FMC creates Israel-Palestine Task Force

Israel-Palestine flag

FMC works towards a resolution of most dangerous conflict of the 21st century.

Learn more about the Task Force

Christian/Muslim Dialogue with Kamal Nawash & Reverend Howie Gardner

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Silent Majority: Muslim Voices of Moderation Struggle to Be Heard

Kamal speaks to Fox News as one of many voices of moderation in Islam. Read the story

Kamal Nawash and Secretary Rice at a Ramadan Dinner

Kamal and Secretary Rice

Report Instances of Extremism or Support for Terrorism

report extermism or support for terrorism

Tell us about individuals, organizations, student associations, religious leaders, mosques or any other group or individual of influence that advocates Muslim extremist ideology, engage in apologetic support for terrorist organizations or advocates "Jihad."

Submit an anonymous report of extremism or support for terrorism

Free Muslims represent the U.S. on combating anti-Semitism and Intolerance against Muslims

Kamal Nawash before the Organization for Security and Cooperation

President Kamal Nawash represented the U.S. before the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in the session on combating intolerance against Muslims.

Read Kamal's speech on Fighting Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims.


  • The Conventional Military Balance in the Gulf

     The Persian Gulf is currently in the midst of one of the largest arms races it has ever known. The chief motivation for it is Iran’s progress on its nuclear program and the possibility that Arab Gulf states will be in the line of fire in any future conflict
  • Turkey: Looking East Without Looking Back

    "Turkey in 2010 is not the same Turkey as a decade ago." It has made vast strides in extending its economic and political weight far beyond its traditional sphere of influence.
  • Fighting against the Death Penalty in the Arab World.

    Algeria voted in favour of the resolution calling for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty and seven other Arab countries abstained in 2008. Four of them (Bahrain, Jordan, Mauritania and Oman) changed their vote from no in 2007 to abstention in 2008.
  • Science in the Arab World

    Can the Arab world become a major contributor to the advancement of the sciences, as it once was many centuries ago? Does it need to? If so, how best to go about it?
  • The Failure of Modern Islamist Thought

    The Ignorance of the Islamic Religious Establishment Has Grown Worse Since the Late 1960s. "They (Imams) relate to problems with complete stupidity. For example, in one of Imam Khomeini's fatwas, he presents the matter of a Muslim going into space in a space capsule and he only discusses how he would figure out in which direction to pray in outer space.

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