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Hazards - Corporate Crime

When will Corus and other serial killing directors be held to account?

Hazards comments on election manifestos

Workers Memorial Day 28 April 2010 - London demos

Fack condemns Health and Safety Report

Anger at soft sentencing guidelines for employers who kill

Government recognises WMD - Hazards Campaign comment

Bhopal - Corporate Crime Day 3 Dec

FACK condemns David Cameron’s attack on health and safety

25th anniversary of Bhopal disaster: Wed 2 Dec
Bhopal arrest warrant: commentary
The Bhopal disaster and its aftermath: a review (Environmental Health)

Shoes, Glues, and Homework

Hazards website

Pleural Plaques: GMB lobby calls on government to restore compensation

Occupational illness and plant closures in Ontario: dossier on Bill 187

Asbestos: behind the GM cancer cluster
Cancer cluster at GM Ontario plant

Israel: nuclear plant worker made to drink uranium

Bodycote fined £533k for deaths of two workers
CSC comment: Jailing of Construction Boss for Death of Teenage Worker
Blacklist Support Group

ICL Stockline explosion: official report misses root causes

Those responsible for the death of 15 year old Adam Gosling
Adam Gosling: Builder faces jail over boy's wall death (press reports)

Hazards Conference: Manchester 10 - 12 July

Hazards comment on gov't Construction Safety report
Families Against Corporate Killing comment

Ontario: Key Findings of a New Report on Injured Workers
Ontario: Injured Workers rally 1st June St. Catharine's

While you were sleeping...

WMD Portsmouth

Health and Safety in South Yorkshire Construction Sector

International Workers Memorial Day 28 April 2009

Please use Search form with keywords "hazards" or "safety" or "WMD" or "FACK" for more coverage.

Rail / Tube

RMT to re-ballot as Network Rail injunction halts rail strike

Tube Strike Ballot over safety, jobs, office closures

National rail strike for maintenance and signals staff

RMT vote nine to one for strike action on National Express East Anglia
RMT members vote four to one for action at Arriva Cross Country

RMT website

ASLEF website

for more please use Search form with keywords "RMT" or "ASLEF" or "rail"

Israel – Palestine

Israeli warplanes fire on Gaza (Ma'an News)
Israel closes all Gaza crossings (Ma'an News)

Gaza PhotoReport

Military judge criticises Police, releases Bethlehem Ten
West Bank Checkpoint Solidarity Demo with Jailed Peaceful Protesters

Gaza demo on Land Day at Nahal Oz crossing
Land Day protests in West Bank

Rachel Corrie investigation: IDF told bulldozer driver not to cooperate

Boycott protest at French Ministry of Justice

Judgement due on Jerusalem Quartet protest as Sing-in disrupts London performance

All Swedish national pension funds exclude Elbit
Health workers support call for U of Arizona to divest
Naomi Klein: Open letter to Berkeley students
BDS: U Cal Berkeley votes for divestment from war crimes

TUC-PSC campaign to Ban Settlement Goods

Gaza: Egypt’s steel wall nears completion, threatening tunnel trade (IRIN - UN OCHA)
Gaza: Fishermen face Israeli fire and Egyptian arrest (Ma'an News)
Gaza: Israel fires on Palestinian workers collecting rubble (Ma'an News)

Student kidnapped and tortured in West bank

Medical evidence proves Israel used live ammo to suppress West Bank demo
Palestinian organiser tortured in Israeli jail
Israel imposes closed military zone on anti-Wall villages

Open letter to UN Sec Gen Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moon Gaza visit disappointing

Gaza eyewitness after 1000 days of siege

BRICUP letter to Elton John
Elton John and Pixies concerts: Israelis are behaving like rich spoiled brats (Ha'aretz)
PACBI: Elton John, don’t entertain apartheid again

Stop EU reward for Israeli war crimes

Israeli Apartheid: the Case for BDS, London 20 March
Scotland: Fighting Israeli aparthied - BDS speaking tour

Rachel Corrie commemorations 16 March
Rachel Corrie: Israeli court begins hearings on unlawful killing (ISM)

West Bank university staff to strike over pensions, wages

Is PA undermining BDS campaign? (Palestine Chronicle)

Gazans candlelit protest at Erez crossing
Growing protests against Gaza Buffer Zone

Beit Ummar demo arrests
Baptism of Fire: West Bank eyewitness

EU demands implementation of Goldstone recommendations (EU)
Despite heavy lobbying, EU endorses Goldstone Report (euobserver)

Interview with Gaza human rights defender (Electronic Intifada)

Palestinian artist Latifa Yousef: Emerging from 1948

Scandanavian financial institutions drop Elbit

BDS newsletter excerpts

Pressure on Veolia and Alstom over Light Rail

Israeli deputy ambassador ditches Manchester talk

Report: Israel stole $2bn from Palestinian workers

WAC letter to OECD on basic labour rights in Israel
WAC-MAAN: from Advice Centre to Trade Union

COSATU President address to Gaza report-back rally
COSATU report-back on Gaza delegation: Lenasia 27 Jan

photo: Greg Dropkin
Gaza Freedom March: French embassy protestors surrounded by Cairo police 28 Dec 09

Cairo Declaration initial signatories
Declaration website: translations and Signing form
Israeli organisation BOYCOTT! supports Cairo Declaration
South African delegation: Cairo Declaration
Interview: Zico Tamela (SATAWU) in Cairo

Egypt blocking Gaza Freedom March: contact the Embassy
COSATU to join Gaza Freedom March!

Anti-Apartheid Wall campaigner Jamal Juma’ arrested

No impunity for Israeli war criminals in UK

Miliband: Israeli war criminals welcome in Britain
Hendon House Hotel bans JNF, apologises for booking
JNF: charity or apartheid para-statal institution? SOAS 16 Dec
Protest the JNF London Sun 13 Dec

YouTube: “UN Inspectors” swoop on Israeli goods in Asda Liverpool

Open Letter to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: Boycott Apartheid Israel

Ali Abunimah: The Interview Ha’aretz doesn’t want you to see (PULSE)

PGFTU Statement on Boycott of Israel
Palestinian Boycott National Committee welcomes PGFTU Statement on Boycott

Palestinian Trade Union Movement Unanimously Confirms Support for BDS
Anti-apartheid leaders launch case for sanctions on Israel – Manchester 7 Dec

Change of venue: New venue for International Conference on Palestinian Refugees
International Conference to discuss Future of Palestinian Refugees

Supermarket boycott: Phone Morrisons and Waitrose today 11 Nov
Manchester Morrison's demo video
Liverpool Morrisons leaflet (Word)

Censoring an opponent of torture

Action Palestine newsletter Oct 09

Video Exclusive: Ehud Barak in Chicago (Electronic Intifada)

Target Brimar: 17 Oct

Labour gives Barak diplomatic immunity to evade arrest for war crimes
Protest Israeli Defence Minister Barak at Labour Party Conference

Picket Israeli Embassy 1st Oct - General Strike by Palestinian citizens of Israel
Palestinians within Israel call strike against racism 1 October

The IAEA and Israel (Arab News)
IAEA urges Israel to allow nuclear inspection (YNet News)

Amnesty: email David Miliband on response to Goldstone Report
Richard Falk: The Goldstone Report and the battle for legitimacy (Electronic Intifada)
Palestinian Human Rights Organisations support UN Mission Findings
download Goldstone report full text (6 Mb PDF) (The Guardian)

Free Mohammad Othman, Palestine’s first BDS Prisoner of Conscience!

CodePink backs BDS movement
Gaza Freedom March website
Open letter in support of Gaza Freedom March

Palestine decisions at the TUC
PSC: Britain’s unions commit to a mass boycott movement of Israeli goods
TUC backs boycott of Israeli goods (Guardian)

Palestine: the key international issue at TUC Congress
TUC Congress motion on Palestine

Boycott Israeli Apartheid: Liverpool trade union conference broadsheet
page 1
page 2
page 3
page 4

Chicago conference: A turning point for the US solidarity movement (Electronic Intifada)

Haidar Eid: Open letter to South African President Jacob Zuma

US pension fund giant divests from Israeli firm (Ha'aretz)
Victory - Norwegian Pension Fund divests from Israeli military giant Elbit

Israel admitted at least one case of organ harvesting...

RMT Conference: boycott, divestment and sanctions

Palestinian resistance to the Jerusalem Light Rail project (Jerusalem Quarterly)

Zyara: “You will see with your own eyes”

Boycott movement takes hold in British unions (Electronic Intifada)

Much more - click here

or use:

Israel and Palestine more coverage

Our Health –
or Their Wealth?

Unison response to PFI approval at Royal Liverpool Hospital

£1bn cuts to Manchester NHS budget in next 4 yrs (M'cr Evening News)
Flashback: The £1.1bn PFI hole in Manchester’s NHS budget (LabourNet 2003)

Pensioners Public Services demo 10 Apr London
10 April demo leaflet (PDF)

NHS ‘preferred provider’ unravels (HSJ)

The BMA is calling on the public to support their campaign against NHS privatisation. BMA campaign

Hinchingbrooke Hospital almost certain to be privatised (Nursing Times)
Addenbrooke’s freeze on ‘non-essential vacancies’

Battle Royal over Freedom of Information

Zena Dodgson: Appeal panel confirms Facilitator role was a secondment
Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust: Behind the spin
John Lister: Open Letter to NHS Trust re Zena Dodgson
Trades Council responds to Trust attack on trade union rights
Demo Tues 8 Dec 2pm Maple House, West Entrance to East Surrey Hospital

Zena Dodgson: North Sussex and East Surrey Trade Union Council
Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust threatens to dismiss union activist Zena Dodgson
Letter to Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust Chief Exec
An issue for all NHS trade unionists

Protest the breakup of Kingston NHS - 30 Nov
Independent Provider arms ‘nonsense’, David Nicholson says (HSJ)

KCL Healthworker Bulletin Nov 09
KCL HealthWorker Bulletin 1 (pdf)

Camden victory casts doubt on legality of Darzi rollout (Pulse)

New Zealand: Care workers at Presbyterian Support Central likely to take industrial action
New Zealand: Wage strike at public hospitals Friday 27 Nov
Community Support Workers to strike over wage freeze

Support Caroline Bedale
Letters of outrage and support for Caroline Bedale
Support Caroline - People should try to speak freely
flashback Sept 2007: Caroline on demo with Karen Reissmann

Want my vote?.. then stop NHS commercialisation!

NHS managers demand right to make speculative cuts (HSJ)

Burns Units Saved!

Save Our Burns Unit - Whiston & Alder Hey Hospitals

US: Union march for Universal Health Care needed now

Disability Support Worker Awareness Week: New Zealand

Keep Our NHS Public – lobby Rochdale PCT 15 July

Medical Benefits: the Windsor CUPE strike

Pandemic, Privatisation and Post

Stand up for your NHS: the law on consultation

Health SERVICES: Condition Critical
The international drive towards privatisation and
marketisation of health care – and how to resist it
Saturday June 20, 10am-3pm, Coventry
Download leaflet (PDF)

Dr George Tiller

Private contractors and Agenda for Change

Keep Our NHS Public - 6 June London

Royal Liverpool PFI: letter from Merseyside KONP
Profit From Illness? No Thanks!

PFI battle joined in letters to the Liverpool Daily Post
Unite congratulates Liverpool campaign against PFI
Royal Liverpool PFI: Judicial Review set for late May
Royal Liverpool PFI: High Court halts Trust plans
NHS Campaign High Court challenge to Royal Hospital PFI scheme
PFI: Court challenge to Royal Hospital (Liverpool Daily Post)
PFI: Letters to the Daily Post

BMA leader demands end to PFI
BMA campaign against creeping privatisation of NHS

Karen Reissmann Solidarity Campaign: statement and social 25 April

Oxford Community Hospital protest demands action

Public finances take the initiative in PFI funding (Public Finance)

NHS privatisation accelerates sharply

300 NHS jobs under threat in London (Nursing Times)

Karen Reissmann: Employment Tribunal settled

Consultation - Industrial Action on NHS Pay

Karen Reissmann Employment Tribunal 26 Jan
Nominate Karen Reissmann for UNISON NEC

Flu, norovirus and cold weather pile pressure on hospitals (LHE)

Broken committments on Dermatology in Liverpool

PCTs failing to consult on Darzi centres

UNISON steward Nurse Andy Goodall victimised for trade union campaigning

Please use Search form with keywords "NHS" or "Agenda for Change" or "PFI" or "Logistics" or "NHS Pay" or "Karen"... for more coverage.


BA strike updates 29 March

BA Cabin crew strike: Day 3 update
BA Cabin crew strike: Day 2 update

Show solidarity with BA cabin crew

BA: United we Stand (Unite)

Transport secretary must investigate standards on strike-busting BA planes

Unite on BA strike
Unite: Don't blame Cabin Crews
Teamsters support for Unite as BA strike looms

High Court denies BA cabin crew right to strike - but Unite determined to reballot

Kraft confirms closure of Cadbury plant

Jerry Hicks election leaflet

Sheffield TUC letter to Superdrug
Superdrug strike, West Yorks

for previous reports type UNITE in Search form

Civil Service

PCS website

Almost half of Labour backbench MPs oppose cuts to civil servants redundancy terms

Minister refuses to meet PCS over National Gallery pay dispute

PCS responds to Budget as civil servants strike
Strong support for Budget Day strike

Up to a quarter of a million civil servants in Budget Day strike

Manchester: Budget Day Rally, protest and meeting
Pots and Pans protest at RBS on Budget Day

Budget Day strike events
Civil Servants plan Budget Day strike

PCS: Legal Action Over Redundancy Terms

Hewlett Packard: 4 more days of strike action

Battle Bus to target Jowell’s constituency Fri 19 Mar

Support Strong on Second Day of Civil Service strike
Massive support on Day 1 of Civil Servants strike

Hewlett Packard On Strike for Second Day
Hewlett Packard: Preston and Fylde IT workers strike

Invest in Revenue and Customs to close the £120 billion tax gap

Strong support expected for Civil Servants strike

Civil Servants lobby Parliament over cuts to redundancy terms
PCS North-West strike rallies 8 March
270,000 Civil Servants prepare for 48 hour strike

PCS backs Public Accounts Report on Revenue and Customs

National Gallery walk out again
National Gallery staff on low pay strike 16 Feb

Border Agency Strike To Hit Ferry Ports 20 Feb

Rally for Public Services - Liverpool 30 Jan

Mark Serwotka re-elected General Secretary PCS

270,000 civil servants in strike ballot over changes to compensation scheme

PCS response to pre-Budget report

Government risks damaging dispute over civil service redundancy pay

Over a quarter of civil servants in Wales experience bullying

PCS criticises plans to cut 318 legal staff in courts

Collect tax to invest in skills funding, union says

Border Agency staff vote for industrial action

Politicians form damaging consensus on cuts

Transport Committee shares concern over privatisation

Anger at Coastguard bosses huge pay rises

PCS Gen Sec Mark Serwotka's Palestine Blog

PCS anger at Forensic Science Service job cuts plan

British Council outsourcing

Purnell's departure: end workfare now

PCS: Union piles pressure on politicians

PCS Conference Brighton 20-22 May

PCS praises Jobcentre staff as unemployment rises

Anger as Manchester Discrimination Helpline faces axe

Mandelson to outsource Vulnerable Workers Hotline

Anger at Marine Fisheries Agency relocation

Jobcentres Under Massive Pressure As Unemployment Rises

Tax Workers Rally and Lobby Parliament Over Cuts

EDS workers protest over job losses

Reopen the closed jobcentres!

Digby Jones comments naïve and insulting

Anger over Third Runway decision

Welfare Bill: wrong legislation at wrong time

for previous reports type PCS in Search form
for coverage of the Reamsbottom affair type NATO or TUCETU in Search form

Rio Tinto Lockout

Rio Tinto Lockout at California Borates Mine - photostory (ILWU Local 30, ICEM)
Union caravan to locked-out ILWU Boron miners (Alternet)

Dockers and Portworkers

“When you’re dying you explore radical medication”
Charleston dockers and the cargo chain

Costa Rica: Dock workers mobilise against government interference in union

Charleston web page - 10 year celebration

ILWU 2009 Caucus and Convention Report (Local 10)

ILA 273 letter to Dublin dockworkers

Lessons of the 1934 General Strike: San Francisco 3 July

Video: Solidarity has no borders - the journey of the Neptune Jade

Iraqi Portworkers call International Labour Conference in Erbil

ILWU asserts right to all dock work at Port of Oakland

Asbestos: Liverpool dockers test case victory

Jack Heyman, ILWU: Defend our union from attacks, outside and inside!

Sacramento dockers racial profiling: charges dropped

Defend ILWU Local 10 members as Sacramento trial begins

ILWU dockers back striking crew (ITF)

Vote No: 4 reasons to send the ILWU contract back

Vote “No” on the Tentative Contract!

Oakland longshoreman killed

photo: Ana Cosel

Europe’s Eastern gateway blocked: Strike in the docks of Constanta (LabourNet Germany)

Shipping companies threaten
West Coast dockers over May 1st anti-war strike

for 1 May anti-war strike see Anti-War

Escalating strike in French ports - CGT statement & info
Solidarité from US West Coast

Zim arms ship not in ‘Namibia’

Employers threat to ILWU anti-war stoppage (Word)

Death at Long Beach

ILWU 1st May - Call to Action

US West Coast dockers:
1st May workers action to stop the war

1 de Mayo: Acción obrera para terminar con la guerra
Le 1er Mai: Action ouvrière pour mettre fin à la guerre
1. Mai Arbeiter-Aktionen zum Stopp des Krieges
اول ايار / مايو العمال يدعون للعمل لوقف الحرب (Word)
戦争阻止労働者行動に向けて (Word)
1 мая - Действия рабочих для прекращения войны (Word)

ILWU letter to AFL-CIO on 1st May anti-war stoppage

Occupied Triton 11 crew statement, solidarity messages

Madrid international meeting to support Coordinadora

On the Global Waterfront
Charleston 5 book, talk, video
New book: The fight to free the Charleston 5

Feds stop ILWU Local 10 election

Dockers to protest Sacramento port arrests in Oct. 4 courthouse rally
All Hands on Deck for Sacramento Court Protest 4 Oct
All out to defend Sacramento dockers

Sacramento cops assault dockers returning to work

On the Global Waterfront: The fight to free the Charleston 5

Transport Workers Solidarity Committee

On the line against the war in the Port of Oakland

ILWU members respond to pro-Israel Dispatcher article

Logistics explained

Alcatraz: Valentine’s Day on the San Francisco Embarcadero

Transport Workers Identification Credential (TWIC) implementation

San Francisco Anti-War march links to Alcatraz ferry fight

Alcatraz Cruises: a Union Busting Experience

Alcatraz mass demo 14 Jan - MLK birthday

Port shutdown, mass picket boost Hornblower fightback

San Francisco Captain writes on Hornblower
Hornblower mass picket 9 Dec
Hornblower: On Workers, the challenge to labor

Polish and Filipino crew strike Australian wheat shipment

Hornblower rally Sun. 22 Oct

photo: Todd Sanchioni
Maritime workers picket at Hornblower 8 Oct 06
more photos

Video: SF Maritime Workers Battle Bush-Hornblower Union Busting

Between The Rock and a Hard Place

Solidarity with IBU/ILWU protest
Fight union busting at Alcatraz ferry

Transport Workers International Solidarity conference San Fran 16 Nov.

MUA condemns Israeli invasion of Lebanon (Aug 2006)

Bill Morris snubbed at ITF conference

Simon Jones Was Someone!: Liverpool 8 & 10 May

Peru: strikes and threat of “self-handling”

Israel: wildcat strike shuts Ashdod

Dubai Ports World Uproar

Imprisoned dockers: Joint Union Belgian Ports appeal
Support the imprisoned dockers and their families
Imprisoned dockers: Liverpool letter to T&GWU

photo: Reuters

European dockers: We did it - again!
European Parliament rejects the Directive
GMB comment on European Parliament vote

European dockers return to work

European dockers: Violent confrontations in Strasbourg (Liberation)
IDC: Dockers demonstrate against the European Directive

Greek dockers appeal for solidarity
Wharfies of the World to rally against EU Ports Directive
EU Ports: That was 2 hours, now it’s 2 days
EU Ports Directive and Mersey Docks

For background please use Search form with keyword "European Ports".

Docks Update

Please use Search form with keywords "ports" or "docks" or "dockers" or "dockworkers" for more coverage.

Fight Racism
Defend Migrants

see also Debate: Open Borders
Yarl’s Wood

Liverpool leafletting against BNP

South African miners condemn xenophobic construction company Realcorp

Manchester TUC report on Bolton anti-EDL demo
Letter from Bolton trade unionists re EDL 20 Mar
North West mobilisation against EDL Bolton 20 Mar

Anti-BNP demo at Liverpool trial 17 Mar

Gaza Protesters Defence Campaign launched

Anti-BNP protest at Tierney court case now 17 March Liverpool

BNP humiliated in Fazakerley
Fazakerley: anti-BNP leaflet (PDF)

Liverpool anti-fascists and the Halewood campaign

Child M emergency

After Question Time

Gary Younge: When you watch the BNP on TV, just remember: Jack Straw started all this (Guardian)

Liverpool Demo at BBC against BNP in Question Time

NW TUC opposition to EDL march Manchester 10 Oct
NWTUC umbrella demo against EDL Manchester 10 Oct
Stop the EDL march in Manchester 10 Oct

Supreme Court will hear Troy Davis appeal
flashback: Amnesty International praises stay of execution for Troy Davis
Stop the Execution of Troy Anthony Davis

Antifascist demo as BNP back in court Liverpool 3 Sep
Liverpool anti-fascist demo at BNP court hearing 5 August

Anti-BNP festival

SOAS Unison: Detained Cleaners need your support
Victory for SOAS occupation! - now stop the deportations
EDM (Jeremy Corbyn): SOAS Living Wage Campaign
SOAS action successful: Joint Statement
Unison: Union busting and the Borders Agency at SOAS
SOAS directorate block occupied over brutal deportation of SOAS cleaners

Steve Cohen, campaigner against immigration controls

Stop the BNP in Leigh Fri 13 Mar

Yahya Al-Faifi: Saudi trade unionist facing deportation from Britain: Act now!

ILWU Rally Calls for Struggle Against Racism and Repression

UNISON NEC members open letter to Dave Prentis
Justice for Yunus Bakhsh
Letter to Dave Prentis: BNP activity and UNISON Northern Region

BNP threatens prominent anti-fascist trade unionist (Morning Star)

Hope not Hate: demo against the BNP Liverpool 31 Jan

Solidarity with Umm al-Fahm - settlers march postponed

Liverpool 31 Jan: march against the BNP

No BNP Xmas parties in Sussex

Sacramento dockers racial profiling: charges dropped

Anti-BNP and Merseyside Police
Liverpool: Police lie to antifacists and escort BNP
Liverpool: Cops defend the fascists, Weyman Bennett defends the cops

Hope Not Hate dayschool to stop Nick Griffin's bid for North West MEP
Peaceful demonstrators hospitalised by far-right thug, Blackpool

For more LabourNet anti-racist coverage click here

UNISON: Whose union? Our union!

Unison United Left: Dawn Raids on union offices

Defend the Four: Dawn Raids protest at Unison HQ Mon 15 Mar

Caroline Bedale: Disciplinary Appeal 6 and 8 April

Jon Rogers: report to London Unison branches on union democracy
Dawn Raids on Unison Offices

Certification Officer: UNISON breached union rules in NEC election

Sheffield UNISON calls Public Sector lobby 5 March

Defend the Four - newsletter and lobby 24 Feb London

Darlington - fighting cuts with one hand tied behind back?
Alan Docherty: Who’s Next?

Manchester Metropolitan University redundancies: Defend Jobs, Education and Trade Unionism - demo 10 Feb

Support Caroline Bedale: Mcr 6 Feb

Support John McDermott

Reclaim the Union: UNISON-sponsored MP John McDonnell backs call to investigate London UNISON officials

Support Caroline Bedale
Letters of outrage and support for Caroline Bedale
Support Caroline - People should try to speak freely

Mass redundancies at Manchester Metropolitan University

Defend the Four - Glenn Kelly hearing 29 Oct
Defend the Four - Employment Tribunal revelations
Witchunt finds 4 socialists guilty - of what?

Letter to Dave Prentis: BNP activity and UNISON Northern Region

Lobby Liverpool City Council to defend in-house Home Care Service

ENEHL: further strikes start 7 Oct
Leeds: victimisation of trade union official by ENEHL
Leeds: ENEHL rally 27 Aug

Local government strikes 16-17 July, Scottish ballot opens (UNISON)

Victimisation for trade union activities
Stop the victimisation of John McDermott
East North East Housing Leeds strike 9 July
East North East Housing Leeds dispute

Witchunt: Statement by John McDonnell MP
Is there a Witchunt in UNISON? London 23 July

Defend Yunus Bakhsh
Yunus Bakhsh: Certification Officer finds UNISON broke own rules (PDF)

Tony Staunton: Certification Officer finds UNISON broke own rules (PDF)
Flashback: Statement by Tony Staunton (Nov 2006)

Defend the union’s democratic structures

for NHS pay see NHS

for Karen Reissman see NHS

for Palestine see Israel and Palestine

We won’t pay
for their crisis

Video: Pots and Pans Protest on Budget Day (1)
Video: Pots and Pans Protest on Budget Day (2)

270,000 Civil Servants prepare for 48 hour strike
PCS to ballot 270,000 civil servants for strike action

Sheffield UNISON calls Public Sector lobby 5 March

New Zealand: contract cleaners take case to Parliamentary Speaker
New Zealand: Parliamentary contract cleaners strike

Hewlett Packard staff to strike over jobs and pay
Hewlett Packard staff in strike ballot on jobs and pay

Victory for Leeds refuse workers
Solidarity with Leeds Refuse workers (GMB) - CWU - Dublin dockers: Casa Liverpool Fri 13 Nov

Enterprise Liverpool uses scabs against GMB-UNITE joint action
Liverpool Services dispute escalates
Liverpool: 600 strike as Enterprise renegs on pay deal
Leeds: Refuse and Cleansing indefinite strike set for 7 Sept

Put People First - Southport 18 Nov

Indefinite strike against redundancies at Tower Hamlets College
Manchester College strike against redundancy 27 Aug

UNITE strike against pay freeze Manchester airport Bank Holiday Monday and Tues 1 Sept

Unemployed Workers Union

Time to Fight Back: Liverpool march to TUC (PDF)
Liverpool TUC march to TUC Congress

Casinos: SkyCity bosses gamble with workers livelihood

San Francisco Bay Area rally against concessions and union busting

Vale Inco strike to defend pensions

May Day in Sacramento

From global finance to nationalisation of the banks

The Decline and Fall of the Unemployed Workers Centres movement

Statutory Redundancy (Amendment) Bill

Challenging the downturn

The Economic Crisis, Public Sector Pay and Industrial Relations - Manchester 22 Jan

Canada: BC Labour Convention Confronts Economic Crisis

Balls to the Living Wage?

Labour delivers 22% pay rise for school cleaners... in New Zealand

Bank bailout should not be at the expense of public services, union leader warns

Council salaries hit by bank collapses (The Independent)

Civil servants vote for national industrial action against 2% pay
Work to rule in Criminal Records Bureau over 0.5% Cost of Living award

Public Sector workers unite to fight – Liverpool 24 April

Civil servants pay strike causes widespread disruption
Coastguards start public sector pay strikes (PCS)

Civil Liberties

Justice for North-West 10
Janas Khan appeal hearing Mcr 14 Aug

Justice for North-West 10 - Update 26 July

Cuban 5 - Miami 5


Urgent Action: Police repression of BP Oilworkers picket - picket BP London 26 Feb

Urgent Action: Death threats to foodworkers union as Coca-Cola stalls collective agreement

Urgent Action: Grave concerns for lawyer Jorge Eliecer Molano and his family

La Rose Nestlé union leader shot dead at home

See also Coca Cola

Colombia more coverage


Coke: Guatemalan unionists file suit over murder, rape, torture


South African miners condemn xenophobic construction company Realcorp

Blacklist campaign condemns lack of protection in UK law

Crane safety win for Battersea Crane Disaster Action Group

Blacklist: progress for Steve Acheson
Blacklist: Defend Steve Acheson: Fiddlers Ferry 16 Feb 7am

Organising the Union at the Media City construction site

Blacklist: Protest lobby Employment Tribunal Manchester 24 Nov

Construction Safety Campaign: Ban Lead Now!
CSC AGM with Rita Donaghy 14 Nov London

Justice for Shrewsbury Pickets: London 9 Nov

Blacklist: Steve Acheson victory at High Court

Blacklisted electrician charged under Terrorism Act!
Blacklisted electrician hounded by company
Bricklayer wins Balfour blacklist compensation hearing
Mandelson urged to strengthen blacklist law

Construction Safety Campaign AGM (PDF)

Blacklisted builders protest Laing O'Rourke Bury 27 Aug

Israel: Irish construction giant digs deeper in Occupation

Lindsey Oil Refinery victory
Lindsey Oil Refinery strike: 900 sacked, support grows

Shrewsbury 24 March and Rally 4th July

Wembley death contractor to be sentenced at Old Bailey 9 July

Health and Safety in South Yorkshire Construction Sector

Exposing the construction blacklist

Justice for the Shrewsbury 24: Lobby Parliament 12 Mar

RMT branch letter to Lindsey strikers
Healthworkers: Wildcat construction strikes - how should we react?
Lindsey refinery strikers victory for all workers
Update on the spreading strikes by construction engineers in the refinery and power industry

The Flying Pickets: Manchester launch 5 May
The Flying Pickets
The Flying Pickets: book launch Newcastle 1 Apr
The Flying Pickets: 1972 builders’ strike and Shrewsbury trials

Manchester Electricians - awarded but still blacklisted
Manchester Electricians - locked out for 94 weeks

UNITE London contracting branch

Construction Safety Campaign: Events Diary

Construction sites in Israel: perfect crime scenes

Supervisor, companies guilty in Steven Burke death case
Corporate Killing: Steven Burke 2young2die Vigil Crown Court Minshull St. Mcr 6 Nov

Construction Blacklist: Manchester electricians latest

UNITE stewards accept JIB pay deal

Contracting branches UNITE against blacklisting
Construction blacklist, Manchester Electricians tribunal

Blacklist: Daf manager testifies
Construction Blacklist: Manager testifies in court
Construction Blacklist raised in Parliament
Construction Blacklist and Manchester Electricians

Rank & File building workers meetings

Strike at Kings X site victorious

Amicus construction workers take fight for direct employment to Parliament

Sacked Manchester Electricians - 23 weeks locked out, still fighting!

Inquest: ‘accidental death’ as trainee falls from substandard scaffolding

Electrician challenges union ban on election campaign

Manchester Electricians demo 11 March


PCS reaches agreement with Fujitsu

Fujitsu UNITE strike days January - February

UNITE: Fujitsu strike suspended (November)
UNITE, PCS Fujitsu strike 12, 13, 16 Nov
PCS Fujitsu staff vote for strike action

UNITE: Fujitsu campaign update, 14 October 2009
PCS: Fujitsu in strike ballot over jobs, pay and pensions
Fury as Fujitsu seek to cut 10% of UK and Ireland workforce

Fujitsu UNITE and PCS prepare for battle on pay claim

for previous coverage use keyword "Fujitsu" in search form


CWU website (includes Royal Mail)

Royal Mail deal is junk (Roy Mayall, Guardian Comment is free)

CWU - Royal Mail Interim Agreement

Solidarity grows across London
CWU reports and Manchester picket lines for strikes 29 - 31 Oct
CWU solidarity group contacts

CWU poster
CWU background to the dispute

CWU response to offer to sign *agreement*
Picket lines Thurs 22 Oct
CWU Offers ACAS as Strikes Confirmed

How Royal Mail fiddle the figures (Roy Mayall, LRB)

Postal strike in Japan

Growing Parliamentary Support for Post Resolution
Postal Dispute: House of Commons, Early Day Motion 2035

Royal Mail secret strategy document

Royal Mail to hire 30,000 temps (BBC)

Strikes Escalate Under Royal Mail Chaos Management

Royal Mail: Day of Action 17 July

CWU position on Postal Services Bill

Keep the Post Office Public

CWU hails Parliamentary fight against part-privatisation of Royal Mail

for previous reports type CWU in Search form


Speke 1985 - Back to the Future?: Liverpool 24 Mar

The Russian Revolution in Retreat: Liverpool 10 April

The William Morris Hall Centenary - Sun 13 Dec

Percy Fisher - long lost son of County Durham
Working Class Bookfair - Durham 21 Nov

Streamed Video: 1934 General Strike San Francisco commemorations
Lessons of the 1934 General Strike: San Francisco 3 July

The Russian Revolution in Retreat 1920-24 - now in paperback

Miners strike: Train crews did refuse to move coal

Miners' Strike 25th Anniversary Concert 15 Mar

25th anniversary of Miners Strike, 3rd Working Class Bookfair 14 Mar

Margaret Thatcher dies on stage

The Russian Revolution in Retreat, 1920-24
Soviet Workers and the New Communist Elite

Blue Plaque for The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist author, Liverpool 3 Feb

The Flying Pickets: 1972 builders’ strike and Shrewsbury trials

Robert Tressell Commemoration Liverpool 3 Feb

Ruth Frow celebration 5 Apr Salford
Ruth Frow - Trade Union hero dies

Pentonville Dockers commemmoration 28 July London

Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Lecture 17 Aug Sheffield
Sylvia Pankhurst Festival

International Women’s Day: Manchester event 10 March

Manchester TUC 140th anniversary celebration 13 Dec

Grunwick commemoration London 17 Sept.
Grunwick 30th Anniversary: Brent TUC event

Spanish Civil War Exhibition - Manchester International Brigaders

Dave Chapple: Henry Suss and the Jewish working-class of Manchester and Salford

Anti-fascist martyr Szmul Zygielbojm and the Warsaw Ghetto Rising

Staying Red: Why I remain a socialist – Norman Harding

LaborFest 2004 - 70th Anniversary of San Francisco General Strike

Al Richardson is dead

ESF Seminar: Where does anti-capitalism come from?

Suffragette Centenary

Strikes during Wartime

LaborFest 2009

LaborFest July 2009 Schedule

Labor Tech 2008 San Francisco 5-7 December


Appeal from Batay Ouvriye
Batay Ouvriye statement 7 Feb
Liverpool TUC solidarity with Haitian labour movement
Liverpool TUC Haiti solidarity event 4 Feb


Linen, Flax, Oil strikers take protest to Egyptian Cabinet

Egyptian workers impose a new agenda (Challenge)

Egyptian textile workers strike

55,000 in real-estate tax collectors strike

more Egypt articles


Istanbul: Brutal police attack on TEKEL workers
Labor Confederation Leaders condemn the arrest of Nakliyat-Is unionists


Manchester Metropolitan University redundancies: Defend Jobs, Education and Trade Unionism - demo 10 Feb

Mass redundancies at Manchester Metropolitan University

Indefinite strike against redundancies at Tower Hamlets College
Manchester College strike against redundancy 27 Aug

Occupation of Wyndford School, Glasgow

photoreport: UCU Lecturers strike Liverpool Community College

Canada: York University CUPE 3903 faces back-to-work legislation

YouTube - NUTteachers' Channel

Canada: Labour Turmoil and the Fight for Public Education

Teachers and local government workers prepare action on pay

Campaign Teacher - Spring Issue

Support anti-militarist teachers in Japan

Academies - the trade union view

UCU members challenge Leeds Met U bullying

Victory over Sodexho at Haggerston School
PFI Sodexho strike Haggerston: no witch hunt!

NUT: Anti-Academy campaign Manchester 16 June


Anti-war soldier arrested: Protest now

EDO decommissioners arrested at Brimar demo

video: Bay Area trade unionists speak out on Afghanistan 17 Oct

Afganistan: new plan same as old plan

Iraq unions launch new federation at first international labour conference

The war against Iraqi women - speaking tour

National demonstration London Sat 10 Jan Hyde Park 12:30 march to Israeli Embassy
Stop the massacre: Israel out of Gaza

Iraqi Portworkers call International Labour Conference in Erbil

Iraq and Afghanistan war resisters’ solidarity with Israeli ‘shministim’

Shoes demo for Iraqi journalist: Sat 20 Dec 1pm Mcr BBC

The Prospects for Iraq under Obama: 13 Nov London

Antiwar Digest (NYCLAW)

Video: Cindy Sheehan on War & the Economy

Bipartisan Empire: anti-war digest (NYCLAW)

Georgia, Nato & the spread of war: London 14 Aug

Huge stakes behind war in Caucusus

Shipping companies threaten
West Coast dockers over May 1st anti-war strike

Video: ILWU May Day San Francisco (YouTube)
Video: May Day Seattle ILWU March and Action (YouTube)

Poem: Mayday 2008 (Jack Hirschman)

West Coast ports shut on May Day (Workers World)
West Coast ports shut down for May Day (Socialist Worker)

Radio: Defying Employers to Shut Down West Coast Ports (Democracy Now!)
KPFA radio interview on ILWU anti-war stoppage

Transport Workers Solidarity Committee website

photos: LA Times (left), Kristi Hagen (centre and right)     click photo to enlarge
LA San Pedro (left), Seattle (centre and right)
ILWU anti-war shutdown closes 29 US West Coast ports on 1 May 2008

Union’s war protest shuts West Coast ports (NY Times)
Dockworkers walk off job at ports up and down coast to protest war (San Francisco Chronicle)
Thousands of dock workers stay home, West Coast ports shut down (LA Times)

1 May: Members of the General Union of Port Workers in Iraq plan to shutdown the ports of Umm Qasr and Khor Alzubair for one hour on May Day in solidarity with the shutdown of all West Coast ports by members of ILWU in opposition to the occupation of Iraq.

Iraqi trade unions May Day message to the world

Iraqi portworkers to ILWU: Long Live International Solidarity!

Swedish dockworkers to ILWU: we fully support your action

UE Officers express Solidarity with ILWU antiwar stoppage

YouTube: OEA Press Conference on ILWU May Day Action Against The Wars

photo: Steve Zeltzer
Oakland theater 25 April 2008

US West Coast dockers:
1st May workers action to stop the war

1 de Mayo: Acción obrera para terminar con la guerra
Le 1er Mai: Action ouvrière pour mettre fin à la guerre
1. Mai Arbeiter-Aktionen zum Stopp des Krieges
اول ايار / مايو العمال يدعون للعمل لوقف الحرب (Word)
戦争阻止労働者行動に向けて (Word)
1 мая - Действия рабочих для прекращения войны (Word)

Clash over longshore union anti-war stoppage

Google restores transportworkers website after 1 day's protest!
Defend civil liberties – Google shuts transportworkers website

May Day - San Francisco Bay Area
May Day in Seattle - Puget Sound labor actions for peace, immigrant rights
Anti-war May Day in Portland

Durban dockers win recognition for Zimbabwe arms blockade
Zim arms ship ‘not in Namibia’
Ship with arms for Zimbabwe flees Durban after court ruling (SAPA)

Vermont AFL-CIO supports ILWU strike against war

New York City Labor Against the War supports ILWU stoppage

Stop PMA’s phony legal threat! (PDF)
Employers threat to ILWU anti-war stoppage (Word)
ILWU 1st May leaflets - updated
Employers reject ILWU May 1st anti-war stoppage plan

Liverpool TUC message to ILWU
Canadian Autoworkers Local 199 message to ILWU
IWW message re 1 May action

Longshoremen to close ports on West Coast to protest war (San Francisco Chronicle)

NY faculty, Greensboro letter carriers support 1 May stoppage
Oakland Education Association letter of support (PDF)

ILWU 1st May - Call to Action

Assault on Basra threatens Iraqi trade unionists
Iraqi troops may move against Basra dockers

International Dockworkers Council: ILWU call for action against Iraq war

Million Worker March: appeal re 1st May stoppage

NY Postal workers May Day 2 minute stoppages
San Francisco Letter Carriers on May Day and the war
San Francisco Labor Council backs May Day stoppage

UNITE letter to ILWU: No Peace No Work stoppage
Sacked Liverpool dockers on No Peace - No Work stoppage
Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell letter to ILWU Pres. Robert McEllrath
Japan: Doro-Chiba (rail union) letter to ILWU (PDF)
ILWU members discuss May 1st anti-war stoppage
Solidarity with ILWU May 1st Coast Shutdown
Letters to ILWU
ILWU anti-war stoppage (SF Weekly)

ILWU letter to AFL-CIO on 1st May anti-war stoppage

Hands off Iraqi oil: picket BP station L'pool Sat 23 Feb
Iraq oilworkers Pres. Hassan Jumaa L'pool 4 Mar
Iraqi oilworker at Manchester peace rally 1 Mar

Hands off Iraqi Oil: Liverpool 18 Jan

Arms, ethics, and legal minefields

Arms trade lobby Merseyside Pensions Mon 26 Nov

Japan: workers rally against war, privatisation and deregulation

The World Against War: 1 Dec London

Bush and Olmert intent on war with Iran

10 days that shook Olympia (ZNet)
Port Militarisation Resistance update 14 Nov
Port Militarisation Resistance denounces police brutality

Port Militarisation Resistance - Peppersprayed in Olympia
Port of Olympia Anti-War Blockades, video link

More Merseyside local authorities vote to disinvest from arms
Liverpool votes to ditch arms trade shares (CAAT)
Liverpool City Council arms trade disinvestment decision

Journalists to debate war coverage: London 17 Nov

Hands Off the People of Iran: meetings
Iran controversy at Stop the War AGM

Peace activist faces prison for remembering war dead

You Tube video for Oct 27 Bring Troops Home demo
ILWU Local 10 will speak at Oct 27 US anti-war demo
Excluded from the platform at Oct 27 US anti-war demo
Join the Die-in at San Francisco demo

San Francisco anti-war labor conference: press report
ILWU anti-war labor conference: letter

Liverpool anti-war trade union conference

Call for Labor Conference to Stop the War
All out to defend Sacramento dockers
On the line against the war in the Port of Oakland

London anti-war demo: ban will not stop us on 8 Oct
London anti-war demo will defy government ban
London anti-war demo faces ban

Liberty should weep

Sacramento arrests: ILWU cries foul
Dockers to protest Sacramento port arrests in Oct. 4 courthouse rally
All Hands on Deck for Sacramento Court Protest 4 Oct

Labour conference to stop the war: website
San Fran Labor Council backs anti-war conference
UNANIMOUS support at San Francisco Labor Council
US soldiers with picket signs

Court appearance for anti-war protestors
Anti-war sit-down at Labour Conference planned

Iraqi Oil Workers Union Condemns US forces killing of engineer

Anti-war Japanese teachers win support in San Francisco

LA Federation of Labor supports anti-war actions

Bradford’s 3000 Strong Women’s Anti-War March

Iraqi Minister enforces Saddam law on unions

Iraq Oilworkers leader in London, meeting 18 July

Manchester TUC letter to Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki
Iraqi army surrounds oilworkers strike
Iraq oilworkers strike pipeline

Iraq trade unionists US tour

Port of Oakland dockers honour anti-war picket
Port of Oakland anti-war mass picket 19 May

Tell Shell – Hands Off Iraqi Oil!
San Fran demo Mon 14 May against Oil (theft) law
Iraq Oil Workers to strike against privatisation law
Iraq unions U.S. tour needs support
Hands Off Iraq Oil: London 24 Mar
Campaign against Iraqi oil ripoff targets Shell, BP

Anti-war protest at Port of Oakland - longshore discussion

Iraqi teachers visit NASUWT

Tacoma anti-war protest update
Port of Tacoma: police attack mass protest at Stryker shipment

In defence of Iraq’s Palestinians

Trident Replacement: Sheffield TUC letter to MPs

San Francisco Anti-War march links to Alcatraz ferry fight

Against Imperialst War, for Iran Workers

or is it 655,000?
Johns Hopkins study published in The Lancet

Much more anti-war - click here

Vestas wind turbine plant

Hampshire Police operation removes blades
Massive police operation removes blades - but not all

Arrests of Vestas protestors occupying cranes and boats
Vestas national day of action Thurs 17 Sept - Warrington demo

Newport blockade stops Vestas moving blades 4 Sept
Vestas - barges moving in 4 Sept
High Tide as Vestas prepare to barge in for blades
Pickets are vital to stop Vestas moving blades

Vestas Day of Action 17 Sept - Manchester planning meeting 7 Sep
Vestas Warrington Rugby demo reports
Vestas demo 7pm Fri 21 Aug: Warrington Rugby Club
Vestas HQ 7:30 am Tues 18 Aug: half yearly profits announcement
Vestas Warrington protest report
Vestas North-West solidarity action
Vestas eviction scheduled 12 noon Friday 7 Aug
Vestas eviction warrant - workers call for national protests
Vestas Solidarity Action - Manchester

Vestas workers besieged: Vestas occupation website

Daring action delivers food to occupation

Save Vestas Rally: 6.30 pm Tues 28th July London

Vestas: Campaign Against Climate Change
Vestas: message from Jerry Hicks
Vestas workers begin occupation (SP)

South Africa

Video: South African shackdwellers

URGENT: murders as armed men attack Durban shackdwellers settlement
Joint Statement on the attacks on the Kennedy Road Informal Settlement in Durban

Government wants to ban soldiers unions

Police shoot nursing students

Security Forces Union denounces police shooting unarmed soldiers

Film Water is Ours as water battle reaches Constitutional Court

COSATU maintains call to completely ban labour brokers
Showdown over Labour Brokers
Labour Broker Research Report

Shack dwellers visit Hackney 4 Sept

Municipal Workers Mass Strike for 15% and housing subsidy

Why we refuse to vote

South African seafarers still detained in Korea

Delft: Still waiting for shelter (Business Day)

Mike Terry

Camp closures: report from Bluefields
Countdown as closures set for Friday 30 Oct (Cape Times)

More South Africa coverage


Disability support workers action at IHC New Zealand

Unions mark ‘International Day of Persons with Disabilities’

New Zealand: Community Support Workers to strike over wage freeze

New Labour proposal to abolish all disability benefits

Roy Webb

Welfare Reform: the ‘unthinkable’ about to happen?

Welfare Reform Bill lobby and rally 4 Dec

Learning Disabilities: organising against privatisation

Campaign Against the Welfare Reform Bill lobbies Labour Conf.

Stroll, Roll, Rally... against the Incap Cuts
National demo against cuts in Disability Benefit Sheffield 17 June

24 out of 351 English Councils have 100% Disabled Access

GMB comment on public procurement and disability

Campaign for employees with a disability

New Labour attack Disability Benefit

Disability activists claim victory
Manchester City Council bans disability action website

Rover, T&GWU; and Disability Discrimination

Disability – a union issue
The Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation


Solidarity with Gold Peak battery workers strike (LabourNet Germany)

Honduras coup

ITF calls for action against Honduras shipping

Honduras: a climate of repression and terror

The Mass Resistance in Honduras: Its Own Voice


See also: Car Wars

Auto: The State of the Union (video)

Asbestos: behind the GM cancer cluster
Cancer cluster at GM Ontario plant

French Ford workers speaking tour

Contract Concessions and the Crisis in Auto

Victory as Linamar convenor Rob Williams reinstated

Linamar: Reinstate sacked convenor Rob Williams

Reel News - Visteon Occupation

London 13 May: Occupy! The Factory Occupation Movement in Venezuela & Britain

Rally at Enfield to Support Visteon Occupation!
Thursday 9th April at 11am sharp!
more details (Socialist Appeal)

Visteon plants occupied!

What if Obama treated Wall St like Detroit?

Autoworkers wages and Ruling Class lies

Car Industry in Crisis: NSSN 14 Feb 09 B’ham

The Auto Crisis: Management, Labor and the Struggle for the Future

Toyota abuses workers at home and abroad (On the Line news)

Magna: Ending the Framework for Concessions

Dacia-Renault strike: translation (LabourNet Germany)

Contract concessions, auto jobs and the CAW’s right turn

CAW debate: Bob White vs. Sam Gindin

Crisis? What Crisis?
The CAW and Panic Bargaining
Has Canadian labour given up the fight?

Ford: Another Oakville Worker Speaks Out
Ford: Oakville Worker Speaks Out
Ford: Oakville workers reject deal

Firebrands: Liverpool 20 Mar

for more please use Search form with keywords "auto" or "CAW" or "UAW"
See also: Car Wars

National Shop Stewards Network

NSSN 27 June Conference agenda
NSSN National Conference London 27 June

NSSN: USDAW election, Visteon redundancies

North East Shop Stewards Network: Durham 2 August

Ragged Trousered Geordies - Newcastle 3 June

National Shop Stewards Network: 19 April timetable / publicity

National Shop Stewards Network: Newcastle 8 May

National Shop Stewards Network: Newcastle 29 Mar

National Shop Stewards Network: publicity for 19 Apr
National Shop Stewards Network: regional conference Sat 19 Apr M’cr


‘Benefit Thieves’ and Honorable New Labour MPs

Poll findings prompt calls for Welfare Reform rethink

PCS responds to Queen’s Speech on Welfare reform

No to Workfare! (Chartist)

Workfare in the UK

Union anger over welfare reform plans

PCS debate on future of welfare at Labour Conference

Response to Green Paper on Welfare Reform

Welfare Reform: the ‘unthinkable’ about to happen?

Welfare Reform Bill lobby and rally 4 Dec


Morning Star journalists victory proves union power
Morning Star journalists set to strike
Morning Star journalists ballot for strike

The BBC and Gaza

Save Our Star: Sheffield journalists campaign

Press Freedom, TU rights, civil liberties in Pakistan - M’cr 16 Feb

NHS Whistleblower is Standing up for Journalism - Manchester 5 Nov
Stand up for journalism - Manchester 5 Nov

Strike against compulsory redundancies at Scottish newspapers

NUJ condemns kidnapping of Alan Johnston

Journalism Matters

NUJ, IWW dispute with MSP’s Tommy Sheridan, Rosemary Byrne

NUJ Demonstration of Support for Aamir Ashraf

Journalists to strike at South Yorkshire Newspapers

Reinstate Rhetta Moran Now!

Chicago: Republic sit-in solidarity page


Update on the Greek Uprising (ZNet)

Combative General Strike - counterattack of the establishment (KOE)

Local Government

Alan Walter - Defend Council Housing

Wirral Against the Cuts - news and leaflet
Save Wirral Services

Privatisation of Sheffield’s Roads - a personal view

Local government unions accept below inflation offer (Gagged)

Rally for Michael Gavan, Karen Reissmann, Fremantle strikers

Glasgow Daycare strike update

Newham Council suspends UNISON Chair Michael Gavan
Newham UNISON rally with Ken Loach, Stratford 20 Sep

Bolton UNISON possible strike over ‘sleep in payments’

Who cares? Privatisation of home carers in Manchester

Liverpool City Council redundancies and severance scheme

Defend Council Housing: new newspaper

Coventry UNISON meets with Gen. Sec. Dave Prentis

Coventry UNISON consultative ballot on library staff reorganisation

Coventry UNISON single status strike from 7 Feb

Southampton Care Workers strike 3,4 and 5 Feb

Defend Council Housing in South Manchester

Single Status Pay Cuts: unions’ silence is deafening
Single Status Hell

Defend Council Housing: Lobby Parliament 8 Feb

Coventry strike against Single Status pay cut

Sefton Unison stewards suspended for housing transfer shop protest

Seething at Barking & Dagenham
Barking & Dagenham Council Workers: Defend the Right of Appeal


Matt Wrack: The Fire Service under ‘new’ Labour

The Fire Service under ‘new’ Labour: Hatfield 20 Nov

South Yorkshire resists imposed shift changes

for previous coverage use keyword "FBU" in search form

Road Haulage

US East Coast: Funds Needed to Support Fired IWW Drivers

Justice for Janitors

Toronto: Justice for Janitors


Haft Tapeh, Worker news reports 23 Dec 08

Workers struggles in Iran - 28 Nov update

Israel and the threat of war with Iran
Zionism: propaganda and sordid reality - London 12 Oct
nb change of date, venue: 12 Oct 2008 - 5:15pm, The Lucas Arms, 245a Grays Inn Road, Kings Cross

Workers struggles in Iran - 7 Oct update

Whipping and prison sentences for labour activists

Video and report of the HOPI weekend school

Haft Tapeh sugar cane workers strike - Day 15
5000 sugar cane workers on strike

Disturbing tactics against workers jailed for May Day rally

Report on May Day events in Iran

Mahmoud Salehi’s life is in danger

Updates on Salehi, Osanloo and Workers of Vahed Syndicate

Iran Video: Yassamine Mather (HOPI) debates Nick Cohen
Debate: intervention, sanctions, or grassroots democracy? London 29 Jan

Support Iran’s Jailed and Tortured Students

Salehi, Haft Tapeh Workers and New Arrests

Busworkers union vice-president Madadi freed
Labour activists arrested, Mahmoud Salehi hospitalised

Bush and Olmert intent on war with Iran

Workers’ struggles in Iran - 12 Nov 2007

Mansour Osanloo video

Osanloo and Madadi received a total of 7 years in Jail

Condemn assassination attempt on worker activist Majid Hamidi

Mansour Osanloo: ITF campaign

Iran controversy at Stop the War AGM

Workers struggles in Iran, Sept 9

Condemn the kidnapping of busworkers union leader Mansour Osanloo!

Mahmoud Salehi: Anti-union repression continues

8 May Day detainees released

Teachers mass protest

May Day clashes with Security Forces

More teachers arrested!

Mahmood Salehi, leading labour activist arrested

Iranian teachers leader arrested

Iranian teachers wage protest outside Parliament

Iran: Trial of Mansour Ossanlou

Iran: Paris solidarity meeting

Iran: Protesting textile workers arrested

Tehran Bus union activists sacked by Government

Iran Khodro workers commemorate miners killed in Babak Shahr

Against Imperialst War, for Iran Workers

No War on Iran!

Iran: union statement as bus worker released

Iran: Bus worker imprisoned
Iran: International Labour Solidarity statement

Iran: Student protests in Tehran

Iran: Holocaust denial

Iran: Identifying our Enemies

Iran: Update on workers in struggle

6 detained workers released after May Day arrests

Labour activists sentences repealed!

For an alliance against war, in support of Iranian workers’ struggles

Tehran bus workers update 17 Apr and letter to President
Tehran bus workers: 5 released, 2 still imprisoned
International Day of Trade Union Action on Iran 15 Feb

TU petition to Iranian Embassy

Tehran Bus workers: 200 released, hundreds still in prison

Letter from families of strikers
Several hundred unionists still in jail

Regime crushes Tehran Bus Strike
Hundreds arrested, bus workers face mass dismissal

Iran, US, Israel: APFUTU letter to Bush

Iran more coverage

Culture of Capital

PFI and Democracy in Liverpool

Liverpool TUC: the right to campaign in Liverpool

Free speech in Liverpool challenges Police obstruction
Stalling tactics win a victory for freedom of expression (Indymedia)

Sex Work

Police raids in Soho endanger sex workers’ safety

Sheffield Steel

Sheffield steelworkers face sack

Convention of the Left

Convention of the Left Manchester 20 - 24 Sep


War in South Africa if Mugabe remains

Death Spiral in Zimbabwe: Mediation, Violence and the GNU

Flashback 1980: What future for Zimbabwe now?


Labour MPs to lose GMB union donations

Co-op Funeral Services derecognises GMB

Equal Pay: EAT overturns Allen tribunal decision

Yorkshire officials lose jobs in union fracas (Yorkshire Post)

Migrant workers union branch launched

UK Pay League

League table for Council spending on Care Homes

Road safety: Chauffeur on 70 hour week

Offshore workers: Union agreement regardless of country of origin

AA roadshow tackles Damon Buffini: Maidstone and Dover

Remploy: 100 Strong GMB Disabled Demo at John Hutton’s Office
Asda Wal-Mart strike and picket lines

ASDA Wal-Mart no progress in talks about talks
ASDA shop stewards statement on talks offer
ASDA activist sacked for displaying England flag

Remploy disabled workers campaign website to save jobs

J.F. Stone sacks two migrant workers for complaining at 60 hour week

GMB Congress policy on proposed merger

GMB National Conference 2006

GMB gives official notice of Asda strike ballot
Asda Wal-Mart film screening: Leicester 2 June

Asda Wal-Mart Grangemouth accident
Victimisation on eve of national ballot
What shoppers think of ASDA Wal-Mart
ASDA National Strike Ballot now on


Arthur Scargill: Coal isn’t the problem, it’s the solution

Give the Bill some Balls

Dr. Helen Caldicott: Nuclear Power can’t stop climate change - SERA Manchester 4 Oct

Climate Camp Action Climax

Police attempt raid at Climate Camp

500 locked out at Waste Management

Planning for labour movement conference on climate change


ILWU Rally Calls for Struggle Against Racism and Repression

Federal Court denies Mumia a new trial... Massive response in progress (

Court refuses new trial: Emergency protest US Embassy London 28 Mar

Emergency Rally to DEFEND Mumia ABU-JAMAL! - Seattle 28 Mar

NBC Today Show covers Mumia case

May 17th: the last appeal?
Arnold Beverly video confession to murder (
US democracy on trial: Cape Town anti-war coalition
London protest at US Embassy 17 May
Reminder: London demo US Embassy 17 May
Court will hear extended arguments

Public Sector Pay

2008 could be a big year

PCS call to public sector unions on pay

Oxford TUC letter to Brendan Barber

Speak up for Public Services
Coastguards willing to strike over pay
Local government unions accept below inflation offer (Gagged)

Cuban tour

Cuban revolutionaries speaking tour

Latest News

UK Workplace  top
When will Corus and other serial killing directors be held to account? (April 15, 2010)
Hazards Campaign comment on the election manifestos (April 15, 2010)
Unison response to PFI approval at Royal Liverpool Hospital (April 1, 2010)
RMT statement on Network Rail Injunction as Industrial Action called off (April 1, 2010)
Further disruption possible at National Gallery after minister refuses to meet union (April 1, 2010)
Almost half of Labour backbenchers oppose cuts to civil service redundancy terms (April 1, 2010)
Tube Strike Ballot over safety, jobs, office closures (March 30, 2010)
PSC-TUC campaign to Ban Israeli Settlement Goods (March 30, 2010)

More in this category

World  top
France: Boycott protest at Ministry of Justice (April 2, 2010)
Gaza photoreport (April 2, 2010)
Israeli warplanes fire on Gaza (April 2, 2010)
Gaza residents commemorate Land Day at Nahal Oz border crossing (April 2, 2010)
All Swedish National Pension Funds Exclude Israeli company Elbit (April 2, 2010)
Gaza: All crossings closed (April 2, 2010)
IDF told bulldozer operator not to cooperate with Corrie investigation (April 2, 2010)
Open Letter to Berkeley Students on their Historic Israeli Divestment Bill (April 2, 2010)

More in this category

Docks  top
Costa Rica: Dock workers mobilise against government interference in union (March 5, 2010)
Charleston web page - 10 year celebration (February 20, 2010)
ILWU 2009 Caucus and Convention Report (September 29, 2009)
No Hot Cargo Protest - 30th Anniversary - Longshoreman to be honoured (July 27, 2009)
ILWU 10 Calls Off Picketing At Oakland Pier 7 For Talks On Dispute Over Work (December 31, 2008)
Docks asbestos claims: Victory in test case against the government (December 20, 2008)
Jack Heyman, ILWU: Defend Our Union From Attacks — Outside And Inside! (December 16, 2008)
ILWU Local 10 Rally October 6th in Sacramento (September 30, 2008)

More in this category

Anti-Racism  top
Liverpool anti-fascist leafletting (April 15, 2010)
Manchester TUC report on protest against English Defence League, Saturday 20 March, Bolton (March 23, 2010)
Letter from Bolton trade unionists re English Defence League Sat 20 Mar (March 19, 2010)
Counter Demo against the EDL in Bolton 20 Mar (March 16, 2010)
Liverpool demo at BNP trial 17 March (March 16, 2010)
Gaza Protesters Defence Campaign launched (March 14, 2010)
Anti-BNP protest – new date March 17th (March 8, 2010)
BNP humiliated in Fazakerley (February 23, 2010)

More in this category

Free Mumia  top
Emergency Rally to DEFEND Mumia ABU-JAMAL! - Seattle (March 28, 2008)
EMERGENCY PROTEST: Court upholds Mumia’s conviction - US Embassy Friday 28 March! (March 28, 2008)
NBC’s Today Show covers Mumia case (December 12, 2007)
Reminder - demonstration for Mumia Abu-Jamal on Thursday (May 17, 2007)
Mumia: May l7th - the Last Appeal? (May 14, 2007)
Mumia: US democracy on trial (May 14, 2007)
Mumia: London protest at US Embassy 17 May (May 13, 2007)
Mumia court hearing 17 May (May 13, 2007)

More in this category

Other News  top
Judgement Due on Jerusalem Quartet Protest in Scotland as Sing-in interrupts London performance (March 30, 2010)
Budget Day Pots and Pans Protest against the RobbingBastardS (March 23, 2010)
No reward for war crimes - No upgrade for Israel in the EU (March 17, 2010)
Homelessness Marathon to stream live video (February 23, 2010)
Israeli Deputy Ambassador ditches Manchester Univ talk (February 20, 2010)
BOYCOTT! Supporting the Cairo Declaration (January 29, 2010)
Gaza: Beneath the Bombs booklaunch Mcr 29 Jan (January 27, 2010)
No impunity for Israeli war criminals in the UK (December 16, 2009)

More in this category

Events  top
Israeli Apartheid: the Case for BDS, London 20 March (March 17, 2010)
Scotland: Fighting Israeli apartheid - Boycott - Divest - Sanction! (March 17, 2010)
The Russian Revolution in Retreat (March 14, 2010)
Merseyside Labour History (March 12, 2010)
Auto: The State of The Union (February 6, 2010)
Liverpool TUC Solidarity with Haiti 4 Feb (January 29, 2010)
PCS Rally for Public Services – Liverpool 30 Jan (January 27, 2010)
The horrific reality in Gaza - Eyewitness reports from MPs, Viva Palestina convoy (January 18, 2010)

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