

Thursday, October 14, 2010

There The Philadelphia Po-Po's Go Again

"The victim, said to be in his 30's, was found with a pillow case around his neck. Homicide detectives believe that he was strangled."

And with those words, the Philadelphia Police erased the identity of Stacey Blahnik Lee and triggered once again the misgendering of a transwoman in the media.

Seems like just a little over a few weeks ago, I was writing about the same thing being done to Victoria Carmen White in New Jersey by the local law enforcement people there.

Now we have the same thing  happening to Stacey Blahnik Lee. 

By the way, the only reason I found out her actual last name in the first place was because the po-po's used her old male name in their initial press release.about her murder.

This isn't the first time the Philadelphia PD has had issues with African-American transwomen.

Back in 2002,  two of  Philadelphia's finest failed to get Nizah Morris safely home after giving her a courtesy ride from a downtown Philly bar during the Christmas holidays.  DA records have had to be subpoenaed and her family is still awaiting a satisfactory explanation from Philly PD for what actually happened that night    

There was the March 21, 2007 Erica Keel case in which she was run over repeatedly by an auto driven by Roland Bottoms but was questionably ruled a hit and run accident.

Now we have the Philly po-po's initiating the erasure of the identity of a popular and well known African descended transwoman  

So the question I have to ask the Philadelphia Police Department is what is your problem with transwomen, especially transwomen of color?

Whatever it is and whatever the level of transphobia is in your department, it needs to be dealt with.   There is a sizable population of transpeople in the Philadelphia metro area who have historic roots in the area and aren't going anywhere.   They are also part of the citizenry you are sworn to protect and serve.

The taxes we pay also help maintain the department and pay your salaries as well, and the last thing we want from our public servants is disrespect and erasure to go with it..

Yo Sally, Why You 'Scurred' To Debate Brittany?

Sally Kern is running like Flo Jo from a debate with Brittany Novotny.     Why is that?

Is she 'scurred' that Brittany will mop the floor with her and make her look as stupid and out of touch with Oklahoma HD 84 voters than she already is?   

Is Kern afraid that she will have to defend her record of spending more time pimping social conservative issues and being their poster child than dealing with the local legislative issues that the residents of HD 84 wish she would tackle?

Is she trying to deny Brittany a platform to describe her JET Program (Jobs, Education, Transportation) and the other ideas and initiatives she has on her website that she believes will stimulate economic development for the district and the state of Oklahoma?  

Umm hmm.

Well Sally, in 20 days you'll find out if your political strategy worked or if the voters of HD 84 replace you with a younger state rep with ideas grounded in 21st century America, not an 18th century one.