
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

The Greens And Racism.

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The Greens and many of the other new parties would have us believe that they represent a new type of politics, different from the shenanigans, backroom deals and manoeuvring that is often found in mainstream politics.

That might well be so, on some issues and elsewhere in local councils they say:

“Green councillors want to inspire a new culture of increased openness at city hall. Our local election manifesto included a whole range of ideas from improving the way decisions are scrutinised to publishing more information about the council and its activities.”

However, when it comes to the Green’s own debate on anti-Jewish racism trying to get a straight answer from Greens is nearly impossible.

Sure enough they answer, but only in the most obtuse of ways.

Their replies owe more to old-fashioned politicking in the House of Commons than any new form of transparency or desire to openly debate these difficult issues.

This all came about in the wake of the Green Party’s conference and a small piece in the Guardian, by Hugh Muir:

“And some year for the Green party as members meet in Birmingham for the annual conference. The party, still bright and relatively new, has yet to succumb to the dead hand of sophistry and spin. And yet they realise that some things are best kept under the surface. One such is the claim that too often a sympathy for the plight of Palestinians spills over into full-blown antisemitism. These claims have been made before. That’s why the party sought to address them by setting up an antisemitism working group. But good intentions, we understand, were not enough, and thus it apparently became necessary to remove the chair and disband the committee. We have a problem, say worried members. No we don’t, says the leadership; and if we do we’ll deal with it. It’s under the surface for now but bubbling up fast.”

I have asked a couple of leading Greens to comment, but to date I have not received any satisfactory reply, nothing to clarity the situation.

Peter Cranie seem to have a bout of political laryngitis on this topic.

I got two replies from Jim Jepps, after a bit of pestering:

1. “The short answer is that I think there is a problem.

Although I don’t think it is institutional anti-semitism in the party I do think we have a constant failure in the way we deal with disputes or handle individuals who do inappropriate things.

That failure to intervene firmly enough (or at all) can lead to a small group of people or single individuals making discussions or lists poisonous – and I know many people leave those lists because they don’t reflect the friendly and useful Green Party they know in their local area.

I think the people making a complaint have a point that is worth replying to and we should try to address their concerns. Although I should say I don’t 100% agree with them on the detail and definition I think it would be an error for the party to dismis this out of hand.

I’ll try to make a more thoughtful comment on this later, but thought a quick response might be useful to getting on with.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:15:00 AM”

2. “Mod: I can answer that now. Thw working group was disbanded because certain members of it came to the group with such a dogmatic and rigid position that it was unable to function meaningfully.

It was replaced by a two person group who are submitting a report soon I believe. I’ll get to read this report when it comes out and am ‘looking forward to it’ if that is the right phrase.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7:24:00 PM”

All rather opaque, worth of Sir Humphrey.

So there is a distinct unwillingness by the Greens to provide clarification on this important issue.

I suppose it’s understandable, like mainstream political parties, they don’t like washing their political laundry in public, but then again there is nothing new or radical in that approach, it is the politics of the old school.

Unfortunately for the Greens the issue of anti-Jewish racism will not go away, until the Greens go beyond rhetoric and the political tactics of the past then it will come back to haunt them.

What we are seeing from the Greens is the same old obfuscation that politicos are so fond of, remember the expenses scandal?

Here’s Engage’s discussion of the topic.

[Just to be perfectly clear, that I am not accusing the Greens of racism. I am not accusing them of racism.

Instead, it seems to me, that they display a recognizable lack of transparency, and if they can't openly discuss the issues of racism then what can they discuss in a meaningful manner?]

Update 1: Despite my best endeavours and the aid of Google I have been unable to find anything of significance on the Green Party’s autumn conference 2010.

There is plenty of information going back to 2007 and 2005, etc but nothing as far as I can see freely available on the Web which openly discusses what went on at the Greens’ conference from an objective point of view.

Sure enough there is plenty of PR and speeches from leaders, but not much critical comment or an interrogation of events, which sounds to me like political parties from 40+ years ago, as if the Web didn’t exist.

If anyone finds a good summary on this issue, please let me know.

Written by modernityblog

October 6, 2010 2:00 am at 2:00 am

Press TV Digging Deeper.

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I have covered Press TV before, but a new blog Jhate does a much better job than me.

An extract from the Press TV uses US anti-Semites as commentators post:

“After noticing that the Iran’s English-language news agency Press TV has been promulgating a modern version of the blood libel by alleging that Jews kill children to harvest their organs, I started digging a bit deeper into Press TV’s articles and broadcasts. I have found some more very disturbing things. This will be the first in a series of posts describing Press TV’s practice of using American anti-Semitic ideologues as expert commentators. Today let’s focus on Mark Dankof, a Texas-based anti-Semitic podcaster and Lutheran pastor, who was interviewed by Press TV’s Waqar Rizvi on September 11, 2010.

The interview is about the 9/11 Truth Movement and why so many people believe the “official” version of the events when, at least in the eyes of the interviewer, the truthers seem to have a good case. Press TV posted a transcript, but the video is also available online. (In the video version of the interview you get to watch clips of the September 11 WTC attacks — including plane strikes, fleeing people, and the collapses — in a continual loop throughout the interview. That’s not anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism; that’s just nauseating.) The interview is about 8.5 minutes long. ”

Written by modernityblog

October 5, 2010 2:41 pm at 2:41 pm

The English Defence League Planned To Attack A Mosque.

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People so willing to see the EDL’s point of view rarely address the most obvious question, why does the English Defence League pick certain locations to have their demonstrations?

The answer is simple, because those areas tend to have a high ethnic makeup and it allows the EDL to intimidate ordinary people in their own streets.

That’s what many modern British neofascists want, racial conflict, pitch battles in the streets, etc etc.

It is a common tactic employed by the Extreme Right, as American readers will remember. Please watch the video from Toledo, Ohio and think of the similarities in modern day Britain.

Yet, as we see, the true motivations of the EDL and their associated gangs rarely come up.

Still in Leicestershire they seem to have got the mark of the EDL, as this is leicestershire reports:

“Police fear protesters plan to attack a city mosque before marching into the heart of Leicester’s Muslim community.

Concerns were voiced by Chief Constable Simon Cole in a report to Leicester City Council about the planned march by the English Defence League on October 9.

The Chief Constable said that an intelligence and threat assessment indicated a “major threat” to public order.

His report said: “Intelligence dated September 8, 2010, indicated that the EDL intend to come to Leicester and attack a mosque before marching into the Highfields area, which represents the highest resident population of the Muslim community. “

Written by modernityblog

October 5, 2010 2:38 am at 2:38 am

Penned By Petain Himself.

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A French historian has confirmed what most of us suspected, that Petain was an antisemite as well as a collaborator with the Nazis, France24 has more:

“Serge Klarsfeld, a leading Holocaust historian and Nazi hunter, says a newly discovered document is definitive evidence that French wartime leader Philippe Petain was an anti-Semite who actively supported the holocaust.

Vichy France is the term used to describe the government of France from July 1940 to August 1944, which was headed by Marshal Philippe Petain and generally encompassed the south, which maintained some legal authority under German occupation during World War Two.

The document, anonymously donated to the Paris Holocaust Memorial, is a copy of a draft bill from 1940 intended to change the official status of Jews in France. The typewritten document has handwritten additions that considerably toughen the law, expanding proposed bans on public jobs and posts for Jews. According to Klarsfeld, these notes were penned by Petain himself.

The draft bill – with Petain’s alleged changes – was adopted on Oct. 4, 1940, exactly seventy years ago, and marked a tragic turning point for Jews living France.

Over 76,000 Jews were deported from France to Nazi concentration camps between 1940 and 1943. Fewer than 3,000 returned alive.

Until the discovery of this latest document, the strongest evidence of Petain’s anti-Semitism was the testimony of the former minister of foreign relations under Vichy, Paul Baudouin. In his 1946 book, ‘The Private Diaries of Paul Baudouin’, he said that it was Petain who argued for harsher policies actions against Jews, and not his prime minister Pierre Laval, as was thought at the time.”

Written by modernityblog

October 4, 2010 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm

Keeping Track of The EDL.

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Even with the aid of the Internet it is often difficult to keep up with the EDL’s activities, their racism, their shenanigans and stupidity.

Even more perplexing to understand is the fact that some people still haven’t made up their minds concerning the EDL.

They haven’t digested the fact that the English Defence League are thugs, football hooligans, convicted criminals, professional racists, neo-Nazis and the flotsam and jetsam of the Extreme Right in Britain.

Still, ignorance is no excuse, particularly when there are valuable resources which detail the EDL’s vile activities on the web, here are two.

The Expose’s pictorial twitter, which has extracts from EDL and BNP supporters, showing their true views, with clips from the EDL’s Facebook page.

It also has a threatening piece, apparently from Chris Renton, one of the EDL leaders. There’s plenty of stuff, well worth a long trawl.

Another related group on Facebook is Exposing intolerance and racism online XVI, they have plenty of material and coverage of the EDL’s thugs.

Update 1: Here’s a few of my previous posts on the EDL:

The Tale Of Two EDL Supporters.

EDL Organisers Are Proven Neo-Nazis.

Glasses and Bottles

A Typical EDL Supporter?

Explaining The EDL And The Guardian.

Written by modernityblog

October 4, 2010 1:19 am at 1:19 am

Red Lines In Syria.

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Blogging in Syria is difficult beyond our comprehension in the West, as the New York Times reports:

“Most of the Syrian media is still owned by the state. Privately owned media outlets became legal in 2001, as the socialist economy slowly began to liberalize following the accession of President Bashar al-Assad. But much of the sector is owned by members of the Syrian “oligarchy” — relatives of Mr. Assad and other top government officials. All of it is subject to intimidation and heavy-handed control.

“The first level is censorship,” said Ayman Abdel Nour, the founder of, the independent Web site where Mr. Ekhetyar works. “The second level is when they send you statements and force you to publish them.” Like many other journalists and dissidents, Mr. Abdel Nour has left the country and now lives abroad.

The basic “red lines” are well known: no criticism of the president and his family or the security services, no touching delicate issues like Syria’s Kurdish minority or the Alawites, a religious minority to which Mr. Assad belongs. Foreign journalists who violate these rules are regularly banned from the country (a fact that constrains coverage of Syria in this and other newspapers).

But the exact extent of what is forbidden is left deliberately unclear, and that vagueness encourages fear and self-censorship, many journalists here say. A 19-year-old female high school student and blogger, Tal al-Mallohi, was arrested late last year and remains in prison. Her blog had encouraged the Syrian government to do more for the Palestinians, but it scarcely amounted to real criticism, and the authorities have not given any reason for her detention. A number of bloggers have been arrested for expressing views deemed critical of the Syrian government or even other Arab governments, under longstanding laws that criminalize “weakening national sentiment” and other broadly defined offenses.

Others have been jailed for jokes. One blogger, Osama Kario, wrote a parody in 2007 of the famous “three Arab No’s” refusing any concession to Israel (no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel). His version: “No electricity, no water, no Internet.” He was jailed for 28 days, and when he emerged he stopped blogging and would not speak to fellow journalists about his experience.”

Written by modernityblog

October 1, 2010 10:27 pm at 10:27 pm

The Tale Of Two EDL Supporters.

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The English Defence League is trying to be media savvy and downplay the involvement of Extreme Right activists in its activities.

Unfortunately for the EDL, the video and photographic evidence contradicts their PR offensive, as these two EDL supporters show:

Wayne Baldwin, member of the EDL’s Birmingham Division.

Abdul Hussein/Salaam. Bizarrely, he’s an EDL supporter too.

Kirklees Unity has more on him:

“EDL poster-boy Abdul Hussain is a Glasgow Rangers fan, filmed here at an EDL demo, singing sectarian hate songs which celebrate knee-capping and beating Taigs (meaning Catholics). Just as Islamophobic bigotry assumes all Muslims are terrorists, sectarian bigotry assumes all Catholics are Fenians and Provos (pro-IRA), and both are as stupid as black-power bigots who assume all white people must be racist because a few nutters join groups like the BNP and KKK. I despise the IRA, but sectarian hatred is disgusting, no matter where or who it comes from.

The EDL has over 25,000 supporters on Facebook, but only THREE non-white people regularly attend EDL protests. The 1st (Guramit Singh) is a proven racist. The 2nd (Joel Titus) says he’s anti-BNP but has been filmed travelling to EDL demos with BNP activist Chris Renton (let’s just say Joel seems VERY confused). The 3rd (Abdul Hussain) is a vicious bigot. In contrast, hundreds of EDL supporters show themselves on You Tube and Facebook to be BNP supporters and/or either Nazis or friends of Nazis.”

This is Wayne and Abdul together.

Here’s Wayne Baldwin with some of his real friends, giving a Nazi salute:
Wayne Baldwin and friends

I think it is very clear that the EDL merely use idiots like Abdul Hussein/Salaam to provide them with a veneer of respectability and plausible denial, but the reality is that Wayne Baldwin is more typical of their supporters. The swastika tattooed on Baldwin’s chest explains what his true views are.

[H/T: I hate the BNP group on Facebook.]

Update 1: If you have any doubts about the nature of the EDL look out for those giving the Nazi salute, here’s another lot of EDLers in Bradford 2010.

And one more below of EDLers in Bradford, saluting again:

[Thanks to Kirklees Unity for their diligence.]

Update 1: Thanks to Expose Tweets, an off shoot of Exposing intolerance and racism online XVI at Facebook.

They have identified one of those below giving the Nazi salute as Mike Bayliss from Bristol EDL.

From Expose Tweets.

Another EDL supporter.

Written by modernityblog

September 30, 2010 2:07 am at 2:07 am

19 And A Half Years.

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Blogging has been criminalised by the Iranian State.

Hossein Derakhshan has been jailed on spurious charges, which is intended to send a message to Iranian bloggers, “follow the State’s line or you’ll be locked up”.

Reporters without Borders has more:

“Reporters Without Borders is outraged by the extremely long jail sentence that has just been passed on Iranian blogger and journalist Hossein Derakhshan. He has been sentenced to 19 and a half years in prison followed by a five-year ban on political and journalistic activities. He has also been fined the equivalent of more than 30,000 euros.

“Such a long jail term has never before been imposed on a blogger in Iran and is indicative of a desire to make an example out of Derakhshan,” Reporters Without Borders said. “He is the victim of political rivalry within the government and the case against him was fabricated. We urge President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to intercede personally in order to obtain his release without delay.”

The press freedom organisation added: “Derakhshan defended the Islamic Revolution’s principles, supported Ahmadinejad’s policies and returned to Iran from Canada after being assured by people close to the president that he would not be arrested. Canada and the rest of the international community must press for this harsh sentence to be quashed and for Derakhshan to be freed at once.”

Derakhshan’s partner, Sandrine Murcia, said the judge in charge of the case telephoned the family today to confirm the verdict and sentence, details of which had been published on the pro-government website Asriran.

Derakhshan was convicted of collaborating with enemy states, propaganda against the Islamic Republic, propaganda in support of counter-revolutionary groups, “insulting what is holy” and creating immoral websites. He can appeal against the verdict.

Arrested by Revolutionary Guards on 1 November 2008, Derakhshan was given a trial without due process and had remained in detention even since awaiting the court’s verdict. He is a collateral victim of in-fighting between the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian intelligence services.”

The Globe and Mail has background:

“Mr. Derakhshan, 35, is widely known by his online name “Hoder.” He was born in Iran, but moved to Canada and became a Canadian citizen in early adulthood. He is a staunch advocate of free expression in Iran, and became known as the “blogfather” of Iran’s on-line community for training pro-democracy advocates to blog and podcast in the late nineties. Later, he apologized for his dissenting views, and emerged as an unlikely supporter of the regime, at one point comparing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to a modern-day Che Guevara.

So when the Iranian government invited him to travel to Iran in 2008, he accepted, thinking he would help his country reach out to the world, according to friends and family. Upon his arrival, however, another branch of the government arrested him.

On Tuesday, he was convicted of insulting Islamic thought and religious figures, managing obscene websites and co-operating with “enemy states” because he visited Israel five years ago. He was also ordered to pay the equivalent of approximately $45,000 in fines.

“It’s not as bad as a death sentence, but it’s an awful and really bad sentence for someone that’s only writing,” Mr. Derakhshan’s former wife, Marjan Alemi told CBC’s The Current.

“He went back thinking he could go back to Iran and help,” she added.

Ms. Alemi said Mr. Derakhshan has spent most of the two years preceding his trial in solitary confinement.

He can’t exercise. He can’t have books. He can see his family for only five or 10 minutes a week,” Ms. Alemi said. Neither the family’s lawyer, nor any representative from the Canadian government were present at his trial.”

Update 1: has a piece on him.

These are clips from Hossein Derakhshan before his return to Iran and arrest. He answered questions from his blog visitors.

Update 2: Free the blog father has a petition.

Update 3: I missed Terry Glavin’s earlier piece on this issue.

Plus the Free Hoder blog.

And the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran too.

Written by modernityblog

September 29, 2010 9:44 pm at 9:44 pm

Respect And Racism.

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I don’t much followed the antics of the Respect political party in Britain, but even I was surprised that one of its senior members would indulge in such conspicuous racism, anti-Jewish racism that is.

Respect had no choice but to expel him, I imagine his views are only the tip of the iceberg as Dave Hill reports:

“On Monday he re-published some banter that took place on Facebook between a senior figure in Respect called Abul Hussain and others. Respect’s leadership responded by expelling Hussain. Their grounds?

We are extremely upset to discover that recently published comments from one of our party members are indicative of anti-Semitism. The National Officers have conducted an investigation and met on Monday evening (27 September) to consider the matter. We have decided that such views are demonstrably incompatible with party membership.

Respect has done the right thing, but the episode is an indication of the part Jew-mocking and hating plays in Tower Hamlets politics. Ted Jeory’s reports are here and here. Will Lutfur Rahman disassociate himself from such attitudes, whether expressed by Abul Hussain or anyone else? If not, why not?

Ted Jeory’s blog has more details:

  • 2 people like this.
  • Abul ‘Abz’ Hussain I should have put u on that convoy to Gaza, could have traded the Jew with the Israelis to let the aid through, but then again they’d probably reject u as ur too much of a jew by their standards!
  • As Jeory argues: “Silly kids messing around is one thing, but Abul Hussain is a national council member and policy maker for Respect, whose founding principles include anti-racism.”

    Update 1: Jeory has Respect’s statement on the matter.

    Written by modernityblog

    September 29, 2010 12:24 pm at 12:24 pm

    EDL Organisers Are Proven Neo-Nazis.

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    The YouTube video clip below dispels the myth that neo-Nazis are not at the heart of the English Defence League.

    In the video clip you will see Luke Pippen, EDL’s Welsh Division organiser, in front of a house with his friends, tattooed skinheads giving the Nazi salute.

    You can also see how Pippen is mentioned on the Casuals’ United blog [here's a link to a Google cached copy.]

    Readers will remember that Casuals United is a close affiliate of the English Defence League. A screen shot of that page is at the bottom:

    Later on in the video another EDL organiser Steven White is caught wearing a Blood and Honour shirt, as Wiki relates:

    “Blood & Honour is a neo-Nazi music promotion network and political group founded in 1987 with links to Combat 18 and composed of white power skinheads and other white nationalists. “

    Once more Steven White is found amongst his friends giving the Nazi salute, the video finishes with a shaven White displaying a large swastika tattooed on his chest.

    That’s the type of people drawn to the English Defence League, those interested in racial conflict, violence and neofascism.

    Luke Pippen at Casuals United:

    [Thanks to FightbackUK]

    Update 1: The Centre for Social Cohesion produced a rather good report on the Blood and Honour by Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens and Edmund Standing.

    This is an extract:

    “The B&H organisation in the UK constitutes an undeniable threat to both security and community relations within the UK. Its propaganda is centred on an apocalyptic vision of racial conflict, and unambiguously encourages respect for, and glorification of, terrorist actions carried out in the name of furthering the cause of neo-Nazism. The B&H National Socialist Political Soldiers Handbook, in particular, provides information and advice that would clearly be useful in the commission or preparation of an act of terrorism.

    B&H is ostensibly a ‘political’ movement; but arguably it has far more in common with other violent ideological forms of extremism than it does with what is generally understood as ‘politics’, even of a nationalist variety. Certainly, as an explicitly anti-democratic, anti-liberal, fascist organisation, B&H constitutes an atavistic manifestation of the same venomous mix of racial hatred and a cult of violence that came to prominence in the original Nazi movement. B&H takes its name, its imagery and indeed much of its ideology from the Third Reich, which is exalted as the apotheosis of white European achievement.

    As fervent followers of Nazism in a world that has, in the wake of World War II and the Holocaust, so clearly rejected this ideology, B&H supporters exist outside the bounds of normal social and political interaction. The group, therefore, acts as a magnet to those who feel disenfranchised and, in more extreme cases, to the pathological, who find in its message and its embrace of neo-Nazism as an ‘identity’, a vehicle by which to indulge their extreme prejudice and nihilistic hatred of the modern world. As such, B&H is less a genuine ‘political’ threat than it is an incubator for racially motivated violence, which has already spilled over on a number of occasions into outright terrorism. “

    Blood & Honour: Britain’s Far-Right Militants, Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens and Edmund Standing is available as a PDF.

    Written by modernityblog

    September 28, 2010 2:05 am at 2:05 am

    Blue Plaque for Peter Tatchell.

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    A well earned Blue Plaque is going to Peter Tatchell, and I can think of no better living human rights activist that deserves one, the Pink Paper has more:

    “Hollywood actor Sir Ian McKellen will unveil a blue plaque honouring Peter Tatchell, campaigner for human rights, gay freedom and social justice, this month.

    The ceremony takes place on Wednesday 29 September at 11am outside 62 Arrol House, Rockingham Street, London.

    For over 40 years, Peter Tatchell has spearheaded campaigns for gay rights and human rights in Britain and across the globe. In 1983 he was the defeated Labour candidate in the Bermondsey by-election – the dirtiest, most violent election in Britain in the twentieth century. He co-founded OutRage! in 1990 and he twice attempted a citizen’s arrest of President Mugabe of Zimbabwe on charges of human rights abuses.

    Last year he was named Campaigner of the Year at The Observer Ethical Awards.”

    Written by modernityblog

    September 27, 2010 3:24 pm at 3:24 pm

    The Draw Of Power.

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    According to Henry Kissinger, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

    I am not sure if that is true but I am trying to work out why anyone would want to meet President Ahmadinejad?

    Unless it is to be close to his power, to be able to say they have actually met a President, even if his election win was fiddled and anti-Ahmadinejad protesters killed as a result.

    Why would supposed radicals in North America wish to meet Ahmadinejad after he’s just given a conspiratorial speech on 9/11?

    Why would anyone, with any sense, want to meet this certifiable racist?

    Apparently, over a hundred people, including some radical political leaders met him recently, Fightback News covers it:

    “New York, NY – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met here, September 21, with 100 leaders and representatives of anti-war, labor, alternative media and Iranian and Palestinian solidarity organizations. Among the participants were Sarah Martin, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Margaret Sarfehjooy, board member of the Minneapolis-based Women Against Military Madness, former attorney general Ramsey Clark, former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Sara Flounders from the International Action Center, Brian Becker of the ANSWER coalition, Ramona Africa of the Free Mumia Coalition and Amiri Baraka, poet and activist.

    The meeting was called by the president of Iran with the hope that a frank and honest exchange of views will help activists further the cause of peace between the people of Iran and the U.S.

    Specific demands raised include to oppose war, occupation and hostility worldwide; oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries; support the right to nuclear energy for all, but nuclear weapons for none; and to support dialogue, justice and equality among all countries in the UN.

    After listening intently to the statements of 22 of the participants, President Ahmadinejad said, “We have a treasure chest full of views. I agree with everything you have said and therefore you have spoken from my heart also. Now I will speak in my own way.”

    He said that the source of war, capitalism, must be identified and pointed out. “Violent capitalism is based on superiority, hegemony and violation of rights.” He went on to say that one reason capitalists start wars is to fill up their pockets. They must empty their arsenals so they can build more weapons. As he said at a U.N. meeting earlier in the day, “Capitalism has come to an end. It has reached a deadlock. Its historical moment has ended and efforts to restore it won’t go very far.”

    Ahmadinejad spoke of the U.S. wars in Iraq and deaths of over 1 million people for oil . He pointed out that in an Afghan village over 100 innocent people were killed just to get a few terrorists. He expressed anger that even with the floods in Pakistan, the U.S continues to bomb Pakistani villages. He said it is hard to sleep at night after hearing the heart-wrenching stories of the Palestinians living under siege in Gaza with no medicines, no clean water and not enough food. He expressed solidarity with the activists’ goals of struggling for peace and justice at home and abroad and he pledged that Iran will stand strong to the end.

    “Speaking with Mrs. Ahmadinejad and hearing the president reinforced the importance of struggling against the U.S. campaign to isolate and demonize Iran,” said Sarah Martin. Margaret Sarfehjooy reported, “I think the meeting was important because we had the opportunity to meet with so many dedicated grassroots activists from all over the country and share our hopes for peace and justice with the Iranian people through their president and his wife.” “


    I wonder if President Ahmadinejad’s old friend, David Duke, will be joining them at the next meeting?

    (H/T: Contested Terrain)

    Eustace Mullins and Glenn Beck.

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    Glenn Beck’s shift from being on the hard right to the almost barking mad right continues apace, as Mediamatters demonstrates:

    “On Fox News, Glenn Beck promoted Eustace Mullins’ book Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Mullins was a 9/11 truther who has been described as an “anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist” and a “nationally known white supremacist”; the Anti-Defamation League called the book Beck promoted “a re-hash of Mullins’ anti-Semitic theories about the origins of the Federal Reserve.”

    On-screen text identified Mullins book as source for quote Beck read. On the September 22 edition of his Fox News program, Beck attacked early 20th century diplomat Edward House for saying of the Federal Reserve, “I am suggesting that the Central Board be increased from four members to five and their terms lengthened from eight to ten years. This would give stability and would take away the power of a President to change the personnel of the board during a single term of office.” While Beck spoke, on-screen text indicated that the House comment was “Quoted In ‘Secrets of the Federal Reserve,’ ” which was authored by Eustace Mullins: “

    Here’s a snippet from nizkor on Mullins:

    “In a 1952 book, Mullins wrote a book blaming Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, and other U. S. Jews for drowning Americans in debt. According to Mullins, The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 put the nation’s banking reserves in the hands of the “Jewish International Bankers” for the purpose of carrying out a plan for world dictatorship.

    In a 1955 article entitled, “Jews mass poison American children”, Mullins claimed that the polio vaccine, invented by Jonas Salk, was a poison because it contains live polio germs. Other books depict Jews as parasites, living off their gentile hosts. In what has to be one of the most bizarre of Mullins’ beliefs, it has been reported by L. J. Davis that Mullins has claimed that the phrase “Have a nice day” is a code for Jews to begin killing Christians.”

    (H/T: Adam Holland)

    Written by modernityblog

    September 23, 2010 3:16 pm at 3:16 pm

    Johanna Kaschke’s Appeal.

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    According to the Index on Censorship:

    “Lady Justice Smith today refused blogger and activist Johanna Kaschke the right to appeal against a judgement which deemed her suing of David Osler an abuse of process.

    In 2008 Kaschke sued the labour blogger Osler for libel, reacting to a post on his site which referenced an article in leading German news publication Der Spiegel. This article reported her wrongful arrest by German police in 1975.”

    Update 1: This past post hopefully will provide some background, Jack And Johanna.

    Update 2: There is a long history to this case and the posts below should help clarify the issues:

    John Gray, Alex Hilton And Johanna Kaschke’s Libels.

    The Implications.

    Jack’s Shorter Version.

    The Judgement.

    Dave Osler Has Won!!

    Written by modernityblog

    September 23, 2010 11:30 am at 11:30 am

    Some Round Up?

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    Been away for a few days and it is rather hard to catch up with moving events, but here is a bit of a round up as recompense:

    Richard Millet has a persuasive post on Those “disloyal Jews” and the racist thinking that under pins it.

    CiF Watch covers Hamas Huggers.

    Entdinglichung highlights how appallingly Syrian Kurds are treated in Denmark.

    Some golden oldies from Engage. I particularly like Dave Rich’s If I say “Zionist” not “Jew” then I can’t be antisemitic, can I?

    Contested Terrain has many informative posts, including a pointer to The Myth Of Jewish Communism and AK Press To Fox News’ Glenn Beck: We Have A Lot In Common.

    For a background to Glenn Beck’s weird views see Adam Holland’s coverage.

    Judeosphere And The Crazy Just Keeps On Coming…

    Left Foot Forward on Clegg completes Thatcherite conversion with household debt metaphor.

    Dave Osler on Benedict XVI: Antichrist, or just a bit confused?

    Your Friend in the North is having none of it, Who do you think you are kidding, Mr Ratzinger?

    Weggis on the case of two Greenpeace activists.

    Jim on the Swedish elections.

    Greens Engage on Passing over antisemitism and EU Commissioner Karel de Gucht.

    Eric Reeves and The death of ‘Ahmed’ of Kassab camp.

    Finally, a host of political delights at Peter Tatchell’s.

    Update 1: I missed this marvellous post from Stroppyblog, More taking pops at the Pope !

    Written by modernityblog

    September 21, 2010 10:24 pm at 10:24 pm