ourselves, but we need to outsource some of the development and pay for other odds and ends, which has honestly stretched us thin. We have set up a Kickstarter page with some great incentives for you to help us. The more money we raise there, the better the new Epitonic will be.


While we rebuild feel free to visit the old site. A few things aren't working; radio, streaming, samples... But you can download all the MP3s and you can read about all our old favorites.

Press and News

If you'd like to talk to us about this relaunch, by all means, drop us a line.

Launched in 1999, Epitonic.com worked directly with our favorite labels and artists, posting free and legal promotional MP3's so that fans would buy more music. We only featured our favorite bands and genres, most of which where on independent labels -- or on no label at all. That might sound like a pretty common concept today, but back then, Epitonic was one of the first free and legal streaming and downloading destinations.

We never thought we would be proudly announcing Epitonic's relaunch with many of the original partners and friends from the original site collaborating. Our goal is pretty straightforward: To get an exciting, modern, brand-new version of the site online in the next few months. We will be creating a web destination that recaptures the spirit of Epitonic, with new technology and updated features.

Stay in touch with Epitonic on Twitter. Let us hear from you and follow us to get updates as we work towards our launch. If you're as excited about an Epitonic resurrection as we are, we want to hear about it!

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Want to write or be an editor? editor@epitonic.com Press Inquiries - Colette Sandstedt - colette@epitonic.com General Inquiries - info@epitonic.com